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Dark Shades (Story Series) FINAL CHAPTER IS OUT!!


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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited December 2011
    A loving Bump!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Dusty! :mrgreen:
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited December 2011
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Whew! I just got done writing Chapter 5 :D ! Sorry for the wait everyone but I've been busy getting ready for Christmas and attending office Christmas parties :lol: . Hopefully I can take the pictures for this one tomorrow and have the chapter up early this week. :mrgreen:
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited February 2012
    Chapter 5 is done :mrgreen: ! This will most likely be the last chapter I put out before Christmas but at least it's an important one. I hope you like it!! 8)

    Dark Shades Chapter 5: Bottle of Bahama
    Since Michael was given an alcoholic beverage a month ago, Elyse witnessed five other instances of minors being served. Michael received two more drinks but they were given to him by a different bartender. He wasn't carded a single time. The other three came from new subjects Elyse came across during her one month extension of investigation. Alice Paulson, age 19, was carded but received a beer anyway. Peter West, age 20, was not carded. Leslie Reed attended a party at Davino's one night and received a tall Long Island Iced Tea for her 18th birthday. The bartender didn't bother carding her. There appears to be a relation between the end of the college semester and selling to juveniles. The bartenders themselves are fresh out of college, so Elyse has devised the theory that Davino's bartenders relate to these kids. Cute yes, to be empathetic, but not under these circumstances. It is Thursday evening, around six, and Captain Maggie Carlen has been briefing Elyse and Agent Curry on tomorrow night's sting. "Are you sure both of them will be there Agent Wells?" She asks.
    "Positive. Stephen and Nick always work together on Friday night because it's so busy. So don't worry, you'll have both." Elyse answers, referring to the guilty bartenders.

    "Excellent. I spoke with Howard about the plan earlier today so his officers will be ready. What else...oh yes, Agent Curry will be by your side just as a precaution."

    Elyse looks across the table at Cheryl and then back at the Captain, "With all due respect Captain, I can do this on my own. In fact I've been doing so this whole time! She doesn't need to be involved." Cheryl makes an exasperated sound as she slouches in her chair. Elyse looks back in her direction, "What, do you have something to say Cheryl? Don't be shy!" Carlen raises her eyebrows and looks at Agent Curry.
    Cheryl then leans forward and says, "Yes I do, has anyone ever told you that you're a little arrogant?"

    Elyse scoffs, "Arrogant? I'm arrogant? Just because I want to do this myself! Please, the Captain talks about precautions but I've been very careful. I don't need you to hold my hand!"

    "Tomorrow will be different."

    "So? " Elyse asks. Captain Carlen listens to them both with her arms folded and a disgusted look on her face.

    "Wow...So," Cheryl states with emphasis, "Does the word entrapment mean anything to you?"

    "I know what it means! I'm not stupid!"

    Cheryl smirks, "Are you sure you don't need me to hold your hand? You're sounding pretty childish right now."

    Elyse stands up and slams her hands on the table, "What did you say!"
    Carlen interjects, "Alright that's enough! Sit down Wells."

    "But she-!"

    "Now Wells!" The Captain yells at her. Elyse obeys sitting down with a sigh. The Captain continues, "Just so you know I agree with Cheryl; you are arrogant and you fly off the handle way too much! Another outburst like that and I'll call off this sting tomorrow and arrange for another agent to do the job. Understand?"

    Elyse's pale face becomes a bright shade of red and she replies in a soft tone, "Yes."

    "Now I don't know what's going on between you two but you need to fix it. We're supposed to be a team!" She points her finger towards a non existing window, "They are our enemies! They are the bad guys! I shouldn't have to tell either of you that! As far as I'm concerned, you're both acting like babies!" The room grows silent except for the soft hum of the central heating as Elyse and Cheryl leer at each other. Captain Carlen finally lowers her voice to a steady tone, "Cheryl will be with you tomorrow Agent Wells. Ten o'clock." She gathers her notes and heads towards the door. Before exiting she looks back at them and says, "Do me a favor and blow your own noses before tomorrow night."
    Elyse and Agent Curry are now left staring at each other again. After an entire minute of this, Cheryl speaks up, "I didn't want it to be like this."

    Elyse responds, "Really? So that's why you continue to patronize me?" She gets up from the table and Cheryl follows her.
    "Wait Elyse..."

    "You know, at first I thought we were going to be friends but apparently I was wrong." Elyse says to her.

    "I want to be friends too. There's still time..." Cheryl replies, looking earnestly into her eyes.
    "Yeah...there's time if you'll just believe for once that I won't screw up!"

    "It's not that easy Elyse...I know this situation isn't likely to invoke danger, but you know what I've been through. I almost died..."

    "Whatever. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Elyse says before leaving the room.
    The next night, at ten sharp, Elyse and Cheryl meet outside of Davino's. "How are you? Nervous...?" Cheryl asks.

    "I'm okay...but a little more nervous than I thought for some reason..." Elyse responds.

    "At least you're being honest. That's progress!" Cheryl chuckles. Then she continues in a more serious tone, "This will be easy though. Dance a little, hang out, before heading to the bar. I don't recommend ordering any food because most 20 year olds show up on Friday night just to get wasted. So go straight for the alcohol."

    "Got it." Elyse says with a nod.

    "And remember, no chit chat and no excessive flirting. You're here for one thing. If he doesn't bite, just walk away. You don't want to influence his decision to sell..."

    "I know, I know." Elyse replies defensively.

    Cheryl puts her hands up and mocks her, "Okay, okay, Ms. sensitive. " Elyse cracks a smile then Cheryl puts her hand on Elyse's shoulder, "Don't worry, you'll be fine...I know you can do it...go get em'." Elyse leaves Cheryl behind and enters the building. She gets into the elevator and looks at her reflection in its reflective walls. For the first time in months, Elyse sees only herself.
    Level B1. Elyse walks into Davino's and spies Stephen behind the counter. She lets out a quiet sigh of relief and walks onto the dance floor.
    Elyse lets the music take over and gets her dance on. Within minutes her nerves have disappeared and she wonders if Cheryl suggested dancing on purpose. A couple guys asked her to dance and she accepted each request. Although in hindsight she wishes she would have turned down the guy who danced "on" her as opposed to "with" her.
    Ten minutes later she sees a woman enter the bar wearing a tight, purple dress and high heels. Her light brown hair cascades down her back and the curls bounce with each step as she approached the counter and ordered a drink. Cheryl can make for one beautiful tomboy. Elyse laughs silently at the thought. She continues dancing for about 10 more minutes before she finally decides to head to the counter.
    Elyse takes the stool next to Cheryl and says a casual hello to the woman next to her.

    The stranger replies, "Hi. You're a pretty good dancer."

    "Thanks." Elyse says with a small laugh, pretending not to know her.

    The woman continues, "I would have done a little dancing myself if it weren't for these heels."

    "I don't blame you...nice dress." The woman smiles at the compliment and then turns her attention to the rest of the crowd.
    Elyse waves at the bartender, " Bahama Mama over here?"

    "Oh hey cutie. Don't you have exams to study for?" Stephen asks her.

    "It's Friday night! I'll worry about exams when the weekend is over."

    "Ha, nice. That used to be my philosophy too." The woman next to Elyse clears her throat. She takes this as her cue to hurry it along.

    "So about that drink?"

    "Oh yeah! Coming right up!" He mixes up the drink and slides it to Elyse.
    "Thanks." She looks at the small glass before her and the aroma of pineapple and rum plays inside her nose. She brings the glass to her lips and swallows a tablespoon or two of the illegal drink. At that point the woman next to her looks in her direction and says, "Nice talking to you." Elyse nods at her and the woman walks out of the bar.
    About five minutes later, an officer enters the bar and yells, "Alright everybody freeze! You two behind the counter, you're under arrest!"

    Elyse yelps and jumps off the stool. She backs away and exclaims, "Oh my gosh! What is going on!" The man glances at her but then does a double take when he realizes who she is. Elyse who is also shocked looks back at Sean with her lips slightly parted. She started to say something but instead she continues to back off, eventually melding with the rest of the crowd. She had no idea Sean was the one Chief Sprocket hired for this sting.
    Once Stephen and Nick were arrested and the crowd had thinned, Sean found Elyse and pulled her aside. "You work for the Undercover Department..." he stated rhetorically.

    "Yeah..." Elyse said, not sure of how to respond, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before..."

    "No don't's great that they picked you for that type of's just that...I guess we can't really get...I mean we can't really be friends..." Sean finally completes his choppy sentence.

    "I wouldn't say that. We can still talk occasionally!"

    Sean scoffs, "Right...just talking..." Elyse can tell he's a little upset about this.


    "Whatever, I need to know, haul these losers downtown." Sean says with a fake laugh before continuing, "Good job tonight." He walks away before she can reply.
    The next night Jerome and Cheryl take Elyse out to Raymond's Rave to celebrate her first successful sting. "Wooooooo! Three cheers for Lee! She got drunk and got the job done at the same time!" Maxwell shouts.

    "Shut up! I was not drunk!" Elyse laughs.

    "Was it good?" Jerome asks seductively while leaning in close to her.

    Elyse rolls her eyes, "Maxwell...I think you've had too much to drink!"

    "You should know! Ha, ha, come on tell me. It feels good to be bad and get paid doesn't it?"

    Cheryl pushes him, "Knock it off Maxwell."

    "It's alright Cheryl." Elyse looks back at Maxwell, "It was sinfully good Jerome."

    "Haaaaa! I knew it! I'm going to get me a Bahama Mama now. You've inspired me Lee." He tickles Cheryl in the side and she laughs before telling him to beat it. He then leaves to get his drink.
    Cheryl shakes her head and says, "I think you better drive us home tonight."

    "Don't tell me you're drunk too Cheryl!" Elyse says.

    "No not drunk, but a little tipsy. Maxwell on the other hand is long gone." Elyse laughs and looks at the glass of water in her hands. Cheryl continues, "So what were you and Officer Evas talking about?"

    "You know him?"

    Cheryl smiles, "Of course. Didn't know you knew him though."

    "I just met him about a month ago...he talked to me about hanging out but then last night he found out I worked Undercover. He was pretty bummed about it."

    "Hmm. He must know what it entails. Do you like him?"

    "I barely know him! But maybe he...likes me? I don't know..."

    "It would explain why he's so upset. My advice to you is to keep your distance. This life, is a lonely life, but it will save your life...What did I just say? Maybe I am drunk." Cheryl laughs at herself.

    Elyse clears her throat, "Hey Cheryl, since you're always talking about me, are you dating anyone?"

    Cheryl swallows the rest of her drink then answers, "Ha! Yeah right. Like I said, there's no room for men in my life...I mean sure I get attracted to guys but I know it'll never be serious. It comes with the occupation."

    "I think it's kind of sad...having to be alone." Elyse says quietly.

    "You having second thoughts?"

    "What! No way, I'm just saying...nevermind."

    Cheryl shrugs her shoulders and then adds, "Congratulations by the way."

    "Thank you..." Elyse smiles sheepishly. "Hey Cheryl, I'm sorry about the other night. I didn't mean to take it know...about what you've been through."

    "Hmm? Oh that...It's cool Elyse."
    Elyse shakes her head side to side, "No it's not. You could have been killed. I understand why you're afraid of me messing up. I can't say that I'm perfect Cheryl, but I can say that I'll do my best not to let you down. I don't want you to experience that again." Elyse takes Cheryl's hand.

    Cheryl smiles, "Thanks Elyse."
    Jerome comes back to the table and sees them holding hands. He exclaims, "Whooooooa! I shouldn't have left the table. Please don't tell me I missed the kiss!"

    "Shut up Maxwell!" Cheryl yells at him.
    On Monday morning Elyse walks into Captain Carlen's office. "Ah Agent Wells. Come in, and shut the door." Elyse does as she is told then takes a seat. "Congratulations Wells, you did a great job."
    "Thank you Captain. It feels great to complete my first assignment." Elyse says with a big smile.

    Carlen returns the smile, "That's good. And I don't see any scratches so I guess you and Cheryl settled your differences."

    "Well...we're working on it."

    "That's all I want to hear." Captain Carlen sighs and her face grows serious. "We need to talk about your next assignment."

    "Oh! That was fast. Okay...I'm up for it!"

    "Agent Wells, your previous assignment was perfect for a beginner like yourself because it didn't involve much role playing. In fact, you actually did more observing than undercover work. This new assignment, however, will be very different...there could be danger involved."

    Elyse feels a slight twinge of nervousness from the grave look on the Captain's face. "What...what is it?"
    "Just hear me out. I told Howard, you know, Chief Sprocket that we shouldn't pursue this just yet because you're still learning. But he feels like we need to. Do you remember that day in the alley? When you saved that boy?"

    "Yes of course I do..." Elyse turns her head slightly but keeps her eyes focused on Carlen. "Why?"

    "In the report you gave you said the kid mentioned the name Damian. Correct?"

    Elyse jiggles her leg impatiently. She wishes that Captain Carlen would just spit it out already, "Yes that's right. He...he said something about Damian's guardian angels."

    "Here's the thing Agent Wells, Damian is said to be the leader of an illegal gambling ring in Oltona. We believe that boy was his son."

    "Oh my..." Elyse says, at a loss for words.

    "Yes. Of course we can't exactly prove it...yet. We've been trying to bust Damian for a good few years now and when your report came through...Howard smelled opportunity. You saved Damian's son. The Damian. The boy likes you, you can get on the inside!" Maggie says a bit eagerly.
    Elyse pushes her hair back and exhales. She can't believe she stumbled upon something so big when she was convinced it was just a random occurrence!

    "Agent Wells?"

    She snaps out of it, "Yeah...yes. Ok...well what do you want me to do?"

    Captain Carlen leans forward, "We have reason to believe they might be looking for you Wells. To get you to join their group...Do you still have that outfit?"

    Elyse's mouth drops open, "That's why you didn't want me to wear it!"

    "Right. We couldn't risk them finding you prematurely. Also, we don't know where the man who attacked the boy fits into all this. He could have come after you as well. For revenge, or who knows what else! But like I said before, Howard doesn't want to wait much longer because he's afraid the group might stop trying to find you. So it's really now or never Agent Wells. Are you up for it?"

    Elyse swallows the lump in her throat then replies, "Alright...let's do it."

    Captain Carlen smiles at her, "Okay. I am now giving you permission to wear that outfit of yours...every day from now on...but of course you can wash it in between!" She chuckles, "Just don't leave out anything. You should look the exact same way you did that day."

    "The shades too?" Elyse asks.

    "Yes, the shades too."
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Rika701 wrote:
    "Here's the thing Agent Wells, Damian is said to be the leader of an illegal gambling ring in Oltona. We believe that boy was his son."

    Illegal gambling infiltration... Sounds like Elyse is really gonna take on the look of a Vice Squad cop! :lol: Works for her, since she really came off looking sexy in some of the pics in this story.

    I like how Elyse operates, waiting to observe and never making a move too soon. She looks like she'll make a sexy Cole Phelps... But minus the adultery and plus a much more chic wardrobe!
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Ooo...this was an AWESOME chapter!
    I am so proud of Elyse and her first successful sting operation completed and under her belt. I could feel the tension between her and Cheryl in that room. I can understand both women and their point of views, Cheryl being a little overprotective, Elyse wanting to do her own thing by herself. Im just happy that they are trying to work it out though.
    Sad to know that the undercover work really is an 'alone' job...Sean certainly understood that and was disappointed too. :[

    Elyse really stepped into something so big! An illegal gambling ring! Whoa baby, they are really throwing her into the big one! So thats why the captain did not want her wearing that outfit..totally makes sense.
    I can not wait to see how Elsye handles this undercover gig!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Kaka_Fan: Lol great observation! Cole better move over and make way for Elyse :lol: . After you told me about vice cops I did some research and learned that they focus on narcotics, prostitution, and gambling. I already mentioned 2 of these earlier so naturally I would choose the last one for Elyse to investigate :P ! (especially considering how EA is so quick to censor things. I can only imagine what they'd do if I chose prostitution!!) And thanks for the compliments, Elyse is a cute sim :-)

    Dusty: Hello!! Thanks for reading. Sean has been fascinated by Elyse since he met her (note the smile on his face in the very first Chapter :lol: ). It's too dangerous for him to get too close to her now. But who knows? He might have a chance in the future.... :wink: . Thanks for reading!! :mrgreen:
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Rika701 wrote:
    After you told me about vice cops I did some research and learned that they focus on narcotics, prostitution, and gambling. I already mentioned 2 of these earlier so naturally I would choose the last one for Elyse to investigate :P ! (especially considering how EA is so quick to censor things.

    Why yes! Narcotics operations would be a pain to discuss. I don't think they ever got around to blocking out 420 , but I know I can't talk about the breakfast food of **** browns without it being censored out. (Apparently it *IS* ok to say "fine Middle Eastern grass.")

    Prostitution stings would involve too many details to block out that would make for a difficult story to write here... But I'm sure one can just as easily mention "busting hos"! :lol:
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    LOL!! Exactly what I mean! That's funny how they really did censor that out :lol: But what a shame. I like eating uhhhhhh shredded potatoes with breakfast :P
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    simsgal2227simsgal2227 Posts: 12,279 Member
    edited December 2011
    Wow, it's really getting interesting! So much depth to it, I love it :).
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    Thank you so much simsgal2227 :D
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Is it possible we'll see a third woman assigned to a case and they'll be known as Carlen's Angels? :wink:
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    LOL!! Good question! I wonder if I'll be able to convince Jerome Maxwell to put on some tight clothing and do a pose with them :lol:!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    A very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my wonderful readers! You're the best! :wink:
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    DustyDreamerDustyDreamer Posts: 1,569 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Wishing you the very same Rika! ^^
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Rika701 wrote:
    A very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my wonderful readers! You're the best! :wink:

    It was a very Merry Christmas in spite of the fact I'm waiting on the biggest and best present. Can't wait for the next installment.
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited December 2011
    If only there was something I could do :cry: . Sorry Kaka_Fan. Also, at the moment I'm trying to balance getting my thoughts together for the next chapter and playing Generations and Dead Rising (Xmas gifts :D ). But don't worry, I'm still working on this story. I have been downloading a lot of stuff that I'll need for later chapters so that's progress :lol: ! Anyway, back to brainstorming. Happy New Years everyone!!! :mrgreen:
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    annasommerannasommer Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited January 2012
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    CaylynnCaylynn Posts: 59
    edited January 2012
    This is a great story! I love the plot. I hope you can get out the next chapter soon. :-)
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited January 2012
    Yay a new reader! It's nice to meet you Caylynn. I'm glad you're enjoying my story. I just finished writing Chapter 6 so now I just have to take pictures for it. Thanks to all the readers! :mrgreen:
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited January 2012
    annasommer, if you can see this I've been trying to access your profile page for the last 3 days now but I get the "Oops!" message every time :shock: !! I wonder what the problem is :?:
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    annasommerannasommer Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited January 2012
    Me, too :roll:

    My page doesn´t work since christmas, and it´t not only mine. A lot of simmers complain about that problem on the german forums, but the german simgurus say it has to be fixed by american technicans... so I guess most of those guys are still enjoying their holiday vacation :(

    Actually everything is working except the access to my page. So if you want to get to my comments, just open yours and replace your nickname with annasommer OR use this link :wink:
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    Kaka_FanKaka_Fan Posts: 750 New Member
    edited January 2012
    Rika701 wrote:
    for the last 3 days now but I get the "Oops!" message every time

    Whenever I get that, I just clear out the cookies. That's helped more often than not, but if that doesn't work, there's always cache clearings as a last result.... And if neither of those work, then you can be for sure the page in question cannot be accessed!
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    Rika701Rika701 Posts: 2,107 Member
    edited January 2012
    Thank you for the help Kaka_Fan :wink: . annasommer, I just finished reading the last chapter of your story :( . I left a comment on your thread!
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