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    skygal333skygal333 Posts: 155 Member
    (100 mermaid baby challenge)

    Finn welcomed in a set of twins; Cascade and Niagra (#8 and #9) They were named after the method of their conception. She immediately hooked a new man, though found out a bit late he was married. Oh well. The Oceania Clan must prosper! ...even if it means hurting a few relationships here and there. There was some time to finally finish the romance novel she was working on (Waterfall Escapade) and published it for good money. Most of her time was spent cooking, cleaning and spending time with her family, whenever she wasn't caring for her once-again expecting body. Sometimes her older children, who moved out, may come for a visit. No matter how old they are, they're always welcome in the Oceania house.
    Cascade and Niagra turned into adorable mermaid toddlers. Cascade took on tan skin and dark hair while Niagra received light skin and light hair. Aside from that, they were identical even to the personalities. Together they learned skills quickly and created a deep sisterly bond.
    Pacific had seems to always get into trouble at school. No matter the choice he makes, it seems to be the wrong one. If it were up to him, he'd be swimming in the ocean all the time. His older sister Sea (the first of the babies born in the challenge) frequently visits the house and talks to him. She understands all too well the urge to run, swim and climb rather than be stuck indoors all day. Once he grows older, maybe he'll follow his big sister's, fin-steps?, and join wildlife conservation. Or would he prefer athletics?
    Atlantic and Atlantis, meanwhile, strive in their studies. While Atlantic isn't quite as energetic as Pacific, he still has strong swimming skills and keeps well. Unfortunately, Finn notices he's been dabbling in dark forms of siren songs. He seems to take delight in misfortune and drownings. He's never around to help around the house. When it's time for him to graduate and go into the world, will Pacific do good as his siblings? Or is he taking a darker path? Atlantis prefers to keep out of it. She loves her brother but she's got her head in the books, studying like crazy. Once she's out of the house, she wants to move in with big sis Brooke (2nd of the challenge) and become a scientist like her.
    Shelly moved out of the house just recently. A stylish, independent woman who you'd expect would be in the hip clubs of a major city. However, you'd find her working the bars of the island. While she does love the party life, it's the beach parties she loves most (not just cause the Sims creator didn't get the particular expansion yet...) She hasn't visited quite as much as the other older siblings though she'll drop a call to mom once in a while.
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    calaprfycalaprfy Posts: 3,927 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Yes, balloon fights can be had during Summer in Seasons. There are blue buckets scattered randomly around the worlds. You can also have mudfights when it rains and snowball fights when it snows!
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Thank you for all your comments, you are too kind :love:

    @Koteyka Your story has so much depth it's stunning! I don't have any particular questions or comments, I just admire what you are doing with it :)

    @Becka28 I like Walter's new hair! And Allyson is a quick learner indeed :smirk:
    I love it that Alana and Brock are always so sweet and passionate together, I have a romantic heart too <3

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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    My Alien family has a new alien member and it's not a baby!
    But first things first.
    No idea why I thought aliens should necessarily wear disguise.
    Apparently not, so I let Sky walk around in her true form for a change (which I overhauled too).
    And she got abducted right away - fortunately she enjoys hanging out with her kind.
    While at work, Sky improved the Cloning Machine so that it can clone Sims and duplicated herself.
    I never used it before, so while I assumed a new Sim would be created as a result of it, I had no idea it would be immedately added to the family as Sky's sister.
    After a brief panic, I decided to roll with it.
    Since the family lives in Johnny's old trailer, it's a problem to make room for the new girl, so for now I just placed an extra bed in the basement.
    Surely not the welcome Darling expected after work.
    The Clone decided her name is Xamidimura (binary star system in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius) and she chose a different disguise.
    The boys and baby Andromeda seem to like their new auntie.

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    Galaxygamer346Galaxygamer346 Posts: 22 Member
    Last night, The sim guy (I can't remember his name). I do believe he was more of a player to my sim that I created. But, he purpose to my sim Kaylie and Kaylie turned him down. I was shocked for a moment she became tense and slammed the frige door hard. lol Kaylie is expecting her first child and I found out she hates kids. This will be an interesting play out. lol
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    edited July 2019
    This was... a depressing gameplay.
    Caleb wasn't in the mood of doing more than mourning and crying in the bed...
    Lilith made a bunch of sad paintings...

    and even though I'm evil... this broke my heart.
    He kept mourning...
    Lilith tried to be there for him, but he just wasn't in the mood of talking...
    They all were very sad...
    in the end, what I was waiting for... Cassandra arrived...
    and she... still turned into a vampire

    Now, we can bring he her back... we have two options:
    the wishing well at the Straud mansion:
    but the well is dodgy and could cost us a lot of money...
    the second option is the ambrosia... Caleb is a very good cook, but hasn't maxed the gourment cooking skill yet, and I have skill progression slowed down so this could take a while
    the other problems with the ambrosia, are the angel fish, and the death flower... so ambrosia could take a long time.
    or... we can just have a Vampire ghost girlfriend....

    I forgot to say... both Lilith and Caleb were back to be Masters before haloween, they have all their original powers back (I think)... Caleb ranked up two days before Lilith.

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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited September 2022
    The continuing saga of Flirt your Way Through Strangerville (Part 6 - Trouble arises!!)

    Index to Other chapters

    The next morning the four of them got up bright and early, to try to catch scientists before they went to work. Malcolm knew that they needed to make a vaccine to help the possessed people, and keep others from becoming possessed, but … he did not know how to do it, so they were going to ask….

    They were lucky, and they all promptly found someone to talk to. Malcolm actually tried very hard to go the flirtation route with a scientist at the library. At first Professor Carlisle was receptive.


    Then he asked her if she knew about the vaccine that they were trying to create out at the secret lab.

    She told him he’d better mind his own business, and stay far away from that lab.


    Not the best start to his flirtation attempts. So he spent the rest of his time reading about vaccines, and refreshing his chemistry knowledge. He thought that was probably best as his contribution for the day.


    Don also found a scientist in the library. Dr. Stanley


    She was quite happy to meet him, but said that unfortunately she couldn’t talk right then, she had a meeting to get to.


    J found a man, Dr. Oliver, quite easily, and even more quickly he got Dr. Oliver into a receptive mood.


    Until he mentioned the mysterious Lab, and the need to make a vaccine for the possessed.

    Dr. Oliver shut that down instantly. J wasn’t going to get anything out of him, that was certain.


    But Penny had a great deal more luck. There’s just something about Penny ….


    Mr. Gonzales was very taken with her, very ….


    And while her request for information about how the scientists at the lab had been trying to make a vaccine did cause him some consternation…


    it certainly didn’t last long. He told her that they’d been using a lot of spore clusters, and mixing them with some of the strange fruit from the weird plants.

    “However,” he continued, “We were ordered to evacuate the lab, and our research, before we could test the vaccine, so we have no idea if it will work.”

    Penny assured him that he’d been very helpful, and she was grateful for his assistance.


    Don found a very sweet scientist, Dr. Farley, outside of the library. She was highly amused by his muscle flexing, just like the soldier had been the day before.

    But this time he went with it, and tried to make her laugh more. It worked


    Then he said, “These amazing muscles are going to disappear if we can’t come up with a vaccine for the people in this area. It’s spreading to San Myshuno too. Wouldn’t it be terrible to see me all puny and helpless?”

    “Oh my gosh!” she exclaimed in a very exaggerated manner. “It would be tragic!” But then in a more serious tone she said, “I’m actually very sorry that I can’t help you with that, I just don’t know anything about it.”


    Then she continued, “But I can tell you someone who can. There’s a tall, thin, African American man in town. He’s often at the library. He wears glasses. He’s a scientist, but he won’t wear his lab coat in public, because everyone is suspicious about us now. His name is Dr. William Grayson. I know that he knows something! I’ve heard so many rumors. You’ll have good luck talking to him, you’re such an attractive man. He will appreciate that.”

    Oh hell, not that again, Don thought to himself. J’s going to have to handle Dr. Grayson. Don wasn’t willing to try that experiment twice.


    How fortuitous that Dr. Stanly found Don, right then and there. “My meeting is over,” she said to him. “I have time to ‘talk’ now if you’d like.”


    It was a slightly awkward situation, and not actually all that surprising, considering how many women he’d been hitting on for the past few days.


    The four of them met at the library to talk about what they’d learned, and after talking it through, Malcolm said they might as well head over to the lab, and see if they could make heads or tails of what they’d been told.

    J stayed behind to see if he could find this Dr. Grayson that Don mentioned.


    The other three put on their hazmat suits again, and set off for the lab. When they got there Malcolm looked at some of the work that had been abandoned, but it didn’t tell him much.


    They went down several levels, and Malcolm messed around with the ingredients that Mr. Gonzales had advised Penny to try.


    But Malcolm really had his doubts that it would work. For one thing, they didn’t actually know what “spore clusters” were. They brought in as many of the spore particles (that were always floating through the air) as they could find that had settled on tables, and counters, and they had a couple of the strange fruits. So Malcolm tried to isolate them down to their basic molecules, and then blend them together. That was the only thing that he could think of trying, but he knew that he didn’t have a catalyst. Without an idea of what to use as a catalyst, he was doubtful it would work.


    They went back to town to try to find someone who was possessed so they could test the vaccine.

    In a Spoiler to be a Surprise! lol
    It didn’t take Malcolm long to find Joachim from Windenburg, and he promptly used the vaccine on him.


    He felt as though he’d used enough, Joachim had been covered in it.


    But he didn’t get better. There was no effect at all


    Malcolm followed Joachim around for a while, to see if it just took some time for the vaccine to work. He ran into Don, who’d been scouting for more leads. Don was pretty freaked out.

    “I guess it didn’t work,” he said to Malcolm.

    “Nope,” Malcolm answered. “It sure didn’t. I need better instructions. Hell, I need to know what a spore cluster is!”


    So they put their fancy suits on again, and set off to find more answers. Malcolm was desperate enough to speak to some guy that looked like a conspiracy theorist. Well, why not? He thought. We got tons of help out of that Erwin guy.


    And the man was very helpful! He told Malcolm that he spends a lot of time listening to the military personnel, and that he’d heard them mentioning scanners. He believed that the scanners were used to find spore clusters.

    “That’s what I hear them say,” Rex told Malcolm. “I don’t know what they look like, but ‘scanners’ find spore clusters.”


    Malcolm couldn’t thank him enough.

    “Awww shucks,” Rex said. “Twern’t nothin’”


    The story continues:

    Malcolm texted his team, and told them to look for military personnel again, and to add asking about “scanners for spore clusters” to their list of questions.

    Penny found a friendly Major relatively easily.


    But, as much as he wanted to help her he could only say, “I’m so sorry ma’am, but that’s not something I’m authorized to talk to civilians about.

    For once, Penny’s charm didn’t work …


    Malcolm found an extremely perky Lieutenant strolling through the trailer park. He'd decided to go the polite and friendly way again, as flirtation didn't go well for him. He made polite small talk, and Lt. Green was exceedingly forthcoming and responsive.


    Until he asked about the existence of spore cluster scanners.


    That topic upset her so much, that Malcolm ended up reassuring her that it was just fine if she couldn’t talk about it, and that he understood. It was all quite bewildering.


    Now J…. J was getting impatient. He felt as though he couldn’t take much more of this. How was Raj doing? J missed him so much that it felt like actual pain, and he didn’t know what to make of that.

    Anyway, his impatience was making him reckless. He couldn’t find Dr. Grayson anywhere, but he spotted another scientist, sitting by himself, and J plunged into action, like the days of old.


    The poor man’s name was Professor Blake, and he didn’t stand a chance against the silver tongue of a man frantic to get home to his lover.


    Within no time at all J had secured Professor Blake’s promise to advise Malcolm on how to go about completing the vaccination research that he and the other scientists had been doing in the lab.


    J thanked him as only J can, and he knew the professor would keep his promise. J could see it in his eyes ….


    Penny, J, and Don were at the Eight Bells Saloon to celebrate J’s win. They still needed more info about spore cluster scanners, but detailed instructions on creating the vaccine were invaluable! Malcolm had actually gone back to the lab to write himself notes about what to ask Professor Blake.

    While they sat, and chatted, and ate snacks, J thought he heard someone say his name.


    You guessed it! In a Spoiler to be a Surprise!!
    And he was right! He’d definitely heard someone say his name!


    J had Raj in his arms faster than Don Lothario could run in the other direction when he heard the word marriage.


    J was so happy that he almost started crying. It was such a relief, it was absolute heaven to hold Raj again.


    He told Raj to go wait for him by the door. “I’m telling the others that I’m done for the night,” J told him. “I saw a charming Bed and Breakfast place on the other side of town. You and I will be going there for the night, those guys can keep staying at their Motel 6.”


    Raj went to the door to wait for J. He was delighted that J was so happy to see him. He’d been worried that J would take it the wrong way, as if Raj didn’t trust him. But J seemed to have been missing him as much as Raj had been missing J.


    So when J got out the door to grab Raj, and speed off to the bed that was waiting for them, he was quite unprepared to see this.


    It had to be a joke, right? “Raj? Raj?” J said, “Raj, please … don’t do this! Please!”

    But his words had no effect. Raj was gone … and this creature stood in his place. J thought his heart was going to stop. It was impossible! This couldn’t be happening!


    He raced back inside the saloon, and saw that Malcolm was back. He started shouting about Raj being in trouble.


    So Penny and Don ran outside to see for themselves. And indeed, Raj was in the worst state possible.


    “Now what do we do?” Penny said. But Don had no answer.


    Malcolm was incredulous. “Raj? Your Raj? He’s here, and he’s possessed? Why is he here? Are you sure he’s possessed?” Malcolm asked.


    J was incapable of composure. He was ranting, “He’s here because he missed me! This was taking too long! I told you I needed to go home to him! What if you can’t fix this Malcolm? I can’t lose Raj! You have to fix this!!”


    Malcolm didn’t even answer, he just ran for the door. He was going to find a scientist and force them to come to the lab with him. He was going to fix this for J. This was his mission, and he’d failed. He couldn’t let J lose Raj. What if this happened to Peony?! The thought terrified him, and he ran faster.


    Penny and Don had sedated Raj, and he was asleep on a bench. They told J to wait there with him, and they ran off to get answers too. Both of them thinking… what if it was Summer or Sonny? What if it was Thorne or Emmeline?

    J sat there shaking, waiting for them to come back with good news. There had to be good news….


    Up next …

    How far will they go…
    to save Raj?

    Penny took a a turn watching over Raj, while the guys worked some magic:




    Continue here:
    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    theaethanrealmtheaethanrealm Posts: 62 Member
    @AlwaysAsking yes, i downloaded a lot of cc appropriate for the era. and in the rules of the decades challenge, you aren't allowed to have actual jobs yet. men can have jobs starting in 1900 but women can't work until 1920
    origin id - theaethanrealm
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,043 Member
    Other than drawing up the plans (in off line mode) of residences or community lots I've made to put them into TS2? Nothing. The June patch has made my game pretty much unplayable so have given up on it. Until EA takes responsibility for their mess, states clearly they are/will fix the matter, & actually do something useful for a change I'm MIA when it comes to TS4.
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    HoveraelHoverael Posts: 1,230 Member
    Been doing a bit of updating my old households since getting into modifications. It has been a pain, not because of how many i have that all need work but finding the right outfits, skins, hair and the like. Sims Catalogue has a lot of them but i've been through that back to front.

    Sim Resources is a terrible service unfortunately, there are 25k worth of items i'm looking at in womens clothing, it involves a lot of time wasting waiting for each page to load, no search bar for unregistered users, service is often unreliable. after downloadeing a number of items it has me on a 180 download timer that won't keep ticking unless i stay on that page. I know for sure i'm not going to sign up to any such service like this as it is.

    In any event, i got a lot better working background for Jeri Matthews (The mother to Sandra). The outfit i've got for her speaks completely and sharply to her eccentric snobby behaviour not to mention her supreme confidence in herself, it also explains how Sandra came into the world. Soon enough when i'm happy with the female stuff, i've move into the male stuff and work on Bruce alot more and complete that story out.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,930 Member
    Two nights before their wedding my young couple go to dine at Val's Bar & Grille when this happens:

    Yes, that's their waiter, scarfing up the groom's steak!
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    O-meezyO-meezy Posts: 165 Member
    @SiliClone That was so heartbreaking:( I hope everything turns out ok!
    @theaethanrealm That decade challenge seems difficult. How is it?

    Zion decided to take Avery out for a nice, romantic dinner. He usually doesn't do stuff like this so naturally, Avery thought he was up to one of his crazy schemes again.


    Zion: "This place is so fancy! They have stuff on the menu that I can't even pronounce!"

    Avery was very very skeptical
    Avery: "This place is a little TOO fancy, I mean look at these prices! if this is another one of your silly pranks I swear...



    Zion: "Woah woah, calm down. I just wanted to take you out for dinner to show you how much I appreciate and love you. I don't tell you that enough.


    Relieved that this wasn't another scheme by Zion, Avery was incredibly flattered to hear Zion express his admiration for her.
    Avery: Awww, thank you! I love you too!

    Eventually, their food came and they enjoyed a really nice meal together.


    Avery may have had one too many glasses of wine though...

    She ended up spending some quality time with the toilet in the bathroom...

    After that eventful dinner, Zion took Avery out for a night time walk in the park. Avery was clearly still feeling pretty sick from dinner though.

    Avery: "Isn't this the park where we first met? That was so long ago! We've been through so much since then huh?
    Zion: "Yeah we have! There's a reason I wanted to come here

    Zion then pulled out a notebook filled with poetry that he'd been writing and decided to recite some of his work to Avery.

    Zion:"Roses are red. Violets are blue. I think you're pretty. And that's pretty cool"

    Avery: "Umm wow... yeah ok, that was something..."

    Zion: "Now, that I have you've been taken off your feet by my amazing way with words, I have one more thing to say to you!

    Zion: "Avery Carmona, will you marry me?


    Shocked, Avery couldn't even muster up a single word and stood there in complete silence for a few moments


    Zion: "Kneeling down like this isn't exactly the most comfortable position, so if you don't mind answering...

    Avery: "YES YES! She then excitedly shared a kiss with Zion <3

    Avery's eyes shined as she looked at her engagement ring for the first time. She tried it on and it fit perfectly :)

    Unfortunately. the excitement over this whole situation caused Avery's stomach to start acting up again and as soon as she placed the ring on her finger, she rushed to the bathroom to throw up again

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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    Wow, you continue to surprise me. I didn´t know that sims who died while being in a process of turning will still turn - or is it related to some mods? Anyway, awesome story

    There will be more about Adalaide and Gunther soon. They are surely going strong :D
    Adelaide has two hobbies- fishing and video games. Girl has layers :D
    I hope Andrey enjoyed his snowpals while he still had them, because while I am writing it, there is already spring in my game
    Alexandre is a painter, so he has evenings free, which is when Antoniette, being a criminal, goes to work. It was one of the main reasons Antoniette chose the criminal career to begin with - so that there would always be one of them at home with the kids.
    I forgot to mention, but both Antoniette and Lucrecia also had baby girls. Lucrecia now has seven and Antoniette nine kids (plus Antony, who didn´t exist before he was a teenager, but whom she still considers her son). I am having hard time searching for a place to host Antoniette´s and Alexandre´s wedding that would comfortably fit their whole family (nine kids, ten grandkids, two nieces, three grandnieces and two grandnephews).
    Last time I played, Bjorn plum Bjergsen won a lottery. 🐸🐸🐸🐸, game? What´s next, he becomes the new Father Winter?

    Part 1:
    Angelique made a new friend. This is Pixie, Adelaide´s dog. He is a labrador and dalmatian mix that Adelaide let Adaline name as a toddler, hence the name wsbT4fb.png
    Nina continues the family tradition of doing homework in interesting places 2aF4j89.png
    At least she has her two dumb dads to help her (well, one, since Andrey usually just stands there and looks confused. Academics were never his thing) x2w5zea.png

    Amara came over and brought Isobel and Jocelyn with her. PrRdxdk.png
    Now that Alexander is no longer around (he moved back to Willow Creek, Bella was too happy to no longer be alone in her large house to ask any questions, even when he turned his old bedroom into a science lab), Isobel and Amara have revived their friendship and she is even willing to spend time with Mortimer and Jocelyn.
    Jocelyn became friends with Nala WaCUNJS.png
    Isobel showed off her new looks hbdyIhW.png Nicolas tried to flirt with her, but unfortunately for him, she prefers girls. (Isobel should have aged up to a young adult by now, but I haven´t gotten around to play her household in ages. Catarina and Stefan are giving me a headache every time I go there, since Stefan is angry more often than not and Catarina is a hyperactive vampire child who moves with inhuman speed.)
    Amara made out with Andrey while Angelique watched (they are really into each other, since every time I play either him or Amara, I tell them to be just friends, only to find them making out again as soon as I turn my back to them for a moment. Also, I am not sure how they are even able to do it, since they have never had their first kiss. I have checked several times, the option to have the first kiss is still there. Ah well, since neither Angelique nor Antony cares, maybe I shouldn´t either.)

    Speaking of Andrey, he came to a realization that all the party foods and video games haven´t exactly been good to his weight tJQmten.png
    So he set to fix it with boxing. Gotta get back in shape for summer xLSRHLF.png
    Nina continued practicing piano, she wants to be as good as her mother 7MlsMb8.png
    She has the same worrying habit of building snowpals in her everyday clothes as most of her family does. GqRUjrh.png
    Noelle helped Nicolas with homework (that´s funny, given that Noelle herself stopped attending to high school after two days, because she just couldn´t be bothered. Partying with hot Windenburg guys and girls was way more interesting.) kW2G2tu.png
    Nina met Malcolm Landgraab at school and invited him to hang out with her. But their friendship came to a fast end, since he, being who he is, destroyed Nala´s dollhouse. Nina has no time for people like this eUKMLTc.png
    (Andrey and Nala didn´t notice anything. Looks like she takes after him when it comes to brains.)

    Wishing to make better friends - and maybe even met someone special - Nina created a club of teenagers called "Brats". They were supposed to meet at the local karaoke bar, but when Nina arrived, it became clear that none of the members except for her brother was there.
    They decided to sing karaoke to pass the time, hoping that maybe someone would still show up. KXrMA34.png
    Who had showed up were several celebrities, half the vampire population and some adults. But no other teenager in sight.
    Finally, one of the members did show up, he must´ve been napping in hot tub as usual and missed the call. Nice to see you, Darren! cg0X8MC.png
    Nina thought the same, since they got pretty close pretty quickly CB3lGX0.png
    Of course, by that time, Nicolas had also heard that another member had arrived and came to check him out. For reasons only she knows, Nina decided to change into the swimwear, despite it being still very much a winter. H3olCKj.png
    Darren didn´t like his joke, so Nicolas went back inside. Nina continued her chat with Darren. Apparently he also suffers from bein stalked by his parents, because look who passed by, not looking very happy about his son´s choice in friends - or said frends choice in clothes, who knows. Emz3vlp.png
    Nicolas tried to introduce himself to Lucrecia, she ignored him Uuf1k5M.png
    Nina and Darren exchanged numbers, planning to continue their conversation somewhere without his father and her brother in presence YlfrxTm.png
    Salim decided to give some fatherly advice to his son, with Romeo as a moral support z3zEV1V.png
    Salim: "This girl, Nina... you know who she is, right? Who her parents are?"
    Darren: "That they are brother and sister? Everyone and their grandmother knows, they aren´t exactly suble about it. I don´t care, Nina is cool. Would you have preferred me to date a vampire instead?"
    Romeo: "I am a vampire, and I take offence at this comparision. We don´t practice incest." (As far as you know, Romeo. Some other members of your family may tell a slightly different story.)
    This guy was being really annoying. First he booed at Nina´s and Nicolas´s singing and then he kept butting into her chat with Darren. Go away, you are ruining the mood! 7Q1b2G0.png

    Darren really had meant that part about finding Nina cool, because he asked her out the next day. For once, there was not a single relative of either of them present. NJJp3p4.png
    Nina is a dog lover and kleptomaniac (after the date, she stole a banner from the pub to decorate her bedroom), Darren is self-absorbed and lazy, but they get along perfectly. She had a whim to ask him to be her boyfriend, he agreed. Celebration selfie time, I guess MDkRuqb.png

    Few days later, they went to nightclub together, where Nina ran into two more wayward members of her club l7WexPh.png
    And also Darren´s mother MYQnHIX.png
    I had forgotten that Cassandra and Isobel knew each other, but they hadn´t rpFluvh.png
    A quick kiss while his mother was looking away WVR17V3.png

    The Rosiers threw another party at the New Year´s Eve, this time with only the closest relatives in presence. iETrDKx.png
    Special mention to drunk Noelle, who is being judged by her mother REEFV4v.png
    and to Adelaide, who kept stromping around angrily in her ladylike dress 7m1NhaN.png
    The season changed and all Andrey´s beloved snowpals melted.

    Part 2:
    I decided to check on Adelaide next to see how she was doing with her twins. Not good. Sophia is wild, Julietta is silly and neither was particularly inclined to do what they were told.
    The two little devils, annoying Pixie. (I colour-coordinated all of their outfits. The one who wears reds and pinks is Julietta and the one who wears blue is Sophia.) Kp4wSGq.png
    Adelaide asked her older brother Alexey to temporarily move in with her to help with the twins. (And I was reminded why I never play Alexey - I can´t stand him. He is nearly as dumb as Andrey, but while Andrey is at least entertaining, Alexey is just ugly, dull and annoying. He is number two of my list of sims I would love to kill off, right under his aunt Agnessa. The only reason I haven´t gotten rid of him is that it would upset his relatives who, for some reason, really love him. So I generally just stay as far away from him as possible to avoid temptation.)
    Alexey has a cat, Chef, who was as thrilled about moving as I. GOF052Q.pnguUL8RNX.png
    Chef used to belong to Aelin, but as he dislikes children, she was forced to give him to Alexey. Chief looks really sweet and fluffy, but he is actually anything but that. He kept sleeping in Pixie´s bed, hissing at the girls and no matter how many times both Alexey and Adelaide lectured him, not a single night passed without him waking someone (usually one of the twins) up. His favourite activity was to walk around the house at night and meow loudly in front of every bed, hoping to wake someone up.
    Despite it being technically already spring, it was still rather cold outside, so Adelaide had to lit the fireplace. But at first, it needed a fireguard V9F4SiA.png
    Pixie woke her up in the middle of the night to go for a walk IhPjtfR.png
    After cooking breakfast for the family since she was already awake, Adelaide decided to take a nap on the couch.

    As I had not played Adelaide since she moved to Willow Creek and adopted Julietta and Sophia, the welcoming wagon showed up. I laughed when I woke Alexey to go deal with it and saw who they were. Hm3rywV.png
    Antony, Andrey and Angelique ignored Alexander Goth, because none of them cares enough about him to even be mean to him. Alexey, meanwhile, ignored his siblings instead and acted like Alexander was the best thing ever. Who could´ve known that to him, evil, jealous and erratic is just what he is looking for in a friend?
    I had given Alexander a makeover to mark him having turned a new page in his life. I don´t know if it is the new haircut and change of clothes that does wonders on him, or it is the evil that fits him, but for the first time since aging up to teenager, he almost looks hot hAEQlte.pngS16TVcl.png

    Gotta go now, it is getting really late. To be continued...
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    We invited Cassandra into our household again, because we don't want her to be culled...
    and they're happy to be together again, somehow...
    Cassandra forgives Caleb, because she know he wasn't himself...

    Now, Lilith sadness turner into range...

    Meanwhile Wolfgang got to know about Cassandra death
    You may have noticed that he knows and dislikes Caleb...
    all he was doing, researching vampires and all... was to get Cass back.

    Lucolas garlic has grown, and Gunther harvested it
    Now, he's planting something else...

    Guther has also maxed the Vampiric lore skill, and he discovered the ultimate cure
    and he made a bunch of garlic items

    While I was playing the Munch family, Luna turned:

    Today is Harvestfest, and the Villareals are plummed:
    Luna has been turned into a vampire, and now is gone. The angriest is Max, because he met Miss Hell more than once and they're enemies. (and I decided that I like the Al Capone look on Max, even though I usually dress him in other ways)

    Now Max has some handy skills, but not fitness... also...
    the game decided that he's Squeamish... and I like it...
    so fighting is out of question for him... but he has money, and he built something that looks like a prison for vampires...
    and he's still the leader of the renegades:
    and he know about Wolfgang and his research...
    so he called them in:
    Morgan is sad. I don't know how many noticed her at Cassandra's party... Cass was in the renegades as a teen, and Morgan is her best friend:
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    Wow, you continue to surprise me. I didn´t know that sims who died while being in a process of turning will still turn - or is it related to some mods? Anyway, awesome story
    Me neither... I don't think it's a mod... I think it's by desing.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited July 2019
    Actually I had gotten a new sound card today, so finally got to watch and hear the Guru's 2nd adventure into the hunger games in Island Living - so haven't played yet today. That was fun - those Guru's make me laugh... a lot....

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    With the garlic stuff Gunther made, the prison is complete...
    Wolfgang also brought the full collection of vampire tomes...
    while Gunther is a speed reader bookworm and a good writer, he has no mixology skill... the Munch family also doesn't own a bar...
    Hugo, on the other hand, is a bookworm, with mixology skills...
    and he's catching up on vampiric lore...
    another thing the Villareals have by default, is a bar
    Max also built a place for training...
    and since Lucolas, thanks to Gunther, was able to plant the full collection:
    we will have all ingredients to make the vampire resistance potion, and the ultimate vampire cure... with that, we will be able to slay vampires.
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member

    It seems Captain Eddie leads a charmed life. He loves the islands and all it has to offer.

    Having a grand time fishing

    Rachel stops by to say Hi

    Look at the size of this fish!

    Hanging at the local bar with the natives.

    Check out my new haircut!

    Ordering our favorite drink

    Spinning tall tales for bar patrons. They love to hear his funny stories

    What happens if I blow this conch?

    Gnarly! Its Nalani! Captain Eddie likes to show off

    Lets play the guitar. Looks like Captain Eddie could use a few more hours practice

    Back home at the shipwreck. Eddie can commune with the spirits

    Setting the trap next morning

    Off to work !!

    The neighbors bring over some kava juice and visit

    Sandsculpture fun with Rachel

    Nalani walks by to chat. Looks like that beach flex from last night impressed. Lets swap numbers! ;)

    Captain Eddie drops off some grilled cheese sandwiches for the Fontenots.

    What's your dark secret Captain Eddie?


    See you next time!!

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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,284 Member
    edited July 2019

    I'm nearing completion of my Sulani renovation and ready to start the Conservationist career.
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,771 Member
    Ok, I didn't get everyone, and at one point my internet glitched and I lost some messages and I'm not sure if I got them all put back in. But I have been reading every day and I love all your posts!

    @LordGalious Sullivan certainly had an unfortunate holiday... hope your other branches of the family tree have happier lives!

    @simsdeserter Probably a little late to reply, but if she won the lottery she can probably afford to stay on holiday indefinitely so you can complete whatever collections and skills you want before you move on...

    @Catzilla In my game Siobhan Fyres is afraid of cooking because she started too many fires when young, so I understand. These days her videos about salad making are winning awards though.

    @O-meezy I just love those two. Congratulations to them!

    @SiliClone I agree that the more recent Alexander is the better one - looks more like his father. Thanks for your comments on the Addamses! I was going to be upset about Cassandra but I guess if she's part of the household as a ghost, I'll just hope for the best. Hopefully the vampire hunters will pursue the evil vampires more than the good ones...

    @mia_noelle97 Triplets! Good luck with the toddler stage!

    @Morkovka I love the Lecters! Your Lucas is better looking than mine. Noel is being creepy there! Hella Goth looks pretty awesome. Like everyone else, I love Mario. I appreciate the background post. Thank you for your comments about the Addams.

    @AlwaysAsking I don't think the old Alexander is bad, but he doesn't look as much like his father. Sounds like @Becka28 has worse results. Wonder how many versions of Alexander there are. Thanks for enjoying the Addams family. I enjoy seeing Walker and Bruce happy in your world. I'm not really worried for Raj, as I've seen Strangerville stories before, but it's sweet to see J so concerned. And all the others thinking about their loved ones.

    @Koteyka You're hurting me. I'm secretly hoping Tony has a friend named Natasha who can break into Nick's office and steal the pictures for him. Maybe kick Nick's you-know-what in the process. I do love what you did with the media stuff at the beginning of that last update though. Very creative.

    @RedDestiny92 Nice to see the Harps again! If you start another thread for them I'll follow it. Or I'll read about them here. Not picky. :)

    @Demery27 Sweet story. I do wonder what the child's real name is though.

    @BlueSeaWaves I like the way you resolved this for now. Interested to see if things change as Christopher gets older.

    @DoloresGrey I take it Bob got caught! Oh dear. Linnea is cool. I like her style.

    @Steamvarius I love the new neighbors, especially the Laceys. Jessica and Roddy are cute together.

    @sarabeth2984 Oh, I like Captain Eddy! Look forward to seeing more.
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,771 Member
    @AlwaysAsking and @Becka28 I was not aware there was a confident moodlet for losing a swimsuit until that happened. I have only ever seen the embarrassed one since they put in that feature. My guess is that it was either because he was in a confident mood before he jumped, or because he has the erratic trait.

    I haven't used the clothing optional lot trait yet, but if I do I have a feeling Alexander will enjoy that lot! Fortunately this time there was really no one else there but the two of them.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @AlwaysAsking I thought you might ha, sometimes a recap is good just because a family lives on nice to think back on it. Yeah Fel just needed to grieve and she just didn't want to be near him and stuff like that went easy on him at least maybe but as he's not the problem it was bound to fall eventually. They wan't....not telling yet heh.

    I love Don stuck in the middle of the scientists it would be normal if they didn't have a job to do lol, I was not prepared for that surprise, J is a piece of work though they are a team and he might have sped it up if he'd been on his game. Worried about Raj or not I hope he gets that through his head.

    Can't wait to see what happens next :o
    @SiliClone I love the idea of a vampire ghost girlfriend but then I'm weird, it's really sad when the pets mourn with the fam but also sweet in n that way.
    @Daephene Glad you liked seeing them, I also am gonna have to get mccc back eventually to monitor culling such oh and you and @AlwaysAsking I did just decide to move the Harps to their "new home" in my signature All About The Harps it has the next update after the recap already

    kay awesomes out got some simming to do but when hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    @Daephene they will pursue all vampires, at least at first...

    @RedDestiny92 I love the idea of a vampire ghost girlfriend, also because I think they make a beautiful couple like this, too...

    and she's a lovely gothic ghost...
    but Caleb doesn't like her ghostly interactions much, so I guess he prefers her to be real.
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    mia_noelle97mia_noelle97 Posts: 575 Member
    edited July 2019

    SiliClone wrote: »

    Salem sitting on the counter looking angry

    I think I'm going to save this pics and make memes with it.

    omg! :lol: I love this!
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Siliclone your story is great - I love how the skills and personalities of the different Villareals and Munchs work together to make them a vampire hunting team. Did I understand your captions right - was the cat mourning for Cassandra? That's so sad. I often make Cassandra and Morgan a couple so I can imagine them as best friends.

    @AlwaysAsking Love the update. Malcolm is keeping everyone together and on task (plus he seems to be figuring out the science for everyone) - he should probably be proud that he is not good at flirting info out of people. Poor Raj (and poor J) - I thought the look J gave the scientist would make me go weak at the knees (just like the sims animation) but then the look he gave Raj was even better. (J. has a way about him - I think its what kept Alana hooked even while she knew it wasn't going anywhere).

    I laughed so much at Don being caught between the two scientists. Sims seem to have a radar for when you are flirting with someone else. Was he in his underwear in one of those shots? Naughty Don.

    I laughed at your description of the very perky soldier - did she have the perky walk (in her uniform that would be awesome and funny). The perky walk is one of my personal favourites every though it is a bit silly. I have a very beautiful sim I gave that walk so she is not 100% perfect.About the perky soldier: I am guessing that her earrings are not standard army issue or regulation uniform.

    @O-meezy Yay proposal. What a nice surprise for Avery. That is a lovely park - is it a gallery lot? or is there a spot in the city I haven't discovered?
    I am suspicious that it may not be alcohol causing the dodgy stomach for Avery....

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