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What do you love and hate about the sims 4?


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    nightowl1nightowl1 Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you, THANK YOU! for bringing up T.O.O.L! I never even knew a mod like this was out there, so you've really cheered me up and given me a reason to open up my Sims 4 game again! I've always wanted to place objects within the neighbourhood, just casually add the most silliest items I can find, like giant teddies in the middle of nowhere for all sims to be confused about. Set up swings for the neighbourhood's children and childish adults to play on. Those sorts of nice things. @peterskywalker
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    ListentoToppDoggListentoToppDogg Posts: 2,103 Member
    I won't say love, but I really like Seasons. I consider it the best pack so far, but it could be much better.

    I hate that the game is so overly focused on young adult sims while all other age groups are vastly ignored. Nearly 30 packs and who knows how many patches and almost all of them are geared solely to young adult sims. Babies are objects you can't do anything with, toddlers are left out of nearly everything, children and teens just feel like adults with less interactions, and elders are just adults with white hair. No life stage feels unique except toddlers to an extent, and again, they are ignored in every pack and update. Family play is nonexistent in this game and often times parents rarely seem to interact with their kids and it feels like the kids can start raising themselves as early as toddler hood. The lack of children's toys and activities is just sad. It's also ridiculous that 5 years in we still only have a measly 4 aspirations for kids, no unique traits, and no unique aspirations or traits for teens or elders. I could go on, but I'd end up writing a book.

    The gameplay is also dull af, because everyone acts the same since traits don't do anything but add random moodlets every so often and sims don't have real personalities. The emotions system is too over the top is too easily swayed by the smallest and most random things.

    Packs, especially recent ones, tend to be super lacking, re-using or re-skinning already existing animations and features. Aside from Seasons, very few packs have had any replay value to me.

    I dislike the lack of options the game. I wish I had more control over the worlds and could do things like turning off stray animals in Brindelton Bay. I'd also like to make my sims behave specific ways and control who they are attracted to and who they will and won't flirt with. I also wish I could delete certain items that are added to the game through patches.

    I absolutely hate the lack of diversity for jobs. So many of them are too focused on computers and technology or are extremely uncommon jobs. I want more blue collar/normal jobs like librarians, bus drivers, or plumbers. And fewer job tasks that only involve sitting at a computer.
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    Hearts4uHearts4u Posts: 1,784 Member
    edited October 2019
    I really love:

    - Graphics/Look of Sims
    - Ability to have CC for CAS
    - Multitasking is a must
    - Toddlers are awesome
    - Parenting
    - Ability to turn off Whims--Don't want to see them but happy they function in the background.
    - The worlds just the way they are.
    - Packs to expand my family play (love doing normal everyday things and visiting various lots.)

    I don't like

    - Babies as objects. They need to improve them.
    - Not being able to take my Toddler to restaurants.
    - Not enough venues for teens, kids and toddlers.
    - Not enough activities for teens, kids and toddlers.
    - Seeing a toddler outside of a house I visit. Why isn't this toddler in the house with everyone else? This irks me.

    Origin ID: littlebonnieblue
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    Renato10Renato10 Posts: 472 Member
    edited October 2019
    I forgot to mention that I really hate the fact that you can't go straight to world view when you start a new save. I hate being forced to create a sim at the start. Thats completely the opposite of the three previous games!
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    In a nutshell, love the building, hate the CAS and gameplay. Sims don't feel like plural Sims anymore, but just a single Sim and at that point just feels closer to Sims Mobile or Sims Freeplay focusing on single Sim gameplay mostly and YA content with CAS rather than a full fledge PC or console game.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    SucomSucom Posts: 1,709 Member
    I like building but I hate the time it takes to decorate and find objects to match. I really, really dislike how difficult it is to match up furniture. It's so limiting and so time consuming to find stuff. It ruins decorating for me.
    I like the way the Sims look but I hate the way they sound.
    I love that I can take my sims out on a date but I hate the way other sims continually pester them. I even built a wall around one couple on a date but it didn't stop the npc's who stood on the other side of the wall chatting to my sims. Get lost!! You're not wanted! I also hate the way my Sims never stay together on a date and are always wandering off.
    I like the way the neighbourhoods look but I hate how small they are and I miss the open world and being able to create my own worlds and neighbourhoods.
    I really like sims being able to use cookers on community lots but I hate the way npc's will only interact with specific items relating to a specific lot type. I really wish they could interact with any objects placed on a community lot. For example, the only action you are likely to get on a museum lot is 'looking' at stuff. It's not possible to add anything to it at all to build the gameplay out a bit. Sims 4 just won't let you expand on what is already there. So limiting!

    I really dislike how sims eat standing up anywhere in the building, and continually move about while eating.
    I really dislike how visitors to your lot move onto the computer and take it over.
    I really dislike not being able to place a fence on the outside edge of a lot, which means that a 30 x 30 lot isn't 30 x 30 at all. It's actually 29 x 29.
    I really dislike the lack of wallpaper in build mode. It's mostly for children and not adult sims.
    I really dislike the edges of certain textures that won't fit around the whole building if the wall isn't long enough to allow. I also dislike how many of the textures can't be placed above the ground floor because they have decoration around the base which doesn't look correct on the first floor. Some of the stone and masonry textures come to mind.
    I really dislike my sims continually getting a glass of water.
    I really, really dislike my sims crying in bed, and crying for hours on end because I decided to abandon 'love' day or any other day planned by someone else. It doesn't interest me so I switched it off early but then suffered my sims continual crying for hours on end. That's not me in control. That is not me ruling my game. That is definitely the game ruling me! Don't like!
    I really dislike my sims bouncing around with that confident walk if I created a different walk in CAS. What's the point of creating a specific walk for a sim in CAS if game play is going to automatically change it whenever they're feeling confident. That bouncy walk is the walk of a particularly confident person almost strutting. A sim who I plan on having a more introspective personality would never strut about, no matter how confident they might be feeling. It's all relative.

    I could go on all night but whatever...... I don't play anymore anyway ......... it's too boring. (I never thought I would hear myself say that after spending so many hours on Sims 3)
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    LuvMySimzLuvMySimz Posts: 642 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    What I don't like is the traits don't really impact these Sims as much as personality points and or traits did in TS2 and TS3. Emotions seem to be for anybody and all can share the same emotions. That doesn't seem logical to me on a grander scale of things, but should be influenced by the trait the Sim has or inherits. That would make much more sense to me, rather than cheap decor.

    I didn't like culling at all. Not at all. Not one Sim should be removed in my opinion. No matter if performance issue or not, some other way to curb performance problems should have been found. I like a town has the same people in it until I decide to add new people like we did in the older games. And or only replaced if someone died (townie) and only when necessary.

    I didn't like these Sim will never remember they had a father, mother, or brother or sister etc. if we just go ahead and delete that Sim. What a shallow thought and gameplay. Or if they were friends and we just delete them, no one cared. And just pop in a replica and say that was the same Sim as, it's not. Empty gameplay right there.

    I still don't like players can't edit their worlds and or share their worlds and or remove one pink tree. Or change backdrops. Sim City rolls over in it's grave because we can't do this.

    Lack of being able to swim in all oceans and bodies of water...not very innovative is it.

    Only three trait slots..I think we all have more than that but doesn't matter, they don't matter anyway.

    I didn't like there isn't any type of chemistry between Sims. I know I'm not attracted to all people so why should my Sim be attracted to all Sims?
    Doesn't make sense. We all have some hidden idea of attraction and chemistry to others, and sometimes those are superficial attractions such as color of eyes and or hair or cut of the jaw or body type etc. We aren't as advanced as we like to pretend, we still do become attracted to others based on looks (no matter what that is and doesn't have to be perfect) and it should be part of a life simulator. So should the attraction of particular traits.

    Don't get me started on no slow dance or Sims even being able to face each other when dancing together. This is 'our' date, Are you with me or him or them? lol

    The lack of awareness. It really bothers me no parent or spouse or someone close to another Sim doesn't care the other Sim is crying in bed..what, doesn't anyone care and go see what is wrong in real life? I think they do. They don't have to be sensitive (depending on traits) to that other Sim but they should at least go ask what is the matter? They can be crude or rude or laugh at them later but they should at least ask.

    The entire game has a lack of awareness of these Sims.

    That's just a handful of problems the TS4 suffers if it's going to pretent to be a life simulator.

    But there were things I did like about TS4 sometimes, but CAS and Clothes aren't even part of that. TS2's Bodyshop and TS3's CAS is just as innovative to me as TS4's overly praised CAS. Not all that amazing to make bigger breasts. Not something I care to do most the time. Nor puffy lips, and or wide hips. I would rather have a hair slider where I move around hair parts to create my own styles. That would be amazing. Like that old avatar feature we had back in the day where we added bangs or a side part or whatever to our avatars and created our own on the screen for the old website. If they want to add that to CAS that would be a lot of fun. Just imagine if you could drag hair parts to be higher, less of , and or longer etc. That is innovation. And we already had it twenty years ago, on a website. Why not the game in 2019.

    The excessive talking, c'mon you already talked to that Sim like one hundred times today can you please sit still and do what I ask you to do?

    No manners for these Sims. They leave the dinner table without being asked to be excused then go sit on a bed and munch and crunch down their food while someone is trying to nap...rude, and needs a lesson in manners.

    Too casual, taking their plates to the couch in a proper living room, can't distinquish between a family room or den where this allowed and or the a proper room for company only. Yes, it matters to some of us. And no Sim lectures the Sim who has no manners about these things.

    They are rude by inserting themselves into others' conversations. I would walk away if somoene else butted into my conversations out in public, or maybe say mind your own beeswax, nosy. Do you ever turn and wonder who is this person and why are they following me and listening to my conversations and or butting into my conversations? Yes, of course, why should Sims be allowed to be so rude. We have no desire to meet everyone why should these Sims have to endure all those bad manners.

    Agree with you and most other posts, but THIS „bolded by me“ part is REALLY REALLY bothering me the most. And that they all have the same „Horse riding‘ dance style, no matter what kind of music you play.
    „ - Criticism may not be agreeable, but it's sometimes necessary - “

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    XxAirixXXxAirixX Posts: 2,567 Member
    I love how easy it is to live and travel in any world at any given time, not just vacation worlds. Also love how it doesn't bloat my save file so the game in stable longer. That is why I am not mad about aparts or the ocean as I can sim send my sims to different worlds and lots whenever I want. It would be nice to have those features in every world but as long as we can travel, I can live with it.

    I love some of the active careers and wish there were more or more careers where you can go to work or work at home.

    I love how quick and easy CAS is. It doesn't take forever and like how accessories, hats and all that are separate so you can layer or mix and match items and clothing.

    I enjoy the game play. I use occult sims a lot and tell different stories. It has always been up to the player anyways. I had sims fired from jobs, offered new jobs, etc...there is always something to do.

    I love how fluid the animation is and how living the sims are. They were so stiff and dull in Sims 3. They often just stayed in on place for hours and showed little emotion.

    I dislike how after Sims 2, the games seemed to be getting watered down and focus too much on realism. I missed the psychiatrist showing up and all the little random and unexpected things that would happen. Secret Societies coming back makes me miss Sims 2 and hope University is like Sims 2.

    Also wished some worlds were bigger or had a few more lots.

    I also wished we had a story progression and chemistry system. They can toggle it for those who don't want it; but I need it as I don't play every household.

    Also I want some NPC sims back if not an active firefighting career.
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    Just give me an updated version of sims3 and I'd be happy.
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    Sk8rblazeSk8rblaze Posts: 7,570 Member
    catitude5 wrote: »
    Just give me an updated version of sims3 and I'd be happy.

    This, but with more gameplay of Sims 2 and other goal-oriented life simulators. :smiley:
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    CamkatCamkat Posts: 2,329 Member
    edited November 2019
    I wouldn't say I love or hate anything about this game. That in itself is a bit of a problem.

    But I do like the build mode. I like the CAS. It could have been the best ever CAS if they would have just let us have the colour wheel for skin tones and hair.

    Actually I do hate one thing. The sims themselves. It's fine if you want to play the one personality type that ends up existing because traits don't mean much. The emotion system is flawed in that with traits having no impact, every happy/angry/tense/flirty etc sim all act exactly the same when in the same mood. Even then, it's extremely difficult to be anything but happy. If I need a sim focused I need to go over the top with decor types and interactions just to override the "nicely decorated" and "happy". Even with a grumpy sim or a genius sim. I do hate this. I hate even more that I was lied to with the advertising "the smartest sims ever". They are the dumbest sims ever. They are pretty though, I'll give them that. Shallow and pretty.
    Origin ID: Peapod79
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited November 2019
    Camkat wrote: »
    I wouldn't say I love or hate anything about this game. That in itself is a bit of a problem.

    But I do like the build mode. I like the CAS. It could have been the best ever CAS if they would have just let us have the colour wheel for skin tones and hair.

    Actually I do hate one thing. The sims themselves. It's fine if you want to play the one personality type that ends up existing because traits don't mean much. The emotion system is flawed in that with traits having no impact, every happy/angry/tense/flirty etc sim all act exactly the same when in the same mood. Even then, it's extremely difficult to be anything but happy. If I need a sim focused I need to go over the top with decor types and interactions just to override the "nicely decorated" and "happy". Even with a grumpy sim or a genius sim. I do hate this. I hate even more that I was lied to with the advertising "the smartest sims ever". They are the dumbest sims ever. They are pretty though, I'll give them that. Shallow and pretty.
    It's actually kind of striking for me (I agree with you) how people are being sceptical about Paralives because it hasn't shown us any character based gameplay yet, just building mode, when that's indeed exactly where Sims 4 is lacking. I don't even find them particularly pretty either by the way but that's preference I realize.
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    CamkatCamkat Posts: 2,329 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Camkat wrote: »
    I wouldn't say I love or hate anything about this game. That in itself is a bit of a problem.

    But I do like the build mode. I like the CAS. It could have been the best ever CAS if they would have just let us have the colour wheel for skin tones and hair.

    Actually I do hate one thing. The sims themselves. It's fine if you want to play the one personality type that ends up existing because traits don't mean much. The emotion system is flawed in that with traits having no impact, every happy/angry/tense/flirty etc sim all act exactly the same when in the same mood. Even then, it's extremely difficult to be anything but happy. If I need a sim focused I need to go over the top with decor types and interactions just to override the "nicely decorated" and "happy". Even with a grumpy sim or a genius sim. I do hate this. I hate even more that I was lied to with the advertising "the smartest sims ever". They are the dumbest sims ever. They are pretty though, I'll give them that. Shallow and pretty.
    It's actually kind of striking for me (I agree with you) how people are being sceptical about Paralives because it hasn't shown us any character based gameplay yet, just building mode, when that's indeed exactly where Sims 4 is lacking. I don't even find them particularly pretty either by the way but that's preference I realize.

    This is exactly why I am skeptical of Paralives right now! Ha! It looks promising and is talking a good talk, but we've yet to see anything that is so much different and better than TS4. I'm not upset with build mode in this iteration at all. It's probably one of my favourite bits (if I have to pick a favourite). Paralives looks like you can change objects around a bit, like I saw a lamp be a floor and desk lamp, but then how bored are we going to be with the same skins multiple times? Unless there is going to be a large variety? *hmm* Anyways, I haven't seen anything yet from them to really wow me other than talk. It's still early so time will tell but so far, they're only showing me stuff that I'm actually happy with in TS4 so I don't care as much as I could.
    Origin ID: Peapod79
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Camkat wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Camkat wrote: »
    I wouldn't say I love or hate anything about this game. That in itself is a bit of a problem.

    But I do like the build mode. I like the CAS. It could have been the best ever CAS if they would have just let us have the colour wheel for skin tones and hair.

    Actually I do hate one thing. The sims themselves. It's fine if you want to play the one personality type that ends up existing because traits don't mean much. The emotion system is flawed in that with traits having no impact, every happy/angry/tense/flirty etc sim all act exactly the same when in the same mood. Even then, it's extremely difficult to be anything but happy. If I need a sim focused I need to go over the top with decor types and interactions just to override the "nicely decorated" and "happy". Even with a grumpy sim or a genius sim. I do hate this. I hate even more that I was lied to with the advertising "the smartest sims ever". They are the dumbest sims ever. They are pretty though, I'll give them that. Shallow and pretty.
    It's actually kind of striking for me (I agree with you) how people are being sceptical about Paralives because it hasn't shown us any character based gameplay yet, just building mode, when that's indeed exactly where Sims 4 is lacking. I don't even find them particularly pretty either by the way but that's preference I realize.

    This is exactly why I am skeptical of Paralives right now! Ha! It looks promising and is talking a good talk, but we've yet to see anything that is so much different and better than TS4. I'm not upset with build mode in this iteration at all. It's probably one of my favourite bits (if I have to pick a favourite). Paralives looks like you can change objects around a bit, like I saw a lamp be a floor and desk lamp, but then how bored are we going to be with the same skins multiple times? Unless there is going to be a large variety? *hmm* Anyways, I haven't seen anything yet from them to really wow me other than talk. It's still early so time will tell but so far, they're only showing me stuff that I'm actually happy with in TS4 so I don't care as much as I could.
    I’m sceptical about a Sims 5, I’m cautious about Paralives. There is a difference for me ;)
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited November 2019
    Camkat wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Camkat wrote: »
    I wouldn't say I love or hate anything about this game. That in itself is a bit of a problem.

    But I do like the build mode. I like the CAS. It could have been the best ever CAS if they would have just let us have the colour wheel for skin tones and hair.

    Actually I do hate one thing. The sims themselves. It's fine if you want to play the one personality type that ends up existing because traits don't mean much. The emotion system is flawed in that with traits having no impact, every happy/angry/tense/flirty etc sim all act exactly the same when in the same mood. Even then, it's extremely difficult to be anything but happy. If I need a sim focused I need to go over the top with decor types and interactions just to override the "nicely decorated" and "happy". Even with a grumpy sim or a genius sim. I do hate this. I hate even more that I was lied to with the advertising "the smartest sims ever". They are the dumbest sims ever. They are pretty though, I'll give them that. Shallow and pretty.
    It's actually kind of striking for me (I agree with you) how people are being sceptical about Paralives because it hasn't shown us any character based gameplay yet, just building mode, when that's indeed exactly where Sims 4 is lacking. I don't even find them particularly pretty either by the way but that's preference I realize.

    This is exactly why I am skeptical of Paralives right now! Ha! It looks promising and is talking a good talk, but we've yet to see anything that is so much different and better than TS4. I'm not upset with build mode in this iteration at all. It's probably one of my favourite bits (if I have to pick a favourite). Paralives looks like you can change objects around a bit, like I saw a lamp be a floor and desk lamp, but then how bored are we going to be with the same skins multiple times? Unless there is going to be a large variety? *hmm* Anyways, I haven't seen anything yet from them to really wow me other than talk. It's still early so time will tell but so far, they're only showing me stuff that I'm actually happy with in TS4 so I don't care as much as I could.

    Also if that changing items like that does not have a lock feature it is going to be a pain and an annoyance if everything keeps changing so easily. It is great for about 5 seconds and then not so great when you try playing the game as changeable objects become troublesome objects the more they are messed with and in time. It is why developers do not use that ability in making stable games. It is easy to do do but not easy to control. Judging from how often and easy it changes I would guess no lock feature - other wise why doesn't the video show it or talk about it.

    It is also a known problem making rounded walls work well in changeable building sets (well in the past it was) - so I see that already an issue unless that has vastly improved.
    Post edited by Writin_Reg on

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    CamkatCamkat Posts: 2,329 Member
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Camkat wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Camkat wrote: »
    I wouldn't say I love or hate anything about this game. That in itself is a bit of a problem.

    But I do like the build mode. I like the CAS. It could have been the best ever CAS if they would have just let us have the colour wheel for skin tones and hair.

    Actually I do hate one thing. The sims themselves. It's fine if you want to play the one personality type that ends up existing because traits don't mean much. The emotion system is flawed in that with traits having no impact, every happy/angry/tense/flirty etc sim all act exactly the same when in the same mood. Even then, it's extremely difficult to be anything but happy. If I need a sim focused I need to go over the top with decor types and interactions just to override the "nicely decorated" and "happy". Even with a grumpy sim or a genius sim. I do hate this. I hate even more that I was lied to with the advertising "the smartest sims ever". They are the dumbest sims ever. They are pretty though, I'll give them that. Shallow and pretty.
    It's actually kind of striking for me (I agree with you) how people are being sceptical about Paralives because it hasn't shown us any character based gameplay yet, just building mode, when that's indeed exactly where Sims 4 is lacking. I don't even find them particularly pretty either by the way but that's preference I realize.

    This is exactly why I am skeptical of Paralives right now! Ha! It looks promising and is talking a good talk, but we've yet to see anything that is so much different and better than TS4. I'm not upset with build mode in this iteration at all. It's probably one of my favourite bits (if I have to pick a favourite). Paralives looks like you can change objects around a bit, like I saw a lamp be a floor and desk lamp, but then how bored are we going to be with the same skins multiple times? Unless there is going to be a large variety? *hmm* Anyways, I haven't seen anything yet from them to really wow me other than talk. It's still early so time will tell but so far, they're only showing me stuff that I'm actually happy with in TS4 so I don't care as much as I could.

    Also if that changing items like that does not have a lock feature it is going to be a pain and an annoyance if everything keeps changing so easily. It is great for about 5 seconds and then not so great when you try playing the game as changeable objects become troublesome objects the more they are messed with and in time. It is why developers do not use that ability in making stable games. It is easy to do do but not easy to control. Judging from how often and easy it changes I would guess no lock feature - other wise why doesn't the video show it or talk about it.

    It is also a known problem making rounded walls work well in changeable building sets (well in the past it was) - so I see that already an issue unless that has vastly improved.

    I need a lock feature in TS4 for some items I grab by mistake while trying to swing my camera about! :D That is annoying enough, if there's no lock feature for the changing furniture in Paralives, that would probably annoy me enough to quit.
    Origin ID: Peapod79
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    Destin2016Destin2016 Posts: 568 Member
    edited November 2019
    IMO, there is nothing to love about The Sims 4. It’s a weak game with very shallow gameplay. Everything is always sunshine & rainbows. Nobody in rl has a bad day at school/work & gets all happy walking into a nicely decorated room! No real effort has been put into this game. Case in point, it’s 15 year old predecessor is a million times the game this watered down version is. There’s a few things I like..toddlers, the club system, the Parenthood pack, but mostly, it’s a bore to play, TS2 is a true gem & TS3 is a great game.

    Edited for wording.
    Post edited by Destin2016 on
    You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Camkat wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Camkat wrote: »
    I wouldn't say I love or hate anything about this game. That in itself is a bit of a problem.

    But I do like the build mode. I like the CAS. It could have been the best ever CAS if they would have just let us have the colour wheel for skin tones and hair.

    Actually I do hate one thing. The sims themselves. It's fine if you want to play the one personality type that ends up existing because traits don't mean much. The emotion system is flawed in that with traits having no impact, every happy/angry/tense/flirty etc sim all act exactly the same when in the same mood. Even then, it's extremely difficult to be anything but happy. If I need a sim focused I need to go over the top with decor types and interactions just to override the "nicely decorated" and "happy". Even with a grumpy sim or a genius sim. I do hate this. I hate even more that I was lied to with the advertising "the smartest sims ever". They are the dumbest sims ever. They are pretty though, I'll give them that. Shallow and pretty.
    It's actually kind of striking for me (I agree with you) how people are being sceptical about Paralives because it hasn't shown us any character based gameplay yet, just building mode, when that's indeed exactly where Sims 4 is lacking. I don't even find them particularly pretty either by the way but that's preference I realize.

    This is exactly why I am skeptical of Paralives right now! Ha! It looks promising and is talking a good talk, but we've yet to see anything that is so much different and better than TS4. I'm not upset with build mode in this iteration at all. It's probably one of my favourite bits (if I have to pick a favourite). Paralives looks like you can change objects around a bit, like I saw a lamp be a floor and desk lamp, but then how bored are we going to be with the same skins multiple times? Unless there is going to be a large variety? *hmm* Anyways, I haven't seen anything yet from them to really wow me other than talk. It's still early so time will tell but so far, they're only showing me stuff that I'm actually happy with in TS4 so I don't care as much as I could.

    Also if that changing items like that does not have a lock feature it is going to be a pain and an annoyance if everything keeps changing so easily. It is great for about 5 seconds and then not so great when you try playing the game as changeable objects become troublesome objects the more they are messed with and in time. It is why developers do not use that ability in making stable games. It is easy to do do but not easy to control. Judging from how often and easy it changes I would guess no lock feature - other wise why doesn't the video show it or talk about it.

    It is also a known problem making rounded walls work well in changeable building sets (well in the past it was) - so I see that already an issue unless that has vastly improved.
    I could imagine that the changing mechanism only works in build and buy mode, not in live mode.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited November 2019
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Camkat wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Camkat wrote: »
    I wouldn't say I love or hate anything about this game. That in itself is a bit of a problem.

    But I do like the build mode. I like the CAS. It could have been the best ever CAS if they would have just let us have the colour wheel for skin tones and hair.

    Actually I do hate one thing. The sims themselves. It's fine if you want to play the one personality type that ends up existing because traits don't mean much. The emotion system is flawed in that with traits having no impact, every happy/angry/tense/flirty etc sim all act exactly the same when in the same mood. Even then, it's extremely difficult to be anything but happy. If I need a sim focused I need to go over the top with decor types and interactions just to override the "nicely decorated" and "happy". Even with a grumpy sim or a genius sim. I do hate this. I hate even more that I was lied to with the advertising "the smartest sims ever". They are the dumbest sims ever. They are pretty though, I'll give them that. Shallow and pretty.
    It's actually kind of striking for me (I agree with you) how people are being sceptical about Paralives because it hasn't shown us any character based gameplay yet, just building mode, when that's indeed exactly where Sims 4 is lacking. I don't even find them particularly pretty either by the way but that's preference I realize.

    This is exactly why I am skeptical of Paralives right now! Ha! It looks promising and is talking a good talk, but we've yet to see anything that is so much different and better than TS4. I'm not upset with build mode in this iteration at all. It's probably one of my favourite bits (if I have to pick a favourite). Paralives looks like you can change objects around a bit, like I saw a lamp be a floor and desk lamp, but then how bored are we going to be with the same skins multiple times? Unless there is going to be a large variety? *hmm* Anyways, I haven't seen anything yet from them to really wow me other than talk. It's still early so time will tell but so far, they're only showing me stuff that I'm actually happy with in TS4 so I don't care as much as I could.

    Also if that changing items like that does not have a lock feature it is going to be a pain and an annoyance if everything keeps changing so easily. It is great for about 5 seconds and then not so great when you try playing the game as changeable objects become troublesome objects the more they are messed with and in time. It is why developers do not use that ability in making stable games. It is easy to do do but not easy to control. Judging from how often and easy it changes I would guess no lock feature - other wise why doesn't the video show it or talk about it.

    It is also a known problem making rounded walls work well in changeable building sets (well in the past it was) - so I see that already an issue unless that has vastly improved.
    I could imagine that the changing mechanism only works in build and buy mode, not in live mode.

    I understand that but every time you go to upgrade your sims home or add something do you want that to start fouling up. We go to build and buy constantly - at least I do - I am constantly redoing something or upgrading or adding content to my sims lot. That could become a night mare every time you move your mouse in anything but live mode.

    There is always a reason no other devs use features like that - that has been around for years like some of those things have been. Like round walls, but devs don't use them because of the problems with doors and windows and putting stuff on the walls. Multi meshes like that used in the bed making has previously became an issue after a bit of use - if it wasn't an issue don't you think everyone would choose a multimesh instead of having a mesh for everything.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    moltaziamoltazia Posts: 58 Member
    for me the biggest thing that makes sims 4 feel empty and like you have nothing to do even though i have 90% of all the packs are because nothing interacts with anything else. flea markets are ONLY in the world they came with, dogs ONLY spawn in the world they came with, i can basically do none of the gameplay from island living in any other world etc. if it all layered and connected it'd feel alot more fleshed out.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited November 2019
    Renato10 wrote: »
    I forgot to mention that I really hate the fact that you can't go straight to world view when you start a new save. I hate being forced to create a sim at the start. Thats completely the opposite of the three previous games!

    I don't ever play like that. I hit to start the game where I stopped last play session so I go back to the Sims I was playing - then I click manage worlds and go to what ever world holds the next sims I want to play in my rotation, and click their house and start playing them. The only time I make a new Sims is when I want to make another sim or household for my rotation.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    I do love the new patch. So many bugs that have been bothering me since the Sims 4 came out got fixed. Please keep reporting bugs Simmers because it really helps make a higher quality game. <3
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited November 2019
    Scobre wrote: »
    I do love the new patch. So many bugs that have been bothering me since the Sims 4 came out got fixed. Please keep reporting bugs Simmers because it really helps make a higher quality game. <3
    Until they break again. Sorry for that negative comment and of course I really hope it won’t happen, but that’s what I hear all the time.

    @Writin_Reg I have no idea how and if it will work. Maybe you’re right, maybe he can pull it off. I just don’t know.
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    LuvMySimzLuvMySimz Posts: 642 Member
    edited November 2019
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Renato10 wrote: »
    I forgot to mention that I really hate the fact that you can't go straight to world view when you start a new save. I hate being forced to create a sim at the start. Thats completely the opposite of the three previous games!

    I don't ever play like that. I hit to start the game where I stopped last play session so I go back to the Sims I was playing - then I click manage worlds and go to what ever world holds the next sims I want to play in my rotation, and click their house and start playing them. The only time I make a new Sims is when I want to make another sim or household for my rotation.

    Not when you start a NEW SAVE. That’s what he is talking about. You Always need to create a new character to start a new save.
    „ - Criticism may not be agreeable, but it's sometimes necessary - “

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