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Rebuilding Worlds Vol. 2


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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    I'm back with another update (trust me, I have an actual fulltime job in the real world) :D But I've been playing so much last and this week.

    Chapter 5

    Little Faith was born directly before love day.


    But just because they had a newborn didn't keep the Greene's from celebrating love day.
    The first thing Aiyden did was surprising Iris outside with a rose.


    Then all those flirting started and it eventually lead to a different encounter.


    I know for sure that they didn't try for a baby. I double-checked.
    Of course, they also went on a date. It's their first proper date since they have entered my life game. They deserve it.

    Aiyden invited her to the local bar. Nothing fancy but it's their neighborhood and they wanted to stay close.


    Both had such a good time. They drank a fancy drink, laughed, flirted and even talked to other people.


    After some time I found them in front of the restrooms. Seriously guys, they are so much in love it's nearly disgusting :D


    So why not give them a free pass? I mean it's love day after all and they're young.
    I would have picked another location though. But apparently they thought the dumpster is the perfect location for another makeout session.


    They ended their date after that and Aiyden headed home to check on Faith.
    Iris stayed a bit longer at the bar as it was ladies' night. Plus, she hoped to find some friends. She did meet two friendly faces and they had a good time.


    It was way past midnight when Iris finally came home.
    The next day (Aiyden was eating lunch by that time), she went outside and planted the rose she had gotten from Aiyden. In the picture she is talking to it, hoping it will grow soon (maybe she was praying, I don't know).


    When I checked on Aiyden, he was fixing stuff again.
    This time, he was repairing the washing machine. Everything breaks down at least every second day in this household. It's insane. Thank god Aiyden is such a good husband and always helps out and does stuff on his own.


    So does Iris by the way. Doing stuff without my knowledge (or conscience). Definitely not in the way I planned though.
    But I guess it is partly my fault.


    Yeah Aiyden, I know. I'm sorry. Don't blame your wife too much.


    So yeah, that's what happened in my game last time.
    Aiyden was happy at the end but that face nearly broke me :( He barely gets any sleep as Iris rather tends to her plants than to Faith^^ So he does most of the work and now a second baby is on the way. I feel bad for him.

    I actually already have a name in mind - for both genders. I'm pretty sure the name will fit and I'm sure you'll connect the dots once baby number two is born. I don't know if I want a boy or girl. I think one of each gender would be really nice, especially when it comes to potential mates :D
    What do you think?
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @Kiwicantdie Oh my god Maddy's toddler mess, how are you surviving over there :lol: I do agree, screaming babies are awful, but at least they can't make messes like toddlers lol. The Willow Creek outing was perfect! Lol I feel bad for Aiyden not getting to work on his logic skill 'cause Acer was hogging the chess table though lol. Hey...tiring out the tods isn't a bad idea...they can make messes when they're asleep :lol: Whaaa omg you're having the worst bugs! First no smog, now endless generator fire! You know it's bad when the whole fire department shows up :grimace: The tods aged up sooo cute!! I adore them both so much :heart: Max is still my sweet boy, but I'm a sucker for the goofball trait so Maddy might be winning me over now... Girl we need bunk beds like yesterday. Everything would be better with bunk beds. At this point, bunk beds for president 2020 :lol: Lia just stop with the cakes :joy: I least she came through for the birthday, but they don't need FOUR cakes Lia!! Honestly you need those night lights to deal with the monster under the bed, you've suffered enough already :lol: Aiyden is sooo dramatic omg. Who did Iris even flirt with?? I think Aiyden's just trying to start drama :tongue: Good luck with your look like you need it :sweat_smile:

    @Francisca464 I can't wait for your next update! I've been busy this week too. I hope you get a break soon :blush:

    @Wentcrazy I have a real job too...I just sneak sims time into it sometimes, there's no judgment here :lol: The pic of the pile of laundry in front of the shower while they were woohooing is soooo Iris :lol: Love Day was their first (and only? :sweat_smile: ) proper date in my game too! I love Seasons cause it reminds me to make them actually go out and do stuff once in awhile :lol: Looks like they had a great time out on the town! Ickkkk dumpster woohoo is sooo gross but I love the animations :lol: Look at Iris making friends! Good for her. (She had like no friends in my game :lol: ) Nooboo #2! I knew that dumpster woohoo was a bad idea :wink: But I'm excited for more kids! I always like getting one of each gender too, because they look more different that way. It never fails that when I get all boys or all girls they look like they could be twins/triplets/etc :tongue:
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ - omg you binged You so fast :lol: we would totally get along irl. Season 2 is really good, and I love that his new girl is the same actress from The Haunting of Hill House. That's my next Netflix recommendation lol. I plan to use the market version of your lot so that works out that it's the only version you play tested lol. I'm gonna download all the versions though, and just change them out according to what my sims seem to want. I'm excited to get it placed :smiley: The new house is so close to the community center and it's bothering me because the Greene's can see it out their windows and it's so plain. And yessss I really feel like Fawn hit the townie jackpot with Jonas. I think we could all use a gorgeous, handy, bad boy in our lives. I also love Fawn's boots. I purposefully got the boots in that last shot because I like them so much :lol:

    On to your update! :heart: The blinds in your first pic look really good lol weird thing to notice, but I like it. Look at your floorplan A house! It looks awesome, and what a great idea to have your spare move into it. Eden deserves it! haha Haven's still scarred about that massage. He left a horrible yelp review I'm sure :lol: And look at Suri being such a great Aunt :heart: Haven was so chill during the birth. He's got this whole surfer boy vibe going on that I love. Welcome baby Storm. That's a really cool name. My game named their baby Reuben lol! I'll change it asap :lol: Cute nursery too btw! I love how involved your family is :heart: Eden bringing baby gifts is so sweet, but omg the flirting with Suri :lol: We'll just pretend that didn't happen. Those hot tub pics :love: especially the come hither finger from under the water lol. Haven's workshop looks so good! I wanna steal it in put it in my game! I love how Aiyden was giving his son pointers. Aiyden has such a soft spot for his boys :heart: It's so fitting that he's the one who saved Aiyden's life. Now hopefully he'll get to spend more time with his Grandson's. Storm's outfit tour is adorable. His little caped outfit is too cute. I do think he's all Suri, but that could change. Also, I just love this kid. "Mom, I hate flash cards. I've already become fluent in three languages by talking to the stuffed dog, and I want to teach myself algebra with the blocks now." :joy: The pic of Suri reading him to him in the rocking chair is picture perfect :heart: I also love Spike the hedgehog. I hope he has eternal life and can be with your Greene's throughout the generations. I can't believe Suri's Mom is gone already! Though it sounds like she went out with a bang :joy: I hope baby #2 can brighten Suri back up. Your house is so much better proportioned then mine :bawling: And that bathroom in the pic of Haven bathing Storm!!! :open_mouth: Amazing! Anyway, Blaze had quite the eventful birth :hushed: I'm just so glad that Iris and Aiyden are still around. I can't get enough pics of them being Grandparents :heart: Awesome update!

    @Kiwicantdie - This update :joy: I loved it :heart: That picture you showed following Maddy's disappointment of having another sibling :lol: The messy trail leading to the little tasmanian devil cloud :joy: The trip to the park was much needed! lol poor Aiyden having to wait for the chess table. omg that fire though. You are having such bad luck with this save! First the smog saga, now the never ending fire. I would've been so mad, but you just have a way of taking pics and captioning them that makes it so funny. Even when bad things are happening in your game I'm still jealous of your gameplay. :lol: Iris' face holding Max. Then the firefighter gesturing to the fire like "it's right there! spray it dude!" and Aiyden just angrily staring on :joy: The firefighters working out, and then Aiyden having to put the firefighter out lol. At least you got that insurance payment? :grimace: Anyway, hooray for birthdays lol! The twins are so cute omg :love: I am totally downloading that freckle mod. They look so cute with Iris' freckles. Maddy is like a mini Aiyden, but obviously a much prettier version. Then Max is just precious. I haven't seen another Greene kid look quite like either of them. I'm really interested to see how they age up. Oh and Kirk! :lol: I almost forgot about him. But he's a cutie too. Aiyden's genes are strong. Oh Lia lol she's so sugar crazed. Maddy and Kirk standing at the end of the bed waking their Dad is unfortunately too relatable :grimace: It was good to see the family get out again. I can't believe Evie's flirting with Aiyden :open_mouth: Based on both her and Aiyden's facial expressions neither of them enjoyed the interaction much lol. Iris does have an argument though, but omg someone go get Kirk! :lol: (Random, but I was looking through everyone's family tree's last night and your Willow Creek tree is massive! omg you did such a great job keeping track of everyone. I loved going through and reading everyone's mini bio's and reminiscing :heart: )

    @Rhythrin - I love how you described my restaurant, that was totally the vibe I was going for :smiley: I'm glad you like the new house. It was a lot of work lol I'm definitely gonna pick a smaller floorplan next gen. I hope you can update tonight!

    @Wentcrazy - I'm happy with the genetic blend this generation :smile: I still love seeing the Greene kids in all their different variations in everyone else's games too. Aw! Look at how romantic Iris and Aiyden are with each other for love day :love: Of course it led to their shower activity :wink: Complete with Iris' clothes pile lol! They really seem to get along great in your game. It was great to see them enjoying themselves at the bar. Even sneaking off to the bathroom to flirt, then the dumpster :lol: They're getting the most out of love day for sure. No wonder baby #2 is on the way lol I hope they have a boy. Like you said, it'll be nice having one of each gender when it comes time to choose their potential mates. But Iris and Aiyden have made some beautiful girls, so you can't go wrong with a girl either. I'm excited to see what they get and what name you've chosen!

    @debjameswhite - I was hoping you'd pop in soon. I'm glad you got a nice long morning with your coffee to read the updates. I'm so happy you like the new restaurant :smiley: I think they're my fav community lot to build just because I send my sims out to eat all the time lol. Oh and the flowered out self insult was just me saying I was an i*diot but the forum thought I was being too hard on myself apparently :lol: I really liked the look of that bathroom sink too, but it's not functional :bawling: Fawn kept going to the other bathroom to wash her hands so I had to replace it. My creativity is stifled lol. I'm totally in favor of bringing back the end of the generation genetics comparisons! You'll see some of Zach in my next update :wink:

    @Francisca464 - Yessss get back here! I miss you already! I know you're busy though. I hope you have a nice relaxing day tomorrow. :smile:

    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ Your update is the craziest, most loving, most amazing...tragically miraculous update I've seen yet. I loved it. Grats on Storm and Blaze. Those are great names. :smiley:

    @WentCrazy Its nice to see Iris and Aiyden so in love. I had a feeling there would be a 2nd nooboo coming soon. It seemed inevitable. :wink:

    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    edited August 2020
    I have another update but most of it is rather boring and unrelated to anything. I've decided to spare you all the boring bits and just post what you might like to see. Here we go.

    From Mionax News Desk...

    I feel sorry for Mariam and Alek. Right after Alek invited Mariam to woohoo, the baby needed a diaper change. With that taken care of they asked again, but not this time either. Mom is knocking on their front door. At some point Aiyden called too.





    At this rate I was beginning to think Amira would be an only child.

    Mariam practices her parenting skill while Aleksey cheats death by fixing her beloved stereo with no Handiness skill. They can always woohoo later.



    Try again they did. Without any disruptions this time. Alek did not just want to woohoo though. Because he loved Amira so much. He wanted another.



    The outcome was perfect.


    I guess Amira will not be an only child after all.


    The nursery gets a makeover from this...


    To this...
    (Can you guess the gender of the baby that is coming?)


    The big day for Amira to become a toddler arrived!
    She rolls the Independent trait.

    I kept her hair the same as what she grew up with.


    Daddy Alek loves her very much.


    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ I didn't see your update. But they look so happy and the beach did it best to make them look super relaxed.
    Eden's house looks so nice!
    Oh, I love the name Storm. Welcome little guy!
    Find Eden a wife! That would be super cool! But I agree, hitting on your brother's wife is not cool.
    Storm is super cute! I like how he looks so far and can't wait to see how he'll change growing up :)
    Poor Suri :( Hopefully, she gets to enjoy her pregnancy. Losing the parents is sad :(
    Oh god, that's intense! Being in labor while Aiyden is dying... thank god he gets to meet Blaze!

    @Heckstress17 They were super romantic on love day <3 after everything they deserved some time together. I figured I'm leaning more towards a boy (more possible genetic variation). So if they end up with another girl, I'll might consider having a third child. But space is super limited, so I don't know :D

    @Mionax Nooboo number two is definitely on its way. Aiyden's and Iris' romance bar is still very high in my game and they're always sneaking off to woohoo... I can't afford to have too many kids, so yeah... Let's see what happens :)

    I'd be super stressed in Mariam's case. Their parents, Amira,... everyone wants their share. And there's still Aleksey as well. Congrats on having a sibling for Amira! She looks gorgeous with that hair. She also has a lot of Mariam in her, right?
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    Wentcrazy wrote: »

    @Mionax Nooboo number two is definitely on its way. Aiyden's and Iris' romance bar is still very high in my game and they're always sneaking off to woohoo... I can't afford to have too many kids, so yeah... Let's see what happens :)

    I'd be super stressed in Mariam's case. Their parents, Amira,... everyone wants their share. And there's still Aleksey as well. Congrats on having a sibling for Amira! She looks gorgeous with that hair. She also has a lot of Mariam in her, right?

    I think she does have a lot of Mariam in her. I can't wait to see her as she grows.

    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    @Wentcrazy - lol having no space in the house would definitely be hard with 3 kids.

    @Mionax - Mariam and Alek's family was definitely making it hard to get baby #2 in the making but they did it! Little Amira is a cutie. I see a lot of her Mom in her, but Alek's genes are in there too. Her independent trait should make it easier for when her new little sister arrives :wink:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    I'm a bit too embarrassed to say I'm back with another update but yeah, I've been playing a lot. It's also the last one so far, anything else will be new :)
    Chapter 6

    So last time Iris had told Aiyden that their little encounter on love day had consequences.
    Now they not only had to care for one toddler but also Aiyden needed to focus more on Iris, who was always feeling stressed out. Plus, he had a career to concentrate on.
    Their bedroom is a mess now.


    Have I mentioned yet that Iris joined the gardener's club? She befriended Moira (at least sort of). When Moira called and invited her to the dog park, Iris said yes.
    Unfortunately, it was raining and a sudden feeling of nausea hit Iris.


    But the rain seemed to light up her mood. Look at that smile.


    She then tried to find some crystals or anything at all.


    She did find a few things but not enough to come closer to her aspiration.
    Iris also decided to paint and decorate the future room for Faith when she grows up.

    Iris might be a good person but decorating isn't her best feature. She also used the second empty room to create a nursery with all the money they had left.

    Here is the whole house.


    Here are also close-ups of the other rooms of their house. Aiyden did most of the decorating and picking colors there.


    And their little place where they can play chess or Iris has some herbs.


    Since I have mentioned a little stalker last time... Guess who showed up.


    When Aiyden didn't open the door, she walked around the house and caught him close to the trash cans.


    The second pregnancy was as short as the first one. She was already in the third trimester when it was time for Faith to age up.


    Seconds later, Iris went into labor.


    This time, Iris felt confident enough to have the child at home. As if Aiyden had known, he came rushing home from work to join her.


    And we welcome another baby girl. Her name: Rose.


    Faith was happy to have a sibling but mom and dad send her to her room as she is a wild child. Rose needed some space and the parents wanted some time with the newborn.
    So their firstborn played with the dollhouse. And look at her. She is super cute!!


    Also, here is little Faith in CAS.


    God, I'm already in love with her! <3

    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @Wentcrazy Faith is the cutest toddler ever. Welcome Rose to the family! :smile:
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    @Wentcrazy - Don't be embarrassed! I've been playing a lot too, and have been secretly trying to calculate how soon is too soon to post my next update :lol: Your update was great! Iris has a good excuse for having such a messy room now. It's not easy having a newborn and being pregnant with another baby. I loved seeing her so happy to be caught in the rain. Iris was the same way in my game :heart: Faith's nursery is really cute. You did a great job decorating such a small space. The whole house looks awesome. The entryway is my favorite. I really like that rug and the mirror with the postcards on it. And your colors work really nicely together in the open kitchen/dining/living room space :smiley: Plus I'm just a big fan of the blue swatches in ts4. The place where Iris' has her herbs is a really cool little space too. Aiyden's stalker is kinda cute, and she seems harmless, so far anyway lol. Faith is SO cute!!! Her hair and eye color is all Mama, but I think she's gonna have Aiyden's features. I'm super curious to see if I'm right. She is seriously precious :heart: and I love the name Rose! A boy would've been nice, but I'm excited to see sisters. We've only had one Greene family that's had sisters so far. :blush:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    edited August 2020
    @Heckstress17 - The only way my sims survive university is studying on the computer and homework. If you have the presentation board make sure they work on it until you get a notification saying that they can't make it better. Always edit term papers after the first draft and when sims go to class make sure you select "Take notes" it increases their grade gain.

    I have to say Fawn and Silas look so different from each other but I love the way they both look! Jonas and Fawn together is absolutely adorable, he seems so sweet to her. Yay wedding spam! I am excited to see it.

    @Kiwicantdie - omg Maddy looks so sad about her new sibling. Maybe she just needs some cuddles. Haha tuckering the toddlers out is definitely a guaranteed way to ensure nap time happens. Omg that fire was absolutely out of control sheesh, and it came back? Omg the poor Greenes can't get a break.
    I think Maddy is still my favorite of all the kids and yes we NEED bunk beds like yesterday. Lia and her cake making, perhaps she needs a bakery? What a wild day at the park though, a secret flirting from Iris. And poor little Kirk haha

    @debjameswhite - I didn't find a mod to let her graduate faster sadly which is rough, 4 classes kills me but I am trying to work her up to it.

    @JordanNicoleJJ - Haven and Suri are my OTP they seem so loving. I love that you took the plunge and built the other floorplan house! Eden deserves a nice home. With Haven's work hours I'm glad he got to be home for the birth. And oh I love the name Storm! Didn't we have a Storm forever ago in one of our geenpools? (or as that a last name?)The gift-giving always makes me wish we could have baby showers in the sims. And oof! Eden flirting with her sister in-law...awkward! Storm is adorable omg and I have to say the independent trait is my favorite for that stage. What a wild end to that update, I'm just so glad Aiyden got to meet his second grandchild.

    @wentcrazy - I was reading through the beginning of your update and when you mention that you had made sure they didn't try for a baby all I could think was, they're going to have another baby. Iris is all smiles though and I love how happy she seems to find out. I always love having one of each gender for the babies.

    I think Iris is a perfect fit for the gardening club, I totally forgot about clubs. And I actually really love how colorful the kid's rooms are though.

    @Mionax Omg look how cute Amira is! I kind of wanted her to get her dad's red hair but I love her little headband.

    Post edited by OJenn on
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    @Mionax I feel as Faith might be a good mix of both parents. I wonder if her sister will be much different. But I'll find out soon as Rose's birthday is around the corner in my game :)

    @Heckstress17 it's crazy! I've been telling myself that it's been too soon and then I thought "who cares". So yeah, I posted a lot so far.
    It's super interesting that Iris was the same in your game! In general I see a lot of shared experiences.
    Thank you <3 I tried so hard to fit everything. I hate bedrooms as I usually don't know how to decorate them. So the one room I like the least is probably the master bedroom. I'm really happy with the rest though :)
    If I keep playing as I've done so far, it won't take long until Faith turns into a kid :D A brother would have been nice but I'm satisfied with two kids :)

    @OJenn haha, it was kind of obvious, I guess. Iris wasn't pregnant after the shower woohoo (I checked :D), so I'm really sure when and where Rose was "made" and I hope they never tell her.
    I love clubs! I always create at least one for the kids. That way they can meet more other children and easily invite them :)

    I'm off to play again. It's the weekend after all <3 so be prepared to find new updates coming your way soon! :D
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ I love Haven and Suri so much. She's now in my game too :) I love the house you built for Eden but even with you telling us you forgot to paint a tile I can't find it! Oh maybe I found it, but it took a second look! Poor Haven he was so traumatized by his massage experience! Aww I love seeing all the bump love! OH I love the name! Did we have a Storm in one of the original gene pools? I love it. UHOH! You have the Free love NAP! I love all the baby visitors! I'm jealous of your one nooboo! I love Haven's workshop and seeing Aiyden teaching him. Awwww poor Haven being sad about his baby growing up. oooo I also love an independent toddler! Awww such a cutie!! Awww Spike though! Between Spike and Meepsy I'm going to break down and get a pet. Not this generation though! OMG! MOM!!! Well good for her, if you have to go, go out having fun! Awww it's sad the nooboo is coming when she can't be happy about it! Awww Haven is too sweet! Oh poor little Storm! What a sad baby. Hooray for the parents moving in! OMG NO Aiyden! Too soon!! Meet your grandchild!! Awww baby Blaze! Will you get to meet your grandfather? Oh thank goodness! I love this update!

    @Wentcrazy Awww sweet Aiyden giving Iris a rose :) Their date looks so sweet. Aww he's reading her poetry. I love it. Oh gosh. Dumpster woohoo. Oh I never thought to plant a rose that was gifted! What a sweet idea! Weee! Congrats on the new nooboo! Don't worry Aiyden it will be fine! Both genders gives you options! Aww! Don't be embarrassed! I'm so glad you have all these updates for us! I always forget about clubs! I want to join a garden club!! The new toddler room is so cute. The house looks really good. I love the entry. Everything looks so nice! Why is she stalking him? I wonder what's up! Welcome Rose! OH look how cute Faith is! So sweet...not wild at all! :)

    @Heckstress17 I agree with the forums <3

    @Mionax Aww no woohoo for them! It's ok you'd get a surprise baby for sure! Haha! No! You wanted another one! Congrats on the nooboo! Aww what a cutie Amira is! I love seeing her daddy reading to her. So sweet.

    @EVERYONE I was so bad about taking pictures recently. I don't know why. I left so much out. I think I'm just angry at the cake baking ALL THE TIME. I love Lia but I wish this would stop.
    TO RAISE A WOLFE – Evergreen Harbor Edition
    Callahan Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree
    Valentino Family Tree
    West Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree

    Chapter 7: The Lost Years

    The ping pong table remains a big draw in the Emerson home.


    When she’s not obsessing over cake baking though, her floral business is doing quite well.

    I love the yard sale feature, and I love that NPC mod that allows people she actually knows to show up! In this picture, it’s her uncle Ryker, her brother’s wife, and Greysen’s love child with the Nanny!

    Lia has also made a friend. @heckstress17 ‘s Evie Porter. I need to send them out so they can meet more people.

    So we skip straight to this…

    Good thing Mom was there, because Heath was panicking!

    Of course Grandpa showed up to “take care” of Hailey.

    Unfortunately, The yoga room had to be sacrificed to make room for the new nooboo. Hailey got moved up there.

    The twins, who were now children, moved into her old room.

    This is Kaitlin.

    This is Brycen…yes it was twins again. Of course there is Hailey still being an amazing big sister.

    And the cake baking continues. At least it looks nicer with @Ojenn ‘s food mod. Yes, that is Heath having a minor breakdown in the background. In addition to all the cakes in the foreground, there are multiple cake ingredients on the counters in the pantry.


    Mom? Why are there 12 cakes in the refrigerator? Are we having a big party?

    I love family game night.

    This was odd. I was excited to see Harrison autonomously giving Sawyer a gift at Winterfest!

    Then the game announced Father Winter had!

    As always a good time was had by all. The real father winter never showed up.

    To make up for my lack of photo taking, I made a portrait of my family for you.

    In sadder news, the first of Harrison’s brothers died. The calls came in one after another.
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @debjameswhite Grats on another pair of twins. I love your home decorating skills. Big sister to the rescue. She's great. So many deaths that is sad. Your family portrait is incredible!
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited August 2020
    Evergreen Harbor: Generation 2 - Update 2

    In my last update my heir Fawn got engaged to her boyfriend Jonas. With her Mom's days numbered they decided to have their wedding almost immediately. And so Iris volunteered to do all the cooking for her little girls big day. :smile:

    That same morning Jonas' Mom and Dad came over to get to know everyone. His parents divorced awhile ago and obviously his Mom still has some ill feelings towards his Dad :lol:

    Jonas was also completely shocked to learn his Mom was expecting with her new husband. He doesn't know how he feels about this :lol:

    With the introductions made (mainly just so Fawn could invite Jonas' parents to the wedding lol) they headed to the chapel in Willow Creek to get married! I built this lot months and months ago when I "RE-rebuilt" Willow Creek lol and never got to use it. I was happy to get to throw a wedding and use it.

    The chapel is fairly small, but big enough for an indoor reception space.

    There's also an outdoor reception space for when the weather's nice. :smile:

    And of course a ceremony space.

    With enough room for far more sims then my sims will ever befriend lol

    Fawn and Jonas wasted no time stepping up to the alter to exchange their rings. They had plenty of wedding guest, but the majority of them just stood :rage: so I didn't bother taking pics of the guest.

    They tied the knot with their guest standing nearby and officially became Mr. and Mrs.! I want to keep the Greene family name. Should I hyphenate her name, or just change his to Greene? Thoughts?

    Iris was of course the reason for their rush to the alter, and I'm happy to say she was one of the few guest who sat for the ceremony. Even if it was as far from the wedding arch as she could get lol

    I noticed another sim sitting all the way in the back row. Zach, Fawn's 1st love interest (who aged up long before her) was sitting there looking heartbroken. They remained close friends and I didn't think twice before inviting him to the wedding. I guess I should have :lol:

    With the exception of heartbroken Zach, everyone else was all smiles. My heart melted when Iris hugged her new son in-law :heart: She's happy to welcome Jonas to the family.

    Then the happy couple went outside and cut their cake made by Mama Iris.


    After that the party started. Jonas' Dad is clearly a cool guy. :lol:

    Fawn's friend Selene was there, and was hanging out with this wedding crasher the whole time.

    She and Fawn had some time to catch up, but as you can see the wedding crasher is still nearby, and apparently thought a wardrobe change was appopriate.

    Ashlynn, Fawn's sister in-law was there having a great time too. As you can see, Zach was still upset, and that's when I noticed her other childhood friend looked equally heart broken :worried: Fawn caught on and stood there pretty awkwardly :lol:

    She apologized to Zach for being insensitive and inviting him, but at the same time she couldn't understand why he felt this way. He had gotten married himself while she was still in high school!

    As you can tell by their posture, her attempt at comforting him did little to improve his mood. At least she can say she tried!

    While Fawn was trying to repair her friendship with Zach, Jonas was inside enjoying himself at the party. Once again his Dad looked to be having a great time. Silas even joined in on their conversation. :smile:

    After Jonas' Dad wandered off, Jonas and Silas bonded over drinks.

    During this time Iris was off livin' her best life. I loved seeing her so happy, but it also really made me miss Aiyden. :bawling: He should've been here!

    She was obviously doing a much better job of keeping her late husband off her mind. She got the biggest kick out of the stand-up comedian.

    And of course really loved getting to celebrate with the whole family. :heart:

    All in all it was a successful wedding :smile:

    Afterwards there was no time to honeymoon. Fawn had classes to study for, and couldn't take anytime off.

    And Jonas' began his weekend job as a manual laborer. Don't mind his pouty face. He was just having a gloomy moment. But Isn't his outfit the cutest!? Well "cute" probably isn't the best way to describe it, but I'm a fan of this look on him :wink:

    His gloomy day was made worse when he returned home from mowing lawns and the fabricator malfunctioned on him. :neutral:

    After a little more time spent in the workshop he was feeling better, and now has a pretty decent sized collection of sculptures and furniture to sell at the new market.

    And though Fawn is completely consumed with school, she and Jonas spend every night unwinding with each other :wink: AKA raising their fun meters the easy way lol risky woohoo is at 3% so we should be safe.

    Iris planted some new fruits and veggies.

    Now she only needs 1 gardening, and 1 logic skill to complete her 2nd aspiration. Which is something to do with gardening but I can't remember the name right now lol

    Silas is a good son and is always dropping by to see his Mom and sister.

    Though Fawn is always too busy with schoolwork to do literally anything else :grimace: I'll end this big update here. The chess table is the Greene's go to family activity till this day. :smile:

    Happy Simming!
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @Heckstress17 Great wedding! I'm glad Iris got to live long enough to see it. "risky woohoo is at 3% so we should be safe." I'll remind you of this. ;)
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Heckstress17 I'm so glad I came back and checked after I posted my update just to make sure I didn't miss anything! Awww I love that Iris is doing all the cooking for her daughter's wedding. That's so sweet. That's sad about Jonas's parents. Your little chapel is so cute. I love it. I love the indoor and outdoor space you have. It looked so nice when they exchanged their vows and sweet Iris. Oh. :( My heart breaks. Poor Zach. I feel bad though that Fawn spent some of her wedding day trying to cheer him up. Stay home if you're going to be a sad sack dude. Selene is really pretty. I love the sims in your game.
    risky woohoo is at 3% so we should be safe
    Famous last words...I'm so glad Iris moved in with them.
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    edited August 2020
    @debjameswhite I was looking for more seeds to plant and then I simply planted the rose she was given :) I have no idea why Bess is literally stalking Aiyden. She doesn't do anything though. Sometimes she mocks him, sometimes she just talks to him. But she is everywhere. No matter where he goes :D

    Another update <3 OMG that cake baking. Is she trying to win a contest? :D love the rooms! So many kids! Kaitlin looks cute and Sawyer seems to be a mini version of his dad.

    @Heckstress17 that chapel looks soo cute! Did you upload it? I might wanna steal it :) Fawn and Jonas had a great wedding and she was a beautiful bride <3 Oh boy, such drama with Zach.
    "... at 3 %... we should be safe" You never know :D But they still have some time before it's time for nooboos!
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @Heckstress17 I finished You season 2 yesterday (omg the last two episodes were CRAZY), and I've already seen Haunting of Hill House (loved it!). This is why I need netflix recommendations, I watch shows way too fast :lol: Your restaurant looks awesome in my game -- it fits my neighborhood better than my community lot lol. I'm really glad you noticed the blinds in the first pic of my last update, because I thought they looked good too :joy: Those are like my fav window coverings but I don't use them often cause they feel too modern for most of my houses. Now that you mention it, Haven really is a surfer dude at heart and I love it. Aww I like the name Reuben! I wish I would've thought of that :lol: I think Storm was the first or last name of a Willow Creek gene pool mate, it sounded familiar at least so I went with it. Blaze had the most eventful birth EVER, it was utter chaos in my game lol. But I'm glad it worked out how I did, I really wanted Aiyden to stick around a little longer.

    Yay another update!! I don't blame you for rushing the wedding, I'd want Iris there too! Oh MCCC messing with people's lives as always, I see :lol: Poor Jonas, I wouldn't know what to think either :lol: That chapel is so perfect!! What a beautiful wedding :heart: Iris looked amazing as always :blush: Welcome to the family, Jonas! Uh, yikes...Zach, pull yourself together man, YOU broke up with HER, remember?? Oh man, the outdoor pics are amazing -- Willow Creek is still one of my fav worlds, so beautiful. Fawn is a total heartbreaker, look at all those sad boys :joy: I'm glad Iris had such a good time at the wedding, I feel like she needed one perfect day after all the heartache she's been through. Annnd back to the grind, I feel that lol. The manual laborer uniform is so cute on Jonas! It fits him so well. He's pretty cute covered in paint too :lol: Honestly, he'll never not be cute in my eyes, he's perfect :tongue: "Risky woohoo is only 3%" uh huh, good luck with that :wink::joy: Awww I love seeing Iris gardening again! She just looks so happy :blush: AH I know what aspiration you're doing and I don't know the name either, but it's the gardening one right? Freelance Botanist maybe? Something like that. Anyway, it's perfect for her. Silas! I love that they still spend family time together, even while Fawn's grinding for school. I loved this update so much! :heart:

    @Mionax Lol poor Mariam and Alek, just leave them alone for 5 minutes to woohoo, they need more babies! :wink::lol: Yay!! Nooboo #2 on the way! The new nursery is sooo cute. Amira's a cutie, she looks like a mini-Mariam.

    @Wentcrazy Aww I love that Iris joined the gardening club! I wish I would've thought of that last gen. She always loved the rain in my game too! The house looks sooo good! You're making me miss cc so much, but I always download way too much and break my game so I'll just enjoy seeing it in your game :lol: Glad to see Aiyden make a stalker friend :wink: Congrats on another girl! Being so close in age, I'm sure Faith and Rose will be super close sisters. Omg Faith is the CUTEST lil thing! Her lil buns/braids and freckles -- I love her!! :heart:

    @OJenn I love Haven and Suri too :blush: I think we did have a Storm in the Willow Creek gene pool, it sounded familiar at least! I'd love to have baby showers too. Especially with knitting and plopsy now, we could buy/make cute baby stuff for gifts!

    @debjameswhite Yay I'm glad you downloaded her! Did you get her whole family? Cause I love all of them :lol: When she moved in with Haven, she had different 'relationships' with each family member -- she was neutral toward her dad and brother, close with her mom, really close with her sister ('super siblings' or something). I hadn't noticed those things in the relationships panel before. I think there was a Storm in the Willow Creek gene pool, cause the name sounded familiar. I wouldn't have picked it if I didn't recognize it from somewhere, cause I usually don't get too crazy with my names lol. Yesss give in to the dark side...get a pet!!

    Awww I love seeing Lia and Hailey bonding over ping pong. Lia's getting her ready for uni I see :wink: Her flower arrangements are so pretty! I've gotta do that career sometime, it looks so fun. Evie!! I can't wait to add everyone's sim families to my game, I was waiting until my gen 2 kids are actually kids so they can grow up together lol. Hailey's new room is so pretty! I love the colors, it really looks like a 'teen' room to me. Oh man, twins again!! At least now it makes sense for Lia to bake multiple cakes? :lol: Is Harrison Father Winter now?? Maybe the NPCC mod assigned him to the 'Father Winter' NPC job! I kind of like it actually, though I wish he would've worn the outfit lol. Great family portrait! I can't wait to see who the kids take after more. Oh no...I'm getting lots of death notifications in my game too, it's so sad!
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ I love CC but it can be a real pain. I've been keeping a close eye on broken CC but it's a struggle.

    Chapter 7

    First of, here is a comparison pic of Faith and her parents.

    and her outfits (or at least some of them)

    Having a toddler and a newborn in game is a challenge. Especially when Iris is constantly letting her stuff lying around and both parents go to work.
    But they try their best to cuddle Rose or teach Faith new skills.

    Aiyden kept continuing fixing stuff

    Faith loves her dad. She is such a daddy's girl, it's unbelievable.
    I swear, Iris looked after her as well but I only have pics with Faith and Aiyden. But, look at her - she adores Aiyden.

    Too bad, they forgot about their own relationship.
    Their romance bar is still high but all the pressure must have been hard on them. They haven't even been arguing :/

    Once again, another familiar face showed up again uninvited.

    Aiyden ignored the bell once again. This time he stayed inside and played with Faith instead.

    I'm seriously in love with that smile.
    But, she is a wild child and can't deny that she is Aiyden's kid.

    But she is a sweetheart deep down.

    Aiyden has been focusing a lot on Faith, so Iris put all her attention towards Rose. And gardening. As you can see their little backyard has improved a lot.

    She even found a new spot for her beloved cowplant.

    Then, as time was rushing, Rose was becoming a toddler.
    Instead of giving each kid a room, they redecorated the nursery and put all of the toys in that room and placed Rose's bed next to her sibling.

    And here is little Rose, who is a silly toddler. She is deeply loved by Faith.

    To me, she has more facial features of Aiydan than her sister.
    I don't know, maybe I'm seeing things that aren't there. Better see for yourself :)

    Plus, her most used outfits.

    And both girls next to each other. Here they look a lot alike with the freckles and their overall structure.

    I don't know what's going on with some of the pictures and their quality. I tried to fix it but nothing worked. Hopefully next time, they'll be in a better quality again :)
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    Faith and Rose are adorable!
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    @debjameswhite - You must've been typing up your update at the same time I was the other day. I had been saving drafts all day and coming back to type more when I had time, you snuck your update in on me :smile: I can't believe you played so much without realizing you weren't taking pics! I have the exact opposite problem :lol: I'm glad you had enough to post. I had been missing your family. I really do love Hailey, and her outfit with the sweater and boots is super cute. I know the cake baking thing isn't a Lia exclusive :joy: but it sure seems like it! I'm glad she found time to make and sell her floral arraignments, and I'm also glad the NPC mod is bringing sims you actually wanna see around! Aw :heart: I love that she's friend with Evie. Another baby!? I really thought you'd be done after the twins were born. I like that Jools was their to support Lia during labor since Heath wasn't much help lol. Hailey's newly relocated room is awesome! It's the perfect teen girls room. The twins big boy room is great too. I can't believe she had twins again! Does she have the fertility trait? I'm glad she and Heath have a daughter now too though. Since I think Hailey is 90% Lia, I bet Kaitlin will age up beautifully just like her big sister :blush: omg the picture of Heath standing in the pantry complaining about all the cake ingredients :joy: Then Weston questioning her about it lol Lia needs cakeaholics anonymous. What a weird glitch about Harrison seemingly being Father Winter. I wonder if it has something to do with the NPC mod? Though in my game the regular Father Winter showed up just fine. I think it's kinda cool to think that maybe Harrison is just truly Father Winter incognito lol. Anyway, I loved your family portrait. I think Lia's genes are gonna be pretty dominant, but of course it's hard to tell until the kids are teens. I hope you've gotten time to play this weekend. I need another update!

    @JordanNicoleJJ - Hmm since you've finished You and Haunting of Hill House my next suggestions are Skins UK (which is an edgy teen drama with amazingly relatable characters, and has a great balance of comedy and tears) and The Umbrella Academy. You've probably already seen that since it's a pretty popular one, if so I highly recommend Misfits (should still be on Hulu) which stars Robert Sheehan (Klaus) who plays the funniest and most entertaining character ever. The whole cast is pretty amazing tbh, and I just love my British shows :lol: Hence my Skins UK recommendation. Anyway, back to sims stuff :lol: You like the name Reuben?! I just think of the sandwich lol Storm is a way cooler name. You're right! We did have a Storm in the original genepool. It was a last name though. I'm 99% sure the guys first name was John, but I totally remember having the Storm name for at least 2 generations. It's actually the first thing I thought of when I read you'd named the baby Storm. I just didn't think anyone would remember lol I gotta admit when you named baby #2 Blaze all I could think about was Blaze and the Monster Machines on Nickelodeon :joy: And of course I noticed the blinds! I'm always looking for details in everyone pictures :blush: I love how much you love Jonas because I'm the exact same way :lol: everything he does or wears and I'm just sitting here thinking about how good he looks :joy: Oh and I think you're right, Freelance Botanist sounds like the aspiration Iris is working on. I know it's not technically your weekend, but I hope you'll be able to post an update soon!

    @Wentcrazy - I've been refreshing the thread all weekend hoping for updates. So I was very happy to see your post :mrgreen: In Faith's genetic comparison pic she actually looks more like Iris then I had first thought :heart: all of her little outfits are so cute, and I love all of her different pig tail hairstyles. She seems like such a curious and smart toddler. I think it's adorable that she naturally gravitates towards Aiyden. It makes me so happy to see Aiyden taking care of his little girl :love: He's doing a great job parenting, working, and still fixing up things around the house. But wow :flushed: he and Iris have definitely got some work to do on their relationship! My Aiyden and Iris' friendship bar plummeted that far in the beginning but were able to bring it back up. They too had a full romance bar. It seems for the Greene's love is not the problem, Aiyden's anger management definitely is though lol! When Aiyden's stalker was walking up I was like "omg is she there to steal Iris' man!?" I'm glad she wasn't lol The house is looking awesome! Landscaping makes such a huge difference. The house really feels complete now. Plus I like that the cowplant is now able to watch the family play basketball lol. Aw look at Rose! She and her sister look so much alike! They could be twins. Her little cowplant pajamas are my favorite :blush: Great update! I can't wait to see Faith as a child :smiley:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited August 2020
    Evergreen Harbor: Generation 2 - Update 3

    Since getting married, Jonas and Fawn have spent the majority of their time skilling. For Jonas that means creating a bunch of useless wood sculptures, but at least becoming handier :smirk:

    He prefers woodworking to using the fabricator. Someday's fabricating is more of a hassle then others :lol:

    Fawn was a great student as a child, so it's no surprise she's doing really well in University. Here she is practicing for her first presentation. (Thank you @OJenn for telling me she could take notes while away at class, that's made the biggest impact on her grades!)

    Jonas' gets up bright and early to rummage through the dumpster for recyclables. On this morning he noticed a new Marketplace had popped up downtown :wink:

    I'm burnt out on building, and though I should build my own community lot, I'm super happy I didn't have too :lol:@JordanNicoleJJ 's Marketplace community fits in perfectly! :heart::smiley:

    Jonas has a huge collection of c*ap he's made :lol: Fawn encouraged him to see if he could make a living selling his crafts. She was really hoping someone would take that sad clown statue off his hands :grimace:

    Gloomy Jonas doesn't have the best salesmanship lol He sold a few thing, but unfortunately for Fawn, the clown remains. (The two brunette sims are Uncle Knox's kids! They have very um... distinct...? features :lol: and the other sim is @Kiwicantdie 's Lilah :heart: but we're mad at her cause she didn't buy anything :joy: )

    Fawn met Jonas halfway between their house and the marketplace after her class finished. They just couldn't make it home and decided this dumpster would do lol :lol: I can't get over dumpster woohoo being a thing. Who comes up with this stuff?

    The next day they took a little day trip to Sulani. Jonas is a child of the ocean and was even sadder then usual from missing the water.

    He and Fawn deserved a break and took full advantage of being in paradise.

    I don't think I've ever seen Jonas so happy. I could easily believe he and his family relocated from Sulani. He was completely in his element. :blush:

    They arrived at the beach around 2pm, before they knew it the sun had set and it was almost time to go home. But not before enjoying some romantic moments at the bonfire :heart:

    and Jonas couldn't resist riding on the jetski :love: brb adding a jetski ride under the stars to my bucket list!

    When Fawn went to use the bathroom and came out and autonomously started doing her homework I knew it was time to go home. She's so responsible she could probably get through college without much help from me lol

    That next morning she finished up the last of her homework and left to take her final exams!

    While she was taking the exam her Mother left work unexpectedly and showed up in front of a random lot and died! :worried::dizzy::bawling:

    Noticing this, Jonas left the house and rushed to his mother in-law's side. He caught Grim just in the knick of time and begged for Iris' life. I didn't expect Grim to give him a second thought, but he did!

    Immediately following Iris' resurrection, Fawn returned home from class with her grades. :lol: She aced everything.

    BUT Grim wasn't done with Iris. No sooner then she had hugged and thanked Jonas for saving her, she was once again dying!?!!? By this point Fawn was making her way over to rejoice that her Mom was saved, and Silas had just randomly and miraculously shown up. Fawn pleaded with Grim, but he was merciless.

    All 3 were devastated, especially Jonas who had thought for a brief moment he'd be able to give his wife good news.

    What was supposed to be a happy and relaxing break from classes turned into a cry fest. :disappointed:

    She finally had a free moment to try out fizzing, but was too sad to enjoy her first batch of inexplicably blue colored lemon fizz. The lemons were grown by her Mom. Perhaps that just made her sadder...

    Jonas' Dad came to visit and was really upset to learn Iris had passed. Then shortly after he passed away himself. :disappointed:

    Jonas tried to keep himself busy after the double loss, but everything he did was tinged with sadness.

    I was just grateful his crying onto the electrical upgrades didn't lead to his electrocution and accidental death :lol:

    His sorrow filled upgrade spree did lead to the house finally being in compliance with the eco appliance NAP though.

    And eventually both he and Fawn overcame their grief. :smile: They're a very hardworking couple, and work really well together. I love seeing them "adulting" together.

    Fawn's still working on her cooking skill though :wink:

    Jonas got a bit bored of fixing things up around the house and decided to enroll in the military. (With his wealth aspiration he kept dreaming of promotions that just weren't coming as a manual laborer. RIP cute work outfit.)

    His Dad may be gone, but his Mom is still alive and looking as youthful as ever. She seemed proud of her son. :smile: I just wonder when she's gonna age. She could pass as his sister :lol:

    While doing the pee waddle home after practicing his army march, Jonas was flanked by the ghost of his mother in-law. I think she's still angry his attempt to save her resulted in her living exactly 10 more measly seconds :lol:

    He passed out before making it to the shower. :grimace: He's still adjusting to waking up at the crack of dawn to work.

    Fawn decided she could relax a bit this semester after getting such good grades the first time around.

    She even made time to see her good friend Selene :smile: Fawn's always telling some dramatic story.

    Before I knew it fall had arrived in Evergreen Harbor. And Jonas being the handyman of the house made sure not a single leaf went un-raked. He's such a great house husband, they don't even need a maid.

    Fall's arrival also brought the conclusion of Fawn's 2nd semester of classes.

    She got all A's yet again. :mrgreen: but I'm pretty over this whole college thing. It takes WAY too long to get a degree, and homework and other task take up too much of your sims time. Not a fan :smirk:

    To celebrate his wife's hard work he took her out for dinner. Since the weather was still warm they enjoyed their meal on the patio.

    Anavrin must remind them of when they got engaged because they're always super flirty when they're there. (Risky woohoo at 3% is safe btw, they woohoo everyday and no baby. It's not quite risky enough for me. I'll up it to 4% lol)

    Woohoo didn't happen that night... because Jonas got food poisoning! He called and let the restaurant have a piece of his mind. This was the first time I'd ever seen him angry. I kinda liked it :joy:

    Fawn was on the phone that night too, but with a very different kind of call. Silas was looking for some sisterly advice. I absolutely love this! :heart:

    She told him she thought he and Ashlynn were ready! And apparently they're gonna start trying for a baby :smiley: (Silas and his wife just became adults and I was wondering why he and Ashlynn hadn't had a baby despite my MCC settings being set to allow it. The timing of this call was perfect.)

    After talking about babies with her brother, Fawn decided to bring the idea up to her husband over a fancy dinner. She argued that she was now managing her 4 classes with ease and with his work schedule they'd be able to care for a little one. (That's Jonas' Mom in the background. I think she must've overheard she's likely gonna be a Grandma lol)

    I think Jonas is on board with this plan. :wink:

    I hope I can manage 2 more semesters of college and a baby :grimace: I'm just so over the whole college thing and ready for babies lol so I'll make it work. Happy Simming! I'll try to have a smaller update next time.
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @Heckstress17 The Sulani pics look very good. Wow poor Iris! A+ grades. Grats for nooboo coming. :smile:
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax

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