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Sims 411 - Forum Feedback, May 6th


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    Maya_hartMaya_hart Posts: 2 New Member
    Hello dear developers of The Sims 4, I would very much like to see a farm in the game, and of course more family gameplay (baby strollers, pillow fights, bachelor parties, an imaginary friend for a child, prom), attractions, Business shows, fairies and werewolves , Moon phases. All this is sorely lacking in the game. Thanks in advance.
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    andimackcentralandimackcentral Posts: 20 Member
    1.Would a Nintendo Switch port work?
    2.Would Mods and CC work on Console?
    3.Will Custom Pronouns be available in game
    4.Would Create A World be possible?
    5.How are some pack themes decided over others? How are themes decided to be Expansions over Game, Stuff, or Kit Packs?
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    MoodSwingerMoodSwinger Posts: 4 New Member
    I would like to see an end to “hints” about upcoming content. There are certain things that the community are desperate for ... you know what they are so I won’t repeat it again but everytime you start hinting people think they’re finally getting what they’ve been waiting for - then something like Star Wars comes out - literally the least wanted content according to the poll ... this breeds frustration and disappointment. Leave out the hints and just announce whatever it is you’re releasing. Don’t get peoples hopes up for stuff that isn’t coming.
    Also ... for the most wanted content ... if you’re not going to do it then just tell us, then maybe that way we can “get over it” rather than continuously hope
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    LittleRedRidingSimLittleRedRidingSim Posts: 122 Member
    Hi there! Did you know that having a toddler play date is virtually impossible? You have to invite the toddler and not their parent and that means that you have MET the toddler and have a high enough relationship with them. A toddler play date should be able to do with just knowing the parent and inviting them over as a family.

    It would make a huge difference. Thanks for looking into it for us! Also, can we have toddler mannequins for get to work. What about toddler clubs for get together, again, please include the adult parents in this.
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    russ_37russ_37 Posts: 4 New Member
    To the sims4 team: Your doing a great job and doing the best that you can on catering to everyone's needs by listening to us Simmers on what we want and giving us special sims content . I know it's not very easy job trying to creating even designing the content for the game and all but I understand completely it takes patience, energy and a whole lot of passion to make certain items (even bug fixes) . I do have some concerns about sim events on the calendar and adding more new stuff. I feel you guys should do more with adding new rug and floor styles even wall styles there is not enough of them to redecorate any room when one builds either a kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc. Sometimes I get tired of the same ole style without CC and I used to use CC but I took them off because it effects the festivals for some reason so I took all of the CC off. Now as for the events I would love to see adding Baby, wedding showers, proms and adding bridesmaids, maid of honor, groomsmen even best man options for everyone . And yes Cars WE NEED CARS !!! We miss them. Keep up the great work your doing Sim gurus your the best. Thanks for listening ! P.S I forgot to mention the laundry bag issue is another concern that has to be fixed having my sims holding the bag the wrong way looked really
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    jnobi4jnobi4 Posts: 2 New Member
    I think involving game changers to provide stronger builds in packs has been a great addition, but I'd love to know if there are plans to involve other game changers (or honestly just people in the community in general — I'd hate for this community inclusion in making packs to be excluded to all but game changers) to help with other more prominent game mechanics. For instance, making townies that appear in packs and who are involved in crafting their story, personality, and skills. A lot of us who play the game and build families would love to have packs going forward that feel as though they really keep in mind full stories and lore. I would love for my worlds to feel lived in and like the sims there know each other and have history. I feel like Mt. Komorebi was a good step in this direction, but the skills a lot of the sims had didn't seem to make a lot of sense with where they are in their careers and there were some weird missteps with some sims knowing some sims in a family but not others. But again, I would love to know if this is a community collaboration you would be interested in going forward because I know there are many talented storytellings CAS players who would love to be involved in building packs.

    To further that point, though I'm mostly interested in community involvement in deepening character creation and storytelling, I would like to know if the team would be interested in continuing building collaborations with the community outside of the game changers. I understand why the game changers are picked because they are already vetted, but I wonder if it would be possible to include some sort of process by which you can "interview" community members to collaborate with future in-game builds, characters, and storytelling elements. I think that would be really cool and would go a long way in making the whole community feel like they matter even if they're not a game changer.
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    Marvlefangirl12Marvlefangirl12 Posts: 1 New Member
    what is the new game pack pack is it werewolfs
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    KimberlyAZKimberlyAZ Posts: 9 New Member
    I'm a relatively new simmer who just started playing The Sims 4 within the last two years, and didn't play older versions.

    For a Livestream (or even a series of video tutorials) I would personally get a lot of benefit out of an in-depth discussion of how to manage the graphics settings for The Sims 4, directly from the people who built the game.

    When I watch YouTube videos of even smaller simmers playing The Sims 4, their graphics look amazing. No matter which settings I try to change in my game, I can't achieve that look. I don't know what each individual setting does or how they affect each other. I am not satisfied with my current level of graphics v performance and I am sure it's because this is not clear to me.

    Lots of other people in this thread are sharing their wish list for improvements to The Sims 4. I have my own wish list but will save it for when you specifically ask for that.
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,279 Member
    edited May 2021

    My feedback ?

    Please improve the pants from the upcoming packs for Feminine Male sims.
    Gender Options patch was released in 2016, it's strange to see new content like that in 2021

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    figgyfiggy Posts: 179 Member

    I'd like to hear more about the process of coming up with content, and how long does it take to develop it from scratch.

    It would also be nice if there could be more transparency as promised, and we could get more information on why you make the decisions that you make, and what's the process behind it. I think people would be more accepting and less complaining about the game.

    Please consider adding toggles for occults. I'd love to have the option to turn off selected/all occults per each save.

    Just want to note here that I love TS4, I've been around since TS1 and enjoyed all versions, but I love that I can play TS4 on the go and my laptop doesn't choke. I know lot of people had issue with the art style of TS4, but I absolutely love it. I think it's the best one yet.

    Lastly, I know we're not supposed to ask for content here, but I'd love to see you add more musical instruments. Drums and bass guitar to begin. I'd be so happy for a "Bands" pack.
    simming since 2000┃origin: daFigg ┃radiohead-head, potterhead, doodie-head
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    BL5036BL5036 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi everyone, i would like to talk about next occults... are you working on new creatures?

    I don't know if i'm the only one, but i love sims 4 and i don't want TS5 yet. There are so many things that we could have... Casinos, farms, travel in greece, bugglers in museums (with mummies of course) body hair ...
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    corydien4616corydien4616 Posts: 3 New Member
    I like the game, but it's not the same feeling as the SIMS 3. When I think of World Adventures alone, I loved that add-on. You could feel the different peculiarities of the Sims in the countries and the story was exciting.
    The open world was also a great feature.
    Unfortunately, everything feels like redundancy now. Life seems to be the same for every Sim.
    The temple quest in Jungle Adventures was exciting with one Sim. It was also with another Sim with "supposedly" a different character, but then you've also seen virtually everything. Compared to the World Adventures, it was unfortunately quickly boring.
    I wish there was more depth in the game, more bonding. Just thinking about how long it took me to get the ghost of Agnes Crumplebottom's husband to move in and become human again, so I could give her a happy ending. That was riveting.
    A new SIms world would also be nice again with more space.
    Thanks for your effort.
    Unfortunately, I have the feeling that you are missing the heart and soul of the past.
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    emmaleth1emmaleth1 Posts: 1 New Member
    It could be nice if you could discuss the following:

    1) The lack of challenge and depth in the game
    The game is too easy, plain and simple. I get that the Sims 4 is maybe marketed towards a younger generation than myself (I'm from 1997). But I've been playing The Sims since it came out, and I think a lot of the Sims 4 players are actually in their late teens and twenties. It could be nice if the game could grow with the fans, so you don't feel like you are playing a game that is designed for children. I do not ask for violence or nudity! Not at all. The game simply lacks challenge, and that's what makes it boring.

    Some of the ways the game is too easy:
    - Skills is way too easy to master.
    - It is too easy to make money. Every one of my Sims is upper-middle-class, and I'm not even trying! Maybe try to increase bills or make a significant difference between low-end and high-end objects in CAS.
    - Romantic interactions are too easy, and dates are just so repetitive and boring. There is no real challenge in finding a romantic partner, and romantic interactions in the game just seem so superficial, especially after you already have created a romantic relationship.
    - Life aspirations are... I don't even have words for it. It has so much potential, but again it just seems like it's a way to steer through some of the possibilities in the game or like a tutorial, without it ever becoming a real challenge and a true life aspiration.
    - There is no distinction in gameplay between teens, young adults and adults. It could give so much more to the game if teens got to be teens with puppy-love, first dates, school dances, friends and mean kids, insecurities and everything in between. This is something I really, really miss about the Sims 3, because it felt like the teens were actually teens and not mini-adults preparing for adulthood by just practising skills.

    2) Meaningless and repetitive gameplay
    I truly miss the opportunity to look back at my Sims' life like you could in Sims 2. Having memories, wishes and fears that depends on your Sims' personality are just so central to a game like The Sims, and yet it has been so forgotten in the creation of the Sims 4. Whims have gotten scrapped completely even though it had opportunities.

    Your Sims come out just looking like each other all the time because there are too few things that distinguish your sims from each other. Only very few after school activities for kids and teenagers. Your Sims doesn't really have any preferences for a partner or in friends (like prefers an outgoing partner, or dark-haired Sim). You end up picking the same traits for your Sims because the trait system lacks diversity. The responsible and good manners from the Parenthood pack are way too easy to achieve compared to the other traits or the negative traits, so every single one in my household has these traits, without me even trying. It's just so repetitive.

    Thank you for your time
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    SailorCetiSailorCeti Posts: 807 Member

    Gameplay is boring and empty with little to no consequence. All sims, regardless of traits or occupation, feel the same. There is almost no incentive to play. Coming home injured from a team event is nice, but we need more things like this. Where's falling down the stairs? For that matter, why not have traumatic events automatically change a trait! Athletic? Break your leg more than once? Dang, that trait just got changed to "loves the indoors!" The point is, good or bad, stuff happens, and people change over time. Traits have little impact and are too static. We also need more sots for them. If I tried to define myself with only three static traits, I'd be a boring person too.


    I've presently stopped building. There are too many bugs. Workarounds are often convoluted and non-consistent. Please fix platforms. stairs, and open balconies. Please fix the inability to place certain objects on diagonal walls (we used to be able to). Please fix inconsistent roof clipping and make seams between roof pieces consistent. Make curtains with floor tiles assignments overlap with other objects. Fix the "cannot place bush near column" errors.

    Botton Line:

    You keep adding new things to the game that end up breaking older things, or introduce new problems, but seldom go back and fix anything. I'd be willing to go for years without new content if you'd JUST FIX WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE!
    This game needs more Sailor Moon!

    Hold SHIFT while using the FRIEZE tool to apply it to a single wall, and not an entire room!

    ** SailorCeti's Builds **

    If you download one of my builds, by all means, leave me a message and tell me what you did and did not like about it.
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    Jono2506Jono2506 Posts: 1 New Member
    I’m not too sure how these work but I would love to see Custom Content to be added to console players. I recently purchased the sims for my PC and custom content has really changed the way I see the game. If console players had access to custom content that would be great
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    indigo_snap45indigo_snap45 Posts: 45 Member
    edited May 2021
    Hello and good morning, long time simmer here since the sims 2. I’ll try to make this as brief as possible and somewhat organized.

    1. Lagging and delayed game play

    My biggest issue with the sims 4 is the painfully slow lag/delay with in-game play. I understand that this is currently on the “laundry list” and I think we all appreciate that it’s finally being addressed, but why has it taken 6 years for the issue to be admitted by the team? Granted I have almost all of the packs downloaded but I have a decent computer with not much else on it so this shouldn’t be a problem. So why does it take a sim 3 hours to go from their bedroom to the kitchen to get breakfast, while most of the time they are just standing there, thinking about moving? Or from the living room out the door for work? The dine out and get to work packs are such fun ideas, but with the same sentiment, why does it take 12 hours of standing around after requesting a table to finally be seated?

    I also want to make it very clear that this problem is not just limited to one pack, or me as a player. As I’m sure you can see from other posts, this has affected almost every simmer with all different levels of computer and graphics quality. It *also shouldn’t take longer than a real life minute for me to change the game from pause to the highest play speed.

    Again, this issue has been around since the beginning and is present both with and without any mods. I’d like to know more specifics about the plans to fix this and what the team’s thoughts are about what is causing the issue.

    2. lack of depth and personalized autonomy for in game play

    I was so pleased when the sentiments and lifestyle features were announced. Then, even though I bought snowy escape myself, I was displeased to learn that the lifestyle feature was only available if you purchased the pack. I understand that the sentiment feature was included with the base game patch... but even with both of these features it still feels like nothing has changed. I want my sim’s traits and lifestyles to actually make a difference in my game play. And by this I don’t just mean adding another “social pie” interaction like “talking about books” for a book worm.

    I think what we want is more autonomous interactions for my sims. I want book worms to actually choose to read books BY THEMSELVES instead of me having to do it for them. I want outgoing sims to talk to their neighbors passing by their street or go out of their way to talk to their siblings themselves. I want foodies to make higher level/gourmet meals themselves . I think you get the idea. I’d be really disappointed if this feature was realized, but only in a pack you had to purchase and not in a free update.

    What are the team’s thoughts/opinions on fixing or adding personalized autonomy?

    3. More occult options!!

    I’ll be honest, this one is just my personal preference to my gameplay and stories. I could care less about babies and cars. What I miss are the werewolves. I miss the fairies. I really enjoy playing as vampires, mermaids and spellcasters. But I want mooooooooore! *sing that < to part of your worlds tune*.

    Are there any packs coming out that will add any additional occult sims, or any ideas in the works?

    4. More chance cards

    Not much to say about this one, but I’d like to see more chance cards for my sims. And by more I mean different content and a higher probability of one appearing for my sims. I feel like this is a small and easy (er) way that could help to create a more “lively” game play experience. Has anyone brought this up before and what would it take to make this happen?

    To recap:

    1. Lag/delay with gameplay
    2. More personalized autonomy that coincides with the sims traits
    3. More occult options please!
    4. More chance cards please!

    Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope you have a great day!

    * sorry for the edits I am new to bb code lol
    Post edited by indigo_snap45 on
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    Daniguia2Daniguia2 Posts: 1 New Member
    Hi, I know many simmers must have already asked you to add functional cars to the game, but I would like to ask for it too. It would be a great feature that many of us miss from previous games. Thanks!
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    JasonnnvooJasonnnvoo Posts: 1 New Member
    -The gameplay lacks hardcore features
    -Little to no gameplay depth
    -buggy sims
    -unresponsive sims
    -no personality in the sims
    -too easy gameplay
    -no consequences
    -very little to do the the worlds
    -children has no gameplay
    -teens are adults with less gameplay
    -traits not affecting gameplay
    -slow sims
    -toddlers having nothing in the game
    -babies are OBJECTS!!
    -one time usage
    -little gameplay in packs
    -packs being unfinished
    - a dlc for dlc...
    - Journey to battu
    - horrible swatches
    - Not diverse in build styles
    - Not filtered correctly
    - Glitchy sometimes
    - Terrain not being able to touch walls
    - Unorganized build buy catalog
    - Not many fence options
    - Lack of countertops
    - Lack of couches
    - Lack of beds
    - Lack of clutter
    - Lack of window sizes
    - Lack of backyard objects
    - Lack of objects for elders and babies
    -large objects
    -many objects hidden behind debug
    -no cars
    -no garage
    -no attics
    -closed worlds
    -loading screen to go lot to lot
    -unfinished builds
    -no customization in worlds
    -fake backgrounds
    -not diverse
    -no favorites
    -no color optimizations
    -no bio
    -no zodiac signs
    -can’t create relationship in cas
    -no middle names
    - terrible customization for toddlers
    - Cannot make ghosts
    - Not many accessories
    -just minor glitches
    -bad filters

    Besides all of those bad things the game is great <3
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    XanaduroseXanadurose Posts: 23 Member
    Heya guys I would like to know if your going to update the purchasing system. I have disabilities and when I go to the order sections for anything I can't just type in the amount I want nor can I hold the button down to add more. That means that if I want the max amount available for upgrade parts I have to click my mouse button 396 times in a row. To me and my hands this is a nightmare. As much as the buy and sell system is used across packs there is a real need for improvement.

    The lack of any spontaneous or chaos moments in the game really needs attention. I bought the paranormal pack because it had actions that were out of my control and my sim could fail at. The levels of difficulty only added to the fun and improved the gameplay alot for me.
    But the original ghosts need work I can't play with them because All they do is break stuff. Over and over they will just go and break all the bathroom items. Also if I make them back into a ghost household member the rest of the family needs to stop mourning them for weeks on end. I would understand if he was gone for good but instead they are asking for comfort from the ghost they are mourning?

    I liked the free game trial and it was done well. But it also made me realize that you should put festivals in the base game. Being invited out with a goal and having many things to do made a really enjoyable difference. There is only 5 things to do in base game and those get boring really fast. Also being able to have more than my family live on the same residential lot made the game seem more alive. Having actual interactions with my neighbors, making an npc interfere in my sims life was a very nice change.

    Thanks for listening.
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    MichessiahMichessiah Posts: 3 New Member
    Hello! I am not sure what would be acceptable to talk about with the restrictions that are in place so I will try my best not to violate guidelines. I want to start by saying that I am impressed with the initiative to hear what players have to say about this game. It shows that you are interested in what players have to say, but I feel that this will have no real result just like past survey's. On that note, there are still many issues with this game. This game feels dead. It's so boring with mod usage and that is not how past games were. This version of the franchise is not cannon for me. It is lacking so much! Mods help the game, but it is not, and should not be, an over all fix! Console players obtaining MOD usage is ideal, but most of the mods that are offered should be a feature in the game already. I think what would make the game great again would be to improve on the over all game. Traits feel lacking and are not an addition to the game. They are hallow and offer no substantial gameplay. Giving a sim a trait is the equivalent to pushing your hand against the screen and hoping the sim with touch it. The three trait slots that are given are not widely the issue. The issue is that traits are not tied in anyway to the sim, in addition, they add noting to the game. They are virtually useless. Whims are on the same level. They are random and are not tied to the trait or the sim, so it feels equally as hollow. In older games, picking certain traits was tied with whims and made the sims feel more alive, as it felt like it was part of their personality. Now, it is a shallow hollow version of itself and there is nothing exciting to keep most players who are not builders or CAS creators. This game caters to a specific group of people and the ones who do not fall into that category are left wanting and disappointed.

    On that note, Aspirations are just terrible. They are glorified tutorials. They should be something a sim needs to work hard for, for their life, not something to hold the players hand to make gameplay easier. I will say that I was happy to see that some things were added back to the game, I.E Firefighters, The Repoman, Bonehilda, ETC... But a lot of NPC's that made the game enjoyable are still missing. Personally, I miss Burglar's and Good Cop NPC's, I miss the Social Worker that comes to take your kid after giving the parents a thorough lecture about how to care for the kids. I miss the charm the game had in previous versions. I also hate that we went back to babies being objects that we can literally pull straight out of CAS. Why is it like this? Why can we not make Babies on CAS? Why has the option for Sims to be hybrid gone? Where is the charm of the game? New packs should excite the player. make them hyped for the game. Most of us are tired of dishing money for a few CAS and BB objects. Where is the gameplay? Substantial gameplay, like building up money to buy an expensive item, only to have said item be quaked off the wall and break, or having a teen sneak out after curfew only to come home to their parents angrily waiting by the door. This was the charm of the game, along with the little details of the game, like having two sims snuggle in bed, it is something so simple, but brings so much charm to the game, which this iteration lacks severely. Instead we get fancy cooking animations that add noting to the charm of the game. I personally would trade those broken bottles and sneezing into meals animations, that do not effect the game in anyway, for a quick snuggle animation that will make me swoon.

    In this version of the game, Sims walk everywhere! If you do no own Discover University then your sim just walks, and the all the walking that they do does not contribute to the athletic skill in anyway. I mean, they literally walk everywhere, so their skill should go up because of it! Story Progression is also shallow. I suppose it is a little better than it was at launch but it is still lacking. I want sims to marry and have kids and cheat and break up and move out and live their best homeless lives. I don't want to have to go into every household to make them have kids, get a partner, ETC. The game lacks depth. It lacks the charm it once had. Babies are reverted back to usable objects; crying furniture if you will. Aspirations, Traits, and Whims are all a joke. I understand that most of this stuff was cut down so that the game would be more diverse and run on a more wide variety of machines but it is the same as it always is when people add so many mods to the game to get close to what the game used to be. I know that it is the problem of the player for adding said mods to begin with, but there would not be a need for those handful of mods if the game had the features plays are downloading mods for! That is just in my opinion.

    Now, I know we are not supposed to add a wish list of things we wish to see in the game, and I know that this is not the place to suggest things, but having the opportunity to talk about the game should have included all of these things for eager players who love the game, I.E: me; and just want it to be the best game it can be, opposed to the train wreck we've had for the past 7 years. Now don't get me wrong, there are some really good aspects of the game, it is not all crap, but when a game fails to hold interest even after new content is released shouldn't finding the source of the problem be a priority? Wouldn't you want to know why there are constant complaints about the game even though new things are coming out that the team is excited for, only for their to be a negative backlash? I know I would, and hiding the problem only makes players feel like they will never be heard and that their money and time and effort would be better off elsewhere. All I want to talk about in the next 411 is what the plans are for improving the game and making the franchise something players actually want instead of tacking packs onto a broken game and hoping everything comes up millhouse. I hope that question is answered, because personally as a player, but also as a consumer, I am ready to move onto a different franchise because this game is not worth time, or money.
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    Nekia33painterNekia33painter Posts: 336 Member
    Just things off the top of my head. Why is there such a gap in ages, sexes and genders with the stuff they get like clothes and hair. Would you ever consider having a mechanic for players to give them an option to lock skill gain and preventing sims from learning other skills? I like that you made it easier to distinguish traits from visual cues but sometimes it ends up being so samey. As much as I love my neat sims cleaning stuff maybe some scaling for players to choose how much sims want to do that interaction?
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    MoodSwingerMoodSwinger Posts: 4 New Member
    Can I ask what direction you guys are planning to take the game?
    Are you planning to improve family/realistic gameplay or focus on occults/make believe stuff?
    Are you planning to improve the sandbox element that made the game what it is or steer more towards storyline/RPG type stuff?

    Also, TS4 building is by far the best out of all The Sims games, thanks for the work you have done on that :-) on the other hand the buy items would benefit from more modern, neutral, realistic items so that builders can truly make the buildings they envision. The items in the Get Famous pack were rather comical and the kind of stuff you’d expect to see on a cartoon poking fun at rich people ... where’s the realistic ... or at least ... believable stuff?
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    Redalpha23simsRedalpha23sims Posts: 10 New Member
    My other concern is how you communicate with us. Like can you please make up your mind of what our main topic should've been for this forum, if not a suggestions of what we want see added/updated in the game? Can you give us a roadmap like you did the other time?
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    elvenLegendselvenLegends Posts: 1 New Member
    Hello! I really want to see the mechanics that were in the Sims 3 - lunar cycles. I want more extreme weather and travel destinations like Egypt, more mythological creatures (like the spirit of Mount Komorebi). I want development supernatural beings (which are very cool now, i like they) and I think a good supernatural creature needs a game set. I want content like StrangerVille, Vampires or Paranormal. They came out great, like Seasons or Snowy Escape! It's hard to choose one thing, there are so many cool things.
    I would like more items for construction. There are always few of them.
    Thanks for your work! Sorry for mistakes, I'm not very good at English. <3
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    nifflrnifflr Posts: 7 New Member
    I would like there to be more matching build and buy objects. For example, every style of window should be available short, tall, full-length, one tile wide, two tiles wide, three tiles wide. All couches should be available as three-tile couches, two-tile love seats, and one-tile arm chairs. All tables should be available in one tile, two tile, and four tile sizes. This would allow us to maintain a consistent look while still

    Also, there are not enough colour swatches for the build and buy objects that we have, including wallpaper and floors. It is difficult to find things that match both in style and in colour. Items should be available in all neutral and chromatic colours.
This discussion has been closed.
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