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Rebuilding Worlds Vol. 2


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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @debjameswhite - Lachlan and Thalia just had a family moon :lol: Although possibly losing the love of his life to fire probably wasn't on Lachlan's list, I'm glad he was quick to save her ♥ I feel bad for poor David and his dream, poor guy.

    @MayaRose1138 - Wow! The house really turned out nicely and it's huge with plenty of space for everyone!
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    edited August 2021
    Family Tree
    Things might seem a little disjointed in my update, and any future updates to come as my playtime is broken up into about 1hr stints. Which results in it taking me forever to get enough for a proper update. Sorry in advance ♥ In my last update Gen 5 heir Dory and her husband Tomás welcomed their first baby boy, Aquarius.

    Parenthood was definitely a whole new experience for these two and they found themselves worn out all the time.

    Somehow they still managed to give their needy (true) firstborn, Jewel, love. But only after he meowed their ears off incessantly :lol:

    As a toddler the little guy is very independent and not quite a handful but still a lot for two working parents

    He definitely takes after his mom more than his dad with his hair and eye color

    Aquarius is also 100% a momma's boy too he is always blabbing at her about something, it's too cute


    And when his parents are working his grandma Lychee comes over to look after him. And of course she loves being about her grandson

    Not sure if this is a new thing but you can now cook with someone and it's so sweet to think that when these two aren't working they cook together ♥


    Dory is the first Greene is a long time to take an interest in fabrication and I am sure her Great-Great grandpa Aiyden is proud

    At some point in the little life of their Dory found out they were expecting baby number 2. I think Aquarius is happy at the possibility meanwhile
    Tomás is still tired from parenting one kiddo :lol:

    Aquarius has also taken up an interest in the family hobby, gardening and can often be found chatting up the plants outside in the garden

    When Dory was preggers with Aquarius she had no sick days and overall a smooth pregnancy but baby number 2 is proving to be a completely different pregnancy and she is always miserable

    Luckily for her it didn't last too long and she went into labor in the early morning hours. While dad panicked Aquarius was excited to see his new sibling/playmate

    Dory gave birth to a healthy baby boy that they named Leo :star:
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @OJenn I love the picture of the happy couple napping together. I'm sure baby Aquarius is a handful! Aww look at him looking at his Mom! Such a little love :) He is her mini me right now! I haven't had a chance yet to use that cook together action but I love that it exists. Such a good add! Aww hooray for baby #2!! Two little boys will be fun :)
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    OJenn wrote: »
    @MayaRose1138 - Wow! The house really turned out nicely and it's huge with plenty of space for everyone!

    Thank you! Yes, the house turned out quite large but it didn’t leave any area outside, except for the monkey bars and Holly’s flower arranging table. That’s why I’m glad there was some areas like the playroom so that the kids will have plenty of room to play. Each child is gg to have their own bedroom too, so that’s handy after the smaller bedrooms last generation.

    Great update! Aquarius is a little cutie 🥰. He seems to be very loved by his parents too. Leo will be the same - can’t wait to see who he takes after! Will there be a third child?
    @MayaRose1138 Oooo I love a house tour! Your house looks great :) I love the playroom and the shelving for the sim trophies :) Very nice!

    Thank you! That house helped me work out a lot of different house-building techniques, including creating that little verandah over the door, and the friezes around the outside of the house to show the different levels. It’s been my favourite build so far. I’ve done the next gen house already (had some time a couple of months ago) but it could change in appearance if I get CoL before then as the house is actually very cottage like in design anyway. And there is a big backyard suitable for a farm 😂. I have the transition all worked out in my head too even though the first two kids of the gen are still toddlers 🤣🤣.
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    Little Leo as a toddler looks more like his dad and seems to have taken nothing from his mom beside his sweet personality

    Aquarius aged up soon after his little brother learned to walk and he definitely takes after his mom 100%

    The two are inseparable and its the cutest thing

    Dory decided to spend some time with her mom and took a day trip to Henford-On-Bagley



    All in all it was a good day and Dory enjoyed getting out of the house

    Meanwhile back in town Dory tries to keep the Green name alive by doing what she does best ♥ Even if it's reminding her uncle Bramble what the Green family is known for (bless him in his old age :lol: )

    The park is also still the place where the most Greenes can be spotted on any given day


    Little Leo's toddler days were short lived and soon enough it was time to blow out the candles on the big boy cake

    Child-hood make overs for both the boys and the rooms to follow...they'll need it ♥
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    edited August 2021
    Does anyone have Iza Price from Generation 6? Her link doesn't work for me. If not I am going to try and recreate her or a sim similar so we have some diversity still ♥
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @OJenn Both the boys are so cute! Oooo! I was wondering what Henford-On-Bagley was and then I realized it's from Cottage Living. How fun! I love when I'm out and I see all the descendants. I love seeing yours too. I can't wait to see the makeovers for the boys!

    I do not have Iza Price. I wish people wouldn't remove sims! hehe Thank you for remaking her though and keeping things diverse!
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    TO RAISE A WOLFE – Evergreen Harbor Edition
    Callahan Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree
    Valentino Family Tree
    West Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree

    Chapter 32: Sometimes Life is Sad

    I’ll start with some fun. My Willow Creek family had quads! I was starting to think they were not going to have any kids!

    In case you don’t remember here’s their family tree. They’re on Generation 4.

    Oldest sister Samara had a surprise baby after already having 2 teens in the house.

    Then we have everyone’s favorite Selena.

    By the end of the update they had 2 teens too. I love this family. I think both kids are a really good mix of their parents.

    Silvina’s family is also growing.

    I don’t know if you remember, I didn’t, but Sawyer and Lucia had a surprise baby too. After Lachlan had moved out and gone to college…and he was the baby!

    Right at the beginning of this update things started out sad. We got news that the Heck triplets had all passed on the same day. I really loved Elsa.

    Lachlan and Thalia are as in love as they ever were.

    The boys are the best of friends.

    They love their Uncle David. He’s the coolest.

    The boys are all working on their goals. Auley is a whiz kid.

    Tavish is very creative. Uncle David got him his own violin.

    Finley can type without looking! This is serious business!

    Thalia does her best to pull herself away from the gym to read to her son.

    Finley finished his aspiration quickly and realized he had a creative spark as well.

    David wanted to paint Lachlan’s portrait. Lachlan was unsure about the timing. Really? Like this? In my sweats while I’m knitting? David was like SURE! Why not???

    It should have a no surprise when so many people from his parent’s generation was passing, but it still was a shock to all of us (including me) when we suddenly got news of Lucia passing. Lachlan ran over as quickly as he could. He ended up in his old work room. His escape since he was surrounded by sisters.

    It reminded him of his love for robotics (and me that he had a preplanned career he was supposed to be following!).

    He was really worried about his aging father and his little sister.

    Back at home, he was sad and worried.

    He spent a lot of time hugging his kids. (Especially Tavish because he has a festering grudge against his child son??? Come on EA!!).

    He quit his job in social media and worked hard to follow his dreams. He realized now life is short!

    He spent a lot of time going back to his parents’ house. He really was worried about how his father was copying with his little sister and the loss of his mother. Usually, he’d run on the treadmill while they chatted. It wasn’t long though before life had different plans.

    When his father didn’t answer him, he realized something was going on.

    He pleaded for his father not to die.

    It was no use, Sawyer was ready to join his wife.

    That night, David tried to convince Lachlan and Thalia it was time for him to move out. Megan would be moving in, and the house just wasn’t big enough for all of them. Lachlan and Thalia couldn’t disagree more. You can’t leave us now! What would that do to the boys? They just lost their grandparents! David tried to be firm but, in the end, he gave in.

    Many things happened that day. The boys aged up without a party due to the unexpected death and the same happened to Megan. Thalia also finished her class and completed her aspiration.

    David had also completed his aspiration by mentoring the boys in violin.

    This is when I realized I had forgotten something very important. Sawyer still had Lia and Heath’s urns in his inventory. Unfortunately, I moved Megan out of the house before I realized this and they were lost. I also lost Hailey’s urn because I just wasn’t thinking about it. I had been away from the game too long! Oh well, let’s move on.

    It was time for a funeral.

    Selena makes the best faces…even when she’s heartbroken.

    Everyone was heartbroken.

    Especially the boys.

    But they sure are handsome!

    Harvest Fest came and the family tried to make the most of it.

    It felt like they were just going through the motions.

    Even when they were trying to play their family games. Ping Pong just wasn’t the same without Sawyer.

    Eventually though, things started to normalize.

    Megan had no trouble fitting in with her nephews. She hated when they called her auntie though!

    The family just couldn’t catch a break though. Luna who had be Lachlan’s childhood pet also passed. Everyone was devastated. I feel bad to leave you on a sad note again, but this is where it ends for now.

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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    Sorry for the delay everyone! I have updated Iza Price on the main page now and tried my best to do her justice based on the tiny pic lol

    @debjameswhite - Selena's kiddos definitely look alot like their dad, I miss your Willow Creek family so I am glad you included them in this update. Poor Lachlan, losing people is never easy but it also helps you appreciate the ones you still have ♥ It's sad to see Sawyer go but at least he and his wife can be reunited at last. So much sadness in one update, I hope the family has some good times ahead now that the boys are teens
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    Army008Army008 Posts: 141 Member
    It's been a while since I updated on my family, the first baby of generation three the baby of Felicia and Pierce Freddy aged up and he turned out to be a cutie.
    51384863306_bdad054d65_k.jpg08-16-21_8-55-12 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Also baby number two of generation three the baby of Kacie and Stephan baby Leilani was born and aged to a toddler and she turned out adorable as well.
    51384106867_00755a5e7d_k.jpg08-16-21_8-55-23 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Cheyenne was accepted into Foxbury University and was also awarded the Evergreen Harbor scholarship. Soon after baby Leilani was born Aiyden passed away and not to long after she aged up Iris passed away. While Cheyenne is at school Hassen is working on his fabrication skills and working on his athletic career and skills.
    51384863346_5096db15fc_k.jpg08-14-21_8-20-02 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    After the passing of her parents Cheyenne was tired all the time but she just put it in the back of her mind as being stressed from school and the passing of both of her parents. Unbeknownst to her a few months later she learned that she herself was expecting her first child who would be the third baby of the third generation.
    51384863331_4e5f374de2_k.jpg08-15-21_3-43-56 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Still going to school and getting good grades Cheyenne decided she would start working on her fabrication skill herself.
    51384863321_4bd8577a2d_k.jpg08-16-21_8-40-41 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Right after Cheyenne had completed two of her four final exams she went into labor while tending to her chickens and and her garden. So instead of being like her mom who gave birth to her and her sisters at home, Cheyenne went to have her baby at the hospital.
    51385114988_3c63d0db0f_k.jpg08-17-21_3-46-05 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    After checking in at the hospital Cheyenne walked back to the delivery room and waited for the doctor.
    51384106847_c30bc06a9e_k.jpg08-17-21_3-47-06 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    After a very quick and painful labor and delivery Cheyenne gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who the named Sebastian, a name that both of her parents had saved if they had a boy. I can't wait to see who baby Sebastian looks like, both Cheyenne and Hassen have strong genes.
    51385603894_c2a036dcda_k.jpg08-17-21_3-49-34 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @OJenn Oh excellent job with Iza!! She's pretty :)
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @Army008 - All the generation three kiddos turned out so cute! But it's so sad that Aiyden and Iris didn't get to meet all their grandkids 😭 Cheyenne is such a hard working girl doing school and having a baby, is she almost done with her degree?

    @debjameswhite - Thanks! I tried to do her justice ❤️ Here's hoping we don't need to do that again. I'm almost tempted to go through and download all the Sims and save them
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    Army008Army008 Posts: 141 Member
    @OJenn She is halfway through and Hassen is excelling at his job and being a great help with the baby while she is at class.
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    I’ll be back for comments and perhaps an update later but I just have a quick question - since the random trait generator hasn’t been updated for Cottage Living yet, am I allowed to substitute the trait and aspiration for that pack instead of another if I’m planning on the next generation going to HoB for a short time? (And also so I can explore that pack?). All the kids for this generation have been born and I’ve rolled their child traits but not any higher yet as I’m waiting to see if I like any better than the others 😄. There’s a couple of potential heirs and I can’t decide between them yet.

    If it breaks the rules, that’s fine, but I thought I’d check because I have the transition between generations all planned out even though the kids are toddlers 🤣. The next gen house is a cottage style one that I’d picked out ages ago, so it would fit with the theme nicely, and Brindleton Bay is supposed to be all about the animals!
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    Army008Army008 Posts: 141 Member
    Here we are for another update. Little Freddy aged up to a child and baby Sebastian aged up to a toddler.

    Freddy looks just like is dad from his dark hair and eyes to his nose and mouth.
    51394017102_1370170914_k.jpg08-20-21_5-42-22 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Sebastian looks like his dad as well with his dad with his skin tone and blonde hair. But he has Cheyenne's eye color and lips, all in all a cute little boy.
    51394017167_5fdfdad1a0_k.jpg08-17-21_7-59-43 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Hassen and Cheyenne loved having little Sebastian in their lives. Hassen is very supportive of Cheyenne going to school he is also working on his athletic career but he loved spending time with Sebastian.
    51395041708_98f335bfee_k.jpg08-17-21_8-19-29 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Sebastian loved to play with the chickens and just loved to run around the house and make everyone smile.
    51395790860_4635c79335_k.jpg08-17-21_8-11-21 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr
    51395510659_0aaa704c61_b.jpg08-17-21_8-41-46 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    After a little while he will curl up on the couch and take a nap.
    51395790805_6c5e5364de_k.jpg08-20-21_7-18-25 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Whenever Cheyenne had time she would spend time with Hassen and Sebastian.
    51395041658_b682ad3b57_k.jpg08-20-21_7-25-52 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    With Sebastian growing up Cheyenne and Hassen both agreed that they wanted one more child but they would wait until Cheyenne graduated from college, but to their surprise at the begging of her final semester of college Cheyenne announced she was pregnant.
    51394017072_5819babb95_k.jpg08-20-21_7-19-16 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Cheyenne wasn't alone in being pregnant, it turns out both Felicia and Kacie were also pregnant.
    51394017057_e8826fe1d9_k.jpg08-20-21_8-01-05 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    With the expectant arrival of three new babies into the Greene family the family tree continues to grow bigger and stronger. And Evergreen Harbor is becoming more green and a healthy place for the green family to continue to grow and prosper.

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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    edited August 2021
    I’ll be back for comments and perhaps an update later but I just have a quick question - since the random trait generator hasn’t been updated for Cottage Living yet, am I allowed to substitute the trait and aspiration for that pack instead of another if I’m planning on the next generation going to HoB for a short time? (And also so I can explore that pack?). All the kids for this generation have been born and I’ve rolled their child traits but not any higher yet as I’m waiting to see if I like any better than the others 😄. There’s a couple of potential heirs and I can’t decide between them yet.

    If it breaks the rules, that’s fine, but I thought I’d check because I have the transition between generations all planned out even though the kids are toddlers 🤣. The next gen house is a cottage style one that I’d picked out ages ago, so it would fit with the theme nicely, and Brindleton Bay is supposed to be all about the animals!

    This is the random trait generator I use and it's been updated :) so feel free to use this one!

    @Army008 - Freddy and Sebastian are such cuties! I can't wait to see the next set of kiddos and who they take after genetically.

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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    Hello <3 I'm just... casually jumping into the thread after almost half a year lol. I haven't had the chance to log into the game or keep up with the forum for months, due to some bumps along the way in real life, but I just wanted to chime in and say that I would love to be back playing someday, maybe in a month or so if I can sort out my work/free time schedule. I'm not sure how I'll be able to catch up with all your updates tho... I'm like... flooded with more than a hundred updates :lol:
    I hope you've all been well :blush:
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @Kiwicantdie I am just happy to see you pop in! You know I don't mind, a quick hello is better than anything ♥ I hope you're doing well and I can't wait to see your updates when time permits.
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Kiwicantdie I'm going to parrot what @Ojenn said! Just happy to see you say hello and know you're there! <3
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    Hey everyone! This summer has been crazy busy for me, but I managed to find a bit of time to play & get some pics for an update :smiley: I'm afraid I won't have time to comment on everyone's posts (I'm soo behind :bawling: ) but I have been reading when I get time and I'm loving everyone's updates :smile:
    Rebuild Evergreen Harbor: Gen 5

    So for a little recap, we're on gen 5, and this is my gen 5 heir: Owen Greene. He has the Neat, Squeamish, and Adventurous traits, the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration, and the Social Media (Internet Personality) career. He hasn't worked on the family skill (fabrication) whatsoever, but he's half-way to maxing his random rolled hobby of Rocket Science!

    And here's a full outfit tour for him ~

    In my last update (before the house tour) he got engaged to his baby mama Rosalie Barrera. She has the Art Lover, Music Lover, and Hates Children traits, the Freelance Botanist aspiration, and the Gardener (Florist) career. Her randomly rolled hobby is painting, which she hasn't worked on whatsoever yet lol.

    Her full outfit tour (can you tell I'm in love with the CAS items from Paranormal Stuff? :lol: ) ~

    And last but certainly not least is little Lily, the "oops" baby from early in Owen and Rosalie's relationship :grimace: She has the clingy favorite :unamused:

    Her lil outfit tour ~

    I haven't played this save in so long that it took me awhile to get my bearings, so I didn't get any pics before Harvestfest...and I forgot to decorate for Harvestfest :sweat_smile: I promise this is a Harvestfest selfie!

    I did manage to remember to invite the family over for a grand feast, but due to MCCC setting changes, a looot of sims suddenly aged up into elders and/or died, so sadly the family isn't as big as it used to be. Thad and Piper are elders now :cry:

    Owen kept little Lily entertained ("watch sports" is one of my Harvestfest traditions lol) while Rosalie got to relax and enjoy some adult conversation. She's good friends with Piper and Thad now :blush:

    After the in-laws went home, Rosalie went outside for some fresh air and to avoid the child she hates lol. I really love the flower arranging skill - there are so many pretty arrangements!

    Then she suddenly ran inside to vomit!! At this point I realized risky woohoo must've gotten me last because they hadn't even woohoo'd, let alone tried for a baby, since I started playing again :astonished:

    Being the child-hater she is, she was not happy lol. I'm not mad though, I really want a blonde heir this generation :tongue:

    Apparently I also scheduled a wedding for the day after Harvestfest - which I promptly canceled and re-scheduled with a new venue in beautiful Henford-on-Bagley! :smiley: (Note: it was a lot prettier in build mode...forgot it was fall so all the trees are dead lol)

    The guest list was pretty short: Thad and Piper of course, vampire aunt Cleo and her daughter, uncle Augustus, and two young adults Owen had in his friends list lol. One of them I vaguely remember as his rock climbing buddy from Mount Komorebi (not pictured, he was the only guest not sitting :unamused: ), and I think the other is his ex-girlfriend because they have a full red romance bar :grimace:

    I'm absolutely in love with Rosalie's wedding dress :heart:

    The Knights of the Hedge chess club was this close to crashing the wedding, but I managed to get the wedding kiss before they all ran into the shot lol.

    Owen made a gorgeous two-tiered white and black cake, I had no idea he was such a master chef lol. Lily was made that she didn't get the first slice of cake :tongue:

    The bump is showing! We're gonna pretend that's grape bad :lol:

    As the sun began to set, the Greenes busted out their best dance moves. Elderly Thad is GETTIN' it lol.

    Annnd exhausted, screaming toddler is my cue to leave lol. All in all it was a great wedding. Congrats Mr and Mrs Greene!
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Army008 The kids are so cute, but how sad that Iris and Aiyden passed away, but good luck to Cheyenne getting her degree with little ones.

    Eeee! I'm so excited about your picture with chickens! Sebastian hugging them is the cutest.

    @JordanNicoleJJ I'm so happy to see you post! I am also in love with all the clothing from the paranormal pack. Lily is such a cutie. Haha I've had the same issue with holidays when I started playing again too. It might be the next generation before I'm fully back on track. Awww that's so sad about MCC settings killing off all your sims! I'm glad you still have Piper and Thad! Poor's a rough life not to be the biggest fan of kids in this game! hehe I love the wedding. I did not realize you could schedule weddings! Also I love the venue. Did you add that in or did the pack come with it? It was so homey :)
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @debjameswhite I added the little wedding area to Isle of Volpe Park in the Bramblewood. I changed the lot type from National Park to Park, because apparently you can't schedule weddings for National Park lots :confused: You can schedule weddings up to 2 weeks in advance with the calendar, but you can't schedule them on holidays (hence why it was the day after Harvestfest rather than Harvestfest itself lol). I knew I wanted an outdoor, kinda "rustic" wedding for Rosalie, and the new world is perfect for that! :smile:
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    legallyblondeelegallyblondee Posts: 28 Member
    I am loving this!
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    Hopefully I'll have an update tomorrow! I would have last week but my state was plunged back into another lockdown so I've been busy running my business online and dealing with the stress that causes :rage:

    @Kiwicantdie - Hi! *waves* Hope you're doing okay!

    @debjameswhite - what an action packed update! The triplets all seem to be turning out really well; it will be interesting to see who you'll chose as heir! So many birthdays, deaths and surprises! Sawyer's children all had the same eye shape which is showing up in my family tree as well; at least two of my current generation look like they're going to have it.

    @JordanNicoleJJ - welcome back! Great update! Little Lily is a cutie :smiley: Good luck with getting a blonde heir - that's what I'm aiming for too! Poor Rosalie; it would be no fun being pregnant if you don't like kids!

    @OJenn - Lovely update! Leo and Aquarius both look good; it'll be interesting to see what they look like after a make-over. Will they try for one more?

    Thank you for the link - I used it to roll for all the traits/careers/aspirations/hobbies. I've discounted one child based on colours but the others are all the same genetic variety :smirk: They have careers and aspirations I haven't done yet, though none of them rolled the new CoL aspiration :( . No-one is standing out yet though.
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    legallyblondeelegallyblondee Posts: 28 Member
    This is amazing

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