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Dark Shades (Story Series) FINAL CHAPTER IS OUT!!

It took long enough but I am finally ready to release my second story :D . This story takes place three years before the events of Trini's Perfect Life so if you are unfamiliar with that story I guess this would be a good place to start reading. It will follow the life of Elyse Wells before that fateful day in the park. It's very different from anything I've ever written so I hope you'll like it. I'd like to thank one of my best friends on here Brian aka Kaka_Fan for inspiring the idea of this story. You should all visit his page and check out his gorgeous sims and of course his story series called Cassie's Eyes which is beyond brilliant :wink: . I'll post a link to his page at the end of this chapter. Without Further ado, here is the pilot of Dark Shades. Enjoy :mrgreen: !

Chapter Guide
Chapter 1 (The Fall) Page 1
Chapter 2 (First Assignment) Page 2
Chapter 3 (Curry for Lunch) Page 4
Chapter 4 (Davino's) Page 5
Chapter 5 (Bottle of Bahama) Page 6
Chapter 6 (What Would Captain Carlen Think?) Page 7
Chapter 7 (Surrounded but Alone) Page 8
Chapter 8 (The Return of Lee) Page 9
Chapter 9 (The Flop, the Turn, and the River) Page 10
Chapter 10 (Haunting Pasts) Page 11
Chapter 11 (Locked and Loaded) Page 12
Chapter 12 (17 1/2 G Street) Page 14
Chapter 13 (Stung) Page 15
Chapter 14 (What are you doing here?) Page 16
Chapter 15 (Help Wanted) Page 17
Chapter 16 (Silent Silhouette) Page 18
Chapter 17 (You Need Me) Page 18
Chapter 18 (Teacher and Student) Page 19
Chapter 19 (Reunited) Page 19
Chapter 20 (You're Not Them) Page 19

Dark Shades Chapter 1: The Fall
A late September breeze tickles Elyse's cheek. She stops to breathe it in as the chill continues its path throughout her body. She looks above and around at the overcast day surrounding her. Fall is near and there's something about it that always brings an eerie feeling. Maybe even a threatening feeling of all things whimsical. She proceeds slowly, cautiously on her way. She tries distracting herself by focusing on the only sound available; the sound of dry soil crunching beneath her feet. Try as she might Elyse cannot escape the thought that this time, Fall's tease will be more than just that.
Suddenly, a cry for help breaks the silence. The voice alerts Elyse and she quickly looks around for its origin. "Get away from me!" The voice yells again. Elyse breaks into a run following its echo this time to a nearby alley. She peeks around the corner.
Further inside, there is a boy being threatened by a man with a knife. She hides again and her mind races. "Okay, what did I learn...What did I learn...think...think!" She whispers to herself, "Oh forget it." She pulls out her phone and dials 911.
The phone rings and rings. "Come on! Someone's life is in danger!" Elyse utters in frustration. Finally the receptionist picks up the phone and she quickly explains the situation and her whereabouts. The woman casually tells her that someone is on the way and not to try anything heroic. Elyse angrily hangs up the phone. By the time they get here the boy could be dead. She thinks a moment before a crazy idea pops into her head. She decides to take matters into her own hands. Elyse reaches into her coat pockets.
"I promise, it'll only hurt for a second if you hold still." The pursuer snickers through his jagged, yellow teeth.

"You'll regret this! There's no way he'll ever let you go free and you know it! Trust me, I'm doing you a favor." The boy says, his voice now down to a quiet tremble.

"Look around kid. No one's here to save you which means there will be no one to tell the tale...except me that is." He grins an evil grin as he draws the knife back.

"Hey!" A feminine yell comes from behind them. The man whirls around and eyes the person before him.
There stands a pale young woman in a blue coat, thick boots, a denim skirt, black gloves, and a winter cap the colors of beige and auburn. Her eyes are concealed by shades, the visible strands of her raven hair blow gently in the crisp wind. The man lets out a chuckle and directs the knife towards her, "Hey yourself girly. And goodbye. You don't want to be here. Just turn around, and get lost."
"No. You get lost!" She speaks again, with toughness behind her voice.

The man tilts his head, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," she continues, "This is my job. I want the kid." The boy raises an eyebrow and looks at the girl and then back at the guy as he contemplates making a run for it.

The man bursts out laughing, "That's a good one, a real good one!" He stops to clear his throat and spits out what he gathered in front of her feet. "Now scram!"

"Maybe you don't understand, if I don't kill a kid, they won't let me in the gang!" She says with a hint of desperation.
He puts on a pouty face and mocks her, "Aw baby's on her first job. How sweet...well tough luck! I've got problems of my own. If I don't spill this kid's guts I'll be in bigger trouble than you could ever imagine!" Suddenly a tear slides down from behind the girl's dark shades. she walks closer to the man and speaks in a vulnerable voice.

"Please let me have him," she pleads.

The man begins to lower his knife and glances at the kid. He looks back at the cute girl and aims the knife at her again. He shifts his stance, "Sorry it's too important."
Noticing his scowl wavering, she tries again, "You know...they...they said that all I need is a picture of a dead kid with blood stained on his shirt. And I'll need to bring the shirt with me as proof of course. How about, you kill him, let me take the pic', and I'll keep the shirt. You can have the corpse!" The boy's heart begins to beat rapidly.

The thug runs his dirt laden hands through his sandy hair. He has never heard of a more lenient gang initiation. But the idea of it is way too crazy for anyone to come up with. She must be telling the truth. It's hard for him to say no to such an attractive wannabe criminal anyway. After all, he remembers how excited he was when he completed his first mission. Unable to resist, he falls for the act, "Well...well alright...I guess that could long as I get the kid...let's do this." He gives her a weak smile. Elyse spies the knife, now dangling loosely in his hand.

"Thank you!" She says sweetly and jabs him in the face.
The knife flies out of his hand and hits the ground. Elyse rushes to pick it up and immediately places herself between him and the kid.
"Get back!" Elyse demands.

The man caresses his slightly sore chin and laughs, "Wow. Very clever. Hats off to you. Now don't be foolish, give me the knife."

"No! I'm serious! Now get back!" She continues.

"I'm not kidding around here! Give it to me!" He growls as he lunges towards them. Elyse swings the blade at his face, delivering a successful slice.
The man grasps his face and yells out in pain with a balanced mixture of groans and expletives. He slowly brings his hand down and lets out a gasp of disbelief at the sight of it covered in blood. Elyse tries to calm her shaky hand as she keeps the knife fixed on him.
He gives her a piercing look of rage but decides not to test her again. He runs out of the alley as he shouts, "I'm going to get you for this! Both of you! Mark my words!" As soon as he disappears Elyse drops the knife and turns towards the kid and asks, "Are you okay?"
The boy exhales and readjusts his cap. He responds, "Yeah...yeah I'm alright."

"Good! I'm glad." Elyse says, regaining her breath from all the excitement. She gets a closer look at the kid. He appears to be around 14, maybe 15. He's wearing a fancy black jacket while that hat is a bit faded and his pants sag low. The boy seems like any other normal teen. Elyse wonders why anyone would try to hurt him. She knows teenagers can be good at finding trouble, but looking into his hazel eyes, he seems harmless enough.

"That was too close! Thank goodness for Damian's GA's!" He exclaims.

"GA's?" She inquires.

He chuckles, "Yeah as in guardian angels! It's what I like to call you guys. I thought I met all of you but you don't look must be new!"
"Wait a second, who's Damian?" Elyse asks, still puzzled.

"Oh right...right I almost forgot. Very good newbie!" He gives her a nudge, "You're going to fit right in! By the way, that was a really smooth move! I never heard a crappier story in my life but at least he was dumb enough to believe it! " Elyse smiles at him. The cry of wailing sirens approaches. Elyse turns her head and sees a police car come to a screeching halt across the street from the alley. "Oh shoot! I bet some nosey neighbor called this in. Time to go! Thanks again sweetie! See you around!" The boy blurts out quickly before jumping the fence and running away in the opposite direction.
"Hey! Hey wait kid! " Elyse calls out after him. But he is gone from sight. She sighs and rubs her chin. Oh well, at least he's safe now. But what was he babbling about? One thing for sure, he's got charisma and talks way too fast. Elyse laughs to herself and hears galloping footsteps coming her way.
She faces the officers, "I'm sorry guys, the kid just took off!" The one whose hair is streaked with age speaks up while panting, "Yeah I know...I know. We saw him; but don't worry about it. Please tell us what happened." Elyse started from the beginning telling him about the crook, the boy, and her brilliant plan while his young partner took notes.
"Simply genius! It's amazing that you were able to think on your feet like that!" The officer says, impressed by Elyse. His partner walks deeper into the alley and examines the knife on the ground before collecting it as evidence. The officer questioning her puts his hands on his hips and stares at her intently. Judging by the way his mustache is twitching, an idea seems to be brewing. Elyse looks back at him and wonders what could be on his mind. "I'm the Chief of Police here in Oltona, Howard Sprocket. It was very brave of you to risk your life like that." He extends a hand towards her. She reaches out and accepts the handshake. She responds, "Elyse Wells." Chief Sprocket takes a step closer to her and states in an intriguing tone, "I have a proposition for you Ms. Wells."

Hope you enjoyed the Pilot of Dark Shades! Feel free to comment. I would have posted the story using Create a Story so you can Rec, but my studio is full of TPL pics that I don't want deleted from the corresponding chapters :( . But if EA has fixed that problem please let me know :P ! As promised, here is the link to Kaka_Fan's page:



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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Hey Rika! So good to see you writing again. I am so intrigued by whats going to happen! Especially since its a prequel to TPL. I also surprised you chose Elyse as the main character, but it was a very good start and I cant wait to read more!!

    *BookMarked* <3

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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Hey Dusty I missed you :mrgreen: ! Thanks for reading. I've been wanting to do a story just for Elyse because people seem to like her. She's also one of my favorite sims :P . So I decided to take a break from TPL to do a different type of series. In a way it helps because when I go back to it, years will have passed for the Straw family :wink: . I have a lot of ideas brewing for Dark Shades. Not sure if you've experimented with the pose player but I recently got into it. The thing is, I can't get it to work on community lots :? . It would help out a lot for this story. I'm also planning on getting Generations one of these days! So how have you been? Do you think you'll be able to release another story soon?
  • Options
    Bethandme6Bethandme6 Posts: 86 Member
    edited October 2011
    Hi there, glad to see you got your 1st chapter of second story out. I have been checking for it. :wink: Read it... loved it, then read it again, sounds great so far and will be keeping it in my list of reads. Thanks so much for posting the link for me. :mrgreen:
  • Options
    seaweedyseaweedy Posts: 2,583 Member
    edited October 2011
    Thanks so much for the link, I am so excited you have started a new story!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Bethandme6, It's so good to see everyone back again. I really missed you all :D . I'm glad you like it so far!

    Hey Seaweedy :mrgreen: !! Thank you so much for reading. I left another comment for you on the other site :P
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Missed you too!!
    I see I see, I cant wait for what you have brewing then!!
    I love the pose player! For community lots here what to do:
    First type in the cheat box, 'testingcheatsenabled true' and also type in 'moveobjects on'
    Then on a community lot, press SHIFT and click on the lot, options should come up. One will say 'Build on lot', another 'Buy on lot'. Click buy and put down the pose box. :}
    To move the characters in position after the using the box, simple press shift + click again on the community lot, buy on lot and you can move the sim. :}

    Hope that helps!

    As for myself, I really havent the time for to do any of my stories. :{
    I hope to one day be able to get another one out, and when I do you will be the first to know! <3
  • Options
    CMIrvng68CMIrvng68 Posts: 238 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Great job! I love the characters and the CLOTHES. Where can I find some Uuggs?
  • Options
    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Hey CMIrving!! Thank you so much for reading! Yes the boots are very cute. They came from TSR. Here's the link :D :
  • Options
    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Missed you too!!
    I see I see, I cant wait for what you have brewing then!!
    I love the pose player! For community lots here what to do:
    First type in the cheat box, 'testingcheatsenabled true' and also type in 'moveobjects on'
    Then on a community lot, press SHIFT and click on the lot, options should come up. One will say 'Build on lot', another 'Buy on lot'. Click buy and put down the pose box. :}
    To move the characters in position after the using the box, simple press shift + click again on the community lot, buy on lot and you can move the sim. :}

    Hope that helps!

    As for myself, I really havent the time for to do any of my stories. :{
    I hope to one day be able to get another one out, and when I do you will be the first to know! <3

    Yes please let me know! You're such a talented writer :D . And that's interesting about the Pose Player. I'll definitely give it a try!
  • Options
    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited October 2011
  • Options
    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Well I gave it a try worked!!!! You're the best! Thank you!! :mrgreen:
  • Options
    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited October 2011
    ^^ Im glad I could be of some help!

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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Hello everybody! I've already started writing Chapter 2. While writing I discovered I'll need to create a new building as well as a new sim! Hopefully it won't take too long. I should be able to release the next chapter sometime next week. Thanks again to all the readers! :mrgreen:
  • Options
    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Looking forward to it! ^^
  • Options
    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Hello everybody :D !! Here's Chapter 2 of Dark Shades! I'm also going to upload a few of the characters today so be on the lookout! But for now, enjoy Chapter 2! 8)

    Dark Shades Chapter 2: First Assignment
    It has been at least 15 minutes since Elyse arrived to this remote location. Upon entering the building, the receptionist looked her up and down and with a slight chuckle told her to have a seat. Elyse ignored it and did as she was told. She's had her fill of nonchalant receptionists these days. Elyse begins cracking her knuckles, a nervous habit she's had since she was a child. The lady at the desk looks up giving her a stern look so Elyse immediately places her hands back on her lap. This takes her back to the days she spent in college. Such uniformity, so many rules, it wasn't for her. It's part of the reason why she accepted Chief Sprocket's offer, no matter how daunting the job may seem.
    Elyse takes a moment to observe her surroundings. The outside of this building, which was made up of dull brown coloring and no windows, was nothing like the inside. The lobby was brightly lit. There were potted plants and the walls were apparently freshly painted in white because the odor still lingered. Elyse noted the plush carpet beneath her black pumps, and the warmth of the central heating. The only cold spot to be found in the room was ahead of her, seated behind a shiny black desk and rapping away at the keyboard. Suddenly, a voice spoke up from behind a door not far from the cold spot's desk. "Send her in!" The voice said.
    "That would be you. Good luck!" the receptionist said in a sarcastic tone. Elyse frowned at first but remembered first impressions are important. So she got up, gave the receptionist a fake smile, and proceeded past her to the mysterious door. She smoothes her skirt and teases her hair before going in.
    Elyse takes in this new office which is not much more than two chairs and a desk. The woman occupying it must be all business with no room for a personal life. She speaks, "Hello. I'm Elyse Wells. Howard Sprocket sent me."
    The woman gets up from the oak desk and walks over to Elyse. She squints her eyes and adjusts her glasses, "Elyse Wells...You're Elyse Wells?"

    "That's right!" She extends her hand, "It's nice to meet you Mrs....?"

    "How old are you?" The woman asks, taking Elyse off guard.


    "This has to be a mistake. You can't be the one he told me about. You're just a kid!"

    "I-I know I'm young but...I promise I'll do my best! I won't let you down!"

    "This is great...just great. Howard has officially lost his mind. Come on sit down...hurry up I don't have all day!" The woman hurries Elyse along. She quickly follows the order and sits in the chair.
    The woman begins, "I'm Captain Maggie Carlen, head of the Undercover department here. I'm still shocked that you're the same Elyse that saved that kid in the alley. I hope you realize that I don't normally hire people this young, but it was Sprocket's decision so my hands are tied."

    Elyse nods, "I'm honored! I guess Mr. Sprocket saw something special in me!"

    "That's Chief Sprocket to you...He admires your bravery, but I'd call it foolish. You could have gotten yourself killed."

    "I know...but I would have done anything to save him. Did you expect me to wait around for backup to arrive? Of course I would step in. The receptionist took her sweet time just to answer the phone! With all due respect, you should hire a new one."
    Captain Carlen chuckles, "Not my problem. A different department handles those calls."

    "What! I thought maybe it was the woman out front...they certainly have the same attitude."

    "Trust me, our receptionist here would have been quicker to respond. But if it makes you feel better I'll mention it to Sprocket. Did you get her name?"

    Elyse looks at the desk sheepishly, ""

    "Nice job." Maggie says, shaking her head from side to side.

    "It was an emergency! I didn't have time to think about things like that!" Elyse raises her voice.
    "And exactly what do you think you'll be doing here? Eating donuts and handing out the occasional speeding ticket?" Captain Carlen laughs and then leans forward clasping her hands together, "Ms. Wells, attention to detail is extremely crucial in this environment..."

    Elyse interrupts, "I-I know that. But.."

    "I'm not done yet. There will be many occasions where 'there's no time to think.' You screw up and you die. Slip up even once and you could put us all in danger. Am I clear?"


    "Good!" She leans back in her chair again, "Now I'll put aside the scary stuff for a bit to let you talk. Do you have any sort of experience other than the thing in the alley?"
    She clears her throat, "Well I did study Criminal Justice...before I dropped out..."

    Captain Carlen raises her eyebrows, "Oh. How long did you study for?"

    "A year..."

    "Wow. That's all?"

    "It wasn't for me. I wanted more than just the routine thing. I wanted...more excitement! I guess...I knew I wanted to be in Law Enforcement but it wasn't until the other day that thought of being an Undercover agent."

    "Interesting. Let me ask you this; why did you choose Law Enforcement in the first place?"

    Elyse begins cracking her knuckles, " dad was killed...years ago while on patrol. I tried to follow in his footsteps to make him proud. But I gave up because as I said, I lost interest."
    Captain Carlen rocks gently in her chair keeping her eyes fixed on Elyse. She thinks to herself a moment and then speaks, "Killing yourself isn't going to bring him back."

    Elyse turns away from Maggie and responds defensively, "I know that."

    "Look at me, Ms. Wells." Elyse faces her again, with her eyes unsteady but determined. Captain Carlen continues, "This job is not for everyone. There are risks of anxiety, depression. It can be a lonely life, you won't be able to associate yourself with friends. There can be a great amount of guilt experienced when it comes to betraying the trust of the criminals you come across. Some people are even known to feel sympathy for them; protect them. Also as I mentioned before, your life will be in danger. Are you prepared for that? You can walk away right now. We'll get you a shiny little medal for your good deed and you can forget we ever met. "

    Elyse breathes in deeply and responds, "I'm ready Captain Carlen. I want this." Captain Carlen sighs and walks over to Elyse who quickly stands in attention.
    "Well...ok...Now then, are you ready for your first assignment?"

    This takes Elyse by surprise, "What? You mean now?"

    "Of course not now, but tonight!" Captain Carlen reaches into a desk drawer and pulls out a picture. She presents it to Elyse, "This guy will be at a bar called Dav...Davino's! That's it. He'll be there around 1:00 a.m. He's planning on taking something valuable. Find him, and bring him to me. I'll be here waiting."
    "Alright...that sounds easy enough! I'll find him." Elyse says with promise.

    "Great. Make sure you dress appropriately for the occasion. I'm sure you have something sleazy to wear being a young girl like yourself!"

    Elyse felt slightly offended, "Just because I'm young doesn't automatically mean I dress like a 🐸🐸🐸🐸! I actually don't have anything to wear..."

    "Right, now that you mention it you do come off as the conservative type. No worries. See that door over there? That room has everything you could possibly need to help you blend in."

    "That's perfect! Thanks!" Elyse starts for the room before Captain Carlen stops her, "Not so fast. First you need to fill out these forms." With that she reaches into a different drawer and drops a stack of papers on the desk.
    After what seemed like hours of paperwork, Elyse was properly introduced to receptionist Natalee Hobbe, who rolled her eyes during their handshake. Later that evening Elyse reflected on today's events as she rested on the bed at her apartment. She thought of the blonde receptionist, who didn't seem to have a courteous bone in her body. There was also something strange about her. Elyse then recalled Captain Maggie Carlen with her strict demeanor. Though looking at her deeply, Elyse felt a certain warmth lurking behind her eyes. Suddenly Elyse was awoken by the sound of her alarm clock ringing. Apparently she dozed off at some point because now it's 12:00 a.m. Elyse stretches and then reaches into the bag she got from Captain Carlen's office.
    She arrives at the club and feels excitement and nervousness flowing through her body. She takes a deep breath and walks in. After a quick trip in the elevator, she gets off on level B1.
    Elyse does a quick scan of the room before staggering over to a nearby table. It's been a while since she's walked in heels this high. She sits down on the long emerald green couch and gets a better look at the crowd. Elyse took a good look at the picture Captain Carlen gave her before she left home, but no one in here resembles that guy. Could Carlen have been wrong? Elyse taps her fingers on the table and notices a couple to her left making out. Then, the voice of a guy breaks her trance, "Pretty hot isn't it? But I'm sure we could do a better job than them, you up for it?"
    She looks to the right of her and there is the perpetrator, giving her an incredibly irresistible smile complete with perfect teeth. "Oh! It's you!"

    "What?" He asks.

    "I-I mean," She gets into character, flipping her hair around and batting her eyelashes, "It's you...the one I've been waiting for all night."

    "Sweet! What's your name gorgeous?"

    Elyse giggles giving him a playful push, "You're so cute! I'm Elizabeth. But you can call me Liz. "
    "Love it. I'm Chris. You have no idea how nice it is to meet you. " He replies.

    "Do you come here a lot?"

    "Hmm good question. Would you consider every night 'a lot'?" He answers proudly.

    Elyse laughs, "I'm not sure how I feel about that. Are you some kind of player?"

    "Oh no, no, no, don't get me wrong babe! I just like to have a good time. Nothing wrong with that right? Trust me; I only approach women who I see a future with." He gives her a sly grin.

    "So you're single?"


    "Well okay. I guess I'll take your word for it." She states with a flirty smile.
    "Are you still stuck with the rents' like I am?" He asks with a small laugh.

    "No, I actually have my own apartment."

    Chris' mouth drops and he stretches his eyes wide open , "What! And you're how old?"

    She giggles, "20."

    "How in the world did you swing that?"

    "It's a long story."

    "Alright, you can tell me later. Man...I hope I'm out of my mom's house by the time I'm 20. But that's not for another two years unfortunately! Do you go to the college here Liz? I haven't seen you around."

    "Um yep. I do. I'm just going part time."

    "That's cool, that's cool. Leaves more time for play! Speaking of which, what do you say we get out of here and go somewhere private?"

    "No thanks, I'd much rather chill out here with you."
    "Works for me. Hey what are you waiting for! Let's get some drinks over here!" He yells to the bartender. Elyse frowns at his rudeness. Plus, he's not even old enough to be drinking in the first place! But those feelings suddenly disappear as he scoots closer to her and rubs her leg, "So what's the deal, do you have a boyfriend?"
    Elyse's heart rate picks up and shivers go down her spine at his touch. She can't help but to find this guy attractive. She clears her throat. "N-no, no boyfriend..."

    His mouth gapes open again, "Stop lying!"

    "I'm not!"

    "Perfect. So I don't have to worry about getting my butt kicked if I do this!"
    He puts his lips against hers, climbing on top of her. Elyse cannot believe how bold this guy is, making out with her in the middle of a bar where everyone can see them. The adrenaline soon wears off and she snaps out of it, kneeing him where he's sure not to forget it.
    He immediately gets off of her and yells out in pain, "Ow! Are you crazy!"

    "Shut up! You're...under arrest! " She grabs him by the shirt, drags him out of the club, and shoves him in her car. Onlookers bellowed with laughter, apparently enjoying the show.

    "Wait until my mom hears about this...You're hot but you sure are psycho!" He says from the back seat, still doubled over from the pain.

    "I said shut up! Don't say another word!" Elyse starts the car and quickly drives to headquarters.
    Once they arrive, Elyse pushes the guy through Captain Carlen's office door, "Here he is Captain! I got him!"

    "What is going on here? Get this freak away from me mom!"

    "Very nice job Ms. Wells!"

    Elyse speaks up, "Wait...did he say 'mom'? You're the mom he's been whining about?"

    Captain Carlen answers, "Yes unfortunately I am!" She directs her attention back to her son, "Christopher! This is the last time you steal my car!"

    He chuckles nervously, "Oh...! But mom I..I didn't!"

    "Save it Chris, you're caught!"

    He scratches his head, "But did you even get here?"

    "I took a cab since my thief of a son stole my ride. What else was I supposed to do? Give me the keys. Right now!" She holds out her hand, waiting to receive them.

    He reaches into his pocket and hands them over, "Fine. Okay you got me. But couldn't you have done this yourself instead of sending this nut job after me? Do you have any idea what she did? You'll be lucky to have any grandchildren in the future!"
    Elyse clinches her fists. She can't believe Captain Carlen did this. She turns around and begins to walk out. Captain Carlen calls to her, "Hey! Where are you going?"

    "Where do you think? I have better things to do than to be here wasting my time! If you didn't think I was right for the job you should have just told me. I'm out of here!" She proceeds towards the door.

    "Stop!" Captain Carlen yells. "Chris, get out."

    "What! But-"

    "Now Christopher! Wait for me in the lobby." He mumbles something in a disgruntled tone as he passes Elyse and goes out the door.

    "Come here Ms. Wells."
    Elyse slowly lets go of the door handle and walks over to Captain Carlen. "What is it?"

    "I don't want you to feel like you've been made a fool of. Perhaps I overstepped my boundaries a little but you did get the job done."

    "That wasn't a job! It was a practical joke!" Elyse snaps back.

    "Watch the tone Ms. Wells. Yes, it was partially a joke. But answer this, why did you hit him?"

    "Because he kissed me! The pig..."

    Captain Carlen folds her arms, "In other words you blew your cover."

    "No, I just...I mean."

    "Yeah you blew your cover. Within 20 seconds of meeting him! What if this had been a more serious situation? How much information could we possibly obtain in such a short amount of time?"

    Elyse sighs in defeat, realizing that she was right. "Maybe you have a point."

    "I do have a point. Ms. Wells, your gut instinct will always be to react when things get dicey. You have to learn to control that. Resist the temptation. "
    "So this was a test?" Elyse asks.

    "Test...joke...whatever you want to call it." Captain Carlen chuckles.

    "Did you put him up to this?"

    "No actually I didn't. But I'm glad he did try something because it helped confirm my suspicions about you! It's very important that you work on your urge to react. I can't stress that enough. Don't let me hear about another incident like this again. Understand?"

    "Yes...I understand. It won't happen again."

    "Good. That's what I like to hear. It's late now. Go get some rest Agent Wells. And tell the pig I'll be out in a minute."

    Elyse smiles at her, "Okay. Goodnight Captain."
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    Bethandme6Bethandme6 Posts: 86 Member
    edited October 2011
    Oh yes... I like it. :mrgreen: I like the way Elyse is a fighter, she stands up for herself but is also willing to learn. She knows when she has made a mistake and promises to do better. Oh yes this is definitely one I will be following. Keep it up can't wait to see what her next assignment will be.
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Hello Bethandme6! Yes Elyse has a thick skin and is full of 🐸🐸🐸🐸! She's such a fun character to write for. She also seems to be one of the few people that can put Chris in his place :lol: . Thanks for reading!
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    sassyh410sassyh410 Posts: 171 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Hey Rika I am loving this story! Elyse is a great character and I can't wait for the next chapter :)
    Good to read one of your stories again!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Hey sassyh410 :D !! It's so good to hear from you again! I'm glad you're liking this story. It's a bit out of my comfort zone but that makes it even more fun to write. I also got your comment from the other day. I sure do hope you start a new story. You've always been one of my favorite authors :mrgreen: . Thanks for reading!!
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Hi Rika, and thanks for 🐸🐸🐸🐸 me (and my delayed) series out. :lol: I got some more pics for a story I'm recycling from five years ago, but ironically, I need to get some pics of the adult Cassie in action. (And some more breast sliders so as to perfectly proportion another sim of mine.)

    Great to see how much of a fighter Elyse is. I don't suppose she's got a black belt in anything? :wink:

    Extra props for making people in law enforcement with surnames of Irish origin. (Most notably Captain Carlen.) Sure it's a stereotype as far as American police departments go, but a too large of a percentage to ignore of American law enforcement officers *DO* have names of Irish and Italian origin! All in all, I can tell you did some research in law & crime... Are we ever gonna see Elyse with a partner and a good cop/bad cop routine? :lol:

    I did see one thing wrong, but I'll bring it up to you in IM land the next time I see you online. Hope you're having a Happy Halloween!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Gasp it's Kaka_Fan :shock: ! I'm so glad you took the time to stop by. It's been too long since we've seen you around on the boards. I hope you plan on making a habit of it :wink: . I'm also glad you're liking the series so far and that you noticed my research! But I must admit I didn't know that about the surnames of Italian origin :lol: . That's quite a coincidence! Maybe I've heard lots of cop names on TV and it was in my subconscious lol. But I certainly wasn't going to name anyone Sergeant Friday :D . As for partners...hmmm. I haven't considered that. I've got some other things in mind for Elyse's future in her new career that could make this story a bit darker. Captain Carlen's harsh criticism towards the end was very important...Not saying anything else! lol. What else was there... oh! I'm a little nervous to hear what mistake I made. But it was bound to happen considering I'm new to this genre. Good thing you're around to help! As always I appreciate your brutal honesty. Thanks so much for reading! And I'm so excited to read this story you're bringing back from the past :mrgreen:
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited October 2011
    Hello everybody! I forgot to mention that Christopher Carlen, Maggie Carlen, Howard Sprocket, and Natalee Hobbe are now available in my Studio if you want to download them. I also uploaded a new version of Elyse, but if for some reason you prefer an older version, she's also in my Studio if you look through a few pages. The older one has way less CC. Thanks! :D
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Rika701 wrote:
    As always I appreciate your brutal honesty.

    Yeah, but I try to make some effort not to sound like a pain-in-the-behind! It wasn't a huge concern, and can wait. But mind you, I'm someone who obsesses over LA Noire and is pretty obsessed over things like inconsistencies in behavior. (And of course, evidence gathering!)
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited November 2011
    Don't worry you aren't (most of the time lol). But okay I can wait. You can tell me later what it is. This is going to bug me... :lol:
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    Bethandme6Bethandme6 Posts: 86 Member
    edited November 2011
    Rika701 wrote:
    Don't worry you aren't (most of the time lol). But okay I can wait. You can tell me later what it is. This is going to bug me... :lol:
    me too
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