Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    Oh good! The sages are staying put, lol

    I love this update when Morgyn shows Mira his gender fluidity and she's so cool with it.

    And how exciting that Aine knew who their father was. I can't wait to hear what they've found out. It's probably in the thread somewhere, lol

    Ok, I've been looking and haven't found another update. If I missed one please let me know 😊

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    queenvortex808queenvortex808 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I honestly can't play with Joyce anymore because she is pretty much maxed out in everything and I want to get Discover University for her but my mom won't let me get it until after Christmas. So now she has a store just to keep her busy for now until she can go to Foxbury. Thats pretty much all I did.

    Should I actually start announcing things like I did last time with The Sim News set up?
    I play on PS4! Otaku here! From the lands of Canada 🇨🇦
    Haha, you clicked, now you have to read all my Sword Art Online fan fiction!
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    NationalPokedexNationalPokedex Posts: 829 Member
    edited December 2019
    Haven't actually played today yet, but I think today I will go through every world and determine which premades I want to stay in my save and incorporate in my rotation.

    While I was checking out families, I was looking around their homes and....why are premade lots so big and empty?? I basically want to downsize every home I saw because I feel like there's just so much unnecessary space in all of the houses.

    Other than that, I actually was thinking about keeping all of the premades and just playing them for like a day or two in a rotation. I just couldn't bring myself to get rid of any of them.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    Ok, this goes back to ancient history, because I started comments on your story and then my life exploded. So, a few things as I went through / go through the thread:

    So, I'm glad you're going on here in the thread, because I haven't known where to comment since the post where we met Duplicato Morgyn.

    Who... It seems, is not what it seems. I'm really wondering who it is and why Morgyn doesn't realize it. But then again, L has that weird smile going too.

    Also, how do you NPCC someone into that role, and does the new sage that you put there have full sage abilities?

    I'd like to steal my real Simeon, and put a duplicate there. Because Luna Villareal is in love with real Simeon, and she should be aged up by now because Malcolm is. I'd like to let her have him, lol.

    Anyway, Sarnai is certainly very interesting. I hate what she's doing to Damion. I see everyone hates it, obviously.


    So I've just sat and read chapter 10 through chapter 15 all at the same time trying to catch-up on everything that is happening.

    I somehow feel like I missed something somewhere though. I never saw Cassandra having any kind of a duel with spellcaster. So I have no idea why she was unconscious in the snow there.

    Also, I'm a bit confused because sarnai seems to think that Damien is fine with working with her, so I'm wondering if I missed something in there also?

    Anyway, I love the developing love story between Caleb and Morgan. I love how supportive Caleb is being. When Morgan asked him where the ring was I thought that was just adorable.

    I actually didn't get the impression that Damien had died. but it seems as if everybody else thinks that, so maybe I'm just crazy.

    I'm not going in any sort of order here sorry. I was very glad to see Simeon come in and save L. I was pretty sure that she was going to die. Without him, I'm sure she would have.

    It's awful that Morgyn has to feel all of that guilt for running away and leaving Damien to deal with the aftermath of him leaving. Obviously I understand why he feels guilty, but as they point out, looking into the past doesn't help at all when you're trying to beat something in the present day.

    It was very odd that the evil man was Caleb's uncle. And even stranger that Caleb said he'd met Morgyn before, when he was a girl. I guess it was quite a long time ago, but it's weird that Caleb can remember it, but Morgyn can't.

    Honestly though, sometimes I feel like I haven't got the ability to understand everything is going on in some of these stories. They are very involved and very well written, but I am a space Case and miss things here and there.

    So now I'm waiting to see whether Damian is dead or not, judging by popular opinion I guess that he is.

    Also wondering why we're going to hate some of these other chapters so much. It's kind of scary to think things can get worse.

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited December 2019
    Thanks to @AlwaysAsking @Becka28 @Morkovka and @sarabeth2984 for liking my song the other day. As a child of the 80s I just couldn't help it. Glad you enjoyed it!

    And thanks to the above and @ryttu3k for your kind words in response to my rant about my life last week. Right now I'm two Christmas events down and two to go, but the most labor intensive ones are behind me. So there will be some relaxing in my future.

    Right now with regards to the sims, I'm just putting in a few hours here and there with the Andreas-Jang household, with the twin toddlers. I'm not trying to accomplish anything in their current week except skilling up the boys before their birthday, so it's actually pretty chill. Just dancing and flash cards and blocks and dollhouses... and the high chair is actually functioning!

    Photos in the spoiler. Erick is the father, Billie Jang the mother, Esau the toddler with hair, Jacob the bald toddler.

    In the meantime, I'm still going through a bout of song rewrites (I blame @Morkovka for the inspiration with the Gaston song a while back). So here's my holiday dedication for this thread:

    On the twelfth day of Winterfest, this thread gave to me...

    Twelve Morgyn Embers

    Eleven Magic duels

    Ten vampires creeping

    Nine spouses cheating

    Eight toddlers growing

    Seven students learning

    Six mermaids splashing

    Fiiiiiiiiive dozen lipstick smooches!

    Four intense dramas

    Three new romances

    Two new builds

    And a question from @AlwaysAsking !

    Happy Holidays to all of you!
    Post edited by Daephene on
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    Yeah, Thank you! Dash and Diego had a great time on their date. However, it seems that I placed my "funny spoiler" in a bad place though, because there was another date, and then some issues with Diego after that.

    Hopefully I've fixed it now 🤔

    As for your recent updates:

    it sounds like your reconfiguration on Vlad is quite helpful to him. I'm thinking I wouldn't want to be friends with somebody who has uncontrollable hissing either. LOL

    I absolutely love the Halloween party update. It was so cute how you started with Elsa and her scary trip up to the mansion. I don't know who's more adorable in the picture, hipster Vlad with his saddle shoes, or Elsa in her princess dress 😅

    Anyway, it was quite a party! The guests sure had some interesting costumes, especially Wolfgang lmao. That's so creative buddy 😂

    So that was a autonomous proposal I gather? So funny that those two are so in love.

    I don't want to think about their children getting his nose though. Perhaps they don't want children 🤔

    The harvest fest update is even more fun. I love Rachel and Simeon together. That had to be so funny to click on their house and discover she was so pregnant. He does have quite a look on his face 😅

    And the discovery that Griffin is Lucas's dad is pretty fun. Did you set it like that in the game? I'm glad he and Wolfgang get together, Wolfgang looks so nice in your game.

    It was sad about all the deaths, but also weird about Mortimer's relationships with everyone. Is Bella going to try to repair her relationship with Mortimer? Or just kick him out because now she has Cassandra and Wolfgang there LOL

    I'm glad Cornelia moved in with them, looks like they might need help considering how much trouble Kirk was being. But perhaps he's fine now that the mourning is over.

    Gunther killed me in this update also, I didn't even know if he existed in your game or not, I couldn't remember. But he certainly did look bored. 😂

    And I am so thrilled that the new baby's name is Picard!!!

    The stop over at Griffin's house is awesome. It seems like most of the day was pretty good, but it did get pretty rough there in the afternoon.

    How lucky that he can use a vampiric command to get Fernando out of the house LOL.

    And it was fun seeing the conversation about Lucas from Griffin's point of view this time. And honestly, two fires within 5 minutes!!

    Wth Griffin? 😅😂 Maybe Agnes can't go back to work yet?

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    TheLastStarTheLastStar Posts: 164 Member
    edited December 2019
    HA! You all thought I was going to OT3! Well, I went one step further than that, I OT4'd! I thought because Casgarth was a greedy sim the settings would bar me from giving him the poly trait, but it turns out nope, the option was there all along. No divorce necessary for Caleb and Casgarth!

    So now I have Morgyn, Corin, Caleb and Casgarth in a 4 way relationship which seems both ridiculous and beautiful at the same time. Here, have this pic, because I can and I did make this a thing:

    @ryttu3k Well I've gone and done it now haha, monogamous relationships be 🐸🐸🐸🐸! I like to think that Mira and Morgyn have a unique connection because they're not only twins but spellcasters, and I'm pretty sure there'd be a level of clairvoyance for people who can harness magic.

    Writing siblings is always both cathartic and challenging for me since I myself am an only child.

    @Koteyka Surprisingly according to what I've read/seen, the Spiderman/Deadpool ship is actually kiiiiiind of canon because in the Deadpool comics Deadpool is constantly flirting with Spiderman and telling him he loves him, much to Spiderman's dismay haha

    Have fun delving into it, I know I did xD

    @Morkovka Sorry for making you repeat yourself, I didn't realise the question had already been asked. That being said you're very skilled with photoshop! I do edit my special pics (like the one above) but not for my general gameplay/story ones because it would take me too long and I don't have the patience D:

    And by young I was referring more to Morgyn's physical age rather than his chronological/mental age. I'm pretty sure he's over 50 in everybody's games. I'n mine he's at least 70.

    @sarabeth2984 More information with come Morgyn and Mira's way soon ;)

    @AlwaysAsking Don't worry, you haven't missed anything! I'm not a fast updater with my stories, I like to think them out so I know how to frame shots before I update, so it can take me a while and the last update you saw is currently the last update I've posted. I do post gameplay things in between because they're mostly incidental and don't require planning :)

    Also just a little update on Morgyn, he's now learnt every spell and potion he possibly could and has also maxed out the cooking skill, mostly by himself.

    He went to his first Secret Society meeting
    Just hanging out with the bros

    I got these great conversation shots between Morgyn and Caleb

    Morgyn: "What the plum and I listening to right now?"


    And in case you're thinking I forced the OT4, I just wanted to let you know Morgyn is totally digging it - so much so that he autonomously offered to let Caleb drink from him.

    Don't make that face, Morgyn. You knew perfectly well what you were getting yourself into!

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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,773 Member
    @queenvortex808 I thought the news bulletin was a fun presentation, so if you enjoy doing it that way, why not?

    @AngeliqueAdelaide Skimming people's comment posts I've found a couple that I would have missed because my name was spelled wrong, but none that I didn't get a notice about that were spelled right. Except during the forum format weirdness a few weeks ago, then I got notifications for comments that were not there and not for some that were.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited December 2019
    NPCC is a mod. What you can do though is save Simeon to your library, add a copy, and then immediately make the og Simeon playable. Once a Sage is playable they stop being a Sage, and it should default to the copy because that Simeon should already have the Sage of Practical Magic role. You may end up with two Sages of Practical Magic though, depending on how quickly this is pulled off. The idea is to make Simeon playable fast enough the game doesn't have the opportunity to select/generate a new Sage. So my best advice is, place the second Simeon, and then load into Simeon's household. It should kick him off the Sage board right away and default to the other one, and you should then be able to go back to whatever household you were in before and it shouldn't reinstate the og Simeon.

    Cassandra and Lakshmi got into a fight at the end of chapter 11. Damian knocked Cassandra out to save her, though being honest about it I think Cassandra could've whomped Lakshmi (certainly she can in game). Anxiety doesn't make sense though, and Damian has it x1000, so I let him be dumb anyway. Same chapter explains why Sarnai thinks Damian's okay with working with her; he said he would as long as Sarnai left Cassandra alone. Sarnai held up her end, Damian held up his. You know, for a while. Now Sarnai is like, woohoo, a reason to murder a Goth! (She may have some trouble with that; Cass is generally a cinnamon roll... but Sarnai went after Damian. Gloves are off, and she's not the only Goth, either.)

    The reason Morgyn doesn't really remember meeting Caleb before but Caleb remembers it is because... Caleb kinda fudged. Lol they didn't directly meet; Morgyn was a much lower social rank than Caleb's family, and Caleb's illegitimate and wasn't considered part of the family, so it was less "we've met" and more "I've seen you a few times like 20-30 feet away and spent a lot of the time I saw you staring at you."

    I have an idea of what caused the impression Damian's dead. But I'm not saying he is or isn't dead. I'm just saying it'll work out. Lol

    Yeah, it gets worse... honestly, things can always get worse... (I kind of feel sorry for everyone that likes my writing because I am not a nice writer at all. I'm not a George RR Martin, sure, but I'm probably closer than most. My characters work for their happy endings. If I'm kind enough to give them one...)

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    It's not technically something I did today in my game, but I did put up my Winterfest post on Caleb's Simstagram! Go check it out to see goofy family photos!

    @DeafSimmer man, poor Khloe and Aaron :-\ Honestly, poor kid probably dodged a bullet there - Heidi seems far too immature to be responsible for a life!

    @sarabeth2984 'He should be able to handle it.' Why do I get the feeling those were famous last words? XD Do you know if Marla is going to end up as a vampire or a mermaid yet? Oh dear, were Griffin and Agnes already together when Griffin and Mila had a fling? XD;; Oh dear, poor Griffin should start carrying around a portable shower!

    Thorne is a plum in any game, honestly, it's kind of impressive. And I think I will go with trend setter, yeah! It works really well with the social media he already does. And yup, wallpaper is by Peacemaker!

    @AlwaysAsking aww, Dash and Diego are too sweet! I totally understand Dash wanting to keep things slow, though. BOO HISS KNOX, go away!! Man, Diego should just block that number and be done with it!

    I hope things get better at home with your son!

    @AngeliqueAdelaide that's not a punchline, that's a punch-in-the-gutsline! Ooh, will check out Praline's eyelashes too. And she looks so cute with it! I like your two Morgyns, too! Ten kids, wow...

    @Morkovka that's a lot of Vatores XD Vladdy better watch out!

    @Keidra "Ya'll are really gon' hate chapter 18... and the ending..." NOW I'M AFRAID ._. And Damian is a sweetheart who deserves to be happy, and so does his family!

    @DarkAngel1994 XD My main Jamie has been abducted six or seven times and still hasn't got pregnant. I'm just kind of waiting for the inevitable. And the outfit is super cute, I was fiddling around in CAS and ended up making a few more, and one ended up quite like it. Here!


    Man, houses are so much better than dorms, yeah. I'm glad Jonathan eventually came clean. There's a lot of hurt right now, but at least they can move on in an honest way from here, whatever that may end up being. Thorne Bailey?! Really, Caleb, I thought you had better taste than that! ...Heh, that mod, huh? Couldn't happen to a nicer plum ;) Hee, Caleb looks so disappointed in that last cap like, "Don't I count? :("

    @Ellupelluellu honestly I think it's as simple as Caleb is pretty and supernatural, Morgyn is pretty and supernatural, put them together and get even more pretty and supernatural XD Like there were a lot of comments like, "Caleb has competition!" "Why have competition when they can smooch each other?" And it also just ends up as a feedback loop of, people write/draw/play them, other people see it and enjoy, and it propogates from there.

    Either way, I'm not complaining ;D

    New venue looks lovely! Yeah, I definitely see Sulani as a popular travel location. Tessa's makeover looks great, and good luck with the challenge!

    @Daephene man, that's a lot of events. We're hosting Christmas Day, but thankfully nothing else (although Mum went down to see my brother and is going to my aunt's for Boxing Day). Ahhh that song is perfect! <3

    @TheLastStar aww heck yeah pair up everyone :D (Eventually my main save is going to be Caleb romantically involved with Johnny, Morgyn, and Jamie, Johnny with Caleb and Jamie, Morgyn with Caleb, Lilith, and some flirtiness with Jamie, Lilith with Morgyn and going to have a baby with Johnny as donor, and Jamie's with Johnny and Caleb, flirts with Morgyn, and kind of wants Lilith to step on him. Heehee.)

    And don't worry, writing siblings can be tricky for everyone XD I have a brother, and we get on fine, but we're not nearly as close as how I write Caleb and Lilith (who are best friends as well as siblings). Lots of different possible dynamics! Also, those expressions are amazing :')
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    I've been scanning through to find all of your updates. 😊 The one with Caleb and Morgyn on vacation is so cute!! 🥰

    Morgyn's face when he sees the little girl! Lmao, is that really what he was making that face about? Amazing!

    Caleb sure does look ultra cool there in his sunglasses with his fancy drink 😂 Now I want to take a Sim to Sulani and put sunglasses on him. I always forget to do that.

    It was awesome to see Captain Lecter again! Do he and Judith still get together?

    And total lmao at Caleb seeing bears! Is that something that came with Outdoor Retreat? I don't have it, so my Sims couldn't see bears anyway, but I've never seen a Sim affected by drinks, only bubbles.

    The update with Darling's family on Sixam is so so cute!

    Aurora does look like Boo 😅 She also looks like trouble 😉

    Your pictures on Sixam are just amazing. Apparently I need to go back there now that I know how to use the tab key to tilt my camera up and down. I've never seen a picture from that angle on Sixam!

    I sure love the space soccer shot, he looks like he's pretty good at it! And of course the happy space baby flying is going to be a favorite in my book 🥰

    The fluffy Cagyn gameplay is SO FLUFFY 😅😂😄

    Adorable ❤️

    "Saging around and impressing everyone with your Sageness"

    "What glowing thing?"

    "Would you really have killed me?"
    "Of course I would have."😅

    "Come on Morgyn, you are not that mortal!"

    Then your update earlier today! 😂 I totally get you on the fix/leave alone/delete/ aspect of pre-mades 😅 Why are so many of them in serious need of makeovers? Ugg!

    But Lilith and Don's relationship looks wonderful! And her look at him about his commitment issues is perfect! 😅

    It's like, "ok, enough already" lmao.

    You are super funny! I'm always amazed.

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    I've heard so many people say that HDM is a great series, now that you've explained it I can see why.

    Lyra does sound like a handful 😮 lol, but if it helps her save everyone, it a good thing.

    I'm intrigued by her parent's behavior. When you mention that she had to escape from her mother ... well that doesn't bode well, lmao.

    Lee and Will and Lorek sound like great protectors of her.

    But I'm also not sure how to portray a sapient polar bear in armour 😄 CC?

    Now I'll have to think about reading them. Problem is, every spare second I have is spent on Sim activities 😅

    Your end of semester update is darling 😊

    Lol "Apparently Julia is a spellcaster now, who knew?"

    "There's mobile reception in here..."

    The montage is adorable. I'm glad to see that Raylan falls down as often as Morgyn does 😄

    Is that actually in the game? That they throw up before their exams because they are nervous? Or is that some kind of mod? So funny.

    I didn't realize that Morgyn hadn't told Raylan that he was a former sage. I'm glad that's all out in the open now and they are both fine with it.

    And their house is beautiful with all the lights before Winterfest 🥰

    It's good to see that Chateau Vest is thriving 😊

    Ugg Thorne ... being so Thorne-y. lmao

    But how cool for Caleb! How's his new job going?

    I love Lilith's makeover! Wow, she's so beautiful like that. You can really see her face. Such perfect features.

    Your Winterfest post on Caleb's simstagram is very cute! But I am concerned because I don't know who the Sim on the far left is. I have a feeling I should know, but then again, I can't see very well 😅

    And thanks. Dash and Diego are adorable together. It's so weird that Diego never gets mad at anything when he's with Dash.

    Lmao "boo hiss Knox" 😅

    And thank you. My son probably won't get much better until a couple weeks after the new year. He's been isolated for so many years, and this is another reminder of another year gone. Holidays are hard on him. 😔

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    KoteykaKoteyka Posts: 537 Member
    edited December 2019
    Tony isn't even my sim and the man is my baby.
    I know the feeling :joy:
    Thank you!

    I don't know, I think Nick and Thorne are pretty solidly in the 'doing wrong' camp!
    Oh no no no, I was talking about Octavia! Nick and Thorne - obviously evil.
    I seriously don't blame Steve for being angry, though. He is being pretty harsh to Octavia, though.
    Well Steve's pretty annoyed about the whole situation right now. He's expected to fix all of this mess, and he's the least person who had anything to do with it! If anything, he's the one who suffered from it the most. Now he's expected to forget about that and throw his life into caring for Tony. And as selfish as it may sound, it does annoy him a bit. Steve knows it isn't Tony's fault, he doesn't blame him, but it still stings that Tony gets to be the dependant one while he's supposed to run around desperately finding ways to make everything better. So it's hard not to be mad at the person who could've prevented literally everything just by speaking up a bit earlier.
    Thank you!

    @Becka28 I don't know why but I get super excited every time I see you comment! <3
    that update was really sad but in a strange way really satisfying. To see Steve take control and care for Tony so we see his strength and worth as a person.
    Pretty much how I felt when creating it. It was actually really easy to write down, although usually I struggle with drama. In terms of writing, I think it's one of my better updates (there are quite a few which I feel that could be written so much better).
    Tony's backstory was very sad, no wonder he fell for Steve so quickly.[/quote]
    I don't know when exactly, but I can guarantee I will definitely make a flashback on Tony's (and Thor's) childhood so huge it will take up more than one update. Probably somewhere near spring (sims spring, not real life :sweat_smile:).
    And makes the time he tried to stand up to nick before the kiss incident so much more impressive. Steve was what he needed. But so sad to see him so broken and needy.
    Yes, that is so true! Because see, it turns out his whole life Tony always had someone in control of him. First his father, then Nick. And yet he still managed to make a stand and break free, even if it was only for a few years.
    Thank you!

    I’m glad that Octavia finally explained what was going on with Tony and Nick. But ugh!! Why couldn’t she have come clean earlier! It would have prevented so much misery and heartache!
    Exactly! Even a couple of months would already make a huge difference. :(
    Thank you!

    @Simmelina1 thank you! :relaxed:

    Are we ever gonna get Octavia´s pov? Does Thorne know that she told Steve everything?
    Well... I mean I was considering diving into the Bailey-Moon family a bit more but I honestly don't think it's that necessary right now. Maybe someday in the future when I figure out what to do with them.
    Oh and Thorne has no idea.
    Thank you!

    Surprisingly according to what I've read/seen, the Spiderman/Deadpool ship is actually kiiiiiind of canon because in the Deadpool comics Deadpool is constantly flirting with Spiderman and telling him he loves him, much to Spiderman's dismay haha
    No joke, this makes me so excited...👀
    Thank you!

    This is my second favourite update! It's a weird one, but l always was a huge fan of weird dream stuff...
    I'm taking a two day break after this one. Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! :)




    "Where am I... looks like the mall..."



    "Hey Tony!" Steve smiled. "I thought you were asleep?"
    More under the cut:
    "I think I was... Um- What are we doing here?"

    Steve laughed.
    "Don't know about you, but me and Peter are going to the mall to buy some plane snacks."

    "Really? But... why would you need plane snacks?"

    "We're going to Sulani!" excitedly shouted Peter. "We're gonna swim and play and build sandcastles... And Papa's buying me oreos!"

    "We better get going!" squeaked Stanley. "Don't wanna be late for the flight!"

    "That's right," smiled Steve. "Can't miss the plane. Come on, Peter, we need to hurry!"

    "I'm- I'm going too right?" hopefully asked Tony. Steve promised not to leave him. Surely they were taking him with them.

    Steve sighed.
    "Oh geez, I don't know about that. What do you think, Peter? Should Daddy come with us?"

    "No!" yelled Peter angrily. "You took away my pacifier!"

    "You said I'm only Papa's son! You were mean to Papa! You'll only ruin everything!"
    "Nick told me to... I'm sorry... please-"

    "Nooo! We don't want you! I don't want you! Go away! Papa, make him leave!"

    "But I didn't mean for any of that to happen! Please, don't leave me here!" pleaded Tony. "I never wanted to hurt you..."

    "Hey, hey! Peter said no - that should be enough!" interrupted him Steve. "I thought you aren't supposed to argue!"
    "But I- I thought you weren't angry with me- I thought you forgave me-"

    "Are you serious? Why would I ever forgive you? You threw us out - you're not a part of our family anymore!"

    "Now if you excuse us, we've got a plane to catch. C'mon, Peter!"

    "Please!" Tony begged. "Please, I'll do anything, just don't leave me!"

    "Well it's too late for that!"

    "You deserve to be left alone and you know it."

    "Say goodbye to Daddy, Peter!"
    "Byeee Daddy!"

    "Goodbye, Tony."

    "No- wait, please-"

    "Steve!" shouted Tony, although he knew he couldn't change anything. "Come back! Please come back! Don't leave me! Don't leave me, Steve! Please... I need you..."

    "Well that was lame. Did you really think Steve would forgive you? After all you've done? You are SO pathetic!"

    "H-huh?" Tony jumped. He wasn't at the mall anymore.

    "Hmm. You're not wearing casual to my office anymore. Good."
    "What... How did I..."
    "Dreams work in funny ways, Tony," Nick smirked. "Behind you. The answer to all of your questions."
    Tony turned and gasped.
    "That's- that's-"

    "That's right Tony," Nick grinned. "You're staring at yourself. Oh, those wonderful days when TV's looked like little boxes and the cellphones weren't even a thing... How old are you here? Eleven, twelve maybe? Aww, look how NOT cute you were back then! And yet everyone seemed to like you so much... Everyone who didn't know you in person, that is. Everyone who didn't know what a failure you were."

    "What... what is he... me... doing there..."
    "Well I told him to go stand in the corner because he behaved badly."
    "But he's- he's just a kid! What did he do!?"
    Nick sighed.
    "Remember the day we first met?"
    Tony nodded.

    "You were twelve, I was nineteen. You were in playing in a stupid school play. Me, my dad and my brand new company attended it to choose a kid for a role in a movie. Remember what the play was called?"
    "Billy Elliot."
    "And who did you play? Who did you play, Tony, mm?"

    "Boxing boy number two..."

    "That's right! Not Billy, not Micheal, not even Debbie. Although you'd make a great Debbie, knowing your stubbornness... But no! You were just a number. You didn't even have lines. You just stood on stage for a minute or so. And yet I chose you. Out of all of the children in the play, I chose you to star in your first big movie. Why?"

    "Because you had a sparkle, Tony. That kid playing Billy - he was okay. He could sing, he could dance. And if I chose him, he would be forgotten immediately. But you... You brought characters to life! Just by standing there and doing nothing, you outplayed everyone in your class... Pity you became such a failure."

    "And I knew you would. Because you always argued, because you always had a stupid opinion of your own, because you just never listened to the grownups!"

    "I'm sorry! I didn't- I didn't mean to... I-I was stupid, sir... but you can't keep him here! Or me... You have to let us go, please! Please sir, I need to catch up with Steve and Peter before they left..."

    "Sit. Good boy."

    "Sir, I really need to get out of here..." pleaded Tony.

    "Oh, but don't you get it?" Nick gave him a wink. "You'll never get out of here! You're trapped in my life, and my life doesn't have Steve! All of this - it's my life, Tony. You're just a puppet in it. I'm the person standing behind your success. You don't have your own life, you never had it, not even before you met me! You've always belonged to someone, Tony. You always had someone to tell you what to do and where to stand. First your father, then me... you simply switched owners. Why? Because you're worthless when you're free."

    "Oh don't give me that look, you can't deny the truth! You're NOTHING without me! Everything you ever achieved in life - you achieved because of me. Without my help... you would still be boxing boy number two. And Steve... well, you'll never catch up to him. He's far far away and so is Peter. They don't need you, Tony. Nobody really needs you."
    "I know... But I... I need them... Please, sir, I need them... Oh god, I need them so much..."
    "You know what your problem is? Instead of embracing what a pathetic loser you are, you try to fight it! You try to have an opinion of your own, you try to make your own decisions! And look where that has gotten you! Do you like what a mess you've become? Do you enjoy it?"
    "No sir-"

    "I could've gave that kid a happy life, Tony. He just had to listen. Now he and you got no one."

    Sobbing, Tony tucked his face in his hands. He knew Nick was right. After all, Nick was always right.

    "Must be so sad to finally admit that you're nothing but a failure," sighed Nick. "Failed your parents, failed your loved ones, failed your career..."

    "And how wonderful it is to know that they left and you're left behind with me forever!"

    "No!" gasped Tony. "I can still catch up, I-"
    "Too late!" Nick continued laughing.

    "It's too late, Tony!"

    "You're nothing without me! NOTHING!"
    "Steve! Steeeve!"

    "Stop calling out for the man who will never be with you!"

    "Because the truth is... You've always been worthless to him."

    "No!" yelled Tony, tearing up. "You're lying!"
    "But I never lie, Tony. You're the liar!"

    "You lied to him, you lied to your son... You're the liar - not me!"

    "Please stop," sobbed Tony. "Please, I'm begging you, I can't..."
    "You promised no secrets and you broke that promise! Liar, liar!"

    "Please stop... Steve... I need Steve... please..."

    "Please stop... I'm sorry, please... Steve..."

    "Please... I can't take it..."


    "Oh god Tony!" Steve gasped.

    "Please come back," Tony mumbled as tears ran down his cheeks. "Don't leave me. Please... Steve!"

    "Tony, I'm right here!"

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Tony quivered at his touch. "I'm sorry I-"

    "Shh. It's okay. It's okay, honey," gently soothed Steve.
    Still sobbing and shivering, Tony cuddled as close to Steve as possible. Steve could feel his heart pounding.
    "It's okay, love, I'm here. I won't leave you, I won't ever leave you, don't be afraid... it's just a bad dream, don't worry about it..."

    "Please... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

    "Shh, it's okay..." Tony suddenly felt something warm. He opened his eyes. It was Steve.

    "I... I thought you left," Tony said timidly.

    "But I would never leave you, remember? I promised..."

    Tony exhaled in relief.
    "I'm so sor-"
    "Shh. None of that was your fault, love... Remember that."

    Tony nodded. Steve was here. Steve came back for him. He was safe. Tony even smiled a bit, but frowned quickly.
    "Nick- Nick got me- the other me, little me-"

    "Oh no, no, don't worry about that."
    "But we have to save him... I mean me... I mean-"

    "Shh. Just relax," kindly soothed Steve.

    "You don't have to worry about him anymore."

    "He's in good hands, trust me..."


    "And I'll make sure Nick doesn't get to him ever again."


    |Beginning|Previous update|Next update|
    Post edited by Koteyka on
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @Daephene, page 549.
    lol, I see what you did there!
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited December 2019
    Sorry I communicate in gifs a lot it's easier than words :))

    Aw, Griffin is such good dad :blush:
    Vampiric command is great, right?
    Caleb uses it a lot to keep flirty townies off Morgyn :lol:
    Lovely family, flammable...

    @AlwaysAsking Diego is so blatantly delighted to see Dash :love:
    Like "Oh, it's for me?!"
    Ah crap, Knox, could somebody just knox him out :/

    Captain Lecter lost relationship with Judith completely.
    Think she moved on :/ But hey, he got a cat named Salmon! :smiley:

    Whaaaat I'd have gone nuts without music.
    I know. Pretty sure I did %)
    I'm not a George RR Martin, sure, but I'm probably closer than most.
    So far he'd be proud of you :wink:

    Just out of curiosity, why everyone seems to pair Morgyn with Caleb? :D
    Because it's one beautiful ship and a blessing to us sinnmmers :lol:
    Dunno how does one really explain an OTP?
    Well, @ryttu3k did it pretty well (it's all their fault too).

    I'm glad I could inspire you for something this amazing :lol:

    It's getting really hot in this thread :smirk:

    (Eventually my main save is going to be Caleb romantically involved with Johnny, Morgyn, and Jamie, Johnny with Caleb and Jamie, Morgyn with Caleb, Lilith, and some flirtiness with Jamie, Lilith with Morgyn and going to have a baby with Johnny as donor, and Jamie's with Johnny and Caleb, flirts with Morgyn, and kind of wants Lilith to step on him. Heehee.)
    It's like OT(^{2}=-(1-r_{s}/r)c^{2}dt^{2}+(1-r_{s}/r)^{-1}dr^{2}+r^{2}(d\theta ^{2}+\sin ^{2}\theta \,d\varphi ^{2})?
    Jk, I WANT to see all of that! :heart:

    Give me weird dream stuff anytime!
    Really sometimes it's the clearest way to show how somebody's mind processes things!
    The two kids on the beach oh my heart :heartbreak:

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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @AlwaysAsking you should totally read them! I mean, I'm admittedly biased, but they're fantastic. Might have to make a human version for Iorek, yeah XD

    And that is an in-game thing, yes! They don't always get it, but you can get a couple of possible moodlets - one is general anxiety (looks like this), the other is actual nausea. Poor Morgyn apparently doesn't take well to exams. For Chateau Vest, haven't had the chance to play today! (I'll probably be able to after Christmas, but we'll be cooking all of tomorrow (Christmas Eve) and then have people over for the day itself XD;; So I'll let you know how Caleb's job is going then, heh. And yeah, Lilith has beautiful features!

    For the Simstagram Sims, the other two are the parents I made for the Vatores! Their names are Chester and Dahlia. They're human in this, but I have them as vampires in the Gallery, along with the twins as teenagers!

    Yeah, that's understandable. Hope the holiday season is as easy as can be for you both.

    @Koteyka oh yeah completely understandable. Steve needs a lot of hugs too.

    This is not a happy dream :( And the comfort at the end... man, you are really good at tugging at the heartstrings! THE KIDS ;_;

    @Morkovka it's called a polycule! Comes from 'polyamory' and 'molecule', and it incorporates everyone who's linked together by a relationship or relationships. So, say, Caleb and Lilith obviously aren't romantically involved, but they are in the same polycule because they're both linked to Morgyn. Morgyn and Johnny aren't directly involved, but they're linked through Caleb. And so on!

    (Two other useful poly-related terms - there's 'metamour', which is used to describe your partner's partner. So, say, Johnny would describe Morgyn as his metamour. And there's 'compersion', which is... basically the opposite of jealousy? Let's say Lilith tells Caleb about a really excellent date she and Morgyn went on. Caleb, instead of feeling jealous that his partner Morgyn is involved with Lilith, feels compersion, happiness that the people he loves are happy. There's a whole really neat vocabulary!)
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    octavion4444octavion4444 Posts: 28 Member
    im back, my computer crashed. And it could not be fixed. so that is why i was so busy, and now i have a new computer, the graphics card died in my previous computer. And now i dont have much to talk about, other than my sims has a nonfunctionally cloud saving. And i have started from scratch so now my first sim is freelancer writer, the second is techno guru and third and the fourth is in school. I have started the game very recently so i dont have much progress. And why isnt my cloud save working its really irritating
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Ellupelluellu I love reading about ISBI challenges and haven't seen one with that group of premades. I love Clara's makeover as well as what you did with Hugo. (Wolfgang as always looks great no matter what people do to him.) Tessa is in for an interesting time. Looking forward to the fires and poor hygiene (especially if you are using some of the stricter assylum rules too.)

    @TheLastStar oh my - where is my cold shower? That screenshot needed a warning for too much hot simness in one place. Then it was followed by more shots of Morgan and Caleb that were lovely.

    @Daephene I adored the 12 days of Winterfest. So many thread references in one song! They all made me smile. Happy holidays to you.

    @Simmelina1 Happy holidays. Victoria looked beautiful in her holiday outfit.

    @Morkovka I appreciate your memes - love the Diego one to Alwaysasking

    @AngeliqueAdelaide I have notification issues too - miss 2 or 3 every so often :(

    @sarabeth2984 enjoyed Simeon's look when you rotated back to them and found his wife pregnant. One time I switched on one of my games and the wife was pregnent and they were acting like they had tricked me or something. Poor Griffin - that was a terrible day but if you have to be a surprise father - there are many worse children than Lucas.

    @AlwaysAsking I am sorry your son finds holidays so tough, I hope there is some good things for him in the new year. Thank you for your comments on Finn - yes he is on the gallery. My simself autonomously proposed before the end of their first date, I must have done something right when I made him!
    Your update on Diego and Dash was so sweet. Dash needs not to worry about Diego acting. His every emotion is out there for the world to see in his face and body language. He just doesn't seem capable of hiding how he feels. I love him more each day. I got so used to Bjorn that I think I misread him a lot in the beginning. (plus the snooty walk makes him seem a little different to how he acts). Knox is a real piece of work, poor Diego. I am so glad he has Dash so he won't fall for any of his games. Perhaps Knox needs to get involved with Don and Thorne (or is that too many complicated ships on this thread!)

    BTW in the grand tradition of my sims reading the thread - my Diego did read about my concerns and took a lot of autonomous actions to calm my nerves. I can't wait to have faster internet so I can get back to doing updates. Some things made me (and Jessica) very happy.

    @Koteyka what a lovely comment (re:being super excited) - let me return the compliment by saying this entire story has made me super excited to read and I think about it a lot. Your initial updates when Steve and Tony adopted Peter were touching and made me invest in your characters and then when the drama started I couldn't not care. This update really tugged at the heartstrings, poor Tony has come through so much and it is a wonder that he even managed to be as successful a person (not an actor but a human being) as he did become. Obviously neither his Dad or Nick killed that inner spark and will that he had, although Nick has come close this time. I really liked the dream structure to this as it lets us see into Tony's mind and inner fears etc without a lot of spoken explanations and let you exaggerate and distort his impressions and ideas of what would or could happen. The way you represented the dream with jumpy locations, fuzzy focus (love the dreamlike look) and time distortion worked so well. My favourite, though saddest shot was young and old Tony sitting back to back curled up in Nick's office, very emotionally powerful and said a lot about Tony and how far (or not) he has come emotionally (the details in his office with all the posters/ covers of magazines and photos - you work so hard n the look of your shots). Young Tony and Steve were everything <3 I was seeing inner child metaphors and how Steve speaks and to and reaches a younger innocent part of Tony that no one (except perhaps Thor) had done. I also really felt how you represent the part of the dream where Tony falls (I hate those dreams personally and try to avoid falling back asleep if I have one) - it seemed very powerful and real. So glad when Steve wakes up so that Tony can be in the good hands he dreamt about. Happy holidays.

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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited December 2019
    I guess I count as a Cagyn shipper so, for me, it's just plum easier to nab Morgyn with a male Sim and they may as well be a male Sim I like looking at if Imma do it a lot.
    In my main save, Cassandra's amid wooing Morgyn (or is Morgyn wooing her...) so I have a slight preference for that, though MorgynxCassandraxCaleb is acceptable too.

    Martin would despise me cause I got a word or ten for him about a few things and not many are very nice. <_<

    Chapter 16. So basically I was like "Doing stuff, plot goals!" and Morgyn was like -vomits feelings- so sorry about that. LOL I don't know how this story got so Morgyn-centric but. Anyway. I got annoyed and stole Lilith's treadmill. She's doing stuff finally. About half of this is in first person. The babies are trying to plot <= => where they actually go on me, but I'm fighting it. Also this is the first post to feature poses I made myself ahhh-
    Recap: Damian Ember the Morgyn Ember CAS clone moved into an apartment with Cassandra Goth, then they moved to a better apartment, stole the Vatores, turned them human, shipped them to college, and then stole Morgyn. Morgyn turned Caleb into a spellcaster, Lilith ticked the Watcher off and is being forced to be present, and then Vladislaus called in the cavalry named Sarnai and things are going quite sour quite fast. Cassandra and Damian are married, have a daughter named Esmeralda, Esme for short, and Morgyn and Caleb are engaged.
    { Archive | Cast }

    Nobody said any of this was going to be easy. Being honest, though, I didn’t expect it to be this hard, either. It’s been three months since Damian went away. And in that time I’ve gotten not a single inch closer to stopping Sarnai.
    I’ve spent most of my life pretending I didn’t have a brother, because it was easier than remembering what, and who, I used to be. That person’s supposed to be gone, and it was easier than I’d envisioned, and somehow harder all the same, to let them go. My unwillingness to remember where I’ve been cost me everyone I knew and loved. At the time, it seemed smarter. If you didn’t want to be Rosalie de Lorraine anymore, what else was there but running away from it all and making a new start as someone else?
    The thing I never got, I guess, was that it was hard to be anyone but you, and even if you spent all your life running, things caught up eventually. The truth is, I was running from myself, and that’s the one thing you can never escape.

    I can’t tell you what I thought back then. I can’t even remember thinking of Damian too much, because it inevitably hurt, and reminded me of things I’d rather have forgotten. Damian was the only link to France that was left, and I’d only just found him some few years ago.
    I wish I’d stayed. If I had… things would’ve turned out much differently, that was sure. I’d probably have about a dozen kids I didn’t want with a guy I didn’t love, and there’d be someone else acting as Sage of Untamed Magic. But Damian would still be here.
    Damian was the better of us. Damian didn’t run away when things got hard, he ran toward it. I’d spent my whole life trying to figure out how to face my problems head-on. Mostly I pretended they weren’t there.
    Cassandra told me that if it wasn’t for the choices that I’d made at France, she and Damian wouldn’t have ever met, and some part of me wants to believe that, but more of me thinks I wouldn’t have much effect on their relationship with one another.
    Cassandra and Damian were meant to be. I thought that from the first time I saw them with one another. Damian slowed down, Cassandra sped up, until they matched one another perfectly and fell into sync with one another. Caleb and I… we still had moments where we moved at different speeds, and that was just how it was. Maybe that’d change someday. Maybe it’d always be that way.

    As much as I hated to admit it, Damian was right. I didn’t have the time or the leisure to be upset. What was death when you were a spellcaster, anyway? So what if he was gone? It just meant I had to push harder to get to Sarnai before it was too late and he’d been gone too long for me to save him. I think some part of Cassandra knew he was gone too. I could see it in her eyes, but surprisingly, I also found great strength there, a determination I wasn’t used to seeing in her usually placid gaze. She was at the cauldron a lot more than usual now, like she was looking for something.
    If things had been different, I could’ve fallen madly in love with her, and I understood what Damian saw in her.
    It was a matter of taking it a problem at a time. And the rest of this mess could be dealt with later. My guilt had waited 300 years by now, it could wait another however long it took to bring Damian, or whatever was left of him, home. Was I Morgyn Ember, or was I bloody Morgyn Ember?
    Well, maybe that’d be Morgyn Vatore. I liked the sound of that better anyway. I wasn’t the same person I’d been when I’d chosen the name Morgyn Ember, and maybe it was a good thing I wasn’t. (The entirety of the stage I was 100 something seemed to be rebellious teenager phase.)
    Damian had come back in dreams here and there since the first time. The visits were always stunted, like he was and was not a ghost, and I didn’t know what to make of it. Maybe Sarnai did something. Maybe the vortex did it. Maybe that wasn’t Damian at all, but a projection of what Sarnai wanted me to believe was Damian.

    I needed to think. It’d been so long since I’d felt anything, that when I finally did, it’d consumed everything, like a fire rushing through my veins that I couldn’t control. Caleb made me feel things like that, too. Sometimes what I felt for him was so strong it threatened to make me cry. I’ve never cried so much in my life, and I think I’m a little embarrassed by it. I’m used to not having feelings. Used to being that infallible god of a Sage that I used to be, but that Morgyn’s gone now too.
    Like I said, I’m not the same person that chose the name Morgyn Ember.
    Usually, I’m glad for that. Once in a while, like now, I couldn’t help but wish that I could go back to being that young and innocent. I wasn’t sure if I could consider myself a better me, or not. Mostly, I felt the same, and when I look back, I just feel lost. Maybe everyone feels the same way at some point or another.
    Damian needed me. And he was right. Nothing was going to change if I sat down and said I was done. Somewhere amid Caleb holding me and murmuring meaningless nothings the morning after I first saw Damian in a dream, I thought, I don’t have time for this. I could blubber like a mad person later.
    It was time, wasn’t it? Time for me to pay Damian back for everything he’d ever done for me.

    ( PG-13, PG-13, PG-13… o h m y g o d g u y s. )

    Offhand, it was hard to say where Caleb was. Probably downstairs playing some odd video game or another, and it was likely in his pyjamas because the boy had no sense. Most of the time, it was fine. The boy had no sense, but he was Morgyn’s boy, and that made up for it. (The girls might think differently.)
    Girl, you know I want your love, your love was handmade for somebody like me, come on now follow my lead, I may be crazy don’t mind me…
    One moment Morgyn was listening to random songs on Cassandra’s music player, and the next had gotten caught up in the rhythm. Morgyn wasn’t much of a dancer, at least not anymore, but it was nice to get lost in something that didn’t hurt for once.
    So lost in it was Morgyn that Caleb’s entrance went unnoticed. Caleb almost asked where his phone was, but then got distracted watching Morgyn move around in the small space. Most talked about how vampires had impressive muscle control and moved like predators. Sages, or at least this one, apparently moved like gods.
    He came up behind Morgyn, one hand moving up Morgyn’s arm. A quiet gasp sounded, but Morgyn rolled with it, shifting backward into Caleb, and soon enough they were moving together.
    They never broke contact. Morgyn went around him until they were back to back. Caleb turned around, leaning over Morgyn’s shoulder, and ran a hand up Morgyn’s leg, earning one of those quiet pleased hisses Morgyn loosed from time to time. The sound always made Caleb’s heart leap into his throat.
    “You seem in a better mood,” Caleb said quietly.
    “Yeah,” Morgyn answered. “The more time I spend freaking out, the less time I have to fix it.”
    Caleb made a noise of approval. “That’s a better way of looking at it. Just don’t pretend it’s not there.”
    “I’m not,” Morgyn said. “I just think I’ve been upset enough over it for now. It’s time to get things done, instead.”
    Caleb smiled, leaning over to nuzzle his nose into Morgyn’s neck. “I’ll be right beside you the whole way.”

    Any moment now, she was supposed to turn back into a vampire. Vaguely, she remembered the discomfort this had been the first time, and mostly she was amused by her past self’s inability to tolerate it very well. It barely bothered her, but then, she was using kickboxing as a distraction this time around. If she remembered rightly, mostly she’d just complained the last time.
    Of course, the first place she intended to go was Straud Manor. She hadn’t mentioned this to the others, because it could go very well, or it could go quite badly. It was a toss-up as to which one it’d be. It wasn’t like Lilith was afraid of Vladislaus, though Caleb might’ve been. Nor was she terribly afraid of Sarnai.
    She dared Sarnai to be around her when she had her vampire powers back. Lilith would love to mess up her day.
    Miss Hell hadn’t been in contact again, but nobody seemed to miss her. It was just as well, and probably for the best, considering discussing anything with her was more dangerous than anything. Miss Hell may not like Sarnai, but she could easily have been using their alliance to gain favour with Vladislaus.
    That’d crossed her mind once or twice, sure. Well, no matter. It was almost time, she could feel it. Just a little longer and she could go back to the Hollow not reeking of alive anymore. She’d miss being human though; ah, moral quandaries.
    Immense dark power, or being able to eat food? Decisions.

    “Are you feeling okay?” Cassandra asked, arching an eyebrow at Morgyn.
    “Fine,” Morgyn answered. “Better than I have been, for sure. Are you?”
    Cassandra sighed slightly. “Yeah,” she said. “I’m getting by at least.” She intended to drop by her parents’ house in a few days after classes, to see Esme and check up on her parents and Alexander. She hadn’t so far only because the depression had set in pretty hard.
    “What’re you working on at the cauldron all the time?” Morgyn asked.
    Cassandra hadn’t been aware anyone noticed that. “I don’t know,” Cassandra said. “It’s calming, mostly. And maybe I’ll stumble into something useful along the way.”
    “You seemed like you were looking for something specific,” Morgyn said.
    “Not exactly,” Cassandra said. “It just feels like I need to be working on my potion-making skills. It’s hard to explain.”
    “Maybe it’s the All guiding you,” Morgyn said. “Sometimes it does.”
    “I’ll hope. We could use a miracle in a bottle about now.”

    ( Some of these guys need a tan and it shows. )

    “No one’s heard from Miss Hell, right?” Lilith asked.
    “Nope,” Cassandra answered.
    “No,” Morgyn said.
    “Me either,” Caleb added. “Seems kind of weird because she’s usually pushier than this.”
    “Unless she already got what she wanted somehow,” Lilith said.
    “Yeah, but like what?” Cassandra asked. “You didn’t really give her anything to work with, and none of us did either.”
    “Miss Hell’s usually smarter than that,” Lilith said. “She could’ve gotten the weirdest information out of the most basic conversations.”
    Morgyn snorted softly. “Mostly, she’s aware I’m an emotional wreck.”
    “You are not,” Cassandra said.
    “Do you hear that?” Lilith asked.
    “Hear what?” Caleb asked.
    Lilith didn’t answer, standing up and following the sound. It was odd she could hear it and they couldn’t, but then her sense of hearing was probably getting better thanks to being mid-vampirification. She followed it straight to the hall closet where the coat Caleb was wearing the night they’d come across Miss Hell asking them for help happened to be.
    “Oh look,” she said, pulling a small metal piece off the coat. “Looks like somebody bugged us.”
    Cassandra frowned. “Clearly she didn’t trust us either.”
    Lilith snorted, throwing it against the wall. It immediately busted, the metal twisting into a weird shape and glass raining onto the floor. The beeping stopped.

    For a moment, Lilith wasn’t sure what she was doing awake. She looked at the clock to one side of her bed. The face read 12:34. That was so early to be awake, and she’d regret it if she didn’t go back to sleep, but then her stomach lurched and she realised what she was awake for.
    Finally, the long wait was over. She knew it took time, but it was still annoying a process to wait through. The first time, she hadn’t had anything to be so anxious over. It wasn’t like she really had any idea what was going on. This time, she couldn’t wait until it was over.
    She had about a thousand things to do as soon as she could turn into a bat again.
    For a moment, it hurt, the searing fire in her veins she remembered as being extremely unpleasant the first time, but this time it was more like a long lost friend. Her eyes flashed red, and suddenly she could hear better, smell better… ugh, and there was the annoying feeling of wanting something to drink but not wanting water.
    She recognised the want as plasma, but only because she’d been a vampire for a long time before. Much like she would’ve with a vampire master, she could sense Morgyn in a similar way. It was distant, but she could feel the pain. It was fine. It wasn’t crippling or distracting, and it’d stop soon enough.
    But first…

    Wandering around in Forgotten Hollow was in order, because there were plasma fruit trees in the Hollow, and she’d never found some anywhere else. It was probably dangerous to be this close to Straud Manor right now, when she was still re-acclimating to being a vampire, but Lilith didn’t care very much. She wanted Vladislaus to come out here.
    Messing up his day would be a pleasure, too.
    She wandered behind the house that now stood on Garliclauter Place. If Miss Hell was to be believed, she’d implied Sarnai lived there now. The lights weren’t on. Lilith took a breath in, but found that while she could scent Sarnai, it was a distant kind of scent, like she’d been there before but not recently. What she smelled stronger was a cat, someone that smelled male, and the slight spicy tang she recognised as Lakshmi.
    Lilith got a little closer to Straud Manor. Sarnai had been here recently, but wasn’t here right now, she could scent that too. Good. Her plans might yet pay off.

    This time, while wandering around Forgotten Hollow as often Lilith did now, she caught the scent of alive. Interestingly, it smelled familiar, too. Like she knew the person it belonged to. It was hard to say from this distance who it was.
    Instead of thinking about it too hard, as she knew this place was dangerous to living Sims, Lilith headed towards it, following her nose to the Sim the scent was coming from. Just outside Straud Manor, Lilith found a blond girl, lying in the grass.
    “Summer?” Lilith said, tilting her head. “Oh no, Summer!” Immediately, Lilith ran over, pulling Summer off the grass and shaking her slightly. “Summer, come on, wake up.”
    Summer grunted. Thank Watcher. Lilith knew she wasn’t dead, but vampire powers were not exactly kind

    “Lilith?” Summer asked, confused. “Wait, where are we?”
    “Forgotten Hollow,” Lilith answered, standing up, and holding a hand out for Summer. The blonde gratefully took the offered hand, and pulled herself up.
    “Oh… I only came for a jog,” Summer said.
    “Here’s not a good place for that,” Lilith replied. “Especially not at night. Did you come across a very pale, white-haired man? Crooked nose, too much chin, looks like he’s a bag of bones under his suit?”
    Summer arched an eyebrow. “Uh, yeah?” she said. “Why?”
    “No reason.” If Summer didn’t know, it was probably best. “Go home, okay? And don’t come back here.”

    Summer looked concerned, but nodded. “Okay.” She turned to leave, but then paused, and turned back around. “Thanks, by the way. I don’t know if I’d have woken up on my own anytime soon.”
    Lilith didn’t answer, just smiled at her, and let her go. As soon as Summer was halfway down the hill outside the Straud manor, Lilith focused her powers.
    Come to me,” Lilith thought. “Come and get it.

    Getting into a fight with Vladislaus was precisely what she was supposed to be avoiding. Quickly, she turned into a bat, meeting Vlad at a different part of the cemetery around the manor.
    “I thought you’d run off to join the spellcasters,” Vladislaus said.
    “Nice to see you too, master,” Lilith venomously spat. “I see you’re still up to your usual tricks.”
    “Why, it’s not my fault when poor hapless travellers wander up the hill,” Vladislaus said. “You’re not still on about your asking permission ordeal, are you?”
    “Enough talking,” Lilith snarled.

    Unlike the young vampire she used to be before, this Lilith really wasn’t afraid of him. Once, she’d been. She remembered that time, but it was hard to relate to that Lilith anymore. So much had changed since then, and she had reasons not to win. Plural. And Vladislaus was a problem anyway. Maybe if she cut off the head of the snake, Sarnai would give up. She had no direction without a commander.
    She wasted no time, and launched right at him.

    The battle was fierce. But the many hours training for this day had paid off, and Vladislaus was lucky if he could scoot to one side of her punches. She remembered every time she and Caleb had lost to him.
    It was satisfying to be the one that came out on top this time.
    “You don’t know what you’ve started,” Vladislaus hissed.
    “Am I the one that doesn’t know?” Lilith asked. “Or are you?”
    Vladislaus looked greatly annoyed for a moment, and then arched an eyebrow. “I am not your master anymore,” he said. “Who is?”
    “A very beautiful blond,” Lilith answered. “We won’t meet again.”
    Lilith turned and walked toward the entry. As she walked, one hand flicked at the air. A cracking noise sounded, and then a great unearthly shriek. She could smell the smoke and flames as, behind her, Vladislaus burned away.
    It turned out, tree branches made decent stakes.

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,569 Member
    @Becka28 How annoying that the server and fan decided to crash their date. Diego looks very handsome, so glad their a couple now. Her disguise to meet him at the park is so adorable. Nice party your simself had, can never get a part to look so alive. I like the kitchen too :)
    @sarabeth2984 Lol the stove caught fire. Funny he's now only allowed to made salads. When my sims have very low cooking level, I only allow them to make salads until they reach a reasonable cooking level. OH no, the dryer next! :#:D
    @AlwaysAsking Dash and Diego look great together. Diego seems to mean well, so I hope Dash see's that soon. Hopefully though Knox doesn't do anything to ruin it.

    Christopher enjoyed having Jason living with him now. Jason would spend time playing with Jack while Christopher or Chelsea were at work. But when he'd come back, he read him and play with him too.Dk1GaOp.jpg3MujKzE.jpg
    Though one night, his neighbor Salim was blasting his music loud, he couldn't get any sleep. So he went out to confront him, and Salim only told him, it's his own fault for having a boring life!m3lqRrc.jpgChristopher gets angry easily, so he got quite ticked and fought with him.4yEdCQE.jpgSalim told him he was going to complain to the landlord to have him kicked out. Christopher though thought maybe he'll buy a house soon, he's tired of noisy neighbors. In the meantime, the next morning, he told Chelsea he had a surprise. He planned for the two to have a romantic getaway. v2ejB5O.jpgAway from the city and just the two of them, they went to El Salvadorada.AbGFOBE.jpgThough, Christopher bought Jack along, he thought maybe they'll need him.agzigb6.jpgThey arrived early in the morning, so before hitting the town, they took a quick swim.IIt1ywZ.jpg
    When they arrived to the marketplace, Christopher wanted to go exploring, so he asked a local vendor for tips and equipment.jDDgrUc.jpg
    Chelsea came along when she heard the vendor telling Christopher, that only he has the best equipment, and better prices. She was sure he was just trying to make sales. CbMvufM.jpg
    Though then he started saying that if they delve into the jungles, they can reach the huge temples.jgnZIbl.jpg
    And inside, are supposed to be valuable treasures. With that, they began to think he was just exaggerating. KYsO9vV.jpg

    As the entered the jungle they found a sign...probably a cautionary sign. They figured they must be heading in the right direction.iHHHB11.jpg
    They soon reached a path that was blocked off, good thing they bought a machete from the vendor.Yquelfq.jpgShowing off his strength, he took a chance to flirt.kSzp5hl.jpg
    Mean while, poor Jack got bitten by a squirrelruvbUyR.pngIt turns out the vendor was right, there were treasure to be found. Christopher found a chest and couldn't help but open it. k6POpic.jpg
    EMXao84.jpgBut he ended up getting cursed.Food would taste bad for him unless they were from El Salvadorada.X1nY1nq.jpgMoving on they found a long wooden path.5uhBlQ4.pngAfter crossing they shared a kiss as they just passed a beautiful waterfall that they both found romantic.LLRmj12.png
    By evening they found the temple,the vendor was right, it was huge.u5JyWQo.pngChelsea was spooked when she found a walking skeletonLM0SDrY.pngBoth of them used their wits and skills to successfully clear the path to the end of the temple.FVxH5JN.pngChelsea found a pool and took a quick dive! And soon found a treasure chest, luckily she had no curse.a6E2UBB.pngUnfortunately when tried to solve a puzzle and clear the next path but a dart hit her from and ended up poisoning her.p9J0GNA.pngShe was beginning not to feel well.nVb3iwg.jpg
    Christopher didn't realize and continued to end and found the treasure all the way in the end.ciPkVKO.png
    When he realized she was poisoned he took her to their rented lot, while he went looking for the cure. The bright side was the locals told him he could search the museum for the antidote. It has a quick delivery option, since most travelers seek help there. So he took her there and they did get the cure.apMDZiC.png
    He was glad she was cured.iEwR0Fh.pngShe went back to the lot to rest while Jack kept watch. Christopher went to get food, he had to eat local food to fix his curse.Epq6otB.pngWhen he arrived, Chelsea was tired, she ate and went back to sleep.He was relieved they were able to find an antidote, what if they couldn't find it, she would've died and he would've been left alone with Jason. He remembered his mother told him, his grandmother passed away here when Scarlet was a toddler, just like Jason. That, and he never apologized to her for what he did.D5QXYNx.pngWhen she woke up he asked to speak with her outside. He apologized for what he did to her when they were dating in their teens. He told her that he regretted everything he did, that Isabelle wasn't worth it, she only gave him problems. When they ended it, he went back to Chelsea's home to apologize to her but was overwhelmed and ran before anyone opened the door.He said he was ashamed of what he did, and understands why she held a grudge, and that's why he brought them here. To make things better, but instead she got poisoned and almost died, and it would've been all his fault. buGnGxX.png Chelsea chuckled, she was the one who wasn't careful at the moment, Christopher took the moment to lightly joke, he wouldn't want to be left all alone with a fussy toddler and dog.k54BNSs.pngChelsea laughed, but when they went inside, she told him so far she has enjoyed the getaway and did appreciate his apology.OFfQ1gP.pngWhen the vacation was over, they headed back and Jason was happy to see them again.nKpJGjL.pngcwQr6kH.png
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    Enjoying reading people's stories, but just can't move my own story with Gaston, Caleb, Morgan, and now Gordon, forward, because I'm just not interested as much in romance as I am in action, intrigue, and stuff that isn't appropriate to talk about, and when I play that save, Morgan and Caleb can't keep their hands off each other but that wasn't where I saw it going, and it's also not sustainable because Caleb and Gaston are all over each other every time they bump into each other on a dancefloor. I think the attraction system needs disabling or something, to let relationships stabilize a little. So I have kinks to work out, in the game.

    Meanwhile Gordon appears to be chosen for stud duty by that celebrity whatsername Cho (she seems to have a biological clock ticking) because I was watching another Sim when I got the notification about her and Gordon, and caught up just in time to see her throwing herself against him on the closet door at a club, though I didn't see who initiated Try for Baby. But I think she must have because she did that once in another save with another sim. He has his life just the way he likes it at this point, and is not looking for any extra responsibilities, and as I recall, she's Noncommittal. So if she just wanted a donor so she could fulfill her wish to become a mother (and have a grand time doing it), cool.

    But Gaston, what a mess. It tempts me to put settings to poly, and stop concerning myself over Caleb's flightiness, Morgan's flirtiness, and Gaston's..opportunism? Desire for risk? Then I would just be dealing with whether Gaston really wants to stay clean and stop dealing, and embrace a new life and career. He's stabilizing living with Gordon, but he resents Gordon's overarching arrogance in presuming he wanted to be saved, and then the smugness about what Gaston should be doing, shouldn't be doing, and so on. Gaston hates being controlled however good the intentions are.

    But if Gaston rebels against Gordon, and decides to go back to his previous life path, I will have to be very cautious in describing it, to stay appropriate in the forum, because just dipping a toe in those waters is one thing, but turning his back on Gordon and going in all the way, with organized crime, takes it rapidly out of forum-appropriate material unless I really dance around it, and would also put Gordon in a very bad position, because of his moral convictions, sense of duty, Machiavellian reasoning, and ability to track Gaston no matter what.

    Tempts me to just mothball the whole thing because I can't play it and write it the way I see it.

    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    I've had to replay my game because I lost a lot of it :(

    Right now I don't have a lot of time to play but after Christmas I will have plenty of time.



    Darren's birthday again...


    Moved him out and Charlotte's twin brother. They'll be in a house with their aunts. Also moved out two cats but left their kitten.


    Adopted another cat her name is Maya eventually she'll mate with Poptart (our current cat)




    They sit on the sofa staring at each other.


    Poptart helps Lucas blow out his candle.


    And he's old and dyes his hair and gets a suntan. It's summer currently so if my sims look darker than normal they've been tanning.
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited December 2019
    Today in my game Morgyn asked Caleb out to a bar...

    Caleb: Nice place, if not for all the blue velvet and...
    ... mirrors, Morgyn!!!...

    ... MIRRORS EVERYWHERE! Not funny, Morgyn!

    Morgyn: No mirrors up here. Are you alright?
    Caleb: The couch is too blue...

    Next time Caleb was picking the bar and...
    Morgan: Heeeey! I'm Morgan! New to Windenburg?

    Caleb: Oh... um... ahem... ew... hmhm...
    Morgan: Do you speak Simlish?

    Caleb: Yeeeeah, I'm... sure I left the stove on!


    Guess I'll just let them get peacefully drunk in Caleb's sweet dark red home :/
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited December 2019
    Oh, btw, welcome Summer Holiday to our fun times.
    I'm not saying she's gonna be a permanent fixture, I'm just saying Lilith has a crush on her... can't blame her. Get her in some makeup that actually works with her and she's pretty cute. Turns out I won't be using some of the ones I thought I would, and I ended up using a random I didn't expect to, so I may have to go update the cast list rofl.

    I probably also won't be updating until the 26th. I'm not Christian and don't celebrate Christmas but I could use a break. Lol
    Post edited by Keidra on

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.

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