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Schemes and Dreams


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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,065 Member
    Go Ravyn!!
    I wonder if Judith will be happy or annoyed when she learns that she already knows her mom?
    (Or maybe she ALREADY KNOWS)
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    _Gina_Gina Posts: 253 Member
    Octavia, dear heart, you kick that man's backside till he rolls right outta that gate. And if you wanna find somebody new, find somebody with a nose, not a beak, that's never a good sign. ;D ((OOC: Speaking in Sims terms only and thinking of Vlad ;DD))

    The casting was amazing! That was awesome, slipping in some screens that actually look like they're in Forgotten Hollow. Rayvn... she's something, alright. Heh, I dunno, Judy might wanna be careful around this one, more because of her talent than her teeth, heh. But then again, who's gonna tell her that? Not me, I wouldn't mind if she figured Rayvn actually unseated her from her throne and just... blew up. XD

    And finally, you always write very well, but do you realize how much weight your words get when it's about the Orchid? I can just tell that place and message are important to you. Got goosebumps, here. <3
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    @mightysprite Thank you❤️
    Judith doesn't suspect a thing. Rayvn Nash is a stage name. Judith might recognize her real surname, Thomas, but for now she just wants to be known by her stage name.

    @_Gina Thank you❤️
    Thorne is a such a troublemaker and a narcissist. I think love blinded Octavia to his faults and celebrity status is revealing them more and making them worse.

    That was the crypt under Vlad's mansion. I did a really quick redecoration and used camera angles to disguise it. I thought it would be fun to show what's going on inside Rayvn's head when she's really into her acting.

    I try to keep the tone of my writing even, but it is easy for me to put more weight on Mimi's scenes and LGBTQ+ scenes in general. LGBTQ+ topics are important to me and Mimi is just a lot of fun to write for so I do get carried away.😊
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,569 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves Thank you.❤️
    Mimi was more involved than I had originally planned, but I have so much fun writing their/her part that it's easy to get carried away. Thorne is really self centered and he doesn't consider Octavia's feelings. She still loves him but she's right to wonder if he loves himself more than he loves her. My impression of him is, he knew exactly what Octavia meant but he doesn't like it. So he intentionally played 'dumb' and took the most literal interpretation possible hoping he could get away with it. He learned Octavia isn't falling for it. I thought it would be fun to have Rayvn really get into her character in her imagination. I suppose that would qualify as 'method acting'. Having her call her mom was something that just sort of happened. I hadn't been planning it, but somehow it just fit. Rayvn is in for some ups and downs. Especially when she starts getting involved with Judith as her protege. Back to Mimi and Ximena. I plan to have most chapters end with an evening at The Orchid with Mimi and one or more of the other queens. Except for the part one finale, unless that takes place there.🤔 I almost forgot to mention Ximena's new look. The more I looked at the hairstyle I originally picked out for the drag persona the less I liked it. I tried a few others and fell in love with that one. It does make Ximena less androgynous and more feminine, but off stage Joaquin maintains that slightly androgynous look.
    I can see your impression of Thorne well, you did a great job in writing his character. I'd say that qualifies as method acting, it was great to see her visualize her role. Although the phone call wasn't planned it fit really well. Am interested in seeing what’s in store for Ravyn, as Judith protege. Ximenas new look was fabulous, the hairstyle is perfect.

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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,721 Member
    I've been trying to think about why I'm not seeing Octavia as a more sympathetic character... I think it's because I've come into her relationship with Thorne mid-fight and they both have taken an entrenched position. Even though she references discussing not having the pap in the house in the past, it's easy for me to just see too people making loud demands of each other. Reminds me a bit of my first college relationship... lots of passion, lots of love, lots of fighting, not one working brain cell between us.

    This is not to say that I think Octavia should back down or "be more reasonable." She's pretty clearly at the end of her rope and I think she's justified in being so. Thorne is pretty clearly not a good person. Some relationships just don't work out. They do make for great drama, however.

    Just my $.02, take it for what it's worth.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    @luciusstorm Your opinion, and all of my readers, are worth a lot to me. It's wonderful to have discussions and to see how others view the characters and the storylines.
    Thorne is very selfish, self-centered, and nothing is ever his fault. Or very rarely his fault in his eyes. His loyalty to Octavia feels questionable at best. I could see him having an affair, and I would be mildly surprised if he makes it out of Part One without cheating on Octavia. I feel like Octavia has picked up on that too, but until something happens she's not going to confront him with her fears. She genuinely loves Thorne but she's scared she's going to lose him, and for good reason. She's surrounded by other celebrities and yes men. She doesn't have that friend that is outside of that bubble who's grounded and that she can open up too. Those feelings of anxiety boil over like they did in the argument with the paps. She didn't go after them at first. She went after Thorne first and all those feelings of anxiety boiled over and they became a target because of their proximity and the fact that they turned their cameras on her argument with Thorne. If they hadn't turned their cameras on her and Thorne she might have shooed them away more calmly.

    Being a celebrity she understands that the paparazzi are part of the life, but she also feels that boundaries need to be drawn for them. She isn't the typical celebrity mom, she's not aloof with Orange. She wants him to enjoy being a kid and she wants him shielded from as much of the celebrity lifestyle as possible until he's older. We're back to where we started because Thorne couldn't care less. He only brought up Orange because Octavia did and he instantly took the flip side of the argument just to be a contrarian. This I feel is just the beginning of the fireworks.
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    hellohannah2hellohannah2 Posts: 839 Member
    edited February 2023
    @DaniRose2143 great update - I'm excited to see Ravyn enter the ring.
    She's so ambitions and confident in herself which I think is exactly what one needs to make it in showbusiness. How lucky she is to have a mother who was in the know about Judith and how she's likely to behave and was ready for it, so I knew that the audition would be a slam-dunk. Also what a great name - Ravyn Nash. It's one of those names that only famous people have, something meant to be written in lights!

    Octavia & Thorne... smh. He's awful, so disrespectful towards him but equally she seems pretty ill equipped to handle him assuming his personality is the way that it is. They're a mess, but I'm rooting for her to find a solution to their issues or get out of the relationship. That line about her time of the month made my jaw drop, I gotta say. What a disrespectful thing to say. And acting like allowing the paps into your private space just because the pool is outside?? Please, give me a break. I wanna teach that man a lesson.

    Mimi - fabulous as always. They always steal the show & look absolutely spectacular while doing it <3
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    @hellohannah2 Thank you❤️
    It took a little longer to work Rayvn in but I had a feeling readers would enjoy her passion for acting. She is friendly but she is shrewd, and almost calculating. She is determined to be the best, but she's not like Judith, someone who will happily destroy anyone who gets in the way. She wants to be famous for her acting, not infamous for all the other off-camera stuff. If needs be, she isn't afraid to whip out the claws (Do ravens have claws or talons?) and get ruthless. She is planning to use Judith to help her become a great actress. Even though they left Del Sol Valley over a decade earlier, Rayvn's mom knows a lot about how the business works. She armed Rayvn with that knowledge when she realized her daughter was determined to be an actress. Her mom witnessed young women being eaten alive by the movie business and she did her best to prepare Rayvn to survive and thrive. She knows the pros and cons of being associated with Judith Ward. For all of Judith's flaws, and they are legion, she is a great actress and can be a great mentor if you know how to deal with her. Rayvn and Judith should be an interesting dynamic.

    Ahh, Thorne. Watching him over the years and in the first few sim days of this save, wow, what an egomaniac. In the past he's been a serial cheater too. I don't see that changing and that is festering under the surface of their relationship. Octavia is ill-equipped to deal with him but she's also ill-equipped to deal with her feelings and emotions about Thorne. She is convinced she loves him, but is that real or is it a well crafted lie? She's told herself she loves him long enough that she believes it on some level, and partly out of her wanting to maintain a stable home for Orange. She wants him to have a male influence in his life. But, here again subconsciously she knows Thorne is not a good role model. When I was writing that portion I wrote the line about Octavia not knowing whether to 'slap the taste outta his mouth' first. I kept going and I thought, what could Thorne have said that would have had her so mad she wanted to hit him or just bawl her eyes out. I thought it would be so like Thorne in that moment, he's mad, he's already called her unreasonable, he's going to go for a sexist trope. That one is disgusting and makes me angry when I hear it. I would venture to say every woman has been on the receiving end of that insult at some point in her life. If not to her face it's been said behind her back. The benefits of being a woman who stands up for herself.🙄 Octavia needs a sober and grounded friend or confidante she can talk to. The celebrity world she lives in doesn't provide her with those kind of people in her orbit.

    What can I say about Mimi that I myself, and you all, my lovely readers, haven't said already? Mimi is one of my absolute favorite characters to write for, and that's saying something with the cast of Under The Tartosan Sun in the mix as well. Drama and conflict aren't done with Mimi yet. The future drama will have little to nothing to do with Nancy and Malcolm though. Mimi has a lot to sort out and important decisions to make concerning, love, identity, career, and how to navigate the intersection of some of those aspects or all of them. Don't be surprised to see Mimi pop up in cameos on some of the future movies I stage.😉
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    I was thinking about Octavia a little more over breakfast. I feel like her anger at Thorne over the paparazzi is her feelings of security as a woman and a mother. Thorne isn't thinking about how his allowing photographers onto their property endangers his wife and son but she is. In a world of obsessed fans, one wrong snap and there is now a picture in a newspaper or on tv that shows their house and the security around it to a fan who can exploit it for all sorts of bad things. For that matter what does he know about those paparazzi? I'm not entirely sure how it works, but I believe they are freelancers and don't work under contract, so there is no background checks. That paparazzi may be a predator, or have a history of simple assault, or be a thief. How does he know he isn't allowing a dangerous person access? She pointed that out and it made him angry. Thorne is an uber macho guy so he doesn't worry about his safety or his family's as much as he should. He's more worried about self promotion and thinks her worrying about security is one of her ways of overreacting to everything.
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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    @DaniRose2143 Chapter Three is excellent.
    You had my attention from the beginning.
    It was postponed last week when several members of the staff at Plumbob Studios came down with food poisoning which was later traced back to the cafeteria. The head cook was quoted as saying, "I had no idea that tuna salad needed to be refrigerated all day. I mean someone could have told me. I suppose you learn something new everyday".
    Haha, the audacity of the head cook. :o I would never eat any food they're responsible for again.

    I had some hope for Octavia and Thorne, but he's crossing some major lines. It's hard to believe that he respects Octavia at all when he doesn't apologize for letting the paparazzi in. Instead, he's "Hey, what did I do?" and gaslights Octavia. He pretends he doesn't know she wants them to stay outside the gate. Then, he accuses her of overreacting because she's upset that he didn't do as she asked when being upset is a normal reaction to being ignored. Why can't he just say sorry for ignoring her boundaries?
    "You're being irrational Octavia. Is it that time again?" Thorne stuck that knife in and gave it a twist.
    Wow. That thought should not even be in his head. I have never experienced anyone saying that to me. I think most people wouldn't dare, and that's definitely not something you think about (or say to) someone you respect. He's projecting so hard. He's overreacting to a simple request to not let strangers in their home and blowing it up into this big thing. I can't see her staying with him if he's going to continue like this.

    I like Rayvn. She seems like a hard worker and she has what it takes to become a famous actress.

    Ximena is gorgeous and does a great job. <3
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    I had a different arc in mind for Octavia and Thorne before I started gameplay. I thought they would be partners in trying to reach the pinnacle of Del Sol Valley's celebrity royalty, but with dueling ambitions and some tension. The more time I spend with them Thorne has been anything but supportive. He doesn't make any romantic gestures towards Octavia. It's all her initiating romance. I haven't seen him show much interest in Orange. He just runs around showing off and posing for pictures. He is totally, head over heels in love with himself. A lot of the previous versions of Thorne I've watched over the years have wound up cheating on Octavia. I have a feeling this one is not going to be any different. I wrote his lines to reflect his actions, but I did think long and hard before I used that sexist trope. In the end, as disgusting and over the line as it, it felt like something he would say. I see him as being very narcissistic, immature, and misogynistic. That remark he made to her was his misogyny boiling over. He lashed out at her in a verbally aggressive way for trying to put any degree of responsibility for that situation on his shoulders, trying to hurt her emotionally. I don't see them being a couple for long. She can certainly do better than him.
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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    I thought they would be partners in trying to reach the pinnacle of Del Sol Valley's celebrity royalty, but with dueling ambitions and some tension.
    It's always interesting how the game can push us in different directions.
    I wrote his lines to reflect his actions, but I did think long and hard before I used that sexist trope. In the end, as disgusting and over the line as it, it felt like something he would say.. I see him as being very narcissistic, immature, and misogynistic. That remark he made to her was his misogyny boiling over.
    I feel like it had the intended effect, because when he made that remark it cemented (to me) the fact that there were serious issues with their relationship, that weren't going to be easily overcome. I'm glad to hear that she can do better than him.

    You've assembled a great cast with Schemes and Dreams. Everyone is interesting, and it's just getting better and better as we get to know each of them.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    edited March 2023
    Chapter Four: Waking Nightmare

    The sun had finished its celestial journey and was back in Del Sol Valley. Rayvn and her girlfriends had spent the previous night enjoying the raucous Babylon that is the Orchid. They had called it a night around 2 am and made their way home still buzzing from the beats, the fabulous queens, and a juice or two. Rayvn was lost in dreams of a romantic scene with a stunningly handsome man. It wasn't the first time he had paid her dreams a visit. The first time it happened, after waking up she recalled every detail of his features in vivid detail. The most interesting detail was how much her dream lover looked like Timothée Chalamet. She didn't see this as a problem, merely an observation...a really delicious observation. As night faded into dawn, and dawn gave way to a crystal clear blue sky morning, Rayvn drifted in dreams of her mysterious lover. She could see a room with rose petals strewn everywhere, bed sheets in a tangled pile, and the breeze gently rustling the sheer drapes as it slipped through the open window...

    🎶I do my hair toss/Check my nails/Baby how you feelin'?/Feeling good as hell🎶 (Rayvn's ringtone is Lizzo's Good As Hell)

    "Ahhmmph...hello" Rayvn said, the muzziness in her voice making the word sound like both a statement and a question at the same time.

    "Could I speak to Rayvn Nash please?" said the terminally perky voice. The kind of perkiness that's only achievable by people who are already fully functional human beings before 7 am.
    "That's me." 'Or what's left of me anyway' she thought. She wasn't sure which was worse, that it was 8 a.m, or that she got yanked away from her dream lover. 'Just when things were really getting interesting. Isn't that always the way' she thought to herself again. Underneath all of that was the lingering reminder of just how much fun her, Tianna, and Harley had last night. Her misery was less about the minor hangover and more about exhaustion. Last night had been the third night out in the last four days and the sandman was getting really irritated at being ignored.

    "Hi Rayvn. This is Ashley from Plumbob Studios. I would ask how you're doing this morning but, well it's pretty obvious. I have some news that will make you feel a whole better." The fog that enveloped Rayvn's mind disappeared in an instant. "I'm so happy to tell you that you got the part of Lady Desdemonia."

    "Holy plumbob! Sorry." She paused momentarily, cleared her throat and began again. "Thank you Ashley, that is wonderful news."

    "Oh please. Girl, go ahead and scream, jump up and down, do a naked happy dance in the middle of the street. There's no need for apologies. Congratulations Rayvn. We will be getting in touch with you in the next week or so to let you know what the filming schedule will be. You really made an impression on Judith during your audition. Don't be surprised if you hear from her soon. Again congratulations, this is a big part for an up and comer like yourself."

    "Thank you, thank you" she said before ending the call. "Yes!" she screamed to the heavens. Her fatigue was fading, for now. There were a lot of texts to send and congratulations to accept. She was searching back through her memory to everything Ashley had told her. She could have sworn Ashley told her to be ready for a call from Judith. "Alright girl, part one of the plan is a go."
    I did it! I got the part! Thank you mom. I couldn't have done it without you! Love you!
    I had faith in you baby girl! This is just the beginning! Love you too Ava.
    You two can say you know a star! I got the part!
    You go grrl! P2Nite?
    Tmrw. We need a break.
    Totes! Im @ dance gig. Gonna be wiped ltr.
    4got bout dat T. Tmrw 🥳 'Grats girl
    Ohyeah 'grats Ray!

    "What do you girls think? This is a new look I want to work into my show here and there"

    "Ooo gurl you're looking good! I think I'm jealous. Where'd you get that dress?" DeShawn said

    "Couture Del Sol. I think tonight will be a great time to try the new act and the new look. I've been working hard with my vocal coach and I feel like I'm ready to try singing on my own instead of lip syncing."

    "I've heard you practicing in the dressing room and take it from me" DeShawn said, "you're ready."

    "Thank you very much hun. I will see you all tonight. Love you all."
    As always the Orchid was a hive of activity. News of Mimi's new act spread quickly thanks to Gideon spreading the word throughout the Del Sol Valley rumor mill. Mimi arrived to a huge throng of fans wanting to see her perform. Word was she had a string of songs from Lizzo, Pink, among others planned. No one in the crowd realized they were about to hear Lady Mimi sing in her own voice. The butterflies were worse than ever but each of the queens came over to show her some love. Before Mimi knew the time had come. Time to show 'em what the Lady is made of.

    🎶I be dripping so much sauce
    Gotta been looking like ragù🎶 uT0bqWQ.png

    🎶Gotta get up and try, try, try
    You've gotta get up and try, try, try🎶 lc2kBoH.png

    🎶You lyin' so low in the weeds
    I bet you gonna ambush me🎶 2agPIke.png

    Judith had indeed been impressed by Rayvn's audition. She could sense the passion in Rayvn's performance. This being Judith Ward though, what she saw more than anything was the potential for praise to be heaped on her for finding yet another talented young actress. She had to be careful. Passion like that can breed thoughts of usurping Judith's role as the undisputed queen of Del Sol Valley. That was a risk worth taking to work with another talent with that kind of promise. If she had to, Judith could break her and tear her down again if Rayvn should get too full of herself. In the meantime there was a trip to Forgotten Hollow to look for locations to film her upcoming movie.

    Judith decided to invite Rayvn to accompany her and the crew from the studio on the trip. It would be a great opportunity to learn more about her newest protege. “Rayvn Nash, this is Judith Ward. I am extending you an invitation to come with myself and a small group from Plumbob Pictures on a trip to Forgotten Hollow. We are going to look for filming locations.”
    “Wow, I’m shocked and honored. Of course, I’d love to go.”

    “I will send a driver to pick you up on Saturday morning and bring you to the airport. Pack for three days and two nights dear.”

    Saturday morning as Judith had promised a limousine from the studio arrived to pick up Rayvn. She thought to herself how she could get used to this. Limos, private jets, and traveling the world. This acting thing was looking better all the time. The plane wouldn't take them all the way to Forgotten Hollow. The place was remote and essentially cut off from the rest of the world. After the plane landed in Windenberg it was still going to be a two hour drive up narrow mountain roads to reach the village. It was going to be a nightmare trying to get a film crew into the place, if they did choose to film there. That was the point of this whole trip though, to find out if it was even possible and was it worth the hassle?

    As someone who loves vampire stories as much as Rayvn this was shaping up as a bit of a dream trip. She had spent a fair amount of time prior to the trip familiarizing herself with Forgotten Hollow. The history of the village and the surrounding countryside has long been steeped in vampire lore and had been at least to some degree ground zero for the whole legend. Some people seemed to believe that vampires really did exist and that they could be found there. While Rayvn found that whole idea rather far-fetched it was undeniable that the pictures she had seen of it certainly captured the old school vibe of the gothic vampire. Forgotten Hollow wasn't just off the grid, it had no idea what the grid is. She wasn't so sure that Judith or the people from the studio had done any research beyond just looking at pictures, but she was the newbie and she felt it best to not rock the boat. What's the worst that could happen? They spend a few days 'roughing it' indoors without internet or tv. They look around, realize this wasn't going to work, and Rayvn gets to pretend she was actually living the vampire life for a couple of days before she happily returns to the comforts of the modern world.

    In hindsight the portents of what was to come should have been clear from the minute they got in their hire car to make the trip to the village. The way the driver kept a small crucifix clutched in his hand that he obsessively rubbed. Or that the car carrying the studio people got 'lost' along the way to the village, leaving Judith and Rayvn carrying on by themselves. Little did they know, in Forgotten Hollow these disappearances are quite common. They both found it rather rude that once the arrived in the village the driver hastily, and rather roughly unloaded them and their luggage before racing out of the village without a word. Not that he had been all that talkative at any point. He spent the majority of the trip glancing at them in the rearview mirror giving them the evil eye. But for now the ladies were blissfully unaware of the sinister turn that their trip had already taken. They were greeted warmly by the locals, who looked as if they were still living in the Eighteenth or Nineteenth century. They both thought it was a quaint bit of play acting, a sort of vampire renfaire.

    They were greeted by Lilith and Caleb Vatore. They seemed rather friendly, if not eccentric, but then as they looked around everyone and everything seemed frozen in a time and place long ago. Caleb was the first to speak. "Welcome to Forgotten Hollow. Who is it my pleasure to address on this lovely evening?"

    Judith was a bit taken aback. She wasn't used to being unrecognized, but somehow she managed regain her composure and fight back the urge to ask Caleb 'Don't you know who I am? I am the legendary Judith Ward'! She introduced herself and Rayvn. They were both feeling a little odd being as they were clothes screamed 2023 and Caleb and his sister scream 1823. Caleb dialed up the old world charm and gave each of them a bow and a suave kiss on the hand, while Lilith gave them a perfect curtsy. "It is my honor to welcome you lovely ladies to our humble village. We have prepared the loveliest cottage in the village for your stay. You are welcome to roam around and see the sights."

    Lilith stepped forward and broke her silence. "It is truly a blessed day to have visitors come to Forgotten Hollow. I know you will enjoy your stay here. Many people who come to visit end up falling madly in love with the village and the countryside. Some have even decided to return and call it home. It can be quite a shock coming from the world you're used to, but the simple life here grows on you. I took the liberty of stocking your closets in your rental with several dresses if you would care to dress as we do. You'll find if you do that people here really enjoy it when visitors embrace the ambience. If they don't fit let me know and I will find something in your size." Rayvn thought she detected something in Lilith's voice and body language that suggested dressing to match wasn't really optional. It was fleeting and she quickly dismissed it as just her jet lag and the fatigue getting the best of her.

    Lilith continued. "We have prepared a wonderful meal to welcome you. If you would honor us with your presence" she said and then motioned towards the home behind her "the lady Elle De Vampiro and her husband the Count Bloodvayne-De Vampiro are eager to meet you. They love to make the acquaintance of all who come stay, er, visit."

    "We are very hungry. We would like a few minutes to clean up and then we would be happy to join you for dinner" Judith said, clearly missing Lilith's slip.

    "As you wish. We shall hunger for your company" Lilith said before she rose and dropped another textbook perfect curtsy.

    Rayvn and Judith found the door of the rental cottage unlocked. Being from Del Sol Valley the idea of leaving your doors unlocked seemed utterly outrageous. But apparently the crime rate here was much different than back home. Rayvn spoke first. "Toto, I don't think we're I Kansas anymore."

    "Where the plum is the light switch?" Judith said.

    "Umm, I don't think there are any light switches. I think you'll find the only light is candlelight" Rayvn said.

    "Oh you have got to be kidding?"

    "Nope. No electricity. No cellphone coverage. No internet. We are in the stone ages."

    "Well, we'll have a talk with Trisha, or whoever in the front office booked this place. Whoever placed the AirBnB listing on this place lied their tush off" Judith said, her hunger at war with her outrage at roughing it.

    "Speaking of Trisha, I haven't seen a single sign of her or any of the others. Have you?"

    "No but I'm sure they're around town somewhere. We'll see them after dinner, or maybe even at dinner."

    "I'm going to get cleaned up and I think I'll have a look at those dresses Lilith mentioned. I've never had the opportunity to wear anything like that and I think it would be fun" Rayvn said, her earlier misgivings fading away.

    "Yeah, well I have and it took two wardrobe ladies to lace me up. So unless you can find something that doesn't require me to do manual labor to truss you up count me out. I'll stick with my modern clothes thank you very much!"

    "Oh don't be a buzzkill. Pick something out and if it requires lacing up I'll do it for you. I don't mind. Come on Judith, you're going to be wearing something like it when we film. Or is your character going to be a time traveling vampire from the modern world?"

    "I must say you have a rather blunt way of addressing me. Most people trip over their own tongues trying not to offend me and you have this insouciance that allows you to think you're talking to one of your girlfriends. I'm not sure if I like that or not. I am Judith Ward, legend, after all."

    "And I'd say the jet lag was making you b***hy. If I'm going to be your protégé you might as well know the real me. I'm not rude or inconsiderate, but I'm also not going to shamelessly brownnose you either."

    "Well I never! You have a lot to learn about the movie business I see. The price of admission when you're getting started is locking your lips on the backsides of those higher up than you, then saying 'thank you ma'am, may I have another?'"

    "Less talky talky, more dressy dressy. You're a woman for god's sake, you should good at multitasking." The hunger and fatigue were driving the words coming out of Rayvn's mouth. She knew she was tap dancing in a mine field, but she remembered what her mom told her about Judith, stand up to her and don't let her back you down. Judith loves having her backside kissed, but she also admires courage. That is a quality that most people lose when they're confronted with the raging diva inside her.

    "I must admit, you have a point. I am starving. Oh very well, let's see what that Lilith woman left us."

    A short time later the ladies arrived at the De Vampiro estate. Lilith handled the introductions, first up was the lady of the house Elle, then her husband the Count Vlad Bloodvayne-De Vampiro. It struck both ladies as a nice twist that he took her name instead of the patriarchal trope of her surrendering her's. There was an air of calm self assurance and control around Elle De Vampiro. For that matter Lilith possessed much the same. In spite of Caleb being the one to introduce himself first, it was clear once Lilith came forward that she was the sibling who held the reins of power. Forgotten Hollow exudes an air of the Old World, but this was undoubtedly a matriarchy. Lastly they met the lovely and reserved Inna Cents.

    It took Rayvn a couple of seconds to get the play on words in her name. Inna didn't make the same intense eye contact that Elle and Lilith do. There were times where Rayvn felt like those two were peering deep into her soul and judging it in the same way a farmer might examine a horse or mule he was preparing to buy. It did give her the heebie jeebies if she tried making eye contact for a prolonged time. She didn't get that same feeling from Inna. There was a totally different feel coming from her. In the meantime a feast had been prepared and she and Judith dove in. In between the third and fourth course Rayvn leaned over and asked Judith if she had noticed anything odd, namely that the only other person at the table who had been enjoying the meal was Caleb. She hadn't actually seen anyone else take a genuine bite of the food and that the very pale, gaunt looking maid was removing nearly full plates of food from in front of them. They had however been enjoying several glasses of red wine. And all the while Elle and Lilith kept up that penetrating stare over the rims of their wine goblets. Fatigue and hunger had dulled Rayvn's naturally sharp instincts so she wasn't fully comprehending the danger that had her surrounded, and effectively trapped. Judith was too self-centered to ever register the threat. That was all about to change shortly.

    After the food had been cleared and fresh glasses of mulled wine had been delivered the conversation began. "What is it that brings you two to our lovely village?" Elle asked. Her voice had a certain demureness that her eyes simply were unable to achieve.

    "We are getting ready to film a movie about vampires and we were looking for suitable locations to shoot some scenes. We wanted to capture an Old World aesthetic and Forgotten Hollow certainly has it."

    "Yes it does" said Elle, "but you must forgive me, what is a movie?"

    "What? Pardon me, but it sounded like you asked me what a movie is." Judith said

    "I did. I've never heard of that. What are they? You must pardon us, but as you can see we shun the modern world that you called home."

    It was Rayvn's turn to be surprised, or more accurately, alarmed. "Did you just say 'the modern world we" she said as she indicated herself and Judith, "called home?"

    "I don't recall saying that precisely, but I do apologize if I misspoke." Elle's eyes were taking on a harder edge, as were Lilith's. Caleb and Vlad remained impassive and oddly detached. Vlad had yet to say anything at all beyond 'Good Evening' and 'Pleased to make your acquaintance'. The hairs on the back of Rayvn's neck were standing on end now. Judith was still stuck at incredulity over Elle's question asking what a movie is.

    "I beg your forgiveness for my lack of grace and my poor wording. I should like to know a bit more about how you are prepared to depict our lifestyle in this thing you call a movie?"

    "Your lifestyle?"

    "Yes. You are aware that the five of us are in fact vampires are you not? Isn't that why you came here, to be with real vampires?"

    "You are joking? Vampires don't exist" Judith exclaimed with a bit too much force for Elle's liking. In a flash Lilith was standing behind Judith and Rayvn, ready to strike in an instant.

    "We are not joking. We are vampires. And I do not like the tone of your question or your dismissiveness our existence. It is your great fortune and salvation that I am a gracious hostess and will therefor, for the moment anyway, not command Lilith to drain you of every last drop of blood in your body. But to show you that I am serious and that we are who we say we are, Lilith, dear, you may have a small drink from our incredibly rude guest.

    Drink! But don't kill her."

    Rayvn was frozen in terror. Judith tried to scream when Lilith's fangs broke her skin. She had uttered a feeble no and tried uselessly to push Lilith away when Elle said drink. It was one thing to be a fan of vampires when they were safely contained on a movie or tv screen, still just an abstract concept with romantic undertones. It was far different when they were real and one currently had her fangs sunk deep into your companion's throat inches from your own. To make it worse, Elle's face was split in a demonic grin. When Lilith finished with Judith, she turned to Elle and asked if she could have a drink from Rayvn as well. "This one looks like the most divine drink I've seen in the last century" she said to Elle. "Wait Lilith. So, miss, do you believe us when we say we are vampires? Or does Lilith need to prove it to you as well?"

    "I believe you, I believe you. Please no." Rayvn begged, surprised that something she would have once asked for was something she would do anything to avoid right this second. Though the vampire bite she had envisioned as a teen watching shows like 'Twilight' had a far more romantic feeling. This was menacing, not loving.

    "Very well then.'s your choice. Drink from her if you like, but don't drain her. I want both of my new pets alive." Lilith's speed was beyond human comprehension. Before Rayvn's panicked mind could get the word 'no' out of her mouth Lilith's fangs were deep in her neck.

    As Lilith drank, Rayvn faded into a strange world of contentment, then unconsciousness. "Inna, you disappoint me. You've been here how many centuries now? Three? This isn't the first time you've seen us add new pets to our menagerie and yet your eyes show such pity for them. Aren't you happy that I added you to my family? Don't you think they will feel that same happiness too when they join us?"

    "Yes Mistress De Vampiro. I am very happy" she said but her eyes betrayed her. "You honored me by choosing to turn me into a vampire instead of killing me."

    "Show me your gratitude then by seeing to it that these two are returned to their new home. Take a few servants and haul them back. Remove all their wretched belongings they brought with them. They no longer have any need for those things. Their old lives are over and they will be starting over new here with us. The older one, will make a nice scullery maid. It will be a fitting way for her to serve me. She has such a high opinion of herself what a fitting ending, living out what remains of her wretched existence as the lowest of the low. I will see to it that she answers to even the other scullery maids. The younger one I think would make a wonderful vampire and would produce such strong vampire children. Lilith you may turn her when you are ready. I should think you will give her to your brother. I'm sure he would love to start creating a new line of Vatore's with her. Also what did you do with the others that were traveling with them?"

    "I had them sent back with no memory of us, The Hollow, or these two. As far as those people are concerned none of this ever happened" Lilith said. "If asked they will have no idea that a place called Forgotten Hollow exists."

    "Have someone keep an eye on them until I can perform the 'Ritual of Bonding'. Have your best people erase all traces of their having left Windenberg. This old one feels like trouble and I suspect people will come looking for her. See to it they can't be traced at least until after I bind them to Forgotten Hollow and erase their memories. Are you still here Inna? Go! I gave you a job to do, now go do it!"

    "Yes Mistress De Vampiro."

    Post edited by DaniRose2143 on
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,721 Member
    "Remember when I told you I'd tell you when we were in too deep? ... We're in too deep" - The Producers.

    Ravyn, I think, has a lot of learn about sucking up to the boss... and I think she better learn it fast. She doesn't have enough clout to go up against Judith yet.

    If course, being trapped in a nest of hungry vampires does rather change the dynamic. :)
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    It's true that Rayvn doesn't do sucking up well at all. That's just her personality. Judith has tolerated it so far because she's focused on Rayvn's talent and how she can use it for her own self promotion. In time there will be personality clashes as Rayvn starts to draw praise from people other than Judith, and as she draws attention away from Judith too. In a way Judith does admire Rayvn's willingness to speak her mind. It's a trait Judith had when was she starting out to. Cracks in their relationship will start to appear as we get closer to the end of Part One.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited March 2023
    So happy to finally get this thread marked with a star like Tartosa Sun! I’m extremely unfamiliar with the world of drag, and there are a lot of things that will likely be well beyond my understanding. However, I absolutely love the characters!

    Edit: I’ve already been binging through a few updates! :D
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    _Gina_Gina Posts: 253 Member
    Whoa! I'm getting used to things being top-notch in everything you write, but still, this was amazing. All the interiors, the way it really looked like they moved from a humbler house to a full out mansion, the clothes of course... and that grin on Lilith just put a cherry on top. Way to drive the point home. :D Lilith in general looks much better than she usually does. Maybe it's just the lack of her unfortunate fringe, but more likely you did some seriously good job with her makeup, too.

    Anyway, lady Elle is obviously the real queen of this place... though I do wonder about the dreams Rayvn had even before going to the village. That sounded like something a vampire would do... which makes me wonder if perhaps Caleb isn't more modern-world savvy than the rest of them. Sometimes the silent types in the shadows are the more dangerous ones. Still, I feel like Elle is right to be cautious about possible trouble. Fate is probably against her when it comes to these two would-be "pets"... Well, no one can escape change forever, I don't think.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    edited March 2023
    @Metior_Ice Thank you so much, I'm happy you were able to bookmark the story and that you're enjoying it so much.❤️
    Don't worry if you don't know much about drag. That is something that I plan to use Mimi and the other queens to explain and reveal. There is so much more to say on the subject given headlines recently but this isn't the place for that. This is the place to celebrate the fun and the outrageousness that is the art of drag. As you can probably see from the special look that Mimi revealed, gender identity will also be a subject that the story will venture into. To put the minds of Mimi's fans, The Lovelies, at ease, the iconic rainbow dress and the big lavender wig aren't gone. They just got to have a night off. There will be other unique, one time looks too. Those looks will be like this, blurring or even erasing the line between Mimi's technically male side and their female energy.

    @_Gina Thank you for those kind words.❤️ I'm a bit speechless.
    I've always liked Lilith but I have never been a fan of her look. That hair doesn't flatter her. I enjoy having a few muscular female characters like Rory Oaklow or my female werewolf Ava. But for a vampire it doesn't fit the look I'm after so I reduce her muscle slider to half of what it is by default. The tiny mouth with the exaggerated Cupid's bow feels mismatched to her face. The default makeup from Maxis...don't get me started. It's hideous and an affront to those of us blessed with the gift of sight. (Sorry devs, I know you try but CC makeup is a must. As good as your new CAS assets have been, turn that creativity loose in our makeup bags. Please.)

    Obviously she got a new hairstyle, better makeup, and I gave her a larger mouth. Just changing her hair and her mouth unlocks a whole new sim. Elle is the Queen and Lilith is her right hand woman. They are the power in Forgotten Hollow and no one else. Caleb and Elle's husband Vlad Bloodvayne are just sort of there. You probably noticed Vladdy Daddy Straud's absence. My headcanon for him, he is the vampire equivalent of Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers series. Grandiose plans for world domination that fail hilariously. He's more endearing than he is evil and scary. That didn't fit with what I had in mind so he was deleted. I was going to have him play a big role in this arc originally. That was him with Judith in that teaser pic from a few days ago until the story changed from funny to dramatic. I'm not sure how long this arc will be for sure. When I started writing it I was planning two chapters, but now it might go up to four or five in total, including this one. I don't have plans to turn this into an occult story, but it just felt right to have this trip to a world full of vampires go horribly wrong. Judith and the people from the studio live in this world of make believe so they don't understand how 'real' the rest of the world and that misunderstanding blew up in their faces. Big time! They all thought vampires weren't real, even Rayvn.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,930 Member
    I suspect there was no order to turn Judith, knowing that she would soon rise to the Top and takeover Forgotten Hallow. I don't share the same contempt of Judith that others do. I realize she is mean, but others can be mean, too. Not a reason to abhor her. Still, this was a very interesting and intriguing episode and leaves me wondering what's going to happen in Del Sol Valley without Judith to push others around? I loved the stunning shots you achieved. I felt the tension grow as I was reading. Good job.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    @GalacticGal Thank you very much❤️
    I can't say too much about Judith and Rayvn's futures. I never intended for this to be an occult story and still don't really feel like it should become one. That is a major departure for me. Before this and Under The Tartosan Sun I played almost exclusively occult stories, or at least had occult characters in every save. I have enjoyed the switch in play styles more than I thought I would. The only thing I can say with absolute certainty is that UtTS will never go occult.

    I can't say much more without revealing spoilers. This is such a sudden and surprising wrinkle in the story that I haven't thought out all the different ways it could play out versus the one I have in mind at the moment. One thing I can say is Elle's current plan for Judith is for her to be reduced from a Global Icon to a scullery maid for her perceived slight to vampires, and Elle in particular. Whether Judith would be a mortal or a vampire is unknown, as is Elle's success or failure. I keep going back to not wanting this to become an occult story because it was never setup as one. We'll see over the next two or three chapters where this goes.
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    _Gina_Gina Posts: 253 Member
    You are most welcome, reading your stuff is a delight and you deserve to be told. <3
    So that's what you've done. :D I'm seriously bad at pinpointing these details... as may be obvious. XD I was suspecting you of having done something with her cheeks, be it sliders or just the darker tone on them, because they always looked kind of really big/round to me. But of course making her mouth bigger takes them in by the sheer power of proportion.

    Heheh, yeah. Vlad just doesn't strike me as a scary being, either. I can imagine him being accidentally hilarious or... that sort of evil that is evil but very passive, content to be locked up in his mansion most the time and not taking an interest in the outside world at all. There's so many possible views of vampirism (some of which may coexist as bloodlines in one world)... I guess that's a part of what makes it so interesting to me. And I have to say, seeing what you mean to use them for, you chose a very fitting kind. The openly powerful ones, that are strong and like to flaunt it, make for a scary but relatively short-lived threat. I would be tempted to add a schemer (which is why I suspected Caleb of being one) but you are probably very right not to do it because schemers tend to... linger. XD
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,278 Member
    What an engaging opening. Your words paint such a vivid picture it's like watching the opening scene of a movie.

    Oh my goodness. Was definitely not expecting that! I'm going to have nightmares. :D

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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    I think Rayvn and Judith are in for a lot of trouble in the future. Elle is definitely emitting an aura of malice. Fantastic chapter!
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    edited March 2023
    @_Gina Aww, thank you.❤️
    I did forget one other change I made to Lilith and it was probably the one that changed the appearance of her cheeks. I used my favorite skin overlay, Freesia by Llumisims.

    @simgirl1010 Thank you for those kind words.❤️
    My original idea for the trip to Forgotten Hollow had Vlad in it and a much different vibe. But this story is supposed to have drama and this certainly is dramatic. Sorry for giving you nightmares though.☺️ You might want to sleep with the lights on after the next chapter or two. It's likely to get scarier before it gets better.🫣

    @DreamPrincess Thank you so much too!❤️
    This storyline came out of nowhere and the inclusion of vampires wasn't anything I had any plans for. I was going to have them make a vampire movie, but originally it was only supposed to be Judith and Rayvn pretending to be vampires. There's really no telling where this is going for sure. I've already thought up like 6 different storylines at least, and then there are subplots coming off of those. Hang on because this may or may not get really weird and wild.😉 I've actually written an opening paragraph for two different storylines about what happens next. But I'm going to do a chapter of Tartosan Sun while I sort out what comes next here.
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,198 Member
    First, Im sorry Im late at commenting, it has been horribly busy and I still have few stories in forum I want to comment at :)
    -congrats to Rayvn for the part! :smiley:

    - I think that blonde look fits Mimi better, maybe its because genetics, Im too used to see all Landgraabs as blonde, hehe. And in the end, Mimi is a Landgraab :p

    I know nothing about drag world, why Im very interested to read all of this, sort of opening new world to me, what I only knew by very little before. You also are, as I have said, very talented writer , it is pleasant reading, you are not writing like all should be obvious for reader, thank you for that :smile:

    - About the rest.. hmm.. I'm not sure, I seem to be only one here who is not so excited about it. It's well written, very thrilling. I love vampires, my own game is 90% of them.. and I am totally interested to know how it continues!!!
    - But it sort of hit me like "whoa, what?" :D I was thinking your story is more realistic going, not "an occult adventure", so it surprised me, just not sure how to describe how I feel :)
    It's kind of like reaction I know I will have if there is suddenly a family of werebeasts knocking Londyn and Danielle's door at Tartosa :smiley:

    But yes, once again great chapter, and very well written :)
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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