Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    @Becka28 I sympathize with the desire to just let the Sims have their choice in things. I prefer finding their destinies with their own choices in the lead, which is why I use so many autonomy mods. But in the case of Morgan, she seems to have an innate drive toward Bad Guys. When I found out her falling-out with Caleb might have been directly because of a mod I use that assigns personality types, which can change with aspiration changes, it may have meant that a burgeoning relationship was axed by my changing their aspirations.

    And if I do nothing, well, Morgan is going to find her own destruction and misery in connection with those who take pleasure in her suffering, because of her fascination with the pretty pretty fire.

    It actually wouldn't be so bad, just to let that happen, but it would mean a tragic tale in which everyone loses except the Bad Guys.
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    FurSimsOfficialFurSimsOfficial Posts: 2,362 Member
    Wow haven't wrote here a very long time! I think my last update of playing was when one of my rotational households Eliyah got engaged and surprisingly his girlfriend who was supposed to say no (non committal issues) said yes. And im still trying t pay off their house..
    Anyway, have been building whole summer and now did not play since ehm.. October maybe.
    I have been craving me some Sims Time these days! And even though its not the turn of this particular rotational household, I am itching to play with my aspiring actress Zen and her new lover 'The director' and get them a super big modern mansion to throw all kinds of fancy, rich and fake friends parties :p First need to find a new club/award show lot with a 5 star entrance.
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    DestinycrowDestinycrow Posts: 36 Member
    @miloek Pippy reminds me of my RL cat, Inky. I'll be asleep and she'll come to my closed door, yowling her head off, trying to wake me up just so I can pet her. She'll also come yowling to my door if I'm not paying attention to her if I'm in the living room.

    @Becka28 Ah yes, the wonders of MCCC. I love it just for the reason of better story progression.

    And, now if you'll both excuse me, I have get out of my room to pet a yowling cat.
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    miloekmiloek Posts: 451 Member
    @Ellupelluellu ikr! Pippy is the queen of the house (and my heart)

    @ryttu3k Thank you! & I'm glad you like Pippy, haha

    @DarkAngel1994 Atlas and Dylan are so cute together aww

    @Becka28 Colton and Lorenzo are such a sweet couple (:

    @Destinycrow omg Inky sounds like a wonderful cat

    - - - -

    Magdalena's first (and last, if we're being honest) keg party was...interesting...she drank a liiittle too much "juice" and had this lovely look on her face for literal hours:

    Unfortunately for Mags, I am not always a benevolent overlord. She ended up woohooing with a random girl. in a closet. at a bar. I think she was disappointed with her first woohoo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Origin ID: f0xxes
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    Awww, your Fontenot update is so cute! I'm glad they are still so in love ❤️ Where did you get the name Fontenot anyway? It's so cool.

    I feel like I recently had to quit without saving, because someone died when the rocket crashed. But can't remember any details, so it might have been me just preparing myself to do it if the Sim did die. I think I didn't realize that it could happen. Anyway, l'm glad Clint didn't die! And the new home sounds much more suitable for their needs.

    That is beyond weird that the grandma was alive and well in some other household. Although I know it happened to someone else in this thread after she(he?) got DU. Apparently the club system was moving people and erasing their relationships, thereby making them impossible to find. Maybe it was you? Lol, idk who it was. I haven't gotten DU, so I haven't had it happen.

    Simon and Luna continue to be cute together. He will not lose his Flirty moodlet though, so I haven't seen any other expressions from him. I even took the two of them to the pet cemetery on the island in Brindleton Bay, and he didn't lose it. She calmed down to just happy, not him. 🙄😄

    Hopefully the "honeymoon" period will wear off. I haven't even had him ask to be his girlfriend yet. And he's that crazy for her. Sheesh.

    Ahha! Another Fontenot update. Lol at the Sulani trip. It looks really nice 😊

    I'd meant to ask the other day how it affects the family to have Vivienne living with them. It seemed like it wasn't causing too much trouble, but the fainting and showboating here does seem annoying 😂 The new house is so nice! That is the roomies house, right? It looks like it, but the backyard seems bigger.

    Oh, nevermind. I just saw the next post 😄 Definitely the roomie's house. Or wait, dang, how'd you make the backyard fit do much in it? It's all super cute though. I love all the succulent plants and space themed decor. Is Clint at the top of the astronaut career? I've never finished it.

    I wish there was a way to take the kids to Sixam. Or will that open up once he finds the wormhole. As said, I haven't done that career. Lawrence got to Sixam as a scientist, and Jasper and Laney did two-way. She was a top level scientist and he built himself a rocket. But neither couple have kids, so idk if they can go 🤔

    I think that's all of your recent updates. At least I hope so, lol.


    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    Obviously I still have a million of you to go. But I'm babysitting my grandchildren tonight and I'm going to go get ready now. l'll see if I can get back on again before I have to leave. Otherwise it will be quite late tonight before I can try again.

    I am enjoying everyone's stories! And I'm happy to see the new and returning posters! It makes me so happy to see you guys here! ❤️

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,771 Member
    Snow day today! Well, half of one. I came home at lunch because the snow had started and we're expected to get 3-7 inches. So that's fun, until it's time to shovel.

    Anyway, for the second week of my rotation, I went back to Holly and Lucas. I was just there, since they were at the end of the last round, but I wanted to get two weeks of spring in to help establish Holly's garden and this is the only spring season that will overlap with this rotation.

    What this means for you is... lots of pictures of little Harper.

    Baby pictures under the spoiler.

    And next thing you know, she's a toddler!

    Daily life shots under this spoiler.
    They have a slide on the balcony to keep Harper away from the bees (I don't know if the game would actually have toddlers get stung, but I'm also not interested in finding out).

    I have more pictures of Harper with Holly because she works from home and thus does most of the child care. Lucas does most of the cooking and cleaning. Holly's a florist.

    I like that shot a lot but I do have to also include the one of Holly arranging holly.

    She spends a lot of time tending plants, catching fish to fertilize them with, making floral arrangements, and tending bees. She enjoys the bees.

    Sometimes Lucas helps with the fishing.

    Large fish they eat, small ones go on the garden. Except the angelfish that Holly caught at this beautiful spot.
    We're saving that one in a bowl in case we need ambrosia someday.

    Harper likes to watch her parents work.
    Lucas is working on his handiness skill so he can upgrade their beds.

    Holly's work task frequently requires her to read gardening books. Harper is clingy, so she likes to be close, but she doesn't need constant attention.

    The nursery is more decorated than is usual for me, because Holly has the mansion baron aspiration and wanted to purchase a lot of art. It's very nature themed.

    So, as is usual in my game, there was a lot of extended family activity. First they went over to Alexander and Ivy's for Fool's Day, because Alexander has the mischief aspiration and Lucas wanted to prank him back after past incidents. So while that was going on, Harper got to know Aunt Ivy and cousin Isabella.

    More family moments under this spoiler.
    Isabella was not entirely in the mood for company (probably low energy) but she warmed up to conversation eventually.
    Also, omg Harper's little folded hands! SO cute!
    I was amused that I had unknowingly used the same coat for both girls in different colors.

    Mila comes to visit a lot. I enjoyed the varied movie reactions. They watched a black and white comedy of some sort that they all found boring, despite the emotions it inspired.

    Later Mila and Derrick (who is both Holly's half-brother and Lucas's stepbrother) came by, after a couch upgrade, and got to know Harper a little.

    Ivy didn't visit as often this time around, but Amelia and Derrick came over a lot.

    Khaled also stopped by to see his stepson.

    Outside of tv I've never known family members who spend this much time at each other's houses unless they're helping out an older relative with chores or something. But it saves me a lot of effort in keeping everyone in touch!

    And to end this post, I think it's safe to say Lucas is pretty happy with his life right now.

    Next rotation I'm going to advance them to summer and Lucas will be able to take his daughter to his favorite activity, camping! So that'll be fun. But for now, I'm headed back to Windenberg.
    Hope you're all having a happy Friday!
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    Good news and bad news: I finally caved and got MCCC mod and discovered that all the pesky things about relationships and pregnancy can easily be handled without in-game drama. But I didn't have the heart to just make Morgan unpregnant, partly because I was really curious as to what her child with Vlad would be like. So I fast-forwarded her to labor and then aged up the baby, then aged up through toddler (cute!) and child (I could tell this one was gonna be interesting!) then teen and...Demetrios Straud was a very good-looking, interesting Sim I wanted to keep, but I didn't want to keep him being Vlad's kid with Morgan, so I deleted those relationships.

    Then I wanted him to not be part of the household anymore, so removed from household....

    It poofed him out of existence as if he had never been. And I'm really sorry, because he was special. He had Strong Bloodline and was a powerful vampire, a pale, kinda geeky-looking but in a cool way, ginger-haired guy with glasses. And I guess we'll never see him again.

    RIP Demetrios Straud, who grew up and died, before he was even born.

    But now I can do pretty much whatever with the characters. No more messy messes to write messy ways out of for them.

    And Caleb, delivered of his negative emotions, sat at Vlad's piano and sang to outdo Elton John, with a bit of a Liberace's flair thrown in.
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    I'm trying to find your updates 😊 Here's one where Duchess had her kittens! They are both so cute! But my goodness, apparently Simba takes after his father!!

    It's cute that Duchess looks like she's guarding them from the monster 😊 Did it work? 😉

    It was cool that Atlas made snacks for the kids and their friends. At least they were happy then! Nyx seems a bit out of sorts lately. Though I can't entirely blame her. It must be rough growing up knowing your sibling is going to be the heir and all that comes with that. Yikes, I hope it doesn't get worse as they become teens.

    Ok, I found the next one. That is something I have always wondered about. What happens when a mortal is married to an immortal. It seems like somehow the mortal is miraculously changed to immortal too. So I've never seen it played out.

    I must say, I hope they can do something too. There's a spell I think 🤔 They are too beautiful together to be separated. And yuck! Who /what is watching them!?

    The kitties are all cute, all grown up.

    Also, I think there's a link broken to a picture. It's the second one after "Before they could head back home" It's possible that my internet is just too slow to load it though.

    And you might have had an autocorrect error. The sentence "the main difference is the lack of morality." I'm sure you meant mortality 😊

    I hope I caught your latest posts!

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited January 2020
    Hi @KiniHokulani

    You're welcome! I'm glad that tagging you worked!

    I'd tagged you for Chapter 17 too, but then later found out that if you edit a post and add a mention it will not notify the person.

    So, here is that notification again, lol. This is chapter 17, so before this one, but obviously not to confusing to not see it. There's a comment to you there also.

    Thorne and Don part 17

    Anyway, I'm glad you like chapter 18. It was fun to write. And kind of came about because Don was in a horrible mood one day and just yelling at Thorne for no reason, so I was like ... Ok, I'll give you something to yell about, you little snot. 😄

    And yes, those two are expressive, it's fun to write dialogue for them. They "say" a lot on their own.

    Don, for sure, is really insecure in the relationship, because Thorne basically has every bit of the power. Thorne decided where they go, and when, he pays for everything for Don, he could leave him behind again at any point. Thorne had made Don afraid to do anything that would make Thorne mad. Don didn't want to lose him. Hence, never saying the words.

    But now Don found someone that he cares about more than Thorne. His baby. All of a sudden Thorne has no power, and Don doesn't give a plum if Thorne leaves him anymore. At least that's how he feels in the heat of the moment here.

    Thorne is freaking out 😁

    The in game play was scary. I had to have Thorne get really high pink bars with all those people to make them act like that. And the looks Don was giving him were real. He was really sad. But not angry. As I said, this particular run through with Don is making him strange. But they have full-to-the-brim pink and green bars together, are best friends, and don't accept advances from other Sims anymore. So I was surprised that Don didn't get a jealousy moodlet from Thorne doing that. He just got really sad. 😔
    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 971 Member

    I’ve been dogsitting the past few days and away from my gaming setup, so to get my viritual-people fix, I’ve been playing Bitlife and am 29 generations into a Japanese ‘legacy’, though there’s no PIle O’ Money because spouses ocassionally seize all my heirs’ assets in divorces! Anyhoo, now that I’m back on my computer, I thought I’d create a couple of the family members from gen...19, 20, or thereabouts, a brother and sister named Koto and Ayana. Koto was a chef with a massive family, and Ayana was a gay writer. (This matters more in Bitlife, because same-sex dating is forbidden in some countries, and in Japan, same-sex marriages and casinos are both out.) For the moment, I’m just going to play them as two siblings sharing an apartment together --- no family plans -- working on their careers. They’ll be joined by a Sim from the gallery.

    This is my one night off and I'm going to enjoy it even if it kills me.

    Koto Matsuda is...rather generic, I’m afraid. I literally chose the “Asian” template in CAS and then forgot to modify it any, so he might as well be an EA creation. He’s a hard-working cook whose few free minutes from working and cooking are spent sleeping, though on occasion he’s known to go to the gym to fight the inevitable results of his taste-testing.

    Ayana Matsuda has a perfectionist streak which makes it difficult for her to work with others, so she writes novels at home; they take a while, but are always praised for their intricate plots. (She's wearing the blue shirt with a red lanyard.)

    Sayuri....well! She came from the gallery with well-developed musical skills, so she’s the bread-winner of the family. Socially awkward, she's struggled to make friends outside the Matsuda twins. Since she earns the most money, she leaves cooking to Koto and cleaning to Ayana.

    Week 2
    Both Ayana and Sayuri have become minor celebrities from their respective vocations (novelist and pianist), and Koto’s own workload is getting a little easier. Everyone’s friends now, the women especially so -- when Koto isn’t working, he’s at the gym, sometimes chasing women and sometimes just running in vain on the treadmill. He did catch one lady, though – Becca Clarke.

    Things got....heated quickly.

    And before too long....boy, does she look a little annoyed. Time to move!

    Because the family has a little money, I built them a house in Del Sol Valley. It’s rude-looking at the moment, but I’ll give it a second story and rejigger the bottom as they get more funds. Becca has moved in, and narrowly missed flunking a semester. The expanded space gives Ayana room to do soemthing she’s wanted to try, namely getting into media production.

    Becca gave birth to son Hiruki, who for the moment enjoys having four caregivers: Sayuri is surprisingly maternal. Now that the distraction of pregnancy is over, Becca is looking forward to wraapping up with school. She and Koto aren’t convinced that they’re the others all-in-all, though.

    ....what were you two doing in that shower and WHY DID IT INVOLVE PASTA?
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Happy days

    Olivia is buzy writing on her next freelance gig.
    Alice smiled while she painted. Today she was going to tell her family about her pregnancy.
    Alice & Jimin went on a date to Brindleton bay. This place bring happy memories for the couple. It was here they had their first woohoo together.
    Alice told Jimin they were going to become parents close to harvest fest.
    Jimin was ecstatic to feel his unborn child kick.
    Jimin wish to have a son, to continue the Choi family name to his grandchildren.
    Olivia was relieved to see her dad was in better mood. She had invited him to geek con to cheer him up.
    He laughed of my jokes as he always does. Both of us had some rough days behind us. So it was good to be able to laugh together.
    We played games with Cassandra Goth.
    I got the opportunity to go to space with a space rocket.
    It was a fantastic experience.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    WillskyWillsky Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 2020
    Today, my sim Emmaneulle finished her second term at University along with her boyfriend, Nicolas. They live in the lot in Gibbs Hill (Britechester) where the starter home used to be. I knocked it down and built a new one; recently their relationship hadn't been too great, Nicolas had been at uni working hard all day causing him to neglect the relationship between the two. They celebrated by going to the local pub, however things didn't end too great Emmanuelle had recently been falling into the trap of another man, and was caught cheating by her ex-boyfriend, Nicolas. However instead of feeling furious, Nicolas felt bad in the sense that he'd been working too much and not focusing on their relationship. They sorted things out, 2 days later. By leaving it as a mutual friendship. . Before the new term starts Nicolas decided to go back to his hometown, Windenburg to stay with his parents and siblings; before he heads back. Emmanuelle moved into her boyfriend, Alex's townhouse along with his 3 roomates. Hopefully things will ease out in the next few sim days :neutral:
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    DestinycrowDestinycrow Posts: 36 Member
    edited October 2020
    Yay! I'm a full member now! Now I can post pictures about my sims!

    TLDR: Sims are sad, Ryan's a plum, and Bird can't cook.
    Quick introduction (Under Spoiler):

    On the left is Alice and the right is Cher.

    That's Ryan all by himself.

    I entered my game today and... everyone's sad. (Bird's on the left in the first image)

    Except for Ryan. He was doing situps.

    After talking for a little bit with Cher, who was just as sad over some pet's death (I don't even know), Bird gave Cher a comforting hug.

    But Cher was like, "I'm done being sad!" and walked off. Poor Bird.

    Meanwhile, Ryan finally stop being a jerk and came over to comfort Bird.

    Although I'm not for sure about his face on this one Looks like you got a little evil on your face there, Ryan

    After that lovely conversation, Ryan gets himself a drink, completely ignoring Alice moping her way to her bed.

    After drinking his drink, Ryan walks into the bathroom to laugh at talk to himself.
    What the plum?
    That face though...
    What are you doing?
    Good thing you're having fun.

    Meanwhile, Bird is having some problems making her breakfast. Her food keeps sticking to the bottom, so she keeps banging her spatula against the pan to free it. Apparently, Alice was curious, so she went over to watch Bird.

    And then this happens...
    That face though...
    Deer in headlights much?

    Cher's asleep.

    And Ryan's still hogging the bathroom.
    Post edited by Destinycrow on
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,198 Member

    @Destinycrow , welcome! I remember my exitement when I finally could post pics! (not that long ago, lol). Lovely pics!

    @miloek , Mags is just a normal sim, who has their first woohoo as "perfect" :P ?

    @Becka28 , I remember your writing about Björn always showing up at parks playing chess, so in case you might want to know, he and Clara had one more kid after Elsa in my mod-test game, game named her as Emma , here she is at Oasis Springs park, as YA, and regular chess partner of my test sim :D She is clearly following his footsteps :P

    @ryttu3k , RIP Moira indeed! I made my test sim take her urn to her inventory and deliver it to their lot at Windenburgh, Dominic was still alive at the time, (most likely he would of died the next day) , she did not knock the door, she just left her urn there. And then I deleted the save, mod tested, urn delivered, case closed. :)

    As mod testing save is history, back to actual game testing again :)

    Tessa & gang:

    After she went to bed, others were full of energy! (no wonder, you lazy 🐸🐸🐸🐸 don't do anything!)
    Eventually all but one went to sleep...
    All but Morgan, of course, that girl has serious sleeping issues! She tried to do something to Darling (WHAT IS THAT HAIR??) , but failed as can be seen.
    But no worries, the darn house was full of uninvited people who had the idea the gang had no food AT THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! :D
    Morgan was happy, she had company! (ALL others were at sleep)
    She finally went to take a nap.. only to get up again to eat.. NOT bothering to clean that dirty kava bowl, Morgan?
    Morgan: "Nah, not mine."
    Who had again to do all the work?
    While these dudes ate happily everything Tessa had cooked!
    And of course computer was always taken.. darn she needs it for her job!
    Long sleepers! Darling is 🐸🐸🐸🐸 off! I would be too! she has this CC hair in her swim wear and sleepwear! I make a note to myself to fix it at debug CAS (what I haven't done yet, I always forget)
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Ellupelluellu I love Emma's look (she has that Bjorn nose). I think its cute she followed in the chess footsteps. - I haven't played Tiffani enough but I think she is chess obsessed too.
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    DarkAngel1994DarkAngel1994 Posts: 771 Member
    edited January 2020
    @miloek - Thanks. :)
    Looks like your sim, Magdalena, had a blast in the keg party. :lol:

    @ryttu3k - Oliver (the white cat) reminds me of Grumpy Cat.
    The pose is called Slow Show, created by Simmerberlin.

    @AlwaysAsking - The grown up kittens had a swap, like Oliver has his mother's head and fur and his father's body, and Simba has his mother's body and his father's head and fur. But no green-eyed kitten.

    Cthulhu won't be bothering the kids anymore, thanks to Duchess (and the night lights).

    Autumn had the lowest friendship bar with Nyx, so who knows what's going to happen when they age up. I can only imagine the drama between these two sisters.

    It either ends up with the mortal being immortal, or the other way around. Still deciding what's going to happen with these two.

    Atlas might need some help from either the Sages or his mother if there's a spell.

    Thanks for pointing that mistake. I usually double check, but must've skipped over it.
    It's weird the picture didn't show up.
    Update: It's not showing up at all. Not sure what happened.
    Atlas never learned his lesson: Never offer a vampire to drink from you when exhausted.

    Duchess is judging you, Atlas.

    Ready for the New Year's, and it's time to throw a party!
    Atlas looking dashing as ever.

    And Dylan...not appropriate in front of the kids.

    The Godfather is here.

    Atlas decided that once Autumn is a teen, she would need to know about the Mafia.

    The Sages are here from the Magic Realm.


    Saying goodbye to the guests.

    The party's not over with a woohoo.

    First day of Spring, the snow's gone, and the kids can finally play outside.

    One of Autumn's friends came by for a visit. He's the new kid in town name Ian Browning.

    They soon became partners in crime to pull pranks at school.
    "Put it there, partner."

    Fallen for her prank. :D

    Piccolo and Duchess aged up into elders.
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    CheesySimsLoverCheesySimsLover Posts: 258 Member
    edited January 2020
    Step-sisters Brianna and Jenna seem to be growing closer.


    Jenna's now a child too. Jenna, Brianna, and Dakota spent the day at the beach.




    Fred joined them. It turns out he (I found out he's a he, biologically anyway) is Jenna's half-brother through her father.


    I've been trying to mate Tofu and Oscar. The first attempt was unsuccessful. :disappointed: Oscar is like, "Seriously?! You want me to mate with her."


    I've been neglecting Celina and Damian, so they had some one-on-one time.


    A new selfie for the wall.


    "Uh, yeah, I just woohooed your daughter." Weirdly Braylon was in the bathroom the whole time. :smirk:


    ...and Braylon is a daddy again. Meet Nickolaus Pleasant. "It's been a while since I've done this."


    Little Nicky was starving when Braylon got to the Pleasants' house. Luckily he came.


    Rare moment with the Pleasant sisters.


    They were just supposed to be a fling; now I think they might have something. :heart: I'm debating if I should move Braylon out with Lilith so he can help raise his new son. What do you guys think? Braylon will turn into an elder next time I play. He's the happiest he's ever been since his wife, Kiana, passed away.

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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @OhMyHemsworth welcome back loved your gameplay he's too good looking I wish I could give him six makeovers and have him reproduce with six eligible sims of my choosing hehe. Oh her curly haired cutie is adorable I love that hair on her, I think I'll go cc shopping when we get tiny living.
    @AlwaysAsking Holy grasshoppers Batman that's a long post lol

    Yes we have more to get to with them (including Tak's face) once I'm confident I wont mess up my saves by rotating, ha I do so love this Vlad, doesn't it just work for Max. I figured they would allow him to color his hair try to find some sort of boundary with him like he's theirs and they aren't letting him go but still it's a minor thing to let go all things considered. He would sort of glance at it as he passed I figured he would do something like that he's difficult but not a lost cause. I knew you'd like that line I was just picking and choosing what to do with the house I was quite proud of it ever look at an older build and think it's better than some of your new stuff :D funny. Oh sure thing, both on grades and Simeon n Luna, which I find adorable I'm just not a stickler for age group if it makes sense it works.

    Yeah that one! Wolfie is just good for pics, Simeon is quite a doll I can't wait for them to get married and pop out eight kids. I challenge you.

    Haha I can picture a few words for Lilith I always loved her in ts2 but I'm unsure about her here which makes for fun gameplay, I love seeing them all together even though they weren't separated that long it seems like it when you get attached to a group. At least for me, the tots <3, mmhmm I had him call Kiki and she appeared outside and played with her tablet until he came down to pick her up as I thought she might appear at the elevator cause tot but it works.

    Oh you know what I didn't think about that, it may delete who it is but I'll know it's hers I'll just do that.

    I really enjoyed my pancakes nonsense I really used to be "meh" on the Pancakes and then gave them random stories and they grew on me, you're right on the money we will see more on that I have been a touch busy and distracted so I can actually play them now...and see that my saves are safe for playing. Yay more saves to rotate this, I dig.

    Moira is a piece of work, I'll say that much, lol I considered it but he's kind of swine-y so if he gets her money he's fine with a ring and a kid.

    I really like Minerva for some reason, she's good in my books mmhmm, and Darrel <3 gosh the woman made some pretty kids.

    Emelia isn't a victim she brought it on herself, she's there cause they don't trust her and she is stuck as a witch, in my game so they want to know for sure she can't rise up against them that won't fly.

    Morgyn is an awkward noodle bean and I love him but he's a mess ha, it's fitting though he seems a little more unwilling to visit when she hangs around Darrel at least it seems so. Wolfie again..<3, they all sort of work out and I know Tanya and Morgan adore each other they just fit Moira did her a favor turning her back on her.
    @Becka28 they are quite the pair I like them <3

    Mmkay awesomes out I know I'm lame but I'm rather distracted and I still haven't been in game I was out all day enjoying my day off so now I want to do evahrathang...if you can pronounce that how I hear it in my head, you got it *snap snap* lol.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @Nushnushganay just occurred to me, yeah. It could definitely be an option! (I'm going with 'ugh, Vlad!' myself!)

    ...Or MCCC works, yes XD An F for Demetrios! And also, I hope you know I just pictured Caleb dressed like a cross between Elton John and Liberace. It's. It's an amazing mental image. So many feathers and sequins...

    @Becka28 those photos of Lorenzo and Colton are very cute! It sounds like things are working out well for them, inappropriate shower use aside <3 Also, Queen Cupcake is the best name. What a cutie! (There's a stray named Cupcake in Brindleton, actually!)

    @DeafSimmer oh jeez, mysterious silhouettes, footsteps, and cats, straight out of a horror story! Sylvia seems pretty decent, though, and I'm really amused at Nathan going, "Okay I know you have real magic but how dare you say that about Harry Potter?" XD

    @miloek oh dear, that's a slightly awkward first time, yes!

    @Daephene okay the butterflies and the Very Hungry Caterpillar decal are just. Precious. Harper is a cutie! What's the coat from the girls are wearing? I'm not sure I've seen that! Lucas looks pretty happy :)

    @Ellupelluellu oh wow, Emma definitely looks like a Bjergsen, yes! It kind of amuses me that Morgan is just consistently a disaster no matter what save she's in.

    @DarkAngel1994 ooh, I love Simmerberlin's stuff. Thanks!

    Wow, that's a heck of an outfit on Dylan. And Caleb's is still amazing! Looks like a great party, and it's always nice when spring shows up!
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    catching up on some comments
    @Ellupelluellu those pesky elders - always dying and stealking the attention from your sim LOL - and what is up with Vlad (there are certain sims that always want to be the star Vlad, Bjorn, Don and Morgan - they push their way in no matter whats happening).

    @AyKooChao I like your new buikld - you look like you spend a lot of time on the roof - I am terrible at doing good looking roofs. Well done.

    @CheesySimsLover poor Dakota - getting clay and coal for a present!

    @sarabeth2984 I love your renovation of the house for Clint. I really like the desert/ sixam themed landscaping. The kitchen isvery nice too. What pack are the counters from (my guess is STrangerville or Island living as I don't have those packs and they look like they fit for them.) I so wish we had more styles of kitchen - mine are all so samey.

    @March306 I play like your child a lot - I love going into CAS and changing up all my sims - townies get lots of makeovers because I can't do my own sims all the time. LOL

    @Aelisah what a hectic day of simming - I think I would be exiting without saving if my favourite sim was murdered. At least you had a child to carry on the line. Were you saying that your sims child's father is Thorne? (he is married to an Octavia in the game) - oh hang on read the last sentence and yes it is. I think your game sounds great and I hope we hear what happens.

    @ChuChuExpress I love how Roddy signs off his posts with "änd let the smile spread". I would so watch him if he was on youtube. What is it with sims preparing food in the most inconvenient place? Benjamin - you are smarter than that! And you won the thread with this quote : 'YOU ARE AN OBNOXIOUS OSTRICH! A POMPOUS PHEASANT! A VILE VIPER! A RIDICULOUS RODENT! THE LIST COULD GO ON, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT, DO YOU? NO! BECAUSE YOU MAKE EVERYONE'S LIFE HELL! SO GO TO PUTNEY ON A PIG, YOU FILTHY CUR!' Roddy said, incandescant with rage: I LOVE it. Poor Thorne - but you shouldn't have said all those terrible things about Shine (and for no reason a s she is a lovely person). LOL even the Grim Reaper loves Roddy. Does the Grim Reaper smooch people? Probably a smooch you don't want to receive.

    @miloek I love Magdalena - she is such an interesting looking sim and Pippy is adorable. Yes - do what your cat orders human LOL. I love her party face and I hope she has some better woohoo - can't imagine cupboard woohoo is exactly ever good.

    @queenvortex808 do you mean Lukas Munch and Diego - because I can totally ship that!

    @DeafSimmer and some people say granite falls is boring - doesn't look like it to me!

    @waqar4841 I get what you were saying about Candy Behr - her waist is ridiculous. I gave her a similar makeover in my game. And she married Gavin so now they are a boring married couple that don't go out but she seems very happy.

    @Daephene ooh that beautiful baby picture of Harper - so sweet. And where was that beautiful spot she caught the Angelfish - I never pay enough attention to the world yet it is so beautiful in the game.

    @Nushnushganay how I hate to lose a good sim: RIP Demetrios Straud, who grew up and died, before he was even born. MCC does soooo much - it really lets you bend the game to what you need - but I forget that what you change in one save happens in all saves and thats when it catches me. But I enjoy the story progressions, my same sex sims having families and autonomous interactions. So glad that now you can do the story you want. Liberace Caleb is a sight I wish to see.

    @Destinycrow congratulations on becoming a member. Ryan's cross eyed facial expression was excellent.

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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    edited January 2020
    mmmmmkay it took more set up than I thought it would as usually we just go through whatever I have planned from the start as I said though I've worked on these sims so it's just the beginning you guys see. I do hope you like it I felt a little down setting this up because I don't particularly see any of them as villians considering the situations so I love them all and I want things to work but they aren't going to how I would have done it we start on Iggy's birthday..cause I said so. They will both be living in my houses ha
    Bob arrived with a heavy heart to their house one day he thought this would be easy he ended up being over all the time, he couldn't even remember how it got to be that way with the way he tossed back juice it was a blur. Though he loved Eliza still no matter how they parted ways and that meant he loved her kids too..they called him uncle like it was normal and their family was anything but.

    "Bob there you are, we thought you'd be late."

    "Just signing some final paperwork it took a little longer than I expected Liz..." he said as quietly as it was affectionate.

    "So it's final huh? Leaving Willow Creek?" she asked.

    "I really need a change of scenery....for instance did Iggy's birthday have to be here?"

    She smiled slightly.

    "Well he is leaving today the kids really wanted him to be here today, and he said it was okay."
    "Where are you sending him?" he asked horrified as she laughed.

    "Bob relax he's going with you." He raised an eyebrow, they had taken on a rather interesting take to co-parenting all this time he had grown up close to his somewhat unnatural siblings.

    "....You're giving me full custody?..."

    "Something like that I still want to see him you know but he wants to stay with you he doesn't see you enough, just the pair of you anyhow daddys little man that one. We'll miss you guys though..." she said lovingly.

    He was talking again before he could stop himself.
    "And what about us you miss that too? What happened with us?" they never really had closure at least he couldn't remember she sighed.

    "Bob don't do this today okay...let's just go get Iggy."

    He sighed but didn't say anything more.

    "I'm gonna need a drink first."

    "You know where it is."

    This part is not really more story there is just a close up on the kids and in the order they appear from Left to right, Lolea, Hazar, Yozari and the youngest Venia. Then Venia again with Iggy, she's particularly close to her eldest brother and for that hasn't yet heard his plans.
    Eliza left Bob alone and went into the kitchen preparing to make the cake and found Kendrick already took care of it.

    "Ah babe you made it."

    "Of course love, Iggy seemed really unsure but flipped a coin at least...what is it about children and sweets surely it all is good just cause of sugar no?" she laughed.

    "It's not so simple, it's because it's all good that they don't know what they want."

    "Hmm...okay I will log that."

    "You're going alien on me again."

    "Don't humans log?" no matter how long he stayed here he had his moments, Eliza fount it endearing all the same.

    In the office Bob grabbed some of Kendrick's personal juice hoping he'd find the cure to his mood at the bottom of the glass though he only had one and joined the party as he could. Though I missed the blowing out of the candles...meh. Iggy grew up cute but he had something of an unnatural shape taking after Bob's well toned shape I had to drag a few things in to teenify him a little more, still cute though. He followed Bob into the bathroom he always ended up in there when he got emotional. Though he'd never admit it.

    "Dad are you okay?"

    "I'm fine Iggy..."

    "You don't look fine."

    "I'm just tired son....but don't waste time worrying about me, it's your day."


    "Humor me kid."

    now the spoilers may have more story in them to keep this a little shorter.
    "I love you and I'm proud of you."

    "I love you too dad..."

    "Now why don't you go spend some final time with your siblings..."

    He chuckled.

    "Guess you heard.."

    "Guess I did."
    Bob left the bathroom eventually and went to see what Eliza wanted as she called him, it was to give him some birthday pics but she also wanted to see he was okay she didn't expect him to just come to her, not anymore.
    Kendrick cornered Iggy in the kitchen he was sad to see him go but didn't undermine the decision.

    "I guess this wasn't much of the party you wanted hmm?"

    "It was fine pops."

    "Are you sure, I sense a significant rise in unease with you."

    Iggy smiled, though there was some left over feeling there as he grew mostly during the worst of his parent's divorce he couldn't hold that against Kendrick he was good to him. He also would never refer to him as anything other than Kendrick in front of his father.
    "I'm okay...I want to be with dad I'm just gonna miss you guys too that's all."
    "yes this I understand....I know I am not the father you wanted but you know you're always welcome we love you'll always be my son too."

    Iggy smiled slightly, no he didn't have hard feelings against Kendrick he couldn't even feel as such with his mother it was what he knew he just hated the aftermath he saw.

    "I know pops I love you too.."
    he gave him a hug startling as he heard some crashing...a regular when one of the kids was particularly upset he sighed knowing it was time. Gu0BSnYl.png

    "Why are you leaving us??" Venia shouted.

    He sighed of course he was on his own here..


    "Don't Ven me, answer me!"

    "I just don't want to lose my dad that's all, don't I get that much?"

    "But....but..." she wailed the high pitched noise shattering a few plates.
    "Don't you love us anymore?" she asked sadly as Kendrick quietly returned to clean up hating to see his little ones distressed but knowing from Eliza they had to learn to work through it.

    "Hey hey...don't ask me silly stuff like that, of course I love you."


    "I'm still going to be here, I'll visit so much you'll get tired of me." she highly doubted that, Iggy was her favorite, he always had been.

    "I'm a phone call away Ven."

    "I'm gonna miss you though.....Uncle Bob too!" she cried she wiped her eyes quickly as he let her go.
    "We'll miss you too."


    "Cross my heart."

    "All of them?"

    "Humans only have one heart Ven."

    "Really? How fascinating."

    He rolled his eyes knowing she was just messing with him pretending she was all smiles Eliza checked in to make sure things were going smoothly but she was sure it would be fine in time.

    "Are you going to be okay Bob?" Eliza asked as she slipped out of the kitchen just in time to miss the dogpile, the others didn't care to lose Iggy either.

    "I'm fine's just one of those days is all."

    "You know I'm here for you Bob."

    He sighed feeling a touch more defeated than usual.

    "There was a time I would have believed that Liz."

    She guessed she deserved that.

    "Believe it now, you gave me the same gift and I'll always love you for that." she tried to avoid adding Kendrick or saying things were different she wasn't there to rub his face in it or anything that never helped, counseling got them here. Anymore she wasn't sure of.

    He sighed and nodded but wouldn't say it back, despite how things went down her betrayal and lies he saw her...though bitterly so..come back to life so to speak with Kendrick she became the woman he fell for and married once again and what he felt for her never faded. he wasn't sure it ever would perhaps that was how he really kept close even if playing pretend wasn't sticking so much he had it bad and cursed himself for it. He just wished they could go back to the good ole days but even Kendrick couldn't make that happen.

    He hugged her then, she was surprised as he so typically avoided any sort of contact but hugged him back all the same, naturally getting Kendrick's attention.
    "Everything" Kendrick asked.

    "Just fine Ken, just fine."

    "I better go."

    "Okay Bob.."

    "Probably." Kendrick muttered.

    "Ken..." Eliza said in warning.
    "I mean...come visit again soon."

    "That's better, see you soon Bob?"

    He only nodded.

    Kendrick had mixed feelings on Bob, he knew it wasn't exactly normal in one sense for the ex to be around while understanding they wanted Iggy to have both of them it always seemed like a challenge even when it wasn't Eliza never took a second look but he wondered if she would again it was easier when they were stiff around one another. He hated the human feeling...jealousy, it made him sick to his stomachs.
    They left an in an hour were in their new home putting up pictures of the family, even if it was bitter sweet.

    "So I'm going to get some exercise...are you going to be okay here alone?"

    "Dad relax I'm not a baby."

    "I'm the dad I say you'll always be my baby, deal with it."

    Iggy laughed finally seeing a smile from Bob that felt genuine.
    "Okay okay...whatever you say."

    "That's right, say why don't you invite your girlfriend over since she couldn't make it to the party?"

    "Justice is not my girlfriend."
    "Really?....I mean she is a girl...and your friend is that supposed to be something else?"

    Iggy rolled his eyes.

    "Okay just for that I'm not listening." he teased.
    "Story of my life son, I'll be back soon."

    Iggy didn't say anything more, he didn't want him just sitting at home in that mood he hoped he would be okay.
    Nothing like burning off steam, soon he grew bored and decided to see if anyone was playing basketball instead.
    He was lucky to find someone.
    "Hey how about a match?"

    He gave him a heated look.

    "'re just gonna walk up on me like that and that's the first thing you say?"

    He raised an eyebrow, the voice didn't match the face.

    "I've never....met you?"

    He sighed.
    "It has not been that long...or has's me you dunderhead, Don."

    Bob felt a shiver up his spine remember the last time they met before Lolea was born he groaned.
    "What in the fresh llama happened to you?" Bob asked he looked..nothing like himself.

    "I could ask you the same thing, you sure became a hermit I half expected if ever saw you again you would have turned back into a pumpkin since you stopped training with me."

    "Look...I'm sorry.."
    "Yeah I'm sure..look since you're bothering me I'll remind you I'm at work so either you're here for that or you can forget you saw me." he really hadn't expected to feel it so bad when he saw Bob again. Every night since the first time Bob ignored his call he felt regret telling himself he never should have said anything.

    Though he was angry at Bob too while blaming himself he could have handled it better they were friends...real friends he didn't have to cut him off he wasn't going to get in the way if Bob wanted Eliza. Then her wedding to Kendrick was all over as they had a night wedding that was just the talk of San Myshuno or whatever. He wanted to laugh and say he got what he deserved but it hurt because he knew how devoted Bob was to her he tried again and still the same. Now here he was and he wanted to scream and shot forbidden words and maybe there was a kiss in there too he wanted to go off on himself to he still liked the guy he still fell too hard and never got back up and it was driving him crazy this was not Don, or maybe it was he couldn't be sure.

    Bob felt guilty even if things had been different with Eliza he had missed Don and thought about him he guessed he was at least a little curious but tried to ignore that feeling while he had Eliza. There was something off when she left he didn't want Don to be a rebound no but the curiosity didn't go anywhere better he squash it and try, if Don will allow it, to get his friend back. That was the least he could expect.
    One could say they are both running from it..

    Mmkay I hope if you had the time you went in the spoilers and read all the story so it makes sense...also I caught myself how many times can you say love jeeze I was just on a roll. Mmkay stay tuned I guess?
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    KoteykaKoteyka Posts: 537 Member
    edited February 2020
    Thank you so much for your messages of sympathy everyone! I'm feeling much better today. :) But I have to miss out on my art class... again... :unamused: I was going to continue my painting of Tony and Thor as kids (yes that happened) but oh well.

    when the baby is a tot they should all go see the little munchkins and their mama in their new home at least I think so
    I love that idea! :love: Jamie and Lindsey will still be toddlers at that time so the three of them could hang out and it would be super cute :blush:
    Thank you!

    Tessa is a sweetheart. No tricks, only kisses XD
    Yup, she's a cuddly one! :relaxed:
    Hurrah, it worked! Of course Thor is the godfather XD
    I don't think they'd ever consider anyone else :smiley:
    So lovely that Kat and the twins are settling in!
    Thank you! <3

    I never thought about how you would decide who would be the parent in a surrogacy situation when both parents could potentially be.
    Honestly, it as always going to be Tony. And there were quite a few reasons for that, starting with the canonical ones (Steve never had children in the MCU, unlike Tony who had a daughter with Pepper), continuing with the more practical ones (Tony is the last of his family so this is his only chance to continue his legacy. Steve's in a similiar situation but he's younger and he still got plenty of time) and ending with the sad fact that Tony doesn't know how much time he's got left and neither does Steve. This unborn baby may be the only thing left of Tony sooner than they'd expect. Neither of them said it out loud but both of them thought about it. And that's one of the main reasons why Steve was so determined for the baby to be Tony's.
    I love Sulani's approach to having children. I have a friend who has nearly emptied her bank account to try and have a baby (sadly it still hasn't happened - I wish I could put real people into CAS and give them a family).
    Ah, if only real life could be as simple as the sims... I have so many friends who'd kill to use cas.fulleditmode or motherlode!
    I love how well you write family - the scene where Pepper lets them know she is pregnant and Peter's reactions are priceless and so funny. I can imagine that scene in a lot of families I know. Peter rolling around with the dog is so natural as well.
    Thanks! :relieved: Writing family scenes always feels natural to me. Even if they turn out rather cheesy. I guess I have my own family to thank for that :D
    I liked everyone's Thanksgiving thanks but it was sad we didn't hear from Tony (I know he is still not talking in the group much but even his internal dialogue or a scene with Steve or Peter would have been nice). And even after all thats happened I am sure he is extremely thankful for things.
    That was a bit of a rush up on my end :# I just don't think Tony's ready to share his feelings yet. I could go for an inner dialogue, but all of the latest updates were from Steve's point of view so it felt out of place... But don't worry - I'll be making a Tony-centric update soon and we'll get to find out more about how he's feeling right now :)
    Finally - I saw an ad for the new Doolittle movie the other day and I found myself thinking I hope Nick didn't force Tony to do that movie before I realised what I was thinking LOL - I have become one of those people who believe the actors are the characters they play , oh no!. (Your story just sticks in my head because of the power of the emotions you write).
    Omg that is the best thing I heard in a while :joy::joy: Judging by the reviews that movie looks exactly like something Nick would sign Tony up for!
    Thank you!

    December kicked in with Black Sunday (the only day of the week I could make it because Christmas is on Friday lol) and Tony and Steve's bedroom got a makeover! With the new baby on the way, they decided it was going to be the first room on the remodelling list, although originally those were supposed to be the kitchen and bathrooms. It was easy with the baby things - besides a compact bassinet and a little drawer there wasn't much they needed. Peter still had quite a few old toys stashed in his room and anything else wasn't a necessity. Steve still really wanted to get some cute paintings and a "baby" letter decor though - those were impossible to unpack without the constant aww-ing. But regarding the room itself...

    Neither Steve, nor Tony actually put many thought into furniture or room design before. Steve was used to all of his furniture being made by his grandpa and Tony had everything furnished for him even before he settled in the mansion. Of course, there was Peter's bedroom, which was Steve's very careful and long-going project of hopes and dreams of having a child someday, but that was the once and they had all of the money in the world back then.

    This time they had to actually sit down, go through catalogues and choose what was affordable, small enough to fit and available to be sent to Sulani. And it had to be eye-catching for both of them, obviously. So used to just living in whatever they get, Steve and Tony didn't even know what styles they liked! Do they want something classic? Something basic? Something more exciting? It was a long search for perfection, complicated by Tony agreeing with anything Steve chose. Eventually Steve had to specifically tell him to choose a bedroom from each catalogue and explain why exactly does he like it. The colours, the shapes, the sizes.

    Then Steve tried to pick out something that would be good for both of them - constantly checking on Tony's reaction in the process. Sometimes Tony would say something like "looks good" but sometimes his eyes would lighten up and "good" would turn into "really good" or "amazing" or "can we have that". Those were the exact reactions Steve was searching for. And this was the result.

    When Tessa walked in the room she as shocked at the change!

    What's this? she sniffed the bassinet, wondering why were Peter's old toys underneath it.

    Time to test out the new bed...

    "Tessa!" Tony exhaled as Tessa jumped on him and laughed. "Get off, you've got dirty paws!"

    "Well at least someone's not tired after setting all of this up," Steve smiled. "Do you like the new room?"
    "Okay, what exactly do you like about it?"

    "Uh... A lot of things..." Tony hugged Tessa a bit tighter before she escaped from his arms and slipped through the door in search for Peter.

    "Honey, we've just spent every single saved up simoleon on this bedroom, you'll have to do better than that."
    "I just... I don't know what to answer."
    "Okay, let me help you out. On a scale of one to ten, how comfortable do you feel in this bedroom?"

    "Only nine?" jokingly gasped Steve. "Oh geez, I better contact the designers so they improve how the bed looks because my Tony only deserves ten out of ten..."
    "Hey!" Tony suddenly shrieked with laughter.
    "What, I was just getting you comfortable- oh wait. Are you ticklish!?"
    "Yes I'm- Wait NO, stop!"
    More under the cut:
    "Nooo, Steve, stop it!" laughed Tony, squirming under Steve's fingers. Steve immediately let go.
    "Over fifteen years together and now I finally know your secret," he grinned. "You're a little ticklish penguin!"
    Something was so amusing in that line that both Tony and Steve burst out laughing. Then Steve jumped on Tony with tickles again.
    "Don't... stop..."

    "Do you actually want me to stop?" whispered Steve in Tony's ear, holding him closer. It was all fun and games, but he needed to make sure Tony was enjoying it just as much as he was.
    Still giggling, Tony shook his head. If anything, having Steve's soft fingers run through his sweater was rather pleasant.
    "Well then you've just awoken the tickle monster!"
    "Oh nooo!"
    "That's right - the tickle monster got you! You're all mine and I'm gonna eat you up for lunch!" smiled Steve. Up and down, inside the sweater and around it - he made sure to be gentle, but not too gentle. Tony was getting stronger every day. And the fact that he couldn't feel his ribs so easily proved it. Now if only the Sulani sun could work its magic to make Tony a bit less pale...

    "Oh you silly little ticklish penguin, tickling back the ticklish monster won't help, I'm immune to my weapon!" he jokingly snarled at Tony, who somehow managed to escape his tight embrace.


    "Smart ticklish penguin... I must admit, that almost worked..."

    "But just not quite!!"
    "Steve... Stevie... we're going to fall..." giggling, Tony gasped for air.
    "Why yes, I had a feeling we might," Steve ran his fingers around Tony's ear - he knew that was one of his most sensitive areas.

    "I'm serious!"
    "So am I! We're falling... falling..."

    "Aaand we fell." Steve quietly laughed. He loved that he could bring a little bit of fun in Tony's life. It reminded him of how fifteen years ago they used to goof around in their bedroom all day long. Anything was a reason for games back then - a missing pillow, cold breakfast, Tony's socks lying all over the place...
    "I fell on top of you."
    "Yeeah, that happened too. And you're squashing me."

    "Now what?"
    "Now we go throw out the trash before Tessa finds use for all of those cardboard boxes..."
    "But I thought you're the tickle monster," Tony sounded disappointed. "Can't we just lie down for a bit?"
    "Sure... You're such a cuddle bug..."

    "You think I'm a cuddle bug?" Tony smiled fondly.
    "Yep. And a ticklish penguin."
    "Are you going to call me that all the time now?"

    "I think I might. Seeing how you're doing that every time I do."
    "Doing what?"

    Tony relaxed.
    "I can do that," he smiled. "See? No problem."
    "I'd like that."
    "This room is amazing."
    "I agree... a little more of decor and we're all set... oh, speaking of decor, I thought you said the shelves will be done by this morning?.."
    "What shelves-"
    Tony stiffened up.

    Turning pale, Tony slowly got up. There wasn't a trace of a smile on his face. He was making shelves. He promised they would be hung up this morning. This morning, as in right now. He promised but they're not hung up yet. He forgot to finish them. He lied, he broke a promise. He broke a promise to Steve.

    "Tony, is something wrong?.."

    This was the end of everything. Tony wasn't even hoping for forgiveness.
    "I-I'm sorry," he whispered, feeling sweat running down his forehead. "I'm so sorry!! I was supposed to finish them last night but I didn't because I was too tired..."

    "and then I was supposed to finish them before you woke up but I forgot... No, it's not an excuse, I broke a promise!"
    "I b-broke a promise, I lied... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

    "Tony," whispered Steve. "Tony, look at me love."
    Tony desperately shook his head. No, he couldn't look, he couldn't dare see the disgust in Steve's face. He knew Steve hated him now. Two simple rules: don't lie, don't break promises. That was all Steve ever asked for and even here Tony managed to fail.
    "A failure, I'm just a failure," he tearfully muttered. "Just a stupid old failure!"

    "Look at me, Tony. Please, look at me!" pleaded Steve. His heart sank. All of the progress they made - was it all for nothing?

    "It's just shelves," he soothed, stroking Tony's cheek. "Just shelves, nothing more. It wasn't your fault love. Anyone could make a mistake, anyone could forget..."
    "It was..." Tony whimpered. "It was my fault. I should've been my best for you and I wasn't."

    "Tony, no, please don't think that, we've been over this..."
    "I'm just a failure!"
    "It's just a mistake. I could've done the same!"

    Tony broke into tears. Steve was perfect. If Steve ever made mistakes, they were perfect mistakes. Everything about Steve was perfect, how could Tony ever live up to his expectations?

    Steve gently brought him into his arms.

    "Why am I like this?" Tony whimpered. "Why am I so wrong, why can't I just make you happy?"
    "Tony, the only person you should be making happy is yourself..."
    "No, that wouldn't be useful," sobbed Tony. "I need to be useful, I need to be my best for you and instead I'm just a mess... Why am I such a mess!? I'm just a failure, I'm just a-"

    "Hey, hey. If I wasn't my best, would you think of me as a failure?"
    Tony went silent for a couple of moments. The concept of Steve being a failure was bizarre. But he wasn't his best often. From times to times he would get tired, annoyed and angry. But Steve... Steve was still perfect. How was that possible?
    "Maybe you need to lie down," whispered Steve. "Do you want to lie down, would that feel nice?"
    Tony nodded.

    "It's like one moment he's completely normal... and the next he isn't."

    "I mean... we were just playing around... having a good time..." Steve's voice broke. "One question. It took one stupid question to turn him from a sane person into this. They were just stupid shelves, I didn't think it would cause such a reaction..."

    "He told me yesterday he'd have them up so I asked... He thought he broke a promise! But it was just a stupid question about a stupid shelf!"

    "I mean..." Steve sighed. "We were making so much progress and I... I thought the worst is behind us..."

    "Never think of the worst as behind us," gloomily said Thor. "We live a very long life. There always may be something lying ahead."
    "What if he never gets better?"

    "No! Not my Tony," growled Thor. "My Tony always gets better. I've seen him at worse times."

    "You always talk as if you have this huge past together."
    "Because we do!"
    "Except I lived half of my life in the same house as this man. So I think I might know him a little better than a neighbour he used to babysit."
    "It was so much more than that."

    "He wont get better, will he."
    "Have faith, my friend!"
    "I'm trying to be realistic... He was perfectly fine this morning. Perfectly fine. And then..."

    "I wish you foolish people would stop opposing 'faith' to 'realism'!" roared Thor. "One cannot be without the other! What is "thinking realistically" other than believing in facts? To believe in facts, you need to put your faith in them. To believe in Tony, you need to put your faith in Tony! I've seen him at all states. I've seen him lost when he didn't get a role he wanted. I've seen him in tears when a boy he loved didn't have the strength or decency to love him back. I've seen him broken when his petty excuse for a father disowned him. I've seen him fighting his right for freedom over and over again and I put my faith in his win! And he may not have liked me back then. He shut the door to his heart in my face not once, not twice, not even a hundred times! But I never gave up on him. And I'm not giving up on him now!"

    "YOU not putting your faith him may be the only reason why he can't get better. You are his world! And when your world gives up on you, you give up on yourself."
    "I'm not giving up on him..."
    "Again with the denying!"

    "So. You already learned to listen to Tony. Are you or are you not going to learn to believe in him?"

    "You really need to teach me your ways of thinking, Thor."

    "Exactly what I'm here for."

    Tony did finish the shelves later that day.

    Steve convinced him that they look perfect. And that there's a big difference between forgetting something and breaking a promise intentionally.

    Tony clearly had troubles distincting the two. And it only took a little of analysing the breaking point of their relationship for Steve to realise why. It was never Tony's fault he missed Peter's birthday.
    Falling behind schedule, busy traffic, equipment problems - those were circumstances beyond Tony's control. And yet back then Steve convinced him that somehow he was supposed to be in charge of the situation. And Tony believed him. No matter what circumstances, he should always be his best. No excuses.
    Now that Steve realised that, the guilt was eating him away.

    Will they ever be able to make this right? Can either of them be fixed? Are they even on the right track with this baby idea? Is Tony really ready to handle another child? Steve said a lot of things in the past he couldn't even remember - how did they impact Tony?
    Away in his thoughts, Steve only fell asleep at midnight.

    "Hey Pa, hey Dad- oh, you're already sleeping..."

    "No, it's okay... what happened?"

    "Just wanted to tell you that I made 200 simoleons on babysitting tonight and I didn't even break a sweat!" proudly announced Peter.

    "They pay me for playing Death Stars and Battleships with toddlers - how cool is that?"

    "You really had to wake us up for that..." groaned Steve as he fell back on the sheets.
    "I think it's really cool," smiled Tony. "Very proud of you, Peter."
    "Me too!" Steve raised his hand - no way was Tony getting a parenting moment without him. "I just think it could wait till morning..."

    "Fair enough. Just wanted you to know how rich I am," said Peter. "Well, night Pa, night Dad!"
    "Good night..." Tony watched as the door shut behind Peter. Then he turned to Steve.

    "I want to work," he said excitedly.
    Steve didn't even know what to reply at first.
    "You're actually serious right now?"

    "Yeah. I mean look, even Peter works! I want to too..."
    "Only on weekends, only babysitting and only because he wants spare money."

    "But it still helps. And I want to help too."
    "Tony, you're already a great help... look, if this is about you feeling useless then I can assure you that you aren't and we've already talked about this-"

    "It's not that. I know I'm not useless. And with the new baby on the way, I want to be able to do more for our family."

    "I've just been thinking about it so much... I can't wait for the baby to be here," Tony explained as his eyes were filled with excitement. "If it's a girl, I want her to be able to wear the prettiest dress... and if it's a boy, I wan't him to have the coolest train set..."

    "And you know, if it's a girl that likes trains or a boy who likes dresses it could be the other way around. Or- Or maybe they'll like completely different things. I don't know. I just... I know we're struggling with money and I want that to stop. I want us to be able to give our children the best..."
    Steve didn't reply.

    "You'll... you'll at least think about it, right?" hopefully asked Tony. "Just think about it. That's all I ask. You don't have to do everything alone..."

    "Alright," Steve smiled. "I'll think about it."

    Tony exhaled in relief and closed his eyes.

    Steve sighed. More than anything in the world, he wanted to just keep Tony safe, hidden from anything that could harm him. But he remembered Thor's words quite well.

    In order for Tony to get better, Steve needs to believe in him. Steve needs to believe that Tony is capable of more than it seems. Because he is. He isn't the same he was even just a month ago. And Steve has to stop treating him as if he wont get better.

    Steve needed to believe in Tony. And if that meant letting him out in the real world, he was willing to give it a try.
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