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👽 Miller Legacy 🛸


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    GlacierSnowGlacierSnow Posts: 2,410 Member
    @mightysprite :heart::lol: Thank you.
    Seventeen & Maldusk Forum thread link
    My name on AHQ (and the upcoming sims forum) is "GlacierSnowGhost".
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    Back on track, I finally finished to prepare chapter 8.19! (link)

    It's being a wild ride for them, that's for sure...
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    GreatlyBlessedGreatlyBlessed Posts: 18 Member
    Aww Juno. Look at them!! Talking about things!!

    ...still feeling hampered by the lack of being able to use spoilers. Good chap!
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,072 Member
    Entering adulthood!!! It's not always easy <3<3<3
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    GlacierSnowGlacierSnow Posts: 2,410 Member
    Excellent chapter!

    Okay... The fact that Logan threw a stone at the window instead of knocking on the door, to me, suggests that he was hoping to get Juno's attention without having to talk to Rowan, and just by mistake got Rowan's window. Which makes me suspicious of what his intentions really were. But, maybe he actually wanted to talk to Rowan. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for the moment.

    Juno and Rowan, I am impressed that they managed to talk about it. They both have seemed kind of like they avoid talking about their feelings a lot. But they started the conversation. Good for them!

    That problem of "we're so focused on getting things done that we're not having fun any more" is one I think a lot of long term couples run into. If you work together smoothly as a team, and you have some common goals, it's very easy to just start letting that become the whole relationship.
    Seventeen & Maldusk Forum thread link
    My name on AHQ (and the upcoming sims forum) is "GlacierSnowGhost".
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    Thanks a lot everyone for your comments, as always!


    The minimum number of posts to be promoted to full member is very limiting, I remember I was very annoyed for this when I just arrived on this forum!


    Adulting isn't easy, yup. And it isn't just all that responsibility, it's also learning how to react to a crisis with maturity, like an... adult!

    Interesting theory... For sure that was a way to only talk with the person in that room, that's true. Honestly, I never elaborated a full overview of Logan's POV, I only focused on Juno and Rowan and left him intentionally mysterious. Also, I hadn't thought about any theory resembling yours, probably because that studio is a room on the ground floor and with a lot of large windows (i.e. for people outside it is easy to see who's inside). Logan, however, is weird enough to make anything possible. I mean, also choosing to go talk directly to Rowan would be considered a quite weird choice, right?

    Anyway, back to Rowan and Juno, you're very right, they're both quite bad at talking about feelings & co (even if they are this way for different reasons). Indeed, a big reason why they arrived at this point is that they avoided talking about them for way too long. And also your comment on their new dynamic is very on-spot, let's how long they take to understand it too...
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    And chapter 8.20 is out too! (link)

    This chapter is long. Like, very long, Rowan (i.e. I :P ) really had to write down a lot this time.
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    GlacierSnowGlacierSnow Posts: 2,410 Member
    New chapter! Sorry it's taken me several days to get to it. It's been an exhausting week.

    I like how you handled this event in their lives. One discussion (last chapter) wasn't enough, and that's very realistic. Rowan sure has matured and changed a lot since how he was as a teenager. And he doesn't really give himself enough credit. He may not have known what Juno was feeling, but he noticed something was wrong and he asked. It's hard to bring up that kind of subject. He did well.

    Juno's feelings are so relatable too. It is a big fear in long term romantic relationships as we get older.

    Gaia is adorable. Travel can be confusing for little kids. At least she seemed to enjoy helping build that sandcastle.
    Seventeen & Maldusk Forum thread link
    My name on AHQ (and the upcoming sims forum) is "GlacierSnowGhost".
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    Thanks a lot for the comment @GlacierSnow , as always!
    I'm very glad you found the latest developments in the story realistic, I have zero real-life experience with this stuff and I literally took ages to decide how to handle this. Also because Rowan and Juno are very different in their way of dealing with relationships and emotions, and they both are in a process of self-growth in comparison with their teen selves. There was really a ton for me to keep in mind, that's for sure.

    Gaia instead is the "comic relief" in this tough part of the story. I actually just went along with what happened in game here, she was really upset when they reached Sulani XD
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    No pressure to read it quickly, as usual, but I took ended up using the weekend to prepare the next chapter, so 8.21 is ready too! (link)

    It looks like this is the beginning of a new storyline already, I could really see why they may decide to rebel against me at some point...
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,072 Member
    Great chapter! I love it when random game events turn into plot points :)
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    Thanks a lot for your comment @mightysprite ! I have a lot of fun when that happens too, but I'm not sure my sims love these plot twists too XD
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    And chapter 8.22 is out too! (link)

    After the last chapter there definitively are a lot of problems to solve, that's for sure...
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,072 Member
    loved it <3
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    @mightysprite , thanks! <3
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    GlacierSnowGlacierSnow Posts: 2,410 Member
    Two chapters! :heart:

    I love how you took this random game event and their two separate jobs and wove them together. I really enjoy your creative twisty storytelling.

    Poor Rowan and Juno have really had a rough time. But every challenge seems to unite them more. And they both have grown a lot. I love their earnestness. I think they've become my favorite couple out of all the generations.

    Gaia. :lol: Grumpy on her own birthday! :joy: I really wonder what that disagreement was about.
    Seventeen & Maldusk Forum thread link
    My name on AHQ (and the upcoming sims forum) is "GlacierSnowGhost".
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    @GlacierSnow , thanks a lot for the comment!
    I liked the idea behind this twist a lot too, but I felt so guilty for putting those two in such a bad situation again!

    I shouldn't have favourites, but as a couple I think they're my favourites as well (which probably also influences the way I wrote them, actually...). I can't comment on Gen 9 and 10 yet, but of the previous ones probably my second favourites were Sirio and Maki in Gen 6.

    As for Gaia instead, you haven't seen anything yet XD
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,072 Member
    That is true
    Sirio and Maki were a beautifully written couple... and they had to go through a lot of hardships, too!
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    And chapter 8.23 is out too! (link)

    This generation was really packed with stuff going on, that's for sure...
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    And chapter 8.24 is out too! (link)

    There is quite a lot going on now, where can the story go from this?
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    As usual, I'm keeping updating often, this time chapter 8.25 is out! (link)

    Quite a transitional chapter, there is a lot of stuff boiling at the moment...
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    GlacierSnowGlacierSnow Posts: 2,410 Member
    I finally had time to get caught up again. I enjoyed all three chapters. Sorry I don't have much energy for much comments right now.

    I can really empathize with Rowan's feelings about his current job and wanting to quit or change but not really feeling like he can. The email from his old teacher is intriguing.

    Gaia seems like a handful! :lol: She clearly prefers to be outside and active. School is rough for kids like that.
    Seventeen & Maldusk Forum thread link
    My name on AHQ (and the upcoming sims forum) is "GlacierSnowGhost".
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    Thanks a lot for the comment @GlacierSnow !
    Gaia definitively is a handful, when playing this part of the legacy I was already starting to worry about how it would have been playing with her as the heir in the following generation XD

    Rowan instead ended up being the heir adulting in hard mode. But the generation is still long, a lot can still change...
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 823 Member
    And chapter 8.26 is out too! (link)

    More of sassy Gaia, I would say.
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.27 posted on the 4th of June 2024*
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,072 Member
    Gaia is an independent kid, that's for sure :)

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