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Day & Knight 4/29


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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Stay tuned for the next episode of "Shipping is Futile" by Pammiechick.

    #TeamShippingIsFutile with @pammiechick and @CitizenErased14. :3

    They've stockpiled aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of the torpedos! Be afraid, be very afraid! :o:D

    Ohhh, that little girl is exactly how I feel sometimes...muahahaaaaa....especially in the next few chapters. You are the king of gifs! :lol:
    Ugh I can't stand Mako. Hopefully Jackson dumps her ASAP!! Then he will meet Luci again and realize that she is the one!

    Ha! Who knows? >:)
    Stay tuned for the next episode of "Shipping is Futile" by Pammiechick.

    #TeamShippingIsFutile with @pammiechick and @CitizenErased14. :3

    They've stockpiled aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of the torpedos! Be afraid, be very afraid! :o:D

    They may have stockpiled all of the torpedos, but they're useless without the guns! I totally stole all of them while they were asleep las- Wait a second, where are the guns?!? O.O

    The evil laughter commences... >:) Seriously, you guys really don't know what's coming!! Ahhh!
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Just wanted to tell you guys that I cannot update tomorrow because I will be at a meeting all day and then I'm on vacation for a week! Gah! I thought I'd have time tomorrow. It would have been a nice chapter to leave you with. Hoping to update next Friday. Sorry! (If I can squeeze it in earlier, I'll try.) <3
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    MunterbaconMunterbacon Posts: 5,082 Member
    Stay tuned for the next episode of "Shipping is Futile" by Pammiechick.

    #TeamShippingIsFutile with @pammiechick and @CitizenErased14. :3

    They've stockpiled aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of the torpedos! Be afraid, be very afraid! :o:D

    Ohhh, that little girl is exactly how I feel sometimes...muahahaaaaa....especially in the next few chapters. You are the king of gifs! :lol:
    Ugh I can't stand Mako. Hopefully Jackson dumps her ASAP!! Then he will meet Luci again and realize that she is the one!

    Ha! Who knows? >:)
    Stay tuned for the next episode of "Shipping is Futile" by Pammiechick.

    #TeamShippingIsFutile with @pammiechick and @CitizenErased14. :3

    They've stockpiled aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of the torpedos! Be afraid, be very afraid! :o:D

    They may have stockpiled all of the torpedos, but they're useless without the guns! I totally stole all of them while they were asleep las- Wait a second, where are the guns?!? O.O

    The evil laughter commences... >:) Seriously, you guys really don't know what's coming!! Ahhh!

    Well, clearly it's a lot of gunfire and explosions from all the stolen guns and torpedos. Other than that, nope... no clue! :D
    Origin ID: Munter_Bacon
    Ironbound (end of season break) | STRIKE! (currently updating) | The Colours of my Heart (on hiatus)
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick Enjoy your vacation! We'll be happy with a new chapter whenever you have one for us. At least, if we don't drown in a pool of our own tears first... ;)
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    SterretjeeeSterretjeee Posts: 3,019 Member
    edited March 2017
    The shoe dropped, three strikes for Mak0 and she's out! Luci is on her way to take over :lol:
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Ohh...I think I'll be able to post later today after all!

    @Maladi777 I meant to mention I love your new avatar!
    Is she Celeste? She looks like a blonde Beryl.
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    edited March 2017
    Ohh...I think I'll be able to post later today after all!

    @Maladi777 I meant to mention I love your new avatar!
    Is she Celeste? She looks like a blonde Beryl.
    Thank you. Yes, it is her. But she looks more like her father, which I think is good in her case. ;)

    Looking forward to that update of yours. :relieved:
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited March 2017
    Chapter 2.52


    It took me an hour just to figure out what to wear. I was going to a heavy metal concert so I didn’t want to dress up too much but I also didn’t want to look like a slob.

    I arrived a bit late. The concert had already started, and I had the immense task of finding Alex. He said he’d be on the front row, so, I just had to mill between all the screaming fans. Starlight Park was amazing. I’d never been here before.


    Once I found Alex, he gave me a hug and tried to talk to me, but I couldn’t hear anything. We both laughed and just listened to the raw, emotional music that sent shivers down my spine and sometimes tears in my eyes. When I spied Jackson, I just couldn’t believe how he’d changed since I saw him in high school. Sure I had his posters, but seeing him up close was different. Watching him gave me chills. He knew how to work the crowd. He was so talented.



    After the concert was over, Alex ushered me down to the basement where the band took their breaks and changed. My heart sped up. I’d never been backstage before. I wondered what Jackson was going to think about seeing me after all these years.

    When Alex brought me into the room, everyone said hey and popped up to give me a hug. I felt so welcome. It was good to see Manu, Clarke and Mako, too. I didn’t know Lane very well since he went to a different high school but he seemed to remember me. He introduced me to his wife, Petra. I couldn’t believe someone was already married in the band.

    “What brings you here, Luci?” Jackson asked. “What a great surprise.”


    Face heating up just being near him again, I said, “I’m here reporting for a magazine. I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you, Jackson.”

    “Sure. Anything for an old friend,” he said, beaming.

    I was so happy. He was the same old Jackson. He might have had a bunch of tattoos and make up, but underneath it all, he was as humble as ever.

    “I need an exclusive interview from you. Would you be up for that?”

    Smiling, he said, “I’ll do better than that. Why don’t I get changed and we can go to Starbucks like we used to? It’ll be just like old times.”


    “Okay,” I said, not believing all of this was happening.

    “Oh, wait.” He snapped his fingers, chuckling. “I haven’t been able to go to Starbucks in years. We’ll get mobbed. But I do know an old park that not many people go to. I think you’ll like it. It has an outdoor theater, too. Maybe we can watch cheesy movies like we used to back in the day.”

    At this, Mako interjected, “But Jackson. What about the after parties we’re supposed to attend? Our sponsors expect us.”


    I could hear the edge in her voice. Was she jealous? Of me? That didn’t make sense.

    Taking me by the hand, Jackson squeezed it sending flutters inside. “Could you wait out in the lobby for a minute? I need to talk to my band.”

    I smiled. “Okay. Take all the time you need.”

    I walked out the door, looking at the pictures on the wall. The bodyguard smiled at me. I still couldn’t believe all was working out better than I’d expected. I should have known Jackson wouldn’t have changed.




    Luci Mueller. I couldn’t believe she was here. Seeing her sent me back to the days when I tried to win her heart. And she was as beautiful as ever. I was excited to catch up with her. I’d always wondered whatever happened to her in Windenburg. And now her pretty face was smiling up at me.


    When she left the room, Mako was on me in a second.

    “What do you think you’re doing? You can’t fly off with Luci and leave us holding the bag with the sponsors.”


    “Why don’t you get Noah? He’s your partner in bed. I’m sure he could fill in for me.”

    “What are you talking about?”

    I crossed my arms. “Oh, stop playing Miss Innocent. I saw all of you in my bed this morning. It’s over, Mako. If you want to mess around, you’ll do it without me.”

    “We weren’t doing anything wrong. Just sleeping. We had a few friends over. It was no big deal.”


    “Noah is a big deal. You were snuggling with him in your underwear! Whatever. I’m done with us. So over it.”

    “I can’t believe you’re acting like such a jealous pr*ick. I didn’t do anything wrong. Ask Manu. Ask Clarke.”

    “You invited Noah to our house. That’s telling enough. You know how I feel.”


    I turned to go to our private bathrooms. I needed to wash off this makeup and put on a shirt. Mako grabbed me from behind and said, “Please, Jackson. I love you. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt us. I wouldn’t.”


    But I was finished listening to her. I shook her off and said, “You sure have a sick way of showing love.” I stalked out of the room.


    At the park, Luci told me all about how she got a journalist degree from Windenburg University and was now working for a tabloid in the heart of that city. She lived in a small flat, barely making ends meet. She felt funny even asking me for the interview.

    I laughed. “Luci, you don’t ever have to feel embarrassed to talk to me. We’re old friends. How could you ever doubt that?”


    She stared at me, grinning. “You’re right. I should never have doubted you. It’s’re...annoyingly famous. I guess that made me nervous.”


    “ haven’t changed since high school. What makes you think I would have? There’s no difference between a famous person and someone else. We live and breathe and eat and love.”


    Giggling, she said, “You’re such a poet. Is that going to be the lyrics of your next song?”

    “Are you asking me as a journalist or as yourself?”

    “What does it matter?”

    I shrugged. “Well, I’ll tell you anything, but a journalist...”

    She stared at me with her gorgeous crystal green eyes. I remember the first time I really noticed those eyes. When she was yelling at me for not asking her to the Snow Ball.

    She nodded. “I am a journalist. You’re not going to change that. You’ll just have to take me as I am. If I have to put up with you being so famous, then...”

    Laughing, I said, “’re right. I’ll put up with you...if you’ll put up with me.”


    When I said that, our eyes met, holding each other as we did all those years ago when we’d go out together. So many times I’d wanted to kiss her back then, but I wouldn’t let myself since I’d just broken up with Celia. And now, I’ve just broken up with Mako and here she was, charming me with her strong personality and funny wit. Was I going to lose this chance again?

    I knew my answer.

    No longer was I going to second guess someone like Luci. She was a diamond that I’d found so long ago and lost.

    “Hey...did you ever have regrets?” I asked. “You know...that you didn’t kiss me back then?”


    She nudged me, playfully. “I never understood why you didn’t make a move all those times we went out. I all but sent out flashing signs encouraging you to whenever we’d watch a movie.”

    “You did.” I nudged her back. “I was such a fool. But then you didn’t let me that day I found you in Lana’s basement.”

    She fiddled with her hands, looking down. “I know. But...I saw Winter’s party. There was something between the two of you. This chemistry...I didn’t want to get in the way.” She lifted the side of her mouth and looked at me. “And besides, I’d made a pact with myself I wouldn’t date until after college.” She laughed and shrugged one shoulder. “That’s what I told myself anyway.”

    I wrapped my arm around her. “You’re not in college now...”

    Looking at my hand, she blushed. “No...but I live in Windenburg.”


    “I own a jet airplane,” I countered.

    “You travel months at a time.”

    “I make my own schedule.”


    “You’re dating Mako.”

    “Not anymore.”


    “When did you break up? I just read about your perfect romance in Rollingstone.”

    “First rule of thumb when dating a famous guy is never believe anything you read in print.”

    She giggled. “Oh really...what about the pictures?”

    “Most likely photoshopped.”

    Shaking her head, she said, “It would never work, Jackson.”

    Rubbing her face, I said, “I’m not going to leave you alone until you say yes. Luci, I would regret it for the rest of my life if we never gave us a chance. I know you feel it just like I do. A connection that doesn’t happen very often. Maybe I’m just making this up, but for me, it feels like something I don’t want to let go ever again.”

    When she didn’t say anything, I said, “Will you give it some thought at least?”

    Gazing into my eyes, she smiled, shyly. “Okay...I promise. I’ll think about it.”

    “Yes!” I cheered, pulling her to her feet.

    Walking arm and arm, I took her to the bridge. Before we'd left for the park, I'd ordered fireworks to be set off at 10 PM, and I wanted to surprise her.

    “It’s a gorgeous night,” she said.

    Nodding, I agreed, “It is, but not as gorgeous as you.”


    She pushed me and said, “Jackson...I bet you say that to all the girls you’re with.”

    “No I don’t. I only say it if it’s true.”

    Reaching the top, I gathered her into my arms as the fireworks went off. We snuggled not saying anything, just enjoying each other for the moments we had on this night. I didn't want to think about the future because in the back of my mind, I worried I couldn't convince her to take a chance on me. And a part of me couldn't blame her.


    My life was definitely not an easy choice to make for a strong relationship. But if anyone could handle it, it would be Luci.



    Many thanks and a shout out to designer, @RABOOSKI for creating this FABULOUS park: A STAR IS BORN PARK Please show your appreciation by hitting the favorite button! It's so beautiful! Jackson couldn't be such a superstar without her!

    And so, it's officially spring break for me. Unless something changes, I will be out of pocket for a week. See you next weekend!
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    Yay, your post saved me from drowning! (From a pool of my own tears at the lack of future updates--I could still drown from a sinking ship in the near future. ;) ) I...I don't want to get off this Amazon island, I know it's not safe! I know it.

    But Luckson....NO. I must be strong! I must...but they're so cute together. It's like seeing What Could Have Been--and maybe What Should Have Been? NO. Island is nice and safe and full of hunky guys. I need to remember that. But maybe Jackson would appreciate her more now than he would've then anyhow--he has matured a lot. But then maybe Lana will stroll right in and kidnap Luci again--or worse. (I don't want to believe she'd do that, though! But we haven't heard from her and her Evil Boyfriend in so long...)

    So many beautiful screenshots.
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    SeaDragonSongSeaDragonSong Posts: 2,324 Member
    Yay for Luci! Hope they can stick together!
    Twists In Time And Space (Updated December 2nd 2018. New discord server!)
    Bob Bobson (Updated August 12th 2019)
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    TheGeekGamezTheGeekGamez Posts: 706 Member
    Thats my girl! Took her long enough though! Jackson on the other hand should maybe slow down a little. You broke up with your previous girlfriend like 5 minutes ago.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Marialein wrote: »
    Wow that kinda happened from one second to another :o Luci is there for one night so...and Jackson wasn't going to let her get away again. And besides...we have to get this gen moving. Sorry if it's too fast. Hang on...more to come!
    Yay, your post saved me from drowning! (From a pool of my own tears at the lack of future updates--I could still drown from a sinking ship in the near future. ;) ) I...I don't want to get off this Amazon island, I know it's not safe! I know it.

    But Luckson....NO. I must be strong! I must...but they're so cute together. It's like seeing What Could Have Been--and maybe What Should Have Been? NO. Island is nice and safe and full of hunky guys. I need to remember that. But maybe Jackson would appreciate her more now than he would've then anyhow--he has matured a lot. But then maybe Lana will stroll right in and kidnap Luci again--or worse. (I don't want to believe she'd do that, though! But we haven't heard from her and her Evil Boyfriend in so long...)

    So many beautiful screenshots.

    Definitely safe on the island...island with Amazon slaves...yes...

    I hope you don't drown this week. You should be glad. You don't want me to leave you hanging with the next chapter...ha! ;)
    Yay for Luci! Hope they can stick together!

    Who knows...they aren't a couple exactly yet...
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Thats my girl! Took her long enough though! Jackson on the other hand should maybe slow down a little. You broke up with your previous girlfriend like 5 minutes ago.

    Jackson is're right. Maybe he shouldn't jump into a relationship like this so fast...but Luci hasn't said yes. She's a sensible girl.
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    I hope you don't drown this week. You should be glad. You don't want me to leave you hanging with the next chapter...ha! ;)

    Now I'm so curious!!!
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    anaitapevaanaitapeva Posts: 917 Member
    All those hidden feelings for Luci just exploding like ...fireworks ;)
    I loved the screenshots :)
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    WitcHazardWitcHazard Posts: 1,209 Member
    Nooboos WitcHazard: It is time! I sense the presence of a nooboo it is near! Come to me my precious nooboo come to me!

    Lady WitcHazard: I think the madness is spreading! So Shipper what do you think?

    Holds up empty wine bottle!

    Shipper WitcHazard: We're out of wine!

    Emotional WitcHazard: I hope Jackson is okay and he knows what he's doing this time!

    Lover WitcHazard: Really you commit a action that results in the termination of your relationship but you didnt even get any pathetic.

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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    Definitely safe on the island...island with Amazon slaves...yes...

    @LadyLobster I will wait with you mei mei *Pets the Amazon slaves* for, er...emotional support? /nod
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    AudreyFldAudreyFld Posts: 6,695 Member
    edited March 2017
    Yes - he is right, she can handle him. She is strong willed. Don't let her get away! Mako - move over - you're yesterday's news! I have a bad feeling about the tabloid she works at doing something to cause things to go wrong. Ugh.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited March 2017
    anaitapeva wrote: »
    All those hidden feelings for Luci just exploding like ...fireworks ;)
    I loved the screenshots :)

    Lol! Glad you liked them. B)
    WitcHazard wrote: »
    Nooboos WitcHazard: It is time! I sense the presence of a nooboo it is near! Come to me my precious nooboo come to me!

    Lady WitcHazard: I think the madness is spreading! So Shipper what do you think?

    Holds up empty wine bottle!

    Shipper WitcHazard: We're out of wine!

    Emotional WitcHazard: I hope Jackson is okay and he knows what he's doing this time!

    Lover WitcHazard: Really you commit a action that results in the termination of your relationship but you didnt even get any pathetic.

    Nooboos are ever nearer...Shipper, I will send you a case. You're gonna need it.

    Emo--Jackson has the noncommittal trait. He never knows what he's doing when it comes to women.

    Lover--that shows you where his heart is with Mako. He's numb to her and her shenanigans. He is angry, but has grown cold to the relationship. Is that healthy? Jackson doesn't do healthy when it's his life (as opposed to giving his sister good advice.)
    Post edited by pammiechick on
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    AudreyFld wrote: »
    Yes - he is right, she can handle him. She is strong willed. Don't let her get away! Mako - move over - you're yesterday's news! I have a bad feeling about the tabloid she works at doing something to cause things to go wrong. Ugh.

    Luci would be a great centering influence on him. We shall see if she can wrap her head around it.
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    Goodbye Mako. About time. >:)

    Not sure how I feel about Lucson yet. Still thinking about what Winter is doing. And Lana. Can't forget her. I'm wondering how Luci's job and Jackson's fame will go together. Will they ask her to write more and more articles about him now?

    Btw. I saw that RABOOSKI received a Maxis favourite for Jackson's penthouse. So well deserved!
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Maladi777 wrote: »
    Goodbye Mako. About time. >:)

    Not sure how I feel about Lucson yet. Still thinking about what Winter is doing. And Lana. Can't forget her. I'm wondering how Luci's job and Jackson's fame will go together. Will they ask her to write more and more articles about him now?

    Btw. I saw that RABOOSKI received a Maxis favourite for Jackson's penthouse. So well deserved!

    I was so happy it got that recognition! She deserved it!

    Yes...Lana and her evil bf are still out there. And we will be seeing what Winter is up to fairly soon...
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    RLRL Posts: 305 Member
    Jackson! Too fast! I thought you two would just reconnect! Wth? Anyway, I guess that just shows his heart really wasn't in it with Mako during the end of the relationship.
    Check out the Sutherland ISBI!
    (Disclaimer: This blog is mainly an outlet for my weird humour)
    Click anyway! ⬇️️⬇️️⬇️️
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    loubyloulouloubyloulou Posts: 4,471 Member
    Aw, lovely chapter, even if Jackson is a really fast mover! I'm worried though as...
    I know what's supposed to happen in Gen 2 as I'm doing the challenge myself and agonizing how to follow the Gen 2 rules as my Sim and her husband are so cute together...
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