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"If you don't like it, don't buy it"


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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    Gillie wrote: »
    I am sorry you've gone through so much heartache, OP. My condolences. The Sims, for me, was always a way of relieving stress. TS4 does the opposite and disappoints me. As you said, it feels cheap.

    And you know what's depressing about all of this? EA doesn't care and will never see your well-written post. They took our devotion and loyalty for granted, and now expect us to worship the ground they walk on again by dangling a shiny new survey on a carrot stick. "Stay with us and we'll give you your precious toddlers and family play... maybe!" Whatever. I was one of those staunch defenders for TS4 before it came out. Now I'm labeled a "hater" and told to leave the forums by the lovers because I hate the direction the game has gone.

    Want to know what's also an annoying saying? "How can you hate TS4 if you've never tried it?" No, I don't need to eat feces or share used needles to know it's bad for me. People out there in history did them and we learned from their mistakes. Otherwise yes, I have firsthand experience playing the base game, Outdoor Retreat, and Get to Work. All of it is lacking.

    I hate to ever think about abandoning The Sims, but it's hard to be optimistic about the future when we're getting a party EP next. Most of all, especially when majority of the content they've released so far is just recycled from previous games. I'm still waiting to be shown what's so "tactile and innovative" about TS4.

    *steals Pary's goats*

    I love you Gillie.


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    Devolution of Sims - a once customisable open world sandbox which has become a DLC Party catalog in a shoebox
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    I'm sorry it's so complicated for a lot of people to "let go" or wait to buy a Sims game. Unfortunately "if you don't like it, don't buy it" is actually a good advice, cause as long as people that don't like it, buy it the same, the company that makes the game has no reason on earth to improve it.
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    ShuffleJShuffleJ Posts: 273 Member
    Gillie wrote: »
    I am sorry you've gone through so much heartache, OP. My condolences. The Sims, for me, was always a way of relieving stress. TS4 does the opposite and disappoints me. As you said, it feels cheap.

    And you know what's depressing about all of this? EA doesn't care and will never see your well-written post. They took our devotion and loyalty for granted, and now expect us to worship the ground they walk on again by dangling a shiny new survey on a carrot stick. "Stay with us and we'll give you your precious toddlers and family play... maybe!" Whatever. I was one of those staunch defenders for TS4 before it came out. Now I'm labeled a "hater" and told to leave the forums by the lovers because I hate the direction the game has gone.

    Want to know what's also an annoying saying? "How can you hate TS4 if you've never tried it?" No, I don't need to eat feces or share used needles to know it's bad for me. People out there in history did them and we learned from their mistakes. Otherwise yes, I have firsthand experience playing the base game, Outdoor Retreat, and Get to Work. All of it is lacking.

    I hate to ever think about abandoning The Sims, but it's hard to be optimistic about the future when we're getting a party EP next. Most of all, especially when majority of the content they've released so far is just recycled from previous games. I'm still waiting to be shown what's so "tactile and innovative" about TS4.

    *steals Pary's goats*

    Thanks. I feel ya. It feels bad and sad. I know the "Gurus" (should we even call them that anymore?) won't see this and truly, the only people that care are the Simmers. Still, I felt all pent up and needed to let it out. It's a like a friend has let me down. I'll probably play Sims 3 for a while and hope (cross fingers, say a prayer, play with voodoo doll, whatever) that it gets better. Maybe it won't. IDK. The whole thing makes me so bummed out.

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    EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 2,795 Member
    hmm i was avoiding post here well but is really hard.

    ok here my point:

    "if you don't like don't buy"

    while this prhase can look harsh and can upset peoples she is not being the truth, that is the most logical way to think about something and i perfect agree with it, now just because you not gonna buy don't means which you can't complain over it, don't buy something when you don't like is a way to show your Dissatisfaction toward something and a way to show to the company which what they did "not worked" on the peoples as they waited.

    with that in mind, peoples come and say they love the sims and bla bla bla, ok normally peoples which buy anything without care if they gonna like or not just because the necessity of "buy it", you have a lot of terms to use just choose one:

    collector's obssession - peoples which goes to any lenght to have the last piece of they precious colection even if that pieces is under a garbage and "literally shi*****, because the necessity of complety his collection is more important than his own life.

    die hardfanboy - this come from fans which are so hardcore toward what they love, which like the collector's goes to any lenghts to have anything from they love, they love also is so high which they are completly blind toward any fault and goes to the length of hard defend they love target and never acnowledge any fault or when acnowledge a fail they "just don't care".

    followers/blind sheeps/whatever - a sort of "die hardfanboy" but in a even more high level cuz they never acnowledge any fail and even goes to the lenght of be happy with any "nast move" they target love can do, the famous "they can throw a stick to then and they will threat that stick as the most important thing in the world anything from what they love aways is perfect no matter how ugly and imperfect the thing is, they just can't accepted the notion of they love being imperfect.

    "don't care peoples - peoples which really don't care for quality or quantity or anything, they will be happy with the most top perfect game of the year with the most top quality graphic and programming skills in the same way with just a "stick" both of then will provide the same happiness for then, they just don't care.

    consumerist - peoples which just like the previous will buy anything and even ask for more "priced things' just for the sake of "spend they money or just because they think which the only way something can be good is if have a "price taged", they could easy happy pay for even patch fixes anything with a price will make then happy no matter how "garba ge" is what they are buying the only thing which matter is "pay".

    with that in mind, in the same way peoples can come and say which we must understand they "feelings and bla bla bla", this don't means which we must accept it and agree and throw away our own feelings.

    to OP while i'm also feel like the sims 4 was the big let down and waste of time and money, feel like yourself must stop to think a little about "if you don't like don't buy", you told which your life is hard which sims is a "important life scape for you" and is very important for your life(well a really really friend advice really plese don't take it's a insult or something i'm really trying to be a friend here", making a game the "most important thing in your life is not something health" and maybe if you are having troubles and need a "true help" search for professional help, this can help you much more than just a game, don't forget games in the end are just "games" and a way for we have fun and forget a little the hardship of ours lifes, not something to be the "center" of our life.

    with that in mind if you true love the series as you claim and loved previous sims 1 sims 2 and sims 3 and is forcing yourself to "like sims 4" really man why you not just go back play sims the others sims games???, they not already providing enough fun for you???? as you told you have fun and they already helping your life then why the sims 4 is so important now???, think about it, about how important is have something which you don't like which you are feeling wasting time and money just because "you feel you need it to help your life", if this game was really to help you with your problems you not supposed to be angry about the game if you are angry then this means which you true are not have the same fun and the game is not helping you as the previous games then keep trying, ttrying and no results because of game mechanics is not good and health to you, again i'm really trying to be friendly now, if your problem is just lack of "content" for what you like, family play maybe???, then why not wait until family play get adressed, does a pause in the game, if you already have it, go back play sims 1 sims 2 or sims 3 have fun wait more bugs get fixed your gameplay style get addressed keep giving feedback then when finally what you was waiting come then just buy and go back play, now if your problem is game "core" and poor mechanics them sorry but is not buying 999999999999999 packs which will solve it, you will end even more angry and depressed for losing and wasting of money.

    to sumarise i high agree with the "if you don't like don't buy, because i do that, if i don't like something i just don't buy, i bought sims 4 because like many peoples i was impressed by all the flash and flurry and all others things but as the bugs and lack of gameplay and lack of animations, poligons and texture(quality) started to annoy me and after hear from my friends "how awesome is sims 3" i could not be helped but feel cheated and wasted time specially after bought sims 3 and found which unlike sims 4 he is really fun, i had more fun playing spores, playing the sims medieval and others games than playing sims 4 that is when i realised this game is not for me and i not gonna waste my money in overpriced stuffs, specially now which maxis is being even more dirty with the stuff packs and putting "unique game play objects" on them to turn most of then "near obligatory to buy", without count the chance of toddlers ending being "priced in a pack" which was free before, all that things stacking and showing just how lazy and greedy both maxis and ea are just make me don't want to support then anymore and wait for "real games" come from others productions, since i'm a gamer and not a diehard simmer, i don't care if my life simulator is a mmo or single play game i just want a life simulator which is fun with good graphics(from at last 2013+++++) with good develop team which are not a bunch of cowards hidden in shame because they can't speak by themselfs and need fans to defend then.

    what i'm saying is while i agree with the "if you don't like don't buy" i also agree with this is not a excuse for peoples give they feedback no matter how negative it' is and is important to make the company really feel hurt in where really hurt which is in they pockets, if peoples just "complain" but keep paying and buying" nothing, really nothing gonna change because they are aware which no matter how poor, bad and lazy they can be peoples will still "supporting it" and by "supporting" i means give money for cra p things since they don't care and the whining not gonna look legit since they are still paying, complain and keep supporting by "paying" is the same of "no complain" in corporations ears because they hear and see with they pockets not with they ears or eyes.

    then if you true want changes and want a better game complain in a health way and if you really don't feel the game is worth of your money really don't pay for anything, i swear if everyone which complain how terrible sims 4 is stopped to buy anything instead of just complain you could already get "better results" like or a overhal change in game or the game being "closed" and a new game being produced, but as long peoples keep complaining but still giving they moneys no matter how they complains, i will repeat, they never gonna change and things will get worst ove time and things will end in a way where the joke about "pay just for the main screen game" and have to pay for create a character, create a house, walk outside the house" will come because peoples are really doing nothing to change it.
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    nickibitswardnickibitsward Posts: 3,115 Member
    It's hard to know whether you like it or not unless you buy it and try it (I don't know if there was a trial offer then, I preordered it based on my experiences with previous Sims games). It now sits in lonely exile on my shelf never to be played again unless by some miracle EA gives me open world and Create-a-Style and we all know that won't happen.
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    EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 2,795 Member
    It's hard to know whether you like it or not unless you buy it and try it (I don't know if there was a trial offer then, I preordered it based on my experiences with previous Sims games). It now sits in lonely exile on my shelf never to be played again unless by some miracle EA gives me open world and Create-a-Style and we all know that won't happen.

    well nowaday become a little more easy to see how the game work, since you have peoples doing videos from the games, then with that videos some good important reviews and friends experience you somehow can already know part of what will be good or bad.
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    CharityHopeCharityHope Posts: 570 Member
    ShuffleJ wrote: »
    Gillie wrote: »
    I am sorry you've gone through so much heartache, OP. My condolences. The Sims, for me, was always a way of relieving stress. TS4 does the opposite and disappoints me. As you said, it feels cheap.

    And you know what's depressing about all of this? EA doesn't care and will never see your well-written post. They took our devotion and loyalty for granted, and now expect us to worship the ground they walk on again by dangling a shiny new survey on a carrot stick. "Stay with us and we'll give you your precious toddlers and family play... maybe!" Whatever. I was one of those staunch defenders for TS4 before it came out. Now I'm labeled a "hater" and told to leave the forums by the lovers because I hate the direction the game has gone.

    Want to know what's also an annoying saying? "How can you hate TS4 if you've never tried it?" No, I don't need to eat feces or share used needles to know it's bad for me. People out there in history did them and we learned from their mistakes. Otherwise yes, I have firsthand experience playing the base game, Outdoor Retreat, and Get to Work. All of it is lacking.

    I hate to ever think about abandoning The Sims, but it's hard to be optimistic about the future when we're getting a party EP next. Most of all, especially when majority of the content they've released so far is just recycled from previous games. I'm still waiting to be shown what's so "tactile and innovative" about TS4.

    *steals Pary's goats*

    Thanks. I feel ya. It feels bad and sad. I know the "Gurus" (should we even call them that anymore?) won't see this and truly, the only people that care are the Simmers. Still, I felt all pent up and needed to let it out. It's a like a friend has let me down. I'll probably play Sims 3 for a while and hope (cross fingers, say a prayer, play with voodoo doll, whatever) that it gets better. Maybe it won't. IDK. The whole thing makes me so bummed out.

    Same here. I really love this game and it's been my go to game for the past 10 years. I miss being in on all the excitement of getting new stuff and seeing the previews and pictures of game play. I don't want this game to go the way of Sim City. :(
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    HestiaHestia Posts: 1,997 Member
    I critique the Sims franchise not because I am a "hater", but because I love the game and would not like to see it die. Very well said ShuffleJ.
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    Beng11Beng11 Posts: 160 Member
    I agree 100%. I never really post on the forums, I've mainly just been lurking on here ever since Outdoor Retreat was announced, but I feel compelled to share my thoughts on this issue. EA/Maxis needs to change and act fast before something bad happens.
    Developing a program that downloads safe roms & emulators for you for the first-time users of emulating games. Yay or nay?
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    the times when "if you don't like it don't buy it" gets unpleasant to hear is when
    - you actually didn't buy it, but would like to if it was a fun game, and you either didn't buy it becouse of reviuves or you had a trial of it.
    - you preordered becouse you liked the earlier games. (and if that wasn't digital on origin you could't return)

    the thing is some who say "if you don't like it don't buy it" also act as us who don't have it have no right to say why we don't have it, becouse we don't have it.
    and others keep saying "if you don't like it don't buy it" and when we then say what we don't like "give it time" aswell as then indicating just play with what is for now.

    thats when it is no fun to get the "if you don't like it don't buy it" it isn't the logic in the statment, it is the fact that some use it to basically tell us to shut up.
    Just as these people like the game and can post what they like, we have the right to post about what we would like to see so we might buy, and to post holding EA to their promises made before the game was released.

    I do agree that if I before hand know I don't like it... I don't buy it... but people trusted EA on their promises, EA failed to keep them.
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    LindaluLindalu Posts: 684 Member
    Now, this isn't to say Sims 4 is the worst game ever. It's not. It's got some exceptional parts, but it's also got some glaring omissions. What happened between Sims 3 and Sims 4 that ended up giving us a game that feels recycled and cheap? Even some of the more steadfast YouTube Simmers can't wrap their heads around it. Either way, it doesn't matter. I don't care why it broke, I just know it's broke. Does EA/Maxis want to quiet the din? Do they really want fans to stop ranting? Make official statements. Keep us in the loop. Change what needs to be changed. Talk to us! Use our feedback. I have 12 years experience playing Sims. This makes me an expert in my field and I am just one of many. We know your product better than anyone. Why won't you listen? And if you are listening, why can't you look us in the eye when you do?

    So very well said. How I wish our opinions mattered enough for them to do something about the shortfalls of Sims 4. My only hope is that Sims 4 will die young and the Maxis/EA team returns to the drawing board with a Sims 5 Open World. Until then, I continue to trudge on with my beloved Sims 3. I also constantly search in vain for a similar style game that isn't about blood/gore/shoot to kill games.
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    EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 2,795 Member
    anettesb wrote: »
    the times when "if you don't like it don't buy it" gets unpleasant to hear is when
    - you actually didn't buy it, but would like to if it was a fun game, and you either didn't buy it becouse of reviuves or you had a trial of it.
    - you preordered becouse you liked the earlier games. (and if that wasn't digital on origin you could't return)

    the thing is some who say "if you don't like it don't buy it" also act as us who don't have it have no right to say why we don't have it, becouse we don't have it.
    and others keep saying "if you don't like it don't buy it" and when we then say what we don't like "give it time" aswell as then indicating just play with what is for now.

    thats when it is no fun to get the "if you don't like it don't buy it" it isn't the logic in the statment, it is the fact that some use it to basically tell us to shut up.
    Just as these people like the game and can post what they like, we have the right to post about what we would like to see so we might buy, and to post holding EA to their promises made before the game was released.

    I do agree that if I before hand know I don't like it... I don't buy it... but people trusted EA on their promises, EA failed to keep them.

    the problem is "how it is used for some peoples" and not the "dont like don't buy" by itself, just because you don't buy it, this don't means which you can complain, it's quite the opposite is exactly because you don't like which you can complain, and don't buy can force the company try to change what they did to make the product more "appeal" to you, that is when you can protest and show your unpleasant.

    again "don't like don't buy" is not wrong this is a way to express your anger and desire in changes, what is wrong peoples use it to want make peoples stop of complain.
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    Ellessarr wrote: »
    anettesb wrote: »
    the times when "if you don't like it don't buy it" gets unpleasant to hear is when
    - you actually didn't buy it, but would like to if it was a fun game, and you either didn't buy it becouse of reviuves or you had a trial of it.
    - you preordered becouse you liked the earlier games. (and if that wasn't digital on origin you could't return)

    the thing is some who say "if you don't like it don't buy it" also act as us who don't have it have no right to say why we don't have it, becouse we don't have it.
    and others keep saying "if you don't like it don't buy it" and when we then say what we don't like "give it time" aswell as then indicating just play with what is for now.

    thats when it is no fun to get the "if you don't like it don't buy it" it isn't the logic in the statment, it is the fact that some use it to basically tell us to shut up.
    Just as these people like the game and can post what they like, we have the right to post about what we would like to see so we might buy, and to post holding EA to their promises made before the game was released.

    I do agree that if I before hand know I don't like it... I don't buy it... but people trusted EA on their promises, EA failed to keep them.

    the problem is "how it is used for some peoples" and not the "dont like don't buy" by itself, just because you don't buy it, this don't means which you can complain, it's quite the opposite is exactly because you don't like which you can complain, and don't buy can force the company try to change what they did to make the product more "appeal" to you, that is when you can protest and show your unpleasant.

    again "don't like don't buy" is not wrong this is a way to express your anger and desire in changes, what is wrong peoples use it to want make peoples stop of complain.

    Not sure you understand me, becouse i don't understand your responds to me

    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 2,795 Member
    anettesb wrote: »
    Ellessarr wrote: »
    anettesb wrote: »
    the times when "if you don't like it don't buy it" gets unpleasant to hear is when
    - you actually didn't buy it, but would like to if it was a fun game, and you either didn't buy it becouse of reviuves or you had a trial of it.
    - you preordered becouse you liked the earlier games. (and if that wasn't digital on origin you could't return)

    the thing is some who say "if you don't like it don't buy it" also act as us who don't have it have no right to say why we don't have it, becouse we don't have it.
    and others keep saying "if you don't like it don't buy it" and when we then say what we don't like "give it time" aswell as then indicating just play with what is for now.

    thats when it is no fun to get the "if you don't like it don't buy it" it isn't the logic in the statment, it is the fact that some use it to basically tell us to shut up.
    Just as these people like the game and can post what they like, we have the right to post about what we would like to see so we might buy, and to post holding EA to their promises made before the game was released.

    I do agree that if I before hand know I don't like it... I don't buy it... but people trusted EA on their promises, EA failed to keep them.

    the problem is "how it is used for some peoples" and not the "dont like don't buy" by itself, just because you don't buy it, this don't means which you can complain, it's quite the opposite is exactly because you don't like which you can complain, and don't buy can force the company try to change what they did to make the product more "appeal" to you, that is when you can protest and show your unpleasant.

    again "don't like don't buy" is not wrong this is a way to express your anger and desire in changes, what is wrong peoples use it to want make peoples stop of complain.

    Not sure you understand me, becouse i don't understand your responds to me

    i'm justing pointing the problem with the "you don't like don't buy, is how it is used here by some peoples.

    another problem for me with the don't like don't buy is when we have peoples(and we really have a lot here) which usally come and say they don't like the game, they are anger which they pockets are closed which they not gonna waste any more money on it until the next pack get released and they "buy" it then later come and start to complain because they bought it, like is everyone fault which he can't hold the desire to buy even if he don't like.

    we even get peoples "proud" saying which tehy will ending buying anyway and bla bla bla, sounds like is important to show which even if they don't like they will pay because they can't resist to the desire and this is something "good" have low selfcontrol :| , that is really a very weird moment for me or maybe peoples are using they own "low selfcontrol" in a way to make also others peoples do the same as then well, that is when "if you don't like don't buy" make all sense, because you must buy it because you want and like it not just because "you can't control yourself" this is not health this is showing "weakness", not "being cool" it's when come the old, just because i can't control myself i will jump in that cliff even knowing which i will die and i don't want to die but i can't resist to it, this is really weird
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    Ellessarr wrote: »
    anettesb wrote: »
    Ellessarr wrote: »
    anettesb wrote: »
    the times when "if you don't like it don't buy it" gets unpleasant to hear is when
    - you actually didn't buy it, but would like to if it was a fun game, and you either didn't buy it becouse of reviuves or you had a trial of it.
    - you preordered becouse you liked the earlier games. (and if that wasn't digital on origin you could't return)

    the thing is some who say "if you don't like it don't buy it" also act as us who don't have it have no right to say why we don't have it, becouse we don't have it.
    and others keep saying "if you don't like it don't buy it" and when we then say what we don't like "give it time" aswell as then indicating just play with what is for now.

    thats when it is no fun to get the "if you don't like it don't buy it" it isn't the logic in the statment, it is the fact that some use it to basically tell us to shut up.
    Just as these people like the game and can post what they like, we have the right to post about what we would like to see so we might buy, and to post holding EA to their promises made before the game was released.

    I do agree that if I before hand know I don't like it... I don't buy it... but people trusted EA on their promises, EA failed to keep them.

    the problem is "how it is used for some peoples" and not the "dont like don't buy" by itself, just because you don't buy it, this don't means which you can complain, it's quite the opposite is exactly because you don't like which you can complain, and don't buy can force the company try to change what they did to make the product more "appeal" to you, that is when you can protest and show your unpleasant.

    again "don't like don't buy" is not wrong this is a way to express your anger and desire in changes, what is wrong peoples use it to want make peoples stop of complain.

    Not sure you understand me, becouse i don't understand your responds to me

    i'm justing pointing the problem with the "you don't like don't buy, is how it is used here by some peoples.

    another problem for me with the don't like don't buy is when we have peoples(and we really have a lot here) which usally come and say they don't like the game, they are anger which they pockets are closed which they not gonna waste any more money on it until the next pack get released and they "buy" it then later come and start to complain because they bought it, like is everyone fault which he can't hold the desire to buy even if he don't like.

    we even get peoples "proud" saying which tehy will ending buying anyway and bla bla bla, sounds like is important to show which even if they don't like they will pay because they can't resist to the desire and this is something "good" have low selfcontrol :| , that is really a very weird moment for me or maybe peoples are using they own "low selfcontrol" in a way to make also others peoples do the same as then well, that is when "if you don't like don't buy" make all sense, because you must buy it because you want and like it not just because "you can't control yourself" this is not health this is showing "weakness", not "being cool" it's when come the old, just because i can't control myself i will jump in that cliff even knowing which i will die and i don't want to die but i can't resist to it, this is really weird

    That just what i say (and the op say) it is used wrong; it is used to tell us to shut up. And that unpleasant and gets you tired of hearing it.
    And if we then say we didn't buy we told we have no right to criticism a game we didn't buy

    And you seem to also say we cant say anything about it until we buy it..... or am i getting it wrong?

    People can have a collect os mind, they can feel hope and give a chance.... Like so many tell us to.
    no need to Bash those that do buy. Just as they not need to Bash us that didn't buy. All voices count.

    not that im buying im waiting for ea to ( maybe) live up to my need list, the longer they wait to comunicate nice respectfully to us the truffet my demens get, and the less im will in to pay on top of me not wanting to buy any ea product.
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 2,795 Member
    edited August 2015
    anettesb wrote: »
    Ellessarr wrote: »
    anettesb wrote: »
    Ellessarr wrote: »
    anettesb wrote: »
    the times when "if you don't like it don't buy it" gets unpleasant to hear is when
    - you actually didn't buy it, but would like to if it was a fun game, and you either didn't buy it becouse of reviuves or you had a trial of it.
    - you preordered becouse you liked the earlier games. (and if that wasn't digital on origin you could't return)

    the thing is some who say "if you don't like it don't buy it" also act as us who don't have it have no right to say why we don't have it, becouse we don't have it.
    and others keep saying "if you don't like it don't buy it" and when we then say what we don't like "give it time" aswell as then indicating just play with what is for now.

    thats when it is no fun to get the "if you don't like it don't buy it" it isn't the logic in the statment, it is the fact that some use it to basically tell us to shut up.
    Just as these people like the game and can post what they like, we have the right to post about what we would like to see so we might buy, and to post holding EA to their promises made before the game was released.

    I do agree that if I before hand know I don't like it... I don't buy it... but people trusted EA on their promises, EA failed to keep them.

    the problem is "how it is used for some peoples" and not the "dont like don't buy" by itself, just because you don't buy it, this don't means which you can complain, it's quite the opposite is exactly because you don't like which you can complain, and don't buy can force the company try to change what they did to make the product more "appeal" to you, that is when you can protest and show your unpleasant.

    again "don't like don't buy" is not wrong this is a way to express your anger and desire in changes, what is wrong peoples use it to want make peoples stop of complain.

    Not sure you understand me, becouse i don't understand your responds to me

    i'm justing pointing the problem with the "you don't like don't buy, is how it is used here by some peoples.

    another problem for me with the don't like don't buy is when we have peoples(and we really have a lot here) which usally come and say they don't like the game, they are anger which they pockets are closed which they not gonna waste any more money on it until the next pack get released and they "buy" it then later come and start to complain because they bought it, like is everyone fault which he can't hold the desire to buy even if he don't like.

    we even get peoples "proud" saying which tehy will ending buying anyway and bla bla bla, sounds like is important to show which even if they don't like they will pay because they can't resist to the desire and this is something "good" have low selfcontrol :| , that is really a very weird moment for me or maybe peoples are using they own "low selfcontrol" in a way to make also others peoples do the same as then well, that is when "if you don't like don't buy" make all sense, because you must buy it because you want and like it not just because "you can't control yourself" this is not health this is showing "weakness", not "being cool" it's when come the old, just because i can't control myself i will jump in that cliff even knowing which i will die and i don't want to die but i can't resist to it, this is really weird

    That just what i say (and the op say) it is used wrong; it is used to tell us to shut up. And that unpleasant and gets you tired of hearing it.
    And if we then say we didn't buy we told we have no right to criticism a game we didn't buy

    And you seem to also say we cant say anything about it until we buy it..... or am i getting it wrong?

    People can have a collect os mind, they can feel hope and give a chance.... Like so many tell us to.
    no need to Bash those that do buy. Just as they not need to Bash us that didn't buy. All voices count.

    not that im buying im waiting for ea to ( maybe) live up to my need list, the longer they wait to comunicate nice respectfully to us the truffet my demens get, and the less im will in to pay on top of me not wanting to buy any ea product.
    maybe my english not good enough, i don't say which you can't complainii say wich you have rights to do that but come and say "i hate sims 4 and i never gonna buy anything then in next day you buy the new shine pack is being hypocritical or spiting on your own words if you told which you never gonna buy then why are you buying now?? and then after buy he come and complain again and say the same thing about being tired and never gonna buy again and keep repeating the pattern.

    also this don't means which are "the others fault" which you did it and that is my problem when peoples complain in away where it's sound someone pointed a gun in your head and forced you to buy it or it's completly natural buy things which peoples don't like maybe for you can be "natural" but not for anyone.

    again if you don't like don't buy don't means which peoples can't complain they have all the rights to do that, but if you buy and keep complain and buying then is not anyone fault than yourself because it's you which are breaking the most basic rule of trade and is not "proper fighting" in the right way to have things fixed, because normally one of the first action when someone is angry is stop to support not keep complain and supporting.

    keep giving money while complain not gonna change anything, because they know which you gonna pay in the end anyway then why they gonna change something if they don't feel being threatned.
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    HephaestionHephaestion Posts: 1,445 Member
    i may have to go back and play the sims 2 to remind myself of the time when ea seemed to like us as fans. i haven't played it in years and was playing it heavily up until the sims 3 came out, which just blew me away with its open world neighborhood.
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    Ellessarr wrote: »
    anettesb wrote: »
    Ellessarr wrote: »
    anettesb wrote: »
    Ellessarr wrote: »
    anettesb wrote: »
    the times when "if you don't like it don't buy it" gets unpleasant to hear is when
    - you actually didn't buy it, but would like to if it was a fun game, and you either didn't buy it becouse of reviuves or you had a trial of it.
    - you preordered becouse you liked the earlier games. (and if that wasn't digital on origin you could't return)

    the thing is some who say "if you don't like it don't buy it" also act as us who don't have it have no right to say why we don't have it, becouse we don't have it.
    and others keep saying "if you don't like it don't buy it" and when we then say what we don't like "give it time" aswell as then indicating just play with what is for now.

    thats when it is no fun to get the "if you don't like it don't buy it" it isn't the logic in the statment, it is the fact that some use it to basically tell us to shut up.
    Just as these people like the game and can post what they like, we have the right to post about what we would like to see so we might buy, and to post holding EA to their promises made before the game was released.

    I do agree that if I before hand know I don't like it... I don't buy it... but people trusted EA on their promises, EA failed to keep them.

    the problem is "how it is used for some peoples" and not the "dont like don't buy" by itself, just because you don't buy it, this don't means which you can complain, it's quite the opposite is exactly because you don't like which you can complain, and don't buy can force the company try to change what they did to make the product more "appeal" to you, that is when you can protest and show your unpleasant.

    again "don't like don't buy" is not wrong this is a way to express your anger and desire in changes, what is wrong peoples use it to want make peoples stop of complain.

    Not sure you understand me, becouse i don't understand your responds to me

    i'm justing pointing the problem with the "you don't like don't buy, is how it is used here by some peoples.

    another problem for me with the don't like don't buy is when we have peoples(and we really have a lot here) which usally come and say they don't like the game, they are anger which they pockets are closed which they not gonna waste any more money on it until the next pack get released and they "buy" it then later come and start to complain because they bought it, like is everyone fault which he can't hold the desire to buy even if he don't like.

    we even get peoples "proud" saying which tehy will ending buying anyway and bla bla bla, sounds like is important to show which even if they don't like they will pay because they can't resist to the desire and this is something "good" have low selfcontrol :| , that is really a very weird moment for me or maybe peoples are using they own "low selfcontrol" in a way to make also others peoples do the same as then well, that is when "if you don't like don't buy" make all sense, because you must buy it because you want and like it not just because "you can't control yourself" this is not health this is showing "weakness", not "being cool" it's when come the old, just because i can't control myself i will jump in that cliff even knowing which i will die and i don't want to die but i can't resist to it, this is really weird

    That just what i say (and the op say) it is used wrong; it is used to tell us to shut up. And that unpleasant and gets you tired of hearing it.
    And if we then say we didn't buy we told we have no right to criticism a game we didn't buy

    And you seem to also say we cant say anything about it until we buy it..... or am i getting it wrong?

    People can have a collect os mind, they can feel hope and give a chance.... Like so many tell us to.
    no need to Bash those that do buy. Just as they not need to Bash us that didn't buy. All voices count.

    not that im buying im waiting for ea to ( maybe) live up to my need list, the longer they wait to comunicate nice respectfully to us the truffet my demens get, and the less im will in to pay on top of me not wanting to buy any ea product.
    maybe my english not good enough, i don't say which you can't complainii say wich you have rights to do that but come and say "i hate sims 4 and i never gonna buy anything then in next day you buy the new shine pack is being hypocritical or spiting on your own words if you told which you never gonna buy then why are you buying now?? and then after buy he come and complain again and say the same thing about being tired and never gonna buy again and keep repeating the pattern.

    also this don't means which are "the others fault" which you did it and that is my problem when peoples complain in away where it's sound someone pointed a gun in your head and forced you to buy it or it's completly natural buy things which peoples don't like maybe for you can be "natural" but not for anyone.

    again if you don't like don't buy don't means which peoples can't complain they have all the rights to do that, but if you buy and keep complain and buying then is not anyone fault than yourself because it's you which are breaking the most basic rule of trade and is not "proper fighting" in the right way to have things fixed, because normally one of the first action when someone is angry is stop to support not keep complain and supporting.

    keep giving money while complain not gonna change anything, because they know which you gonna pay in the end anyway then why they gonna change something if they don't feel being threatned.

    Then we agree i think..... im not english either.... Can make it hard at times to know what each other say.... so better ask

    For now im not buying new ea content (minus using the free add points to gift in sims3) as i need them to act better. They do have a chance to change my opinion, but trust is hard to reearn.

    It isn't others that make you buy, but EA's Lies and broken promises are to blame for some.
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    noodlesandmenoodlesandme Posts: 188 Member
    ShuffleJ wrote: »
    I've been playing Sims for 12 years. I've lost count how much money I've spent on expansions, base games, store content, stuff packs, etc. Over the last year, I've been following the forums both here and on Facebook lamenting Sims 4 and everything that's wrong with it. People are unhappy and they're vocalizing it. Sims 4 is not a perfect game by any means. I think even avid fans can admit that a good deal is missing from the base game and while momentarily fun, the expansions are also lacking. At this point, it's all been said so I won't bore you with MY list of what's wrong with the game. You get it. Some people LOVE it, some people HATE it, some people are willing to stick it out and give it a chance. I'm the latter. I'm sticking it out because I've invested time, money, and love into The Sims. I feel like everyone deserves a second chance, but my patience is running thin.

    That all said, one of the more inconsiderate comments I've come across in these discussions again and again is: "If you don't like it, don't buy it". It's not that simple. Sims isn't just a game for me. It's been my salvation. It's been a way for me to get out of the real world for a minute and play with my imagination. In the last 10 years I've moved 4 times, lost my father, 3 grandparents, my mother-in-law, my father-in-law, and 2 beloved cats. I've started a new career, my mother had brain surgery, my sister got divorced, and my brother got into some trouble with the law (after living with me for a year). Needless to say, it's been rough. How do I turn my back on the one constant in my life? How do I turn my back on the characters I've created, whose little lives have brought me so much joy? Maybe Sims isn't that way for you, but it's that way for a lot of people. It's a break from the poop storm of life.

    When Maxis created The Sims, they made an unspoken promise to create a game people would love. Obviously I don't speak for EVERYONE, but a vast majority have made their opinions heard. Video game companies have an obligation to produce a quality sequel that exceeds it's predecessors. When this promise is broken, there is a brief window of opportunity where forgiveness is granted, but it won't stay open forever. In this time, neither EA nor Maxis have done a very good job of communicating their intentions. Most people don't have time to read the forums or follow every guru on Twitter. Official statements have never really been made. Apologies come in the form of free dishwashers, ghosts, and pools. While these are nice little gifts, it's like your spouse cheating on you and then giving you flowers. Is that it? Really? We can work on this problem if we address the issues. I will listen to EA/Maxis and I will understand when they tell me they just can't make toddlers and never will. Yet, they haven't. It's not the toddlers, it's the lack of communication in a sea of disgruntled consumers. Rather than address our concerns, they leave us to silence. Silence leads to confusion, confusion leads to anger. We are shouting into the darkness: IS ANYONE LISTENING?

    Don't buy The Sims? I've had a relationship with the Sims longer than I've had with my husband. Everyone here has the choice to like it or lump it. I desperately want to like it. No, I want to love it. I want to feel what I felt when I first started up Sims 3, the first time snow fell on my little house in Sunset Valley, when I taught Shuffle Jr. to talk and walk, when the maid stole my ice cream, or that perfect sadness when the family pet died - Death threw the stick and Rover scampered off to doggie heaven. It was a beautiful, touching moment. Where are those moments? The Sims lived in a universe that was real, unreal, hilarious, touching, and managed to be totally unscripted. It was the world I created. I decided how to proceed in my careers. I decided to live off the fat of the land and raise horses. People say "be patient'. Is a year not long enough? If a product isn't amazing on day one, every company including EA/Maxis have a responsibility to make it better. Instead, they threw freebies out like a bank robber throwing cash into a crowd as a distraction. This is my opinion, but I think a lot of people share it. We Simmers are a diverse and creative group. We are passionate about the things we love so it's heartbreaking when the object of our affection appears to have seen better days.

    The Sims franchise is (at it's very basic level) a business run by a company that is thinking about it's bottom line rather than it's fan base. It is, after all is said and done, a business. Like Coca Cola, they did very well with their offshoots, but one product didn't sell very well: New Coke - which totally replaced original Coke. After months of clamoring from consumers, they brought back Classic Coke and New Coke eventually disappeared. Maxis/EA are basically telling us that we need to love New Coke 'cause that's all there is. They want me to buy an imperfect product, which I find hard to swallow. If you love the Sims, you'll buy whatever drivel they put out. It can't be like that. I demand a better product, a better formula. I can't sit back and watch the franchise I love dwindle away into nothing. I'm not alone. The outcries have been deafening, but perhaps not to those who actually have the power to do anything. Sadly, I will eventually lose hope. When that's gone, what's left? A sour taste in my mouth at the loss of such massive potential. Right now, I'm watching The Sims drown and there's nothing I can do about it.

    Now, this isn't to say Sims 4 is the worst game ever. It's not. It's got some exceptional parts, but it's also got some glaring omissions. What happened between Sims 3 and Sims 4 that ended up giving us a game that feels recycled and cheap? Even some of the more steadfast YouTube Simmers can't wrap their heads around it. Either way, it doesn't matter. I don't care why it broke, I just know it's broke. Does EA/Maxis want to quiet the din? Do they really want fans to stop ranting? Make official statements. Keep us in the loop. Change what needs to be changed. Talk to us! Use our feedback. I have 12 years experience playing Sims. This makes me an expert in my field and I am just one of many. We know your product better than anyone. Why won't you listen? And if you are listening, why can't you look us in the eye when you do?

    Beautifully stated. I'm beginning to think that players who are new to this franchise don't quite understand the frustration that many long time players are feeling. Sometimes I think that EA & Maxis are more concerned with hooking a new generation of players, you know, the preteen crowd, rather than retaining their old audience.
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm starting to believe that the saying is just another way for Simmers to say that it is ok to boycott the Sims 4. ;) So in a way, it is like they refuse to promote the Sims 4 to new players.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    Ponder the SimPonder the Sim Posts: 3,054 Member
    Scobre wrote: »
    I'm starting to believe that the saying is just another way for Simmers to say that it is ok to boycott the Sims 4. ;) So in a way, it is like they refuse to promote the Sims 4 to new players.

    Or maybe that is there way of responding to people who say things like "scrap this game/pack/EP no one wants it."

    It's like .. "but I do, and no one is forcing you to buy it."
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    edited August 2015

    Or maybe that is there way of responding to people who say things like "scrap this game/pack/EP no one wants it."

    It's like .. "but I do, and no one is forcing you to buy it."
    There were a lot of comments like that with the Sims 3 too. I just know two negatives never make anything positive on forums. I mean if Simmers like the Sims 4 shouldn't they welcome new players instead of bullying whoever that doesn't agree with them off of forums which is against forum rules anyway? It's like why are some Sims 4 players so hostile? I try to welcome new Simmers and I see others actually helping Simmers when bugs appear in the game. It just would be nice to have more helpful Simmers around helping the Sims 4 out. I mean if you don't want the game scrapped then why tell others not to play it or buy it or talk about it or even help make the game playable for them? It just seems like such a waste of time and energy doing that and doesn't help the game at all.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    FaridahFaridah Posts: 171 Member
    I would never tell somebody not to buy TS4. But I would tell him my experience.

    I didn't buy the game at the start, I bought it together with GTW, so I knew there wasn't still no toddlers. BUT the missing of toddlers are for me more a symbol of missing family play now, like it was possible in the basegame of TS2 and TS3.

    To complain in the forums means nothing else, that players want TS4 to work with the basegame features they are used to be in the game, like it was in TS2 and TS3. It doesn't mean, that they are not open for new things.

    With a pool tool here and a dishwasher there, in the last months, EA didn't do enough. They didn't show, that they care enough and have a high priority to fix bugs, because bugs like this incest thing is still there and disturbs the gameplay.

    Or mayby they do working on it ? Who knows ? EA doesn't talk to their customers at all, doesn't talk about the problems player have.

    All this, I would tell somebody, who ask me about TS4. If the person still want to buy it, o.k. I don't have a problem with that. But I can't support the game at the moment anymore with buying packs or anything else. First EA needs to show me, that they changing the game from a party simulation back to the life simulation.
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