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Are you ok with that cart button? πŸ›’πŸ’’

Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member

In this post EA_Cade said, that he will forward our concerns and he needs numbers to put behind this information.
We could create these numbers in this poll and I only give two options to make it very clear:

Are you ok with that cart button? πŸ›’πŸ’’
Yes or No?

This poll is anonymous, no one will see what you voted for and come after you πŸ•΅οΈ

d70aead6bd57d9113e587b03ecffce84b09267d0.jpgThe Boys 2 - Therapy Game πŸ›Ί A Dramedy 🚢🏼🚢🏻🚢🏽🚢🏽 The Boys πŸ₯‡ Their first year - A Dramedy πŸš€ Lost In Space - A Space Opera 🐎 The Stables - A Horse Drama
🎁 Best of Buydebug β˜ƒοΈ Short trips to the Oggiverse - Short Clips 🎬 My Builds: Houses 🏘 Rooms πŸ›‹ SciFi πŸ‘Ύ creatively edited Screenshots 🎨

Are you ok with that cart button? πŸ›’πŸ’’ 208 votes

NO! That button is annoying/causes me health problems etc
91% 191 votes
YES! I have no problems accepting that button
8% 17 votes


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    EowynCarterEowynCarter Posts: 299 Member
    I think there should be 3 option.
    Don't like it
    Don't care
    Like it
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    PhillipaErdnussPhillipaErdnuss Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks @Lenny_Ogg for creating that poll, very good idea. Already 91% against that cart-button. I really like that πŸ˜ƒ
    I voted NO because we have already enough ways to buy content we want, when we want it.
    Phillipa Erdnuss
    Mayoress of SimCity and all associated districts
    Let this cart-button disappear!
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    DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 3,360 Member
    I'll admit I don't find the button actively annoying, but I don't have the flashing button and I don't have photosensitivity issues. But I find it annoying on principle.
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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,916 Member
    edited March 1
    I didn't notice it at all until someone complained about it flashing in their game. It doesn't flash for me. I pressed it just to see what happened and got the heading 'You've seen it all' as I have every pack. I wasn't directed to any game merchandise.

    I go directly to the Sims4 game screen usually from a Sims4 Taskbar icon and expect that that will be the norm soon, so the button in the game would be the way to purchase new packs. Doesn't worry me.
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    Cassandra52182Cassandra52182 Posts: 525 Member
    I have no problems voicing that I voted NO on this button, it seems way too predatory and aggressive, the way mobile games are, and I personally can't stand the predatory nature of mobile games. It's why I pay tons of money to play games on PC, so that I don't have to deal with unwanted pop ups and ads telling me what I should buy.
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    rjssimrjssim Posts: 1,346 Member
    I don't want the button. TS4 is not a mobile game. We know where to buy the DLC if we are interested. We don't need buttons on the in-game UI to get there. I have most of TS4 DLC excluding a few kits and this latest stuff pack, and I will buy them! Please, just remove the cart button though. It's just not necessary and inappropriate to have in TS4. If this was a mobile game, then it would be a different story.
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member
    @EowynCarter the less options the clearer is our statement.
    If I made x options each would get ~ 20% and that would bring us nowhere.
    We need to pull together here to be heard.

    If EA_Cade submitts the results of the poll and says '90% say no', then we made a point.
    d70aead6bd57d9113e587b03ecffce84b09267d0.jpgThe Boys 2 - Therapy Game πŸ›Ί A Dramedy 🚢🏼🚢🏻🚢🏽🚢🏽 The Boys πŸ₯‡ Their first year - A Dramedy πŸš€ Lost In Space - A Space Opera 🐎 The Stables - A Horse Drama
    🎁 Best of Buydebug β˜ƒοΈ Short trips to the Oggiverse - Short Clips 🎬 My Builds: Houses 🏘 Rooms πŸ›‹ SciFi πŸ‘Ύ creatively edited Screenshots 🎨
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,124 Member
    I haven't updated for a little while so I don't have the button yet, but I also don't want it.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,736 Member
    Nope. Don’t need it or want it. I know how to get more content. I have the content I want, and won’t impulsively buy more because of a flashing cart. Plus, I’m one of those that gets headaches from too much visual stimulation, so I’m just not going to be neutral about something that could negatively impact me.
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    83bienchen83bienchen Posts: 2,589 Member
    edited March 1
    I have cast my totally anonymous vote. 😜
    Now now EA, don't be stinking up our lovely lavender bath with your shopping fart. - My TS4 mods - Gallery ID: 83bienchen
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    mrs_starkeymrs_starkey Posts: 186 Member
    The poll is a great idea! :) Thank you.
    I'm afraid though that many people who are annoyed with the shopping card button don't notice this poll because it is in the feedback section of the forums. I only saw it by chance, because someone shared the link. Usually I never look in this section of the forums.

    Would it be possible to move it to the General discussions or to open there a thread that links to this thread? Or for those of you who use twitter X maybe you could share the link there?
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    amjoieamjoie Posts: 3,517 Member
    Thank you for making the poll, and I do understand it had to go in this section of the forum. Was it mentioned on X with a link to the poll?
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member
    @amjoie Hm, I'm not sure about X because I avoid it. I posted nothing on X and linked to the poll. Do you maybe remember who posted it?
    d70aead6bd57d9113e587b03ecffce84b09267d0.jpgThe Boys 2 - Therapy Game πŸ›Ί A Dramedy 🚢🏼🚢🏻🚢🏽🚢🏽 The Boys πŸ₯‡ Their first year - A Dramedy πŸš€ Lost In Space - A Space Opera 🐎 The Stables - A Horse Drama
    🎁 Best of Buydebug β˜ƒοΈ Short trips to the Oggiverse - Short Clips 🎬 My Builds: Houses 🏘 Rooms πŸ›‹ SciFi πŸ‘Ύ creatively edited Screenshots 🎨
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    kransperkransper Posts: 5,482 Member
    edited March 8
    It is an absolute insult and it needs to go. EA has been looking for the line for years, and this is a royally strange place to find it, but this is what it is.

    It's absolutely unnecessary in any sense. When we are IN GAME is not the time for ads, we see them when the EA launcher pops up even though we clicked the shortcut for the game. We see them when the game loads (side note I like them here better than dealing with the EA app, but they take up WAY too much space) When we're done playing and want to close the game, guess what? Here is the EA launcher again. NOT LAUNCHING ANYTHING, because it restarts when you close the game. If I wanted to see it AGAIN I wouldn't have closed it out.

    When the uproar started I was onboard with it just not blinking, but then it set in how ridiculous it really was. A 'test feature' should never be forced out randomly. There was no way they actually thought no one would care or notice. If they CARED about what we actually thought they would have been expected they might have to take it out. If they had just given us a non annoying version to begin with it still wouldn't have gone well, though I think less people would have been as vocal and stirred up the payers of the game so well... They should have done that. I am inclined to believe though they made it 'buggy' so they could fix it up fast and then we'd just be happy it didn't blink... right?

    Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this will blow over and they only lose a vocal few, but I'm one of them. I am not buying anything from EA/Sims/Maxis or brands that are associated from them going forward until at least the button is gone and then I will still be evaluating going forward. I expect better if they want my money 25+ years I have been enjoying sim titles. I had every single pack for The Sims through The Sims 4 Horse Ranch (with the exception of some of the kits, they add nothing, and are never on sale) I'd say you actually care but you and I both know that that $3,000+ is yesterday's money so who cares That I won't be spending another couple hundred... because regardless of how this goes down, I am done with Sims after Sims 4...

    The 2~ish years I had sims 3 at 1.67 with updates off and finding mods that could be stable because I didn't update my game were the smoothest sims games I have ever had. I regret that I allowed myself to be lured away from create-a-style to the extra-maxisish style you gave us weird options with 4 you really did.

    I have gotten past the fact that your product is overpriced. I have gotten past the fact that you suck at having any sort of consistency with what you are actually doing. (pack refreshes, different formats for communication 'going forward' that last for now I believe you broke the record recently with the 3rd something or rather... direct maybe? I don't even distinguish them in my brain anymore, lets see 3 had a whole bunch of messy promotional crud, but anything we actually liked never happened again, all the way back to the freaking rat in a cage... Free content every Thursday! turned into a handful of random things over the course of a couple months and then dwindled off to nothing... that of course was not important once the DRMA thing blew up (sidenote I do know that technically who is in charge of what now had nothing to do with older problems, but it's still the crud the community had weathered over the years, and remember that no matter how many times EA, Maxis, or Whoever plays hot potato with the franchise, the baggage remains) I dealt with having horses (S3) I could only design, not even freaking PLAY with because they turned into demons of distortion constantly. Bugs all over the place, needing mods to fix half the things that went wrong, because I understood that testing every single feature combination was nearly impossible. But your track record on fixing bugs has just gotten worse and worse. I dealt with the time I clicked to buy a small bundle of points and your site CHANGED IT and charged me for the largest bundle and then took WEEKS to refund my CHRISTMAS money... I have gotten past the fact that honestly all I can really do is "shop" for CC, create nice looking sims and cheat/storytell my way through the game any more, because it's BROKEN... But I will not be looking past this.

    I can tell you that I have not had a single speck of interest in Sims 5, even theoretical interest, ever. (beyond hoping that after you release it you immediately stop messing with 4 so I can get my game under control, maybe even some semblance of actually PLAYING again) First because once I did start playing 4 and got used to the controls and the absolute letdown of waiting AGES to get even some of the most basic content I knew I wasn't ready and so far nothing that has been shown for Rene/5/whatever is just not that interesting. I can and will be tuning out of even remote attention to your series going forward. The amount of work you'd have to put into making the Sims 4 right again to even have a chance is almost inconceivable (Don't worry I will make you a list, though I think it would take a miracle to fix this)

    There is however a *small* chance that I will break down and buy my 'missing' packs, (heck, I'm still wondering where my fairies and bands are) and go from there until 4 ends, and maybe you really will make enough from this to make up for those you alienate so you don't care... but if you want my money, the cart button needs to go.
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    GrumpyGlowfishGrumpyGlowfish Posts: 2,211 Member
    A clear NO from me as well, for the reasons others have already stated: It's rude, annoying, and completely unneeded. If the button did something new and unique, that would be a different story. The way the patch notes were worded made me think it would enable us to buy or download stuff and have it show up in the game immediatley without needing to restart. But this is not the case. It's just yet another option to purchase stuff, as if we didn't already have enough of those or they weren't obvious. This game is notorious for recycling content and selling it as new, giving us new packs to do old things in new ways, and now it's doing the same thing with its shop.

    All that being said, I'm not too bothered by it personally. In the course of my life I've mastered the skill of ignoring stuff I don't want to put up with, and in the long run this shopping cart will fade into the background along with many other game features I don't use, like CAS story mode, scenarios, NAPs, etc. But with many of those other features, I know for certain that someone else wants and/or needs them. This thing? Not so much. It's nothing but a cause of unnecessary drama that could have been so easily avoided.
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    Makova1Makova1 Posts: 23 Member
    TBH, I don't mind it that much. I grew up in a world where I am constantly bombed with adds and pressure for shopping, so I have pretty much mastered ignoring these things :D
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    manicobsessivemanicobsessive Posts: 1,120 Member
    I haven't updated yet, but as long as it doesn't flash, I don't think I have a problem. One flash though, and I'm modding it out!
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    SERVERFRASERVERFRA Posts: 7,188 Member
    Thank goodness it doesn't exist in my Sims 4. However, I am a vanilla player with most of the packs.
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,413 Member
    If TS4 Store is created later, it will not be a problem.

    Right now it's completely useless because the game already shows the worlds and packs that you don't own yet.
    Including the Gallery reminds you constantly what content is missing in your game.

    If TS4 become like The Sims FreePlay, it would make sense.

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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    I haven't played the Sims 4 since 2018/19. So the cart doesn't affect me. But if the cart was in Sims 2 or 3 UI just like that, I would be furious.
    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,413 Member
    edited March 8
    But if the cart was in Sims 2 or 3 UI just like that, I would be furious.

    In TS3 there is the In-game Store (World, CAS and Build/Buy mode) but it can be disabled.

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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    But if the cart was in Sims 2 or 3 UI just like that, I would be furious.

    In TS3 there is the In-game Store (World and Buy/Buy mode) but it can be disabled.


    Oh I disabled that ages ago I forgot that was even there :p
    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,413 Member
    edited March 8
    The most annoying isn't the fact that a cart button was added but its position in the UI.

    I have the same issue when they previously changed the UI, I often click the wrong button (B/B mode) when I want to go back to the World Map.

    UI changes are always disturbing when you have habits.
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    Lady_ColdStrifeLady_ColdStrife Posts: 2 New Member
    Thank you for the poll. I hate this button!
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