Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited December 2019
    So, what's the first screenshot in this update going to be? Benjamin, tending to his bees!
    Off to University
    Shine and Roddy arrived at Darby's Den:
    Suddenly, Roddy could hear what could only be described as the sound of a stampede. He looked around and saw nothing...except a Becca Clarke briskly walking towards him:
    And then Becca gave Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    And then she gave Roddy a big hug:
    Then Becca ran away, laughing:
    'That's possibly the first time I've experienced a walkby smooching...' Roddy thought.
    Roddy and Shine made their way to the classroom:
    Whilst they were waiting, a teenage mermaid by the name of Teulia Kahananui, living in Townie Tower 3 in Forgotten Hollow, said hello:
    And chatted to the pair:
    Teulia said goodbye, and went on her way. Shine waited for her class to start:
    The bell rang out and Shine set off for class. Roddy waited patiently:
    A few moments later, Shine had finished her class:
    And She and Roddy went back home to Dianthus Hall, where they rested in the study area:
    Off to Seasonal Splendour!
    After a while, Roddy got changed into a feminine hot weather outfit and did his makeup. 'I'm going to visit Dina and Henry's place, mummy!' Roddy said, smiling:
    Shine smiled and gave Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    'Take care, sweetie, and watch out for silly cyclists!' Shine said, looking fondly at her firstborn. 'I will, mummy!' Roddy replied:
    Roddy set off. A few moments later, he was at Seasonal Splendour. 'Roddy! It's been a while!' Dina said, happy to see Roddy. 'Hello Dina!' Roddy said, curtseying. Dina gave her grandcousin a big loving hug:
    'How's your mum doing with her course?' Dina asked. 'Mummy's finished another term of university, gaining two more credits, Dina!' Roddy said, smiling:
    Dina smiled and changed into her formal outfit:
    And she couldn't resist giving Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    Roddy and Dina then chatted for a while:
    And then Roddy set off for his next destination.
    Next stop, Shelly Heart!
    Roddy arrived at Shelly Heart's place:
    Roddy knocked on the door and was invited in. He looked around:
    Shelly Heart came down. 'Roddy! How are you doing, this evening?' Shelly asked:
    'I'm doing fine. Mummy's finished another term and Dad's bees are still producing honey' Roddy replied, cheerfully. 'That's good to hear!' Shelly said smiling. She then gave Roddy several big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and giggled. Shelly had covered his face in big, bright pink lipstick smooches:
    Roddy then used one of his makeup removal wipes:
    Shelly then gave Roddy a big hug:
    Later on, Roddy and Shelly sat on one of the loveseats and talked:
    And then Shelly cuddled Roddy:
    Roddy then waved goodbye and set off back to Brindleton Bay.
    Eliana Bunch's new house!
    Roddy arrived in Brindleton Bay safely. He was walking along the path to his home, and noticed that the for sale sign had been removed from Bedlington Boathouse. 'Looks like we have a new neighbour' Roddy thought to himself. 'And that neighbour is me!' a voice entered Roddy's mind. 'I recognise that voice!' Roddy said, surprised. He saw who it was, and ran over to her. 'Eliana Bunch!' Roddy exclaimed, cheerfully! 'Hello Roddy!' Eliana Bunch replied, smiling:
    She gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    Eliana then changed into her formal outfit:
    And gave Roddy a very big smooch on the cheek:
    Eliana gave Roddy another big loving hug:
    Later on, Roddy and Eliana sat on a loveseat. 'So, what was the final straw?' Roddy asked:
    'Manuia, Fetu Ausage and Loario Parata ruining a party' Eliana said, sighing. 'Kara Robertson had returned the rocket that she stole from Geekcon. The organisers were grateful, but they also required her to carry out community service without using magic' Eliana added. 'Well, it's good that Kara returned the rocket' Roddy said. 'So, who's party was it?' he asked:
    'It was the Bannister Sisters party, which celebrated their first year since moving to San Myshuno' Eliana said. 'Yep, I can see that becoming a problem' Roddy said. 'I'm friends with Pania Bannister, and she has told me that her sisters don't like someone ruining their parties' he added. Eliana smiled and gave Roddy a cuddle:
    'Well, it's been nice seeing you!' Roddy said, waving goodbye. 'And before I forget, Welcome to Brindleton Bay!' he added. 'Thank you, Roddy!' Eliana Bunch said, waving back. Roddy smiled and made his way back home.
    Back home!
    Roddy arrived back home, safely:
    And went down to the Archaeology and Robotics room, where Shine was working at the Archaeology table:

    Curse this key! {}
    Hugo Villareal screenbombed me:

    Sorry about that, folks. I went into autopilot.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    DarkAngel1994DarkAngel1994 Posts: 771 Member
    edited December 2019
    @ryttu3k - Aw, poor Jamie! The aliens must've take a liking with him. :smiley:
    What a coincidence! :) They all look awesome, especially Lilith. She looks better with short hair.
    True, but I love to see what drama the roommates are going through. Kinda like ISBI challenge.
    Who knows what would happen with Jonathan and Christian, and I'm the one who's writing the story.
    Yeah, that happened. :sweat_smile: I wanted to start drama and forgot about it until I went through the pictures. The mod is perfect for the mafia legacy and the reason why I didn't post the Generation One story.
    I'm already thinking of having Morgyn with Caleb, but that'll end up with OT3 since my main couple in my current save is Don and Caleb. How they end up together, well...curiosity, like what if Don's interested into guys.

    @TheLastStar - Oh good Lord, I wasn't expecting that, lol! :flushed:

    Won't be posting in the last two days. Merry Christmas, everyone! :smile:
    Post edited by DarkAngel1994 on
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,929 Member
    Erik should have known this wasn't going to be a good weekend. For starters, Winterfest Vacation started with a blizzard. Tamela managed to slip on the side patio when they decided to go inside.

    As if that wasn't bad enough, Erik got a call from a new friend he'd made. As his fame grew so did his list of 'new' friends. Seemed it was Talent Night at the Lounge. Liberty wanted to know if he would go with her so that they could make fools out of themselves. Always up for some fun, Erik said yes. In retrospect, perhaps he should have invited his girlfriend along … As he and Liberty, among a group of others, stepped off the elevator into the lounge, there was Tamela. Naturally, he went up to greet her. Judging by the very strange look she gave him and the way she pulled away, Erik knew something was up. Could it be she was jealous? They just got promised to each other, why and how could she be jealous? They talked about getting married. Wasn't that for keeps enough? He was really confused.

    Erik signed up for mic night and before long his name was called. He decided to sing a Karaoke duo and invited Liberty to sing with him. She was the one who invited him out, after all. Again, in retrospect, this may not have been the wisest choice for him to make. Besides the fact Liberty really could barely hold a tune and not for long with her rather screechy sounding voice, their duo was an Epic Fail, Erik saw the look on Tamela's face. He felt a pang of regret, himself.

    A moment later he tried to coax Tamela into singing with him. She came over to the Karaoke machine, but quickly returned the mic and walked away. When he approached her, she exploded at him. "So, Tammy. Tamela, do you mind telling me just what is wrong? Why won't you sing with me, why did you pull back when I tried to give you a kiss earlier? What did I do this time?"

    "Erik James Cantrell, if you can't figure it out, don't expect me to tell you!"
    "Baby, whatever it is, I'm sorry. Believe me the last thing I ever want to do is hurt you."
    "Oh, you cad. Don't give me that Baby, baby stuff."

    "How can you be so cute and such a Sim at the same time?" she cried.

    Erik took a deep breath and decided to try again. He couldn't stand the thought of her being so angry with him. Then he remembered the mistletoe he'd stuck in his pocket earlier.
    "I love you," he said, as he dangled it overhead. "I'm wearing that matching sweater? For you. Come on, you know you want to." He figured she would have to give in, if for no other reason than tradition.

    Then he swooped in before she could pull back again.

    "I love you, too, Erik, but you make me crazy.And sometimes a little sad. What am I going to do with you?"

    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    edited December 2019
    So I dont have any pictures but I have taken to writing down whats going on. See I had my eye on this simple but pretty notebook. I didnt know what Id put in it but now thats covered.

    First before I fall even more behind as i dont even remember what order I read two of these in.
    @koteyka what a terrible dream, though I like how it shows the state even more so of what hes in. He did the best for his family and even though one doesnt always get to be the moral hero for that he did his best. Gotta feel for the guy.
    @AlwaysAsking they make an interesting pair but its like Knox could get back in. Hmmm thinking thinking if that happened Dash would never "date" again.

    Mmkay i was playing with my uni sims as I'm planninh to get back to Bella soon maybe after Christmas. Anyhow things were going well though Becca flirted with Miko and Mickey will never know. After plotting if they might have babies I went back to rescue the twins and Julia. Though Im annoyed i didnt realize Lillth went to the other school so i made her leave and now she graduated and has a diploma but no picture. Not sure so guess she will go without as she's already pregnant with another mans baby and she is going to us the little one against Bjorn who rejected her.
    Edit also Julia has custody of the son she had with her professor and after setting up his room I saw she missed his entire toddlerhood by a day. So he will age up and start school tomorrow.
    Post edited by RedDestiny92 on
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    So I went into my LEGACY 2.0 save file. Replaying what I lost... It's been awhile since I've made post. I'm going to give a refresher of who's who.


    This is my Generation 2 heir. Her name is Carly. The naming theme for generation 2 was characters from the show The Middle. So generation 2 consisted of Frankie, Sue, and Carly. Carly was the chosen heir.

    (she has a tan you can see her tan lines :O)


    I choose Duane Talla as her spouse.


    They have dogs... this one is Laserwolf.


    This one is Cutie. She is a mixed breed from last generation's puppies and she mated with Laserwolf to make..


    Biscuit is the grown up puppy of Cutie and Laserwolf.


    We recently adopted Bubblegum (male) to mate with Biscuit.


    Here is where Carly proposed to Duane.


    Getting to the wedding venue.


    Walking in...


    The I do's


    The kiss.


    Gotta work on the cooking skill with Duane... everyone was okay though.
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    Here's a refresher on sims from my PRETTY LITTLE LIARS LEGACY.

    (If you want it)

    This is Lucas. He was the generation 6 heir.


    This is his wife Jimena.


    This is the chosen generation 7 heir, Charlotte.

    The spares were Archer and Darren. (not pictured)


    This is our current generation cat heir. His name is Poptart. That's actually the name of our real life cat.


    This is Maya I adopted her to mate with Poptart.
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    edited December 2019
    Hey all! Responding to comments! I am loving everyone’s posts and leaving lots of likes and awesomes!
    @kotekya -Oh the last update with them as kids was so poignant! Pulling at the heartstrings!
    @angeliquradelaide -I can’t wait to see Aedion! :) I am glad that you got all your families transferred over! Yeah Arthur Climate tends to be the third wheel in my games as well. He’s a people watcher I guess. I rarely see his wife though, but when I do, she’s usually flirting with other people. My Vlad likes kids too! But they usually don’t like to hang around him. I like to try and recreate families for the premades. I think it makes for more interesting gameplay. They don’t have enough solid relationships when you upload a new save I think. And I dislike the randomly generated townies the game produces.
    Thanks for liking my Woflgang! I love the guy. He’s a hoot. That’s awesome that your Guther is engaged! I need to do something with mine. He’s living with Ulrike and Maaike being his sad, bored self lol XD! I wound up turning off temperature effect so I hopefully won’t lose more sims. Griffin has definitely been quite the flammable sim lately! Although its weird because he has a cooking level of 3 and expert repair because of his science care. He’s genius, romantic, and self-assured so I don’t know why he’s been so clumsy! XD
    I would love to see Kurt, Esme, and Hermione’s shenanigans together! I love your description of Antoinette’s Morgyn -Trophy Husband :D
    @morkovka -Yes I know how you feel about the premades lol! Lilith and Don look so good together! Somehow they seem to mesh well personality wise
    I love vampiric command! Its so nice when annoying sims like to come and randomly visit or invade their home lol! I was cracking up when Caleb ran into his ex! XD
    @simmelina1 -I love how you introduced Victoria Newbie! That was so cool! Merry Christmas!!
    @darkangel1994 -Congrats to Jonathan about the baby! But he’s in quite the pickle over who is the father!
    @ellupelluellu -I can’t wait to see Uku and Inna in your game! I love both sim premades. They’re both so cool. I have Uku in my game, I’m thinking of pairing him up with the daughter of Kalamain-u when she ages up to young adult. It looks like Tessa was really enjoying life in Sulani. Your Wolfgang looks so awesome!
    @nationalpokedex -You are so right! The premade lots are so big and empty! I actually like deleting them and adding smaller townhomes. Then upload smaller families in each home.
    @daephene -Your Andreas-Jang household is precious! Your 12 Days of Winterfest song was absolutely awesome! I loved it! Happy Holidays to you too!!
    @alwaysasking -I hope you have fixed your problem with Diego! I think Vlad’s new powers and weaknesses make like easier for him. Of course he’s still is ancient crusty self lol! He’s a lot of fun to play :) I had fun playing their party. Its crazy that Julia and Vlad are that close but she does seem to have a weird taste in her love interests. So long as they make it work I guess:)
    I did set Griffin to be Lucas’ dad at the start of the game. I actually moved him into Griffin’s household but he seems to be happier with Uncle Simeon and Aunt Rachel and his cousins. He was kind of sad even though he has friendship levels with everyone at Griffin’s house. I moved him back in the with the Silversweaters.
    I don’t understand Mortimer’s negative relationships with his wife and mother. Bella has lots of be friendly whims and even try for baby whims with Mortimer. Based on those whims, I think she will try to stick it out with him. I did manage to get Bella and Mortimer to improve their relationship fairly quickly. I need to play their household so Wolfgang can get settled in.
    Little Kirk is definitely doing better! And he likes having “Granny Cornelia” around too! Gunther’s facial expressions were killing me lol! I need to pop over to his house and get him squared up lol. I feel bad because the rest of the family is doing so much better XD He’s living with Ulrike and Maaike for now.
    And Griffin’s apparently cursed with fire now! LOL I swear I wonder if someone is using a voodoo doll on him or something lol! They seem to be better now. I am seriously considering having Agnes remain a stay at home mom. I send her off to work with all her needs full and she comes back with everything in the red. She’s worse than a toddler.
    @ryttu3k -I was thinking those were famous last words lol! :D Marla is actually a mermaid. I aged her up into another save to see what she looks like. She looks pretty cool! She has her dad’s nose unfortunately but I think she looks cute. She inherited her grandfather’s black mermaid tail and some parts of her father’s dark form features when she’s in the water.
    That’s a little back story to my families. I hope it opens! Griffin and Mila hooked up long before he ever met Agnes, and a few months before he met his dead wife Irene (Lisette’s mom). Irene was a random townie sim Griffin fell head over heels for, who turned out to be a mermaid. I didn’t know that until after she moved in with Griffin. She turned out to have a horrible personality- mean and hates kids. She died from lightning strike. Good riddance. Think of a mermaid version of Miss Hell lol! Griffin and Agnes have been together for about 3 or 4 years now in game! They met at a club in Windenberg. I love your Lilith! She looks awesome with that haircut.
    @becka28 -LOL! I had to chuckle at your comment about your pregnant sims expressions when you loaded a household lol! I love Simeon in my game. He has the most hilarious expressions and is constantly surprising me lol! I think Griffin is going to be very proud of Lucas:)
    @blueseawaves -LOL! I know! Griffin has cooking level 3 so I don’t know why it caught fire on him lol! But I think I will have him stick to salads for the time being lol! I enjoyed your sims adventures in Selvadorada! It sounds like they had a good time. Being cursed can be tricky though lol! I’m glad they found a cure:)
    @march306 -Poptart and Maya are so cute! Happy birthday Lucas!
    @keidra -Ooh Summer Holiday looks awesome! I love her freckles!
    @steamvarius -Benjamin loves his bees! :)

    Ok here’s some random gameplay
    I hung out at Griffin and Agnes house for a bit. I transferred Lucas there so he can get some bonding time with Dad and his half-siblings
    He had a bad day at school and was a little bummed out. He is also going through a nightmare picky eater phase so everytime he eat something he gets sad.
    Lucas’ stepbrother Skyler invited their friend, Sam Vimes over.
    The rest under the spoiler to help the thread load faster
    Lucas and Lisette’s grandfather (Griffin’s dad) Harry stops by to visit. Lucas gets to meet him for the first time!

    Griffin gets home from work at Sim Labs and his daughter Lisette pesters him by asking which void critter he liked the best. For the gazillionth time
    Lucas started pitching a fit because he’s going through a picky eater phase
    Griffin starts out by trying to talk Lucas through his picky eater phase.
    Lucas is still on the fence about spending so much time at the Morecombe house. He’s really missing his family. Uncle Simeon Silversweater shows up later that evening
    Lucas is so glad to see him
    They play video games
    Lucas likes hanging out with his new found family but he’s happy to be back home in his own room with Uncle Simeon and Aunt Rachel
    I also sent Griffin to work too. His kid sister Joanna has started working with him. I have to keep him on task because these 2 are such chatterboxes. They never stop talking lol!
    Griffin and Joanna talk about work gossip and stuff, their coworker Loki Beaker always has to chime in too
    Griffin decides to play matchmaker
    More under the spoiler to help the thread load faster
    Griffin likes one of their young lab techs named Laurant Dupre. (St Feu household from the gallery)
    He decides to set him up with his sister
    I used the talk up another sim and hook up with socials from Get Together. It worked! Griffin talked up Jo and then Laurant went right over and started talking with her.
    He had to do some work eventually. Building a simray
    And maybe pranking some coworkers.
    Here Jo, drink this
    It made her pee uncontrollably lol
    What does this Big Red Button do?
    Joanna is settling in her new house. Its weird. She’s used to being surrounded by friends and family. But Jo is anything but gloomy. She always finds something to do!
    Oasis Springs is surprisingly wet in the winter. Jo had bought a fixer-upper house Agave Abode in the older part of town. Recap on Jo, she’s a mermaid/vampire hybrid who accidentally became a spellcaster. She’s glitchy but SOO much fun to play.
    Its night time in Sim Labs.
    A bat flies throught the ventilation shafts.
    Its Jo! All her coworkers had been pranking her yesterday. (I work in a lab in real life, mild, good natured pranks happen all the time lol)
    Nothing a little stink bomb wouldn't fix
    She actually likes working here. This is her outfit when I’m playing Joanna. She’s a pioneer of technology.
    Her brother and coworkers are cool to work with
    She goes around collecting minerals and alien stuff from weird craters around the lab
    She got a dead space slug from that one
    Doing research on the ridiculously humongous microscope (seriously lol?)
    Inventing and upgrading stuff
    Analyzing minerals
    And coming up with new serums. She and Griffin experiment on each other
    Then there was the wormhole generator!
    Of course the work gossip is just rich. Griffin likes to tell dirty jokes to everyone. HR!!
    Really bro? Go easy on the guy
    Office romances!!!
    Of course she and Laurant have recently become the center of work gossip when it came to the romance department
    Laurant started serenading her autonomously. Ironically they were isolated in the hallway.
    I absolutely loved her reaction!!!
    Yep things got pretty steamy after that
    First kiss
    And some astronomy lessons
    Joanna’s adjusting to her new house and neighborhood
    She went to the flea market to pick up some discount furniture
    Haggling over furniture prices
    She doesn’t have to fight anyone over the remote by herself. She can watch all the kids movies she wants lol. She loves the cheesy kids superhero movies. Seriously!
    And she loves her painting easel. Reminds her of the time she spent with her mom painting as a teen.
    Of course she likes the outdoors. The views are so different from Brindleton Bay where she grew up! She plants some plasma fruit trees since store bought plasma packs are so expensive
    She enjoys fishing in the creek behind her house
    Or trying to fish lol
    She loves the desert views
    She started her frog collecting again. They were her pets. And food source (plasma packs)...
    And she liked to harvest plants around the neighborhood gardens
    She lives right next door to an outdoor bar and grill, Big Steve’s Burger Shack. Jo used to have the friend of the world aspiration so she has the gregarious trait. I send her to Rattlesnake Bar and Grill or Big Steve’s Burger Shack for some socializing and where she can order a plasma jane to satisfy her thirst.
    1 Plasma Jane please!
    She met Thorne Bailey there! He sat down right by her!
    She got his autograph. Jo is a geek so she got way too excited
    Rattlesnake Bar and Grill is a nice place to visit too. The bartender is Arabella Strange from my elf family! It was nice seeing her out and about :)
    She’s becoming a bit popular with the locals
    She’s really close to her dad Harry. And he of course came over to visit
    They hung out at the Oasis Springs Nature Center
    It was so nice he came to visit.
    Till next time!!

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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    A big Seasons Greetings, Merry Christmas, Chag Sameach, and Happy Holidays to everyone! Like most people here, I'll be scarceish for the next day or two - Christmas Day tomorrow (it's afternoon of Christmas Eve here), recovering from Christmas Day on Thursday. (Chronic illness + big family lunches = a lot of time resting afterwards!)

    @Keidra Morgyn kind of steals the show, I've found ;) Side character? Nope, Morgyn's story now.

    Speaking of which, poor sad Sage needs a heck of a hug :( Rebellious teenage stage, heh. Aww, I love the dancing/cuddling. "Immense dark power, or being able to eat food? Decisions." I mean, I'm not sure I'd want to live without garlic ;) (No, seriously. I literally ate a spoonful out of the jar while I was cooking earlier.) Huh... maybe Cass is looking for the Potion of Prompt Resurrection? Not sure if it'd help Damian, but it'd certainly help the others! Aaand Lilith has been - so to speak - revamped! GO LILITH KICK VLAD'S PASTY BACKSIDE BACK TO THE MIDDLE AGES. I literally pumped the air at the end, that's my girl!!

    Summer is very cute! (This was my makeover for her!) And I'm all for Lilith getting some love! They're both active and outgoing, could work well together!

    @DeafSimmer it's neat that Aria's skill has been recognised! Here's hoping she does well!

    @Nushnushganay oof, tricky, yeah. I sometimes feel writing isn't so much Putting Words Together as it is Herding Cats, heh. For the relationships, you know I like the idea of poly, but for Gaston's own arc, I think there are definitely middle grounds that can be taken. Rebelling against Gordon's controlling doesn't necessarily mean going all the way back to how he was, and his struggle to find his own path could be a pretty good storyline in and of itself.

    Basically, you need to sit down with Gaston and ask him (metaphorically) what he wants, more than anything else, out of life. Then, work out what kind of path it'll take to get there, whether it'll be easy, hard, two steps forward and one step back, whatever you feel fits both the story and, well, the forums.

    @Morkovka oh, the endless awkwardness that is mirrors! (Especially with certain mods, heh.) Yeah, maybe just stick with letting Caleb live out his mixologist skills!

    @DarkAngel1994 most amusing part about Jamie's frequent abductions is that he has the Geek trait, so he loves it. Gets this moodlet:


    He's also friends with several aliens and spent a lot of time at the alien party on Sixam (from maxing the Scientist career) flirting, so honestly, I'm going with it less being 'abduction' and more 'date night' XD

    Good luck wrangling your Sims, heh!

    @sarabeth2984 ooh, right, I remember now! And now Lucas can join the ever-growing family too, heh! And yeah, Lilith looks gorgeous with shorter hair. I tried a few different ones and she looked rad in all of them.

    Hmm, maybe Lucas' picky eater stage could be explained narratively by his developing vampire traits? The science career is really fun, yeah. Oh jeez, Loki Beaker. I don't have them, but I do have the Curious brothers, and Vidcund and Pascal both work there too. (Vidcund died at one point, and Jamie successfully pleaded him back to life! Good thing too, he has a li'l alien daughter to look after!) Sounds like she's having a pretty good life!
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @sarabeth2984 Ah family time ha, I really like Laurant and Jo, you know out of all the times I have played with vampires I have never made a plasma pack from a frog. Either I just forgot or I don't know how I just cheat them what they need and buy up a collection of packs.

    Awesomes out and such I am back again with a picture update, I kept playing with my uni sims after my non pic update and I'll say on page 550 in case someone reads this after a sudden forum explosion.
    It was Halloween so Cori, Hugo, Mickey and Becca had a little party to enjoy it, I don't even know if they got any trick or treaters I only checked the door a couple times before I got distracted. Anyhow it was a pretty nice party and Becca didn't bother with Miko again I'd like to think it was one of those things were you just get comfortable with someone and say something that anyone else would think is flirting but you know you don't need anyone else. The game still punished her and she was abducted for most of the romance festival. The guru also thought her flaws were perfectly matched with Mickey's whatever that means since Mickey never does anything outside her marriage. She also found Cori and Hugo's relationship perfect which is where actual baby making plans started.
    So here is the picture for when I saw that Julia would only have her tot for a night, he doesn't really know his mom, and he certainly doesn't understand why he was dropped with her so suddenly. Julia doesn't really know what she wants to do with her life but her degree landed her a nice job in the...astronaut career I think was the one I picked for her. The game wouldn't let me invite his father as a normal guest but she could call him over, I gave him a little makeover. He was glad to see how Braydon was doing in his new enviornment and was glad she finished her classes and could provide for their child. Though really he couldn't say he really bonded with his son, he just had to keep him while Julia finished her schooling after all, she's satisfied with it I guess. Angela is a patron of the arts and she moved to Sulani currently living alone but she'll have to meet someone I'm not doing all this rotating for nothing. After the party Braydon asked why his dad wasn't staying.

    "We haven't really planned that far ahead Kiddo."

    "...So I'm gonna go back with him?"

    "Not at the university sweetie." she was a little miffed he seemed so eager though she couldn't say much about it missing out on his early years, still she gave him his new tablet and left him alone something he was very much used to.
    Now as for Lilith, she moved out not bothering to tell her sister much of anything still heated over Bjorn she agreed to meet him first and he had little choice in whether he could show up or not. He wasn't happy either.

    "I told you already, it was a little mindless flirting I have a family."

    "You really should have thought about that, since I have your next addition."

    "We were never together! You KNOW that." he hissed.

    "But...does your wife?"
    " wait a minute.."

    "No! You wait, I wasn't looking for a family, long term nonsense bores me, though you just wanted some young thing to puff up your ego I won't be used, but you..well that's a different story. I gave you a chance but since you're going to be difficult I'll just go to your house right now."

    She was quick on her feet for someone expecting , still he caught up to her and he was almost relieved she stopped, seeing her satisfied smirk the relief faded.

    "Look...I..just tell me what you want, I'll make it happen."

    "Oh now you want to be obedient, cute, no dice."

    "Lilith want money I have plenty, I can make payments..."

    "Hmm 10k is sounding pretty good about now."

    "Fine..come in I'll get it in just a second." he didn't know what was worse, pulling a pregnant woman into his house or being caught chatting with one on his doorstep. He chose the house for beind secluded and it ended up being much more lively than he expected, thanks to a few Celebs having their silly "minications" here or whatever they were, just a couple days around here and paparazzi were everywhere. she burst into a fit of giggles when he actually paid her.

    "Oh I have actually done this haven't you? She'd totally believe me."

    He didn't say a word on it as she laughed.

    "Tsk tsk you should be ashamed."

    "Just take your money and go...."

    "Is it really better to pay me off than risk her saying enough is enough?" she teased.

    He'd lose everything if she even guessed for a moment he acutally had gotten another woman pregnant....again.

    "In that case I'll need a new house too."

    ".....I'll text you your new address."

    "Well then look at the time guess I'm going, see you." she was cheerful in her leave, making him regret ever visiting that campus, I gave her her after uni makeover and her degree gave some good options but I chose double agent...fitting isn't it? hehe
    So Cori didn't get pregnant but while I was playing Becca had a baby I didn't even realize she was pregnant ha, she's happy for her friends but wishes it was her time.
    Hugo assures her it'll be their time eventually.
    Look at how precious she is, the game named her Kiara so we have Kiki to join the family cause they all have a nickname ha, I mean Becca is kind of Becca but also Rebecca so...whichever.
    Lastly the actual father of Lilith's baby, Salim has cleaned up his act and gotten a new job he can't wait to meet his kid, and if Lilith has her way he'll never know what the little one's purpose was.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    troshalomtroshalom Posts: 1,095 Member
    Time to take another four month hiatus from the forum. being stalked by the by the whipper snappers. Folks young enough to be having my grand children

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays. One of the S.G.s about to put me on lock. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 em
    wocka wocka wockaWho gave that puppy asparagus?please do not send me private messages - they creep me out 🤢🤮😱
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @sarabeth2984, page 550.
    You know, I've always wanted to eat actual honeycomb.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited December 2019
    Hey All!

    I'm feeling awful about not getting to any more of your comments and updates. Editing to say that Christmas afternoon I will be able to respond to everyone 😊

    I'm reading everything, loving it, and just not having time for anything else.

    (Don't leave all of your Christmas shopping/wrapping/cooking/cleaning until Dec 22nd :wink: )

    Plus, babysitting I didn't count on, and having to go to the doctor with my daughter, who has an infection, but is terribly sensitive to antibiotics, and so was sicker today than she was before medication!

    But anyway, between the rushing around of the 22nd, and the wholesale disaster of the 23rd, something wonderful happened!

    @Morkovka sent me a surprise! It was Outdoor Retreat!!!!!

    So the small bits of time I've had between everything else I've been doing have been spent with Ian and Lawrence in Granite Falls! :blush:

    Oh my gosh!! It's so perfect for Ian! I wish I'd gotten it a million years ago! I can't thank you enough, Morkovka :heart: I love it!

    Sooo, without further adieu.... may I present the one, the only, the man always overshadowed by his darling husband Lawrence, Ian Derkins, in his natural habitat :smiley:@Becka28 it's Ian's turn to shine :wink: (Becka28 is quite fond of Ian :wink:)






    More Ian - Deep Woodsman















    Of course Lawrence is as adorable as always





    More Lawrence:




    But he's not doing this "woods" thing as well as Ian lol



    He's into collections



    And books


    But not mosquitoes ....


    He might be allergic to them, lmao





    Isn't he cute?
    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @AlwaysAsking what a lovely update. Yes definetely an Ian fan - But even better an Ian AND Lawrence fan. They are my favourite couple on the thread. Ian looks about as happy as he can be (outdoors, and Lawrence; what more could he want). Lawrence looks like he isn't really into it but is happy to be there because Ian is there and where Ian is , is where he wants to be. I think that sentence had awful grammar but you know what I mean. Ian lighting the fire and Ian with the huge fish he caught are wonderful shots. Ian is obviously quite energised and flirty by all the fresh air (there are quite a few romantic shots in there.). Lawrence is even attractive to the insects - those mosquitos just cant seem to leave him alone! His tiger stripes were funny. Have a lovely Christmas - I just finished my wrapping tonight and I am exhausted. I feel for your daughter - I can't take most antibiotics and those I can I usually need double doses and then the side effects are awful. I hope she doesn't feel too ill for the holidays.

    @Morkovka what a generous gift. Hope good things come to you too. xx
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    TheLastStarTheLastStar Posts: 164 Member
    @ryttu3k I guess I have a bit of a polycule going then. In my head Corin and Morgyn are soulmates and in a relationship, Morgyn and Caleb are really close friends and in a romantic relationship but it's not as intense as Corin and Morgyn's, Caleb and Casgarth are also soulmates. Corin and Caleb are good friends and flirt, maybe have the occaisonal kiss. I think Casgarth would occaisonally flirt with Corin, but nothing else because while he's cool with the whole thing, he personally only has eyes for Caleb :)

    @Morkovka, @Becka28 and @DarkAngel1994 I'm terribly sorry for the lack of warning before I dumped that sheer, raw sexiness on you haha

    In all seriousness though I hope my last post didn't offend anybody's sensibilities, I didn't put that picture under a spoiler because I felt like it was more implicit than explicit. That said, I am now here to thwart the spice with something much sweeter!

    Happy holidays from Morgyn and Caleb :heart:












    Bonus Caleb and Casgarth sharing the love:


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    WaytoomanyUIDsWaytoomanyUIDs Posts: 845 Member
    edited December 2019
    Been playing a Legacy challenge based save and really enjoying it. This is a bit more than a days play though

    The founder is Tanith Draads-Ely, the vampire child of an alien and vampire (I always go for very gothic names when vampires are involved)

    here Tanith & live-in squeeze Demetrius are at the birth of their first born, Aurelia. Demetrius is a townie who I like the look of


    They decided to formalise their arrangement so became best friends, engaged and married in short order, apparently as traditional for legacies.




    Here she is on a girls night out with the Lilith Vattore and one of the ghost who haunts the lot announcing her second pregnancy. Actually it was ghost night and the ghost just showed up. I enjoy having a negative lot trait, and haunted suits this.


    At Aurelias birthday


    Decorating the tree with Aurelia and Esmerelde


    Father Winter never bothered to leave and had to be forcible ejected or he would have stayed forever.


    Aurelia in a beary mood helping Esmerelde build a tower. The other ghost is here

    Origin/Gallery ID: WaytoomanyUIDs
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited December 2019
    Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy the holiday!
    Merry Christmas everyone, from the Furystrykars!
    Doesn't matter if you're good or if you're very bad,
    Our family wishes you a Happy Winterfest!

    We're in first person view, and in the robotics and archaeology room:
    Affection time!
    'Hmmm, I know that face' Roddy thought. Shine was looking fondly at him:
    And then she gave him several big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and giggled. Shine had covered his face in big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches:
    Roddy used one of his makeup removal wipes:
    Shine then gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    'I love you, sweetie!' Shine said, smiling sweetly and batting her eyelashes at Roddy:
    'I love you too, mummy!' Roddy replied, cheerfully:
    He then got changed into his feminine party outfit and gave Shine a big hug and a kiss on the cheek:
    Shine smiled:
    The pair then chatted for a while:
    A smoochfest
    Roddy went into the living room, and was glomped by Sophia, who also gave him several big smooches on his cheek:
    Roddy gave his sister a kiss on the cheek:
    Roddy and Sophia then chatted.
    Roddy suddenly heard Hamish attempting to stifle a laugh:
    A cheeky grin spread across Roddy's face. 'Now you're going to get it, little brother!' Roddy said, giggling. He turned to the simmers reading this, and winked:
    Roddy then glomped Hamish and gave him a very big smooch on the cheek:
    This made Hamish laugh a lot. Roddy was also tickling him!
    'Chloe, GET HIM!' Hamish called, laughing. Chloe came over, chuckling:
    And she gave Roddy a very big smooch on the cheek:
    Chloe then gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    Meanwhile, Benjamin was watering his plants:
    Halfway through, he could hear laughter coming from the house:
    'Someone's having fun' Benjamin thought, chuckling. He continued to water his plants:
    Back in the house, Roddy ran into the kitchen and bumped into Tiffany!
    'Gotcha!' Tiffany said, laughing. She gave Roddy a very big smooch on the cheek:
    And a big loving hug:
    Tiffany saw Wendy and winked at her:
    Wendy walked over to Roddy:
    And gave him a very big smooch on the cheek!
    Wendy also gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    At this point, Roddy was laughing quite loudly. He hadn't noticed that Berry Bliss was in the house, and she managed to surprise him!
    Berry gave Roddy a very, VERY big smooch on the cheek:
    Berry then gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    'I couldn't resist joining in!' Berry Bliss said, giggling:
    Berry then said goodbye and walked out of the house:
    Leaving a dazed Roddy.
    A hug from Benjamin
    Roddy hobbled into the dining room. Benjamin had finished tending to his plants. When he saw Roddy, he could only guess what had happened, and laughed:
    Benjamin gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    'Was that fun, my boy?' Benjamin asked, chuckling:
    'Mooore teaaa vicaarr....hurrrr' were the only words that came out of Roddy's mouth:
    Benjamin laughed and pinched Roddy's cheek, which snapped him out of the daze:
    'Woah boy...that was a hoot!' Roddy said, regaining composure. Benjamin smiled at his firstborn:
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    Everyone has Christmas, I have insomnia, cold and tons of work haha :/
    Awesomes out, no comments, sorry :)

    I was feeling down and decided to turn Caleb, Lilith and Morgyn into toddlers.
    I regret nothing.

    Sneaky vampiric attack.

    "Caleb, look what I caught!"

    "I'm a bat!"
    "I'm a mage!"
    "I'm just cute".

    Happy Holidays, everyone! :blush:

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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @Morkova, page 550.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    LittleGooseLittleGoose Posts: 35 Member
    In my Sims game my Sims have had a good day (based on my real life moments) and they are all ready for Christmas now.
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    New computer, freshly installed game, two new expansions.
    You won't see more of my Sulani game but...

    Drastically thinking of starting a game in Strangerville. For one that really disliked that expansion... but a young inventor / robotics expert coming home from Uni and realizing her friends have been zombiefied... Might work splendidly, actually. Anyone interested?
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @LittleGoose, page 550.
    Welcome to the thread, and the forums! Aaand Merry Christmas/Winterfest!

    Every time I load the Furystrykar household, the first sim I usually see is Chloe. I think it's to do with age in terms of days. She was the firstborn of Advarius and Laura Furystrykar after all.
    The mail has been delivered, and Shine is retrieving it from the mailbox:
    Time to visit Becca Clarke and Julia Wright
    Yep, Roddy decided to visit Becca Clarke and Julia Wright:
    'That lipstick colour suits you, Becca!' Roddy said, cheerfully:
    'Thank you, Roddy! Becca said, smiling at Roddy:
    Becca then made a kissy face at Roddy, which made him giggle:
    And then she gave Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    'You're looking well, Julia!' Roddy said, smiling:
    'And so are you!' Julia replied, smiling:
    She then made a kissy face, which made Roddy giggle a lot more:
    And then Julia gave Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    And she gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    Julia and Roddy chatted for a while:
    Afterwards, Roddy waved goodbye to Becca Clarke and Julia Wright. He boarded a canal ferry to Gibbs Hill, his next destination.
    Over to the Elderberries
    Roddy paid the fare and got off. Where was he? Spring Steppes, owned by the Elderberry family!
    'Hello!' Roddy said, waving to Ekram Elderberry:
    Ekram waved back:
    Roddy smiled and told a joke to Ekram. 'Why was the university principal angry with the janitor? They made a sweeping statement!'
    Roddy looked at Ekram. 'Yeah, that was terrible' he said, cringing:
    Next, Roddy introduced himself to Eleanore Elderberry in his favourite way:
    Eleanore smiled warmly at Roddy:
    'I like your earrings, Roddy!' Eleanore said, cheerfully:
    'Thank you! Mummy and Dad gave me them for my birthday!' Roddy said, beaming. Eleanore smiled and gave Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    Ekram. Eleanore and Roddy chatted for a while:
    'Well, I'd better get going. It's been nice meeting you!' Roddy said, smiling. 'And It was nice meeting you, Roddy!' Eleanore said. She gave Roddy a big hug:
    Roddy then waved goodbye:
    And set off back home to Brindleton Bay.
    Who's bought Elm Cottage/Bungalow?
    Roddy had just gotten off the ferry near the coast and was about to make his way over to Dianthus Hall, when he saw that Elm Bungalow wasn't displaying the for sale sign. 'Wonder who the new neighbour is' Roddy thought. He walked over to the house. An elderly lady was outside, admiring the view:
    'Impressive, isn't it? Brindleton Bay's coast is a sight to behold!' Roddy said. 'My name's Roddy Furystrykar, and I live at Dianthus Hall' he added, introducing himself:
    'Well hello there, Roddy! I'm Dorothy Pickett! Nice to meet you!' Dorothy said, smiling:
    'The welcome wagon visited, offering me fruitcake, but I said 'Thank you for welcoming me to the neighbourhood. I appreciate the offer, but I don't like fruitcake' Dorothy said:
    'I like fruitcake, but some types put me off' Roddy said. 'Dad doesn't like it at all' he added. Dorothy smiled and gave Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    She then gave Roddy a big hug:
    Roddy chatted to Dorothy for a while:
    And then he said goodbye and went back home to Dianthus Hall:

    Another update done!
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    LittleGooseLittleGoose Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you Steamvarius! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and Winter Fest as well :)

    I read your story. You are a fantastic writer and your pictures really add to it as well. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your work and look forward to the next update.
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    @sarabeth2984 Thank you. Merry Christmas.
    @Becka28 Thank you.

    Wish everyone a happy holiday/christmas celebration!
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    LittleGooseLittleGoose Posts: 35 Member
    Have a beautiful Christmas Simmelina1 :)

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