Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited March 2019
    2019 WISH LISTS

    Here are links to the current/active Wish Lists:



    Prize information will be updated in a separate post here. If you bookmark this post, you will have easy access to both as they are kept current.

    To bookmark a specific post, right click on the date of the post, here it is February 3, and select "Open Link in New Tab." Then bookmark that page in your browser. It will be creating a bookmark to this post, not this page of posts.
    Post edited by Jude525 on
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

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    lowpolygallowpolygal Posts: 422 Member
    Thank you @ZeeGee and @Jude525 I feel a little more at ease :smile: , hopefully more people will participate :blush:
    I have a Simblr
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited February 2019
    Ok, so, we have wish lists! Sorry they are a few days late, spent the weekend with a very bad case of vertigo and yesterday helping my cousin track down her cat who had gotten out. (Found him!)

    Therefore, we are officially open for business!

    As of right now, there will be at least one grand prize worth at least one venue. And at least a couple smaller prizes. How many will be determined by what we get for activity. The response by builders over, say, the next two weeks, will also determine how long this will run prior to prizes being awarded. I'm sorry about being vague here, but I'm really hoping to get some interest drummed up before going all out.

    I am deciding whether the game will be monthly, bi-monthly or seasonal. I'm really hoping it can be busy enough to be monthly.

    EDIT: I have decided that at least smaller prizes will be awarded monthly, with the "grand prize" possibly awarded on a longer period of entries. If so, all entrants, regardless of prior winnings, will be included in that drawing.

    If you submit in more than one month prior to the grand prize, you will receive multiple entries in that drawing.

    So, as I've mentioned before, tell all your friends. Be assured, the more contestants, the more prizes I will be offering. And the core intent of this is to get people together and chatting about building and creating.
    Post edited by Jude525 on
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

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    3dwaffle13dwaffle1 Posts: 36 Member
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited February 2019
    @3dwaffle, I think you misunderstand. This is more of a build competition with two aspects. The Wish Lists we use here are what houses, Sims or community lot they would like someone to build for them. Then the entrants choose an item from those lists and create the requested item. The prizes are then awarded to the creators who have submitted entries.

    I'm very sorry for any confusion/misunderstanding. If you are a builder, please, join the fun!
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

    My Studio

    My build thread in the Creative Corner
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    It's nice to find this topic (came here from @Jude525 's announcement.

    I'll double-check the rules on the weekend since it seems that I'm too sleepy right now. I try to build a couple of things myself and I was thinking where I could ask for stuff as well. Sometimes it's nice to download something brand-new for the game. :-D

    Happy Simming!
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    lowpolygallowpolygal Posts: 422 Member
    Ok, I've read the wishlists and I saw a couple of things I could try my hand at. The only bad thing is that I decided to try first the one that seems more complicated for me :lol: . For now I'm just testing the waters, once I'm sure I can pull it off I'll let you guys know what I'm working on :smile:

    And just to make sure, I read that I can post WIP pictures but can I ask for sugestions and such? I'm rather interested in having an exchange of building tips and ideas :smile:

    Also, I'm going to see if I can come with a wishlist of my own, maybe having more of those available would interest more people :smile:
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    Hi, everyone!
    I decided to post my wishlist. Since I'm trying to play a generational game in Sunset Valley, I've been thinking of changing some houses since cities change through time.

    --- x --- x ---

    Creation Wishlist Wants:

    1) Remake of "Cozy Craftsman", with 3 bedrooms, 1 or 2 bathrooms. Only base game items. It should look middle to lower class but with enough room for sims to raise a family with one pet and the elders around.

    2) Remake of "Shearwater", with 2 or 3 bedrooms. Only base game items. I think it would be nice if it were modern and upper class. If you could include items from the Store set "Nautical Living", it'd be a plus.

    3) Total Remake of "Asilomar", with 2 or 3 bedrooms. Base game and Generation items. Make it blend in those upper class homes around it.

    4) Remake of "La Petit Shark Pool Center" into a poolside club. Use items from Base Game, Late Night and Generations. If you want, upload an alternative with Isla Paradiso. Unfortunately I don't have it installed at the moment. It's cool to make a place that can be used in the winter too, and with things for kids and toddlers to have fun with.

    5) A Salon (maybe with a laundromat included) for Lucky Palms that matches with the theme of the place. Suggested size: 30x30. I prefer that items from Ambitions, Lucky Palms and Base Game be used.

    -EPs: All - but "Supernatural", "University Life", "Isla Paradiso" and "Into The Future" aren't installed.
    -SPs: All, except the Katy Perry one - "Movie Stuff" and "Diesel" aren't installed.
    -EA Sims 3 Worlds: All, but only "Lucky Palms" is installed
    -EA Sims 3 Store Content: Some.
    -Origin Exclusives: None
    -Bundle Exclusives: None
    -Special Requests/Instructions: I'm not much for CC Stuff in builts. I also prefer that MoveObjects be avoided.
    -What are your favorite themes? It depends on the family and town. I like when things match with the vanilla game in creative ways.
    -What are your favorite Colors? I love the colors used in Appaloosa Plains, so, anything that isn't too saturated is great for me. I often research color combinations to find nice ideas.
    -What are your dislikes? Saturated colors without reason, mismatched sims, too much CC stuff and when there are objects in places that break the routing.

    --- x --- x ---

    Concept & Ideas Wishlist:

    -What are your favorite things to Create? I consider myself a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to modding games.
    -What inspires your Creations? I often research outfits to dress my sims and pictures of houses or blueprints to create my homes or community lots.
    -How can we offer our assistance in your creations? Looking at your creations is already a great assistance. I often save screenshots to use as reference for future ideas. I'm afraid I'm sometimes sensitive to criticism. My motto is "If I don't like, I leave it alone".
    -What are your favorite themes? Modern, Contemporary, Vintage, Art Deco and Art Noveau.
    -What are your favorite Colors? I like neutral combinations with a contrasting accent here or there.
    -What are the things you most would like to bounce ideas off of? Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything. The only problem is that, once something is added to my game it my be changed over time or I remove to avoid touching someone else's creation -specially when I lose whose that was.
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    Yay!!! We have activity!

    @Ziristha, you are absolutely welcome to post Work In Progress pictures. With or without requests for feed back or specific requests for help on something that has you stumped.

    And, most definitely, the more Wish Lists the better. It opens up more options for what might catch someone's attention and spark their inspiration.

    @thuggishsplicer Thank you for adding your Wish List! As I just said, it's always great to offer creators more options to see what gets them excited. Actually, items 4 and 5 already have me thinking.

    Let me take this opportunity to say that, although I may submit creations, I will not be entered into the drawing. Two reasons: One, kinda wouldn't be right for the person running the game to be a contestant, and; Two: I own everything already, so.

    When I entered in the past, if I won I would choose who to assign my prize to, but this time through I feel that would be inappropriate. So, I'm just in here looking for inspiration and to help keep the game going.
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

    My Studio

    My build thread in the Creative Corner
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    KaytayRoallKaytayRoall Posts: 923 Member
    Hi there!

    I've been keeping an eye on this thread for a while and considering joining in. I love building and I think most of my best builds have been for gift exchanges, because it's easier for me to find inspiration in what others want--and I'm more likely to finish if it's not just for me! :sweat_smile:

    I suppose I should post a wishlist, too. I'll think about what I would like and look into that later. For now I just wanted to drop in and say hi. :)
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    @KaytayRoall *waves energetically* Hi, and welcome!

    I absolutely understand about having a deadline being a motivator. So, I'm happy to see you here and look forward to seeing what you have to contribute.
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

    My Studio

    My build thread in the Creative Corner
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited February 2019

    I will try to put that as a header when my posts are directly about the game and not just me chatting. So if you are browsing, watch for these posts. I will be updating this post as details are added. There is a link in the wish list post, so if you bookmark that that post, you can access both as they are updated.

    Feb 13
    Given that people are trickling in as they hear about the game, I am considering holding the first drawing at the end of March instead of February.

    So, I'll set the minimum entries this month at 3. If we get at least that many, at least a minor drawing will be had.

    Please be patient with me about determining the size of prize awards being ironed out. I am new to this. To be honest, I currently have a finite number of points to award and want to be fair about their distribution. Remember, every submission will be entered for the grand prize. Even if you enter in February and it is drawn in, say, May.

    Oh, that is another thing. If you enter every month leading up to that drawing, you will get multiple entries. Besides being in the individual monthly drawings.

    Don't hesitate to ask if you want clarification. I know I am kind of all over the place with this stuff.
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

    My Studio

    My build thread in the Creative Corner
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited April 2019

    Link to Wish List submission format is here. link

    Link to Creation Entry is here. link

    Link to list of Current Entries here.

    In addition, if you want to post pics of your creation here, please post one main pic, then use the "spoiler" function for any additional pics. Ask if you are not familiar with this option.

    Post edited by Jude525 on
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

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    equuestequuest Posts: 718 Member
    Wooo excited about this!!!
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    KaytayRoallKaytayRoall Posts: 923 Member
    edited February 2019
    Okay, it took some thinking, but I came up with a wishlist.

    Creation Wishlist Wants:

    1. Horses! My current main game is basically a 50 Foal Challenge, so I need lots of horses to breed with! Also I just love playing with the horses in this game and do so frequently.

    2. Starter homes. One can never have too many of these, as far as I'm concerned. A 20x20 lot or smaller is preferred, to make them easier to place. Also, if you struggle with the starter budget, I'm okay with "move-in ready"--essentially unfurnished, with just major appliances, plumbing and fixtures, like how one gets a house in real life.

    3. Showtime venues, particularly the higher level ones, in styles that fit in my favorite/other than Starlight Shores worlds. Live Performance and Private Venues. Maybe even a Stadium or Theater, if they can be custom made.

    4. Multi-purpose community lots that utilize store and expansion content. For example: An art museum with easels, drafting table, sculpting station, inventing bench, maybe even the glassblowing station. Gym with pull-up bar, rock climbing wall, etc, in addition to traditional equipment. These may seem like they should be their own specific requests, but I want to see what combinations you come up with! The more the merrier, as long as it makes sense or follows a theme!

    5. A sim to explore Roaring Heights with! I finally got it for myself as a winter holiday gift and haven't even played a save there yet. I'd love a good excuse to go check it out.

    EPs: All
    SPs: All except Sweet Treats
    EA Sims 3 Worlds: All
    EA Sims 3 Store Content: All
    Origin Exclusives: The ITF Industrial one--I think?
    Bundle Exclusives: None
    Special Requests/Instructions: Have fun! :smiley: And since I'm not sure where else to put this, my favorite worlds to play in are Hidden Springs, Sunlit Tides, Barnacle Bay, Riverview and Dragon Valley. I'm not especially strict about matching architectural styles in a town, but if you keep the feel of at least one of these towns in mind if you're building something for me, I'd appreciate it!
    What are your favorite themes? Simple but elegant, cozy comfort, textured, and family-friendly (especially for public lots!).
    What are your favorite Colors? Blue. Followed by green and purple. Also earth tones, browns, creams, beiges.
    What are your dislikes? Unnecessarily saturated colors (they have their places--but few and far between), large households (I get overwhelmed at >4 sims, unless they are pets that can be mostly left to their own devices) and overly-dense landscaping. Also no CC, please.

    Concept & Ideas Wishlist:

    What are your favorite things to Create? Small to medium houses and buildings. My favorite part is the actual building, making the structure shell and some landscaping. Interior design is a necessary evil--just kidding, but I do struggle with it. Lately I've also been finding creating pets to be fun and satisfying! And I'd like to get back into making stories.
    What inspires your Creations? A combination of looking up pictures online and occasionally seeing something awesome in real life (yep, I'm just weird enough to be taking pictures of houses that I don't know who they belong to if I like how they look) for building. For sims, a lot of fiction of many forms and a little bit of RL people-watching.
    How can we offer our assistance in your creations? Feedback, especially about interior design and functionality. I mentioned before that I struggle with interior design, and I'd like to get better, so I'm open to suggestions! Also, I tend to be in a very different mindset when building, focused on how things look, than when I'm playing, and I worry about whether my builds actually play well in addition to looking nice.
    What are the things you most would like to bounce ideas off of? See above, I guess?

    Whew! That took a lot more time to fill out than I expected! I'll be back later with questions for the first request I would like to take on. Also, if anything isn't clear, feel free to ask me! I wasn't entirely sure how to answer some of the questions, so I'm happy to clarify!
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    @KaytayRoall I like your wishlist, I have a question and a comment.

    1- What kind of horses do you look for? Ones with realistic colors or can it be something mixing sci-fi, high fantasy or alien?
    I've been thinking about creating some pokemon myself using those pets. XD

    2- You mentioned about Showtime venues, I've just found out that my version of Miki's Master Karaoke is missing from the studio (if anyone wants, I can update later, it's rebuilt on a 30x30 lot), but I still have a version of Flying V's Coffeehouse rebuilt on a 20x30 lot.
    In case you or anyone would be interested in some Late Night lots, I've got Waylon's Haunt rebuilt on a 20x20 lot and Eugi's on a 20x30 lot. Also, I had Willowglen Amphitheatre in Twinbrook converted into a Showtime big park.
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    KaytayRoallKaytayRoall Posts: 923 Member
    Hi, @thuggishsplicer ! Thanks for your interest!

    1 - Usually I would say realistic colors (although not necessarily patterns... not the butterfly or star or other "picture" markings... but not limited to specifically realistic horse patterns, if that makes sense? Like, black horse with white splotches that have brown speckles is all good.) But I would totally make an exception for some pokemon pets!!! Probably make a separate save for them. I mean, I did play in a pokemon tabletop RPG a couple years ago and made my trainer in the sims to have a picture. So I have a pokemon trainer all ready to go. XD

    2 - Thanks! I'll go take a look at your studio and I'd love to hear if you re-upload your version of the karaoke venue!
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    lowpolygallowpolygal Posts: 422 Member
    Hi guys! I'm so glad people are participating in this! :smile:

    Today I just wanted to let you know, that I might not be able to have an entry ready for this month. You see, like three days ago I've received some news, turns out next monday I'm starting a new job which I'm happy about but it really stressed me out (because I didn't get any news for weeks I just lost hope of getting it and wasn't expecting news from them so I didn't get my stuff ready and it was just a mess :lol: ) . I also decided to start going to a gym, I'm done with being the way that I am currently, I want to be a healthy person :smile:
    So as you can guess, my simming time is going to be cut drastically :bawling: of course this doesn't mean I'm going to stop playing, but yeah, I need to first get used to my new schedule and then fit my simming and hobbies somewhere :smile:

    I'll keep working on my entry, I just don't know if I'll be able to get it for this month, but there's always the next one :heart: and also, I've been thinking of a wishlist and I got one, so I'll be posting that next time :smile:

    I'm really looking foward to this thread being active, I think @Jude525 is making an amazing job!
    I have a Simblr
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    WooHoo!!! And I mean that the other way. *grin*

    So, one at a time:

    @equuest - Clearly, so am I.

    @KaytayRoall - Your wish list has been added. I especially like that you've included horses. And, personally, your performance venues are making me think.

    @Ziristha - No worries, this is one reason why I am trying to commit to a multi-month event. Sometimes OL gets busy and interferes with our best made Simming plans. Do what you can within the confines of sanity.

    Having said that, Congrats on the new job!!!!! I know that wait is he77. When I was a manager and hiring people, I always made a point of contacting all applicants. But not all places have that luxury when there are a large number of applicants. Also, cudos on the motivation to make changes in your health habits. I am making a (very) small first step in that direction myself. I have a very sedentary life, so have added 10 minutes on the treadmill here at home at least 3 days a week. It may not sound like much to some, but it is a big step for me. So I am proud to be starting there.

    I also will have to pull myself away from my new game addiction, Subnautica, to make time for Simming. This will be a good thing, since playing it too long is triggering my vertigo. There is far too much 3D motion on the screen. Even though I am loving how the game story plays, I simply need to find some balance there.

    So, let's keep the ideas and responses going. And don't forget to keep chatting about your experience as you go along. I'd really like this to be an active community. Oh, and @Ziristha, thank you for your kind words. I'm so glad to see it coming together.
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

    My Studio

    My build thread in the Creative Corner
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    KaytayRoallKaytayRoall Posts: 923 Member
    Congrats, @Ziristha! That sounds like very exciting and good news, even if it does reduce your sim time! (PS. Your avatar kitty is so incredibly cute!)

    @Jude525 Thanks for adding me officially! Also, Subnautica is SO GOOD! I had to be careful about how long I played at a time when I played it, too. Not because of the motion, but the tension. After one of my first play sessions lead to a mostly sleepless night because I was so worked up, I had to learn to be careful about how long I played.

    Anyway, so as not to derail the thread too much, I have some questions for the person I would like to build for first!
    @AlphaFen I saw you asked for a less than 60x horse farm. I think that's something I can do! I'd like to ask for some more specifics from you first, if that's okay.

    1. Do you have a lot size in mind? 40x40 is my guess for what will be compact, but still functional, but it also depends on how much functionality you want. Which leads us to...
    2. Do you know which/how many of the horse-related objects you want? Specifically: Number of stalls, "real jumps" and whether you want the training jump and racing training posts included? Something to keep in mind is if you'll have access to a community horse ranch with some or all of these things, or if you want to be able to do everything on your home lot.
    3. Any specifics for the house? Number of bedrooms, configuration or anything else?

    I'm currently playing a save with a lot of horses, so I'm planning on doing some testing there of how compact I can make the various training facilities. Also whether being in a barn prevents horses from getting spooked by lightning... because if not, a more open setup for the stall(s) might help save some space.
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    AlphaFFrogAlphaFFrog Posts: 1,250 Member
    edited February 2019
    @KaytayRoall Firstly, glad to you see you and your building skills around again! I hope you and your sims are well! :)

    Secondly, I will update my wishlist as you have raised some good questions and Yay a potential ranch! :star:

    1. No, I've never had a ranch before so I don't know what size might be necessary. I prefer and normally use 30x30 with 40x40 for particularly large homes/secret dungeons, but those are probably too small. I only put the 60x restriction as they are annoying to place, but if that's what it takes then fine.
    2. Basically an I-diot's guide to sims horses and all they can do because I've been mucking around with horses in lots far too small for them that even a my little pony would feel cramped, and I've barely scratched their gameplay potential. I enjoy playing with horses and want to do it properly with room for a manageably sized small horse family, training equipment, the whole shebang. I am not entirely sure what the whole shebang requires which is why I need some help :p
    3. A 3 or 4 bed family home and if there's space for a hobby room/shed area with space for any of those excessively large skill objects that come with the sims that would be great though optional

    Thank you for considering the build, but if this is too much feel free to run away as fast as one of your horses can carry you ;)
    Post edited by AlphaFFrog on
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited February 2019
    I'm glad to see some communication happening. I will offer this information from experience, offering your horses a stall inside a barn does nothing to prevent spooking during a storm. They will still startle awake in the middle of the night while your Sim is sleeping and can do nothing about calming them unless you manually wake them to do so.

    If you think about it, this is consistent with cats and dogs, which are also startled by storms while indoors. It just has the added nuisance of the panic moodlet, which can be such a pain to manage.

    The only time I've played a family with horses it was on a 64x64 farm. So I'm curious to see what you come up with. In fairness, I had a two stall barn, racing poles, 3 jumping thingies, a decent sized fishing pond, a modest garden and a 2 bed, 2 bath ranch house. WITH an open area for the horses, dogs and cats to play in. So there was plenty that could be taken away to reduce space requirements. ;)

    Oh, and I totally get it about wind down time from Subnautica. I was startled a couple times the other day and was glad it wasn't just before bedtime. The new rule is to stop playing at least 3 hours before bedtime. I hope I stick to it. I'm also alternating between the two games now. Trying to get my Sim to attain his Lifetime Wish of owning all of the hidden islands in Isla Paradiso. Two to go.
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

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    My build thread in the Creative Corner
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    KaytayRoallKaytayRoall Posts: 923 Member
    Hi, @AlphaFen ! :) Thank you. It's good to be back. I often take sim breaks to play other games, but I always come back--both to the game and these forums--and imagine I always will, so long as they are here.

    Thank you for explaining more about what you are looking for and why. The idea is beginning to take shape! Smaller than 60x60 is definitely doable. My current save is on a 50x50 and works well enough (although it is a disorganized mess with haphazard horse gear scattered about the yard). Not many worlds have 50x50 lots, as far as I know, though. Hmmm... I'll keep thinking about it and move forward with my testing plan.

    Thanks for chiming in with your experience, @Jude525 ! Now I don't have to build a barn and wait for a thunderstorm :D Managing the panicked moodlet is definitely tough. I had a horse with the Nervous trait for a while and she was basically just inconsolable during storms. Would spook again moments after being calmed. At this point, I mostly just try to mitigate it with other, positive moodlets (saltlick, hay, etc), unless my sim is out working with the horses anyway--which to be fair is most of her day. I will interrupt my sim to calm down foals, though, especially adopted ones who can't just run to mama for comfort.
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    @KaytayRoall, I used BoJack Horseman as inspiration to create my very first horse in CAS! Let me know what you think. I haven't chosen traits yet, but he might be a little wild.


    Spoiler is just for the left and right views. He's got a medium-length tail.

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    lowpolygallowpolygal Posts: 422 Member
    Omg so sorry for the silence on my part! like I said in another thread, the whole job thing really did hit hard on my schedule and then I don't feel motivated to turn on my laptop because during my shift I use a pc the whole time so when I'm home I don't want to have anything to do with it... I never thought one day I would be saying that :lol:
    But I'm able to lurk from my phone so I just need to get used to comment from there :smile:
    Jude525 wrote: »
    @Ziristha - No worries, this is one reason why I am trying to commit to a multi-month event. Sometimes OL gets busy and interferes with our best made Simming plans. Do what you can within the confines of sanity.

    Having said that, Congrats on the new job!!!!! I know that wait is he77. When I was a manager and hiring people, I always made a point of contacting all applicants. But not all places have that luxury when there are a large number of applicants. Also, cudos on the motivation to make changes in your health habits. I am making a (very) small first step in that direction myself. I have a very sedentary life, so have added 10 minutes on the treadmill here at home at least 3 days a week. It may not sound like much to some, but it is a big step for me. So I am proud to be starting there.

    I also will have to pull myself away from my new game addiction, Subnautica, to make time for Simming. This will be a good thing, since playing it too long is triggering my vertigo. There is far too much 3D motion on the screen. Even though I am loving how the game story plays, I simply need to find some balance there.
    Thank you so much!
    The wait was truly disheartening, the first week I was so hopeful that even receiving news about not being given the job would have been better than nothing at all! by the end of the second week I was already making my next plan of action but I was really unmotivated :lol:
    About the gym thing, I'm actually going to wait for my first payment so that way I can pay a membership, so for now that one change is still on hold.
    As for your own changes, everyone has to start somewhere, don't look down on yourself, 10 minutes can make a big difference! :smile:

    Subnautica looks like an interesting game! when it first came out I thought it was a totally different game, like just a pretty looking exploring game to play with VR :lol: , now I'm thinking of getting it too :smile: . I actually want to stop playing so much sims, I have many games I bought on Steam and I haven't even installed them yet because I'm stuck with sims :lol: . So far the games that make me leave sims alone are Terraria and Stardew Valley :smile: .
    I suffer from vertigo too, but mine gets triggered when I get up from my bed in the mornings, if I get up in the "wrong way" I'll get it the whole day :sweat: . So I know that feeling, I hope you don't get it as much :heart:
    Congrats, @Ziristha! That sounds like very exciting and good news, even if it does reduce your sim time! (PS. Your avatar kitty is so incredibly cute!)
    Thank you! so far it's been awesome, I hope it continues to be like this at least for as long as I'm working there :smile: (thank you as well for the compliments on my avatar, I love that kitty :heart: )

    Sorry for hijacking the thread! :sweat_smile:
    I have a Simblr

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