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Runaway Teen Challenge [Updated 03/10/19]


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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    I've decided to tackle this challenge, and here's my personal alterations:

    I took my "Guardian" to the Spa, where malfunctions caused almost imminent demise. (IE: I didn't want to wait!)
    For my Sim, she's not going to 'build' a house. She'll be saving money to move out, and during this time she can choose to stay at a Hotel (check-out is noon) I have in NewCrest for the price of a spa-bath (without the benefit of the end buff) or sleep on benches, shower in gyms, etc.
    Instead of creating her living space she needs to save up enough money to get an apartment in the City so she can go back to school and raise her grades. Also, when this happens she'll have to get a part-time job in order to keep up with bills. (I knew people who literally did this in High School) Aside from that, she has to furnish the rest of her apartment by the time she hits YA using only the items found in the Furniture For Less store I downloaded and created for this play-through. (I'm playing on Long Lifespan in order to give myself plenty of time to do all this stuff)

    That's when I'm going to begin a personal "Open For Business" Challenge.

    So far I'm loving it!
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    StormyDayzStormyDayz Posts: 4,035 Member
    @AngelAries I love you're alterations to the challenge! It sounds like a lot of fun. Can you please update us on how it goes, I might try it like that myself.
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member

    After playing just about all night, my teen is now about 2-weeks in, and doing well. She has her own apartment, though it has nothing but the sparsest of furniture. Not to mention leaky pipes, electrical problems, and did I mention mice?
    Then there's school, which she's now attending. But starting with a Poor F, and lack of time to do any homework isn't doing her any favors in that regard.
    As far as her social life goes, she's friends with just about everyone, and her love interest is dying to kiss her. Too bad she noticed someone else she hadn't met before and might cool things off with him.

    All in all, life is great. Now she's saving up for bills, apartment upgrades, and then a little nest egg with which to find an apartment that doesn't need so much TLC.

    Still one of the more fun challenge's I've done. If anything, the only part I'd change is starting with an Alien as opposed to a straight human. Then again, Scarlet Sandoval seems to be doing fine on her own, and she's tons of fun to play as I've never done a 'no cheat' 'no buy mode' game before.

    Note: For things that can't be bought via my in-game store, I plan to have her browse the web and 'buy' it via the internet. It will then stay in my household inventory for a day or three while it 'ships' before I put it where it goes. ~.~
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    Also note:

    MOST of my vegetables/fruits are from a park or garden-diner I made for other play-through's. As a matter of fact, all of NewCrest is my creations to help make her life a bit easier to adjust to.

    Of course she had to wait for them to all vegetate. But still. Now that she has her own place she also has three in-door pots (Mushroom, Onion, Tomato anyone?) as she can *only* make food if she has all the ingredients.

    Trying to do it as much real-life as I can. Because of that it's been one of the most interesting/fun plays I've done!
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    StormyDayzStormyDayz Posts: 4,035 Member
    @AngelAries Sounds like you're having fun! Too bad you can't post pics. Are you blogging it or anything?
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    I am!
    I wish, I wish, I wish I could post pics. Because I'm not blogging it, except in my head and through the pic's I take.

    When do I get to be able to post pic's here?? Or how do I become able?

    Also: Yes, the furniture is still more expensive by my sim buying it, despite that I knocked the price-up down to 15%. I wasn't going to be totally cheap and cheesy and knock it to 5%. >.< LOL

    When she opens a business it'll either be a bakery or an odds and ends collectables, because she has a lot. Pro Tip: Breeding expensive frogs, often, adds up fast.
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    Other little type things I'm doing are things like...

    No make-up until she purchases the little nail kit decoration from one of the shops.
    No other outfits until she buys them from the stores. (Though one outfit counts for a 'new' PJ/Swimwear combo or it's just too bloody expensive!) etc, etc, etc.
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    StormyDayzStormyDayz Posts: 4,035 Member
    @AngelAries You can post pics here at 50 posts I believe... then it will say RANK: Member. I blog all of my challenges/stories and it's really cool to look back and see what I was doing 2 years ago so you might want to consider it. I really like all of your ideas. It's practically a new challenge.
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    Yay! It's 30 and I'm there.
    Boo. :( You have to have a URL thingy and I'm so computer not savy.

    I have written stuff on some of my past plays, but as I'm not really talking to anyone but myself, and I'm full of new, random idea's to interest me more in the game (thanks for the compliment, btw!) it seemed redundant. I have thought about it, though, and continue to think about it. I probably would have started ago if I wasn't so computer illiterate!

    I've never done a play where everything was so character focused, but I've read stuff on here from others about how they see the game as losing focus on families.
    I've never played anything *but* families.

    So I'm trying something different, saw this challenge, and decided to give it a wing after noticing the alien "Human Experience" challenge still followed the same module for me of meeting, greeting, and wooing.

    Almost on week three and I've still never had a First Kiss. That's new.

    I also made her Aspiration "Party Animal" and for 'fun' she likes to sing and play the piano. It fits her personality even if it doesn't fit the scenario. After all, we're not totally defined by what we do with our time when making a dollar, nor the time we spend interacting with friends/family. We all are multi-faceted.
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    StormyDayzStormyDayz Posts: 4,035 Member
    @AngelAries You're getting close to 50! Maybe find some other threads to comment on too? Sorry to hear that computers overwhelm you. I'm a total computer geek myself. If you ever do decide to try blogging you can PM me and I can help.

    I think that the whole "losing focus on families" thing depends on your perspective. I do mostly challenges that include families and all of the packs fit in well to me. Sure there isn't a generations type pack yet and who knows if there will be? I try to enjoy the game for what it is and not get upset about all of the stuff I wish there was... cuz seriously there's nothing I can do about it so why get worked up. Just my 2 cents. ;)

    It's really sounding like a lot of fun playing the way you are. After you're finished I'd love it if you posted some more notes on how you've done everything and I'll add them to the first post with credit to you. :)
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    I will definitely do this!

    That is -- I'll write down all the stuff I did to make my challenge what it is for me, and once I'm done I'll edit it all to what worked, and figure out how to make it if it doesn't. :)

    And nothing against families. I love them. I love the Generational Challenges -- I plan on turning this into one!


    This is a "TEEN" Challenge. To me that means that by Young Adult it's finished. So I'm doing what I can to make this part of my Sims life full of learning and growth. Also: It really helps build 'character' that she's so able to stand on her own considering she'll move immediately into a "Open for Business" Challenge as soon as she finishes her birthday.
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    ~.~ In all actuality I notice I'm playing it a bit to the formula used in the Sims Playstation versions of the games. Where you had goals you had to complete before moving to the next step of the challenge. (New house, new goals) Ever play that??
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    StormyDayzStormyDayz Posts: 4,035 Member
    AngelAries wrote: »
    ~.~ In all actuality I notice I'm playing it a bit to the formula used in the Sims Playstation versions of the games. Where you had goals you had to complete before moving to the next step of the challenge. (New house, new goals) Ever play that??

    I played the one on Xbox briefly but didn't like it much. It was so long ago I don't even remember it.
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    Okay. Here's where I'm at so far....

    Here’s pretty much *all* of what I’ve done so far in my Teen Challenge that ‘differs’ slightly from the rules. I decided to renovate an apartment (City Living Expansion Required) as all of the Legacy Challenges begin with house creation and I desired something different with my Teen.

    Added Rules/Suggestions:

    Life Span: Long (Because I wanted to really feel the push of the challenge and give myself enough time to get it all done)
    Aspiration: Party Animal (I suppose the ‘goal’ of my challenge, as she ‘needs’ complete this before becoming a YA)
    First Apartment: Must have TLC trait.

    Now, because this is a ‘Runaway’ teen challenge, I’m not allowing my sim to do *anything* on their home lot. No decorating, no buying - nothing. Yes, being able to grow stuff *would* make it a bit easier to get that cash-cow flowing, but if one was really homeless they wouldn’t stick around one spot long enough to grow a plant without someone else either destroying or harvesting it before you had a chance. Yes, having a (working) fridge, sink, stove, etc would be super nice. But it’s not feasible except in the game-world, and for me this was about making the play-through as realistic as possible while utilizing all the facets of the game at my disposal. No cheats. (No mods either.)
    Note: Any time an adult catches up to her in a simple greeting of conversation, I immediately do a few “Mean” interactions and leave the lot. Why? Because they’re trying to send her back to the Social Service Offices, that’s why! (Regardless if they’re just saying 'Hey you’re cute’ in Simlish and she’s hearing it wrong) Exception: My Sim is allowed to chat it up with anyone at the Festivals. Like any other large gathering, everyone else is too busy with their own fun to worry about the fact that she may or may not be skipping school to enjoy the festivities herself.
    Tip: I avoided accepting any phone calls except when I was *already attending* one of the festivals and someone wanted me to to hook up with them. I figured since we were both already there, we must have ‘met up’ somehow, and so accepted whenever I could.

    Before I even began this challenge I set up Newcrest to suit my needs and desires. IE: I have a set up I created from scratch via the Build Newcrest Challenge that now has become an integral part of my game. None of the other towns really exist to me unless invited for something, or require something from a location-only spot. (Think the river behind the locked boards)
    For this challenge I went on the gallery and also added a Furniture store (Get to Work Expansion Required) that will, in-game, sell me items for all rooms (if available for sale this way) in many ranges of funds. Anything else (things that can’t be sold; counters, rugs, etc) is purchased from the Computer after browsing the web. (I put it in my House Inventory for a day or three (depending on mood/forgetfulness) while it’s being ‘shipped’).
    Tip: You can really do this any way you like, but I highly suggest going via retail store and/or flea market as it adds a new 'feel’ to what you buy in-game. (Colors may vary) Not having constant access to buy mode made me really appreciate what I *was* buying. Note: Downloading someone else’s furniture store creation really evolved my own taste in colors/items, too!
    I have a ‘Lounge’ that’s in actuality a mega-franchise Hotel chain called *Andy’s* that I use during the homeless years. For cost without having to subtract money I use one of the tubs to take a luxurious bath (Spa Day Expansion Required) and make sure to get out before the buff hits at the end, or use the Fountain of Mirth to create Chocolate Strawberries (Luxury Party Expansion Required), and figure my nights rent is paid. I also make sure my Sim is out the door by noon.
    Note: The only downfall I’ve found to this is that you can’t really rush through when sleeping on a community lot that’s constantly active with other Sims. And if an adult hits you up before you manage to fall asleep, you’ve just wasted 30 or 40 simoleons for nothing! (Anyone else thinking undercover agent?)
    I also have a garden variety park *and* (separate) restaurant with all fruits/veggie’s produced at Perfect levels. I don’t feel this is cheating, as all I’m doing is harvesting ‘what’s available’ in my town as I see it fit to be. The park has a tent close to the back where she can sleep for free, so long as no one else is using it. And you’d be surprised how often the tent is in use by some random Sim.
    ** On a side note: My Sim cannot/is not allowed to prepare meals which have no ingredients, or meals she doesn’t have the ingredients for, which is the main reason I do this. Exception: Grilled Cheese if going for the Aspiration; Any/All options found when working with a grill.
    Lastly, I chose the apartment I wanted to move into and I gutted it of everything except counters, ceiling lights, and cupboards. Everything but that which can be bought at the furniture store *after* she begins renting the room. (For an added touch I have a couple of 'burned out’ (turned off) ceiling lights until she can 'replace’ them. And though I thought about keeping the essentials (fridge, toilet, stove) to any real-life apartment, I decided against it for the price-up in-game marketing via retail shops she suffers when buying it in-game.)
    Tip: I suggest adding some families with Teens in them to any “new” games, as after about a week of play in my neighborhood I saw it seemed to be filled with children and young adults, and nothing but me in between.

    In the CAS I made sure that she had *one* outfit to encompass everything, an added jacket for ‘outdoors’ (or when it gets dark) and plain underwear for when she has to swim. No make-up, and very little hairstyle besides down or ponytail. Anything else will have to be purchased later via retail garments or feminine make-up decorative items in one of the stores from Magnolia Promenade. (For clothes I can purchase them there and then remake them to something she’d actually wear once home. It’s about paying for them; not what they look like.) Each outfit will be bought individually except Pajama’s/Swimwear which will come in a ‘combo’ pack. (These figures drawn from vaguely recalled pricing differences in past Sims games) And no make-up until she buys some kind of oils, nail polish, perfume, etc -- feminine hygiene decorative item. For each new ‘set’ of color’s she’ll have to have another decorative item. (IE: Two lipstick colors means two decorative items, so choose the color carefully!)

    The first in-game switch was that I didn’t lock my Guardian in a tomb. That takes too long. Instead, we went to the gym/sauna (Spa-Day required) and he expired in a puddle of his own sweat. Took about half a day, if that, because he kept escaping his musty tomb.
    Immediately after he died I began the challenge, deleting everything I had. I harvested and collected, selling everything of value that I didn’t want. (Since I plan on using the dolls and stones for a Business later I kept those. Also: frogs for breeding as it’s a fairly quick way to accumulate cash when the other stuff is re-harvesting.)
    For a while it was a steady cycle of rotating lots, paying for hotel rooms, avoiding adults... you know what I mean when you play the challenge and attempt to grow your pool of money.
    The next step (once you’ve made enough money) is to rent an apartment. For me, I didn’t do this until I had enough to buy the furniture needed to 'finish’ the building part of the original teen challenge (Think bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen).

    Once my Sim had her own apartment she’s allowed to go back to school or chat it up with adults and not 'be afraid’ of getting sent to Social Services. Why? She’s proven she can stand on her own two feet and that she’s an independent young entrepreneur in the making! (Think: Emancipated and living alone.) She also once again has access to her lovely phone. (Bills will always be high enough that I take into account my sim must be paying for internet and phone service, not to mention a bus card.)
    At this point my sim is free from censure, and costly travel fee’s, but the pressure keeps building. Now she has to make money to pay rent (which ends up higher than if you’d stuck it out on a home lot) AND get half-way decent grades in school WHILE accumulating enough money to first flush out the rest of her apartment, and then enough to leave it all behind for something better. Lets just say she doesn’t often have time for Homework. And posters never stay for long on their lockers. *whistles and strolls away*
    Tip: For my Sim I made money by growing three veggie’s in single-potted plants in my apartment, and stealing movie posters whenever available. Also: Continuous frog breeding.
    For my play: She has to upgrade all the appliances that originally ‘came’ with the apartment, as well as decorate each room accordingly, before she can think of upgrading to a better place.

    Now that you’re in your own apartment, going to school, etc... the next step is to get some furniture in the place. Despite what your friends might think of your Sim, you’re not going to want to invite them to an empty house. Once you have a few things to make the place feel more like a bachelor(ette) pad, you can begin to throw parties. For parties you’re *only* allowed to invite other teens, and they must happen during the weekend -- Friday night, Saturday, and/or Sunday morning -- to ensure everyone can come, and their parents won’t complain. So make sure you’re well-rested and prepared for when you want a huge gathering of your closest friends.

    Sorry it's so long. o.o Hope it helps you understand where I'm coming/going with my current play!!
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    StormyDayzStormyDayz Posts: 4,035 Member
    @AngelAries Wow! That's a lot. It really sounds like so much fun though. I love how you have NewCrest set up. I've also considered doing retail stores for all of build/buy mode stuff as I have done this in Sims 2 and it made it lots of fun. One problem would be updating with items from new packs if you want them as they are constantly putting out new content.

    Playing on long would make the fun last so much longer. The challenge has always felt so short to me which is why I included the time after they age up in my play. I'm definitely going to try it your way when I'm not doing another challenge. Can you think of a name for your version? Like Runaway in the City or something?
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member

    I'm thinking like a "Teen: Town to City Orphan" or something like that. In my 'story' my Sim didn't run away. Her father was murdered! As she didn't want to end up in the Social System, she decided to tough it out on her own until she could make it alone.
    (Hence no adults and no school UNTIL she has her own place.)
    Because of this she also moves around a lot and finds herself in a 'new' city.
    (Hence buying in Newcrest for Orphan stage, but planning to live in the City)

    Watching other people's Teen challenge I realized that having a "Hotel" in my city really helped me to keep my Sim in a happier mood. Sure, finding the money wasn't always easy, but when moods were low (Fun, Hygiene, Toilet, Sleep) it was nice to have a one-spot stop to get them back to manageable levels. (Timing is essential, though. Check-In and Check-Out is 12 noon, and no two days in a row)

    The furniture store ended up having to be something I made, as most of that which is on the Community site doesn't actually sell anything. >.< The lack of being able to just pop into build mode for things has *definitely* made me appreciate it. ;)

    So far: She's got a set of make-up, a new everyday fit, and a semi-furnished apartment. So the 'original' version of the Teen Challenge is pretty much complete. I need another fit for Party so I can start throwing them, and then one for Formal so I can do fancy dates. PJ's and Swimwear so I can have a sleep-over. xD

    She's currently about halfway through her Long lifespan.

    Note: When she reaches YA I'm going to try this again without the Hotel and see how much different it plays.
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    StormyDayzStormyDayz Posts: 4,035 Member
    @AngelAries Did she get her first kiss yet? ;)<3
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    Not yet. o.o

    And this is odd for me. I've usually got them in a solid relationship by half-way through. So I'm thinking it might be sub-consciously on purpose bc her focus is really on school and upgrades (Apartments/Clothes) so she can 'fit in' better with her peers.

    Perhaps at the next Romance Festival, when everyone is feeling a bit more flirty, and willing to throw caution to the wind!
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    The flow for the challenge was fairly easy. I'm thinking my nice Hotel and Perfect grow-ables played a large part in this, so I've restarted the challenge with a few modifications.

    First: "Hotel" is really a shack with a camper bed, cheap toilet, cheap bath. Same rules apply -- 30 Simoleon's for a night.
    Second: She's not allowed to harvest the Perfect stuff -- Just that found around the game on start-up.
    Third: Though she can't grow anything on her home lot, she *can* grow up to 4 plants on the "Hotel" lot, but only after she's crafted a pot for it to go in.

    I think it'll be much more difficult, and I'll let you know how it went when I'm about half-way in. (IE: How different the two playthrough's are.)

    Also, for personal flair, I made her an Alien. ~.~ By YA I hope for Vampires to be out so she can flirt it up with another mixed breed.
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    After the initial two weeks things seem to be going about as smoothly as the first play-through. I haven't even used the homeless shelter once!

    Also: Working on a set of 'rules' or guidelines that is a bit more concise and followable for anyone who might want to try this. It's been super, super fun both times.
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    StormyDayzStormyDayz Posts: 4,035 Member
    @AngelAries Sounds like you're having fun. Did you hear that the alien/vamp babies will be either alien or vamp not a mix. Probably better that way. The hybrids were kinda weird in Sims 3.

    I like the idea of the shack much better. Kinda like a seedy motel that won't pay attention to who a paying customer is. I think it's awesome that you're spending so much time testing this out.
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    Sounds like you're having fun.
    I like the idea of the shack much better. Kinda like a seedy motel that won't pay attention to who a paying customer is. I think it's awesome that you're spending so much time testing this out.

    First: SO MUCH FUN!!
    Second: I hadn't heard that, but I agree about the hybrids. Kinda excited for this generations Vampires in a way I wasn't for the last one.

    Third: Yeah. I want it to be a play-through where people can pick up the 'rules' or whatever, and just play it. They don't have to test it, because I already have. Then refined it.

    TOTALLY agree about the seediness of the Hotel. That's part of what was bugging me. The fact that my hotel was/is too Ritzy and Clean for a 30 Simoleon stay. :D But this shack is perfect for that kind of thing. Out in Mid-Nowhere, and you have to go around back to get in as the front path is over-grown with rose-hedge. ~.~

    My current sim is Party Animal: Self-Assured; Dance Machine (Music Lover come YA) I did it because personality, but turns out DM trait gives amazing "Disco Nap" 's on the Bench's etc. So I haven't even needed to go to the seedy place. And the play-through has been pretty much same-formula as the last one, despite the fruit's being so much lower grade.

    ((Decided I'm going to pick those darn things and stuff um in my fridge when I get it. Then grow some from scratch in my apartment. I hate serving my Sim 'Poor' food. It just feels so wrong!))
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    BTW: Elyptica recently 'faked' her way into the bar and is trying out the Bubble Blower for the first time. She noticed it and decided 'why not' but she went there because she wanted to Dance and her fun was dangerously low. The Clay just wasn't doing it for her anymore.
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member

    After Elyptica finally saved up about 3000 simoleons, she rented her first apartment and then went to the store to get some furniture. By the time she came home, I realized she forgot the stone AND toilet in lieu of a radio and tv plus single stand for both.

    I'm such a random, "oh shiney" shopper.
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    AngelAriesAngelAries Posts: 57 Member
    AngelAries wrote: »

    er. I meant STOVE
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