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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    MrSpacemanMrSpaceman Posts: 382 Member
    @lanlyn You're right.
    @tadolson and @emorrill Thank you. :)
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    therealsunsetvalleytherealsunsetvalley Posts: 438 Member
    @Puddinroy thanks!

    @bekkasan haha, I really don't consider Vita to be the last but one ugliest Sim from SV (hmm, wait a minute? what about Arlo Bunch?), I really like how she looks, as you wrote distinct look. I also placed families from bin and I consider Jennifer Martinez not to be classical beauty of any sort and her daughter with Pablo is quite ugly mix. And Gobias? Yeah, he's distinct too. To include him in my large family free of whole SV (not to lost his picture after he dies someday) I let him adopt baby girl Barbie, who's the only Sim included in my story who have "pudding" face, but why not?

    @plushtrap_107 ur welcome

    @TadOlson thank you! Yes, without MC it would be impossible to play that style :smiley: Well frustrating for sure if not impossible.

    @Mikezumi Yes, Eleanor does look like Vita, but Nick's eyes. And here we go with the youngest from three Alto daughters - Margaret Alto. Unlike her sister she does have Vita's eyes and I guess Nick's faceshape. In season 04 she's a toddler:







    Both Eleanor and Margaret got their names from political aspirations of their mom. Only Holly was born before Vita was high on ladder in politics.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    I totally stayed up tonight filling out the OC Challenge tag I got ( again ;) ) for Emma. :mrgreen: (Was it you who tagged me again @lanlyn or was it you @thuggishsplicer ? Forgive me for not remembering. :confounded: )



    The same Interviewer tracks down Emma and interrupts her appointment at the Salon to have a private interview. ;)



    What is your full name? Emma Simself. Was never given a middle name because my parents figured it would be easier on me when I got married to have my maiden name become my middle name. So I don't have a super long name. *winks*

    Do you know why you were named that? Not really. It was a popular name at the time I was born and my parents liked it so...

    Single or taken? TAKEN! *smiles brightly* Oh my gosh I'm sorry I said that so loud and quickly but, I just can't get over my new boyfriend, Sam Beckett, and the fact that he is MINE! *giggles*

    Oh Stop being a Mary Sue! Mary Sue? *looks confused* What is that??

    What’s your eye color? Hazel

    How about hair color? Brown. I like to dye in blue and purple highlights sometimes.

    Have you any family members? Yes. 3 Brothers and 3 Sisters.

    How about pets? None yet, but I'd love to have a cat.

    That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like? Spiders! Vomit! Hypocritical people! Those who don't believe that Anxiety and Depression are real and that it's just something you can buck up and get over...

    Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? I've been singing since high school, totally joined choir because I had a major crush on a boy, and came to find I was pretty good at it so...I keep doing it and love it. *smiles* I'm now learning to play the piano better, my sweetheart is my teacher. *blushes* I also love bird-watching. There are so many pretty ones out there that people don't know about. I like writing too and have thought about getting into it more.

    Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Physically? Not Physically, but...I've been known to say things without thinking and *frowns* I've hurt some feelings because of it. But it was never my intention to hurt.

    Ever… killed anyone before? No. And I hope I never have to!

    What kind of animal are you? *laughs* My younger self totally would've answered a Cat, but now that I am older...a Bird. I sing all the time and wish I could fly. *winks*

    Name your worst weaknesses. It used to be saying "No," to people. I always wanted to help and please everybody. Until I started getting walked all over like a doormat, my kindness taken advantage of, and I've become much more assertive now. No one should have to put up with that. Umm... *thinks* Patience would definitely have to be my biggest weakness. And I don't want to pray for it because you KNOW what happens when you do that!

    Do you look up to anyone at all? My mom and dad. Always and forever. Now I look up to my Sam because... *stares at ceiling dreamily* he's been through hell and back in his many travels and yet he's come out of it still being the sweetest, most thoughtful, spiritual, and selfless man I know.

    Are you straight, gay or bisexual? Straight. Should be quite obvious after hearing my answers to your questions don't you think? *goes bug eyed* Oh, sorry if that was harsh...

    Do you go to school? No, but I'd like to return someday. My biggest regret was never getting a degree in anything. I just couldn't make up my mind with what I wanted to major in and...I was too busy chasing after boys which turned out to be a complete waste of time! *rolls eyes*

    Ever want to marry and have kids one day? YES! A thousand times yes! I've been saving myself for my husband! And I've always wanted to be a mom. I think...that's the reason why I could never figure out what I wanted to major in because, I just wanted to be a wife and mom. *smiles*

    Do you have fangirls/fanboys? No. I've never been very popular.

    What are you most afraid of? Death. I know that's silly being a religious person and all who totally believes in life after death, but *frowns* I guess it terrifies me so much because I don't want to even think about living life without the ones I love most.

    What do you usually wear? Comfortable t-shirts with comfortable jeans. I can't stand clothes that are tight. I mean, maybe I would if I were a size 6, rockin' the perfect body!

    What’s one food that tempts you? Chocolate. Seriously. You give me the right bag of chocolate and I have no control...I will consume it all in one sitting! *facepalms* Gosh I talk too much...

    Am I annoying you? No. But these sure are some odd questions.

    Well, it’s not over! Ok...

    What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)? Well, since I don't make jack working at the grocery store and am barely scraping by as it is, I'm gonna have to say low class.

    How many friends do you have? *thinks hard* I don't know. If I had to throw out a number maybe... thirty? Most of them are back home in Sunset Valley.

    What are your thoughts on pie? Yum! But I'm not the biggest fan of fruit pies. Give me pecan, chocolate, or pumpkin pie!

    Favorite drink? I'd have to say water. Ice cold water. I know it's boring, but it is seriously the only beverage that truly quenches my thirst!

    What’s your favorite place? My bed. *laughs* I love sleeping. Have you ever heard the song "Lazy Day Afternoon?" That's totally me!
    The song in question:

    Are you interested in anyone? Um...yes. Doctor Sam Beckett remember?

    That was a stupid question? Kind of... *looks away*

    Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? Ocean. There's so much more to discover in it.

    What’s your type? A guy who's smart, makes me laugh, and is sexy inside and out. I totally thought geeks were sexy before it was cool! *grins*

    Any fetishes? Umm...that's kind of a personal question and...I feel funny answering it.

    Camping or indoors? Indoors! I will only do camping if there's a camp trailer involved that has a toilet I can flush and a comfy bed! *chuckles*

    Interviewer: That's all of the questions so thank you for your time Miss Simself. It was a pleasure getting to know you better.
    Now I'm off to compare her answers to her boyfriend's! Tee hee!

    Emma: Thank you. It was fun.

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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited April 2018
    This Clue House Mystery update is a little longer than the others, but I wanted to get things wrapped up. Only thing left now are a few outtakes unrelated to the story.

    Get a Clue: Epilogue

    Blog Entry: 01-18. Motley Spirits

    Dawn was rising in Mountain Lake as Charlie and the Inspector discussed their encounter with the Reaper. Meeting Death face to face sure gave life new meaning!

    Charlie: I think we just had a very close call. I'm still shaking!
    Gray: Charlie, you've behaved admirably throughout this whole crisis. If it hadn't been for your clear thinking and quick actions, that villain might have escaped us completely.

    Charlie: Well, he certainly didn't escape Death!
    Gray: True enough, son. True enough. But at least we know what happened to everyone.
    Charlie: Uh, what exactly DID happen?

    Gray: It's clear that Death was the real killer. But John Green assisted with the arrangements and made Grim's claims to those souls possible. Green lied to the victims, made accusations, and fed their fears. He set them up for the clutches of Death and led them straight to their bitter ends.

    Charlie: So what happens now, Inspector?
    Gray: Now we gather everyone together and tie up lose ends. That's how it's done when closing a case.

    Charlie: I've been thinking. That 🐸🐸🐸🐸 who helped Boddy? The one who gave him back partial life? I met her granddaughter when I had my fortune told. Mayra likes me. I bet she could help some of those who died.

    Gray: We need to keep this mess under wraps, Charlie. The less said, the better. Can you really trust this girl? Why not ask the old woman instead since she's already involved?

    Charlie: Gran Caran's not too fond of me, sir. She doesn't trust townies. But Mayra's got the Gift. She can do this!
    Gray: All right, son. You've proven yourself so far. In fact, I'm going to make some recommendations to your counselor. I believe you are ready to live on your own now.

    Charlie: Wow! Did you hear that, Tittle? We proved ourselves! You and me and Tattle Bear, we make a great team!
    Tittle: Chit, chit! Chatter chat!


    Inspector Gray and Charlie cleaned themselves up and headed back to the manor. Butler and Josephine met them once more in the gazebo. The Inspector reported the events which occurred at the cemetery, and they arranged to call the household together. Then Josephine pulled Charlie aside for a quick word.

    Josephine: You've been so kind, Charlie, a true friend. But I miss Michael so much! Sometimes I can't even stand it!
    Charlie: I'm so sorry we couldn't stop his death, Josey. But maybe I can help in another way.

    Charlie had already called Mayra Caran and told her about the murders. He asked if she could help those who'd died. Mayra agreed and soon arrived at the manor. Charlie told her about the meeting.

    Mayra: Oh, Charlie, this will be a challenge. But I'll try my best! Gran uses a potion made with special herbs. I found all the plants I need, and the fresh herbs should work as well as the elixirs. I've watched Gran perform the incantation, so I really believe I can do this!

    Mayra: Give me a few minutes alone at the graves. I need to scatter the herbs first and prepare the ground for the resurrection spell. Then everyone can join me. Their presence will strengthen the incantation.

    While Mayra prepared the grave sites, Charlie retrieved Tattle Bear from his hiding place. He even found his clown outfit washed and set aside for him by Blanche. He pulled it on to give him more confidence.

    In the library, Inspector Gray addressed the group. Blanche and Boddy were a little wary, and Josephine hadn't wanted to leave her room, but Butler convinced her she should.

    Gray: I know Mr Didit has told you all what happened with John Green. Not only was he stealing Mr Black's family treasures, he was blackmailing almost everyone. But worst of all, he had made a bargain with Death to trap five souls from Mountain Lake village.

    Gray: His first sacrifice was Boddy Black, a rich eccentric. His murder took place at a huge party he had thrown for all the townspeople. If not for the old 🐸🐸🐸🐸 who found Boddy in the woods, Mr Black would still be underground.

    Gray: Then Boddy decided to invite certain guests back to his manor. These guests, those here now and those lying in their graves in back, were guests Boddy suspected held dark secrets.
    Boddy: I thought I would that find my killer was one of them. They each had acted suspiciously at the party.

    Gray: When Carie the Mascot showed up uninvited, Green quickly took advantage of her appearance by arranging for another death--hers. Later, Butler suggested kidnapping Charlie in order to keep Carie's death a secret. Green went along with the plan. The Frosty Dreams Clown would make a perfect victim.

    Boddy: I think I have the other deaths figured out. Charlie revealed Peter Plum's true identity as the corrupt Doctor Prune. Then I think Peter went snooping, and John had to get rid of him. He took advantage of the fight to do so.
    Gray: Quite right.

    Boddy: Patricia was being blackmailed into helping John steal and spy on the others. But she couldn't deal with the murders and was becoming a liability. She had to go. And then, Colonel Mustard's misplaced guilt made him another easy mark.

    Blanche: That's when John tried his getaway! But Death never intended to let John go. John's soul was darker than any of the others! He was ripe for Reaping!

    Charlie: But some of the others shouldn't be left in Grim's hands. They deserve a second chance, just like Boddy here. ... Mayra, are you ready to try the incantation?

    Mayra: Yes, the graves have been prepared and blessed. But I need all your help. Just being present when I cast the spell--providing energy and faith--it will make a big difference!


    Everyone gathered around the tombstones where Carie, Peter, Patricia, Michael, and John were buried. Mayra commanded Death to release the spirits he'd stolen.

    Mayra: These souls do not belong to you, Reaper! Their time has not come! Give them back, in the name of all that is true and good. In the name of Life!

    Mayra: Life and Love, reclaim what is yours. Give your souls breath again. Return to them what was taken. Grant them their chance to serve and bring well-being to this world.

    Mayra: Dear lost souls, listen to me! Those who care about you, your friends and loved ones, have gathered beside you here and now. We call out to you. We beseech you, come home! Come back to us!

    Mayra: Deserving souls, take up your gravestones and walk! We welcome you again to the living!

    And suddenly, three of the departed souls were once more free from Grim's realm. Carie, Michael, and Patricia. They walked unbound just as Boddy was able to do. In all their hearts, they nurtured a hope that some day, somehow, they would be able to fully exist as flesh and blood.


    But two of the souls were not called forth to life, not even in ghostly form. Peter and John. For now, they could only haunt the living for brief moments before Death pulled them back to their graves.

    Yet, all these spirits had lessons to learn, no matter what they'd done. Life would be what they each made of it.


    The same was true of those still living too. Charlie felt braver than ever after he saw the souls return. He even got up enough courage to talk to Mayra. Well, Tattle Bear was there to help things along.

    Charlie: Mayra, you were wonderful! You did a great thing today! And ... Tattle wants to ask you something.
    Mayra: Hey there, Tattle! What's up, little guy?

    Tattle: Charlie and me want to be your friends! Do you think we could hang out sometime?
    Mayra: Of course! I'd love to be friends with you and Charlie. You're both so darn cute in your clown suits!


    Inspector Gray left Charlie's house to live at Boddy Mansion. And Mr Black invited the other guests to remain in the manor as well. But the Inspector visited Charlie all the time, making sure his young ward was doing ok.

    Charlie and Josey spent time together too. They were best friends even though Josey still loved to flirt with Charlie.

    Charlie's boss hadn't been happy about the Frosty Dreams van getting abandoned in the woods, so Charlie lost his job over that. Still, the van was recovered and the boss let Charlie keep his clown costume!

    But most important of all, Charlie and Mayra became very close. She really liked being with him. And one day, Mayra even moved out of Gran Caran's cabin and came to live at Charlie's place. Yep, things were certainly looking up for Charlie these days!
    Post edited by lanlyn on
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited April 2018
    OK... Here's River's OC-Tag

    1. What is your name?
    River Chikamori. I was born a McIrish.
    2. Do you know why you were named that?
    It's a nature name, I'm not sure why my late mom picked it out for me, but I like it. And now I wouldn't be able to answer by any other name anyways.
    River%2526Haruo.png 3. Single or taken?
    Like my husband said, "Taken...very happily taken... Thank you very much."
    4. Stop being a Mary Sue!
    If I was a Mary Sue, I'm probably doing a pretty bad job of it right now.
    Screenshot-35.jpg 5. What’s your eye color? husband says that he loves staring into them. I don't mind in the slightest.
    Screenshot-199.jpg 6. How about hair color?
    Red. Not going to say otherwise.
    7. Have you got any family members?
    Asian families are big families and well, for the longest time, it was just me, my mom, Molly and Sandi, well, Sandi's all grown up and fled the nest and Molly, well unfortunately her and Uncle Satoshi are now gone. It's really sad to realize that everyone is getting older and some of them that we grew up with aren't around anymore. Hopefully Ojiisan Yasunobu and Obaasan Susan are around for a long time yet. But...(a bit emotional) I still do miss my Mom...a lot.
    8. Oh, how about pets?
    Not sure right now. Just taking it one day at a time and we'll see what happens. Pets are a major commitment.
    Screenshot-18.jpg 9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like
    Some sims don't get the idea that "No means No..." I'm seriously thinking about getting an unlisted number.
    Screenshot-145.jpg 10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
    Painting, sculpting...spending time with my hubby.
    11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Physically
    Been tempted with a couple of paparazzi, but
    12. Ever… killed anyone before?
    Not that I recall...
    Screenshot-147.jpg 13. What kind of animal are you?
    I really have no idea...but my husband...well...let's just say that I consider him a tiger.
    Screenshot-122.jpg 14. Name your worst weaknesses
    My husband's Lime Pie...yeah...that's it...
    15. Do you look up to anyone at all?
    I look up to my Mom, she raised me from the time that I was born, all by herself and she wasn't lucky enough like me to have a husband who is faithful and sticks around to take responsibility for the children he's fathered.
    16. Are you straight, gay or bisexual?
    I have a husband so understandably, I'm straight.
    17. Do you go to school?
    Like my husband, I couldn't wait to get out of school and live my life. We both went to university together and well, we both have arts degrees. It's good enough. Not planning on going back at any point as of yet.
    18. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
    I'm happily married and have had four wonderfully darling children who are growing up into capable young men and women. I think we've done good.
    (see above picture)
    19. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
    I wouldn't know...really, I don't see myself being that much of a celebrity.
    20. What are you most afraid of?
    I'm was afraid of not having lived a fulfilling life, but the operative word is was. I've raised four wonderful children, have a darling husband that I love dearly and I think I'm living the best possible life that I could have.
    Screenshot-108.jpg 21. What do you usually wear?
    I'm usually in jeans and a red Canada 150 t-shirt.
    22. What’s one food that tempts you?
    Key Lime Pie (laughs self-consciously)
    23. Am I annoying you?
    Nope...I rarely find myself getting annoyed.
    24. Well, it’s not over!
    Keep going...
    25. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)?
    I don't find that classifying people as certain economic classes as very constructive. I think we should all work together to bring into fruition a productive society.
    26. How many friends do you have?
    My circle of friends are the ones that are most important to me: my husband, my kids, I wish that my Mom could be here to see how Haruo's and my kids have grown into such wonderful young adults..
    27. What are your thoughts on pie?
    Well...unlike my husband who's mind is in the gutter half the time, I have enjoyed buzzberry pie once in a while. It's delicious.
    28. Favorite drink?
    I'm never awake without my cup of coffee in the morning.
    Screenshot-6.jpg 29. What’s your favorite place?
    Like my husband, I think we both hang out at Divisadero until they kick us out and lock the doors.
    Screenshot-140.jpg 30. Are you interested in anyone?
    Oh, maybe a few platonic crushes on a few movie stars, but my husband is really all I need and he's all I've ever wanted.
    31. That was a stupid question.
    I don't know if I should answer that...
    32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
    River: "Lake; but unfortunately somebody who shall remain nameless put sharks and crocodiles in the family pond. The crocs have taken two raccoons and a chipmunk and they're starving." (Haruo looks innocent and whistles a two-note "I didn't do anything" whistle.)
    Screenshot-92.jpg 33. What’s your type?
    "Strong...handsome, built like a tank..." ~sidelong glance at her husband.
    34. Any fetishes?
    Hmmm, was this a raw-mag interview by any chance. (smiles winsomely). Mining for the dirty details, huh? Well, let's just say that size is no problem with my husband. (smug meaningful look)
    35. Camping or indoors?
    I pick camping (except in winter)
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer It is possible that Warren was with the Grim Reaper in a past life! :D
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    Faerie197Faerie197 Posts: 1,077 Member
    edited April 2018
    Okay, I want to do this too.

    What is your name?
    Aaraness Sunrise

    Do you know why you were named that?
    Duh, it's my use name.

    Single or taken?

    Huh? What are you talking about?

    Stop being a Mary Sue!
    I already told you, I'm Aaraness Sunrise, not Mary Sue.

    What’s your eye color?
    I don't know, it's never mattered to me.

    How about hair color?

    Have you got any family members?
    Lots! I have thirty two sisters, twelve brothers, more cousins then I can remember, aunts, uncles... Oh yeah there's also my children. Their names are Bailey (she's my step daughter), Peter, and Dewdrop

    Oh, how about pets?
    Pets? What are... Wait, are you suggesting that I enslave animals?! How dare you!

    That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
    I'm starting to not like you...

    Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
    Well, I do go make drawings for a stuffy man at the pole-lease station. Never understood why there's a place to lease poles. Anyway, I've started learning to use something neat called a Tree Wee Imager too.

    Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?

    No, why do you ask?

    Ever… killed anyone before?
    What? Never! I could never hurt a person!

    What kind of animal are you?

    I'm a pixie, can't you tell?

    Name your worst weaknesses.
    Why would I ever do that?

    Do you look up to anyone at all?
    The Queen, I suppose the King too when he's not being mean...

    Are you straight, gay or bisexual?
    What? Didn't I already tell you that I'm a pixie? What's with these weird ways of asking what I am?

    Do you go to school?
    School? Is that important? Chester use to insist our kids need to go to something called a 'sec cool', I think. He set all that up for them.

    Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
    What's marry? Or do you mean party? Oh I love to party, so do the kids.

    Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
    Fans can be boys and girls? I thought they were just pieces of paper attached to sticks?

    What are you most afraid of?
    Why do you want to know?

    What do you usually wear?
    Cloths, but I don't understand the point. Why do you humans insist they are needed?

    What’s one food that tempts you?
    I've found 'ham burgers' are so delicious. But why do you call them that if they don't contain ham? Shouldn't they be called cow burgers?

    Am I annoying you?
    A little

    Well, it’s not over!

    What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)?
    I. Am. A. WOODLAND PIXIE! Get that through your head already!

    How many friends do you have?
    Uhm, I don't know.

    What are your thoughts on pie?
    It's a very irrational number.

    Favorite drink?
    Pollen punch, of course.

    What’s your favorite place?
    ... I don't know. China was kind of nice when I went there. And my current home has a lot of memories. But I kind of miss the Mound.

    Are you interested in anyone?
    ? What do you mean?

    That was a stupid question.
    Come on, what did you mean by that question?

    Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
    Uh, I'd rather fly.

    What’s your type?
    Geez, can't you remember? I am a pixie.

    Any fetishes?
    What's a fetishes?

    Camping or indoors?
    What is 'camping'?
    Fear not the fae, for they are harmless. Anger not the fae, beware their wraith. Harm not the fae, fear the Faerie Knight.
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    @Mikezumi Thanks! :D

    @Faerie197 & @Mikezumi I've been following your discussion about sims on tablets :) I'm absolutely not a pro-Apple consumer, being European and all, and my husband said the same as you @Faerie197 about androids. My mother bought my daughter an iPad anyway, and hers is still working like a charm after five years of traveling around the world, while our three (!!!) Androids have given up, one after the other... :s Maybe we've just been unlucky! :)
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    Faerie197Faerie197 Posts: 1,077 Member
    My old android got dropped (not by me), had water spilled on it, stepped on a few times (again not by me), and my baby brother (okay not a baby anymore) once threw it across the room. And it still worked just fine. The SD Card slot cover broke off, but the tablet it's self was fully functional. Not even a scratch on the screen. I only really replaced it cause the apps I use were starting to update to a level where that tablet's version of Android OS couldn't run them anymore.
    Fear not the fae, for they are harmless. Anger not the fae, beware their wraith. Harm not the fae, fear the Faerie Knight.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    Whoops...I seem to have forgotten ONE question in the OC-Tag.

    What is your favorite place

    Haruo: well...I guess it has to be anywhere where River is..., right honey.


    River: Yes, anywhere where my husband is...especially in his arms. :) That's the best place I know. And where I want to be...
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    @plrbear Lovely pics, the jealous trio makes me think of Taïga, Derek and blond plum-y Serena! :joy: Already jealous at their tender age, it promises drama when they grow up! :) I like little Jane, she seems so sweet <3

    Great interviews everyone!
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @emorrill , I've never heard Lazy Day Afternoon before, but it describes me too! :smiley:
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    jillbg wrote: »
    @Mikezumi Thanks! :D

    @Faerie197 & @Mikezumi I've been following your discussion about sims on tablets :) I'm absolutely not a pro-Apple consumer, being European and all, and my husband said the same as you @Faerie197 about androids. My mother bought my daughter an iPad anyway, and hers is still working like a charm after five years of traveling around the world, while our three (!!!) Androids have given up, one after the other... :s Maybe we've just been unlucky! :)

    @jillbg To be quite truthful when I got my first iPad I went shopping with my brother and sister while I was visiting Australia and they, and their children, all have iPads so it never crossed my mind to look for anything else. It's still going strong and must be about 6 years old now. It weighs a ton and, although I still use it a lot, I prefer my new one which is much lighter and easier to hold when I watch Netflix in bed. When I bought my second one I was totally aware that there were cheaper Android tablets but, since my old iPad was doing so well, decided it was the way to go as I felt I would get my money's worth. From what Faerie has said, you must just be unlucky. I wish you luck with any new tablets, be they iPads or Android, that you have.
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    I had a non-dramatic day in my game - some random screenshots:

    On his first day as a teen Raphael learned some new skills.

    His toddler brother Lloyd demanding to be taken to his crib:

    I took this townie, Eleanor Keaton, for a CAS makeover when she became a YA. I don't want all sims in my game to look perfect, but I do want them to have human faces. Her nose was just impossibly small.

    Besides making her nose larger, I softened her nasolabial crease and some extreme sliders on her lips, and I like the result. She still has a very individual looking face.
    I did this in the nick of time, because NRAAS SP almost immediately placed her in a relationship with one of my household's relatives!

    Another makeover, this time only a Stylist one: Raphael and Lloyd's cousin Jeremy aged up to teen and became bald. With a better hairstyle, I think he's very cute!
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    Faerie197Faerie197 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    jillbg wrote: »
    @Mikezumi Thanks! :D

    @Faerie197 & @Mikezumi I've been following your discussion about sims on tablets :) I'm absolutely not a pro-Apple consumer, being European and all, and my husband said the same as you @Faerie197 about androids. My mother bought my daughter an iPad anyway, and hers is still working like a charm after five years of traveling around the world, while our three (!!!) Androids have given up, one after the other... :s Maybe we've just been unlucky! :)

    @jillbg To be quite truthful when I got my first iPad I went shopping with my brother and sister while I was visiting Australia and they, and their children, all have iPads so it never crossed my mind to look for anything else. It's still going strong and must be about 6 years old now. It weighs a ton and, although I still use it a lot, I prefer my new one which is much lighter and easier to hold when I watch Netflix in bed. When I bought my second one I was totally aware that there were cheaper Android tablets but, since my old iPad was doing so well, decided it was the way to go as I felt I would get my money's worth. From what Faerie has said, you must just be unlucky. I wish you luck with any new tablets, be they iPads or Android, that you have.

    It probably varies by brand. Nextbook (the brand I get) I've discovered are very rugged, even if they don't look like it. Considering all the abuse my old tablet suffered over the 5 years I used it, I would have thought it'd have died a painful death. But instead it just kept plugging away. Best $50 investment I'd ever made. This time around I got a $100 Nextbook with far better specs. And despite it being lighter, it also feels just as solid. So I'm expecting it to serve me quite well for years to come.
    Fear not the fae, for they are harmless. Anger not the fae, beware their wraith. Harm not the fae, fear the Faerie Knight.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    @emorrill Wonderful interview with Emma,
    Great job.

    @PalmArrow I send my sims tothe gym alot when I dont know
    anything else for them to do hehe. Lloyd is a cutie.

    @lanlyn Great updates eventful times for your sims

    @polrbear Love readign about the kids, great udpate.

    @Mikezumi Is that the sims online game? I have not
    tried it myself. Nice looking sims. I have both an Android
    tablet for my university ebooks, and an ipad mini.

    @CravenLestat Nice new sim

    @TinySpaceFox Loved your update,
    great looking sim

    @bekkasan I found an even better house on Tsr, so they moved again lol,
    hopefullu last move now.

    All for now

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 Yes, it's The Sims Mobile. I downloaded it last weekend. I am not sure how I feel about it yet. It's definitely NOT TS3 LOL
    Thanks :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Since it was the boys' last day in Shang Simla I sent them to the Market for breakfast.
    Brett's waking wish was to hug Fife amorously :) Fife's was to call Liu Pei which he did before they left base camp.
    Brett had another quest and had to visit a sim in this house. I thought the house was adorable with the koi pond in front. I just realized you can't see the koi pond because of the fence :/
    I didn't bother taking note of the names of these sims but, as you can see, Fife tagged along and got a chance to boast about his grandkids while Brett reported in :)
    Silly sim doesn't realize how easy it would be for me to totally annihilate her! ;) I had the boys leave after this in case I was tempted >:)
    The quest was the simple one at the Halls of the Lost Army that sims normally get when they first arrive.
    With two sims this already easy quest is a breeze!
    Fife wasn't happy about being chosen to explore the dive well ;)
    But there's no point arguing with the Watcher :p
    The well led to a nearby room where Fife found a keystone in a chest.
    There! Done already! :)
    Fife rolled a wish to visit the Scholars Garden. As soon as they arrived he started meditating - the quest must have been hard on him ;)
    Brett decided to calm Fife in his own way ;) The boys flirted for a while before I sent them home :)
    When the boys got back to base camp Liu Pei (in MA outfit) was already there. Liang Yat Sen and his mother, Abi, arrived shortly after.
    Liang tried out the Teppanyaki Grill but didn't cook, instead he juggled eggs.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Brett kept trying to play catch with Fife so I sent them downstairs. It didn't take long for Brett to ask again :)
    When Brett introduced himself to Liang he rolled a wish to boast about his grandkids :)
    Fife did the same with Abi.
    When I checked on Brett, he had been abandoned ;) I guess it's better than being flirted with ;)
    He didn't take long to get over being dumped for Liu and interrupted Fife for woohoo :p
    Earlier on they had woohooed in the shower but this time they chose the bed. They're not fussy ;)
    I sent Fife downstairs to cook dinner for the guests.
    He didn't do any fancy moves this time but the Teppanyaki Filet Mignon was Perfect! :)
    Fife socialized for a while before I sent them downstairs to watch the stars.
    Since Fife loves the outdoors and it was their last night, I sent the boys to a campground :) Perhaps I should put a tent in the backyard at home ;)
    I didn't bring out the big tent because I knew the boys would be shipped home while they were sleeping. The small tent is good enough for woohoo and a short sleep :p
    Because the big tent wasn't out, the boys had room for a game of catch :)
    One last tent woohoo before they leave :p
    The boys arrived back in Sunset Valley in fairly good shape! Sometimes their motives take a huge hit.
    They pulled up at the house as Tam was heading out to catch the school bus.
    I was greeted with this lovely sight when the boys went into the house ;)
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    @Mikezumi I bet its not hehe.
    Great updates
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited April 2018
    Even Facebook is reminding me of school... one reason I love this forum so much is because, when I come here, I can just forget all about it.

    Pages 2554-2556

    @Silverofdreams30 I can never get enough of Sims 3 scenery either :> Beautiful shots!
    That shirt looks awesome on Ty! Heh, he must know how many people in this thread love him ;)

    @king_of_simcity7 Oh Warren... just doesn't know when to let go, does he?
    I love how you captured Emily's worried expression! Poor girl :<
    No luck for Warren? Maybe Emily's been spreading rumours about him too :tongue:
    Congratulations for Emily completing her LTW! :>

    @Faerie197 Hm, I dunno, 6 hours sounds pretty long to me. I'd only play that long if I was really, really having fun and had nothing else to worry about (*sigh* schoolwork...)
    It's truly amazing, isn't it? We've all been playing Sims 3 for so long, and we're still learning new things, and we still have things we haven't tried yet. TS3 is really the gift that keeps on giving. Love it <3
    I hope you'll be able to have your Sims Mobile game up and running soon :)

    @Nikkei_Simmer Haha, I think it's adorable that you noticed the parallels between River's and Featherbelle's behaviour. :>
    My SS seems to behave like my RL self too, she hasn't got any friends and spends all day with her dog :')
    Just like RL me, she's also kinda shy about playing the piano in front of others... well, other live people anyway.
    Yes, finally, someone else who can't stand coffee! I just never really liked the taste. Even the Starbucks disgusting excuses for coffee stuff is too sweet for me... I've got a great method of waking myself up in the morning, it's called "get enough sleep the night before".
    The dude on the right in the pointy cap... please tell me that was a game-generated outfit. He looks straight out of a cartoon, you know, the stereotypical dumb sidekick of the villain :D
    Evidently that sim who conducted the mugging was a slippery little devil and managed to avoid getting hit by a it was round two. I'll get you next time.
    Do a lightning strike next time, you can't miss :>
    Yasunobu admired his death-flowers.
    What if the thugs decide to break in and steal the death flowers, so they can escape death if they get hit by a meteor? :open_mouth:
    If my toilet looked anything like the dirty toilets in the game when it got dirty, I'd forget the toilet brush and bring in the pressure washer.
    Playing the violin, don't you mean torturing cats?
    Haha, I look up to everybody too! At 157 cm (just a little under 5' 2"), I'm shorter than average even in my home country of Singapore (average female height there is 160 cm or about 5' 3"). There's a reason I call myself Tiny Space Fox. I want to visit Scandinavia one day, I'm gonna feel like a dwarf.
    22. What’s one food that tempts you?
    Key Lime Pie.
    So uh... you're gonna stare at me like that until I give you some key lime pie? :worried:

    @Charlottesmom Oh Penny, Connor sees eeeeeverythiiiiingg....
    "I must have hatched or something" Hahahahaha! :D
    Painting pictures of your butt... man, anything passes for art these days.
    Hey Martin, there might just be a market out there for your toilet art!
    Connor, Dylan, and now Thornton... how many dudes do you want?
    33. What's your type?

    Male and breathing..
    Well, that explains a lot, I guess ._.
    Jellybeans... oh no, Murphy's Law...
    I would love to see @CravenLestat do it with Betty
    My mind is deep in the gutter. And it's not coming out.
    But yeah, in all seriousness, I'd love to see Craven interview Betty (or even his SS) with this set of questions :>

    @bekkasan Black and blue is a cool hair colour!
    Aww, a cowplant! Clarabelle sounds like a sweetie! Does she want cuddles? :>
    Victor seems so blasé about having killed people before... I don't think I want to know *shivers*
    bekkasan wrote: »
    33. What’s your type?
    O positive, what is your type?
    Wait, vampires have blood? o.o
    Thank you also for your lovely comments on my story, I'm glad you enjoyed the first couple of posts :) I remember when I picked out Martin's shirt, it was during a period where I was seriously Sims-deprived (first year of uni, and I hadn't taken my Sims to Australia with me). So I was digging around on TSR and found that top, and just thought, hey, that would look perfect on my Martin :tongue:
    Jessa isn't a Sim made by me (but Mia is), she was created by the awesome CravenLestat who generously shared her with me :> I'm sure he's posted pics of her on this thread before.
    Anyway, if you're curious about sugar babies:
    A sugar baby is simply someone who dates a rich person and provides them with company in exchange for money and gifts. Most sugar babies are girls, but there are some guy sugar babies out there too. Sugar daddies and mommies (the people that sugar babies date) are usually older and have established careers (some may even be married with children!). Many sugar babies engage in sugar dating because of problems with finances - a significant number of them are college students struggling with hefty tuition fees. I read about all this when I was doing research for the story :tongue:

    Man, these interviews sound like so much fun! I really wanna do one with my boys now :>

    @emorrill Glad you enjoyed the horse video! :) I also thought the farts were fake at first, but I still found it funny. So I rewatched it with headphones on, and heard the camerawoman giggling as the horse rolled around farting up a storm, and that's when I decided it was legit :tongue:
    I've been a Sonic fan for a long long time now, Tails is my favourite :>
    A koi named Al... why don't you settle for the real deal, huh? :tongue:
    I see Sam is just as sweet as the food he loves :>
    I wonder if he keeps in touch with his friends from all his leaps? How would he even do that? Oh well, he's a genius, I'm sure he finds a way.

    @CravenLestat I'll tell the truth here, I have absolutely no clue who Gretchen is :tongue: But yay for nerdy girls! :smiley: You managed to make those base-game glasses look good :open_mouth:
    Not familiar with Kristen either, but she looks like Ashley Alto awesome! Such a cute little button nose :>

    @OriginalMara Dice is such a cute name for a Dalmatian! :)
    Four kids and a house full of pets... sounds like a handful!
    Do you look up to anyone at all?
    Oh, sure. Jacqui Miller one of my best friends is someone I look up to on the parenting front. She has four children, all of varying ages, and I wonder how she does it sometimes!
    Yeah, but does she have 4 dogs, a horse, a frog and a goldfish too? :tongue:

    @TadOlson What a charming little city hall :> Love the panelling on the outside!
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @polrbear , I loved this little love triangle (or square) between the kids, and Jane is adorable! The library looks great.

    @lanlyn , I couldn't resist reading your epilogue even though I missed a lot of what came before it. I will have to read the whole story from beginning to end. It's great that in the Sims a murder mystery can end with the victims coming - sort of - back to life!

    @Mikezumi , I love Fife's "I don't wanna dive into the dive well!" face! :) The last screenshot is hilarious. It looks like they are all playing a very strange parlour game.
    I just installed the Sims Mobile yesterday, but haven't tried it yet!
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    The goal...9 pages of feedback in 2 hours...(all I can spare today) :(

    @emorrill , I laughed when I first saw Grim pillow fighting, I knew it was possible when I first started playing as I kill off a ton of Sims as you know. ;)
    **I loved the "Daddy" moment.. <3
    **Your Simmy version of A is wonderful, having seen RL pictures of him.
    **I love setting up fire scenes, I'm glad I added in the fog machines, it looks nice and smoky.
    **We have good taste in music!
    **Maxxie was difficult and I keep tweaking him I think my main issue is he's a teen in all the pictures I've been using for reference but in game I have him as a YA.
    **I'll create your RL house if you want...

    @king_of_simcity7 , Warren...Grrr! that boy is nothing but trouble.
    **Good break up with his butt!

    @TinySpaceFox , Loving the new Avi!! I skipped ahead to your new story, Awesome start, I love your Martin so it will be something I enjoy reading!

    @Silverofdreams30 , The house in the snow is Gorgeous!
    **Love the new Avi!
    **You did Ty!!
    **He's such a sweet soul, I adored his answers. Hot cocoa... :smiley:

    @Nikkei_Simmer , Grim needs to be paid overtime for your saves!

    @YJB19299 , I'm very glad you like Misunderstood, it a fun one to play out as I adore the characters. The set up is killing me though. :s

    @MoonandStars83 , Sorry about your crashes, at least you didn't lose anything.
    **You're making me hungry, sorry the steroids are making you so hungry.

    @polrbear , The kids look cute playing the violin, my son played for 6 years.

    @Karritz , Wonderful makeovers! The one with Phyllis really improved her.
    **Plant Sim kids!!
    **The Gertie interview was great! All the cats...15 yikes! she loves them, she hates them. :lol:

    @Vincent_Vengeance , I like Billy and Jon. Riley is gorgeous Huskies are beautiful dogs.

    @OriginalMara , HI!! :smiley:

    @Mikezumi , I want pie for breakfast!!
    **I loved exploring the Dragon tomb with Connor and Penny, though like you said after the first or second time it gets very repetitive.
    **LOL!! Those lotus flowers are lined up perfectly! :wink:
    **Geeze I'd be too tired for any lovin' after dancing like the boys did!
    **The boys jumping into each other's arms! :love:
    **Fife has the moves on the grill. :smiley:
    **That is some major dedication for a game of catch!
    **Maxxie...nose up nose down, nose thinner...arrgh! the issue is it looks a bit different in certain pictures and the fact that he's a YA in game and a teen in most of the pictures I was using for reference, I also can't find a head on one, I have a great profile of him which are usually the tough ones to find.

    He's a gorgeous boy:


    @thuggishsplicer , M, Will go check out your blog, you were unhappy last time I checked..I hope you life is in a happier place now. (((Hugs!!)))
    **Stinks your brother couldn't help this week. Hope he can help soon!

    @TadOlson , Wonderful updates.. :smiley:

    @lanlyn , BUNTER!!! I actually learned some stuff about him, he is a great character. I'm thinking of adding him into my Misunderstood save with his daughter (the fairy baby he saved from Morgana in the Kate story). She could be friends with Jamie, the only other fairy in town.
    **We have a paddle boat up at our cabin, the kids loved booking around the pond with it.
    **Dang, too bad you can't add under the house...wasted space.

    @PalmArrow , Oh my poor Odessa!! :cry:
    **Her poor family....
    **Raphael will be a gorgeous YA, he's just at that teen phase, I see very few good looking teens.

    @CravenLestat , I adore that house, wonderful style to it!

    @mycami21 , Spoiling our pets is a wonderful thing!
    **I got up to get a mini ice cream sandwich when I read this last night, I was leaving feedback and when I go back I bumped my mouse and all the feedback poofed....I blame my stupid stomach! :wink:

    @jillbg , I'm going to read the challenge answers for your Story characters. I still am soooo far behind!!

    @bekkasan , Skins was on 10 years ago it's a show about the lives of a bunch of British teenagers, the characters are very well written and the show is highly amusing (My son Matthew loves it, we watch it together) but it's not something everyone would like. The husband an I barely watch anything now too, though the TV is on most of the day as I listen to movies all the time.
    **I may put the new story on a break, it's not fun to play and I really need to concentrate on Misunderstood as it's getting into confusing territory.
    **I love the hot dog picture too. :wink:

    @plushtrap_107 , Can't wait to see the toddlers!

    @Faerie197 , Geeze nothing but problems, hope your save gets easier.

    One hour down but wanted to post just incase. :smiley:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    @TinySpaceFox Thank you. I love that
    shirt so I often use it on my male sims hehe.
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    edited April 2018
    @emorrill Loved your answers! <3 I'm off to your blog to leave a comment there! Ahem... Link to the post please...

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