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The Sims 4 Happy Play Thread :)


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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @MDianaSanders glad you came by, threads like this is where the fun is, nice to see what you're up to again staging screenshots sometimes gives me life lol. I'm a happy nerd that way.
    @Simfan923 you're welcome, thanks, I don't know why I love Brenda so much but she's awfully fun to give make overs :)
    Ulfric welcomes one of the new brainwashed followers uh devoted members.
    "Welcome Ulrike, please enjoy a muffin that is not filled with anything in particular."
    "Yes Master, thank you master."
    Before she was given freedom, as in she was returned to normal, Sienna apparently got a few of the others sick before you left, one of which is her former leader's daughter. Although Namia doesn't mind because it's a school day and she will be kept home.
    In fact she enjoyed a doughnut then went back to sleep.
    While she slept I went to check on little Maddie she wasn't sad with a moodlet but I think she misses her parents, I noticed Alice was also sick but that made sense as they used to share a room. She feels bad for the girl and will take care of her while she's here.
    "I'll clean this up the young miss should be awake soon why don't you go play with her?"
    "Yeah I guess."
    "The madam got some toys and school supplies for you as well."
    That cheered her up.
    They do get along easily, Namia is funny that way, she always wants to be mean to Darien and Alice which is funny in Darien's case because she also gets whims to apologize to him probably because he's not really brainwashed he's her father's friend. Alice on the other hand always wants to be nice to her, kiss up. lol the splotches came back with a cough for Namia so I sent her inside to go back to sleep.
    Speaking of makeovers I've tweaked Brenda again she's just one of those sims lol, also I don't think I've ever seen a sim finish their coffee while reading. The other members are slowly being turned into addicts, some of them aren't finishing their coffee but they will lol.
    The next morning Brenda and Ulfric meet the other addition.
    "Ah Dominic good morning, I trust that you slept well?" Brenda asked.
    "Yes madam thank you, good morning to you both I was wondering what I'm supposed to wear."
    "See Darien he will get you fitted with a cloak after that you can do as you please for the day." Ulfric said, aint he a generous cult leader hehe.
    Brenda decides to go back to sleep and Ulfric, who has slept through the night, was just happy to watch her walk away, for obvious reasons like her behind looks nice in that dress hehe oh look she knows he's watching I love them.
    Okay so that's it for my cult for some reason I felt like doing a lazy sort of legacy to see how far I get.
    This is Melody Wayne I already know who I want her to be with I also let her keep the money so I could build her a starter, it's lazy because I did cheat an extra thousand for a few windows and some trees just cause.
    She will not work though, she will use what is left over a few hundred to make paintings and when that runs out she will collect things to make ends meet. Yes dear I caught you mixing your ear wax with your own salad, no one is going to want to kiss you now.
    "Really...?" :'(
    After she painted and watched a movie I sent her straight over to the bros to meet her future baby daddy, they do look good together.
    Of course he was all about flirting with her until Sergio came in, he rejected her number which I hadn't seen yet the poor girl was embarassed but her face seems to say.
    'Do not start with me I'll break your face.'
    Sergio is just eating the tension up, I settled for sending her to the bar alone.
    She'll be fine, there is always tomorrow :)
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @MDianaSanders You haven't posted to this thread before? Well dear mighty about time...LOL. I jest. Welcome if you haven't before, welcome back if you have.
    And if anyone has wondered where the heck Maria and I have been today and yesterday, we were busy with Mortimer Goth's build request. I give you: Tranquil Public Library.



    Looking for
    - Victorian Style
    - Lots of Flowers
    - Candles
    - Statues
    - Paintings

    Total Cost: $143, 313
    Story goes that this library originally burned down, Mortimer Goth wanting to rebuild it after 100+ years as he acquired all the old surviving antiques from it.


    We seriously had no idea what we were going start with.


    Finally we started over and went with a shape a bit closer to the final result.


    Once we set it as a library, Maria went back to check it out and holy sweet mighty the librarian is actually at the desk set for him.


    Although it looks like he's just browsing the web. Then again, actually working said job, you do get those hours where there's nothing else to do but google your name. Not often, but once in a while.


    Bob, the book is not food.


    Yes Maria, I'd be proud of this too.


    We called Mortimer to invite him over to see the library, although apparently he was busy.


    So we played chess instead.


    Attempting to visit him said he was at the lounge. Of course, he was not there. Peter was entertaining with another lady. This pic is actually kinda cool.


    Maria ordered a drink, probably from the frustration of trying to find Mortimer "Waldo" Goth.


    We finally went to his place and...seriously Mr. Goth? Just when she went to the door? Maria, he's over here.


    She told Waldo about the library.


    He was quite excited.


    Player! I need to pee!!


    And thank the mighty they had one upstairs as Mr. Goth had claimed the downstairs one.


    Alexander, I know your family is a bit different, but I'm quite sure your parents would want you out of their room!
    What's next? Probably another break so we can work on Maria's skills and relationships. Building that library took almost all day. Totally worth it though! Now Newcrest has a library that isn't my first one.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    3KNPen3KNPen Posts: 2,825 Member
    @RedDestiny92 Sergio has a girlfriend which is probably why he rejected her number. He'd be crazy to do so otherwise she's a cute Sim!
    ~ ~ ~
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    Decided to rotate back to one of my starter Sims, Brandon Steiner -- in my old save he was the youngest son of my Simself and the Simself of a friend of mine. B)

    Decided for fun that he's going to do the new Grilled Cheese Aspiration:

    He's also working on his DJ skill in his spare time:

    Before I can fully concentrate on his new aspiration, decided to finish up his Nerd Brain one by sending him to Oasis Springs park to get his logic skill up to 10:

    That evening, he had the Spin-masters over for a little get together -- I think two of the original members got culled because it's down to 4 members. :'(

    The next evening Brandon got invited to a get-together at the nightclub -- that went a bit better:

    Thought this was a bit sad -- while Nancy Landgraab is getting her groove on down on the dance floor:

    ...poor Malcolm is drinking alone at the bar:

    I may need to do something about that couple...Malcolm deserves some happiness in his aging years, he's always so sad whenever I see him... :/
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo really nice build :)
    @3KNPen no I was referring to J...because I just realized I forgot how to spell his name, he took her flirts and pick up lines then Sergio just had to come in and play the creepy third wheel. Joaquin?...I don't know lol though I do really like her she's cute and he will weaken in time no matter what Sergio thinks. I didn't even check though I wonder if J has a girl friend, we're breaking them up if he does.
    @stilljustme2 I always thought Nancy was in it for the money, she could be next to be locked in a pool surrounded by walls lol.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    ctroihd1ctroihd1 Posts: 218 Member
    I have been playing a family trying to stick with them until the 10th generation. Currently I am on the 4th. Seems a long ways to go! Anyway, here is Daisy visiting her older sister, Jasmine, and meeting Jasmine's husband, Devin and the kids. (For some reason, Daisy doesn't remember Jasmine is her sister. So sad!)


    Later that evening at home, Tia meets up with Lacy (they are sisters). Tia has realized that time is drawing near for her to join Lacy. So she is very happy to have this chance to put her mind at ease. They talked through the night.


    When Tia got up and went to the kitchen to get something for breakfast, she just collapsed on the floor. Everyone in the house ran to see if she was alright. Unfortunately, Grim came and took 2 HOURS! So for that time, everyone was crying their hearts out and it put them all late for work and school with no breakfast.



    Oliver still went to work and tried to carry on like all was ok. He was sad about his Aunt Tia passing... He just threw himself into his work. After all, Tia knew just how important being a scientist and finding out if aliens are real is to him. Once he arrived at work, he was notified that there were rumors of aliens infiltrating the labs. The two people in this picture are not dressed properly for work, but he wasn't able to prove either way if they were humans or aliens... Did he miss the memo on Open House at the labs?


    It came as no surprise that it felt good to get to play with the freeze ray on his coworkers that day.


    Oliver's wife, Elena, helping their daughter, Winona with her homework.

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    3KNPen3KNPen Posts: 2,825 Member
    Something a bit different. I haven't posted any of this save in this thread mostly because it's a short challenge I play in my spare time mostly and I haven't been taking a lot of pictures beyond a few here and there for the challenge thread. It's called the Lonely Hearts challenge and basically it's about finding love with a soulmate who is very different then you are (aka doesn't share any traits with you) it's been a fun light challenge to play in between my longer challenges.

    Well in today's play my lonely heart got married and it turned out to be a beautiful wedding that I took a ton of pics of so I thought I'd share them here.

    My couple got married at the Estate in Windenburg and when I loaded the lot the ghosts were both hanging out front to greet us.

    Despite both being flirty they were apparently in the middle of a rather heated argument when we arrived.

    Which they quickly resolved or at least pretended to resolve in front of their guests.

    We head to the wedding arch at the back of the property to begin our festivities.

    My Lonely Heart for this challenge was Cecilia Pickett. She is a Gloomy, Loner who Loves the Outdoors who has the Freelance Botanist Aspiration. She's making money by selling her harvestables and doing some light collecting so we have the most amount of time to focus on the romance (I'm playing this challenge on a short lifespan and at the time of the wedding both ladies were 2 days away from becoming adults).

    Her soulmate is Candy Behr who is a Cheerful, Outgoing, Music Enthusiast with the Party Animal Aspiration. She was in the entertainment career but I had her quit it. We'll work on getting her Guitar skill up so she can write songs and she can help Cecilia in the garden and collect until she gets to that point with her skilling. I gave her a bit of a make over. I have this thing about the hair matching in color and as close as I can in length between each outfit as I can get it and while I like the color of her hair I'm not a fan of the style so I decided to go one way or the other with the color and went pink rather than going blonde).

    They are super adorable together and I'm so glad I decided to go with Candy after they met in-game because she absolutely perfect for Cecilia in her complete opposite attitude on life.

    Right after the ceremony started I heard music playing and I was momentarily confused wondering if this lot actually had ambient music (I've bee playing Sims Medieval where there is ambient music in places) but then I noticed that Mimsy had taken up residence at the piano near the arch and was paying for us. This was a completely unplanned happy accident that I'm so glad happened. I had wanted to hire a pianist but after buying Candy a guitar there just wasn't the extra money to do so. So I got my pianist anyway and she was free and ghostly to boot.

    Cecilia makes great faces.


    Candy makes great faces too. She's also got the most ridiculous hour glass figure with a super tiny waist. I have never been so tempted to use the CAS cheat on a Sim before like I have with her. I don't mind skinny sims I just...her whole body proportions are just really strange and it's actually hard to find clothes that look decent on her and still fit her personality. I think I'll let her eat some fatty food or something to try and to even her out a bit first. (Maybe I'll let her start the Grilled Cheese aspiration or something lol)

    This is definitely a look at that screams "Do I even want to know where you pulled this out from?"


    It took a bit of wrangling because neither of them had a any photography skill to speak of and we were only using the cellphone camera but eventually we got some wedding photos of the happy couple.

    After the photos Candy played the piano for Cecilia. She had no piano skill so it sounded pretty awful but her new wife didn't really seem to mind all that much.

    The photos in their bedroom. Cecilia found that DJ Candy figure right after we met Candy I decided that was a proper enough sign that Candy was the one for her lol. My hope is to eventually find the Jenny figure to pair up with this one since that one screams Cecilia to me for some reason lol.
    ~ ~ ~
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @3KNPen Ghost playing piano. That is awesome. Also your ladies area lovely. Even if short, may their lives be wonderful.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @3KNPen cute couple, what a nice wedding, speaking of I have to work on one oh goodie.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    FaberriesFaberries Posts: 1,354 Member
    Valerie have been feeling kinda under the weather lately ;)

    But she chose to ignore it, because it's time to move out :D

    Her and Fay's new house <3 It was actually really hard to find one I liked :lol:

    I had it at the highest speed, so I only got a screenshot of the disappearing confetti. She's pregnant, though she doesn't look happy about it :tongue: I'm just glad the risky woohoo mod worked <3

    Bump watch!

    "Hey pumpkin! I have some news for you. I'm pregnant!"

    "I already knew that."

    "What, how? Did you read my mind with some weird alien technology?

    "No. It was either that or you got really fat overnight."

    "Low blow kid..."

    She invited the baby daddy over... He didn't take the news well :tired_face:

    Benjamin was happy for her though

    Like... Really happy

    One date later, they were now officially boyfriend and girlfriend <3<3<3

    *Regina George voice* that is the ugliest effing outfit I've ever seen

    Second trimester!
    Star Wind Flower Sun
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Cuddleblaine Glad to see Fay is being taken care of, and Valerie and Ben are cute together. :3 Fun with mods! Can't wait to see the baby.

    Back to Maria. As said, we're taking a break from building for a bit to get Maria working on her skills and relationships.


    And lo and behold! An invite to a dance party at The Bluffs from Harlow. Plum yeah!


    She was quite happy to have been invited.


    Hellooo Bella Goth. Hey I'll stop the running gag when she stops showing up everywhere.


    Mr. Landgraab you're kinda reminding me of that uncle that only has one dress shirt and wears it everywhere. Either that or you remind me of Ned Flanders.


    Apparently Landgraab is trying to do this 'hip' thing all the younger 'kids' are doing. Here's hoping it doesn't actually 'break' an actual hip.


    Uhh....Why are you looking like that?


    So apparently, like in real-life, you get the right music and your sims will change mood. As well as it changes the dance. Maria looks so cute!


    So as she was flirty we decided to take advantage of this and compliment Harlow on his appearance. Am I the only one that saves before these moments? I'd just hate Maria to be That's just me of course.


    I guess Harlow was thinking something because it looks like here he's a bit jealous or worried about her talking to "walkin the dog." He doesn't have the jealous trait, don't worry.


    Eventually Maria inhaled a bit too much of that 'fog' and got a bit buzzed. And like anyone buzzed, right into the bush we go. Wooo!


    Still buzzed? Sugar cookie munches! Originally they were supposed to be for Harlow during a visit but he wasn't home so she brought them with her.


    Oh boy. Maria is out of it. Time to head back home, girl
    Next post: PUB CRAWL! :D
    Oh the irony in the fact that IRL, the Player never went to those
    Post edited by LosaruTaiyo on

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    FaberriesFaberries Posts: 1,354 Member
    @Cuddleblaine Glad to see Fay is being taken care of, and Valerie and Ben are cute together. :3 Fun with mods! Can't wait to see the baby.

    The baby is already born in my game, and it's simply the cutest thing ever! Im so happy with the outcome c:
    Star Wind Flower Sun
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    ^w^ Eee!! Can't wait to see! @Cuddleblaine

    And hey, tis next post so here's our PUB CRAWL! Okay more like Pub Walk, but hey, she had fun.
    How to start your Pub Crawl: Maria Style.


    Step 1: Take a flirty shower and get dressed up for the night. It is preferred that your sim has watched some romantic TV as well, but it is not totally need.


    Step 2: Avoid sketchy bartenders. Nope! Nope! I remember the last look he gave. C'mon Maria. We're going to the Shrieking Llama!


    Step 3: Realize that bartenders work in shifts. Twiggy must work later in the night. Also, who brings coffee to a pub?


    Step 4: Chat up people while you drink up. Once Bob Pancakes makes you hungry from chatting, hit up another pub.


    Step 5: Accept that Don Lothario always...Twiggy why are you washing your dishes in the sink back there? You're at a pub and you're not working. Let Mr. Potential Restraining Order do that.


    Step 6: Question your past clientele's company. Twiggy I know you're single and got a teen brother at home, but this guy don't look like your type, girl. Ah well. Ya never know.


    Step 7: Order food and juice together. While it's said food helps absorb anything from the juice, some consider it a myth.


    Step 8: Join in on conversations to make things interesting. Don't forget to bring your food and drink.


    Step 9: Accept that you tend to have an aura around people. AKA Maria makes every flirty!


    Step 10: When the bars are done, try other spots such as the lounge. Not often we see you two out together, Mr. and Mrs. Landgraab.


    Step 11: Listen and enjoy some music. Seems Peter was to be on later. Who wears these clothes to work though? Maybe she's a country singer?


    Step 12: Chat up potential business just as your potential crush appears. Hi Harlow.

    "Miss Stewart, I'm over here wanting to discuss a possible build."

    "Ahh...yes Mr. Landgraab. I'll call you. Excuse me"


    Step 13: Compliment and try to make your friend/potential crush feel better when you realize they're tense for some reason. Bad time at the llama game, Harlow?


    Step 14: Insert running gag. Say it with me. "Hellooo Bella Goth."


    Step 15: Hug your good friend/potential crush before you head off into the night after chatting them up.


    Step 16: Walk home plum tired with the widest, silliest grin on your face after one awesome night.
    And that's how you do a Pub Crawl: Maria Edition. What's to come next? Not sure. We'll see. Landgraab said he might have something for us, but it would be nice to work more with Maria and Harlow. She also has a Mansion Baron aspiration which might be something to work on too.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    Ulfric_GrimbrandUlfric_Grimbrand Posts: 681 Member
    Quick game update.

    While Ulfric is outside becoming best friends with Grimmy .... The latest Grimbrand Girls are downstairs in the party room practicing their dance moves .....
    Left to Right
    Ophelia (in Black), Amethyst (in Purple), and Echo (in Red)
    Also my latest Wallpaper
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,551 Member
    I sent Cat Girl club to the park so they could take in some nature and satisfy any outdoor whims.
    They quickly became bored with it all.

    Dancing away the boredom.

    My game needs more dudes.

    "No we don't."

    "Nope, this is just fine."
    Hey, you're married, Bob!

    This area of the club is packed tonight.
    There are 19 sims in there.

    Bastet is sneaking in some Muckleberry catnip.
    Where is Ceridwen?

    Paaaaaaaaaaarty! Wooooo!

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @Ulfric_Grimbrand Always good to make friends with Grimmy. Girls lookin' good as always. ;3

    @CK213 Dear mighty your cat girls are adorable. ^w^

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Ulfric_Grimbrand it's funny seeing him with Grim my first thought is 'he's becoming best friends with himself?' then I remembered no lol, he does have a way with the beautiful ladies :)
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,551 Member
    @CK213 Dear mighty your cat girls are adorable. ^w^

    Don't let the cuteness fool you. ;)

    Bad Kitty!
    Hecate chatted up Olivia at the club.

    So she could get enough information to get Cairo to break up with her.

    Which didn't take long.

    Bad kitty!

    Bastet has the Noncommittal trait.
    I intended for her to have an issue with serious relationships, but holding a job is the bigger problem. She's always tense and wants to quit.

    Well she quit her job, has the kleptomaniac trait, the Curator aspiration, and is quite happy now.

    Olivia's home is the perfect place to pick up some loot.

    The property is large, so she can be alone to put huge heavy objects in her pockets.


    What rabbit?

    She'd better not get caught.
    Olivia's home is a great place to hangout.

    I think I'll have her do some deejaying too.
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    Ulfric_GrimbrandUlfric_Grimbrand Posts: 681 Member
    @Ulfric_Grimbrand it's funny seeing him with Grim my first thought is 'he's becoming best friends with himself?' then I remembered no lol, he does have a way with the beautiful ladies :)


    You have no idea how many times I've seen Ulfric in a screenshot, and thought, "I don't remember taking and posting that!?!?! Oh Yeah, that's not mine! LOL".

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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @CK213 I love Bastet for some reason :smile:
    @Ulfric_Grimbrand lol, it's bad because I seriously confused, I have to check on his cult heh.
    I was getting ready for bed and mostly gave Melody attention but now I'll have to go back in and get pics of the other save, I was going to get them married but then I realized the setting is too...happy for the grim and his dark bride so I'll build a new venue first.
    After a lonely breakfast I notice Joaquin fishing and sent Melody over to talk to him, I know it's amazing J you caught yourself a babe hehe.
    Again Mr. play hard to get was all over Melody, guess he doesn't want Sergio to know he's interested.
    "you know you like all of this J <3"
    He didn't turn her down once, mostly funny because this is the very next sim day but whatever.
    After they woohoo'd I let him go to work one last time, leaving Melody to collect a few things.
    "I see that shiny thing...and I want it."
    I think they'll make some cute babies, they have a lot of extra time since they just met and all :)

    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    SimalleyaileSimalleyaile Posts: 865 Member
    Great pics and stories everyone, and good to see first time posters here too!

    Well, Terrance completed the Grilled Cheese Aspiration! He and I had a lot of fun with it.

    He made a Club called the Cheese Bandits

    They hung out at his place after work, where he could eat and talk about grilled cheese.

    The final hurdle was the trickiest part, as I play with aging off. But I got the help from a fellow scientist who made a special serum, opened a retail shop, and sent Terrance to purchase the serum. The serum needed the Death Flower - so my scientist had to visit my Special Botanist ... basically, I played with three families to get this aspiration! lol

    Was it worth it?

    mmmm, nummy goodness, delivered straight to your hands! No matter where in the world you are!

    The Melt Master isn't the easiest trait to achieve. You'll need a rocket ship, a death flower and a scientist to make the serum to make the Grim Reaper appear, or a sim with low or no handiness skill try and fix a broken electronic advice, or wait for a sim to die!! It's a bit tricky really, and maybe they might want to rethink that last requirement, otherwise it could be too difficult. But I had a lot of fun with Terrance - and my other two families who helped. :) And he now has 4 more traits he purchased with his points.
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    MDianaSimsMDianaSims Posts: 4,179 Member
    @simalleyaile I'm actually happy to hear this aspiration isn't as easy as the others. I'm planning on doing this aspiration with Bob Pancakes - so far everyone I've asked thinks I should do it ;) (in spite of all my other Simming plans).
    Gallery ID: MDianaSims | Simblr
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    LotusM12LotusM12 Posts: 113 Member
    Only 2 months off the forum and I've missed so much from this thread! I have to remind myself to come here to enjoy the game instead of the general forum. So much positive energy around here. I'm loving it.

    I was so busy with work the last few months that I really hadn't had the time to play the game really but all of the sudden, my imagination took off and I've started building things I never thought I could and coming up with the most unique, gorgeous sims I've ever created along with story lines that started naturally forming as I was creating the Sims (just got into rotational play).

    I've never had that experience playing the game and it's really all I wanted to feel. I always played the game so Vanilla style and never really explored or came up with my own ideas or used my own imagination to find my "place" with the game if that makes any kind of sense. I know this is a lot of drama but I just can't contain my excitement! :smile: I can't wait to upload all of this content once everything is done and I really hope you guys will like it! XD Anyway again, thank you OP for starting this thread. It's so fun to read! Off to finding the page I left off on.... 40 or so ago haha
    You get what you give. Why not give a little more love? <3
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    So I sent Brandon and his girlfriend, Zoe Patel, off for a bit of a romantic moment:

    And things proceeded accordingly:

    Didn't feel like going through the plan wedding event bit, so they did a quickie elopement:

    Then back home for the expected result:

    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    LotusM12 wrote: »
    Only 2 months off the forum and I've missed so much from this thread! I have to remind myself to come here to enjoy the game instead of the general forum. So much positive energy around here. I'm loving it.

    I was so busy with work the last few months that I really hadn't had the time to play the game really but all of the sudden, my imagination took off and I've started building things I never thought I could and coming up with the most unique, gorgeous sims I've ever created along with story lines that started naturally forming as I was creating the Sims (just got into rotational play).

    I've never had that experience playing the game and it's really all I wanted to feel. I always played the game so Vanilla style and never really explored or came up with my own ideas or used my own imagination to find my "place" with the game if that makes any kind of sense. I know this is a lot of drama but I just can't contain my excitement! :smile: I can't wait to upload all of this content once everything is done and I really hope you guys will like it! XD Anyway again, thank you OP for starting this thread. It's so fun to read! Off to finding the page I left off on.... 40 or so ago haha

    This is a great thread. Glad you are enjoying your play and building so much. That creative burst is so good.
    My two cents is it's not drama it's joy... :).
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