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My First Pet - was there any other way?



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    LoanetLoanet Posts: 4,079 Member
    DP, but not repeated...

    Cats&Dogs wasn't mandatory. Sure, it came with lots of stuff and a new world, but if you didn't like pets, you didn't have to use pets. And with the main feature of this pack being a hamster that you don't need Cats&Dogs to play with, you don't need to buy it now. Nobody, anywhere, is holding a gun to your head to buy either pack. The people who suffer most, in fact, are the people who already own Cats&Dogs and want as many pets as possible. Like me.

    This is not me in favour of packs that expand other packs, but in order to expand on Cats and Dogs, EA would have to make packs (whether free or paid) with stuff that could only be used by Cats and Dogs. That's the thing about Cats&Dogs. If you don't own it, you can't use those animals or the things that only those animals use, like dog bowls or pet toys but then again, why would you?

    The exception is people who didn't want or couldn't afford cats and dogs but do want minor pets, and I totally get that, and there could be quite a few of them. The pack certainly isn't worth its money if you don't have Cats&Dogs, but EA doesn't actually want you to not have Cats&Dogs. There's nothing in the pack that really forces you to get it. If you don't want any pets in your house period, very little of the pack would be of interest to you anyway, so just don't get it.

    Sure, it's a money grab, but so was Bowling, and Fitness, and they were probably much stingier with the quality of their Gameplay Objects. I can think of at least one way the situation could be much more severe, and it still only involves Cats&Dogs. Are there any people holding out for horses alone? I can see a GP with them being packed with gameplay improved by Cats&Dogs, so save up your anger for that.
    Prepping a list of mods to add after Infants are placed into the game. Because real life isn't 'nice'.
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    CupcakeWitchCupcakeWitch Posts: 542 Member
    The items that require C&D Should have been in C&D like the new pet beds and recolored/reskinned pet objects.
    It’s not fair to those without C&D to make a pack that requires C&D. That’s $10 for less. Also it’s insulting to those with C&D.

    The C&D objects could have been included in the EP. perhaps there was a deadline and that’s why they weren’t put, but if that’s the case, they could have cut back on all those decals.

    MyFirstPet could have been Little Critters. Just small pets in cages. The rodents that they already have and then some other caged pets like turtles and snakes (especially since they already have the snake fx in JA). Nothing major since it’s not a GP. I’m not asking for them to create hamster balls(?) so they can move outside the cage (which I would have loved).

    I’m all for packs interconnecting but I don’t ever want to see another pack that requires another DLC. I mean yeah maybe you don’t need C&D for the SP to work but you miss out on items/interactions being advertised and that’s not fair.

    I really hope upper management gives the Devs more time or better organization or just stop being so greedy to a point where it makes no sense. Maybe EA wants the sims franchise to fail I don’t know


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    LoanetLoanet Posts: 4,079 Member
    I feel like EA really jumped the gun on this one. If they'd left it a few months longer, waited for people to buy C&D some more, they wouldn't have this issue. Bringing it out barely four months after... Well, to me, that shows they had this pack in development even before C&D was out.

    I don't believe these were items cut from the EP though. This isn't about Devs being too lazy. This is about EA getting the idea that even Minor Pets should be spread out over multiple packs.
    Prepping a list of mods to add after Infants are placed into the game. Because real life isn't 'nice'.
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    PenguinPonyPetsPenguinPonyPets Posts: 2 New Member
    I wanted a DLC for cats and dogs from the start, and I was pretty sure it would require the cats and dogs pack if it ever did exist.
    I'm not surprised at all by this money grabbing move from EA, but for my own selfish want I am glad we have more pet stuff.

    The biggest issue is the fact everything in this pack SHOULD have been in cats and dogs.
    I actually don't think a pack that requires another pack is the issue here at all. It's the intentional splitting of cats and dogs and first pet stuff to make more money that is really gross.
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    Cherryrose_xCherryrose_x Posts: 524 Member
    I've been thinking about it quite a lot. I think they should have done a game pack with a lot more 'usable' pets. So rabbits in hutches that kids could play with, birds in cages that could perch on Sims arms, peck them and things. As well as the hamsters they have included, but maybe they could run round in a ball round the house too? That way it would cover more ground and C&D wouldn't be needed. Not many people wanted more outfits so personally I think it was a waste of their efforts. They could have done so much more with it and not made us feel cheated!

    I think what we see here could have been included in the EP. And if not the could have made this minus the outfits so people wouldn't need to have the EP already and just put in a few more 'semi-unusable' pets. It is only a stuff packs after all...

    I'm not going to buy it. I refuse to pay full price for any stuff pack. I will wait for the next bundle whenever that might be. That way it almost looks like it's free depending on where you buy it.
    Gallery name: Anna-Banna
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    ashcrash19ashcrash19 Posts: 4,423 Member
    edited March 2018
    @Loanet I can agree. I see both sides, honestly. I see why people are upset that this should have been in the EP since it's pets related and was in prior gens etc.


    I also can understand the developer/designer POV which is that a lot of coding went into making the pets have true to life personalities, behaviors, as well as the new Vet career. I don't know much about coding, but I do know that it's very intricate and part of why bug fixes take a while. I have friends who work in web development and the amount of coding I see for seemingly "simple" operations/pages is mind-boggling.

    I think that it would have been better as a game pack with other animals such as snakes rabbits etc, but I have no idea what the GP can and can't do etc.

    I reserve my judgement until after the live stream tomorrow. Regardless of my feelings of a GP being the better option, it appears that the gameplay aspect of it is pretty solid for a $10 stuff pack.
    "Not All Who Wander Are Lost"-Tolkien
    Origin ID: simaddict1990
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    MVWdeZTMVWdeZT Posts: 3,267 Member
    I can see why they split off the hamster/rodent/guinea pig from Cats and Dogs. If they'd given hamsters, etc. in a TS4 Pets, people would have been disappointed if the hamster was just something that sat in a cage and maybe made our Sims sick if they didn't clean the page. People would have expected hamsters that could be made in CAP, and hamsters with all the capabilities of the ones we're getting in the stuff pack. If they'd called it Pets, people would have expected birds and reptiles equally as cute, not the fairly static ones from TS3. And I think that would have cut into the quality of the cats and dogs we did get. And if they'd produced something identical to TS3, the complaint would be that it was just a copy of TS3 but without the horses.

    As for the pet beds and furniture and pet clothes that we "should" have gotten in Cats and Dogs, yes, I think they're mostly filler. Cute filler, but not what anyone will get the stuff pack for.

    Was it a great decision? No. But there's compromise in all things, including computer games.
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    filipomelfilipomel Posts: 1,693 Member
    I don't agree with those who say "the new stuff in the new Stuff Pack should've been in the Cats and Dogs Expansion, the previous packs were able to do this!" When the previous packs also don't share all the same features Cats and Dogs has.

    Previous pet packs didn't have a vet you can own let alone visit. Previous pet packs didn't have the depth cats and dogs have this time around. Previous pet packs didn't have pet clothing (doesn't matter what your opinion is on this feature, it's still a new and unique feature to Sims 4) Previous pet packs didn't have the obstacle course equipment for your cats and dogs (Although to Sims 3's credit, it did have horses which utilised a whole obtacle course system) Previous pet packs didn't have the base Sims 4 features like emotions and multitasking to accommodate for, both features come into affect when owning a cat or a dog, resources must've been used to make pets work with those features.

    I see so many people saying that the previous pet packs have everything a pet pack should have when that's no where near the case. It insanely bothers me especially when people say that Sims 2 Pets is a more complete pack than Sims 4 Cats and Dogs. Sims 2 Pets, on top of not having the new features mentioned in Sims 4 Cats and Dogs, also didn't come with new clothing for your sims (or any Create a Sim asset I believe). It didn't come with an entirley new world, heck the Sims 2 didn't even play in a world it played on a lot. Oh but it did come with small pets so it automatically gets titled a more complete/better pack than Sims 4 Cats and Dogs right?

    Now I'm not saying which pack is the best and which one you should think is the best, but it just bothers me so much when people overlook everything the Sims 4 has that the previous games don't have and go on to say the 'the Sims 4 is lacking'. For everything the Sims 4 doesn't have there's something else filling the gap. Sure Sims 4 doesn't have horses and small pets, but in return we got cats and dogs with more depth than ever as well as a vet business that ties in with the depth of the cats and dogs we got.

    It seems to me that people are mad because they expect the exact same thing when it comes to new content in the Sims 4, but the Sims 4 is a new game and taking a new approach to content, that's the way it is.

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    LoanetLoanet Posts: 4,079 Member
    I agree. This stuff - or at least, the parts that are usable only by Cats and Dogs - should have been free to people who own Cats&Dogs. On the other hand, EA has enough reluctance to reskin a t-shirt in order to celebrate their 18th birthday, and I personally never really have any illusions about getting free stuff. I feel like it is very unlikely that we would have gotten more pet things without having to get them in packs. And if they were pet things, free or paid, you'd always need Cats&Dogs to use them. If you don't like pets, don't get the pack.

    Not that EA couldn't afford to give it away free.

    I dunno. Maybe there WILL still be a Minor Pets pack and hamsters just happened to be small enough to fit into a Stuff Pack, saving the GP guys time for other fun things. Or maybe not.

    Now THIS is how EA plans to kill The Sims. Make their packs more and more extortionate, alienating more and more players, and then saying it's not profitable and not a popular game even though it would be their fault. And no, that wouldn't result in Sims 5, so don't encourage it.
    Prepping a list of mods to add after Infants are placed into the game. Because real life isn't 'nice'.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    The items that require C&D Should have been in C&D like the new pet beds and recolored/reskinned pet objects.
    It’s not fair to those without C&D to make a pack that requires C&D. That’s $10 for less. Also it’s insulting to those with C&D.

    The C&D objects could have been included in the EP. perhaps there was a deadline and that’s why they weren’t put, but if that’s the case, they could have cut back on all those decals.

    MyFirstPet could have been Little Critters. Just small pets in cages. The rodents that they already have and then some other caged pets like turtles and snakes (especially since they already have the snake fx in JA). Nothing major since it’s not a GP. I’m not asking for them to create hamster balls(?) so they can move outside the cage (which I would have loved).

    I’m all for packs interconnecting but I don’t ever want to see another pack that requires another DLC. I mean yeah maybe you don’t need C&D for the SP to work but you miss out on items/interactions being advertised and that’s not fair.

    I really hope upper management gives the Devs more time or better organization or just stop being so greedy to a point where it makes no sense. Maybe EA wants the sims franchise to fail I don’t know

    Are you kidding? Does a person have to have C&D to make use of the items in the stuff pack? What?! That is the first time ever, and wow, such a money grab (note I have not seen any new trailers).
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    The items that require C&D Should have been in C&D like the new pet beds and recolored/reskinned pet objects.
    It’s not fair to those without C&D to make a pack that requires C&D. That’s $10 for less. Also it’s insulting to those with C&D.

    The C&D objects could have been included in the EP. perhaps there was a deadline and that’s why they weren’t put, but if that’s the case, they could have cut back on all those decals.

    MyFirstPet could have been Little Critters. Just small pets in cages. The rodents that they already have and then some other caged pets like turtles and snakes (especially since they already have the snake fx in JA). Nothing major since it’s not a GP. I’m not asking for them to create hamster balls(?) so they can move outside the cage (which I would have loved).

    I’m all for packs interconnecting but I don’t ever want to see another pack that requires another DLC. I mean yeah maybe you don’t need C&D for the SP to work but you miss out on items/interactions being advertised and that’s not fair.

    I really hope upper management gives the Devs more time or better organization or just stop being so greedy to a point where it makes no sense. Maybe EA wants the sims franchise to fail I don’t know

    Are you kidding? Does a person have to have C&D to make use of the items in the stuff pack? What?! That is the first time ever, and wow, such a money grab (note I have not seen any new trailers).

    Apart from the hamster cage thing and the furniture yes. All other items- pet costumes *shudder* pet beds and litter trays need pets.
    I'm sure I read EA are recommending you don't get the pack unless you have cats and dogs. But of course you are free to get it but basically you are paying for the majority of content you cannot use.

    I think horses if they come, in their own game pack will be received well. A hamster cage being left out of the most lacklustre "pets" expansion to date is the issue. No reason why clothes, the additional pet beds (taking the grand total to FOUR pet beds) could not have been added.
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    DannydanboDannydanbo Posts: 18,057 Member
    You can place all the C&D objects in the SP but without cats and dogs, they will be useless and take up space. Someone suggested placing the C&D stuff so their crazy sim can imagine they own a pet dog or cat.
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    TheGoodOldGamerTheGoodOldGamer Posts: 3,559 Member
    Pet costumes are the only things you can't get access to without the EP. That's it. You can plop down any of the items you want and use as decoration, it's just that the functions need a cat or dog to use, because guess what? Cats or dogs sleep/eat there. :|

    Already I've seen folks come up with ideas for insane Sims, or playful kids, who have these deco pet items for their stuffed animals. It's not a waste as some would think. But hey, only worst case possible scenarios, right? Because Simmers aren't known for getting creative or thinking outside the box or anything. :|
    Live, laugh and love. Life's too short not to.
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    DannydanboDannydanbo Posts: 18,057 Member
    If (when) my first small pet dies, I intend to have a service in the backyard and place a shrunken headstone in the shade of a tree. :'(
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    PninaSimmerPninaSimmer Posts: 371 Member
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    If (when) my first small pet dies, I intend to have a service in the backyard and place a shrunken headstone in the shade of a tree. :'(

    Your sims won't have any sad moodlet so it's going to be a pretty strange funeral lol.
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    paradiseplanetparadiseplanet Posts: 4,421 Member
    As a general statement, if a game you play is almost entirely reliant on your imagination to envision how you see playing it, you might as well be paying for nothing. Might as well throw $10 to the Imaginary Stuff Pack while we're at it.
    Origin ID: paradiseplanet27
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    Simsister2004Simsister2004 Posts: 3,536 Member
    "Should it have been a free patch" Probably, but then again, I would prefer, I could chose if I want to install it to my game or not. I feel like the toddlers were forced upon us!
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