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BUILDERS' 101 - For Builders from Novice to Beyond


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    Buddy_ClydeBuddy_Clyde Posts: 85 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Hi everyone,

    Somehow I never imagined that there was anyone disabled playing this game other than myself.

    Lil: I only leave the house to go to the doctors also. Before the snows came, I would sometimes use my walker to cross the alley to visit my grandaughter and Ggrandson. When I first got here, I rarely left the bed, but new locale = new doctor. Now, I manuver thru the house with my arms braced to bounce off the walls if I start to topple, and only need a cane to go to his office. I admire you and respect your work.

    Evergreen: Thank you.

    Name: Thank you, also. Glad you liked my grassy area too. And thank you for trusting this thread enough to share so honestly.

    Bergcrys: The same goes for you. I think that a non-physical disability is far worse than our physical pain. NOONE SEES YOUR DISABILITY. You sound like a very brave young woman. I have watched your house grow and I really like your landscaping much better now. Congratulations.

    If I missed anyone OOPS I just did.
    Fourteen: I really like the originality of your work. Improve, grow, but don't loose that edge you have called imagination.
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    SmokyTopazSmokyTopaz Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited December 2009
    TaDa!!! Itook out the stairs, painted behind them, floored where they stood, and now she thinks its nicely decorated. I would move the pictures down, but as I have said before I don't like the distortion this causes in light effects and patterns, so I left them there. I did try adding a buydebug on the lower level - makes no difference. I think it is an inbuild programme for light - therefore elusive.

    Wolfspryte - looks like you are on the way to another beautiful build, can't wait till you landscape! Love your kitchen!

    Craig, its coming on. My only comment is the garden to me looks a bit formal for your house. Remember tho my comment only reflects my tastes. Otherwise it is coming on.
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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009

    Walk Through - Sunnyside Villa

    Nice bright cheerful colors throughout the home with great furniture placement. A lot of cc, make sure that you put it in the description so that people who don't want cc know it's there. I'm excited that I got a lot of nice paintings. :) Ohh...a doll....YAY! The bookcase, dresser and bed were different materials. I would try to add a little wicker to the bookcase and have the wood on the dresser match the wood part of the bookcase...or the other way around depending on which wood pattern you want to use. Yes! Surfboards!! Oh I am such a cc junkie! :) There's a gap in the railing on the front porch at the right side corner. I really like the car port. My sim had the beautifully decorated moodlet throughout the house. I noticed that all the doors and window's matched everywhere except on the very front of the house. I'm not sure if you did that on purpose but those different colored bathroom windows on the front of the house brought it to my attention. Hmmm...there's that unfinished room moodlet. I got it to go away....all I did was removed all the paint on the sunken part of the walls and put the paint back on. My sim couldn't use the downstairs shower. There isn't enough room between it and the sink.

    I think you did a really good job on this house Smoky.
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    judywork1957judywork1957 Posts: 6,594 Member
    edited December 2009
    Craig the house looks amazing!! hey you can steal any of my ideas any time!! on a side note, I hope you got through the holiday ok?!!

    Spryte, love the new house too!

    To everyone here, Happy new year and may we all have a good one! To those of you dealing with difficulties- I think really that a majority of us are- whether they're physical, mental or emotional ones. I think this game is a way for us to keep our minds functioning, and helps us deal with what ever it is we have to face in life. For me it gives me an outlet on so many levels and in so many ways that I can cope a little better with the rl challenges!
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    SmokyTopazSmokyTopaz Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited December 2009
    Thank you Simstweek, I have fixed the unfinished moodlet - but I didn't know about the shower.

    You are welcome to the cc's, I really am a cc Junkie, you should get cookery books too! I don't put my builds on the exchange so I just use the cc's I want.. the truck with the surfboards loaded is fun, I want the ocean world and the World exchange is still doing oops, so I guess it will be after the holidays.

    Bleachbleed - this is going to be amazing. I love your colours!

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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009
    OMG! All I did was do a walk through and I went to post and all of a sudden there is a full page of posts on here. hehehe

    BleachBleed - I'd say throw down a rug and put some kind of decorative items there. Kinda like Julia suggested.

    Julia - Thanks for checking on amakachao's question.

    spryte - Love the landscaping, great design with the terrain paint for your walkway and driveway. Colors are great! Those homemade em. You should become a member of The Simmer's Society. :)

    craig - It's looking great! I can't do those bridges...but you did an awesome job on it!

    sneaky Bre :) - I use Gimp to resize everything and ImageShack to put pics on the forums.
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    nam24601nam24601 Posts: 650
    edited December 2009
    Hi everyone. I'm not going to attempt to comment to everyone today, but I did go back and look at all your pics, lots, sims, and whatnot. I also gave recs and downloads all around! Great job everyone! :)

    I have been attempting to figure out CAW...and I must say I have a gained an awful lot of respect for those of you already turning out worlds! I can't for the life of me figure the darned thing out! I've been working for a couple hours, getting overwhelmed and then doing something non-sims related to calm down. I may just have to wait until one of you talented people out there make a tutorial or something, lol.

    Anyway, I did update my legacy story again, for any of you who like to read, and you are welcome to check it out at

    Hope everyone has a Happy New Year! :)

    I will try and pop in a couple more times today so I don't lose track again. lol
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    WickedKnightWickedKnight Posts: 189 New Member
    edited December 2009

    Gonna post any CAW tips? I'm trying to place lots and stuff right now and it's a nightmare! Am remaking Sunset Valley.. with a twist :P
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    Evergreen226Evergreen226 Posts: 15,600 Member
    edited December 2009
    Hey everyone! AlphaProductions here (that's my new alias. I prefer it but Evergreen is still good.) I have decided to redo the assignments seeing as my world with my original was deleted accidentally/ on purpose. XD

    I was working on it and now I'm mad at my game. Well more the roof than the game.


    Look at the arrows. How do I fix the roof so it is all normal. This didn't happen on my last try so IDK what's going on...

    Thanks and please reply ASAP.

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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009
    Wicked! - I like to place roads first then lots. When you're making your lot look at the very bottom right hand corner...tells you how big your lot is as your making it. Don't mess with the road in front of the lot instead make the road maybe a sidewalk square larger than the lot and place a smaller piece of road next to it...edit that smaller piece and the road in front of your lot won't get all messed up. That's all the pointers I've got for now. Have to tell you this world is looking a lot better then the first one. :) Maybe after the holiday I'll make a little tut about placing roads and lots.

    Alpha Evergreen - :) I've had that happen to me before...didn't know how to fix it...sorry.

    I'll post a few pic's of the new world soon.
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    amakachaoamakachao Posts: 422 New Member
    edited December 2009
    simtweek- it's okay, i'm just glad -someone- saw my post... even if you don't have a solution, it shows somebody is thinking of it =D
    amakachao, I looked all through the game guide, and couldn't find anything at all on your question. My assumption would be you have to have the registers in the "vacation" town to use properly. Can you believe in 224 pages of book they couldn't address this? The only pages I found on the registers were in the different sections of the book for Egypt, China, and France and just listed the items they sell.

    thanks! that sounds harsh, you have to go on vacation to buy a camera... i play tested the market place so i know that the game will forcibly volunteer two Townies to stand at the registers. I feel sad now that June Shallow is standing there selling absolutely nothing. lol, she sort of deserves it anyway.
    I'll keep experimenting, it may just be they need a patch for it.
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    Evergreen226Evergreen226 Posts: 15,600 Member
    edited December 2009
    I am doing a lot lately >_< Not only am I doing the assignments, but I also am making a world in C-A-W (it's my first on and I'm using the largest height and land mass), I am making a machinima to possibly enter SIFF, I am trying to keep up my website and a story I have written, a modeling competition, and when Monday rolls around, I'll have school work to add on top of that... I am way too busy to be 12...

    Wicked- I don't understand making tombs, only playing them so I can't be of service. Sorry.


    PS. Is anyone available for a build? If so, I need a home built for me, for my machinima. I have a feeling Judy might want this because it's a cabin lol. And I need another house, I just haven't decided the architectural style.
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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009's some pics of the new world.



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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009
    Darn double post!!!!!
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    Cera13Cera13 Posts: 891 Member
    edited January 2010
    Everyones builds are so good!

    Bergcrys, I've enjoyed watching your landscaping come is excellent!

    Craig, where did you get your vine covered columns from?

    Cheated on my homework, so I'm redoing, but leaving up the picture with the shoes and the link is in a reply below :)

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009
    Cera - I need those heels! you see those heels in Cera's one pic. NEED THEM!!!! :) Cera your build is looking very nice.

    Well everybody it's time for me to get ready for my little New Year's Party. I hope each of you have fun ringing in the New Year and be safe. New Year kisses to all! I'll be back tomorrow night.
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    createxillusionscreatexillusions Posts: 59
    edited December 2009
    Hey everyone! (:
    Sorry I haven't popped in like I wanted. /: I actually got sick a few days ago so I've just been relaxing on the couch since then! I'm feeling better, but I'm not completely better yet. I have to go to the doctor's again on Monday, so hopefully they say I'm good to go!
    Hope all of you are well, and have a happy New Year! (:
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    Cera13Cera13 Posts: 891 Member
    edited December 2009

    I love the heels too! They come with the purse sitting on the table in the same pic.

    I'll find the link in a moment.

    And here is the link
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    bergcrysbergcrys Posts: 659
    edited December 2009
    quick question...if I'm working on creating a story, can I save in the middle of it and go back to work on it or once you publish is it done.
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    nam24601nam24601 Posts: 650
    edited December 2009
    you can save it and edit it later, though I would suggest, if it's a story rather than just a walkthrough for a build, that you post it on another site like blogspot or wordpress since the sims3 site has been acting up. All the pictures from people's stories and things seem to have all met together somewhere for a big new years bash, and no one can find them.

    Does anyone know HTML or CSS? I know a bit of both, but I'm having trouble making my siggy do what I want it to. I'm basically trying to put 2 side by side so they don't get cut off in firefox....
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    WickedKnightWickedKnight Posts: 189 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Evergreen... I asked about world creation not tomb making... -confused look- Think you mean someone else lol!

    Happy New Year Peeps!! :)
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    SmokyTopazSmokyTopaz Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited December 2009
    Cera, I am so sorry I was looking at your build and got transfixed by De Shoes! And Bag! I have to have them, I would download your build for those alone! I promise to pay more attention next time. (ten minutes later) You have a lot of lovely clutter. I love clutter. I never have enough - that and art work.

    SIMSTWEEK! she says indignantly, that is so not fair, given my builds you Know I like beach side properties. So not fair. I want it now.
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    Evergreen226Evergreen226 Posts: 15,600 Member
    edited December 2009
    LOL Sorry Wicked. I read someone with a question about tombs/traps and I thought it was you >_< I deserve a fail sticker.
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    nam24601nam24601 Posts: 650
    edited December 2009
    Yay! I am such a doo doo head! Apparently the reason my siggy's weren't side by side was...ahem, cough....I pushed enter between the links. :oops:

    SO, lol, that is all fixed now.
    and btw, I am a CC junkie too, and immediately went to download everything available on that page you linked us to, Cera. Thanks :D

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    LiLSapphireLiLSapphire Posts: 1,095 Member
    edited December 2009
    wolfspryte wrote:

    OH NO!!!

    A terrible terrible tragedy has befallen Sunset Valley. Someone working at the Science Industry building let an experiment get out of hand and BOOM the place exploded distroying the entire town and killing most of the Sims who lived there.

    The Studders Couple arrived in town a couple of days later shocked by the misfortune the town has suffered. They had come to Sunset Valley because they had heard it was a thriving pleasent town perfect for raising a family and had oppertunities abound for the ambitious go getter Sim.

    Instead of leaving and heading to the neighboring town of Riverview they have decided to stay and rebuild the town.

    Will the Studders be able to get Sunset Valley thriving once more or will they fail at the daunting task ahead of them?

    Will they be able to start and raise a family while rebuilding the town? Or will their dreams of having a large family be burried in the rubble piles of reconstruction?

    Will other Sims move into town as it is rebuilt or will it remain a ghost town?

    We'll find out as the rebuild of Sunset Valley starts tonight when The Studders Couple arrives.


    Hey Lil.. whacha doooin'?? ;) As you know, I'm also disabled, and I'm **** glad for the Sims... helps me keep my sanity... what's left of it! lol Also glad to know I'm not the only one spending 15 hours "playing/building" the Sims. Some days it's about all I can do.

    I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope you all succeed in whatever endeavors you undertake in 2010! And, I hope life brings you peace and happiness!


    Ummm I'm doooin' a complete rebuild of Sunset Valley. :-o I had started one complete rebuild then had a power outage while I was playing. It corrupted my save and backup files so I had to start over again. I think this is the 5th fresh restart I have made.

    Anyway I bulldosed everything in town except the military base, the grave yard, and Mrs. Crummblebottoms home.

    If I can figure out how to import Sunset Valley into CAW I want to move some lots around and add a few new streets. If not I will just rebuild things on new lots.

    I'm also going to repopulate the town with a mix of the premades and my own CAS Sims.

    The Studders Couple is my tester family. I am going to live out their life story as they rebuilding the town, and try and raise a fmaily while doing so.

    I totally understand what you mean by some days Sims is all you can handle same here. Although I still have some days where Simming isn't even possible. I still have some days where I don't function at all and I end up in bed all day doing nothing but sleeping and watching TV.

    Happy New Year everyone


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