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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    edited October 2020
    The Island Elemental Twins: Dylan and Zephyr: The Broken World Saga Index Continued
    Fun little discovery. Reef is about to die at any time, but for some reason, he isn't dying from old age. It has been more than a week with him near death. I even had a big party at the Karaoke Bar in anticipation of his pending death. My sims can't take anymore time off to spend it with him. I'm wondering if there's some quirk about merfolk that lets them live unusually long lives as elders. I do play rotational and spent a very short amount of time with aging turned off because of it. But, he's at least been near old-age-death for close to a week with aging turned off. I'm seriously worried that the twins will reach the adult life stage before he dies.

    I'm also tired of the townies dying of old age and having panic attacks.

    For this reason, I'm going to turn legacy family members into townies with aging turned off for their household. I'm also going to turn back the clock for them. I figure this can only be done when the legacy family members time in the Legacy Household has ended. At least, I won't be creating a Legacy Cemetery in the shrine.

    The Kailani Legacy: Kylen and Rylan 5: Damion Attacks
    Makoa visited Reef. Things were getting calm around the islands, and news of Reef's years catching up with him found there way to him.

    Shortly after Makoa visited.

    The Kailani Family visited the Karaoke Bar and threw a party to make the most of the remainder of Reef's life. They told funny stories and sang songs. It was Remembrance Day, so they took the time to remember the life they lived together.

    Reef passed out after all the excitement.

    The Kailani's Returned home. Reef sat on the pool's edge and enjoyed the peaceful night. He did so much in his life time, but he felt like this wasn't going to be the end. Even though Calum gave him a special book to help him come back to support his family, he felt something woven deep within the Island's Spiritual energy connect with him. A felt it strongest in the moments he was alone.

    The next day, Sara tried to cook again. She made excellent meals, but for some reason, the stove wouldn't stop catching on fire. They tried better stoves, but nothing seemed to prevent the constant fires in the kitchen. Sara and Reef have become experts at fighting fires at this point.

    Time passed by as Reef waited for his eventual end. The evening of the next day, Reef sat by the pool's edge and had some quality time with Sara. Sara worked on her handiness. She expected to spend time doing the things Reef helped out with for so long. She was now an elder too. Like Reef, she wanted to do everything she could for the boys before her own time.

    Elder Mermaid Sara Kailani
    I turned Sara into a mermaid since I had the mermadic Kelp and Kylen and Rylan were born mermen.

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    The boys returned home from Life Guarding. A major volcanic eruption narrowly spared the house. All the metal the house was built with was like armor for events like this.

    Merman Kylen Kailani
    So, this is actually a pretty interesting combination of traits that I probably wouldn't have thought of. The thing that makes the Legacy different from raising Dylan and Zephyr is that things are much more random. I'm editing little details here and there, but most of what is created is how the game makes the sims. The traits are almost completely random.

    The Nap Lazily lets Kylen Nap anywhere, and I discovered that the affects of the Disco Naps seem to be present even though Nap Lazily overrides the action. Kylen gets a x3 energy gain from napping. This is so potent that he need only nap twice to fill his energy completely and he can do it anywhere.

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    From napping lazily on a beach towel without any satisfaction rewards that boost energy.

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    Merman Rylan Kailani
    This is where the almost random element comes in. The first randomized trait was Evil. While an evil goofball genius would be entertaining, I didn't want a Doctor Evil in my game when I have 7 evil sims the legacy will have to deal with. So, I randomized it again. Rylan might be a little erratic with his moods... Just a little... But that makes the Emotional Control trait kinda Ironic...

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    Ashley Pearlson (Not Elsa)

    I created Ashley the same way I created Sara. The game randomly generated a female sim, and I edited her appearance. Ashley will end up becoming a mermaid as a Child of the Ocean and produce the first pure blood merfolk heir to the legacy. And I swear, I didn't notice how much she looked like Elsa until after I finished her design. This was not intentional. I swear! She's supposed to be an Ocean Lover that prefers the company of Dolphins! Her design is meant to make her look more like tourist to Sulani. I'ma let this one go... Oh barnacles, frozen puns are probably going to be a thing...

    The hardest part of the Musical Genius Aspiration is how long it takes to write four songs. Kylen was making progress, but he had more work to do. Unlike his father, he's pursuing a career in entertainment. He cares about the islands, but let's face it, he's lazy and born for the club scene. He'd rather do something fun for a career, and making others happy, well, that's just a bonus.

    His dad isn't as good at making others happy.

    Makoa: "That didn't really do that story justice."

    Calum: "I need to go. I can't see him losing it like this. It's too sad."

    Kylen spent some time working on a Mournful Lament. Everyday was one less day with his dad. Reef listened to the melody, but he knew that the islands had a way of making things right. Ever since the fighting across the islands stopped, he felt the presence of something. He knew he could interact with Sulani's Spiritual energy, and he could feel this energy giving back. This was something he passed on to his sons. Things were getting better in Sulani, but the process was slow and requires sacrificing time and energy. He felt like the Island Spirits knew this, and in his older years, he felt more aware of the imbalance in spiritual energy in the islands.

    And, unfortuantely, it was close to this moment when the darkest force of the islands invaded the household. Damion had been lurking in the shadows. He was always around, but his power seemed to be in decline, even the fog that plagued the islands was being kept at bay at times. Damion had a knack for sensing powerful magical energies. One force, a darker one, eluded him in the sea, but a bright light seemed to shine like a Beacon over the islands. There was so much power growing there and expelling his influence, weakening him. The ones responsible didn't need to talk to him for him to feel the effects of their actions. The visit from Zephyr's free spirit proved that he was losing control over his dominion. But most importantly, he thirst. For all his power, his only two weaknesses was his vulnerability to sunlight and his ravenous thirst that couldn't be quenched. What better delicacy than feeding on beings with strong magical and spiritual energy?

    Damion raced into the Kailani Home. The layout looked familiar, almost the same as the temple flooded with water where he broke the very spirit of the islands and destroyed paradise.

    First, he raced up to Sara and bit into her neck for a deep drink. He couldn't taste the spiritual energies in her plasma, but he did taste the magic of merfolk. Oh, the taste of the denizens of the sea was something he didn't have. Ever since, he fed on Dylan and promptly sealed his spirit after, the merfolk just weren't around. The taste of magic was better than that of an ordinary human.

    Eventually, he caught up to reef and took another deep drink as a sloppily fed. Reef had the taste of both the spiritual energies of the island and the magic of merfolk. Damion recognized the taste as something very similar to the twins he attacked, but distinctly different.

    He sensed the power of a magic relic and grabbed the Kailani's "Ordinary" Conch Shell. He blew in the conch and woke the twins from their sleep. The call of the conch was irresistible to the nearby merfolk.

    Damion, overcome with bloodlust went on a rampage through the Kailani Home, feeding on every merperson nearby.

    Kylen witnessed the attack and fled for nearby water to escape. Unfortunately, he had nowhere under the water to hide.

    Rylan wasn't far behind, but Damion moved with demonic swiftness. On land, Rylan was easily ambushed.

    Damion caught up to Kylen, but the merman was in the water. He couldn't feed while he was there. So, he used the conch shell to draw him out.

    Kylen's plasma tasted divine. It was like the spring of new spiritual energy that was almost comparable to Dylan's plasma before Damion took his life. He found a new favorite meal, and he decided to leave the Kailani family alive. He would keep an eye on his prey, but at least he found the blinding light that threatened his rule. If it didn't taste so delicious, he probably would have snuffed out that light then and there. Damion admitted to himself that he was a glutton. He would hold onto the conch. He was certain that its influence over merfolk would be helpful.

    The following few days were riddled with fierce thunderstorms and volcanic eruptions. It seemed the island spirits weren't happy with Damions attack and the islands paid for it with storms and fire.


    A New Father Winter

    Reef Slipped on Mud, Giving me a Heart Attack
    It seems Positive Character Values are linked to the Family Happy Moodlet

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    The Kailani Legacy: Kylen and Rylan 6
    Like most days, it began with a massive volcanic eruption.

    Not wanting to deal with potential fires, Rylan called a rainstorm.

    Maybe it's because Rylan is a self-assured genius goofball, but he seems to be the most able with repairs yet. Despite the cursed lot trait, he completed this repair with low handiness and no electrocutions.

    While Rylan worked on his latest painting, his mom called to chat. Now, I'm a bit upset seeing her hairstyle. There are only three outfits with that hairstyle: formal, sleep, and swim. She's not living in world, so I don't think it's sleep. There isn't anywhere formal to go to. So, she's calling on her phone while in her swimwear. By logical deduction, she's calling from work as a marine biologist, and that means she's either at the beach or using her phone in the water. But, I couldn't use the phone in the water when I played as her.


    Kylen gets home from work and sneezes.

    Kylen's thoughts: "I could've sworn someone was talking about me..."

    Do to delays, Rylan finished the phone call and went to work. Although, Rylan's response to work resulted in performance gain, and it was surprisingly... lazy... But, he has the responsible trait... and he doesn't have the lazy trait...

    Later that evening, Kylen went to the Karaoke Bar. He completed the musical genius aspiration, and now, with maxed singing skill, he was ready to win a karaoke contest and set Dylan's spirit free. When he arrived, the sky was flashing with lightning as another storm surged across the islands. The weather had been unusually unstable with frequent volcanic eruptions. It almost felt as if the islands were pressuring him to finish his quest. After an encounter with a baby sea turtle, he cleared the skies for the evening.

    Kylen went to shore, prepared to sing on the karaoke when dad called, wanting to chat.

    Kylen is fairly lazy, so he sang one song before answering the phone.

    And, he really got into the performance...
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    Kylen: "Whhhatttt's uuupppp!"

    Reef: "Whhhhhhaaatttt's uuuuuppppp!"

    Kylen: "Whhhhhaaaaatttt's Uuuuuuuppppp!"

    Reef: "Whaaat... Wait a second, this isn't Scary Movie."

    Kylen counted on his fingers: "But we have to deal with evil merfolk, a vampire, two ghosts..."

    Reef: "Worry about that another night. Do you know how long I was on hold? Anyways, I have some juicy gossip about your brother."

    Kylen put on a solid performance only to lose to a townie. His score of 86 lost to a score of 93. Kylen went to Dylan's urn and promised that he would win the next context. Kylen strengthened Dylan's connection to the physical world.


    The Karaoke Machine has a few fun videos to go with the songs.

    Hurray, Kylen leveled up the fitness level without getting uncomfortable. Anyways, the mermen twins were sleeping near the reef, and Kylen stopped another thunderstorm. The weather didn't seem to be wanting to give anyone a break. Kylen was working as fast as he could. Sleeping in the ocean is safest when sleeping near each other. Sulani's sea is not always the safest place to swim alone, or sleep alone.

    Kylen woke up in time to chat with Dylan. The spectral merman turned red with mysterious rage. Kylen tried to be friendly regardless. Kylen successfully talked Dylan into cooling off in the ocean. The spectral merman started to feel better while swimming around.

    After another long night, Kylen lost control of his human form and reverted back to his true form. He napped lazily as he waited for the next contest.

    Of course, Dad took this opportunity to call. Reef answered his phone. Apparently, Reef decided to gossip about Sara this time.

    Kylen: "Dad, I'm trying to take a nap before saving the islan..."

    Reef interrupted: "That can wait until tonight. I caught your mom being pranked by a dolphin. She was trying to request tricks, but it squirted her in the face instead."

    Kylen: "Why are you telling me this?"

    Reef: "Okay, fine. I'm bored okay."

    Kylen: "Good night, dad."

    Reef: "Wait I'm..."

    Kylen hung up and went back to sleep.


    Kylen wanted to try and find an easier way to get the urn, but his attempts to break the seal blocking him with his own spiritual energy failed. It seems the lazy way wouldn't work.

    Later that evening, Rylan showed up, and told a spooky story to inspire his brother. The story worked, and Kylen felt more prepared to put on a good show. Calum approached the mermen lounging around in their merforms. Calum couldn't help but feel like the mermen reminded him of a couple of merboys, juvenile storytelling.

    Kylen sang in the contest again and won with a lower score than the last contest. He also got promoted to an opening act shortly after.

    Having met the criteria for acquiring Dylan's Urn. Kylen grabbed the Urn and prepared to return it to the Crescent Moon Shrine his dad told him about.

    When Kylen entered the shrine, he went straight to Zephyr. Zephyr appeared mysteriously angry like his brother. Kylen looked inside himself and found the voice of a Siren. Kylen found in himself the power of the Siren's Lullabies. With an Inspiring Berceuse, Kylen calmed Zephyr. The two sat down for a short chat before Zephyr decided to spook Kylen. Kylen shrugged off the scare and returned Dylan's Urn, reuniting the brothers.

    Do to a glitch that appeared to delete their books of life. I had to reload a saved copy of Dylan and Zephyr to the game and redo their set up. Fortunately, they have urns still, so I just had to use a cheat to turn them into ghosts. I also added new books of life while I was at it. So, the next update will feature Dylan and Zephyr catching up, AND a moment for them in a nonghostly state. Fixing the bug took way more time than planned, so I really need to get some rest.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    The Island Elemental Twins: Dylan and Zephyr: The Broken World Saga Index Continued
    Okay, I have to share this song because it has that happy vibe that I think fits Dylan and Zephyr getting reunited.
    Kai Kaipo from Island Living

    Like I said in an earlier post, the game glitched and deleted their books of life, I had to go into the game and reload the twins from a save and recreate their tomes. Fortunately, this means that when I share their Spirit Forms they won't have the angry death and get randomly angry.

    I did play around with the Twins' appearance, so they might look a tad different in different images.

    Dylan and Zephyr Reunited
    To open, a small update on Ember. The boys and Arihi were dancing to stereo music. Dylan is becoming quite the comedian.

    Calum showed off some of his DJing skills and the Twins and Arihi played along. Calum wasn't that great at DJing.

    Ember was feeling left out, so the Zalrian Family had a short dance party with her.

    Dylan represents the Water Element and the Sea. Zephyr represents the Wind Element and the Sky. Ember represents the Fire Element and the Volcanoes. I guess it makes sense that she doesn't like water. I also find it funny that Dylan is the one that put her to bed.

    Zephyr was a bit dazed helping ember from a voodoo curse. The boys are nothing if not caring when it comes to family. Whenever they visit, Dylan and Zephyr help out with Ember autonomously, especially Zephyr. I guess Zephyr remembers what it's like to be raised by Arihi and is trying to look after his sister. The way they interact with each other is very interesting. Dylan is the Water Element and Ember isn't particularly fond of him. Zephyr is the Wind Element, and he and Ember get along quite well. I guess a fire needs the air to burn.

    Ember is growing up so fast, but because her story hasn't come yet, I feel like I'm missing out.

    Fourth Wall Break
    Calum: "It's nice to have you around and thank you for getting your sister to bed."

    Zephyr: "It wasn't a big deal."

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    Calum: "It feels like our lives are a game to someone else, doesn't it?"

    Zephyr: "I had my suspicions when I hacked into the cyber matrix. I have a feeling I'll be dead again soon."

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    Zephyr: "The story is still being written but dying can be such a pain. At least it won't be forever, oh, sorry about the curse. Kinda had to stop a demon from braking into my home."

    Calum: "The why not lock your door or put garlic on the door."

    Zephyr: "Nothing seems to slow this vampire down. I would deal with him myself and end this, but the powers that be won't let me."

    Calum: "Oh."

    Zephyr: "Yep."

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    I switched control to the Legacy Twins. Apparently, Kylen, Rylan, Archer, Freddy, Makoa, Calum, and Flaira were gathering for a party. See, it's stuff like this that makes me wish their was an underwater lot with events like this.

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    Zephyr: "Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

    Dylan: "Stop being a drama llama. I'm here now."

    Zephyr: "You never called or texted. When Damion got to you first, it made me so angry."

    Dylan: "Sorry about that. I couldn't contact anyone, but I did try to find you. I looked everywhere. But, that demons plan to separate us has failed, and now, we can finally start to do something about the mess he made of the islands."

    Zephyr: "First, we should thank Kylen for reuniting us."

    Zephyr: "I want to thank you for continuing what your father started. Now that we are together again, we can start to fix things around the island. We need more help though."

    Dylan: "When we died, items connected to us scattered across the islands. As spirits, we are a bit limited on what we can do on our own."

    Zephyr: "With the help of your family's descendants, we'd like to ask you to recover these talismans."

    Dylan: "They will strengthen our connection to the islands and our power to make things right."

    Kylen: "I think I understand. I'll do my best to pass the message on."

    Zephyr broke the unbreakable stove by burning it to ash....

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    Dylan: "Now for the real magic!"

    Dylan and Zephyr blew into the conch and a surge of power pulsed through the Elemental Temple. The very shape of the earth and the walls of the Water Chamber shifted as the rooms of the temple changed and the fractures in the floor closed. The sickly green water heated with the volcanic thermal vents. The Hot Spring began cleansing the temple of corruption.

    The Lower chambers filled with brackish water, and the sandy floor of the tunnels cleared.

    The wall of the Water Chamber pulled forward and effectively sealed the Crescent Moon Chamber, preventing anyone that isn't a spectral merperson from entering the chamber.

    Inside the Crescent Moon Shrine, the Twin's Urn and their Tomes were protected.
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    Tome of the Wayfarer's Tide

    This Book has Power over Dylan Zalrian. Whoever holds this tome controls Dylan's Spirit Form and the Spiritual Power of Sulani's Seas.

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    Tome of the Wayfinder's Breeze

    This Book has Power over Zephyr Zalrian. Whoever holds this tome controls Zephyr's Spirit Form and the Spiritual Power of Sulani's Skies.

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    Back at Triton's Beach, Dylan gave his first Ghostly performance. The power of his voice transformed the lot.

    While everything was partially restored, Zephyr chilled reading a book.

    That evening, Dylan and Zephyr caught up in the ocean near home. They chatter and splashed each other.

    Dylan: "Random question. What do you think of human transportation."

    Zephyr shrugged: "If they had a tail they wouldn't need it."

    Dylan: "What about on land?"

    Zephyr: "Where's the fun in being on land?"

    Dylan: "Good point."

    Zephyr: "In the water, we can swim, collect shells and treasure, dive underwater, and splash each other. On land, it doesn't compare."

    Dylan: "I would definitely love the chance to explore more underwater."

    Dylan: "Maybe we'll see an octopus trying to dance, or maybe, the sea creatures have dance parties under da sea. Just imagine all the merfolk with two left fins."

    Dylan: "But the dance floor would have to make way for the mosasaurs."

    Zephyr splashed Dylan: "What's a mosasaur doing in the ocean these days, barnacle brain."

    Dylan splashed Zephyr back: "Because I said they are."

    Zephyr: "Aargh, Critical hit!"

    Dylan laughed. Maybe we should head home and get some rest.

    The next day, the twins had a little more fun in the water.

    Zephyr: "When I was in the Eco Center, I looked through the telescope and saw something strange near the hare constellation."

    Dylan: "Did you confuse it with something from a video game."

    Zephyr: "No, I swear I saw it looking through the telescope."

    Zephyr: "It flashed by like a shooting star. Maybe, it was an Alien?!"

    Dylan: "Are you talking about the Fruit Bears from outer space fleeing fruit flies?"

    Zephyr: "We shall never speak of fruit bears again."

    Dylan: "But didn't you..."

    Zephyr interupted: "I said no talky about the fruit thing. It didn't happen. You were hallucinating."

    Dylan muttered: "Fine, but I coulda."

    Zephyr waved his hand in front of Dylan's face: "It's all in your head."

    Dylan: "Are we really going home? I love it out here in the sea!"

    Zephyr: "Unfortunately, we have more work to do. Someone needs to look after the islands."

    Zephyr: "Race you home snail tail."

    Dylan: "I'm not a snail tail, I'm a proud flounder fins!"

    Dylan: "Why is your face in the water like that?"

    Zephyr: "Let's just go home."

    Dylan: "Okay."

    A shout back to Reef when he started things as a founder.
    Metaphysical from Get Famous

    Unfortunately, soon after the twins returned home, a sickly smog plagued the sky. Something was coming, and it wasn't a friend of the twins.

    This brings the entire story up to date.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited October 2020
    Sorry, moving this

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited October 2020
    An update on The Tale of Two Dons

    Part one is Here
    Part two is Here
    part three is Here
    Part four is Here

    Ok, story intro: I put my Simself in a throwaway save with one of my Don Lotharios from my library. My self-imposed rule was that I would not instigate anything “flirty” with him. He had to start it. But ... I could not get him to flirt or do anything autonomously. I valiantly kept trying.


    And then….. we got in his hot tub together and I saw his swimsuit hair and realized that this is Uncle Joey’s Don. He’s not likely to autonomously flirt with a woman.


    But a chance to go to the Romance Festival popped up, so he and I went there together to see if I could finally get him to flirt. However, an Uncle Joey showed up too. And ….. Don’s demeanor changed rapidly. They did not even know each other, but yikes, they didn't have to.


    I knew better than to fight nature, so I just let them be together. Lol!


    Begin Part 3:

    Instead of continuing that frustration, I just gave the actual Don from this new save the look that I like, and started over. As you can see, it went a bit better. I went back to the gym I’d made in Sulani and waited. I knew he’d show up. And he did.


    This Don was flirty from the moment he walked up to me. :D He did everything autonomously. Including walk up to me!


    Continued in a Spoiler to help the thread load faster!
    Happily, I spotted Uncle Joey there at the Beach/Gym, surrounded by adoring fans, as always……..


    but this Don did not look at Joey as if he is the most perfect creation in the universe! lol!


    He looked at me like that instead!


    A little star gazing with Don 2. Which is what I named him, lol, because I didn't delete the other Don.


    Ok yes, This is the Don I expected


    This is the Don I was looking for.


    He did not turn up his nose at a juice keg!


    And he laughed his butt off when he dropped me! Lol


    And I did not mind!


    Ummmm, yes, I had certain whims going on there.


    But I was far too tired to do anything about them


    "What's up?" he asked. "What’s the plan?"


    I don't think he was thrilled when I said I was going home to go to bed, lol


    The next day I had to look around to try to find him. He wasn't at home when I walked over to his house. At some point in my search I found Uncle Joey! He was worried that I was mad at him because of how Don had acted the night of the Romance Festival.


    I laughed and told him, “Oh God no! You’re welcome to him!”


    And then I told Joey about how all that Don ever wants is massages, to work out in his gym, and watch James Bond movies. I also told him that “his” Don does not like Juice Kegs, which could be a problem, because Joey really does! Lol


    Joey assured me that he could handle Don 1 just fine………


    Finally I checked Don 2's house again, and by then he was there! And ummmmmmmmmmm What's with the clothes???? :D:p


    I figured out that he'd probably been at the flea market. I hadn't looked for him there.


    Ok, much better! I asked him to change into hot weather clothes. This Don (2) is now in Don 1's house. Joey's Don (1) has been relocated to Windenberg, right next to Joey's house. :wink:


    Ok, what’s up with us now?


    Oh ….. well some things never change, I guess. At least the constant massages I'd been doing to Don 1 had paid off.


    I was now level 3 and could do aroma therapy ones.


    This Don is very dramatic about his massages.


    Yes, yes, Darling, I know you love it. lmao


    OK! We are now (briefly) switching back to the original Don that I’d been trying to do…. well, something with. I changed all of his hair back to Uncle Joey’s Don’s hair, so I can tell them apart, moved him in next to Joey, and let the fun begin!

    I sent Joey out to say hello when I saw Don was jogging by. Yes, this is what Don did.


    Joey got his attention, and then started a discussion about how big something was ….


    A Few More Pictures In the Spoiler:
    I can guess the subject …. :D:D:D


    Anyway, a half second later Don did this … and Joey wasn’t thrilled! :sweat_smile:


    Joey decided to join him on the ground there, for a little cloud gazing.


    And then, remembering what I’d told him about this Don liking massages, Joey lured him in to his trap.


    And acted on the whim he had.


    Ok, seriously Joey. You just got him to come over like 10 minutes ago.


    It’s a bit too early for a first kiss! First kiss isn’t even an option right now!


    And oh my God! You aren’t even in a flirty mood!


    Joey set out to fix that very quickly



    And within moments Don 1 is flirty and autonomously embracing Joey


    To be continued …. And I think Joey is right. He’s not going to have any trouble with Don 1 :smiley: - Or is he??


    Ok, comments, and you can't imagine how out of order and convoluted they are. Don't try to make sense of it. lol I just wanted to try to catch up a bit and was clicking haphazardly. As I've stated, I'm supposed to get to bed by 2, ugg,. it's past 4


    Oh my God! What a nightmare. I'm so glad you could rescue Quin and Rohan. That would have been terribly heartbreaking!

    But geez, the timeliness of the fact you'd just moved your screenshots, and the fact that you only have one save in at a time is super cool. That's why I marked this as insightful. There would be many less heartbreaking computer mess ups if everyone did what you do. I hope you were able to get your library back.


    Awww, that's so adorable that Darsh took Austin to Geekcon.

    And yes, my son (36) and every young man that I know who are his aged or younger still constantly play video games.

    Of course I do too, lol. The Sims is a video game. But I mean 1st person shooter games, that they play in groups over headsets.

    No one from my generation does that. Lol!

    Finding Don wasn't too hard, I just needed to put a gym in Sulani. That's where I'd put both of us to live.

    I hope Omar will pay for lessons for guitar for Zayn. He looks very cool with it! And wow, bought it with his own money!

    And yeah, Don was a trip, for sure, but he had no problems with woohoo a bit later :wink:


    Thank you! I am very proud of Max’s progress! It interests me so much to know if him being around Dash is causing him to change. Like I mean in reality, programming types of things. Dash is “neat” and Max has become so “neat” now that he gets upset if other kids spill paint. Lol and his only trait is evil. So … Idk
    I think your realistic Thorne came out incredibly well, very handsome. I see what you mean about him being a little pale, but it's still a super close resemblance.
    Thank you! And umm, yeah, that very handsome part is the problem, Lol! I just can’t hate him! :D
    I’m pretty sure Danni’s opinion of Don would change if she knew what happened. The fact that he’s with her “Uncle” Thorne, who she loves so much, might mitigate it a bit, but yeah, that’s a hard thing to overlook. It is actually my husband’s Ex that pointed this out to me, a million years ago. She said she’d never tell their son (that they had together) about the things that happened that made them divorce, because she never wanted their son to dislike his father.

    Now …I’m not terribly fond of this woman, but I will give her credit for this. It is very gracious of her to do that, and my husband and his son have a wonderful relationship. And their son is 33 now, so yes, this was a Millliion years ago, lol,

    Ok, I looked at Both spoilers, and gosh darn it! My eyes are bad enough that I’m not even 100% certain who they are! I mean, I’m 99% certain, :D but it could still technically surprise me! Lol It is a gorgeous picture! Perfectly timed and angled. It does look like it could be a pose, but then again it has a very fluid feel to it, and a lot of poses don’t.

    Thank you for the explanation of the New Year’s bows. I like the way the children explain it. Lol!

    Ha, maybe I thought Asher looked so young because he is so clean shaven. I don’t think I have many male Sims without at least a 5 o’clock shadow. Ian doesn’t have one. Being a military man, he’d never do that. And most of the time Lawrence has none either, although sometimes I like to put the really whispy “peach fuzz” on him, it makes him look cute, lol. Darius does look young! He’s really cool and realistic. I’d probably put him at about 15 if I met him on the street. So 17 – 21 is definitely more accurate than 30 in my opinion. lol! Maybe I just know too many young men who look older, and my sense of aging is off :wink: And “real” Aster is very pretty :heart:

    Anyway, your Update!! Yay! You figured out a way to put some history in! I just love it!

    I had forgotten that Deli liked Rashad first. My gosh, the way she’s looking while he’s in there talking is just … wow. That’s an unhappy look. And she continues looking like that, all through Aster’s pep talk. But ok cool. She’s curious enough to ask about Aster’s experiences.

    And wow, what a story. Is that what actually happened in your game play? A chance card, and her career being ruined? And did this K person actually exist in your game? And why was his last name Vatore? Did he keep Caleb’s name after they divorced?

    And wow! That’s some serious cheating going on, the guy Married someone else while he was engaged to her? I hope he had a horrible life and died alone, lol.

    And that’s super cool. That Asher had made Caleb mortal, Caleb didn’t hold it against her, and was actually worried about her! That is interesting about the plasma fruit. I guess I’ve forgotten if Asher drinks that too? I always imagined him to be a human plasma kinda guy, but maybe not?

    Anyway, I love how it turned out. She turned him back, and her dad apologized. I can see how that could weird Deli out though. I’m pretty sure she’s never seen Asher apologize. And yeah, Aster does appear very favored by Asher. But, that’s always been the case. I’m glad to hear Deli realizing that Aster did have hard times, and that some of it was Asher’s fault. However, yeah, none of it is going to help her that much is it?

    There are no vampires for her to marry, and her other siblings didn’t turn their spouses. So, why would she think she could? Geez, such a mess. I love your story so much! How is this girl ever going to have her “happily ever after?” And is that even part of your plan?


    Lol, yes I was letting them do whatever they wanted to do. Unfortunately all he wanted to do was work out and get massages. And yes, when Joey showed up, that was to much flirting and good looking men for my simself to handle at once! lmao!


    Oh my God, your E L update is a riot! And ok! Another premade! Here’s Olivia! She’s so cute! She and Jacob move fast. Ha. Well, they look very happy. And this was so hilarious
    This all may have something to do with why Esau is more excited about gardening and harvestables than Jacob is.
    Poor Esau.

    The part with Cordelia and Brytani is funny. And yes, I noticed that Billie looked extremely unhappy in almost every scene. I can see where a visit from Erick would be just what the doctor ordered, lol. I can’t wait to see what happens with these guys next.

    That was very long and probably didn't make sense but uh yeah, something like that
    Oh I loved your story! It made perfect sense, and I can see how it would make someone cry. It’s very heartfelt, and of course reminds me very much of Tony and Thor as children. How crazy, I really felt bad for Tolik, he was being ignored and called baggage, and everyone loved Tim. But wow, Tim actually had major problems too. Suddenly I had to feel bad for both of them! Lol.

    Anyway, I really love stories with happy endings, so I’m super glad that it all worked out. And the fact that he called his stepfather Dad that night was the clincher. :heart: Just perfect.

    This Halloween update is fun! “You just crushed every single one of my childhood dreams..."
    Yes, I would say that Peter is a bit dramatic there, lmao. I’m glad Ianto got to go as a dinosaur though, because that’s what he really wanted. It’s interesting watching him as such a sweet looking little boy, but hearing his adult thoughts, which are usually pretty cryptic … if I do say so myself.

    Thor’s stories about life before um, life, are kind of bittersweet. It sounds like he was crazy about Loki. But, Loki already had issues, I can see. And he hated the angels, but made cardboard wings so he could play with them.

    This was great: "Oh no no. Grandpa Steve is a nuisance. You all know I am way cooler them him, eh?"
    Steve, stop being such a nuisance :D

    Anyway, obviously I will reserve judgement on Thor telling them the tales that made Ianto want to find his other grandfather so much, until I see what happens. But right now it doesn’t sound too promising …


    Thank you so much for what you did translate! & No wonder no one can translate it. No one uses that writing anymore.

    And duh, I'm so dumb. Of course my grandma was the littlest girl! Her sister was a couple of years older than she was. I should have known that what I was told was backwards!

    And it's an Easter greeting. That's cute.

    Oh! Charlotte and Tomax! It's been a long time since I've seen them.

    That's good that with time the fans began to forgive them. Now Tomax can write his books again.

    And omg Jacques, can't you just leave her alone? But, well, she's a politician now. I wonder what old Villarreal has in mind.

    Oh, back to the historical save! Omg, another baby! Too bad Luisa was so sick this time :disappointed:

    And Anna really looks darling after your trip to CAS


    Ohhhh an actual gameplay post! Amazing! Lol

    It's adorable. Geez I can't believe how big Tira is

    And Lilith and Luca are so cute together.

    I love her gift to him.

    I love seeing him in his room. It's such a cute room.

    And ok, I'll ignore the vampire, that seems reasonable 🤣

    Soooo how did the sugar + toddler combo turn out?

    Yes, that trip to the restaurant was quite interesting. But Geoffrey and Clara were the only ones actually acting suspicious, lol. I do think Bjorn and Nancy are plotting, either against each other, or with each other.

    Lol! I lmao at Salim's apartment. An unholy bathroom and unhappy walls. Ok, well, he's lazy. What do you expect, right?

    Great job, it looks just as awful as it should.

    Your new Sulani bar looks wonderful! I grabbed it right away. And wow! You put so much into your bedroom decorating. Always making sure the interests and hobbies are represented.

    I don’t even have EL yet, but I’ve heard enough about Knox to think that yes, he’d enjoy both yoga and surfing. Ha!


    Ok, ha! The landlord got rid of the mice. I'll go with that. I agree, their reactions were too great to leave out. Lol

    Hmmm, a career for Owen. Maybe he should become a secret agent and hunt down Tim's gang. Lol

    I don't think Sylvia would want that anyway.

    And yes, that was as close as Don and I ever got 🤣

    But wow! What's up with Archie? Is that a phase? Or did he get some crazy trait? He's sure being a terror. Lol

    And then he pulls Claudio into it! I love their "evil laugh moment" lol

    Claudio seems to take to it very well, telling Archie about the phone call and new boyfriend. Then talking back at her about just having fun. She has her hands full with these two. At least she's taking away the chemistry set

    And wow! That proposal almost got really messed up! What was up with that restaurant? It looks like she accepted right away. I'm glad she decided to give him another chance. But I agree with (I think it was) Daephene who said that she hopes he deserves it.

    Lol, Sylvia has a lot of thinking to do now. How are they going to explain that Owen isn't going to be around at the exact time that she won't be around. Lol.

    Oh, and I'm glad you got to try the rocking chair :blush: Isn't it fun?


    Wow, both of those at once? That must get interesting at times. At least it sounds like you take the medicine for it. So many bipolar people don't

    And my diet is basically void of anything that tastes remotely good. Lol

    No carbs because of the diabetes. Every carb turns to sugar, and the cholesterol sticks to the sugar and then the sugar/cholesterol combo sticks to the blood vessel walls. Which means all breads, noodles, potatoes, ice cream, cookies, cakes, candy, chips, stuff like bbq sauce! and even too much fruit is technically not ok for me to eat.

    And then there's the cholesterol aspect itself. And there are a thousand things on that list that I can't eat.

    I am basically left with vegetables, fish, some nuts once in a while, and skinless chicken. So yeah. I do eat a salad almost every day. And I'm trying to eat things that have the potential to remove some of the build up in my blood vessels. Although Drs will tell you that's impossible.

    @March306 Idk if you ever saw this, so I’m reposting it :smile:
    Holy cow! My instructions helped you make that guy!? I’m amazed! Lol, I mean honestly, you did a really wonderful job! He looks completely real!

    And holy cow! 4 more boys! Yikes! Doug’s such a good dad. Teaching those skills. My toddlers always get so whiney when I do that with them, lol.

    I love Darth Vader in attendance at the Thanksgiving celebration. Lol, I love that holiday you made!

    Hank and Even are really cool looking kids! Jeremiah and Boris are too. But they look so different from Hank and Even. Don’t you think? Their head shape is completely different.

    I’ve been trying to find time to write down a decent Dash and Max update, because guess who I found walking around at the gym where Dash hangs out?!! He’s in the gym club now!



    Lol, I must admit that I did not know you can’t make your sim jump into the volcano. I never tried that experiment! :sweat_smile:

    @RedDestiny92 I’m just reposting the thing that I wondered if you’d seen. It’s a response to you Lol, Don’t worry about responding back, as it’s impossibly long. But I did want you to see it.
    Ummmm, yes…. I do recognize that there young man. :D As soon as I saw that picture, it reminded me of this shot of him meeting Thorne for the first time. I’m not sure why, but it did :D The tilt of his head I guess. Now That’s how you greet a new neighbor, right? :sweat_smile:


    Besides that, he already has his own Thorne! Leave Don’s Thorne alone Joey!


    Lol at this:
    Finding a roommate proved easy and she knew she could have made a better choice
    Followed by this:
    she got a chance to relax a little broke or bet she went with the cutest offer she could find.
    Yes, sounds like Joey!

    He seems to have some cash in this story! What’s that backstory? He can decorate a house, and buy JetSkis to boot? And oh my, he turned it up quick! Lol! Kissy faces, and kissing her hands right away. There’s my man! Lmao :p What do you mean, “pretending” to be a gentleman! Lol! He’s a perfect gentleman!

    I’m dying here:
    When it was time to snorkel this dolphin immediately came up to him so I stopped him from joining her, look how happy it is, ugh he's charming to sea creatures too, him, I like.
    Lol, you don’t have to sound so annoyed that you like him! Ha!! It’s impossible not too! Has he obsessively cleaned a desk yet, or imagined worms wiggling inside himself yet? He’s an interesting queasy kinda guy :wink: lol

    Yeah, here at the Romance Fest, you mentioned the old crowd again. Do you mean Hugo Villareal? Who is in the old group? I’ll bet it was fun telling them how adventurous she is, moving in with a man she didn’t know! Ha

    He was willing to kiss her, hey? How sweet of him. And then that convo about the pet names. I was lmao. I guess “Love” was the best he’d come up with. And she was all “You can’t call me that, it just happened.” Well yeah, it did happen, so hush, lol

    And oh my god!
    And over there we have two people ignoring me.
    Hilarious! What is Travis doing there selling paintings anyway? Clearly you didn’t put Jasper in this save, or that would be him. It’s always him. Lol!

    And omg, really Joey? You can’t even make it to the bed? After all that talk? Lol! Isn’t that just like a man? lol

    Gosh I’ve missed a lot from you! Here’s an uglacy update! With a new generation! Little Steve needs to age up quickly, I wanna see if the nose has finally disappeared or not! And wow, he does have Johnny’s hair color.

    Lol I laughed when you said you forgot Bronson was a merman, I was like …. Hmmm, did I know that? Because if I did, I forgot too. Lmao.

    But that party was mayhem! Lmao, spare children dropped on them with no warning, trick or treaters, Don randomly aging up, aunts dying, crabby women, Giving Birth!!! Finally a proposal and crazy mom taking pictures. Well, it’s good that she did. We need evidence of the unbelieve happenings in an Uglacy. lol

    I have seen and read the new Don / Sean story and absolutely love it! Dear God, another Don. He seems a bit nicer though. Don is funny, wondering why he won't dress differently. lol. And she is adorable! All the pink! Personally I love pink.

    Anyway, I have to comment more on them later. It's getting very late!
    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    I know I know I said no romance until both had completed Uni

    ...But suddenly out of the blue Agathe called Lesley at Uni being all adorable asking her out (one of the new phone events). And well...


    There will be more updates when something other than the never-ending treadmill of Uni happens.
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    edited October 2020
    The Island Elemental Twins: Dylan and Zephyr: The Broken World Saga

    The Kailani Legacy: Kylen and Rylan 7

    In oceanic paradise under the clear starry sky, Kylen found romance.

    He met Aaron after one of his karaoke performances. A young human man he found quite attractive. When they ventured into the water, Kylen curled around him to give him a Merman's Kiss.

    They pulled each other into an embrace as Aaron returned Kylen's Kiss.

    It wasn't long after that they exchanged numbers. They were so eager to grow closer they didn't even leave the water to use their phones. For Aaron, Kylen was the catch of the day.

    Kylen's Kiss turned the young man into a young merman who was not shy about giving Kylen his Merman's Kiss.

    Aaron curled his blue and yellow tail around Kylen's blue and pink tail, pulling Kylen's lips closer to his. Kylen wrapped his arms around Aaron's lower back to pull him closer.

    They pulled each other closer as Kylen kissed Aaron back.

    Kylen had thoughts about male seahorses that carried the young. He was infatuated.

    Aaron was being a charmer and Kylen fell for every flirt and every cheesy line.

    Aaron splashed Kylen and Kylen came back with another kiss.

    Kylen pulled himself up out of the water, supporting himself on Aaron to finish the kiss.

    Kylen sang away his heart to Aaron. There would be no one else he could be with. Kylen's Heart, he, would always belong to Aaron, now and forever.

    On the beach, they embraced and had their first kiss.

    The cloudy sky cleared, Aaron took the lead and passionately kissed Kylen. Kylen was wrapped around Aaron's finger.

    When Aaron proposed, he promised to always be there for Kylen and support him. He understood the significance of Kylen's devotion and wished to offer him the same devotion. Kylen accepted.

    Before things could move much faster, Kylen's Mother approached the love birds. She helped to slow things down. She and her father didn't have a wedding because they didn't have a choice. Sara wanted make sure her son's would have the opportunity she didn't.

    And naturally, she sat down with Kylen's new Boyfriend to see if she approved. Kylen watched from afar.
    Post edited by Metior_Ice on
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    edited October 2020


    Wow, both of those at once? That must get interesting at times. At least it sounds like you take the medicine for it. So many bipolar people don't

    And my diet is basically void of anything that tastes remotely good. Lol

    No carbs because of the diabetes. Every carb turns to sugar, and the cholesterol sticks to the sugar and then the sugar/cholesterol combo sticks to the blood vessel walls. Which means all breads, noodles, potatoes, ice cream, cookies, cakes, candy, chips, stuff like bbq sauce! and even too much fruit is technically not ok for me to eat.

    And then there's the cholesterol aspect itself. And there are a thousand things on that list that I can't eat.

    I am basically left with vegetables, fish, some nuts once in a while, and skinless chicken. So yeah. I do eat a salad almost every day. And I'm trying to eat things that have the potential to remove some of the build up in my blood vessels. Although Drs will tell you that's impossible.

    Having another condition diagnosed with bipolar is actually very common. Bipolar isn't something that is simply emotional. The condition is on a spectrum like any other mental health conditions. Depression and Mania are both opposite conditions with more going on than being extremely sad or energetic. Some people close to me speculate that the ADHD is actually autism. Regardless of what it is, I am higher functioning and can do most things in my life like any other person. The meds help, but they only reduce the extremes. I still experience episodes of sorts where my brain doesn't work as well as it should. The ADHD... I don't know the best words to describe it, but I'd say that Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder would be a good way of thinking about how I experience Depression and Mania. It might help describe the way the neurotransmitters in my brain function.

    Edit: Yeah, that can be limiting. Just remember, a vegetarian diet is the exclusion of meat: Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Pork, Beef, and etc.

    A Vegan diet is the exclusion of anything that comes from an animal.

    When you really think about it, there are a lot of recipes that do not require meat.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    edited October 2020
    Okay, for the people following my story, I have a question because I'm in uncharted territory. Kylen is gay, but he's also the heir. His brother is the spare if something happened to Kylen.

    I'm currently thinking of shifting the responsibility of producing a heir onto Rylan, but he's a little further behind than his brother in being prepared for the task.

    I did get a crazy idea from one of Kylen's thought bubbles. In the ocean in real life, male seahorses do take on the role of bearing the children instead of the females. With that logic in mind, I can temporarily adjust the gender settings so that Kylen and Aaron can have children with Kylen being the one that becomes pregnant. It is a stretch of logic, but given the gender settings and the fact that they are mermen, mythical creatures, I think I could do it. The advantage would be that Kylen could start the next generation sooner.

    I imagine that I can still develop Rylan's Relationship with Ashley, but they aren't hitting it off as quickly as Kylen and Aaron did.

    Edit: I forgot to include the laws of succession.

    Even though Kylen and Rylan are identical twins, Kylen was the first born twin.

    So, the Laws of Succession are as follows:

    The Sim Must be a first born Twin or Triplet (I'm experimenting with how generations of twins affect the chances for twins and triplets).

    The Sim must have the Sulani Mana trait (I don't use the abilities, but this does mark a potential heir. Adoption will not result in this trait. It is an inherited trait that a parent must have.)

    The spares can take over if something happens to the heir (I'm thinking something along the lines of death).
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    Managed to get a new laptop much better for simming - the joy of renting to buy: I had nearly paid 95% of my previous contract which means I didn't have to pay out much to finish one contract and start the next. I could not afford a new one in a big lumpsum. Normally I give my old ones to family members or needy students/ families so I am sad my surface pro isn't going to help someone :(
    Spent the day downloading endless programs and can actually start playing yay.
    Spent a short while testing my vanilla game - no saves or library loaded.

    Because Travis Scott hates me and my sims (we don't mean to hurt or kill him - he just never learns..) I decided to make him over and make him my main sim. All I did was choose a different hair and made him one shade darker to get rid of the cheese hair (only Landgraab level goodlooks or beguiling magic sims seem capable of handling that cheesy hair). And I burnt his entire - I am a 70 year old man - wardrobe and dressed him as a young adult.

    Summer and Liberty approved but Travis wanted them to leave so he could game in peace.

    He didn't like them flirting up a storm all over Willow Creek. (I now understand Summer's hotdog grilling addiction - hot young men come running at the smell of them).

    Summer found a lovely new gallery sim by Bettybackwoods99 which I downloaded today and went from hello to making cat growls and doing every flirt in the book in under 10 seconds. He was happy to respond. I added a house of 8 young adults and one of the girls has taken a shine to made over Travis. Now if only he can stop being miserable for 5 seconds and smile at her....

    @RedDestiny92 you were one of the people I was thinking about when I made my comment. I am glad you have a computer and can sim again. I do rent to buy and was right at the end of the contract so I don't need to pay too much extra than my usual rental to pay out my contract and start a new one for my new laptop which arrived today - similar price but much better specs for simming this time. If it had been earlier in the rental - it could have been very expensive - OR time consuming if they wanted to try and fix it!

    @Koteyka Love to see you doing comments. I see everyone writing long excited comments to you and get jealous of what I am missing in your updates - but I absolutely hate reading things out of order as they lose their magic and tension etc. I was hoping to read it this holiday - then my computer had words to say on that issue. It is so hard to try and not look at what's happening and give myself spoilers.

    @sarabeth2984 sorry to hear things were busy/ tough and you were away from this thread, I see you in the gallery and build threads so didn't realise you were away from here (especially all the time I was away.) Hope things are better now :) Your update with Griffin and Vlad playing table tennis - premium simming right there LOL.
    @Daephene I forgot to say that I love your sim Adam, he is quite a cutie but very much a teenage boy. I loved when he was talking to Yuki and thought agreeing was more important than understanding because she was cute LOL. I think my Bjorn began his political career solely because it gave him opportunities to get out and flirt with the ladies - even if his wife Jess and girlfriend Jade were present! Maybe its politician hormones.

    @revgrv I laughed at your lineünwanted side effects such as abduction and impregnation "when referring to a one night stand - being a sim can be stressful.

    @Beardedgeek woah that sports massage looked painful.

    @Lucy_Henley that redhead in the sun picture was far too painfully accurate for me. I may be a brunette but my skin is genuine irish redhead pale - so crispy baconn in the sun. I think Vlad is less flammable than me in summer.

    @heyroberto I like your sims. I haven't been active in the thread for a while - did you share the story of how they got together? I will go and read it if you did.

    @ryttu3k I love the realistic versions of your sims except for poor Johnny - why did it do that to him ............noooo. I loved your alternate reality with Geoffrey etc. I like that I can do that with the premades in this game as there is less lore to worry about - in that way at least.

    @AlwaysAsking The tale of your simself and Don was so funny. The looks Joey's Don gave you when you tapped a keg were priceless - and he is smitten with Joey isn't he. I put Rohan and Quin in a build save and the Morgyn in that save - who has technically never met Quin is just the same and as flirty with Quin as he is in Quin's save. Some sims just know what they want! I don't have festival outfits turned on in my game except for Geekcon and I have MCC control what accessories NPCs are and arent allowed to have - I am looking at you cats and dog leggings and eyeball ring!!! - so I have no idea whether it happens in a vanilla save or your personal glitch. I love your townie beach outfit. Congrats on trying to land refined Don - there isn't much challenge in getting regular Don to say yes - sad that Joey showed up and his magnetism (trying to think of a word they wouldnt flower out LOL) ruined it all. Oh and your simself refusing him - sims will do what they want.

    Brant is back up to his old tricks. I used think Brent was miserable and rude but the more I know Brant - the more I know what that poor boy puts up with. He isnt happy without him either. And what was all the clothes optional LOL??? Trust Eliza Pancakes to be parading herself around. Quick answer of 2 questions Ekram is a miserable old grump - he is mean and gloomy and annoys everyone excessively whenever he speaks. Bjorn was flirting with the young woman not Rohan (but seriously, Quin keeps very close to Rohan in public as he gets a lot of Lawrence style stalkers - they dont want to mess with Quin - or compete with him). Oh no - you wrote a new comment while I was writing. I wont get to it today. But the look Bjorn gave Don and Joey was priceless in update 2 - it said something along the lines of I remember when this island used to be exclusive!!!

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    edited October 2020
    Actually, after editing in the laws of succession, I think the answer is clear. As long as Kylen is alive, Rylan can't take over as the heir. So, Kylen remains responsible for producing a heir and because a parent must have the Sulani Mana Trait, I have two options. Kylen can cheat on Aaron or Kylen can temporarily be capable of becoming pregnant to produce a heir. Maybe I can explain it as a weird form of merfolk physiology similar to how things work in Jurassic Park. In a situation where there is only the same gender, a merman or mermaid in the group can produce the next generation... This will probably be a little different. And, there are no mermaids in sulani at the moment unless a human female sim is turned into one, and Kylen isn't interested in the opposite sex anyways. Correction, the only mermaid is Kylen's mother...
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,222 Member

    Too bad the other Don did not work out, but second Don
    seemed to work out a lot better hehe.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    So, Kylen is now pregnant and carrying the next Kailani Generation, if it’s twins, I will have the next heir.

    I’m not normally in favor of male pregnancies. It’s the one thing that makes me actively avoid Aliens. However, I don’t want the legacy to end until Dylan and Zeph are brought back to life.
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    Colourful Cabana 2.0! Gallery link and full tour. This one is 79,061, compared to 26,755 for the earlier version. On the plus side, it's decorated much more how I like!


    Heck yeah clutter and art, basically!

    @Metior_Ice I really like that idea! Best of luck with it!

    @Daephene oh goodness Morgyn eyes forward XD

    @sunblond Kaden sounds like he's settling in! (And heh, when I did a semester abroad, I had all my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays too! Worked out well, actually, got four-day weekends!) Yeah, roommates and boundaries can be... a lot to work out. Oh hey, hi Rohan! Sounds like he and Christine are handling things like adults, that's good. And yeah dean's list!

    Yeah, makes sense XD I love decorating, almost more than playing, so it's like. Rugs, art, plants, everywhere!

    @AlwaysAsking Don and Joey are such a fun combo XD The flirtiness can be seen from space!

    Yes! It's been rare these days XD Mostly because all my storytelling energy is going towards Simsta, so I don't really play much. Heh, sugar and toddler resulted in an angry toddler from the sugar crash. He was sitting with Tira on the floor because he had just been sulking and huffing over the crash XD;; It was just wearing off when Lilith was getting ready to leave. (It's kinda cute. Eating a dessert - he had the whim to ask Lilith for one, so I indulged him - gets an hour-long 'Sugar Sugar Sugar' energised one with the description 'Woo! Wow! The motor is running and it's time to do stuff!', then turns to the two-hour angry one 'Sugar Now!' with the description 'What goes up must come down. Right now the sugar has left and the down is waaaay down!'. Give toddlers desserts at your peril!)

    Salim's apartment is definitely on the... grungy side XD Honestly, it's kind of fun making a place look ugly! And enjoy the bar! :D

    @Becka28 glad you were able to get a new laptop! And yeah, the premades have just enough of a hinted-at backstory (well, sometimes!) that you can do a lot with them in terms of making them your own. I really dig that everyone takes, say, the same basic Caleb or someone, and ends up spinning him off in a myriad of ways!
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    @ryttu3k as soon as Kylen produces a heir, I will not hesitate to change his gender back to what it was originally.

    I admit, this will be a little strange. I’m struggling to get my screenshots from my PlayStation, so the story update will come later.
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    Hey everyone here are some comments and update on an inbetween household from my main sims!

    @RedDestiny92 Yooo! I was thinking of that too! I was thinking they would adopt a child (but like towards the end of that range, my personal range is 6years-13years) so maybe a preteen to young teen. Or just a teenager.
    And I also see them childless and like you said just loving all the little ones running around (Angel’s three boys, Rainbow and the unborn one).
    I can’t decide now but there is still time!

    I understand about holding back on your main saves after a patch and waiting heh, I am not even that brave, I just don’t patch until I hear damage reports! Then I still don’t patch lol. Anyways, I am enjoying Adeline very much and am excited to read the update!

    Hehe, a kitty named gold yeeeeees! It must happen! You have wrote this need into existence *nods* it must be now.

    I get you, I sometime wonder that with townies like Juliana for instance Max’s girl, I was surprised to see her family tree empty, I should have made some elder parents for her, but it is alright, I made her an orphan, so there is some connection there!

    Heheh, I just kept clicking eat again xD I thought it was cute bug or not! I agree, better then mouth full maybe her manners are getting better haha! I think you are onto something, Hazel and Rainbow are my favorite sims thus far. I think it is because of how they were born (both products of teen pregnancy) and their lives and how I have taken months and months in real life to shape their lives from infant to child, I am completely immersed and invested <3

    *Waves attachment flag with you!*

    I love the three days of nonsense best nonsense!

    Adeline just keeps endearing me to her, I have to say I was a bit surprised at her wit but love it! I love how she eagerly and happily bounces around from place to place interaction to interaction~

    Heheh, her love of food makes me very happy and relating to her, everything is better with food.
    So intended or not, I am rooting for Sean here! I love their banter and they have a type of pulling chemistry, I want to know more about both of them, what to see more from both of them!

    I loved the talk of tradition and the day at the beach, I hope they both are still around each other next Easter.
    I kinda died because the first pic you post next is gonna be Sean in pink right?
    Also butterscotch is super funny poor doggo getting all jelly <3<3

    That was a brilliant and quite adorable shot of Alex and Bella showing off, picture and game catching gold right there!

    @sunblond Yes! I am happy she gets to meet and play with her friends! Since she homeschooled, most of them come form either her online classes or from scouts.

    I loved Kaden’s Uni entry very, very relatable and understandable for someone in his position, I love his uncertainties and the part with him and Christine woohooing was such innocent, nervous but eager and yearning it fit perfect for a first timer. I loved so many people came to check up on him too that was really supportive of him! And all that advice following got him on the Dean’s list congrats!

    @Alwaysasking Ooooo a new update! HA! There is Don! Welp experiment well tested? An `altered Don pre-played vs fresh Don’ I had fun watching this unfold.

    Heh, we love Uncle Joey for sure! I love how he and Don connected so easily, either the stars are alined for something is that hard coded? Either way it is precious can’t wait to see more!

    Ooooooo~ or is he? What a little cliffhanger! LOL honestly I would love to see Amelia and Joey hang out xD they are both so “on” all the time, in slight different ways but also similar.

    @Metior_Ice Hey! Kylen and Aaron relationship is beautiful <3 I think it is fine that Kylen can carry, it makes sense to me especially if you bade it around mystical creatures. Heck. I have lore that it is natural in the sim world between homosexual couples, due to alien tech, I mean look at those silly birth contraptions at the hospital (if you have get to work) along with a lot of the scientist tech looks very sci-fi and way advanced, I just say alien tech and advancement have caused this from the aliens that lurk among our sims.

    Okay here is Nickolas and Pinky (Alena but I never called her that) and Gavin-Derick her one night stand son.

    We start off with pinky practicing her comedy she is funny and talented (CC traits) and really good at cracking people up! She is level 7 so far in the Entertainer branch of the comedian one.

    "So that is why, watch what you say around your kids because haha, they WILL repeat it to everyone including the whole class when the principal comes for a check in~"

    Pinky is practicing her newest comedy routine called, "Children Talk"

    Lol the real question is if she is going off of experience or just information she searched up xD

    Meanwhile after watching Pinky do her routine, (they are super supported roommates) Nick watched some type of romantic show... I think it was of the adult kind.

    Got flirty and decided to send er a certain type of pic of himself to Amelia who was at work.

    Listen buddy, if she gets fired, it is your fault! >:O

    Here is Gavin-Derick, he looks pretty similar to Pinky, wish I knew his dad but it does not even show in the family tree. Oh well!

    Fashion and good times!
    I thought this house could use a change of clothing, I started doing this around this save since I had it for so long, time for new wardrobe!

    I use the explore mod and send them shopping they come back with outfits that are not the best.

    But they give me an idea of what I might wanna do.

    So for Nick I take this outfit aaaaaannnnd....

    Wa-la a much better outfit for him!

    I did the same for these too and changed up Pinky hair style a bit too.

    Now in his new digs, him and Amelia were going out on a date because those text he was sending early got her all hot n' heavy!~

    IDK why his work panel is up lol but he needs to get a move on those promotions!

    Oh and yes they have very little simoleons, you will see why in a little while why that is~ Two reasons actually.

    He came back from his social activities mod date and had a great time via the moodlet but I was not fooled these both are usually all over each other hmmm.

    Ah-ha! Knew it, they woohoo while on the date!

    Hope it was at least not too out there in public, jeez how are they not preggers by now via risky woohoo?

    I just love watching Pinky be a mom~ <3

    Then she works on another comedy routine, something about T. V. Obsessions boy I could give her a list of obsessions that sims are addicted too lol xD

    Oh no Gavin-Derick woke up in a sad mood because he is gloomy, poor boy, I think I finally figured out what turned him from a silly giggly tot to a gloomy kiddlet.

    I think for now, gloomy is referring to his sensitivity, he is extremely sensitive (nothing wrong with that some people are hyper sensitive). And being so little it just shows as sadness because he is very young and does not know how to process or regulate those emotions just yet.

    He is also going through the clingy phase at this point and time.

    Oh my heart look at those tears in his eyes!

    To add to why Gavin-Derick may be gloomy as well is struggling being different or feeling different and not understanding how or why yet aka maybe homosexual or transgender, I just get the vibes and it is not the pink, pink is in some places and use to be a very manly color, but to me, color has no gender.

    As well as his odd appearance aka the pink hair. Some sim have it but most have the natural colors.

    How this happens the odd hair colors being natural in my lore? Aliens, it was the aliens! Putting their spawns in mail sims since medieval times let me tell you. SMH.

    Nick saw that GD was in a sad mood and gave him a big hug and some comforting and encouraging words before the bus got there.

    They have a really good relationship! <3 Nick is a good enough male role model just never come to him as a teen looking for romantic advice GD.

    There we go it worked!

    The little guy just needed some extra comfort and confidence.

    More Events and Perry?
    Nick and Pinky talk about this since they don't work into the evenings.

    Pinky decides it might be a good idea to at least check with his doctor to see if there should be anything extra she needs to be doing for her son.

    Caroline knows a great place if so, her son Kain goes thee since his quite....erratic.

    Pinky and Nick picked up a few odd jobs.

    Pinky still has a good amount of money in her own account (Sims national bank mod) but she could always use some more.

    She had a blast doing that task and the last line caught my eye, who is Perry?

    I invited Mr. Perry Curren over and she had a greeting I never seen before hilarious greeting, they both acted like complete dork, trying to stifle their giggling and leaning in close.

    Then they both cracked up like loons just laughing and laughing my goodness! I had to laugh too it was pretty contagious!

    They became friends almost instantly!

    I was curious about him and nipped him into the household, he has good traits, and they are both goofballs!

    Also Perry was completing an odd job himself, upgrading all their best!

    He had level ten handiness skill along with mixology which he was and worked at Nine and Dine Eatery (from the gallery) in Magnolia Promenade.

    Okay so real talk: Nickolas is a jerk he proposed to Amelia in the hallway. I thought I took out the mod but forgot some of it, so he did it all on his own. Instead of killing him, I am pretending it did not happen and later I staged a proposal. I mean really he is romantic and creative, he can think of a much better proposal then the hallway!

    But here they are being all gushy.

    He is such a romantic even when Amelia gets sweep away~ All her teases lost in her throat!

    Yet their is sass in her yet because she gets him riiiight back lol!

    I love watching them do this all on their own!

    GD does not looks interested in what they are doing. xD

    And of course, Nick has to get the upper hand again, what is better then sweeping her right off her feet.

    Up the stairs and right into bed?

    More About Perry, I like this man.
    Perry gets done upgrading almost all the beds.

    Two certain sims are occupying the last bed he needs to upgrade.

    He does not seem to mind waiting though.

    Gavin-Derick and him chat it up getting along great and almost just as fast as him and Pinky did, they are friends.

    This man just has those good type of vibes!

    "And then they were kissing!"

    LOL welp Pinky sure was right!

    Pinky apologizes for her roommate and his girlfriend, she invites Perry to have dinner with them and he humbly accepts waiving off her apology even if he has a decent two bedroom house in Newcrest, he lives alone, some company was welcomed.

    He even cleaned up for them despite him being the guest!

    Pinky, pinky, come on, I know it has been like what? Seven years but don't let this fellow slip by!

    He even plays chess!

    Gavin-Derick likes him and while he is not completely shy of new comers, he really warmed up to Perry super quick!

    Sooooo wondering why he is asleep on the couch?

    Because. Nick and Amelia never came back down! xD

    So Pinky got him some pj's and made him comfortable on the couch, making sure to give him a blanket and pillow (why is this not an option?) and to keep the fireplace going.

    It was late and snowing again she did not feel right just letting him leave in that type of weather.

    These two are something else inconsiderate due to consistent woohooing unable to keep their paws off each other!

    *Sigh* Sleep tight the both of you!

    The next morning, Perry final was able to complete his job. He bid them a farewell despite Pinky's offers of breakfast.

    Pinky was eager to share her feelings and experience with Amelia, while Nick listened and gave his two cents as well.

    They both thought it was good, if she felt feelings follow them, but remember to keep her head and her heart.

    Amelia was hungry and wanted to get breakfast so she talked Nick into going to this breakfast buffet.

    It was a bit of a job since he was a excellent cook, why go out?

    She pulled out all the stops getting coy, since it was a bit of a drive and while the snow settled the streets were kinda a mess still.

    Besides she wanted waffles, fancy crepes and rumor has it the best pumpkin latte ever.

    Aaaaaaaaand she got what she wanted despite the sudden break out xD

    (Oh and the buffet is via explore mod).

    After the breakfast date, and going to the dermatologist, Amelia came and chilled with Pinky then crashed on her bed for a nap.

    Sad Little GD
    Poor GD got very sad at school missing his mom. Pinky usually waited for him off the bus saw her little guy's feelings were down in the dumps.

    A lot of this was due to his clingy phase and only intensified by his gloomy trait poor dear!

    She gave him a loving hug wrapping her arms tightly around him and giving the security and warmth the little guy was seeking.

    Still wrapped in her arms, she led him in and got his coat and that like off him before taking him on the couch to just hold him and let him warm up by the fire.

    His mood started to shift and improved and all those inner woes and feelings seemed to begin to heal.

    Pinky did a bit of her lax joking making him giggle and then asked more deeper things.

    She found out he had a bunch of nightmares last night and on top of the slight clingy phase and with such a sensitive little guy, it all became to much for him at school.

    Pinky got him some hot coco and kissed him on the cheek promising him she would be just in the kitchen fixing him some dinner.

    She went with him and once he was done with his coco, she coaxed him to take a nap.

    Though Nick was the main chef of the house, Pinky did not how to cook or at least make spaghetti!

    Once he was reassured and comfortable it did not take Gavin-Derick long to fall asleep and take a much needed nap, for both his lack of sleep to help his emotions and tiredness from bringing him down mentally.

    Once he woke up a little later, he was happy to enjoy his most favorite dish spaghetti!

    His mom's was good but Nick-nick's really knew how to add a special flair! But he was still pleased and happy enough.

    We leave off with this beautiful sunset outside of Nick's window.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,004 Member
    Taking four classes was unfortunately a little too much for Lucy. What makes it even more annoying is that she got A+ in ALL her other classes, dang it. The one consolation is that she only has one class, and all it requires is an exam.


    By contrast, Anne aced this term! Her final GPA is a B+.

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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,004 Member
    Soooo Lucy and Max were trying for baby (SPOILER: it worked) and poor, poor Lars walked in on them! :D:D:D
    He turned straight round and walked out again but oh boy, that’s NOT what you want to walk in on... The van Beerses moved out so I can focus on Lucy’s final term, so there’s space in their household.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    edited October 2020
    @AlwaysAsking it amuses me how different sims can act when you care to watch them sometimes it is subtle if you don't care but when you do does it shine ha. I still don't have your self sim I don't even think it was available but I could use another fresh face in my saves mmhmm, *pokepoke* oh okay I remember part of it so I would have seen it I think it was when I was busy so I wasn't being as responsive when my brain is down for the count it's down whether I want to keep going or not it seems...hmmmmm more often now than it used to be bleh. I wish he would hurry up but he has some time while I protect the save with a gigantic ten foot pole. It must have been too long since I gave them attention you know I so love rotating saves and families perhaps I should make another thread to clean up some of them or something I call it channel surfing over on the ts3 side ha. I loved the party now when I have them in ts3 I'll miss all the activity hehe that said it's usually what you make of it with games like this and they really threw everyyyyyyything at me. I'm glad to hear you like it I just dove in and went with whatever popped up with me like more than usual, I was just thinking clothes mean nothing but hey maybe use some other content you paid for and he had abs soooooooooooooo hehheehehe. Adeline is very sweet who knows why but I say get the girl more pink I don't own much but I like it and apparently love dressing my sims in it ha. Now get some rest!
    @Becka28 ha me too it's good you got it sorted in a way that works for you cause repairs is how they get you and right when you think you have patience, boom another month of waiting and no clear communication. Travis is also very cute like that, when I see him with brown hair though I remember when he ended up with Gunther after having surrogate children with Summer and Gunther wouldn't let her see them so she moved in with Don I think it was.

    @Lyrie I think it could work either way they just have that vibe I dig heh, you know how I am about kids need moar. As for updating it's like when I see code I don't know much true enough but I imagine all the downloads, unistalls and redownloads may do different things explaining why not everyone has the same issues and why within reason fixes aren't so simple. So I just have to back up my games and see what happened for myself to know what's going on, sound the bells something has been written into existence now the question is it a cream colored gold or a calico? ha, yes! More flags, dude seriously I can't help it life can just be rough and take one too many turns I like escaping to the sims and I swear they know it and take advantage like Rainbow she's not even my sim and she's adorable and I demand the best for her like what? :D Also Allie has some sims like that for me and some others it's just the way I do cray I guess.

    Glad you think so sometimes I feel bad for all the pics I have then I remember I can use spoilers but in the ts3 section I don't normally use them so I have to remind myself and pick and choose what I really want to share. Mostly because Adeline is quite a peach I just out of habit watch sims like people when I give them freewill she really can't help people! Yay lol. I am going to have her go around and collect more recipes I've never completed the collection but I think she'd be the one to do it I'm not sure if she'll be successful or not in her efforts but he does like her maybe he'll just give in I just got a kick out of playing dress up with him, though his character shifted on me I'd make notes if my word brain and finger brains would stay on the same page. Oh yeah you know I love stuff like that, sometimes I only play shorter in some areas just to keep the story moving but I do like the long haul it's nice though sometimes cutting to the chase and then looking back and thinking for that family it was okay. Right? I love that pic the show offs!

    Lol Nick is a trip, that is not okay....until she tells you she's on her lunch break sir, it would amuse me if his dad was Gavin Richards but hard to tell. I like the makovers but then I always like makeovers I have such a thing for them time passing and all I used to do that for kids when we didn't have tots just to say time is passing they are getting older. Gavin is adorable too I can so picture him and Rainbow together in scouts and bug hunting together. Also Pinky...also...your hairs go together so it's like a rule, snag him girl lol. Some good times in that house, I love it.

    Mmkay awesomes out and I don't have an update I thought I did but ah well I'll pop in again and get some more.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    oh and before I forget @Lyrie @AlwaysAsking @mercuryfoam

    I forgot to bother this chat with this vids I love guys with long hair but they are all cute and single ladies and the final cowboy look.....waaaatch it's relevant cause I always try to have an excuse of sims with long hair.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,774 Member
    @PriestessBizarre I have heard that household cats will chase the mice, so I don't think the cats are the problem. Have they worked on community lots for you before? I have never used them and don't think I've read anything specifically about them on community lots.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,004 Member
    The fridge had broken, and Anne knew just how to fix it. Evie watched as sparks flew out of her friend's hands.
    "Wow, that's so cool," Evie said. "You don't ever have to spend money on a repairman."
    "Nope," Anne said. "But I have to be careful. If I use too many spells I can become charged, or even overcharged, which increases the possibility of mistakes."
    "Oh dear," Evie replied. "Yeah, that sounds bad."


    Keiko and Arisa encountered Gemma Charm on the upstairs landing, and took the opportunity to talk to an older spellcaster who wasn't a family member.


    As a Child of the Islands, Lars particularly enjoyed dancing along to the local radio station. The beats were very catchy!


    Keiko and Lars were very energetic kids, but unfortunately the garden was too small for a jungle gym. Lucy took the cousins to a small play area in Newcrest so that they could burn off some energy.


    Key Point was an oceanic paradise, so Lucy decided to go fishing. She found that she rather enjoyed the experience, and even caught an invasive species, so was able to feel that she was doing some good by removing it.


    Ooh... could Sakura be taking after her mother?


    Working on her homework. The thing that looks like a necklace is something Keiko picked up whilst beachcombing, it's called "The Heart of Sulani". It looks so pretty!


    The kids all coming back from school at the same time. Keiko's feeling a bit tense, hence the face. Sakura messed up during a spelling test. Thankfully it looks like Arisa and Lars had a good day!


    Anne made another Hispanic dish, elote. When you mouse over the dish, it explains what it is, which is pretty cool. I knew what elote was, but I wasn't sure about most of the other dishes, so it's a really interesting way to learn about new foods.


    As you can tell, Anne was very worried about heading out towards her final exam. As you saw, she did brilliantly!


    Like with Erytheia and Xanthe, I changed the triplets' outfits. This time, though, they're wearing different things! Sakura's dress is, appropriately, called the "Sakura Tiers Dress" on Sims Catalog/Sims Resource. Hence why I had to get it :lol:


    Anne had recently become an Acolyte, the third rung on the Spellcaster ranking system. As part of this, she had received a Fairy familiar. She felt, however, that it would be a good gift for Sakura. She then went to the Magic Realm and purchased two other familiars, a dragon and a phoenix. She gave Sakura the fairy and Keiko the dragon.


    Anne graduated!


    Once back in Sulani, Anne knew it was time to get a job. She joined the Musician branch of the Entertainer career, jumping straight in at level 7. The only drawback was that she had no piano skill, but she had plenty of time.


    "Anne, I think Max, Lars and I are going to have to move out," Lucy said.
    "I knew this was coming," Anne sighed. "It'd be a bit weird for us to live together all our lives. But it won't be any easier!"
    "No, it won't," Lucy admitted. "You can come round whenever you want, of course."


    I managed to get this awesome action shot of Lucy diving off the back deck of her new house.


    "Hi Auntie Anne! Nice to see you!" Lars said.
    "Hello, Lars. Do you like your new house?"
    "Yeah, it's great," Lars said. "It's a bit quiet without the girls, though."
    "I know what you mean. You're all in your kids' club, though, aren't you? You can carry on seeing each other through that and school."


    "So, honey... how about we have another child?" Lucy suggested.
    "Ooh, great idea," Max replied.


    "Well honey... it worked! Lars is going to be a big brother!"
    "Oh, that's amazing!" Max said. He was so excited he did a congratulatory fist pump.


    "Oh my Plumbob, WHY did I walk into my parents' room when they were having 'special time'?? WHYYY? I am SO EMBARRASSED right now. Ugh..."



    I think I'm going to leave it there and go back to the Harper-Joneses, and Joanna's budding romance! Kirsten is due to become a teenager soon. I've been thinking about what they can do as degrees, so they'll have to work on the appropriate skills.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    edited October 2020
    So, Kylen and Aaron ended up with twins on their first try with the same weird genetics as Dylan and Zephyr. I can tell by them having different skin tones. Kylen's race is more Hispanic, and Aaron is Scottish. Lir and Loch are half-Hispanic, Half-Caucasian. Dylan and Zephyr are technically half-Caucasian, half-Asian.

    It seem that the game might actually have a problem with mixed races. I didn't expect the twins to have two different skin tones.

    Also, Santa and Vlad are in the Dive Club together. I ran into both of them during their club gathering in the middle of the day at the start of spring.

    My game currently has 3 santas...

    Oh, I decided to have Rylan and Ashley have a kid. Lir and Loch will have a cousin. This means, the game will have 5 toddlers, Lir, Loch, Ember, Nani, and Rylan and Ashley's kid. I might actually get to have a Toddler Party.

    I'll post pictures once Rylan and Ashley's kid is born.

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