The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    edited October 2020
    A few random updates:

    Apparently your Fitness skill still goes up if you sit still on a workout machine and knits.
    Yes, Agathe spontaneously did this:

    A more sensible knitting pic from the girls' house just after they moved in:

    Leslie's last day before going off to Uni: Water slide fail!

    Epic Lobster Moment:
    Post edited by Beardedgeek on
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,613 Member
    @Daephane p.778 Sylvia has a soft spot for Owen. :) He'll think twice now. p. 779 Wow Brytani crashed the funeral. That's such a Brytani thing to do. I laughed at Mila being too excited for her spot. It's kinda cute. That is a very good shot of Gwendolyn consoling Lorelei. p.781 LOL really enjoy how Adam's political career begins. Has to begin somehow. p. 783 That shot of the green sky looks cool. It makes me want to get Eco lifestyle but heard NAPs aren't so stable. Lol It's so annoying when a complete stranger sits at your sims table! :D Especially when doing romantic interactions. Very funny they started coughing due to the air after the kiss. such a perfect coincidence :D Those two are very cute together. Lol, her ex-husband has to sleep on the couch, good. What are the odds of both exes showing up though :D
    @Lyrie p.778 Glad to hear you're rooting for them. I've bee too :D It has been, but Owen will this time. :) Very sweet moment between Max and Rainbow. P.781 Very cute date with Matty and Mckenna.
    @AlwaysAsking p.778 All those real photos are so cool! Both pictures of Uncle Joey look great! p.780 Things have been well with them :) The mouse reaction made me laugh, I wanted to include that. We'll pretend he got his landlord on top of that so that the boys would be allowed to stay. :D I want Owen to get a job, but none of the available careers seem to fit him. Still trying to figure that out for him. LOL the rocking chairs moment :D The realistic photo of Don is perfect. P.784 Uncle Joey's home looks beautiful! The plants and foliage are perfect. Lmao Don requested messages :D lol Don hushed your simself. Wow the restaurant didn't work. LMAO your "moment of closeness" :D
    @Haneul P.783 Awh Deli. She's so upset about all that. Hoping it gets better for her soon. The shots of Aster and Darius are amazing!

    Lately, Archie's been becoming a little devious. He's been putting stuff down the toilet so they'd break upon use. m7qsbhf.png
    And playing pranks on Claudio. dYu8q87.pngHe pulled the ol' 'you got something on your shirt' trick. mYHNlgB.pngThough Claudio managed to fend him off by pretending their mom was right behind them. :DJSOiQlF.png Claudio laughed at how easily he got fooled Iuawxfo.png Archie had a thought, if he and Claudio teamed up, they'd be unstoppabletc0rFhc.png So the 2 became partners in crime and had their evil laugh moment. KuyW9Eg.png Archie had gotten a chemistry set, and had been creating potions. zv1ggPk.png Abigail liked to call him, her little genius. 24qiwQ2.png Finally got Claudio to try out the rocking chair, he had lots of fun rocking in it, especially when him and Archie decided they were going to start a food fight at school. qWYTP32.pngWhile at school, Abigail wanted to surprise the boys with a ice cream machine. I0HpVTP.png When they returned they were very pleased their plan worked. Claudio was admiring Archie. cJ0vL4U.png The boys and Bandit really liked the ice cream kPeQ29R.pngBandit quickly jumped to the top of the fridge before anyone can see him licking the ice cream. Good timing Bandit :DXAO83xr.png

    As for Sylvia and Owen, they still kept secret. lXqZfWN.png
    Though Abigail was sure she heard something from the living room and went to investigategrQUmgQ.pngAfter a couple of moments, Sylvia pretended to yawn. utYqlDT.png Owen thought that, that was too close. zGxassw.png He decided to go before it was too late.0NJoQWQ.png The next morning, Sylvia found an ice cream bowl, someone's been a late night snack. yAh4dAI.png Sylvia spoke with the boys. She warned them about starting food fights at school, clogging the toilets, and about having ice cream so late at night. Though Claudio was defensive, saying they were just having fun. ElJx5NX.png Sylvia warned them, if they continue with their pranks, eventually someone would get hurt and they'll be punished accordingly. Archie was sure she was bluffing sHsNZyG.png?2 While at school, Abigail got a phone call, and Archie was at it again. FVupITi.png?1
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,613 Member
    Abigail was planning on telling Sylvia, but as soon as she got back home, she left. Owen invited her out. JayWJ40.png
    The two were enjoying each others company they didn't realize everyone who had ordered food after them was getting their food before them. xL1NnnI.pngThey decided to leave, Owen was upset the night was ruined. Sylvia was saying she had to get home soon, but Owen insisted they go to the shores. He was hoping it'd a better viewUCIygJ8.pngSylvia was beginning to walk away so Owen decided now was a good time. He got on one knee and proposed. e7Fw1Nr.png By the time she arrived home, the lights were off and everyone was asleep...or should've been asleep. She was greeted by Bandit. YVg4MpV.png Claudio did his best to hide, he was sure she was going to enter the kitchen but heard her phone ring. He couldn't hear much except for "everyone's asleep" and "good night, love you" huWxXUo.png When she was gone, Claudio sat and thought to himself "so mom's got a secret boyfriend"Aafi2Ws.png The next morning, Claudio told Archie to guess what he heard their mom say. Archie was sure it was how she was going to punish him for the mess he created in science class. 274wisP.png Claudio whispered to him the secret. zrWxZ8R.png

    Archie thought it was great. He told Claudio if they get in trouble they could use that against their mom. IGhIquU.png
    They didn't cause any trouble at least. 7Pkd9n4.png Sylvia let her mother know that she'd soon be gone for a few days for work related trip. She asked if she'd mind watching over the boys for a few days. kuZ8GPa.png Claudio asked if she was going to be gone for a while if it was okay for his dad to stay over. She said he'd have to ask Owen first. Her trip however, wasn't actually work related. Her and Owen were going to elope. jWL3G9H.pngArchie was busy working on new potions, he was very concentrated he didn't hear his mother's footsteps behind him. He got started when he heard her say "I thought I'd find you here" and accidentally added an extra ingredient to his potion. IAkTJZy.png She teased him, referring to him as her little genuis.1Dbs5vD.png But that didn't stop her from telling him, she'd be getting rid of that chemistry table. MHPxJZ4.png
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    WiredTVCrazeWiredTVCraze Posts: 8 New Member
    My Sims Tonya Michaels enjoyed a nice bubble bath, some breakfast, and continued to write her book while listening to a little classical music.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,007 Member
    Sakura was an imaginative kid, just like her mother had been. Unfortunately, she was not yet old enough to use a drawing table, and so decided to... paint the floor.
    "I'm sure there's a cleaning spell," Anne muttered as she mopped. "I need to practise my magic!"


    When Sakura woke up, she was HANGRY. Luckily there was a plate of food downstairs... with four adults around, there was always someone making food.


    It was never any parent's favourite job, but potty training had to be done. And Anne had three to do... even if she roped in Hiroshi, it would still take ages.


    Lucy decided to try and cook spaghetti... except the stove caught fire. Max bravely stepped in to extinguish the flames, which left Lucy nervous. She didn't want the father of her unborn child to catch fire and die.


    Max was the only member of the household not related by blood to the triplets, and he thought it would be a good idea to get to know them better.
    "So... you like dancing then?" he asked.
    "YEAH! Dancing COOL!" Keiko grinned.
    "It is pretty cool," Max agreed. "I'm not very good at it, though, maybe you could teach me?"




    Hiroshi had also suffered from nightmares as a child, and knew just how nasty they could be.
    "It's OK, Daddy's here," he said. "Nightmares are nasty. Why don't I buy you a nightlight so that you'll feel safer at night?"
    "OK," Sakura agreed.


    Anne REALLY needed to pee. I don't have Strangerville so she's not possessed, she's just REALLY desperate.


    Anne returned from her first class of the term feeling confident, having done her homework and taken good notes. She wasn't aiming for a perfect GPA, but she still wanted to do well.


    Samuel came for a visit, and Hiroshi greeted his father-in-law.
    "Hey look... we're wearing the same top and sandals... how awkward," Hiroshi said.
    "Well, look at the positive side, at least they're not the same colours," Samuel laughed.


    "Oh, Dad! How nice to see you!" Lucy exclaimed.
    "Lovely to see you too," Samuel replied. "When are you due?"
    "Tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have finished my class before I go into labour," she laughed.


    Sakura seemed to have learnt her lesson, and instead of making messes on the floor, was playing with her dollhouse.


    Lucy was determined to do much better this term, and part of this involved improving her logic skill. She was just about able to fit behind the chess table, and ended up really getting into her practice.


    She then decided to focus on her term paper. Perhaps 'focus' was the wrong word... she was starting to feel rather uncomfortable. Eventually, she couldn't deny it any longer... she was in labour!
    She decided to head upstairs and give birth in her bedroom. The baby turned out to be a boy, and she named him Lars.
    Oh wow, she thought, how on Earth am I going to juggle a baby and university, particularly since I'm on probation??


    Lucy hadn't been able to exercise during pregnancy, so she took advantage of a moment when Lars was quiet and went outdoors to practise her boxing. It was good to be able to exercise again, although she would definitely be taking it slowly for the next couple of days.


    As a Child of the Islands, Max wanted to honour Sulani culture in any way he could. He bought himself a barbecue pit and decided to cook some pork adobo. He hoped to instill a love of Sulani culture into his child, too!

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,114 Member
    Daephene wrote: »
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    Daephene wrote: »
    @Metior_Ice I love the way you make humor out of the thought bubbles... like the clay bit with the school project. Must have more!

    I think Sara started to wonder where Rylan found more clay. I think that’s a mystery we will never solve.

    Merman magic... somehow...

    I had to correct my phone's auto correct. Lol.

    Yeah, maybe.... Not sure how merfolk magic would involve the earth element though...
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,114 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Feel better! I'm clinically diagnosed as ADHD and Bipolar, so I know that I sometimes try to take breaks when I feel off. The meds for different conditions help, but they don't fix things by themselves. Don't forget to eat right and take it easy when you need to.

    I'm a vegetarian with a terrible sweet tooth, so I don't know how much advice you should take from me. However, a vegetarian diet without the occasional soda, milk and cookies, Reece's Peanut Butter Cups, Three Musketeers, Banana Pudding, Hershey's, and oh yeah... Don't forget to eat salad. I think an easy recipe involves, onion, celery, blackeyed peas (or beans), tomato, and a type of vinegar is helpful. I also know that rice, black beans, and salt will work for a complete meal. My personal favorite salad is a fruit salad with marshmallows and whip cream. Okay, I'm wondering why I still have a size 30 waistline...
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    notthatbellagothnotthatbellagoth Posts: 20 Member
    My sim Johnny Reed IV continued his blueblood New England nonsense of getting his third Uni degree and finally meeting the kid he conceived during a Secret Society ceremony. (Britechester voted for the Free Love NAP and we're just going with it. :grimace: )
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,157 Member
    Today I had the real desire to play my favorite sim Charlotte Singer again. It's been a while, since I played my Shepard gameplay, but instead of Dora and her family, I played the Colette family. Last update on this savegame was in may, and ended with the death of Maria, lated ex-wife of Tomax who was turned into an evil vampire, she had killed a lot of innocent sims and attacked several times Charlotte Singer, famous actress, powerful spellcaster and the reason, why the marriage between Maria and Tomax went broken. Rangatira captured Maria without knowlegde that she is a vampire, so she was killed through the sun.

    A few years later

    After Marias death Tomax and Charlotte decided to move back to Strangerville. This town was still small and the citizens let them live in peace and respect the privacy. Tomax bought the house where he used to live before, they had rebuild some interior, but most of the design stayed the same.

    Emily and Cedric, half-siblings played a lot together.

    "And my friend is huge, much bigger than yours." Emily said.

    The career from Charlotte was shattered. Fans and producers didn't forgive her and set her on the black list, after the diary of Maria was published after her death. But a still few friends visited the family and helped to raise the children.


    Charlotte stayed active on her simstagram account and published her own videos, but it wasn't the same. So she decided to concentrate on raising the children. Tomax comfort her a lot, whenever he can.


    He show her his love a lot.


    They lived an ordinary life, and the incidents were slowly forgotten. Their fans had seen that it wasn't just a promo marriage and began to wonder why they didn't show up anywhere, not even in the trash shows were D-promis landed often to stay in touch with the fans.


    With the time the fans of Tomax had forgiven him and demanded new books, which he delivered with pride.


    On one day her old mentor Mr. Villareal came to visit.

    "My precious Charlotte." he said, "You were hiding long enough. It's time for you to shine again."
    "But Sir, nobody want to film with me again, I'm on a black list of these hypocritically sims." she replied.


    "That's not what I mean, Charlotte. You have proven the society how valuable you are and how you can change the world. You were always able to mesmerize sims, this is what could help you in the political career. You talents would fit right in there, there is no difference from the actor career, but you will have more influence."

    "Erm, politics? You are kidding me?"

    "Don't get cheeky, child."

    "I'm sorry Mr. Villareal, I will do what ever you want."


    And so Charlotte has entered the political career.


    Emily wans't happy about these news, she enjoyed her life how it was and she feared that the paparazzis would destroy it again. Rangatira promised her to protect her and she could live with him and auntie Dora, if she needs a break.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,007 Member
    Well, it’s the end of an era... Samuel and Amanda have both now died, on the same day. Even poor little Lars is affected, and I’m pretty sure he never met his grandparents. And because they died off-lot there’s no gravestone for the family to visit. I created them back in January, and now they’re gone. At least they had both achieved their lifetime aspirations. I’m not sure what I want the kids to do when they grow up, perhaps they could be into art/cooking like their grandparents.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,007 Member
    edited October 2020
    Remember how Lucy got an F in her Distressed Genes class last term? Well...


    What a turnaround! She didn’t do quite so well in the other class, but at least she’s off probation! She’s doing the full load of four classes next term, three core and one elective, but three of them (including the elective) are to do with the Fitness skill so that shouldn’t be so hard.

    Anne did pretty well too! She’s only got two classes left. One of them is a photography class, and she’s already mastered that skill, and the other is to do with painting, which she’s level 8 in. Amanda would be proud :'(:)

    Post edited by Lucy_Henley on
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Let's see how easy it is to get over the death of your evil jer k of a dad.
    12 Seconds. Nothing of value was lost.
    Well now that murder has been committed, Grim continuing to move too fast in this relationship, has gotten the marriage ceremony rolling!
    Darth Vader: "Hey congratulations kid, when I got married it indirectly lead to the destruction of the Jedi Order and the Rise of the Galactic Empire!"
    Grim: "Well maybe if I'm lucky I can get something like THAT to happen!"
    Hunter: "Oh my god, it's the Grim Reaper! I'm such a big fan!"
    Grim: "Please kid, just call me Grandpa."
    I bet Luna is ecstatic to see her Grandson getting married...
    Grom: "Wow Gil, I heard you went on a pretty crazy Space Adventure. Care to tell me how that went?"
    Meanwhile, Sonya's just going to go stand in the back on her own. Still embarrassed by her defeat the other day.
    Sophie: "Ah, so you two are Grim's new Step-Children. See anything wacky since joining the family?"
    Casey: "We witnessed a Murder!"
    Satan: "Oh just another day in The Reaper house."
    Raven: "So where's the bride?"
    Sabrina: "Ey Yo."
    Three hours later, Octavia FINALLY shows up. You would think she'd be on time for her son's wedding.
    Grim: "Geez Mom, at least show a LITTLE enthusiasm."
    Octavia: "No."
    Sonya just couldn't stop mourning at this grave.
    Sonya: "It was just so much fun killing you and I wish I could do it again!"
    Sabrina had to change dresses because she puked all over the other one. (Translation: Game Glitched and had to reload it, causing her dress to change. RIP)
    Well Darth Vader was sitting in that chair so Sophie had to go find another seat.
    Satan: "Boy, I hate seeing her leave, but I love watching her walk away."
    Sarai: "Come on mom, show SOME enthusiasm."
    Octavia: "I said, no."
    Man, Sabrina just shoved that ring onto Grim's finger. She really is perfect for Grim's mile a minute relationship pace.
    I now pronounce you, Mr and Mrs Reaper.
    Sonya: "Ugh, I can't stand all these happy emotions."
    Luna: "Tell me about it."
    Casey: "I guess this makes you my Grandma now!"
    Octavia: "Is this what my life has become?"
    Grim: "Alright everyone, now it's time to dance!"
    Sabrina: "He's so cute when he embarrasses himself."
    Casey: "Guess this makes you my Great-Grandma."
    Luna: "Kid, be lucky you're cute or you'd be dead."
    The next day, Grim still hasn't had the chance to laugh at Sabrina's Ex-Husband's grave.
    There we go, hooray!
    Waking up that morning I noticed something was wrong with Sabrina.
    Wow, they're already the perfect couple.
    Sabrina: "Guess what Grim, you're finally going to have your first child!"
    Grim: "Believe me, I probably have a few kids out on Batuu right now."
    Sabrina: "Who left these pictures on the board?"
    Darth Vader: "'Twas me, just taking up new hobbies in my final days."
    Speaking of final days, I bet Vader was having fond memories of when he was doing cool backflips and stuff.
    Oh no, Satan is an Elder now!
    And just had to get this photo of some random person messing up on the broom very badly. Looks like they'll be joining Satan soon.
    Oh look, Sonya went to go visit The Massacre site.
    Ah, nothing brings more joy to Sonya than basking in The Massacre.
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    Dust_Bunny2010Dust_Bunny2010 Posts: 163 Member

    Luise was freaking out about the first person she remembered, in this case the professor who caused her problems, which caused her great emotional distress in addition to her amnesia. There were a lot of negative feelings there. She also worried about her fiance, who was actually a random generated townie back in TS2. I gave him a fancy backstory for storytelling purposes here, but that's all he was, a random townie who she fell in love with as a teenager.

    The original timeline's Bella and Don's relation to Luise's story was simply trivial. They were well-known sims from a couple hundred years before Luise was alive, their cases remained unsolved, and she wanted an interesting thesis.

    In canon, Don was teleported to Riverview, which by then I theorized would've eventually become both Old Town/Pleasantview and Riverblossom Hills after the disastrous feud between the Landgraabs and Altos caused Sunset Valley to become uninhabitable for a while due to an accident in the science factory until the area was seceded from SimCity to Paradise City (the setting of another EA game from which Sunset Valley actually came from). The Goths prior to Bella and Mortimer's marriage moved there around that time, but again, it was all in my head just connecting the dots and is not explicitly said in canon. It's a really interesting backstory, one I feel sad not having shared. The world-building was already done by the developers, I just added more spice into it. I even had a timeline and everything.

    Yes, the Don of this timeline did appear at a party, a rave which Luise attended at that island in Windenburg. Seeing him caused her to remember just a bit more of her past, because he was one of the investigations she was looking up as a history major student. Luise had read an archived article suspecting the original Don having a hand in the disappearance of Bella, which was around 5 years before he also disappeared.

    Luise's vampiric days was in fact an aspect of my original TS2 gameplay. It occurred during her teenage years when she was undergoing a dark time due to the emotional neglect and suffering under her narcissistic mother. She was eventually cured when Lutz (real name Louis, both were named after my original founder, Clovis), her twin, gifted her a bottle of Vamprocillin-D which he lucratively acquired from the matchmaker, although for storytelling purposes, I modified slight details, such as "Lutz forcing down a bottle of activated and concentrated vitamin D down Luise's throat after cornering her." Back then my gameplay was more story-driven than game-driven. Anyway, I added it in Luise's story here how the corruptible dark magic of vampirism never truly left her, which Morgyn, Inna, and hot!Vlad managed to sense to their surprise, as dark magic was all but extinct in this timeline except for some vampires and merfolk who could use it (Morgyn wanted to ask her to be more active in the magic community to revive the fallen schools of magic). She was eventually cured of it by Father Winter, who had a lot of Light Magic to spare.

    All that from purely game-driven circumstances in TS4, hahaha.

    All their kids were girls... :D

    To be honest, I like May...but her story is just not interesting as Luise' you can see it in my writing. I feel May's story is lackluster, but honestly I'm trying really hard to make it interesting.

    Holy...your sims are as good-looking as I remember! I'm trying to catch up on your stories of Don and Bailey.

    @Koteyka Your pictures look so expressive! Your story is so interesting and sweet. <3

    @Daephene Yeah, May can be a little controlling. I'm not sure if she either means well or just plain sly. :D


    So, here's a very, VERY short update on May.


    Summer arrived, and May was assigned to cover the Humor and Hijinks Festival for Smogue.



    It certainly wasn't any humorous or mischievous though. It looked more like a wrestling match festival on pay-per-view, except live.


    The first summer morning with a clear view of Brindleton Light.


    Slowly advancing in her ranks in Smogue, May took on more jobs at home and began to run a fashion blog of her own. it was garnering attention and followers.
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited October 2020
    Hey, an actual gameplay post! Haven't done that in a while!

    Guess what, Tira? Big sister Lilith is going to be visiting tomorrow!
    Luca is always happy to see his second-favourite big sister! (Tira is first. Sorry, Lilith.)

    She gives really good cuddles.

    Hanging out in Luca's room, and telling her all the news of the day!

    Even if that news is single-word and mostly babbling, Lilith always replies enthusiastically!

    Dahlia, Lilith and Luca's mother, is always happy to see her kids getting on well!

    But maybe it's time for Luca to have a nap.

    Sleep tight!

    And an extra tuck-in and kiss.

    Dahlia and Lilith retreat to the living room to catch up.

    Lilith inherited her mother's Outgoing nature, and their conversations are lively.

    Luca's awake!

    Time for Lilith to bring out the gift she brought him!

    Oooh, what is it?

    It's a hat!! She made it herself!

    Thank you, big sister!

    While Dahlia retreats for a much-needed nap herself, Lilith watches Luca and quickly caves to his request for cookies.

    Chester, their father, arrives home from work. Oh boy, she gave the toddler sugar, that won't go badly at all!

    Oh well. Time to sit down and catch up (and ignore the vampire outside the door - there's already one vampire here already!).

    Sharing baby photos, dog photos, and baby and dog photos.

    Time for Lilith to go home! Dahlia emerges from her nap to hug her daughter goodbye.

    Hey, Luca wants a hug too!

    And he gets one!

    A hug for Dad as well...

    ...and she's off home again!

    (Meanwhile, back in San Myshuno... oh, Caleb.)

    And a slightly different room decor set - a supermarket! Uses Ravasheen's phenomenal Shop Chef and Retail Therapy mods/items as its basis, a bunch of stuff by Srsly, and uses a ton of items from Around The Sims, SIMcredible!, and Tinkle's Shelf Life set. It also has a cafeteria (DU) and cafe (GT) set up!


    Such cool stuff :D

    @revgrv I am always here for starting a post with Florence vibes. Who's a heretic now? Oof. Yeah, that Inferniate got a bit out of hand. And oh goodness, Akira's dark form!

    Oh my Eve no you leave those Sages alone!!

    @Metior_Ice you could have a browse of the wiki! If you go by world, it lists most of the premades, although there are a few townies (like the celebs, Erwin, the Sages, and some of the merfolk) that don't have fixed homes.

    @Duvelina in fairness, I've always found that celebrity home tourism stuff creepy as heck, so. Valid to scare them off!

    @sunblond oh, boys XD Glad that Omar and Connie are starting to bond, it's always helpful to be on good terms! Happy birthday to Josie, and congrats to Than and Elliana!

    Hey now, nothing wrong with cosplay and video games XD Ohh, RIP to Nanny Prescott :( Well done to Austin, that sounds like a tough course!

    Thank you, I do love decorating!

    @DoodlyDoofus you know what, valid. (Grim Jr's cooking: not valid.) Welcome back, Skullcrusher! :D Yeah, I figured Sonya was in the Secret Council of Murder. And Satan saves the day! ...boy that's not something you say every day.

    Oh, Casey. Don't worry, you'll be seeing a looot of murders. Congrats to Grim Jr and Sabrina, and good luck (to everyone around them)! I love the simultaneous expressions of, "Uuuugh, existance." Oh, Sonya, I'd say 'never change' but maybe you should for the sake of the world...

    @Koteyka I'm legit curious to see what L's story could be? The physical side, sure, that's easy enough, but the mental side would be really tricky to handle in a sensitive way. And ooh. I legit thought they were cherubs of Azi and Crowley XD I have been Conditioned to see any vaguely celestial blonde+redhead combo like that, I think!

    I mean, I can see where Ianto is coming from with the bunny - Myfanwy!! <3 (How are her serotonin levels? ;D) Toys can be important, no shame there! Really interesting about how Ianto draws parallels between himself and Tony, and the imaginary friend bit hits pretty hard. Oof, yeah, leaving Sulani would be hard. Poor kiddo ;_;

    @Daephene oh no, all good! There won't really be any story here, heh. Just throw 'em all together and see what happens! And yeah, I think that'd be good especially for Max and Malcolm, who'll get much better role models.

    @AlwaysAsking that was an ordeal! XD Geoffrey and Clara, really? She was cheating on her husband with his coworker? XD And Mortimer and... is that Meredith Roswell? Oh wow, okay, Nancy is definitely extorting Bjorn for something XD

    Yup, a bit of Photoshoppery for fixing Jamie! Not a huge amount, I mostly just used Liquefy for his hair XD 19 Culpepper is a TLC one, yeah. In my main save, I have my artist Danica living there, and it's cute as heck - aside from all the issues! There's a fire alarm in the kitchen, IIRC. Whoops, yeah, possibly. Here is Salim's apartment! You may have added more to Sandtrap, I changed the interior completely. And yup, added those windows in! And yeah, OS is really dry and, like Sulani, Del Sol, and Selvadorada, doesn't get snow at all (aside from with the Weather Machine). It gets a lot of heat waves! Yup, proper TL Tiny Home!

    You should totally get EL :D And yeah, I can remind you what the EL-heavy builds are, sure!
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,114 Member
    The Broken World Saga

    The Kailani Legacy

    Like most days, it began with a massive volcanic eruption.

    Not wanting to deal with potential fires, Rylan called a rainstorm.

    Maybe it's because Rylan is a self-assured genius goofball, but he seems to be the most able with repairs yet. Despite the cursed lot trait, he completed this repair with low handiness and no electrocutions.

    While Rylan worked on his latest painting, his mom called to chat. Now, I'm a bit upset seeing her hairstyle. There are only three outfits with that hairstyle: formal, sleep, and swim. She's not living in world, so I don't think it's sleep. There isn't anywhere formal to go to. So, she's calling on her phone while in her swimwear. By logical deduction, she's calling from work as a marine biologist, and that means she's either at the beach or using her phone in the water. But, I couldn't use the phone in the water when I played as her.


    Kylen gets home from work and sneezes.

    Kylen's thoughts: "I could've sworn someone was talking about me..."

    Do to delays, Rylan finished the phone call and went to work. Although, Rylan's response to work resulted in performance gain, and it was surprisingly... lazy... But, he has the responsible trait... and he doesn't have the lazy trait...

    Later that evening, Kylen went to the Karaoke Bar. He completed the musical genius aspiration, and now, with maxed singing skill, he was ready to win a karaoke contest and set Dylan's spirit free. When he arrived, the sky was flashing with lightning as another storm surged across the islands. The weather had been unusually unstable with frequent volcanic eruptions. It almost felt as if the islands were pressuring him to finish his quest. After an encounter with a baby sea turtle, he cleared the skies for the evening.

    Kylen went to shore, prepared to sing on the karaoke when dad called, wanting to chat.

    Kylen is fairly lazy, so he sang one song before answering the phone.

    And, he really got into the performance...
    h50426616933_27f8262986_b.jpg21d363a0-0772-11eb-85ca-027ec55895e0 by Metior Ice, on Flickrttps:// by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Kylen: "Whhhatttt's uuupppp!"

    Reef: "Whhhhhhaaatttt's uuuuuppppp!"

    Kylen: "Whhhhhaaaaatttt's Uuuuuuuppppp!"

    Reef: "Whaaat... Wait a second, this isn't Scary Movie."

    Kylen counted on his fingers: "But we have to deal with evil merfolk, a vampire, two ghosts..."

    Reef: "Worry about that another night. Do you know how long I was on hold? Anyways, I have some juicy gossip about your brother."

    Kylen put on a solid performance only to lose to a townie. His score of 86 lost to a score of 93. Kylen went to Dylan's urn and promised that he would win the next context. Kylen strengthened Dylan's connection to the physical world.


    The Karaoke Machine has a few fun videos to go with the songs.

    Hurray, Kylen leveled up the fitness level without getting uncomfortable. Anyways, the mermen twins were sleeping near the reef, and Kylen stopped another thunderstorm. The weather didn't seem to be wanting to give anyone a break. Kylen was working as fast as he could. Sleeping in the ocean is safest when sleeping near each other. Sulani's sea is not always the safest place to swim alone, or sleep alone.

    Kylen woke up in time to chat with Dylan. The spectral merman turned red with mysterious rage. Kylen tried to be friendly regardless. Kylen successfully talked Dylan into cooling off in the ocean. The spectral merman started to feel better while swimming around.

    After another long night, Kylen lost control of his human form and reverted back to his true form. He napped lazily as he waited for the next contest.

    Of course, Dad took this opportunity to call. Reef answered his phone. Apparently, Reef decided to gossip about Sara this time.

    Kylen: "Dad, I'm trying to take a nap before saving the islan..."

    Reef interrupted: "That can wait until tonight. I caught your mom being pranked by a dolphin. She was trying to request tricks, but it squirted her in the face instead."

    Kylen: "Why are you telling me this?"

    Reef: "Okay, fine. I'm bored okay."

    Kylen: "Good night, dad."

    Reef: "Wait I'm..."

    Kylen hung up and went back to sleep.


    Kylen wanted to try and find an easier way to get the urn, but his attempts to break the seal blocking him with his own spiritual energy failed. It seems the lazy way wouldn't work.

    Later that evening, Rylan showed up, and told a spooky story to inspire his brother. The story worked, and Kylen felt more prepared to put on a good show. Calum approached the mermen lounging around in their merforms. Calum couldn't help but feel like the mermen reminded him of a couple of merboys, juvenile storytelling.

    Kylen sang in the contest again and won with a lower score than the last contest. He also got promoted to an opening act shortly after.

    Having met the criteria for acquiring Dylan's Urn. Kylen grabbed the Urn and prepared to return it to the Crescent Moon Shrine his dad told him about.

    When Kylen entered the shrine, he went straight to Zephyr. Zephyr appeared mysteriously angry like his brother. Kylen looked inside himself and found the voice of a Siren. Kylen found in himself the power of the Siren's Lullabies. With an Inspiring Berceuse, Kylen calmed Zephyr. The two sat down for a short chat before Zephyr decided to spook Kylen. Kylen shrugged off the scare and returned Dylan's Urn, reuniting the brothers.

    Do to a glitch that appeared to delete their books of life. I had to reload a saved copy of Dylan and Zephyr to the game and redo their set up. Fortunately, they have urns still, so I just had to use a cheat to turn them into ghosts. I also added new books of life while I was at it. So, the next update will feature Dylan and Zephyr catching up, AND a moment for them in a nonghostly state. Fixing the bug took way more time than planned, so I really need to get some rest.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,114 Member
    edited October 2020
    It turns out that Kylen Kailani is actually very gay. He went from his first kiss to getting a boyfriend to his boyfriend proposing to him, and before things could go too fast, Sara showed up with the best look on her face ever.

    That update will come after Dylan and Zephyr.

    Edit: I will share how I found out. So, Kylen finished his quest and returned Dylan’s Urn to the Crescent Moon Shrine, a special room inside Dylan and Zephyr’s home. Now, Dylan and Zephyr were considered Bisexual according to the game’s default. Because I have no plans to develop any romantic relationships with the elemental twins, they never had any romance interactions with anyone.

    And having Kylen give or receive a flirt with one of the Twins caught me by surprise. If I had to say which sexual orientation the Elemental Twins would have it would be heterosexual.

    1. Because I feel like it better reflects who they are.
    2. I really don’t want them becoming too romantic with each other by accident. As brothers they are best friends and have each other’s back, but that is the limit to their relationship.

    Anyways, I found out Kylen was gay through an unplanned interaction. To be honest, I think Kylen might’ve had a crush on Dylan and Zephyr. That’s judging from his response to me trying to establish the elemental twins orientation as intended.

    Dylan and Zephyr have a lot more planning in their development, but Kylen is developing autonomously. I’m reacting to what he does more than I’m making him do stuff.

    So, Kylen came out when he started to hit on his crushes even if it wasn’t meant to be.

    For most of my other sims, I accept them if they are gay and go with it. Dylan and Zephyr were just a weird instance because romance was far from anything I was considering for them regardless of their orientation. The game did what it was programmed to do by default. It was revealing for Kylen.
    Post edited by Metior_Ice on
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,007 Member
    As a wild little girl, there was nothing that Keiko liked more than running around. Occasionally, she would even dispense with her clothing.
    "Wheeeee! Me naked! Clothes are silly!"


    I don't know what Keiko and Max were talking about here, but I'm gonna pretend that he was giving her running tips, with the advice not to run around naked in public.


    Given that gardening was a key skill in her degree, Lucy didn't know why she hadn't started planting earlier. As it turned out, her final term wouldn't involve any gardening classes at all, but it was still useful to have some tasty produce close to hand.


    "Wow, you're definitely taking your studies seriously."
    "Absolutely! I do not want a repeat of last term, I want to get off probation!" Lucy said.
    "Do you know what you'd like to do when you've graduated?" Max asked.
    "I was thinking of becoming a doctor, actually," Lucy replied. "I don't want to become an athlete as a career choice. I'd prefer to keep it as a hobby."
    "Good idea," Max said. "Fitness is important when it comes to medicine."


    Evie Delgato decided to pop over for a visit.
    "It's always great to see you," she said to Anne. "I'd love to meet your girls, too!"
    "You know Lucy has had a baby, too?" Anne said. "A little boy called Lars."
    "Oh, babies are so adorable," Evie said.
    Anne let Evie use the computer, and Sakura decided to investigate the stranger.
    "Hello! What's your name?" Evie asked.
    "I'm Sakura," Sakura said. "Who are you?"
    "My name's Evie. I'm your mummy's friend."


    Lars grew up! Yet again, he looks very similar to his mother. I think it may be because Lucy and Anne were born in-game and had parents, whereas I created Hiroshi and Max in CAS without parents, so maybe Lucy and Anne's genetics are stronger. I gave him the Independent trait, so he can at least potty train himself.


    "Hey Lars!" Sakura said. "Are you dancing?"
    "Yeah! Dancing cool!" Lars replied.


    I got this picture of the triplets, which is now my profile picture as you can tell! Arisa and Keiko are having a fun conversation, and Sakura is just showing off her cute little smile :) And oh look, Hiroshi is experimenting with the cauldron behind them :D He didn't discover any recipes. I might send the family to the Magic Realm soon.


    I could hear some odd booming noises in the game, looked around and... oh noez! The volcano is erupting! Thankfully the household is out of harm's way.


    With the lot being an oceanic paradise, everyone loved swimming around. Max was aggrieved to see that there was rubbish in the ocean!
    Ugh, people are so inconsiderate! he thought.


    On Thursday morning, the family woke up to some very sad news; Samuel had passed away. Not long after, they got notification of Amanda's death, too. Lucy and Anne would always remember their happy childhood, and resolved to tell their kids all about their wonderful grandparents.
    (Screenshot taken before I got the notification about Amanda).


    "Oh Lucy, I can't believe Mum and Dad are gone," Anne said when they both got back from their class later that day.
    "I know, I feel like we didn't visit them enough," Lucy sighed. "The girls and Lars barely knew them!"
    "We'll tell them everything," Anne said.


    Not long after...
    "M-Mum?" Lucy asked, seeing a familiar yet ghostly-looking apparition at the front door.
    "Hello! Don't worry, I haven't gone forever," Amanda said. "I can still visit you."
    "Why did you and Dad have to die on the same day?" Lucy pouted.
    "It was just our time," Amanda explained. "Your dad went first. I was devastated, of course, but not long after I went, too. So we didn't have to spend too much time apart."
    "That's good," Lucy said.


    Anne was also delighted to see her mother's ghost. Lars didn't seem to have any qualms about meeting a ghost, and babbled away in cute toddler-speak.


    The twins both had term papers to do, and had to try and stay on task, which was difficult given the beautiful sea view through the window.


    In contrast to the sadness of Thursday, Friday went much better. Lucy was ecstatic to discover that her grade for her Distressed Genes class was now A+, and she was officially off probation. Her overall GPA was only a C-, but she didn't care.
    It also happened to be the triplets' birthday! And yes, Sakura was stinky, but at least she'd very soon be able to bathe herself :D


    And, yes, I dressed them identically apart from colour. You surprised? :D

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    catmando830catmando830 Posts: 9,117 Member
    Not too much as I was building most of the time.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,114 Member
    The Broken World Saga

    Okay, I have to share this song because it has that happy vibe that I think fits Dylan and Zephyr getting reunited.
    Kai Kaipo from Island Living

    Like I said in an earlier post, the game glitched and deleted their books of life, I had to go into the game and reload the twins from a save and recreate their tomes. Fortunately, this means that when I share their Spirit Forms they won't have the angry death and get randomly angry.

    I did play around with the Twins' appearance, so they might look a tad different in different images.

    The Island Elemental Twins: Dylan and Zephyr

    To open, a small update on Ember. The boys and Arihi were dancing to stereo music. Dylan is becoming quite the comedian.

    Calum showed off some of his DJing skills and the Twins and Arihi played along. Calum wasn't that great at DJing.

    Ember was feeling left out, so the Zalrian Family had a short dance party with her.

    Dylan represents the Water Element and the Sea. Zephyr represents the Wind Element and the Sky. Ember represents the Fire Element and the Volcanoes. I guess it makes sense that she doesn't like water. I also find it funny that Dylan is the one that put her to bed.

    Zephyr was a bit dazed helping ember from a voodoo curse. The boys are nothing if not caring when it comes to family. Whenever they visit, Dylan and Zephyr help out with Ember autonomously, especially Zephyr. I guess Zephyr remembers what it's like to be raised by Arihi and is trying to look after his sister. The way they interact with each other is very interesting. Dylan is the Water Element and Ember isn't particularly fond of him. Zephyr is the Wind Element, and he and Ember get along quite well. I guess a fire needs the air to burn.

    Ember is growing up so fast, but because her story hasn't come yet, I feel like I'm missing out.

    Fourth Wall Break
    Calum: "It's nice to have you around and thank you for getting your sister to bed."

    Zephyr: "It wasn't a big deal."

    50427312131_b00cafe7e1_b.jpg8e6a09b0-07ae-11eb-9fe9-029c91a3edee by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Calum: "It feels like our lives are a game to someone else, doesn't it?"

    Zephyr: "I had my suspicions when I hacked into the cyber matrix. I have a feeling I'll be dead again soon."

    50427311641_16c647365f_b.jpg952b5100-07ae-11eb-8bae-020d4250b5ee by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Zephyr: "The story is still being written but dying can be such a pain. At least it won't be forever, oh, sorry about the curse. Kinda had to stop a demon from braking into my home."

    Calum: "The why not lock your door or put garlic on the door."

    Zephyr: "Nothing seems to slow this vampire down. I would deal with him myself and end this, but the powers that be won't let me."

    Calum: "Oh."

    Zephyr: "Yep."

    50427310786_a3f31e70ae_c.jpg9b232dd0-07ae-11eb-85ca-027ec55895e0 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    I switched control to the Legacy Twins. Apparently, Kylen, Rylan, Archer, Freddy, Makoa, Calum, and Flaira were gathering for a party. See, it's stuff like this that makes me wish their was an underwater lot with events like this.

    50429249431_858a490475_b.jpg613adc80-07b3-11eb-b58c-0ad899c8d0ea by Metior Ice, on Flickr

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    Zephyr: "Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

    Dylan: "Stop being a drama llama. I'm here now."

    Zephyr: "You never called or texted. When Damion got to you first, it made me so angry."

    Dylan: "Sorry about that. I couldn't contact anyone, but I did try to find you. I looked everywhere. But, that demons plan to separate us has failed, and now, we can finally start to do something about the mess he made of the islands."

    Zephyr: "First, we should thank Kylen for reuniting us."

    Zephyr: "I want to thank you for continuing what your father started. Now that we are together again, we can start to fix things around the island. We need more help though."

    Dylan: "When we died, items connected to us scattered across the islands. As spirits, we are a bit limited on what we can do on our own."

    Zephyr: "With the help of your family's descendants, we'd like to ask you to recover these talismans."

    Dylan: "They will strengthen our connection to the islands and our power to make things right."

    Kylen: "I think I understand. I'll do my best to pass the message on."

    Zephyr broke the unbreakable stove by burning it to ash....

    50427489312_dd9d210b2c_b.jpg16abdc60-07bc-11eb-b58c-0ad899c8d0ea by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Dylan: "Now for the real magic!"

    Dylan and Zephyr blew into the conch and a surge of power pulsed through the Elemental Temple. The very shape of the earth and the walls of the Water Chamber shifted as the rooms of the temple changed and the fractures in the floor closed. The sickly green water heated with the volcanic thermal vents. The Hot Spring began cleansing the temple of corruption.

    The Lower chambers filled with brackish water, and the sandy floor of the tunnels cleared.

    The wall of the Water Chamber pulled forward and effectively sealed the Crescent Moon Chamber, preventing anyone that isn't a spectral merperson from entering the chamber.

    Inside the Crescent Moon Shrine, the Twin's Urn and their Tomes were protected.
    50426618573_eee0d48f79_h.jpg08ae0240-07c7-11eb-a2c3-0609d188dc84 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Tome of the Wayfarer's Tide

    This Book has Power over Dylan Zalrian. Whoever holds this tome controls Dylan's Spirit Form and the Spiritual Power of Sulani's Seas.

    50426617088_5b3e0dc171_h.jpgfba892e0-07c6-11eb-a0a7-0aa618a3b1e6 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    50427489922_39c3e0c740_h.jpg0f77fc20-07c7-11eb-9e99-06185eb08d42 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Tome of the Wayfinder's Breeze

    This Book has Power over Zephyr Zalrian. Whoever holds this tome controls Zephyr's Spirit Form and the Spiritual Power of Sulani's Skies.

    50426618353_13e8417b87_h.jpg025a49d0-07c7-11eb-8bae-020d4250b5ee by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Back at Triton's Beach, Dylan gave his first Ghostly performance. The power of his voice transformed the lot.

    While everything was partially restored, Zephyr chilled reading a book.

    That evening, Dylan and Zephyr caught up in the ocean near home. They chatter and splashed each other.

    Dylan: "Random question. What do you think of human transportation."

    Zephyr shrugged: "If they had a tail they wouldn't need it."

    Dylan: "What about on land?"

    Zephyr: "Where's the fun in being on land?"

    Dylan: "Good point."

    Zephyr: "In the water, we can swim, collect shells and treasure, dive underwater, and splash each other. On land, it doesn't compare."

    Dylan: "I would definitely love the chance to explore more underwater."

    Dylan: "Maybe we'll see an octopus trying to dance, or maybe, the sea creatures have dance parties under da sea. Just imagine all the merfolk with two left fins."

    Dylan: "But the dance floor would have to make way for the mosasaurs."

    Zephyr splashed Dylan: "What's a mosasaur doing in the ocean these days, barnacle brain."

    Dylan splashed Zephyr back: "Because I said they are."

    Zephyr: "Aargh, Critical hit!"

    Dylan laughed. Maybe we should head home and get some rest.

    The next day, the twins had a little more fun in the water.

    Zephyr: "When I was in the Eco Center, I looked through the telescope and saw something strange near the hare constellation."

    Dylan: "Did you confuse it with something from a video game."

    Zephyr: "No, I swear I saw it looking through the telescope."

    Zephyr: "It flashed by like a shooting star. Maybe, it was an Alien?!"

    Dylan: "Are you talking about the Fruit Bears from outer space fleeing fruit flies?"

    Zephyr: "We shall never speak of fruit bears again."

    Dylan: "But didn't you..."

    Zephyr interupted: "I said no talky about the fruit thing. It didn't happen. You were hallucinating."

    Dylan muttered: "Fine, but I coulda."

    Zephyr waved his hand in front of Dylan's face: "It's all in your head."

    Dylan: "Are we really going home? I love it out here in the sea!"

    Zephyr: "Unfortunately, we have more work to do. Someone needs to look after the islands."

    Zephyr: "Race you home snail tail."

    Dylan: "I'm not a snail tail, I'm a proud flounder fins!"

    Dylan: "Why is your face in the water like that?"

    Zephyr: "Let's just go home."

    Dylan: "Okay."

    A shout back to Reef when he started things as a founder.
    Metaphysical from Get Famous

    Unfortunately, soon after the twins returned home, a sickly smog plagued the sky. Something was coming, and it wasn't a friend of the twins.
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    Lady_EarthLady_Earth Posts: 187 Member
    Loner: You all remember Ajay Loner from The Sims 2, right? Now he's back in TS4 form. You see, he got together with Yu from My Hero Academia (but I'll go with her superhero name, Mt. Lady, from now on). It makes it's own punny name, Yu Loner (say it out load), when they eloped.

    The pink one is Mina (also from MHA)

    and she gets along well with everyone, especially Bloom (from Winx Club) and her new boyfriend, Allister Wonderland (Ever After High).

    Here's another moment of my Sims being creatures of the Id. Thanks to the Slice of Life mod, your Sims can "self woohoo" and Mt. Lady decided to do that while Ajay went to read a book on gardening.

    On a more serious note, can anyone advise me on how to handle it when your angry neighbors (this one being Rachael from Friends) pound on your door and you'd like them to leave on a more positive note? Even when I try to be nice I still manage to tick them off.

    Finally, here is Mt. Lady and Ajay's son, Everest. Named after the mountain.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,114 Member
    edited October 2020
    @ryttu3k Unfortunately, I think all the premades are dead. To include any of them, I would have to start a new save and put them into the game. I have a limit of 150 possible played sims, and with the legacy household’s uncanny ability to have merfolk elders live in a state close to death and not die for weeks. A lot of slots will be taken up because I decided to keep the legacy sims around. It will be interesting seeing Reef, Sara, Kylen, Aaron, Rylan, Ashley, and Rylan and Ashley’s kids interacting with the descendants.

    Anyways, there will be 8 more heirs. I might pull some of the premades from a fresh save for them.

    Right now, I have Makoa, Lilliana, Nina, and Duane, as premades. Basically the Kealohas.

    Other sims that have become regulars in my game are

    Bartending Guy, Freddy Darkfin, Nyx Darkfin, Archer Darkfin, Volcana Darkfin, Flaira Darkfin, Sara Darkfin, Calum Zalrian, Dylan Zalrian, Zephyr Zalrian, Arihi Zalrian, and Ember Zalrian.

    The Broken World Saga has a few stories left untold. These stories will probably get told in a new save.

    Astara and Satara are the Alien and Human household I created as a couple of supernatural investigators.

    Ember growing up.

    Everything I plan to do with Dylan and Zephyr.

    When the Broken World Saga ends, I may start a new save with all the premades in it. I will probably add a select few of the most memorable members of the legacy. The current save has a very old world in it. I know people say there isn’t story progression, but the game does get weird when all the premades age out of existence.
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    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    My sim Oliver, Hadley Cole-Cordova's younger brother, finally found happiness with a sim name Brianne Atwood. They got engaged on Christmas Day and will be getting married in the spring or summer <3 Tomorrow also marks three months of this current save file, so that's a big deal to me(because I tend to quit after a while) Oh, Oliver's ex-girlfriend had twins with her husband. Their names are Bianca and Tristan.
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything

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