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I had a chat with Bella Goth! Twice!!

CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
edited November 2023 in The Sims 4 General Discussion
Well, I have had an interesting experience today. :)
I was on YouTube and came across a YouTuber using ChatGPT A.I. to role-play with a fictional character.

And then it just hit me. :o
I could go to a Sims Wikki site and have Bing-Chat use it as an information source to draw from.
I could role-play with a sim! Of course I chose Bella Goth. I actually used a Bella Goth Lore page from The Sims Resource.

I added pictures here so you don't have to stare at a wall of text, also for you to see how I imagined the chat playing out in my mind.
Here is how it went down:

CK213: “I want to try some role-play and I want you (Bing-Chat) to pretend to be Bella Goth from the Sims 4.
I will be a visitor at your house, meeting you for the first time .”
Bing-Chat: “Okay, I’ll try to role-play as Bella Goth from the Sims 4.
You can start the conversation by knocking on the door of my house in Willow Creek. I’ll greet you and invite you in.”

[Knocks on door]

[Side note: does Bing Chat know that Sims 4 sims knock on doors because there are no door bells?]

[Opens the door]

“Hello, welcome to the Goth residence, I’m Bella Goth, and you are?”

“Hello, Bella!
I am Cairo Firenze, It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Firenze.
How do you know me?”

“I met a gentleman named Don Lothario at the gym. During our chat, I mentioned that I was new to Willow Creek and he was surprised to find I lived near you. He said I should drop by and visit and get to know you.”

“Oh, I see.
Don Lothario is an acquaintance of mine. He’s a bit of a flirt, but he means well. I’m glad he encouraged you to visit me. I always enjoy meeting new people. Would you like to come in and have a cup of coffee, Mr. Firenze?”

“I would be delighted, and you can call me Cairo.”

“Great, Cairo.
Come on in then. “
“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back with the coffee. “




“So, what do you do for a living?”

“I am a freelance writer.”

“That’s very interesting. What kind of topics do you write about?”

“I tend to the paranormal side of things: ghosts, aliens, and other weird things. There are really odd things going on in Strangerville now.”

“Wow, that sounds fascinating. I love paranormal stories. I’ve always wondered if there is more to this world than meets the eye. Have you ever encountered anything supernatural yourself?”

“I’ve come across ghosts a few times, and people I suspect may be vampires and werewolves. No aliens yet, but I have seen strange lights in the sky. What about you? Willow creek must feel pretty normal in comparison to the places I have been.”
“Well, Willow Creek may seem normal on the surface, but it has its own secrets and mysteries. For example, did you know that there is a hidden lot in this neighborhood that can only be accessed by a special tree?
And that there are rumors of a mysterious hermit living there? I’ve always wanted to explore that place, but I haven’t found the right opportunity yet.”09-15-21_1-07-36_PM(1).png?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds

“Wow, that has me itching to investigate it.”

“Really? You’re not afraid of what you might find there? I’m glad to hear that. You seem like a brave and adventurous person. Maybe we can go there together someday, if you’re interested.”

“That sounds cool, but how does your family feel about you going off on adventures. Don't they worry for you?”

“Well, my husband Mortimer is a bit of a worrier, but he understands my passion for mystery and adventure. He’s very supportive of me and my career as a novelist. My children, Cassandra and Alexander, are also very independent and curious. They have their own interests and hobbies, but they also share some of mine. We’re a close-knit family, but we also respect each other’s individuality.”

“Being new to the neighborhood, I have spent time in the window just observing and enjoying Willow Creek. I have seen the kids walk by. They seem like wonderful children.
It’s also great that you are a novelist, maybe we can run ideas by each other.”

“Thank you. I’m very proud of my kids. They are smart and creative. I’m sure they would love to meet you too. And yes, I would enjoy exchanging ideas with you. Maybe we can form a writers’ club or something. What kind of stories do you write?”

“I haven't written any fiction stories yet, but I am collecting material from my paranormal investigations. I think I would like to try Urban Fantasy.”

“Urban fantasy sounds like a fun genre. I’m sure you have a lot of material from your investigations. Do you have any specific ideas or themes that you want to explore in your stories?”05-03-23_7-52-27_PM.png?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds

“I'm just in the collection phase for now.
Have you yourself experienced anything paranormal, besides that strange tree?”

“Well, I don’t know if I should tell you this, but I have a secret that I’ve never told anyone before. I was abducted by aliens when I was a young adult. It was a terrifying and traumatic experience. I don’t remember much of what happened, but I know they did something to me. Ever since then, I’ve been fascinated by the paranormal and the unknown.”05-03-23_8-03-25_PM.png?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds
Have you noticed any changes in yourself since the abduction?”

“Well, I don’t know if it’s related, but I sometimes have strange dreams and visions. I also feel a connection to the stars and the cosmos. I wonder if they left something in me, or if they altered me in some way. I don’t know what their purpose was, or if they will ever return.”

“I met a neighbor…, Liberty Lee?
She said they live amongst us in human disguise”

“Really? That’s a shocking revelation.
How did she know that? Did she see them or meet them? How can we tell who is an alien and who is not?”

“She said you can trigger their aura if you get them emotional.”

“That’s interesting.
So, if you make them angry, sad, happy, or flirty, they will reveal their true colors? That sounds like a risky strategy. What if they get violent or hostile? How do you protect yourself from them?”

“Those are good questions.”

“Thank you. I’m curious about your experiences and opinions. Do you have any answers to those questions? How do you feel about aliens in general?”

“They are a mystery to me.
Hey, is there anyone else in this neighborhood you think I should introduce myself to?”

“Well, there are a lot of interesting and friendly people in this neighborhood. You could try visiting the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family. They are very welcoming and have a beautiful house. Or you could check out the Pancakes family. They are a bit quirky, but nice. Or you could meet the BFF household. They are a group of young adults who live together and have fun.”05-03-23_8-02-30_PM.png?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds

“BFF? That sounds familiar. I think Liberty Lee mentioned it.”

“Oh, yes. Liberty Lee is one of the members of the BFF household.
She lives with Travis Scott, Summer Holiday, and Johnny Zest. They are all very outgoing and creative. Maybe you should visit them and see if you have anything in common.”

“Thanks, I will have to visit them.
This coffee is really delicious by the way.”

[Sorry, I think we need to move on! Click “New topic” to chat about something else.]

And that's where it ended.
Bing-Chat only allows you so many interaction per session. I could have started a new one and gave a Bing a synopsis of the role-play so far an where I would like to take it, but this is long enough for this post.

I have to say there were a few times I was simply astounded at how it improvised with information it found about The Sims. This is nothing like chat-bot. It felt like I was role-playing with an actual person.

[Update: The Second Role-play is down below.]
Post edited by CK213 on


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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,602 Member
    That's interesting. I'd never heard of Bing Chat before.
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    SweetieWright_84SweetieWright_84 Posts: 4,132 Member
    So you're telling me that whole conversation was from AI? That's creepy and weird, yet very interesting?

    If you do this again, please post more. I'm intrigued.
    Gallery ID: SweetieWright_84--Save File Thread--Youtube Channel
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    That's interesting. I'd never heard of Bing Chat before.

    It's a feature of the Microsoft Edge browser.
    In the upper right-hand corner is a speech bubble with a B in it. Click on it and it opens bing chat as a side bar.
    It will be a co-pilot to any website you have open in the browser.

    I opened this forum thread in edge and ask Bing-Chat to summarize it.
    It wrote:

    This is a summary derived from the web page context:

    -The forum thread is about a user (CK213) who had a chat with Bing-Chat, pretending to be Bella Goth from The Sims 4 game.

    -CK213 shared some screenshots of the chat, where they talked about paranormal topics and Bella’s secret alien abduction.

    -Two other users (elanorbreton and SweetieWright_84) commented on the thread, expressing their interest and curiosity about Bing-Chat and the role-play.

    -The thread ended with CK213 saying that Bing-Chat only allowed a limited number of interactions per session.
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    So you're telling me that whole conversation was from AI? That's creepy and weird, yet very interesting?

    If you do this again, please post more. I'm intrigued.

    Yeah, its response was amazing.
    Especially when it went on about naming sim emotions when I told it aliens could be triggered. Particular naming the flirty emotion. And also saying an alien would show its "true colors: was a nice touch. I tried to not be specific when on subjects to see if it would elaborate on its own.

    I'll think about another session.
    It's too bad that it forces you to end the chat after a period of time, but I guess it loses the plot if it goes on too long.
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    SweetieWright_84SweetieWright_84 Posts: 4,132 Member
    That is so crazy. Simmers' SimLits just got easier to write. Especially the dialog part.
    Gallery ID: SweetieWright_84--Save File Thread--Youtube Channel
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    That is so crazy. Simmers' SimLits just got easier to write. Especially the dialog part.

    Yep. You easily generate a story scenario simply by asking:
    Write a short story on the love triangle of the BFF household where Liberty and Summer, both realize each other is in love with Travis. They all live in the same house. Use the associated website as an information source.
    Here is a short story on the love triangle of the BFF household where Liberty and Summer, both realize each other is in love with Travis. They all live in the same house. I used the associated website as an information source.


    Liberty Lee had always been a free spirit, but lately she felt trapped. She had a secret that she couldn't share with anyone, not even her best friends. She was in love with Travis Scott, the geeky roommate who shared their house in Willow Creek.

    She had met Travis when they were both studying at the local library. They had bonded over their love of science and technology, and soon became friends. Liberty was impressed by Travis's intelligence and creativity, and found him adorable in his glasses and plaid shirts.

    But she never told him how she felt, because she was afraid of ruining their friendship. She also knew that Travis was oblivious to her hints and signals, and probably saw her as just a buddy. And to make matters worse, she had a rival for his affection: Summer Holiday.

    Summer was the cheerful and outgoing roommate who had moved in with them a few months ago. She was a fitness instructor who loved sports and parties, and was always looking for fun. She was also very friendly and flirty, and had taken a liking to Travis.

    Liberty had noticed how Summer would casually touch Travis's arm or shoulder, or laugh at his jokes, or invite him to join her for a jog or a dance. She also noticed how Travis would blush and smile, or follow her lead, or accept her invitations. Liberty felt a pang of jealousy every time she saw them together.

    She wondered if Travis liked Summer back, or if he was just being polite. She wondered if Summer knew about her feelings for Travis, or if she was just playing with him. She wondered if she should confess her feelings to Travis, or keep them to herself.

    She decided to keep them to herself, for now. She didn't want to cause any drama or awkwardness in their household. She didn't want to lose Travis as a friend, or Summer as a roommate. She hoped that maybe one day, Travis would notice her and realize that they were meant to be.

    But she didn't know that Summer had a secret of her own.

    You could break that up into scenes and ask the chat to role-play it with you.
    It can write half the dialogue and help you explore the scene.
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    SweetieWright_84SweetieWright_84 Posts: 4,132 Member
    That's awesome. I've heard a bit about ChatGPT, I haven't been living completely under a rock, but I've never messed with it. Outside of Bixby (Samsung's version of Siri) setting timers for me, and turning my phone's flashlight off/on, I have very little knowledge or interest. That is, until you brought the Sims into it. :D
    Gallery ID: SweetieWright_84--Save File Thread--Youtube Channel
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited May 2023
    That's awesome. I've heard a bit about ChatGPT, I haven't been living completely under a rock, but I've never messed with it. Outside of Bixby (Samsung's version of Siri) setting timers for me, and turning my phone's flashlight off/on, I have very little knowledge or interest. That is, until you brought the Sims into it. :D

    I believe people will get creative with the use of A.I. assisted search and chat.
    Ideas are forming in my head already.

    Right now I am organizing a way to get Bing-Chat to continue our conversation about something that happened to Casssandra.
    But I want it to tell the story from Bella's point of view and fill in details I never wrote. I am using a forum story as background resource material. I decided to convert it to a movie script format because I think the A.I. might get confused as to who is saying what.

    This might be a challenge for it.
    I'll be blown away if it actually works.
    Post edited by CK213 on
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    SimmingalSimmingal Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited May 2023
    BFF household.
    She lives with Travis Scott, Summer Holiday, and Johnny Zest.

    Johnny Zest the secret member of BFF household? that sounds curious indeed :lol:
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    Simmingal wrote: »
    BFF household.
    She lives with Travis Scott, Summer Holiday, and Johnny Zest.

    Johnny Zest the secret member of BFF household? that sounds curious indeed :lol:

    I was wondering where it pulled Johnny Zest from. Maybe there is some story I don't know.
    Of course I could always toss Johnny in there to upset the dynamic.
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    GordyGordy Posts: 3,052 Member
    Next time, ask her about dragons
    The Sims 4 hasn't introduced a new musical instrument since 2017
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    Gordy wrote: »
    Next time, ask her about dragons

    Oh, after the next role-play, I do believe she will be asking, "Where are my dragons?"
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited May 2023
    I am blown away. It actually worked. B)

    Not only did Bing-Chat use a forum post I gave it as background information, it operated exactly as I instructed and even went a little beyond what I expected. But I made a mistake that was entirely my fault. There is a portion of the background information that Bella does not participate, so she is unaware of what happened. I was supposed to add a line saying that Bella sent Don Lothario to follow Cassandra when she sneaked out the house. This would have given Bella more information, but I forgot to add it. Nevertheless, Bing-Chat managed to work some of that information into the role-play.

    So here is the setup:

    CK213: “I would like to continue our role-play recorded on this forum post:

    I want you to continue playing the role of Bella Goth and I will continue playing the role of Cairo Firenze. You will start the conversation by saying you have another paranormal tale, but you want me to follow you to the library first because it’s a little more relaxing. You want to tell Cairo about an incident that occurred with your daughter, Cassandra Goth, but you warn Cairo not to share this story for the sake of Cassandra’s privacy.

    The background script for Cassandra’s story is on the current website. It is titled, ‘Darkling’.”

    [Now here is the role-play chat, supported with images.]
    “I have another paranormal tale to share with you, Cairo, but I want you to follow me to the library first. It’s a little more relaxing there.”

    “This story involves my daughter, Cassandra, and it’s quite disturbing.
    I trust you not to share this with anyone else, for her sake. Do you agree?”

    “Of course, I will hold whatever you have to tell me in the strictest confidence, Bella. Lead the way.”
    “Thank you, Cairo. You’re a good friend. Come on, let’s go to the library.”


    “Alright, here we are.”



    “Are you ready to hear my story?”

    “Yes. I'm ready.”

    “Okay, here it goes. A few months ago, I found out that Cassandra had been sneaking out of the house at night to visit a place called Forgotten Hollow. Do you know what that is?”

    “Forgotten Hollow? Oh my word!
    It's like vampire central. They say a master vampire has a lair there. What on earth was she doing in that place?”

    “That’s what I wanted to know. I was shocked and terrified when I learned that she had been hanging out with two vampires named Caleb and Lilith Vatore.”
    "They were apparently teaching her about their kind and their culture. She had even bought a book called the Encyclopedia Vampirica to learn more. She was fascinated by them and their powers. She wanted to become one of them.”

    “Wow, so she is willingly attracted to them. It sounds like you have a Darkling on your hands. So what did you do about it?”

    “A Darkling? Is that what they call people like her? Well, I did what any mother would do.”

    “I confronted her and told her to stay away from those vampires. I even went to Forgotten Hollow myself and warned them to leave my daughter alone.”

    “ I was so angry and scared; I didn’t care if they were stronger than me. I had to protect Cassandra from them.”

    “You talked to them? What are Caleb and Lilith like?”05-04-23_6-41-03_PM.png?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds

    “Well, Caleb and Lilith are very different from each other. Caleb is more polite and reserved, but he also seemed annoyed and defensive when I threatened him.”

    “Lilith is more outgoing and playful, but she also seemed amused and intrigued by me. She even complimented me on my dress and said I looked… delicious. I think she was trying to provoke me or tempt me. “

    "They both claimed that they didn’t seek out Cassandra, but that she came to them. They said it was up to me to keep her away from them.”

    “Lilith sounds very charismatic and all the more dangerous.
    It could be the truth of it though. Cassandra probably forced herself on them.”

    “Maybe, but I still don’t trust them. They could have easily turned her away or reported her to me. Instead, they encouraged her curiosity and fed her fantasies. They were playing with fire and they knew it. They were putting my daughter in danger and I couldn’t allow that.”

    “You are right of course. So did Cassandra give this up?”
    “No, she didn’t. She was stubborn and defiant. She said that they were her friends and that I was embarrassing her. She said that she wanted to be a vampire and that nothing I could do would stop her. She even tried to sneak out again the next night, but I caught her and grounded her. I took away her book and her phone and locked her in her room. I thought that would be the end of it, but I was wrong.”

    “What happened?”

    “A few weeks later, I noticed that Cassandra was acting strangely. She was pale and tired, and she avoided sunlight and garlic. She also had bite marks on her neck that she tried to hide with a scarf. I realized that she had been turned into a vampire by someone. I confronted her and demanded to know who did it. She refused to tell me at first, but I threatened to call the police and she finally confessed.”

    “She said it was a boy named Zane Delacroix, who lived in the Peregrine house with Meadow Thayer and her aunt Alma Faye Peregrine.”

    “She said that he was also a vampire and that he had been teaching her how to use her powers. She said that she loved him and that they were happy together.”


    “Oh, my!
    Bella, do you think Cassandra might be in this for the powers? You strike me as strong, brave and adventurous. Perhaps she feels these powers would make her as strong as you are.”

    “Maybe, Cairo. Maybe she does want to be like me, but in the wrong way.”

    “She doesn’t realize that being a vampire is not a game. It’s a curse. It’s a life of darkness and bloodlust and fear. It’s a life of isolation and loneliness and danger. It’s a life that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, especially not my daughter. I love her, Cairo. I love her more than anything. And I can’t stand to see her throw away her life for this.”

    “This is what I would do. There is a cure for vampirism. Also, you could turn her on to spell casting and focus her powers on doing good in the world. It's a better alternative than vampirism. Take up spell casting yourself and show her the way.”

    “That’s a good idea, Cairo. I’ve heard of the cure for vampirism, but I don’t know how to get it. Do you know where I can find it? And spell casting sounds interesting. I’ve always been fascinated by magic and the supernatural. Maybe I could learn some spells and teach Cassandra how to use them for good. Maybe she would see that there are other ways to be powerful and adventurous without being a vampire. Thank you, Cairo. You’re very helpful and supportive.”

    “The Encyclopedia Vampirica, you have to become very knowledgeable in vampire lore and it will teach you the Ultimate Vampire Cure. It's a drink you mix at your bar.”
    “Oh, I see. I think I still have Cassandra’s copy of the Encyclopedia Vampirica. I can read it and learn more about vampire lore. Maybe I can find out how to make the Ultimate Vampire Cure and convince Cassandra to drink it. Do you think she would agree to that? Or would she resist?”

    “If she sees you using spells like Transportalate and Scruberoo, yeah, she will give up icky blood-sucking in a heartbeat.”

    “Really? Those spells sound amazing. What do they do? How can I learn them? Do I need a wand or a book or something? You seem to know a lot about spell casting, Cairo. Are you a spell caster yourself?”

    “Transportalate transports you to wherever you want to go in a flash. Scruberoo cleans up any mess. I'm not a spell caster, but I know of one. There are three of them, actually. Sages; and you learn magic from them. I will take you there; it's too complicated to explain.”

    “Wow, those spells sound incredible. I would love to learn them. And you know of three sages who can teach me magic? That’s amazing. Where are they? How do you know them? Can you take me there now? I’m so excited, Cairo. You’re opening a whole new world for me.”

    “They are in a hidden realm reached through Glimmerbrook. I met them through a friend. Yes, I can take you there now.”

    “A hidden realm? How do we get there? Do we need a special portal or something? And who is your friend who introduced you to the sages? Is he or she a spell caster too? I have so many questions, Cairo. But I’m ready to go with you. Let’s go to Glimmerbrook and meet the sages. Maybe they can help me with Cassandra too.”

    “Let's go.
    Just leave a note for Mortimer.”

    “Alright, I’ll write a quick note for Mortimer. He won’t mind if I go out for a bit. He knows I need some distraction from all the stress.”

    [Bella writes a note and leaves it on the table.]

    “There, done. Now, let’s go to Glimmerbrook and learn some magic. I can’t wait to see what the sages have to offer.”


    [Oh! Well, that’s awkward.]
    CK213: “End of role-play.
    Thank you. This was fun.”

    Bing-Chat: “You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was fun for me too. Thank you for playing with me. Do you want to try another role-play or do something else?”

    CK213: “No, I have to go now.”

    “Okay, I understand. It was nice talking to you. I hope to see you again soon. Have a good day or night, depending on where you are. Goodbye for now. :)
    Post edited by CK213 on
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    PhillipaErdnussPhillipaErdnuss Posts: 76 Member
    This is incredible! I am totally stunned what story you created together with the A.I.
    Now I am wondering how the story will continue in the Realm of Magic :)<3
    Phillipa Erdnuss
    Mayoress of SimCity and all associated districts
    Let this cart-button disappear!
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    crocobauracrocobaura Posts: 7,525 Member
    This is very interesting, how it understands what role-play is and it doesn't just return facts like a search engine. I also love the pictures used.
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited May 2023
    This is incredible! I am totally stunned what story you created together with the A.I.
    Now I am wondering how the story will continue in the Realm of Magic :)<3

    Actually, it was an intent of mine that Bella was a secret spellcaster and that Cassandra would get caught up in Vampirism, but change her mind after discovering her mother knew magic. But I never played that out completely, it was just head canon.

    It was funny that the Chat A.I. had Bella mention the mysterious tree in Willow Creek, because that was supposed to be how she discovered the magic Realm. But it turned out that Cassandra did it instead in my game.
    But she knew of a place.
    A place she discovered in her home town, where she first became interested in magical things.

    Sylvan Glade.

    There isn't much that she can do right now however.
    She is short on ingredients and doesn't know the spells to accelerate the growth of the few plants here.

    Sylvan Glade leads to a place even more magical.

    The Magic Realm.
    Post edited by CK213 on
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    crocobaura wrote: »
    This is very interesting, how it understands what role-play is and it doesn't just return facts like a search engine. I also love the pictures used.

    It boggles my mind. It's like it's reasoning, interpreting, and improvising.
    It took this story dialogue from Lilith as data:

    Lilith Vatore: "Wow, Caleb, that's one brave woman coming into Forgotten Hollow in a red dress.
    My thirst levels have elevated just looking at her. I know who I will be thinking about when I drink. What do you think of her?"

    And this is how Bing-Chat used that information to Role-play Bella

    Bella Goth: “Lilith is more outgoing and playful, but she also seemed amused and intrigued by me. She even complimented me on my dress and said I looked… delicious. I think she was trying to provoke me or tempt me.

    That: "She even complimented me on my dress and said I looked… delicious." Made me laugh out loud.
    What a great interpretation of information. It's kind of scary to think what this tech will be like in five to ten years from now.
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    Gordy wrote: »
    Next time, ask her about dragons

    Okay, time for dragons.

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    SweetieWright_84SweetieWright_84 Posts: 4,132 Member
    I'm so invested in this story now. Who would have thought that (what I assume was) just playing with a feature on Microsoft Edge, would turn into such a captivating story?
    Gallery ID: SweetieWright_84--Save File Thread--Youtube Channel
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited May 2023
    CK213 wrote: »
    Gordy wrote: »
    Next time, ask her about dragons

    Okay, time for dragons.


    This is a funny coincidence.
    I noticed the dragon colors Bing-Chat/Bella mentioned: Red, Gold, Purple.

    Those are the major color themes of Bella's house.
    I know A.I. can describe images... could this one pick out the colors of the house interior and assume they are Bella's favorite colors?

    :| Naaahhhh! That is just too aware.
    Maybe there is a profile online that describes Bella's favorite colors based off her house. Anyway, it's weird.

    Nope, it's just a coincidence.
    Bing-Chat: "I see. No, I did not choose the dragon colors because of Bella’s house. I chose them because they are common colors for dragons in fantasy stories and games. I did not know that Bella’s house interior had those colors. Is that in The Sims 4 or another version?"

    CK213: "It's in The Sims 4."

    Bing-Chat: "I see. That’s interesting. Do you like Bella’s house design in The Sims 4?"

    It's weird that it's talking like it remembered that.
    Did it?
    Post edited by CK213 on
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited May 2023
    This is incredible! I am totally stunned what story you created together with the A.I.
    Now I am wondering how the story will continue in the Realm of Magic :)<3

    I read through it again and I am amazed at how the A.I. went about this.
    Since I am familiar with the background information, I can see where it went for information and what it made up on its on.
    I decided to load up this thread and get its opinion on it.

    You do get a bit of sentient vibe when it starts showing that it is reasoning.

    As far as this story goes, I've already played it out months ago, but it was mostly through Cassandra and I did not play Bella as much as I thought I would. I was playing mostly child, teens, and young adults though school and University, and did not focus on parents much. This A.I. experiment was fun because I got to go back and get Bella's point of view.

    I would give you a link to Darkling.
    That is the story the A.I. used to tell Bella's story, but all the picture links are broken until I repair them.

    I do have The Goths.
    This is where Cassandra brings Zane home to meet her parents. Zane is the guy who turned her into a vampire, but this is after Cassandra took the vampire cure and convinced Zane to take it as well. It's funny reading it now because Bella did not seem pleased to meet Zane.

    And there is Club Academia.
    This is where Cassandra finds that her magic skills are needed to help out a friend.

    And these two are the quest to aid the friend:

    The Mystical Mastery of Magic.


    That's about it for this story line, but you can use this thread as background for Cassandra's story. :)
    I do believe I will be using Bing-Chat in the future for exploring new stories. Just imagine having finished one story episode and getting Bing-Chat to use it and a paragraph scenario of the next episode to explore how the scenario plays out.
    Post edited by CK213 on
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 970 Member
    edited May 2023
    I've been amusing myself the last few days by supplying Bing with a paragraph of text that introduce it to characters in The Sims, including the background stories that Maxis had for them, and then asking it to tell a story that uses those backgrounds. It gave me a couple of different explainations for Bella's disappearance in The Sims 2 (my favorite being that Don was secretly an alien, and arranged for Bella to be abducted), and several little stories about what happened to the Pleasant girls after they grew to adulthood. In one of those stories, it invented friends for the girls, and I asked it to give me details about their personalities and appearances so I could make them in-game. Interestingly, I found I could also ask it to recommend Sims for the girls to date, and it searched Simwiki and made suggestions based on personality and interests ---- annnnd, I could have it invent sims and backstories on the fly. Definitely interested in fooling around with this this weekend and seeing if I can bring some of bing's ideas to simulated life. It even invented a hacking club called the Chaos Collective that it frequently associated its generated characters with. Has anyone else been fooling around with Bing and using it for Simming purposes?
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    I had a lot of fun with that.
    I think people with get very creative with uses for it.
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,043 Member
    Isn't Bing just part of the MS Edge search engine?
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