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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    @Tamijo Thanks, of course I wouldn't expect anyone to comment on EVERY picture... that would be to much. Not everything is always comment worthy of course. I'm also a bit worried that I might run out of space for a place to upload all these pictures if I keep it up. Free uploading space only gives you so much. :P
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited April 2021
    Not trying to change what you decide to upload.
    But has no limits, I got 4000 pictures there, it is simple drag and drop, a perfect site for this type of story.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    oh that video was amazing with the alphabet! So I think it must almost sound like ing-va or ing-veh ? I found a neat name pronunciation place! :)

    Yay! Birthday Parties!

    HAHAHA I do that too! Placing the crib in the parents bedroom (If Watcher thinks the parents are too slow to respond to the baby!)

    Yes they like what they like! Does Bjørn-Yngve have the genius trait?

    Oh those awful phones! I would be mad to be awoken to talk about fish! LOL

    Yes she Must look her best! It is an important part of the day for a pretty snob!

    LOL :D I LOVE Knut's face at the birthday cake, wearing his outdoor clothes with gloves! :D He is Great!

    Ah he looks nice! who is that mean guy laughing?! His Brother! Wait! 3 people laughing! LOL including his son!?

    Aha! it is Knut's turn to laugh at his brother, Eivind! hahaha

    Poor Ranveig! I love her face!

    oh lol I just Love that you keep their thought bubbles and talk bubbles On! I always love to see what they are thinking and saying! :)

    I like how Egil thinks so highly of himself! hahaha

    Uh Oh! Hearts! Oh good! No one noticed or was upset! it was merely chemistry, no one can help that, and they didn't act on it! Yes, You as the Boss, I expect, were waiting to see what would happen! :open_mouth:

    Poor Helene! Can't Someone Please admire her! LOL this poor snob is not getting satisfaction by bragging!

    Fun Party! No one wanted to leave! lol

    Great Update! I enjoyed reading it! :)

    PS I also like Imgur, as Tamijo does, for uploading pics and posting! It is So easy, and free! :)
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member


    The wellbeing of the offspring has a higher priority than the wellbeing of the parents
    Yes, I like that (got one that does not fulfil your mindset – time to relocate) :p

    Hilarious he was about to coo soup
    Great picture of him aging up, cool with so many sims in one frame.
    Not the most harmonic siblings – in general not sure I would like to be at that party
    Hearts for the husband’s twin brother, your sims are very indecent
    Do you think the swimwear will help? - I do B)
    High time to close that party down – My god they are a dysfunctional bunch. Very realistic, I guess. :s
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @Sprottenham : I call this a successful birthday party! Everyone of the family insults different members of the family, everyone boasted of the possessings they have and which are much better than the things of the others, an attempting try to flirt, nice food, a big TV player for not needing to speak if there is no wish for....

    Gosh, give Eivind something to eat, he is much too thin! But his sister is beautiful! I didn´t draw the connection that Ranveig is the sister of the birthday boys at first! Good reaction of her to Knut, I think it was meant ironically. ;) I would have guessed she reacted more agressive!

    I hope Eirin got some love at that night! :D
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    @Tamijo Thanks for the tip, I might go for imgur when my quote is full at the current picture site. B)

    Yeah, some of them aren't always very nice. The Motorsen family are plagued by the insane and the inappropriate trait, which makes them behave random and erratic, so they are far from the perfect family. Somehow, though, they manage to stay friends, and things have never escalated into any full scale fighting.

    But yeah, you are right.. I probably wouldn't like actually meeting some of my sims in person, if they were real people...

    Funnily, though, Ingmar and Eirin Motorsen have been the most stable couple of all of my first generation sims. They are still attracted to each other. It might just be that her swimwear trick worked. B)

    @DivaDoodle Yep, Bjørn-Yngve has the genius trait.

    The phone ringing in game is pretty annoying when I want to direct my sims, it always interrupts something, but when I just leave them to watch what they do, I don't mind as much.

    About all of them laughing, yes that is the inappropriate trait that does it. Whenever my sims had children, I let them inherit the traits of their parents randomly by using the dice function. I do think that laughing at birthdays is an annoying trait of them, but that is their character, so...

    Haha, Egil was the most annoying sim to play, he wanted to buy mirrors and expensive items all the time. No matter how many mirrors I filled his house with, he always wanted more....

    Helene is actually not that bad about mirrors, even though she still always have to check her appearance in one, but she talks about money and brags much more often..

    All in all, I am pleased with the party, though. The sims actually showed some interesting interactions this time!

    @AlexaKry Hahah, excactly! It's not a successfull party without some quarrelling and inappropriate flirting! :D My sims are bad when I leave them alone...

    Hmm, its funny Eivind is so thin, because his wife (Sofie) is a top star chef at the Corsican Bistro so he shouldn't have a problem with accessing quality food, but I'll keep a mental note to check his eating habits when its their turn on my rotational play schedule.
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    edited November 2021
    Chapter 9.1 - September


    Inges notes: I tried to make waffles for my room mates again, but this time I managed to burn them. I'm such a loser and failure! :'(


    Oliver Freddes notes:


    Hmm, the professor must have forgotten that there was a lecture today... oh well, I'm taking notes anyway! I don't want to fail on my exam!


    Must be a glitch in the matrix game. There actually wasn't anyone there holding the lecture!

    Understandably, many of my fellow students used the opportunity to fall asleep. After a while, I learned that you could actually use the computer to read and study, which definately helps. With only three days two and half months left for my exam, that certainly wasn't to soon!


    Inges notes:


    Ah, so this is the classroom. I wonder who the professor is.
    Hmm.. as I wasn't quite sure how to do this. I just stood there for a while and let everyone else pick their seats first, before I picked mine. I don't want to make a mistake in front of my fellow students!


    Well, at least the professor showed up this time..


    ..not excactly sure what she is teaching, though, but hey.. art studies... what do I know? ;)


    Really? Ok, so the professors doodles might be boring and not make much sense, but you can't sit on the first row and sleep... I'm gonna step in here and wake you up!


    Wakey wakey!

    That's more like it! Do like your boyfriend and be a good student now!


    Your results are falling behind compared to Oliver Freddys so I want you to study. You can entertain yourself later! I want both of you to get the best grade possible! I just can't let them roam free on their own to much.. sometimes, for pupils and students especially, I take on the role as their strict parent or guardian.. because that's what I am! :P This is what you get for sleeping in class...


    Oh yes, cooking dinner on a filthy oven... this reminds me so much of my own student days...


    This too, by the way. The collection of plates that no one bothered to clean up... yeah, I lived in a house of slobs...


    Oliver Freddys notes:

    I asked this guy that was over for a visit if he got any fish, and I learned that he was oversensitive, absent minded and a good kisser.

    Amazing. Just from that question alone.


    When I let the nerds roam free... they go to the computer to play chess and video games...


    Oliver Freddy is the most popular of the two, as he is the one getting the party invitations.

    Oliver Freddy: Sure, thing Jefferey! I'll bring my girlfriend too, this time!


    Oliver Freddy: Hey, I got an invitation to a party over at Jeffereys place. Wanna join?

    Inge:Sure, lets go!


    Inges notes:
    Oh, I'm so happy he brought me along with him for the party! Maybe now is the time for me to make some new friends!


    Oliver Freddys notes:
    I can feel the exam looming in the not so distant.. distance, and I don't want to disappoint mom... she was so concerned about me going to university... so I'll stand outside here studying on my cellphone for a bit before going inside to join the party.

    Aww.. well, that's actually kind of cute.


    Inge: I want to dance! Let's turn this stereo on!


    Inge: And this old record player thingie too! This place can't get enough music!

    Inge: I don't like that guy! Booo! He's weird! Boooo!

    Is this how you make friends...? I see nothing wrong with him... what are you seeing that I don't?

    By the way, standing in the doorway is Jefferey, the host of the party.


    This guy is so terrible at guitar he should pay you to listen.. yet you're all standing there acting like you're enjoying it. Well, somewhat... Oliver Freddy looks like he wants to get away, and I don't blame him... yeah, just gotta love it when some dude picks up the guitar at a party, huh?

    Inge: What do you say, Olli, should we hit it out of here? This guy really does not know how to play...


    Hey, Olli, I'm looking at you....


    It's pretty cute how she locked her eyes onto him.. but at the same time, he does not register.. the crappy guitar playing is apparently more fascinating..


    Inge: Just excuse me for a second, I just have to go outside and yell out my frustrations at that guy! I really don't like him.. he's so weird! Booo!



    Oliver Freddy: I don't like him either!

    What guys? Seriously? I see nothing wrong... what has he done? Is he not wearing the right clothes? Really, is that all it takes for a guy to get booed at? Come on... why him and not the crappy guitar player?

    Oliver Freddy and Inge: Let's play a prank on the Narrator! Lets morph into each other and become one!



    Wait.... what did you just do!? That's kind of disturbing...


    Inge: Hey, hubby.. I'm getting a little tired of this party. Shall we go home?

    Oliver Freddy:Yes, sweetie.. I think that's a good idea. We should get some rest before our classes tomorrow.


    Well, maybe he wasn't so happy to go home after all, but its still cute how she can't stop looking at him!

    And once they are home..


    Ok.. I think its a clear sign you're getting tired when you're laughing at a naked wall. Seriously, there is nothing and nobody there... and the room next door is completely empty, too.. Bed time for you, young miss!


    Sweet dreams...
    Post edited by Sprottenham on
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @Sprottenham : great update!

    Aww, don´t cry Inge, it´s just waffles, you aren´t such a looser, believe me!

    Wow, Oliver Freddy is such a good student, following the lesson even without a professor! When I think back at my studies: when there was no professor the lesson wouldn´t have been given... and we students would have been so happy about that...

    :D Inge´s art teacher has a nice chalk board picture drawn, so self-explanatory! Of course Inge understood everything, it´s art, it´s all about interpreting...

    Eww :s that stove and that table look so eww! (though I lived in such a surroundings myself when i was a student, just that I lived on my own! :D )

    Yes, Inge, get the party going! I hope that at least a few people were dancing so not all listened to that guitar player?
    But Oliver Freddy seemed to like it somehow, according to his body language?

    Why is Inge boo-ing all the time? What kind of traits does she have? Is insane one of it? Must be, who else would boo to a wall.... :D
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Sprottenham love the update!

    aww please don't cry over burned waffles. a little bit of burned never hurt anybody! lol

    poor thing, what a boring class with invisible lecturer!

    AH! this lecture is about Freezer Bunny! I know this subject well!

    One day when I get uni, I will see what happens if I mostly just watch! :D How bad can they be? hehehe

    Studying on the phone before entering the party is as cute as kids doing homework at a party! :D

    did anyone get a beer or do keg stands? Just boo at that poor poor guy! :D I wonder what he did to get so boo'd?😁😂🤣

    aww she sure loves Oliver! <3

    omg she is sooo funny pointing nd laughing at nothing!😂
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member


    Ohh poor Inge, honey don’t you cry it is just some waffles, not the end of the world.
    oh well, I'm taking notes anyway! that one cracked me up – so funny
    Inge is such a cute girl, so considered that she hardly dares to take a seat.
    Without doubt very interesting subject today. :s
    this reminds me so much of my own student days... +1
    Inge is a bit strange sometimes, does she have any nasty traits?
    Lol. They just hate that innocent boy my instinct, might have a super bad reputation
    Great update – like those two a lot. They are hm.. special :D

    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    Thanks for the comments everyone!

    @AlexaKry Yes, Oliver Freddy is a pretty good student. I was a bit worried he would not be such a good student before they went, but he is actually the better of the two, opposite of what I first expected. Such a good boy. ;)

    Well, Inge tried to get the party going, until the guitar guy took over. Unfortunately, the party was quite lame as far as party goes. Nothing special happened, everyone pretty much just focused on the guitar player all evening...

    Inge does not have the insane trait, so the laughing at the wall thing was just really weird... She acted as if there was someone or something there, but it wasn't..

    @DivaDoodle Haha, never heard of freezer bunny, but it turns out that is actually a thing. Now I must look and see if it shows up in more places. :P

    Unfortunately there weren't any beer or keg stands that I noticed. They pretty much just gathered around that guitar player all evening. The booing was probably the most "interesting" things that happened..

    But yeah, Inge must really like him. I had no idea who she was, before she randomly invited him to a date in Sunset Valley, and that's how it began. She had already picked him out from the crowd. :P

    @Tamijo Yeah, at university Inge seems to be both a little sensitive and timid. I'm not sure why. She has the friendly trait, so she wants to be nice to people, but she also has the loser personality trait, so maybe that's why? She does not have the shy trait or the loner trait, but she does have the couch potato trait, so she likes to stay at home alot.. where the couch is.. She doesn't really move around much on her own.
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    on the far right is the beer keg! Either everyone was tea totalers or Jefferey bought a keg of the nasty cheap stuff! LOL ;)

    Inge <3 ''She had already picked him out from the crowd. :P'' I just Love her!
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    Chapter 9.2 – October and November


    Inge: Morning, mind if I sit down!


    Sure, I'm already finished and on my way to lecture!

    Inges notes:

    Why does everyone seem to leave as soon as I arrive? I still haven't made friends with any of my room mates. What am I doing wrong?


    Oliver Freddy: Morning Inge. Did you sleep as poorly as I did? We probably shouldn't have stayed up so late at that party last night...

    Inge: Yeah, probably.. I had fun though. Hey, do you want to see a movie with me later on the weekend?

    Oliver Freddy: Oh, sure, why not!


    Wow... this is where I should have shown you a video, but they even eat perfectly synchronized! They're spoons moving up and down to the same rhythm!


    You slept so poorly last night, instead of watching tv, I think you should take a nap ... both of you...

    ..and then off to study.


    Inges notes:
    When I went to lecture I still felt the lack of sleep from last night. I had a nice nap on the couch, but it didn't help that much. I'm gonna need a strong cup of coffee to make it through this day.

    As Inge went to her lecture, Ranveig called Oliver Freddy and wanted to know how he was doing! (I try to base the phone call on what the speech icons show. Well, somewhat.)

    Oliver Freddy: Yes, mom, I have gone to all the lectures!


    Oliver Freddy: Yes, yes, I am studying my books, too! Don't worry mom! I've got it all under control!


    Oliver Freddy:Yes, mom... I will continue my job at the research centre when I get back! Yes, mom...


    Oliver Freddy: What was that, mom? You had a strange dream about what? Some green haired guy?


    Oliver Freddy: Oh, Inge is doing good, too, with her art studies. She's at a lecture right now.


    Oliver Freddy: Oh, mom.. it's not like we've gone half way around the globe! We will be home for Christmas! It's only two months, mom! Ok, bye mom! Love you!


    Hi, you're the guy who's party we were at!


    Jeffery: Heey, whats up? You're Oliver's chick right? The art student?


    Inge: Yes, I have always liked painting and art since I was in high school. That's where I met Oliver Freddy, too. We met on the school bus when I tripped onto his seat!


    Jefferey: Umm, ok.. that's interesting. Look, my class starts soon, so... I have to go... see you later...


    Oliver Freddys notes:

    By November the oven still hadn't been cleaned, but atleast there were hot dogs in the kitchen. Perfect for breakfast.

    Oliver Freddy: Morning Matthew!


    Matthew: Om nom slurp om nom slurp om nom nom nom!


    Morning Inge, why did you chose to sit over there by yourself? Is something amiss?

    Inges notes:

    Someone had already made hot dogs when I got up, which is nice. I didn't bother sitting down at the table with Oliver and Matthew this morning, as that would probably make Matthew leave. I don't want to stand in the way of my sweet Olli making new friends.

    Aaw.. :(


    Oliver Freddy: Oh oh, my lecture starts soon! Gotta go! Exam is coming up next month!

    (Oliver Freddy is running to his lecture)


    I am sorry to hear about your trouble making new friends, but exam is coming up soon, Inge! I want you to study!


    Wait, what are you doing outside there with that skeleton? I hope this is part of your lecture..


    Oliver Freddy: Hmm, this part here looks like a chicken leg...

    Never mind I asked...


    Hold your head up high, brave young woman! It's time to study! Final lecture before your exam, Inge. Lets go!


    Oh no, its a drawing class out in the rain! You couldn't do that inside, seriously?


    Way to go professor. Do you want all your students to get sick before the exam, is that what you want?


    Inges notes:
    Our final lecture before the exam was a drawing lecture where we combined all the techniques learned throughout the semester, and got some useful tips for the exam, too. Unfortunately it was raining all throughout the lecture. Many of the other students left because of the rain, but I really don't want to be a loser and fail the exam, so I stayed all the way through even if I got soaked. When the lecture ended, I was the only student left.


    Oliver Freddy: There is a party over at Jefferey Deans house again!

    Not in the last days before the exam, Oliver Freddy.. focus! You are NOT going!

    Inges notes:

    When I got home from the lecture I changed to some dry clothes and played computer games for a while. Later in the evening this guy called Che came over to our dorm for a visit. I thought he looked interesting, maybe he could be my friend? So I talked to him about my favorite tv-shows, but he didn't seem to care. Making friends at university is a lot harder than I thought.

    Oliver Freddys notes:

    As the final exam came closer, the kitchen only got worse and worse, and eventually there was no available bench space, so for the last days before the my diet was mostly microwaved food. I have never seen such a dirty kitchen before, absolutely disgusting. But I had no time to clean it, because I had to prepare for my exam!


    Inges notes:


    As no one was interested in talking to me, I went to bed early even if I knew I should be eating before going to bed. I had just lost all appetite and I only wanted to sleep.

    Oliver Freddy went to bed shortly thereafter, and then something happened outside.


    Bad luck dude! Hopefully it was not the day before his exam...


    Oh, well it didn't last that long. Suddenly he was back.. wonder what they did to him...

    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Sprottenham love your update!!!!

    LOL I love when sims get synchronized! It is so amusing!!!

    Inge's face is so great when she is off to study! great capture!

    ''(I try to base the phone call on what the speech icons show. Well, somewhat.)'' me too! It is fun!!!

    I think Inge was thinking Jeffery was uncharismatic?

    LOL ''This part here looks like a chicken leg!" :D

    How nice to have an art class held outdoors! too bad it's raining! LOL

    I feel so bad for them about the dirty surroundings! too bad they can't hire a maid!!!

    Ach! those Aliens!!! LOL

    ''wonder what they did to him...'' Nothing NICE! by the look on his face!!! :open_mouth:
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @Sprottenham : Oh, I´m so sorry for Inge!
    She tries so hard to get friends but nobody seems to like her!
    What happened to the girl who visited the dorm and talked to her? She was friendly at least!!
    Inge´s face when she had to go to class says all: I would rather like to sleep than to study now! :D
    Aww, Ranveig misses her little son! 2 months are long for a mother waiting for her baby, Oliver Freddy!!! Call your mum more often!
    Ugh, the kitchen looks gross! The two live with slobs!!!!
    Aww, Inge, don´t sit alone, you´ll find friends soon (I hope!)
    Perhaps you shouldn´t try too hard to get to know someone? What about the people in your classes, they have the same interests?
    Right so, no party at the last day before the exam, you have to be well rested for them!

    This is a beautiful picture!

    Great update!
    I´ve read at the What happened- thread that you don´t write this story further anymore? Or did I understand that wrong?
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    Thank you for the comments!


    I think Jefferey and Inge found that they have incompatible traits. She has the loser trait, and he is charismatic and somehow that is incompatible. Or they just don't like that.. I don't know.


    Yes, I feel sad for Inge, too. I don't know where to find the girl that showed up at the beginning, and Inge hasn't really seen her anywhere since then. I leave them on autonomy, and Inge is really good with going to her class in time, but she never talks to anyone there. After class is over, she always immediately just usually goes back home..

    Ah yes, I felt it was a very beatiful moment when the rainbow showed up. Inge had struggled so hard, and at the end of it all this rainbow came like a sign from above. ;)

    As for what I said in the other thread, I am not planning to quit this story. I just had this other idea churn in my head for a while about something that happens in a parallel universe that will intertwine itself with this story. The idea just.. got a little bigger and is taking a little more time to finish, so I might take a break until I can make the other storyline catch up. Hopefully, this will make sense once I get around to posting it.
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @Sprottenham : puh, now I´ve understood it right! :D
    Good to know that you don´t quit this story, but enhance it with your idea!
    So I´ll wait patiently with what you come around! :)
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Great update as always, really like the way you tell your story
    Those legs :) she really need that strong cup of coffee, maybe they should get more sleep at night.
    Perfect interpretation of the call.
    did you chose to sit over there by yourself? Sims, best to just have one table.
    looks like a chicken leg :p
    Great rainbow picture
    wonder what they did to him... maybe they just have the poor boy an umbrella
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    @Tamijo Hi, thank you for the comment.
    What legs? Inges legs? Her legs are nice I suppose and she is just one of those sims that are comfortable in their underwear, especially in the morning. Oliver Freddy just wears whatever he wants, swimwear or outdoor clothing... it doesn't matter...

    They didn't get much sleep because they were at a party the night before, but as exam approaches I will not allow that. :)

    I was really happy about the rainbow there. It felt like the heavens above were giving Inge a reward for sticking with the lecture in spite of the rain. ;) I think that's a good sign for the upcoming exam. :P
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Was this legs - thought the looked a bit strange but maybe not as much as i were thinking at frist glance.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    Oh yeah, that looks a bit strange, there is a litte glitch with the bushes and the pants. I don't know why she chose to walk through the bushes, when she could have just used the pathway straight ahead. I wanted to use that screenshot, though, because of the face.
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    Sure no issues with the picture, mentioned only because she was too tired and looked like legs was about to give in.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    Chapter 9.3 - December. Part I: Exam and exam results.

    Inge: Oooh! Fibi Lay!

    Inges notes:
    Semester was coming to a close and exam day was soon here for both us. I woke up feeling super hungry so I finally got myself some food. We spent almost the entire time before our exam on the computer cramming in as much knowledge as we could.


    Exam day is here! The grey early winters weather makes it look a little dreary here, just like my mood lately. But I want to pass, so I will work hard and do my best!

    Oliver Freddys notes:


    Exam day is here! This is it! I must do my best or mom will be worried!

    Good luck to both of you!


    Inge: Yibs! I passed my exam, I am not a loser!

    Congratulations Inge!

    Inges notes:


    I had noticed the kitchen and dining room getting more and more gross during the semester, but at the end I was usually to tired from studying and not making any new friends to bother with the cleaning. Knowing that I passed the exam lifted some weight off my shoulders though. Just enough to bother cleaning up this stinking mess. Now I can't wait to go home for christmas. I miss my family, mom, dad and Kristina.


    Congratulations Oliver Freddy on passing the exam!


    Oliver Freddys notes:
    I was happy to receive a message from Jefferey that he had invited me to a bonfire party. Perfect timing to celebrate passing the exam. I sent him a reply telling that me and Inge would come over shortly, but then for some reason I got a brief message where he apologized that the party had been cancelled without giving an explanation. Strange..
    I don't know what happened there, but when it was time for the party.. there was no party going on anywhere. So he just got an invitation to a party that never bummer!

    Inges notes:


    I wasn't to excited about going to Jeffereys party this time, so I didn't mind that it was supposedly "cancelled". Oliver Freddy sent me a new text though, and said we could head out to The Grotto instead to celebrate. Even though we have spent an entire semester here, none of us had actually been there before.


    Oliver Freddy: It's a shame about Jefferey's party, but hey.. who needs that guy, we can have our own party!


    Inge: Oh, I agree! That kind of drama is just silly... let's go to the bar and enjoy a few drinks!


    Inge: I feel like I have learned a lot this first semester. Not just about art, but also living away from home for the first time, what it means to be a student and all that! All in all, this has been a worthwile experience.


    Oliver Freddy: Oh yeah, it has been interesting for sure.


    Inge: Let's go to the next room where there is music, I want to dance!


    Oliver Freddys notes:

    I was happy that Inge enjoyed herself so much, but I was still bummed out that Jefferey revoked the invitation just like that. I did my best to pretend not to care, though. I didn't want to spoil her evening.


    Inges notes:
    There wasn't really that many other people out at the Grotto, but I didn't care. I had passed my exam and Oliver Freddy was there, and I would soon go home to my family for christmas, and that was all that mattered to me! I had so much fun dancing, and we danced until both of us were to tired to dance anymore! What a perfect evening!


    Perfectly synchronized yawning, even. How do they do it? :P


    Inges notes:


    We got our exam results and our grades the next day!


    I knew we had passed, but I was still anxious to check the result!



    I was happy to see that we were actually the best students on our dorm! Oliver Freddy got an A, I am so proud of him! I got a B, which also good, but that means there is also room for improvement. If I study a little harder next semester, maybe I will get an A too!

    Oliver Freddys notes:



    I was super excited the next morning when the results came in! I got an A! Mom will be so proud, I can't wait to come home and deliver the news! Inge got a B, which is also really good. Superb!


    The rest of the day was pretty chill and I spent most of it upstairs on my little reading spot all the while it was snowing heavily outside.


    I got a message from Jeffery where he apologized for cancelling the party yesterday, and that he would make up for it by hosting a new one tonight. I had to tell him that unfortunately I couldn't go to his party, because me and Inge had already planned to go home for christmas later that night.

    Inges notes:

    The saturday after the exam pretty much everyone spent most of the day inside, probably because of the weather outside. I spent most of the day watching playing video games with Liz Terry or watching tv with Nicole Lawry. Where have they been all this time? It's surprising that an entire semester can pass, and I hardly see anything from my room mates! I almost can't believe it! It was so nice to finally get to hang out with them!

    Picture: Nicole Lawry.

    Later in the afternoon I decided to take a course in writing, so I headed over to the institute of economics to for their afternoon writing class. Writing was another thing I had really wanted to learn. Writing, drawing and painting is want I want to do most of all! I would be so happy to write my first illustrated book!


    When I came outside, the ground was already white with snow! That was very fascinating, because I had never seen snow before! I wanted so much to make snow angels right then and there, but I had to head over there quickly to not miss the course!


    I was a little nervous about driving on snowy conditions too, but luckily there wasn't any traffic on the roads and no sharp corners, or I think I might have drifted off the road!


    After the course I had to hurry home again quickly to finish packing, because we had already planned to leave that night! Oh, it would be so good as well to come home for christmas and see my family again!


    Oliver Freddys notes:


    When we were leaving, Liz Tarry, Daniel Vaughn and Walter Fullman was nice enough to come out and wave us goodbye, but I think Walter could have bothered to take a shower first. Something tells me he was probably the one mostly responsible for the detoriating state of the kitchen! Ew!


    He probably figured that bit out, as he walked inside right after Matthew Tellmer and Nicole Lawry also came out to wave us goodbye.


    Nicole Lawry: Bye, bye and merry christmas Inge and Oliver! Hope to see you again next year!



    Ending notes:

    This first semester was a bit of an experimental trial run getting used to the university experience (for me and them. :P) . For the next semester I hope they will be a little more seasoned and may begin to explore various other lots around the campus for a, perhaps, more interesting experience. I may also not make one chapter for each month, but probably just make it all one chapter, focus on the highlights and the exam results, of course!
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @Sprottenham : congrats Inge and Oliver Freddy for the very good exams!
    It is so good that their hard work has paid off for them and that Inge got to know some of the other students finally!
    Strange that the party was cancelled, was it because Oliver Freddy wanted to come with Inge?
    That was not nice of Jeffrey!!!!
    Gosh, finally a kiss between Oliver Freddy and Inge, I´ve missed their smooches so much and was afraid they would part during the semester!
    They had a great time at the Grotto!
    Nice pictures of the town in snow. I´ve never had winter in the university town.
    Love it that the other students came out to say good bye!
    Can´t wait for them to get home for Christmas!
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Glad the both got trough the exams, was a bit worried about Inge.
    Maybe poor Jefferey got a diarrhea. That happens :D
    Hard day with exam and drinks, no wonder they are tired.
    Nice results, Oliver Freddy will be a great doctor. :)
    Love the snowy picture, guess that is the house where the live while at Uni.
    Cool chick that Nicole Lawry ;)
    Happy Christmas to Inge and Oliver (I hope we will follow)
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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