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Dark Shades (Story Series) FINAL CHAPTER IS OUT!!


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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited November 2011
    Mmmmmmmmmmm... Suspense! Agent Curry is really cute, and Michelle has the look alone to convince me she's a cheerleader. All in all you're off to a great start in your story series, now I have to get lunch and continue the horrors of trying to recycle one of my own stories! (At least most of it's already been written!!)
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited November 2011
    Hey Kaka_Fan! Thanks for reading :D . Would you believe that I created Cheryl 2 years ago :lol: ? I had a need for her character and thought she would be perfect for the role of Agent Curry. You're right; she is really cute. I'm surprised that she didn't get more downloads. Michelle has 135 at the moment :shock: !! And I am so proud of you for getting back into writing again! :mrgreen:
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited November 2011
    Rika701 wrote:
    I'm surprised that she didn't get more downloads. Michelle has 135 at the moment :shock:

    There's a direct relation to downloads and social network strength. There's people out there who's sims have as much value as a **** nailed to a 2x4, and their number of downloads and Recs are numbers that most people on the Exchange would kill for.
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    seaweedyseaweedy Posts: 2,583 Member
    edited November 2011
    Another great chapter. I'm so curious about the outfit--is the Captain superstitious? And what does Natalee do that Agent Curry referred to? So many secrets!
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    annasommerannasommer Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited November 2011
    Well I sure hope that photobucket will stop acting up, as I think it is always a nuisance to get accustomed to another site :?

    However, I love the new chapter. I like the way you take your time building up the story :thumbup:
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    simsgal2227simsgal2227 Posts: 12,279 Member
    edited November 2011
    Awesome :mrgreen:.
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited November 2011
    simsgal2227: Thanks so much for reading! I'm about to go read Ch. 14 of The Handsome Shadow :wink: !!

    annasommer Yeah I hope they got the problem fixed. Right now I have so many online passwords to keep up with I had to make a list of them :lol: . Thanks for reading!

    seaweedy Hello! Captain Carlen has a reason for the outfit thing which will come out a little later :D . And we'll also learn more about Natalee in the future. Thanks so much for reading!!

    As everyone can see, I'm back from out of town! Now I can get back to working on the next chapter. I hope everyone else's Thanksgiving was as good as mine!! :mrgreen:
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited November 2011
    Bumper cars :}
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited November 2011
    Another uppity bumpity :]
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Dusty :D ! I'm going to try and start writing the next chapter soon. On a side note, everyone should check out Midnight Blood. I'm hooked after just reading the prologue. And now that I check, the first chapter is out :shock: !! Time to go read lol! The link is in DustyDreamer's signature everyone :mrgreen:
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Aw, thanks Rika! To be honest, I probably would not have written this without getting writers inspiration and support from you! :}

    Im am looking forward to chapter 4 too!! I cant wait to see what happens...if all my suspicions are correct too. . ;}
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Awwwwww :oops: . That's high praise coming from you! It's great hearing that I inspire someone! I started writing Chapter 4 last night when I realized I will need to make at least 5 more sims :shock: . I thought I was done but I was wrong :lol: . These sims aren't main characters but they are kind of important. I could have left them out but I felt it would be more fun for everyone to have a visual :-) . And like I always say, it's fun making sims! I'll try to finish writing Chapter 4 today and then I will make those sims and take pics. Thanks again to all the readers! :mrgreen:
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited December 2011
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Hey everybody :mrgreen: ! Time for Chapter 4. I'll be uploading two of the new characters later on. Enjoy!! 8)

    Dark Shades Chapter 4: Davino's
    Davino's is one of the most popular bars in Oltona. They open early, at 11:00 a.m., but it doesn't get busy until about five in the afternoon. That's when the college students raid the place after filling their brains to the brim all day with information. A few are regulars; such as Patty.
    Patty is a blonde, slightly chubby girl who's in her third year of college. She strolls in at precisely 5:15 p.m. every day and takes the bar stool on the far left of the counter. She waits patiently for the barkeep to tend to her, flicking the particles out from under her fingernails and popping her chewing gum. What could possibly be trapped underneath her fingernails all day? Maybe pencil shavings, or cookie crumbs left over from a midday classroom snack? This remains unknown. One thing for sure is that Patty orders the same thing each time; a plate of nachos and a Bahama Mama. Quite the odd combination but no harm done. After all, she is 21. She can have all the alcohol she desires. She giggles a lot and makes polite chit chat with the bartender while enjoying her food. Then there is Jason and Andrew Greene.
    Jason's last name is still a mystery. He and his best friend Andrew come in around 8:00 p.m. They are both in great shape physically and their hair is great too. Jason's hair belongs in a shampoo commercial while Andrew's is in very neat cornrows. Jason and Andrew sit down on the long green couch and discuss how hot the redhead is that sits in front of them in Psychology. Afterwards Jason orders a plate of onion rings with French dressing. Strange? Indeed; but it's what they like. They share the onion rings and always fight over the last one. So far it has been even; one day Jason gets it, the other, Andrew. Once they're done Andrew will suggest a game of shuffleboard and Jason agrees. Andrew pulls his glasses out of his pocket and puts them on because he claims he can't play properly without them. These two are both seniors, so they are irrelevant.
    There is also Jan; short for Janice and Mike; short for Michael. Jan is a cute girl with short chocolate brown hair and glasses while Mike is a guy with an adorable smile who wears a thick brown and denim jacket. They appear at midnight, just a couple hours before closing on Thursdays. They hide themselves in a corner table, and rarely order anything. The two consistently bury their noses in Political Science textbooks. Apparently the class is "kicking their *****." Another thing that is apparent, is that Friday is test day. Hence the reason why they arrive nearly every Thursday for a stressful cram session. Why don't they just go to the library? Perhaps it's because they like taking a break to play darts, which is what they usually end up doing. As mentioned they don't order anything, save for water. Although there is a running joke they have. They ask each other if they should order something to in something that will bring warmth to their throats, airiness to their heads, and eventual sickness to their stomachs. But they laugh it off before ordering their usual. Jan and Mike are first years, both 19 years old, under a lot of pressure, and have been watched closely because of it. Who is watching them? It has varied. Yesterday she wore a yellow bandana. The day before that she was a brunette with bangs. Last week, she had freckles. Tonight she is a girl with a dirty blonde pixie cut.
    Elyse has been studying her subjects for four weeks now and yet neither them nor anyone else underage has been served alcohol. It's an hour before closing on a Thursday night. Jan and Mike, who have just finished a round of darts, go back to their table to gather their books. It would seem that they're calling it a night. Davino's is just about empty now. Elyse wonders sometimes why she hasn't seen Chris here since she's been investigating. She can only deduce it's because he's too embarrassed to return after that incident. Elyse laughs to herself a bit louder than she wanted to and sees Mike and Jan look in her direction. Elyse clears her throat and looks away, cracking her knuckles. She hangs around a little while longer until all the other customers have gone. She finally leaves at 2:30 a.m. after another unsuccessful trip.
    "As for Janice and Michael, they still show up every Thursday; they were there last night. But they didn't order anything." Elyse reports.

    Captain Carlen replies, "Another good report. Thorough, but still no sign of the evidence we need."


    "Agent Wells, you've been on this assignment for 4 weeks now, nearly a month correct?"

    "Yes maam."

    "...And we still have absolutely nothing to go on." Carlen sighs, "I'm not sure I want you pursuing this case anymore."
    Elyse sits up straight, "But you told me I had two months! There's still time!"

    "Yes I did say no more than two months unless I see this thing hitting a dead end. Which seems to be happening."

    "Captain, one month is hardly enough time! You can't go back on your word now!"

    "Number one, I can do anything I want because I'm the boss. Number 2, remember who you're talking to Agent Wells." Carlen warns.

    Elyse lowers her voice, "Sorry...I just...I know something's going on there and I'm sure I can find it. Please don't take me off the assignment yet..."
    Captain Carlen takes her glasses off to rub her eyes. Then she speaks, "You're giving me a headache Wells...two more weeks."

    A big smile grows on Elyse's face, "I'll take it! Thank you Captain!"

    "Yeah, yeah, get out of here."

    Elyse says nothing more and walks into the locker room. She returns last night's disguise and exchanges it for another. "Nice job! Lee is back on the case!" A deep voice says from behind her.

    "Eavesdropping again Maxwell?" Elyse asks slyly before turning around.
    Agent Maxwell chuckles, "Me? Eavesdrop? Never. More like always being in the right place at the right time. It's my job remember?" Agent Jerome Maxwell, who just completed his latest assignment a couple weeks ago, is back in the office. His undercover work helped put an end to a prostitution ring in Oltona. The stories he told Elyse were both intriguing and disgusting. Most of it she would rather forget. Jerome is 30 years old and is considered a veteran in the Undercover Department. Just as Agent Curry said, he is a nice guy who likes to joke around and loves to party. "You going to change your strategy Lee?" Agent Maxwell asks, using his special nickname for her.

    Elyse answers, "I'm not sure of what else I could do...Maxwell? I'm running out of time..." She bows her head.

    He puts a hand on her shoulder, "Hey don't give up yet. The Captain believes in you. Otherwise she wouldn't have given you the extra time. If it was me I would have ended it a long time ago."


    "I'm just playing!" He continues, "Maybe you should ask Curry what she thinks?"
    "No...that's alright I'll think of something." Elyse states quickly.

    "Really? I can't believe yall are still fighting." Agent Maxwell replies.

    "We're not fighting! It's just been awkward between us since that time we went to lunch. Listen, I appreciate the help but I'd rather do this on my own."

    Maxwell puts his hands up, "Hey it's your case lady. Do as you wish." He stretches his arms, "I'm about to go to the gym, you want to come?"

    "I don't know..."

    "Come on let's go! Get your mind on something else like muscles! Because no offense, you could use some."

    Elyse gives him a playful push, "Shut up! Okay, okay I'm game."
    Elyse and Agent Maxwell arrive to the local gym. Maxwell suggests they start out on the treadmills since they will be easy for someone as fragile as she is.

    "Run! Run! Run! Go! Go! Go! Agent Lee is, slow! slow! slow!" Jerome sings as he runs effortlessly with the treadmill on the highest setting.

    "S-stop! You're going to make me trip!" Elyse says to him, trying not to laugh.

    "If I had a dollar for every time you told me to stop!"

    "I'm serious Maxwell." Elyse says while panting.

    "Hurry it's going to catch you!"

    Elyse laughs, "I said stop!"
    At that moment Elyse stumbles and falls. "Ow! Jerome! See what you did!" She yells at him.

    He responds, "Not my fault you tied your shoelaces together!"

    "Whoa, are you okay miss? Let me help you up." A man's voice says. Before she knew it the guy pulls her up by her arm.

    "Um...yeah...yeah I'm okay. Just..." She looks in his eyes and loses her voice.
    "I'm glad you're alright! You shouldn't push yourself too hard." He says with a smile.

    "Oh...hi...well thank you for helping me..." She smiles back at him. Jerome rolls his eyes.

    The guy squints at her and asks, "Do I know you?"


    "Oh! I do know you!" He cuts her off, "I'm officer Sean Evas. I was there with Chief Sprocket that day in the alley! You saved the kid."
    "Oh you're right! Hi! I do remember you now! I'm Elyse Wells, it's great to meet you."

    "The pleasure's all mine...I'm new to the force. Chief Sprocket was showing me the ropes when your call came in. So what happened with all that? I know the Chief talked to you about something."

    Elyse looks at Maxwell who shakes his head. She turns back to Sean, "I'm working for him a way..."

    "Really? Cool! It makes sense for him to hire you. It was really brave, what you did."

    "By the way, that's Jerome Maxwell. A friend of mine. " She addresses Maxwell.

    Sean looks to the left and waves, "Hey buddy! Nice to meet you."

    "What's up!" Is all Maxwell says in response.
    "Um so what are you up to now?" Sean asks, looking at Elyse again.

    "Working out..."

    "Oh right, right." He answers with a nervous laugh. He walks a little closer to her "Well I'll let you get back to it. But um, listen. Since we're both new and all, maybe we can hang out sometime?"

    Elyse smiles, "Sure, yeah that would be cool. I'll give you my number."

    "Great!" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cell phone. He gives it to Elyse who punches in her name and number. Sean all the while, keeps his eyes on her as if in a trance.

    "There you are!"

    "Thanks Elyse. Okay I'm gone. See you Jerome! And you, Ms. Wells, be careful on that thing." He winks at her and walks away. Elyse clears her throat and gets back on the treadmill. She glances at Maxwell who grins.

    "What?" She asks.

    "Nothing." Elyse gives him a frown and then turns the machine back on. She starts jogging again when Jerome adds, "Oh Sean baby you're so fine."

    A week later Elyse finds herself back in Davino's. It's Thursday night at 12:30 a.m. Janice and Michael come in right on time. But something is different. Michael seems a little upset. Elyse watches as they go over to their usual table. She tunes out the rest of the bar's noises and listens for their distinct voices. While listening she picks up bits and pieces of their conversation. Words like parents, fail, drop class, and professor sucks are being thrown around. Elyse starts to get up so she can move closer to them but she sees Mike headed her way. So she sits back down. Mike stands next to her and addresses the bartender, "Hey give me a cold one!"
    Janice runs up behind him and puts her hand on his back, "Mike wait a second it's going to be alright."
    "Jan I'm tired, I'm stressed out. I've been working my butt off for what? Another F? I need something to relax me." She gives him a concerned look . Mike looks at the bartender again, "So how about it? Can you do me a favor?" He sits on the stool next to Elyse.
    "Mike you're not even 21." Janice speaks up.

    "Shut up Jan!"

    "You want it kid? You got it." The bartender says all of a sudden.

    "Really?" Mike asks.

    "Sure, why not? Sounds like you could really use a drink!" He then pours him a tall drink which Michael proceeds to drink. At that point Janice goes back to their table, grabs her stuff, then storms out of Davino's.
    Elyse's pulse quickens and her breath goes short as she glances to her right at Mike guzzling his drink. To her surprise her shock turns into pleasure and she begins to smile. Elyse looks at the barkeep and says, "One plate of nachos please."
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    simsgal2227simsgal2227 Posts: 12,279 Member
    edited December 2011
    Caught red-handed!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for reading simsgal2227! Now to bust them on it! :mrgreen:
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, now this is gotten somewhere.... And the proverbial cliff-hanger. Should make for some fun drunken behavior in the next installment! :lol:

    I had San Franciscan Nights playing as I read. Seems to help set the mood. Maybe because of the Dragnet-like intro?
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Hey Kaka_Fan :D ! LOL!!! Yes that would be funny to see :lol: . And I'm glad you liked the opening sequence. That was actually my favorite part of this one. It was also the easiest part to write and just seemed like the best way to begin. I don't know what San Franciscan Nights is but I'm sure I'll find out later! Thank you for reading!! :P
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Can I just say how much I already love Maxwell?! He brings such a light air to the story. And I love that hes the big strong guy who is not all that serious or tries to make himself out to be the 'best', instead hes friendly, encouraging and funny! Great job creating him!! ^^

    Just when you think that the assignment is going nowhere, Elyse catches a break! I love that last line! Its so perfect, makes me wonder how exactly the bust will go down. :}
    Bravo for Elyse not taking any help and showing everyone that she can do this job without anyones aid. Annnnd do I smell a possible romance for Ms.Wells in the air?!
    That being said, I love the introduction to all the characters, it was so nicely done! The underlying humor was nice...another one of my favorite lines, "Jason's hair belongs in a shampoo commercial.." Lolz...thats an an awesome description. XD

    Another terrific chapter to read! ^^
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Hey Dusty :mrgreen: !! Maxwell is a lot of fun. His carefree spirit is welcoming amongst all the other stern faces (Natalee, Capt. Carlen :lol: ). I'm glad you like him! Yay another fan of my opening sequence! The whole thing came naturally to me. Even the jokes mixed in between :lol: It's great when that happens. And I'm glad you liked the line about Jason's hair :lol:...Do I see censors down there in my story??? I didn't think that word would be so bad lol. Oops! Oh well, looking back this chapter was very lighthearted. I guess I was in a mood for humor! Again, it's needed for what's coming in the future :shock: . Thank you for reading! :wink:
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    seaweedyseaweedy Posts: 2,583 Member
    edited December 2011
    Elyse was smart to ask for extra time, her instincts have paid off.
    I like Maxwell as well, great character!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    I'm glad you enjoyed it Seaweedy. Thanks for reading! :D
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited December 2011
    It is absolutely awesome when that happens. ^^

    Lolz...EA gets kinda crazy with their censoring. Sometimes I write something and it turns out its censored..Im like what? What are you thinking about EA? XD
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Exactly :lol: ! Now people are going to think I used a stronger word!
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited December 2011
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