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Dark Shades (Story Series) FINAL CHAPTER IS OUT!!


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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited February 2012
    Hey everybody :P ! Sorry Chapter 10's taking so long but there's a lot more involved with this one. I did write the first scene yesterday (which was 5 pages long :shock: !!). I'm going to try my best to have the new chapter out next weekend but I still may need to build a new lot first (or two). It should be interesting considering that lot building isn't my strong suit. Wish me luck! Thanks so much to all the readers!! :mrgreen:
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    annasommerannasommer Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited March 2012
    Well thanks for letting us know :-)
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
    No problem! This will be my best means of communicating now that we can't really post comments anymore :lol: . While I'm here I may as well let you all know that Chapter 10 is done and the pics are done too! I just have to post it. It'll either be tonight or tomorrow morning so be on the lookout! :mrgreen:
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
    ****Warning, this Chapter contains mature themes...sort of...**** :shock:

    I tried to keep this one as clean as possible. I hope EA doesn't get mad. But if they do and I get banned, I'm sorry :lol: . I'll just find a different place to post my story from now on! In my opinion it's not that bad at all. Anyway, here's Chapter 10 of Dark Shades. Enjoy! 8)

    Dark Shades Chapter 10: Haunting Pasts
    Maggie rises from her chair and walks over to Elyse's side before sitting on the desk. "I may as well start from the beginning. After all, it's the only way you can really understand Natalee. Natalee was raised by her father starting at the age of 10 because that was the same year her mother slit her wrists in the bathroom. "

    "Oh my gosh...that's terrible!" Elyse exclaims.
    "I know. But it gets worse. Natalee's father wasn't a nice man before his wife died nor was he afterwards. He would swear at Natalee, beat her; everything. But Natalee kept a brave face at school so the teachers didn't know anything about it. However, his temper eventually began to rub off on her and she would get into a lot of fights at school. It went on like this through middle school until she was 13. That's when she brought a gun to her school with a firm intention of killing a girl who teased her all the time."

    Elyse replies, "Don't tell me she used it..."
    Captain Carlen states, "Yes, she did. But luckily she had no experience with the weapon and ended up shooting out a hallway light!" Elyse breathes a sigh of relief before the Captain continues, "So, they sent her to the principal who asked where she got the gun. Of course she lied and said she found it in a dumpster and only wanted to share it with the other girl. They knew that it was a seedy part of town so it's not unlikely that she could have stumbled upon a gun. But she never should have brought it to school. So her father was notified and they suspended her for 3 weeks. After she was sent home, she was approached by her father who wasn't upset with her at all. The way Natalee tells it; he was impressed. He was impressed that she didn't tell them it was in fact his gun. He was even more impressed that she was bold enough to fire it."
    "What kind of nut job is this guy?" Elyse says in disgust.

    Captain Carlen chuckles, "I'll tell you what kind; the kind that is a shady wannabe criminal looking for recruits!"


    "Yes. Natalee's father was into dirty dealings alright. I'll bet it's the reason why her mother took her own life; she was sick of it! Anyway, he felt like he could use Natalee. With the promise of love and affection, she accepted his offer."
    "She started out with minor things; like pickpocketing. She would sweet talk a random naive person she met and snatch their money, watch, or jewelry when they weren't paying attention. She got better and better at it as the years flew by."
    "Natalee began to lose herself in this thrilling lifestyle. School left her mind. Seeing the proud look on her father's face as she brought him money and valuables was worth more than a thousand straight A's. As he promised, the yelling and beatings stopped. But her father wanted more."
    Captain Carlen stops to rub her chin as she thinks, "When she was, 16. When she was 16 he promoted her to a full time burglar. He got one of his other henchman to teach her to become a master at unlocking even the most complicated household locks. Surprisingly, she picked up the skill quickly and became an ace at it...Agent Wells? You still with me?"

    Elyse snaps out of it and responds, "Oh! Um, yeah...yes Captain. Please go on!" Now she knows how Natalee was able to get into her apartment and the bathroom here without making a sound.

    "Just checking. You looked like you saw a ghost or something for a second there! Now where was I...oh yes! Natalee carried on with breaking into people's homes and getting away with it for a couple of years. Because of her; her father's business was thriving. He felt he was sitting pretty enough to take even more chances."
    "At the age of 18, Natalee began selling drugs for her father. This of course brought in way more money than robbery. Natalee pounded the pavement; hitting nearly every inch of Oltona's streets exchanging dope for dough. People began to recognize her and naturally she made a name for herself. As her ego grew, so did her muscles. The drug business is a dangerous field. Because of this, her father demanded that she bulk up in the event they needed an extra hand when the time came to hit people up for money. So she did as she was told and became stronger."
    Captain Carlen lowers her voice, "Natalee told me she lost track of how many people she roughed up during this time. The way it felt as she slammed her fist into someone's nose, the red stains left behind; she said it was euphoric. She never felt so powerful..."

    Elyse shudders and speaks softly, "Scary...How could anyone be okay with hurting other people..."

    "Well was ingrained in her system. When you're exposed to a certain environment for long enough, you better believe it'll rub off on you eventually..."

    "I wouldn't let it happen. There's always a choice." She responds plainly.

    Carlen nods her head slightly, "Perhaps...So one day Natalee meets a guy who her father hired. She ends up falling in love with him but then he starts talking about getting into business for himself."
    "He was thinking along the lines of a gambling business of some sort but he just needed some start up money. After he became successful, the plan was for he and Natalee to run away together. Romantic, huh?" Captain Carlen says with a laugh. "Natalee knew just where to get the money from. She brought hundreds to her father every day so she figured he'd never miss it if she kept a little for herself. So she did... "

    "Not a smart move..." Elyse adds.

    "Right you are! She was just a teen though, blinded by puppy love. Of course he noticed a cut in his profits over the next few weeks. He confronted Natalee about it; yelled at her to tell him where the money is. She eventually gave in and showed him her stash in her bedroom. She begged him for forgiveness but he responded by slapping her across the face and kicking her out of the house. In her father's eyes she was officially disowned after that. From there she had no choice but to use the skills she learned to get by. She went back to stealing and using people for food. She would receive letters via messengers from her lover boy every now and then but after a while they stopped arriving. Natalee was alone. A few years passed and then one faithful day she stumbled upon a gambling den. She remembered that it was her boyfriend's dream to have one of his own. Thinking this might lead her back to him; she dropped her name and became a dealer for the group. Like every other criminal activity she participated in; she was a natural at the games!"
    "Incredible!" Elyse says with a smile.

    "You think so?"

    "You have no idea Captain Carlen. So how did she come to work for you?"

    Carlen answers, "Good question. That part comes next. I had just become head of the Undercover department when I arranged my first sting. That sting happened to be exactly where Natalee was dealing. We busted the doors down and Natalee dropped her cards and ran like...well, you know.
    "I chased after her while the rest of the team cuffed the others. I think I chased her for at least four blocks before she grew exhausted and gave up. Clearly she underestimated me! Natalee put her hands in the air and then fell to the ground."
    "I'll never forget it; she said 'Please, please don't send me to jail! It's not my fault, he made me this way! I'll do anything!'. I asked her who did and she said, 'My father'. Being new on the job my first instinct was not to test my boundaries. Then I remembered, I may be new, but I'm still in charge of this department. I chose the unorthodox route, to use her; but in a way that would help us. I thought to myself, I don't know where this girl's been but I have a feeling I'll regret just locking her up with the others. So I say to her, 'I'll help you kid, if you help me. I want names, can you do that for me?' Her eyes filled up with tears and she nodded. Right then she became an informant for the OPD. We cleaned her up, helped her get her GED, and in exchange for her protection, she supplied us with the names of every crooked person she came in contact with."

    "The end." Captain Carlen says with a slight smile before standing up.
    Elyse calls to her, "Wait Captain. Did Natalee give you the name of her boyfriend too?"

    "She did...his name is Miles. But she never knew his last name so it made it all the more difficult to find him; which we never did. Plus, these days everybody's going by just a first name or some code name to make it harder for us good guys to bust them."

    Elyse replies, "I see. I guess it makes sense. So she's still working as an informant for us now?"

    "That's correct. I guess you can say she's a part time receptionist and a part time informant. She's actually the one who told us about Damian and his supposed gambling den."

    "Captain...?" Elyse begins hesitantly.
    Carlen tilts her head and looks at Elyse closely, "...Yes, Agent?"

    "Aren't you...worried? I mean, what if she's still...What if she's not completely..."

    "What are you trying to say?"

    "Can you really trust her?" Elyse asks with more confidence.

    Captain Carlen is quiet for a moment and then speaks, "I do."

    "But Captain, she's so quiet all the time...You never know what she's really up to. And then the other day, what she did to Chris..."

    "That was a momentary lapse in judgment." Carlen interrupts, "She reverted back to her old ways for a second but we talked and it's not going to happen again."

    "How can you be so sure? She lapsed once so she can easily lapse again!" Elyse says with her voice rising a little higher. She sees the Captain's face getting serious so she stops talking.

    "Are you trying to tell me how to do my job Agent?"

    "N-no...I'm just concerned..."

    "You let me worry about that. I've been in charge here for seven years and things have been going smoothly so far."
    "My instincts just..." Elyse mutters.

    "What was that?"

    "My instincts tell me that we should be cautious!"

    Captain Carlen takes a step closer to Elyse and says, "My instincts are the only ones that matter here Agent." Elyse's mouth begins to form another word but the Captain stops her, "Stop. I don't want to hear another word about this from you. Dismissed." Elyse sighs and she walks towards the door. Carlen then says, "Hey, it would be best not to mention our conversation to Natalee. Understand?"

    "Yes Ma'am. I understand."

    "That's better." Elyse says nothing more and leaves the room. Maybe Captain Carlen is right; Natalee has done nothing but help her out. She has to be on their side, even though she's odd, breaks into her house, and nearly did who knows what to Chris. Elyse nods her head and silently reassures herself, "She's harmless. The Captain knows what she's doing. I should mind my own business." Because her appointment with the therapist is in a couple hours, she decides to hang around the office until then.
    Meanwhile across town someone else is handling a business of their own. Last week, Cheryl was given another assignment called Operation Johnny which basically entails busting any Johns that approach her. So far there have already been three arrests at other street corners around the city. Now she is hoping for a fourth.
    She rubs her itchy stockings and thinks to herself, "So humiliating...This is what you get Cheryl for being scared of real jobs!" She only took the assignment because she was bored and available. The worst part about the assignment is its indefinite ending. Who knows how long she'll be stuck hanging out on corners serving as eye candy for disgusting men. Cheryl puts her pouting aside as she notices a man approaching. She arches her back and sticks her chest out as he comes closer. Pretending to be disinterested Cheryl turns her head in the other direction.
    The man stops in front of her and says in a deep voice, "Hey baby...not going to say hello?"

    Cheryl continues looking off and replies with a simple, "Hi."

    "What's wrong? Too intimidated to look at me? I won't bite...unless you ask me to."

    "Honey, with the right price I'll give you a bite you won't forget." Cheryl says flirtatiously. Another one in the bag! She finally looks at the man and her face turns red, "Maxwell!" She quickly wraps her arms around her body in an futile attempt to cover herself.
    Maxwell almost dies with laughter, "That was so tight! Mmmm Cheryl Curry's a vampire! You going to bite me now?"

    "Shut up! Don't say my name!" She yells furiously.

    "Okay, okay. You can say my name! How much?"

    Cheryl smacks him in the head, "I'm going to kill you! What are you doing here? I don't want you seeing me like this!"

    "It's not like you have anything to be ashamed of, your body's hot. It's the trashy clothes...that's the real problem!" Maxwell says, continuing to laugh.

    "It's part of the costume genius."
    He puts on a sad face and replies, "How did it come to this? I thought I raised you better!" Cheryl rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her hips. He adds, "I knew I should have sent you to boarding school." Maxwell rubs his eyes and pretends to cry.

    "Are you done yet?" Cheryl asks.

    "No not yet, I need holy water! Fast!"

    "Cut it out Jerome!"

    "Alright, you know I'm just playing." He replies with a wide grin.

    "So what are you doing here besides embarrassing me?"

    "I was in the neighborhood. Carlen told me you were in the area today so you know I couldn't resist."
    "Oh yeah I know it alright." Cheryl folds her arms again, "It's freezing out here."

    "Poor baby. Want a nice warm hug?"

    "No touching unless you plan on giving me 20 bucks." She says with a sly smile.

    Maxwell shouts, "What! Twenty dollars? For a touch? You're too expensive girl."

    "These are valuable goods thank you very much!"

    "Oh sorry, my mistake! You sure you don't want a coat or something? A coffee? Cocoa with little marshmallows on top?"

    "No thanks, I'll be fine."

    "You should have put some sleeves on your bones!"

    "Idiot. You know they, I mean we never dress weather appropriate!"

    He chuckles, "You got me there! But do you honestly think a guy would be looking for some bedroom fun in the middle of the day?"

    "From what I hear men are always looking for it!" Cheryl laughs and then leans in close to whisper, "For real though, it's part of the plan. Just trying out different times of the day you know? To see what happens."

    "Ah, I got you. Okay I guess I'll leave you alone now. Be safe! And I mean that in both ways!"

    "Ha, ha, very funny Maxwell. You're so gross." He then says goodbye and walks off. Cheryl thinks to herself about the assignments she used to have years ago. She was just as good as Maxwell and did well on her last Narcotics operation until that incident. Now Elyse waltzes in and lands a huge case, Maxwell just busted a Prostitution ring, and here she is half naked on a sidewalk. How DID it come to this?
    It's now around six. The cool evening air chills her bare arms but she remains focused. Cheryl is due to close shop at seven today and has yet to have been approached. A few minutes later, a man across the street spots her and walks over. She teases her hair a little and then casually slides her foot across the gravel on the sidewalk.
    He stands in front of her and says, "Hey sweetie. You selling?"

    "Maybe...are you buying?" Cheryl replies.

    "How much?"

    "Depends on what you want me to do for you."

    "That's easy. A pretty thing like you? I want it all."

    She smiles and says, "$100."

    "Let's do it...Where to?"

    Cheryl points at the hotel behind them, "I've got a room. Let's go cutie."
    Cheryl is thankful to finally be inside of a warm building. She leads the man up the creaky steps of the hotel and to Room number 66. She hangs a Do Not Disturb sign on the door knob and shuts the door. They walk into the center of the room and she asks, "So where's the money?"

    He walks close to her and replies, "I got your money...Right here." Suddenly he picks her up and throws her on the bed.
    He begins kissing her neck and then pulls her shorts off. "Stop it! What are you doing!" Cheryl screams in horror.

    "Just be still! Don't fight it!" The man whispers devilishly.
    Cheryl flails her arms around in a panic and struggles to get him off of her. Those thoughts fill her mind. A year ago when she was begging for her life. Then Maxwell came in and put a bullet in the guy's head. He was her hero. But not now. He's not here. No one is. So who will save her? She can save herself. Cheryl comes to her senses and remembers what she is. "Get off of me you-!" She bends her right arm and brings her elbow around delivering a sharp blow to his face followed by a knee to the abs. The man releases her and holds his bloody face as he groans.
    She presses a button on the phone next to the bed then climbs on top of him, holding him still. "Don't move you 🐸🐸🐸🐸. You're under arrest!" Seconds later the police enter the room, cuff the man, and take him into custody.
    Later on at Headquarters, Cheryl had just taken a shower and wrapped a towel around herself when the door swings open. "Cheryl! Are you alright?" Elyse yells frantically.

    "Calm down girl. I'm fine! Haven't you heard of knocking?" Cheryl jokes.
    "Captain Carlen told me what happened." Elyse says quietly before walking over to Cheryl and giving her a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay."

    "Stop. It was nothing!"

    "You must have terrified!" She replies, still holding onto Cheryl.

    "You're right Elyse. It was scary at first. Trust me though, I'm feeling a lot better now that I've washed that smelly guy's scent off of me!" The bathroom door opens again and this time it's Maxwell who has entered unannounced. Cheryl scoffs, "You guys seriously need to learn how to knock!"
    He walks over to them and says, "Cheryl, I'm so sorry."

    "For what?"

    "For not being there...I should have been there, you shouldn't have been alone..."

    She puts her hand on his face and says, "Shhh. That's enough. You've already saved me once. You can't be there all the time and I know that now. But thank you Maxwell, you're a great friend." He smiles weakly and nods his head. Cheryl continues, "Now will you please crack a joke? This serious side of you is freaking me out!"

    Maxwell and Elyse laugh before he replies, "Okay Curry. Okay. There is one question on my mind..."

    "And that is?"

    "Were you and Lee hooking up before I walked in?"

    The three of them laugh and the bathroom door opens yet again. "What is this? Some kind of bathroom party?" Captain Carlen asks upon entering.

    "No Maggie, just my two friends checking on me. While it was rude of them to burst in here without warning it was still thoughtful! But I'm glad you're here. I need to talk to you." Cheryl addresses Elyse and Maxwell, "Do you guys mind stepping out?"
    After they leave Cheryl begins, "I wanted to ask you something Maggie..."


    "Today was a wakeup call. I didn't want to mention it in front of the guys but I really was scared earlier."

    "It's okay Cheryl. I understand. You had every right to be." Captain Carlen responds.

    "There's more. I was hoping you'd put me back on the list for more important assignments."
    Carlen's eyebrows elevate and she asks, "Are you sure you're up for that?"

    "Yeah, I am. I realized today I've been running from my past. Then today...I don't know if he would have killed me...But I was threatened and alone. Just like last time. But I remembered my training and survived without anyone's help! The only way I'll get back to where I was is to meet danger head on. With your permission Maggie...Captain...?"

    Captain Carlen responds, "Cheryl, we've worked together for years and you used to be one of my if you will. But after what happened on that Narcotics operation; you fell apart. I didn't like it. I didn't like it for this department's sake...and I didn't like it for your sake either. I hated seeing you like that. I don't want to risk it again."

    "I-I know. I understand, but look at me. I'm okay Maggie, I'm better than ever! Please say you'll give me a chance. I won't crash again." Cheryl pleads.

    Carlen looks into Cheryl's desperate eyes a moment and then says, "I'll think about it."
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited March 2012
    Rika701 wrote:

    Funny response for a story that involves prostitution! :P

    I like that name "Operation Johnny." Was much better than "Operation Trick Trap" that I saw mentioned in an old video game. (In which the city's police was running a prostitution sting that a major character yet still falls for.)

    But this was an amazing read considering how it just occurred to you! I still remember back in December I had a wild idea for a story, but I was unable to make it come to fruition, so I respect you on this front. :)

    And that was smart of Captain Carlen to make Natalee squeal. Did that just occur to you to, or did you research law enforcement techniques and happen to come across the practice of "Queen for a Day"?

    Good laughs in this story, too!

    P. S. With the way my most outrageous pic posted to the TS3 Exchange (a puking pic) was a normal in-game occurrence, I think you've pushed the envelope further than me! :wink:
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
    LOL! :shock: , You're so bad Kaka_Fan :lol: . I promise that bump was unintentional. But EA can't be upset about us bumping threads now; it's the only way our readers can get notice that a new chapter is out :P !! Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I knew I was treading a thin line but when inspiration strikes there's no turning back :D . Originally, nothing after Natalee's past was in mind until the day before I decided to finish writing this chapter. Now this ended up being one of my favorites :mrgreen: ! Also, the idea that Capt. Carlen decides to take Natalee under her wing has been in my plan for a while. After all, it goes along with the Captain's personality-She smelled opportunity. She knew that with Natalee's help, they could round up lots of crooks! Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words :)
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
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    Bethandme6Bethandme6 Posts: 86 Member
    edited March 2012
    ok first of all I only saw the "In case anyone missed it... " post by accident, via my game would you believe. :shock: I had a friend request pop up and had to come out of it to see who it was. Then had a check on my friends and there was the message. ;-) I don't know what's going on with our pages. There are far too many posts to make any sense. :roll: I'm now getting messages from people that are not talking to me specifically and I can't keep up so I've opted to only check in now and again. :XD: And I haven't posted anything since the first day all this madness started. :thumbdown:

    Anyhoo on a brighter note, loved the last chapter, :mrgreen: and I don't think there is anything in there for EA to get excited about. :oops: Very well researched and thought out it was as good as any NCIS or CSI story I've seen. I love Maxwell :thumbup: he is such a character, well balanced, funny and annoying at the same time but also dependable and trustworthy when it is called for. He really is an all round good guy. I liked the background story of Natalee and it goes a good way to explaining her character, although I get the feeling that maybe the captain may be trading on dangerous ground that could blow up in her face, I'll be waiting to see if Elyse's suspicions and fears are correct. Keep up the good work this is now my favourite story.
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    Bethandme6Bethandme6 Posts: 86 Member
    edited March 2012
    sorry the above post came out twice as it said the site was down for maintenance the first time I posted it. so changed the words on this one cause don't know how to delete it.
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
    Hey Bethandme6 :D ! The forums FINALLY started working again for me so I could read your comment. Ugh what you said about not seeing my notice has only confirmed my fears :( . I don't know how else I can get my readers' attention but I'll have to come up with something. But I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter! I think it's now my personal favorite. You're right about Maxwell, he's very down to Earth. And he and Cheryl have a special bond since he saved her life in the past. I love writing about relationships with a history :mrgreen: . I'm also happy you liked Natalee's history too. It's a good question that Elyse asked; Can you really trust her? It all remains to be seen. Thanks so much for reading! :wink:
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    annasommerannasommer Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited March 2012
    Eh, same here- I only found the new chapter today, while I was checking my bookmarks...
    judging by the number of hits the adverts story got, only 61 people noticed that I publishes a shourt, btw.

    I am NOT commenting on the new MyPage, no no no, I won´t :evil:

    Instead, let´s talk about your new chapter *g* Awesome! Is that teenie dollface really a younger version of the same Natalee?!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
    :cry: Now I really don't like the new My Page. But I'm happy you did make it here eventually. And I'm glad you liked this one! Yes that really is Natalee aged down to a teen. Wasn't she the cutest? I wanted to pinch her chubby cheeks lol. But wow what a bad kid :lol: ! Thanks for reading annasommer :mrgreen: !

    PS Did you say you published a new piece of writing? :shock: If so I want to read it!
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    annasommerannasommer Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited March 2012
    Amazing :shock: I used to skip ingame children aside when they looked weird as teens until I realized that many of them turn into magnificent or interesting adults... but Natalee really is surprise :lol:

    Sure, anytime, you find it here:

    But it´s just a short story.
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
    Lol I know what you mean! I must have outdid myself when I created Natalee because she's definitely one of the prettiest teen sims I've ever had :lol: ! And thanks for the link to your story! I'm sure it'll be good because you're a great writer :wink:
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
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    CaylynnCaylynn Posts: 59
    edited March 2012
    Hey I love your story! But when is the next chapter coming out? I've been checking back a lot.
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited March 2012
    Hey Caylynn!! I'm sorry. I know I've been out for a while. It's busy around here because my sister and nephew are in town for a visit. But as soon as things quiet down I'll get back to writing. Thank you so much for staying with me :mrgreen:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited April 2012
    Just finished writing Chapter 11. It's a long one!! Now to get some pics to go with it :wink:
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    annasommerannasommer Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited April 2012
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited April 2012
    Hey Rika!! I have been soooooo busy, I have barely time to read anything let alone come online. I need another job cause my commute is too long. 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon. I gotta get up at 4 to get there on time and be in bed by 8 to wake up. So when I get home at 5:30 I have to eat, shower and thats about time for anything. T.T

    Anyways, love Chapter 10! Nat's history is revealed! What a horrid past she has, makes me feel so sorry for her even more. And then that one person that she loved, she can not find him. :[
    I really like all the details in this. I trust Nat..
    I also really liked that you showed us someone else's story, Cheryl! I was so scared for her when she was in the hotel room; thank goodness she found her strength and remembered who she was and able to take care of herself!

    Looking forward to chapter 11!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited April 2012
    Gasp Dusty you're alive!! *hugs*. I was beginning to get worried :lol: . But yikes a 2 hour commute both ways :shock: how can you stand it?? Yeah you definitely need another job. You have a right to be exhausted :( . But I'm glad you liked Chapter 10. I also hope you plan on continuing Midnight Blood :wink: . Now that the forums are working again, here comes Chapter 11 of DS! For some reason this one seems short to me although there's 35 pics! I hope everyone likes it. 8)

    Dark Shades Chapter 11: Locked and Loaded
    Elyse walks into Headquarters the morning after Operation Johnny went awry. She sees Natalee at the front desk and watches her from a distance. Natalee didn't even look up as she entered the building. She probably knows Elyse is there but is too focused on her typing to bother with a greeting. Elyse tilts her head slightly as a mixture of pity and fear flows through her. She feels sorry for Natalee and what her past was like. But at the same time she won't forget the terrible things that she has done. Natalee is dangerous. Elyse may have decided to trust in Captain Carlen but that won't stop her from being cautious. Elyse gathers herself and slowly makes her way to Natalee's desk. "Good morning Natalee..." She begins in a soft tone. Natalee stops typing and looks at Elyse.
    "Agent Wells." Natalee replies, "This is a new record for you. It took you five minutes to approach me. Usually you don't hesitate to come over here and interrupt."

    Elyse focuses her eyes in Natalee's direction but doesn't look at her directly in hopes that she won't accidentally give herself away. She responds, " I have a lot on my mind." Natalee continues to stare at Elyse. So she continues, "You what happened with Cheryl last night...Oh is she here...?"

    "Agent Curry is talking to the Captain."

    "About what happened last night?"

    "I am not Captain Carlen. Nor am I Agent Curry." Was Natalee's witty remark.

    Elyse chuckles, "Well you just seem to know everything that goes on I figured...whatever. It doesn't matter."

    "Why aren't you looking at me?"

    "What? I am looking at you Natalee..."

    "Do you have something to hide?"

    Elyse begins to feel nervous, "Of course not! Why do you think that?"

    "If you don't look someone in the eye it means you're keeping something from them."

    "Or it could mean they're just shy!" Elyse says with a small laugh.

    Natalee's face remains stern, "Are you hiding something?"

    "No, Natalee."

    "Then look at me."
    Elyse finally looks into Natalee's blue eyes and manages to hold a stare. "I'm not hiding anything," she declares. Natalee looks back at her closely. After a moment Elyse detects a slight change in Natalee's expression. It's difficult to explain, but there was definitely an alteration. She swivels back around to her computer and begins typing again. Elyse taps her finger on the desk and says, "Okay, well. Nice talking to you..." Captain Carlen's door opens and Elyse sees Cheryl walking out. "Hey Cheryl!" She says to her.
    "Oh hey Elyse! Are you ready to go?" Cheryl replies.

    "Yeah sure. Let's do it."

    Cheryl smiles and then looks at Natalee, "See ya Natalee!"

    Natalee turns around again and says, "Agent Curry." Elyse and Cheryl walk towards the door and Cheryl whispers, "Hey, why is Natalee looking at you like that?"

    "Huh?" Elyse utters before looking over her shoulder. Cheryl was right; Natalee is giving her an eerie look. She looks back at Cheryl and shrugs her shoulders, "I don't let's just go." They continue on outside and get into Elyse's car. She cranks it up and hits the gas.
    "Just keep going this way." Cheryl says to Elyse.

    "Got it." After driving in silence for a while Elyse looks over at Cheryl. Cheryl has been looking out the window since they started. "Are you alright Cheryl?"

    She looks at Elyse, "Yeah I'm okay."

    "No you're not, something's wrong. What is it? Is it about last night?"


    "What were you and the Captain talking about? Is it about that?"

    "You've got to stop worrying about me girl...Go right."

    Elyse turns the wheel to the right and then says, "You didn't answer my question."

    Cheryl smiles, "Which one?"

    "Very funny Cheryl."
    "Okay maybe something's on my mind." Cheryl states.

    Elyse glances at Cheryl and then back at the road, "And that is...?"

    "I don't want to talk about it."


    "Don't take it personally."
    "How can I not take it personally?" Elyse frowns.

    "Turn left here. Look, it's my own...stuff. I'll deal with it."

    "I thought we were friends. And I thought we were past this thing with you keeping secrets from me."

    "I don't have to tell you everything Elyse."

    She scoffs, "Well excuse me then."


    "The car?" Elyse asks.

    "No just...stop. Okay? I don't want to fight with you."

    "I was just concerned."

    Cheryl brushes her bangs back and responds, "Oh my gosh. I know, Elyse; I know. But I'll be fine."

    "...And now you're mad at me." Elyse says.

    "No I'm not!"

    "Yes you are, you always do that with your bangs when you're mad at me!"
    "I do?"

    "Yep." Elyse answers plainly.

    Cheryl puts her left leg in the seat and turns in Elyse's direction, "Listen, I'm not mad at you. Maybe a little frustrated but not mad. Understand?"
    "Yeah, whatever, I guess."

    Cheryl gives Elyse a little smile and nudges her, "Good enough. Now please do not worry about me."

    "Okay then..."

    Cheryl turns back around and sighs, "Kids."

    "Don't make me stop this car Cheryl."

    She laughs at Elyse and says, "Go ahead! We're here." Elyse looks up ahead and sees it; The Oltona Police Station. Elyse parks the car and they both go inside. As soon as they walk in, they are greeted by none other than Chief Howard Sprocket.
    He addresses Cheryl first, "Agent Curry! It's nice to see you again!"

    She stands up straight and speaks clearly, "Good morning Chief Sprocket. Always a pleasure." Elyse laughs to herself. Apparently Cheryl's not on a first name basis with everyone!

    "By the way, I heard about your success with Operation Johnny. You make me proud; you make this department proud just like you always have. I knew you still had it in you."

    "Thank you Chief."

    He nods his head and then speaks to Elyse with a warm smile, "Agent Wells, wonderful to see you again!"

    "Hello again Chief Sprocket." Elyse replies.

    "I have heard so much about you from Maggie."
    "Good things, I hope?"

    Chief Sprocket laughs, "Oh yes, I promise it's all been positive. I also hear that you and Agent Curry are getting along well?"

    Elyse and Cheryl look at each other and then Elyse replies, "Yes sir very much so. We're actually more like friends now." Cheryl smiles and listens as the Chief speaks again.

    "Excellent. It's very important to have a good chemistry with each other. You're a team and should act accordingly. I'd like to have a word with you alone Agent Wells...if you don't mind Curry."

    "No sir Chief that's fine. I have to go anyway." She looks at Elyse, "I'll see you later in the gym Agent Wells."

    "Okay Agent Curry." Elyse replies.
    Cheryl leaves them and Chief Sprocket begins, "Congratulations on your work with Davino's. It's not every day we have an inexperienced agent who can sniff out a crime like that and pull off a successful sting too!"

    "Thanks Chief! I just followed my instincts."

    "That's good. Always trust your instincts. They'll never lead you astray. I followed my instincts and hired you and look where we are now!" Elyse laughs and blushes at the compliment. He continues, "Now then, tell me honestly, how are you feeling about your current assignment?"

    Elyse clears her throat before speaking, " be honest it's off to a rough start."

    "Yes, yes I know. And I can see that." Chief Sprocket replies, looking at her black eye.
    "But it's okay. As you can see I'm recovering. Trust me, I looked a lot worse before!"

    He takes a step closer to her , "I'm glad you were able to bounce back. It's a tough business you're in kid. But if we can get Damian...You really will be a hero."

    She exhales at the thought, "Wow. There's a lot riding on this."

    "You're right; there is. But I wouldn't have given you this if I thought you couldn't handle it."

    "I appreciate that. It means a lot."

    He rests a hand on her shoulder, "I'm counting on you, Agent."

    "I won't let you down Chief." Elyse smiles at him.

    "Excellent. Now then, I think I monopolized your time long enough. If you follow this corridor down you'll come at a split. Go left, right, right, then left again. After that you'll see another corridor. Go down and go right at the second corner. Not the third. Then you just walk right in! Got it?"

    "Uhhh yes! Yes sir! I got it!" Elyse fakes confidence.

    "Have a nice day Agent."

    "You too Chief Sprocket."
    After getting lost several times, Elyse finally arrives at her destination-the Shooting Range. Captain Carlen felt it was time for her to learn some defensive skills in the event of danger on her mission. So she wanted her to learn how to fire a weapon properly, as well as work on physical combat. Elyse survived the attack in the alley most likely from an adrenaline rush. But that will not be enough in the future. She walks over to the counter and collects four items. She is given earplugs, earmuffs, eye protection, and finally a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 .45; registered under the name of Lee Sellers.
    The instructor goes over the basics with her; including the weapon's history, weight, height, and magazine capacity. He showed her how to load more bullets and of course how to fire. His voice was monotonous and his instructions sounded rehearsed. Apparently what was exciting to Elyse was all routine for him. Before he sent her off he told her to wear both the earplugs and earmuffs at all times while in the range. Most importantly, she was to keep the pistol pointed in the direction of the target. Elyse holds the weapon's weight in her hands and is suddenly reminded of her father. When she was young he told her to never pick up a gun, not even his own. It was kind of funny considering he kept it locked away in a safe in her parents' bedroom. Elyse grips the gun in her hand. Hopefully she won't have to use it. She chooses a lane, loads her weapon, and prepares the target.
    Elyse loads the pistol and points it at the target ahead of her. Suddenly it seems so far away. But Elyse won't let that deter her. She adjusts her footing, squints her eye, and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. She wonders what could have gone wrong. She tries again this time pulling the trigger even harder. Finally a bullet is released and Elyse braces herself from the kick.
    The bullet soars towards the target but misses it completely, striking the wall behind it with a crashing blow. "Whoa!" Elyse says to herself. It's nothing like the cop shows she's seen on TV. They make it look so easy! After a few more shots she did get better, however the closest she came was hitting the outer ring of the target. Elyse lets out a grunt of frustration and reloads. What she didn't know was that a couple lanes down, someone else was practicing.
    Officer Sean Evas is now on his fifth target and he's determined to leave this one full of holes just like the others. After firing a round of bullets he succeeds in his mission. He considers sending out another target but he stops when he hears someone mumbling to themselves. He puts his gun away and walks down 2 lanes before seeing her, "Elyse?"
    Elyse turns around with the gun still in her hand and responds, "What? Oh! Sean! Hi...!"

    "Whoa, whoa that way! Keep it pointed that way! Remember?" Sean guides her arm back towards the target.

    She blushes, "Oh, sorry! I promise I wouldn't shoot you on purpose. Besides, you don't have anything to worry about. I suck! I can barely hit the target!"

    He laughs, "It's alright no harm done. I assume you're new at this."

    "Yeah I need the training, bad! See I've got this new assignment might be dangerous..."

    "Wait a sec, what happened to your eye?" Sean asks while reaching towards her face.

    She steps back, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."
    Sean retracts his hand and replies, "Doesn't look like 'nothing' to me. Who did this to you?"

    "Let me put it this way, it's all in a day's work when you're a cop...Right?" Elyse says simply.

    "Well...I guess it does come with the territory..." After a moment of silence Sean speaks again, "By the way, I'm sorry for the way I acted before. You know, at Davino's? I feel like I was a jerk."

    "Oh that? It's alright, I understand."

    "You do?"

    "Sure I mean, I wanted to be friends too."

    "Oh...right..." is all Sean could say.

    Elyse smiles, "But we're together now and the world isn't ending! Maybe it's still possible."

    Sean returns the smile, "My thoughts exactly. Hey, do you want some pointers?"

    "Oh my gosh that would be great Sean!"
    Elyse faces the target again and raises the gun. Sean gets close to her and repositions her hands, "Here, like this. This way, the pistol feels a little lighter and it'll help you keep it steady."

    "You're right, this feels better already!" She exclaims.

    "Good. Now then, line up the sights with your target. Breathe easy and keep both eyes open."

    Elyse turns her head in his direction and asks, "Really?"

    "Who's the instructor here?" He responds with a smirk.

    "Okay, okay." She then does what she is told.

    "Alrighty. Now you're ready...squeeze the trigger."

    Elyse fires and the bullet pierces the fourth ring from the center. "No way! That's the closest I've ever come!" She says happily.

    "Great job officer! Now let's try one more time." Sean looks down and says, "Open up your feet a little more. Okay, looks good. Whenever you're ready."

    The next bullet is released and this time it hits the second ring from the center. "Woohoo! Did you see that Sean!"

    He laughs, "Of course I did, I was standing right here!" Sean looks at her closely, "Very impressive..."
    Elyse puts the gun away and looks at Sean, "You're a great teacher. I couldn't have done it without you!"

    He shrugs his shoulders and replies, "It's nothing. I'm sure you would have learned eventually. I just speeded up the process."

    She folds her arms, "Are you saying I'm a slow learner?"

    "No, not at all. Just saying it would be nice if you can learn how to shoot while we're still young enough to walk without canes!"

    "Ha, ha very funny."

    "Anyway I'm glad I could help. You'll be a crack shot in no time."

    "Well I better get going. I'm supposed to be meeting someone in the gym for physical training."

    "Oh sure. I'd escort you but I'm going to fire a few more rounds before I go back on patrol. It was great seeing you again Elyse. I hope it happens again soon..."

    Elyse smiles, "Me too Sean. And thanks for the help."

    "Anytime," Sean says to her. Elyse returns her gear and walks out the door. He watches her leave and then pulls his gun back out for more practice in Elyse's lane.
    Luckily the gym was easier to find than the Shooting Range was. Elyse goes in and finds Cheryl stretching. She greets her, "Hey..."

    Cheryl stands up and replies, "Hey yourself. How did it go?"

    "At first I couldn't hit a single thing. But Sean happened to be there and he gave me some tips. I'm a lot better now!"

    "Sean, huh?"

    "Yes, Sean."



    "Nothing..." Cheryl answers plainly.

    "You know, I'm getting a little tired of that."

    "Yeah? Prove it."

    Elyse squints her eyes, "What do you mean?"
    Cheryl spreads her arms , "I mean let's do it! You and me. After all it's what we're here for."

    "Cheryl, we both know what will happen. I don't want to hurt you."

    "Oh you think you can take me? I'd love to see it!" Cheryl says with a wide grin.

    Elyse scoffs, "Have it your way Curry." She lunges towards Cheryl who quickly dodges and puts her leg out. Elyse trips over it and falls flat on the floor.
    Elyse gasps and tries to regain her lost wind. "You okay?" Cheryl asks, trying not to laugh.

    "Yeah-yeah...I'm good..." She replies, still wheezing.

    "Come on, you can't be done already. The punching bag I was using earlier put up a better fight!" Elyse says nothing and keeps searching for air. Cheryl puts her hands on her knees and bends down slightly, "Breathe in slow...slower...!" Elyse follows her instructions and starts to feel better. Finally, she stands up. "There's that pretty face!" Cheryl jokes.

    "Shut up."
    Elyse puts her fists up and Cheryl prepares herself. Elyse throws a jab but Cheryl blocks it. She then tries a left and right hook; both are blocked. Now aggravated, Elyse tries a kick but Cheryl catches her leg in mid air before using it to toss Elyse back to the mat. She looks down at Elyse and says, "Doesn't pay to be cocky, does it? That's mistake number one. Number 2, you're moving too fast. I can see you coming a mile away."

    Elyse gets back up and pushes Cheryl in the chest; forcing her back. "Oh somebody's mad now! Come on stop messing around! Hit me!" Cheryl says chuckling. Elyse responds by swinging at her but Cheryl maneuvers out of the way. This time instead of following with a hook she moves to the side and swings again; delivering a successful jab into Cheryl's left cheek. Cheryl rubs at her cheek and says, "Very good. You're taking the time to think now. That's a strong jab; let's see it again." Elyse goes for a hook but Cheryl grabs the arm and twists it around her back.
    "Ow!" Elyse yells out in pain.

    "Are you ready to listen to me now?" Cheryl says into Elyse's ear while panting. Elyse hesitates and then nods her head. "I can't hear you!" Cheryl replies.

    Elyse shouts, "Alright! Alright! Just let go of my arm!" With that, Cheryl releases her. She then teaches Elyse the basics of blocking as well as some counterattacks. After her lessons were complete, they spar again. Near the end of their battle, Cheryl takes a shot at Elyse but she quickly shuffles out of the way and grabs Cheryl by the wrists. She pushes her into the wall and smiles victoriously.
    Cheryl smiles too and says, "Good job, you win."

    "Thanks...and sorry..."

    "For what?"

    "For being so...aggressive earlier." Elyse says sheepishly. She's really embarrassed by the way she acted towards her.

    Cheryl shakes her head, "It's alright. I admit I was a little hard on you too..." Elyse lets go of her wrists. Cheryl continues, "That's enough for today. Let's hit the showers and get out of here. I need to put some ice on my cheek!" They both laugh as they walk towards the bathroom.
    Later that night Elyse puts her newly acquired weapon under the couch. It's the best place she can think of for now. She helps herself to some macaroni and then pops one of the pills prescribed to her for her PTSD. After relaxing a moment from this strenuous day she gets out her phone and dials a number. A half hour later there's a knock at her door.
    Elyse opens the door and lets Chris in. After staring at each other for a few seconds, Chris finally speaks up, "Okay this is awkward."

    She chuckles, "Yeah, sorry..."

    "Hey I'm guilty too. But this is stupid. I know we haven't seen each other since we hooked up but still; we hooked up! What's the point in being shy now, right?"

    "You're right. She slowly walks over to him and reaches for his hands. Thanks for coming Chris. I didn't have a reason in particular when I called but I just wanted to see you. It's been a long day."

    "I can actually tell, you look like you're in pain! What happened?"

    "Cheryl kicked my butt."

    Chris laughs, "What?"

    "Captain Carlen, your mom, wanted me to do some physical combat training. Cheryl came with me and there was tension between us all day...I think we let it all out on the floor."

    "Aw, poor baby." Chris stifles another laugh.

    "Are you laughing at me?"

    "It's very likely babe."

    Elyse gives him a playful push, "Stop it's not funny!"

    "Hey keep your hands off me! Don't make me get Cheryl!"

    "Now I wonder why I called you over here in the first place."
    Chris replies, "I know why you called me over here. You missed me, didn't you? Hey turn around." He begins massaging her shoulders, "How's that?"

    "Mmm, that feels so good Chris. You're right; I did miss you...but there was something else too."

    "What is it?"

    "We need to talk about us..."

    He frowns, "Oh boy, the talk."

    "I promise it'll be painless! But we really do need to talk."

    "Okay, Okay I'm listening."

    "Let's sit down I want to look at you while we're talking."

    "Wow, really?...You sure this is going to be painless?"

    Elyse turns around and gives him a smile, "Come on you." She then pulls him towards the couch.
    "First off, I wanted to know how you feel about this. Is this serious for you?" Elyse asks.

    "Elyse, why don't you just ask me what you really want to ask." Chris says while twirling his fingers in her hair.

    "Oh...and what do you think that is?"

    "You want to know if I'm seeing other girls."


    "Admit it!"

    "Maybe it crossed my mind."

    Chris chuckles, "I knew it. Okay. I'm going to be straight with you. I like you; a lot. But I'm not sure I want to be in a serious relationship right now."
    "Oh..." Elyse says. After gathering her thoughts she speaks again, "Funny you mention it, I'm not too good with steady relationships either."

    "A match made in heaven! Um...Are you seeing anyone else?"

    "No I'm not. And you?"

    He looks back at her and smiles, "No...not right now."

    "Chris....tell the truth."

    "I'm serious!"

    "Okay...So for now I guess this will be a casual thing."

    "Does that mean you won't get jealous if I talk to another girl?"

    "That's right."

    "Ha! I'll believe it when I see it!" Chris exclaims.

    Elyse gives him a stern look and then says, "You know I shouldn't even be seeing you. Which is the other thing we need to discuss...Your mom would probably flip if she found out about us."
    "No she wouldn't flip. She'd kill you and then kill me!" Chris retorts.

    "Gee thanks Chris." Elyse says with a sigh.

    "I'm just kidding! But you're right, she can't know..."

    "Are you okay with that? I feel guilty about it-making you keep things from her."

    "Don't. Look, it's like you said, we're playing it cool. It's a slim chance that she'll find out."

    Elyse rubs her forehead, " might be right. I'm just scared I guess. You know, we have to be really careful. If something happened to you because you were around me...She would never forgive me. I would never forgive myself...ugh. Maybe this isn't such a good idea."

    Chris scoots closer to Elyse and puts his arm around her, "Hey stop freaking yourself out. It'll be alright."
    Elyse looks deep into his eyes before he tilts her chin up and gives her a kiss. Chris gives her a seductive look and says, "Let's go to your room. I can think of something else that will make you forget about that muscle pain."
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