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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    ilikethesims30ilikethesims30 Posts: 556 Member
    I can't find the Summer vacation thing in NRAAS career module SP. I guess my Sim kids are going to school all year
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    I can't find the Summer vacation thing in NRAAS career module SP. I guess my Sim kids are going to school all year
    NRaas > SP > General Options > Options:Careers > Options:Schools > Summer Off > (Select the schools to honor the days off selected above, it can be different for different schools)

    Of course, you need to have schools in your world and Story Progression has to be actively running.
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    ilikethesims30ilikethesims30 Posts: 556 Member
    Turjan wrote: »
    I can't find the Summer vacation thing in NRAAS career module SP. I guess my Sim kids are going to school all year
    NRaas > SP > General Options > Options:Careers > Options:Schools > Summer Off > (Select the schools to honor the days off selected above, it can be different for different schools)

    Of course, you need to have schools in your world and Story Progression has to be actively running.

    To be clear, you need the Career Add on from NRAAS?

    Thanks for this.
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    edited June 2020
    To be clear, you need the Career Add on from NRAAS?

    Thanks for this.
    You are welcome. To be clear, you need the StoryProgression Career module from the Story Progression download page, not the Careers mod, which does something different. And just for the sake of completeness, you need an active Seasons expansion of the game.
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    SleepstarSleepstar Posts: 819 Member
    Dusted off my Moonlight Falls Save:

    After I loaded my game Janus and Alan had something to eat before they went to school and work; Florence and Keanu had breakfast together before I sent Florence to the easel (as she had a Wish to learn the Painting Skill locked in) and Keanu chatted online; Ebony went to work and after getting her wish I sent Florence to the Alchemy Station; she made four lots of Job Booster Elixir. Alan and Janus returned home and both went to bed. Keanu went to the Elixir Store to purchase some more Potions ingredients. Keanu, Florence and Ebony returned home and I saved when everyone was in bed.
    Currently aiming to get all harvestable produce in The Sims 3 (One EP left)Will complete a Legacy one day (My Wishlist)
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Storywise, the thread is a bit slow...:o mostly technical stuff going on today.=)
    Will be back later to do feedback.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    I am on a hair hunt again... :smile:


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    McToshMcTosh Posts: 638 Member
    I'm not starting them out at zero on their skills since as Naval Officers and Flight Crew they already have decent skills.

    Commander Tosh "Animal" Nakamura: Naval Aviator, F-14 Tomcat, Commanding Officer, VF-41 Black Aces; recipient of the Medal of Honor (Hill 175, North Korea), Graduate USN Fighter Weapons School (Topgun); holder of three blackbelts in three different martial arts including MCMAP and a brown belt in Sim Fu (Martial Arts Level 8), Battle E award and Battle S award as Commanding Officer, VF-41; Graduated Military Science, U of Rochester, NY (Logic Level 7). Graduated tops in his class in SERE (Survival Escape, Resistance and Evasion - Athletics Level 8)
    Lieutenant Leah "Butch" Cassidy: Naval Flight Officer, F-14 Tomcat, VF-41 Black Aces; MCMAP Yellow Belt, Sim Fu Yellow Belt (Martial Arts Level 3) Graduated Engineering University of Texas - Logic Level 8, Lettered in Swimming and Track & Field in High-School and was on the Naval Academy Rowing Team; was third in her class at SERE (Athletics Level 7)

    commander tosh eh, i approve of his name o:)
    ewb7fssg3zet.pngingame: commandermctosh feel free to add ;D
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member
    Ava Sinclair Update

    ***Takes place directly after the last update.

    While Ava was still at the park Monday morning, her phone rang. "Hello, Ava Sinclair? Who's this?" Ava asked. "Hi, Miss Sinclair," said a female voice. "This is the Bridgeport Police Department calling in regards to your parents. Our officers have arrested your mother and father on multiple charges." Ava was shocked, she knew her parents weren't good people but she never thought they'd get arrested. "May I ask what for?," Ava asked the woman. "Yes, you may. Your parents were arrested for robbing a bank here in Bridgeport. As for your mother, she made a getaway and led our officers on a high speed chase for several minutes until we deployed spike strips. She wrecked but only has minor injuries and will be fine. Ava shook her head, still not believing her parents would do something like that. Then a thought occurred to her, what about Robert? "Was Robert Lancaster arrested as well?" she asked. The officer told her that Robert hadn't been seen for a while and she also questioned why Ava suspected him of anything. "Oh, it's nothing, I just know he's my father's boss." They talked a bit more before hanging up. Wow, I'm actually free from my parents, she thought. Now I will be safe and not have to worry about anything.

    Ava was so happy about her parents being off her back so she decided to try skating. She wasn't very good at keeping her balance but she never did fall. David and Elizabeth never let her skate as they didn't want her to break anything. "You know how much hospital visits cost? No way are we allowing you to skate and break something," her mother told her then. Ava didn't realize that it wasn't that they cared about her, it was all about the money. The only thing that seemed to bother her was that Robert hadn't been seen. Hopefully he had disappeared for good and wouldn't be a problem for her.

    She noticed a man was watching her from the side of the skating rink so she went over to him. "Looks like you're getting the hang of those skates," the man said. Ava laughed and stuck out her hand. "Thanks. I'm Ava Sinclair, by the way," she told him. He took her hand and smiled at her, causing butterflies in her stomach. "Leighton Sekemoto. I grew up here so I know you are new," he said. Ava only nodded, she was too distracted by his good looks but she quickly recovered. "Yeah, I just moved here yesterday actually. Your town is really nice," she said. "It may look nice," Leighton said, "but there are some things you just can't see unless you've lived here a while." Now Ava was intrigued, what kind of secrets did Sunset Valley hide? She decided not to ask that and their conversation then turned to the places Ava should visit. Ava and Leighton had a nice conversation but Ava looked at her phone and realized she needed to head home. "It was so nice to meet you, Leighton," she told him. "I'd stay to talk longer but I have to work tonight." Leighton asked for her phone number before she left and she gave it to him in hopes he'd call her sometime. He waved goodbye to her as she hailed a taxi to take her home.

    Ava was not a great cook at all so she couldn't really make much for lunch. She'd gotten good enough to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so she decided to make some for now and later. She sat down to eat her lunch, thinking about the way Leighton smiled at her. She hadn't really had many boyfriends as her parents tried to set her up with Robert as soon as she turned 16. Because of that, she sometimes fell for men who might not be the best for her. Leighton seemed nice but she really didn't know him that well, yet she was already thinking she'd like to date him. (She has the flirty trait which I think would make her flirt with any guy she found attractive but since she doesn't have commitment issues, she'd at least be committed.)

    Ava bought a new shower with her flower money then went to work after the plumbers installed it. She hailed another free taxi and went to the store. The next few hours were spent sorting fruits and vegetables and helping customers find the perfect produce. Her fellow employee, Gus Hart, wasn't much help so she had to learn it herself.

    Sunset Valley is full of a variety of different Sims and most of it's citizens at least have seen each other, even if they don't know each other. Gobias Koffi was approached by Ethan Bunch made faces at him. Gobias played along with the oldest Bunch boy.

    But then when Ethan tried to talk to him, Gobias didn't want anything else to do with him and walked away.

    The Wainwrights were also spotted around town. Those of you who know Ava know there will be a connection there soon enough.

    Ava had just got off work when she was approached by an older gentleman. "Excuse me, Miss? Are your steaks still on sale?," he asked her. Ava shrugged her shoulders. "I work in the produce section so I really don't know. I wish I could help you." "That is alright, thanks for helping. I'm Boyd Wainwright," he said, offering his hand to her. "Ava Sinclair," she said as she shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you Ava, I won't keep you as I know you are probably tired." Boyd took his leave and once again, Ava was falling in love with a guy.

    Not too far away, Susan Wainwright was saying hello to Bessie Clavell. The Clavell's were friends with her parents so she always talked to them for a minute or two. Ava had already headed home and Boyd was sitting on a bench not too far away when the sky got darker. All of a sudden, a huge ball of fire lit up the sky and was headed straight toward Susan and Bessie. Boyd ran as fast as he could, trying to push his wife to safety. Unfortunately, he was too late as a meteor crashed, landing straight on top of Susan.

    ***And that is where we leave things. It was a bit hard setting this part up but I had an ulterior motive for the meteor. Ava won't end up with Boyd for a while as this prequel will differ from the one from last year. I think we may explore a Leighton and Ava romance to set things up on how her and Boyd get together. I believe that Boyd would never cheat on Susan like he did in the old story so this is a way to remove her from the equation.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited June 2020
    Punch-Out A Survival Story
    Chapter Three - A Hard Conversation

    A lot of things went through Animal's mind as he concentrated on catching fish that afternoon and by the time nightfall came around he and Butch had managed to catch several fish that were edible for the firepit that they'd found. He and Butch were both starting to feel the cold and it was sweet relief to have finally lit the firepit and be able to sit and roast their catch over a hot flame.
    Screenshot-34.jpg "You feeling OK...bumps, bruises, no broken bones...sprains?" Tosh easily slipped back into the role of CO...trying to ascertain that his backseater was OK.

    "I'm fine, I didn't break anything punching out and no sprains, loops were tight so nothing was flailing around when the bang-seat went off."

    "Good thing, Butch. Survival gets a lot tougher if you're injured..."
    Screenshot-36.jpg "Thanks for asking...though..." Butch said as she looked at her fish that she was roasting to make sure that it didn't catch on fire. Well cooked was preferred."
    Screenshot-35.jpg Quite the ride we had. Wasn't sure if we were going to make landfall..." Animal admitted soberly. "Punching out over water isn't the best possible scenario especially when we've both lost our beacons." He looked over at her.

    "If I had some tools, I could try to see if I could get mine working...but yours might be a complete bust...considering it's sitting at the bottom of the ocean."
    Screenshot-41.jpg Animal muttered, "Thanks for reminding me..." Darned cheap velcro...made by the lowest bidder. When he got back; if he got back...he was going to send a blistering memo up the wire to DC telling Requisitions off about their propensity to go with the cheap end of the deal. It could have cost them their lives. You spend over a million training up a crew and you don't give them the best chance to survive because you skimp out on the other stuff. That Beltway bureaucratic bean-counter thinking was absolute horse-manure.
    Screenshot-42.jpg Taking a bite out of her fish, she commented, "This isn't bad fish, is it? I like the taste."

    "Yeah, with red herring, you gotta watch the bones..." Animal replied picking a bone out from between his teeth, "Maybe if the bones sit long enough they'll become brittle enough to become fertilizer for any plants..."
    Screenshot-40.jpg Butch looked soberly at him, the hard-edged competent naval officer was gone and the look of a scared mid-twenties young woman replaced her, "You think we're going to be here for a long time?"
    Screenshot-47.jpg Animal didn't want to frighten her, but he also had to prepare her mentally for that eventuality. "I hope not..." he said finally, "But the possibility is there that we may not be found."
    Screenshot-48.jpg "...and what happens in that eventuality?"
    Screenshot-55.jpg"I'm hoping we'll get rescued..." Tosh said trying to put a positive spin on things...trying to keep a cheery expression...
    Screenshot-50.jpgScreenshot-49.jpg "but on the other hand...if a rescue isn't possible within two weeks of when we went down...." Animal looked at her and soberly said, "It's a grim possibility, that we won't ever get rescued. In that eventuality...we have to make a life for ourselves..." he he looked at her with a serious expression, " on this little island..."
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member
    Page 3888

    @GraceyManor I think it would be hard getting with someone who lost their family that way.
    Wonder where Rachel went?
    Yeah, she definitely shouldn't drive at all.
    Brian is definitely right because even if Rachel didn't kill herself or someone else drunk driving, it could still ruin her life.
    Great update!

    @Nikkei_Simmer The flight suit looks better with the proper patches.
    He was a torpedoman and his bunk was close to where the torpedo's are kept. He would've had to deploy them if ordered to but they also told him the radiation may cause him issues down the line. He passed away in 2009 as he suffered from prostate then throat cancer.
    I get you there, I have a great grandma with dementia and it is common on her side of the family. I've been trying to do things to help my mind when I can too. I don't want to end up like that.
    Why? Don't you want another kid for them? How many do they have?
    Great, long and bitter winters don't sound fun for them.
    Looks like a steady diet of fish and a tent for their only protection.
    I agree, no one to see or hear them so no need for the formalities.
    That would stink being stuck there until death.
    Leah turned out nicely.

    @HillyBeth Congrats on the girlfriend for Jeremy!
    Kyra Kendall reminds me of a comic book character name. (Lois Lane, Bruce Banner, Lex Luthor, Peter Parker. They are just a few examples with that naming scheme)
    Great pic of them too, by the way.

    @king_of_simcity7 You're welcome.

    @Turjan Thanks, figured you all might get a kick out of that.

    @Silverofdreams30 Level 6, I believe.
    Thats good that they are good.

    @ZhakiraP Great family picture!

    @McTosh Glad to see that Katie got to spend time with Ellie.
    Congrats to her and Ross!
    Glad the burglar was caught.
    Great update!

    Page 3889

    @Turjan Yikes that's not good that flattening the lot does that.

    @king_of_simcity7 Nice finds!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Glad neither was hurt bad.
    Hope they don't have to stay long enough to grow plants but I think they will.
    It's inevitable that they'll end up together, or at least I think so.
    Great update!
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Rachel was still feeling the effects of the night before.She woke with
    a pounding headache, to the sound of Brian playing his guitar in her room.

    Rachel: Brian, could you please not play so loud?My head is killing me.
    Brian: Oh? You not feeling well Rachel? I wonder why...

    Rachel: Brian, not very nice to purposely be loud.
    Brian: And its not fair of you to blame me for being paranoid.
    Rachel rolled her eyes and walked out the room.Brian and Rachel
    returned home late that evening.

    Brian followed Rachel into the sitting room.She was still giving him
    the silent treatment.Even though he couldn't see, she could feel him
    standing in her direction.

    Brian: Rachel, please stop giving me the silent treatment.I only
    wanted what's best for your safety.I'm sorry if I'm paranoid, but I
    lost my family because of a drunk driver..
    Rachel: I know...I'm sorry...It was irresponsible of me.and unthoughtful
    of me, I apologize...
    Brian: Yes, I agree.It was.And I hope you don't drink like that again.
    Rachel: Believe me the way I felt last night...yeah no not again.

    Brian: I haven't had a real friend since my accident Rachel, and
    I don't want you to get hurt.Please...don't do that again.
    Rachel: I promise.
    Brian: Thank you..

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    MoonandStars83MoonandStars83 Posts: 1,735 Member
    @Brandontaylor Looks like a fun party!
    ****Thank you. I had to edit her facial structure to look less mannish.
    ****Those darned meteors.

    @GraceyManor Re: Rachel's hair: I hate it when my hair melts into my back.
    ****Great update! Hangovers are the worst!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Nice uniform mod!
    ****At least they remembered their fishing poles.
    ****I hate it when my ceiling tiles get displaced.
    ****And they remembered their lawn chairs and fire pokers.

    @Karritz Looks like a great build!

    @HillyBeth Congrats to Jeremy and Rosa.

    @ZhakiraP That's a big family.

    @McTosh Looks like they had fun.

    @Sleepstar Great update!

    @king_of_simcity7 They should be on TSR.


    I pulled another old save out of the archives. Maia Charleston and her alien fiance (now husband). I might abandon my original plan for the save (a rags-to-riches type story where she fills her home with items she stole or otherwise salvaged from junkyards and dumpsters. I managed to remember a picture. I'm still not great at framing screenshots.


    Until next time!
    I voted for you, Kevin.
    My Sims 3 Exhange Studio
    My Blog // Click me if you dare.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    edited June 2020
    Re: Rachel's hair: I hate it when my hair melts into my back.

    Which hair are you talking about? The one where she is wearing a red/orange shirt, is a braid and is hanging
    down in the back, so its not really melting.

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    Kylieb191Kylieb191 Posts: 4,653 Member
    edited June 2020
    Anyone know what I can find a deathfish in Starlight Shores please? I need to make ambrosia to fully bring my sim back to life :( I forgot about him and that there wasn't any pool ladders :(
    Proud member of the "I own the store" club
    The real me:
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    @MoonandStars83 "Well...y'know how much junk there is in the ocean...that washed up on shore..." :mrgreen: After rooting around in the sand for a couple hours... LOL.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    I believe in the graveyard pond.
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    McToshMcTosh Posts: 638 Member
    aw thanks guys, you people are the best @MoonandStars83 @Brandontaylor

    they're back home from their honeymoon now and have one day off left so spending it together to get the house in order before going back to grinding at work :D

    kate's starting to get a little broody doing up all these peoples new kids rooms and baby rooms in her interior design job. money is tight at the moment so not trying for a baby, but she is being a bit 'risky' here and there.. if it happens it happens 0:)
    ewb7fssg3zet.pngingame: commandermctosh feel free to add ;D
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    Kylieb191Kylieb191 Posts: 4,653 Member
    I believe in the graveyard pond.

    Thank you ^_^ will get my sim to go there
    Proud member of the "I own the store" club
    The real me:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    I am going to work on a new Sim :smile:
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member
    @MoonandStars83 Yes, it is, and it´s growing :D

    @Brandontaylor Thank you!
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    edited June 2020
    I've still got a couple of pages to catch up on. Sorry, the comments are so late but it was a busy week and I worked yesterday too. I'll try to catch up on all the stories later today.

    page 3885

    @king_of_simcity7 More drama with your new girl. I'm still not understanding why your girls mind their guys talking to another girl. I could understand had she seen them flirting with each other.

    @Brandontaylor Thanks so much for the comments on my update. Much appreciated. :smiley:
    Gosh, that is funny the game put him in shorts for the statue!
    The triplets are getting so grown up.
    Congrats on winning the lottery even a small one helps. :wink:

    @MoonandStars83 Yes, the game is doing well on the desktop. I just need time to play now.

    @GraceyManor Congrats on getting accepted into college and I know you will enjoy it!

    @Nikkei_Simmer I enjoyed Phil being outvoted on being the dumpster diver.

    Page 3886

    @GraceyManor Beautiful song. I haven't heard it in years. It was the perfect choice for the update and the time in Brian's life. Your pictures of the city and Rachel and Brian were beautiful.

    @Brandontaylor Sweet hug for her 'Dad'.
    Omg, I laughed seeing Eric's party costume! I'm not so sure he is thrilled either. That is probably the best costume picture I've ever seen.

    @Satanu_Reeves lol, that picture shows how spooky AI can be sometimes. Cue the twilight zone theme.

    @Nitroglycol Bummer about the save not loading. Did you check to see if you have a game that was stuck in the 'current game' folder? It should be empty at startup. Or, any with the 'bad' extension in the saved game folder?

    @king_of_simcity7 oh, yes, Natasha sounds a lot like your other bad girls. Is she kin to Humara or my favorite bad girl of yours...Angie?

    @McTosh I like doing the architectural career in a small save. I enjoy remaking EA homes.

    @GraceyManor Thanks for the comments on my update. :smiley: I like that particular nightwear too.
    Oh, I didn't mean too revealing for the forum, I meant for a first date with a guy you don't even know. :wink:

    @MoonandStars83 I'm really sorry about the crashes you are having. I hope you can get it figured out.

    @playermarko456 Hi, welcome back to the Sims. Great sim!
    There are several threads in the general section of sims 3 re cc finds. Good luck.

    Page 3887

    @Silverofdreams30 I love the beginning of your story. They look fantastic. You make such gorgeous sims.
    I'm looking forward to more.

    @king_of_simcity7 Pretty pics of RH's.
    Interesting choice for a mentor.
    I think it should be obvious to Simon, Humara has lost interest. He should cut his losses and her out of his life.

    @HillyBeth Jeremy looks very cute. I love his freckles. I think we all have a look we drift towards when making sims. My men tend to be dark, long hair, blue eyes, and a bit on the craggy side rather than drop-dead gorgeous. Luckily, my friends have been kind enough to make sims for me or let me steal download sims from their studios to give me more diversity.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Great start for your castaway story. I look forward to seeing how they survive.

    @Turjan I find quite a few glitches in EA houses when I do renovations. I did one house where I removed a stove and there was another stove underneath the one I took out. :open_mouth: That whole kitchen was a mess with stuff that had been MOO'd. I basically bombed it and rebuilt it from scratch to get rid of the issues.

    @MoonandStars83 Megan is attractive. She reminds me of someone but can't think of the name. Duh...old age brain. :lol: Glad you were able to get her home without crashing.

    Note to self, start at the top of 3888

    I took this picture last weekend. I never thought I would be so happy to hear the rain in my game again. It started raining just as the sun was starting to rise. I could see the rain coming down in the game and took the picture, but the rain just barely shows up in the picture. Sigh. I'm still playing with the graphic settings to get things as I want it. I had things low for so long on my other puter that I'm being a bit timid about adjusting settings higher. I also added Tempest to my game and adjusted the weather settings to be more like what I imagine/want Dragon Valley to be. It will be more like where I live now, but with more chance of snow. I live in North FL. It hasn't snowed here since the '60s from what folks tell me and that was just a freak storm.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Thanks for the comments :smile: Katie is too shy to confront Natasha at the moment. Also Natasha has no relatives but she would fit the Humara and Anna type at the moment!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,224 Member

    Thank you and so do you :)
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    JemkatkJemkatk Posts: 199 Member
    Plumbot Legacy statue is still not triggering for Eric. No big deal if it doesn’t work but it’d be nice if it did, LOL

    Stuck in a hedge.. Bahahah

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