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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @Charlottesmom , I just love that giant rat picture. Even after seeing the picture of what it actually looked like, I can't unsee it as a giant rat standing on the grass!

    @lanlyn , Cexavu looks surprisingly adorable as a tragic clown!

    @ItsJanier , I wouldn't mind living on that houseboat! :)

    @Mikezumi , I love the picture of all the sims running to class! (One of them is wearing a top hat!)
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited May 2018
    Big thanks to those who have commented on my recent posts! :)
    @Karritz, @Mikezumi, @bekkasan, @TadOlson, @coco, @Silverofdreams30, @Charlottesmom, @plushtrap_107, @emorrill, @mycami21, @MoonandStars83, @PalmArrow


    @Karritz In several of my worlds, I set up apartments (Late Night style) for the homeless to "live" in. But I do think having too many sims on a whole can bloat saves. I need to do some thinking about SP and other NRaas settings for immigration, homeless etc. What a pain! :s ...Fun pics of Mia in her new world. ...I suppose the advantage of having the dive lots undecorated at first is that you can choose how much detail you want. Sometimes custom worlds can be very heavy with world items. Another bloat threat. ...Love Belinda! Annie is also another cute sim. ...The wasted space in a big foundation. That was what bothered me about the first home Charlie lived in. And it's what started me working with a new slope house. ...I love the changes you made to the boarding school. The different level stairs and the usable space on the bottom level. Awesome. I also love that high columned fencing. I use it often. It looks great on your building.

    @Mikezumi Everyone has different styles of play and lifespans they prefer. I don't really do generational legacies; although I love seeing other players' extended families! I think I've managed to hit a third generation with 2 or 3 families, but even with those, I moved the second generation sims to other worlds. My first Sims 3 world became so bloated and glitched trying to do it all in one world that I had to evacuate my created sims and port them to other worlds. I'm afraid now of ever letting that happen again! But I know it will. Sims 3 worlds can only take just so much, even with safeguards in place like turning off memories, etc. ...Thanks for the info about what you do with role sims and the homeless. I've got to get a better handle on Story Progression!

    ...I agree, the porch is a nice touch on that house. Built just a little different. ...Good grief! All those hungry students. ...Your elders seem to have less wrinkles than most. Right? Do you have a special skin for them? Or maybe it's just that one close-up shot in the hot tub where they look younger. I like it though. And of course, you've rinsed all the grey from their hair too!

    ...I enjoy the toddler stage more than the infant stage, but I play the infant stage for a few days so I can experience the slower newborn/birth-recovery time. After weddings and births, I want a little breathing space! Toddler time is much busier. Of course, a longer lifespan lets me do this.

    As I told @Silverofdreams30, my sims sometimes get the Stir Crazy moodlet because I get involved in my stories and forget to let them out in the world! This happens when I have more sims living in a house too. It's difficult for me to watch them when they're all over town. And I always want to keep an eye on them.

    I asked Mayra to play the piano, and she answered me with a Stir Crazy moodlet! :#

    It was evening, but I had her take Hamish for a stroll. On the steep slope, she carried him.

    Then she put him in the stroller.

    Mayra and Hamish both have the Loves the Outdoors trait, so I think they enjoyed themselves.

    @bishty I like your avatar's hair color! Fun.

    @Charlottesmom It would be fun seeing the poor lost Tragic Clown be resurrected! From what @Mikezumi showed of him, I didn't think he was too awful. Definitely has a melancholy look though! ...Nice trick with that giant rat! I was trying to figure out how you did that! ...What a darling story with Nina narrating! Loved seeing her with the bird. Super cute! ...Maxxie looks cute too, with his clown face. HA!

    ...Charlie and Gran couldn't do much with zombie Cexavu either. I did get him to pose for Charlie. The zombie shot turned out fuzzy and I didn't have a chance to retake it. Charlie is still low level photography skill.

    @TadOlson Yes, when sims are struggling for survival, they have to work together. Not so much running around partying or cheating with other sims! I can see why you'd ban the drama.

    @CravenLestat Lovely backdrop for the swimwear models!

    @ItsJanier Wow! Your houseboat turned out awesome. It's huge too! Love the multi-level decks. Very outdoorsy feel to the build. You've put windows in the swimming pool, right? I love that. It looks great on a houseboat. Again, wonderful views of the beautiful island scenery with all the windows.

    @king_of_simcity7 Fun shots of the kids in class--how the seating arrangements worked out. That tutor's outfit! LOL

    @Nikkei_Simmer It was interesting to read about the zoning issues and the pre-loading for stabilizing the ground! ...Lovely screenshots of the snow on the house. And so atmospheric with the ghosts in the graveyard! ...Nice work, Haruo, conjuring up the gemstones! Uh oh, is he being pulled into the dark side of magic? I can see him locking himself in the room with the cauldron, growing a long beard, mumbling to himself. Nah! He'd take a break to watch those hockey games! ...Wow, another law suit. Nice retribution! So I take it they "settled out of court?" >:) ...Cute shots of the young people taking the Uni exam. It looks like they each have their own interests and majors. UBC! Fun seeing them get settled into campus life. ...The paparazzi just never learn! ...And the alien got what was coming to him! HA!

    @Silverofdreams30 Cute pic of Audra cooking! And the scenes at the club were fun.

    @MoonandStars83 Congrats on Darla aging up to toddler. And good luck with the upcoming move.

    @emorrill Well, glad things are better with the dogs. What a horrible thing for everyone to go through. I wonder what triggered the other dog's attack? Maybe some territorial thing. Had he ever attacked a dog before, do you know? At least Audie tried to stand up for himself and his people pack! I hope this issue doesn't cause uncomfortable relationships with those neighbors. Sigh.

    @PalmArrow LOL at the peaky skeleton! ...Stuart has an awesome house! ...I get annoyed with how certain hairstyles or clothing can't be used in some categories! But Tartan Bermuda shorts work! Love all the plaid. Pretty on the dresses. ...I thought Cexavu looked cute in that top hat too! Maybe I'll keep the look for him.

    Inspector Gray is the WORST handyman I've ever seen! He may be a Computer Whiz, but he is completely lacking in mechanical skills. He came to the household with 5 skill points in Handiness, but every time I asked him to upgrade a toilet or sink, he broke it! Every time! It took him 2 tries to upgrade anything.

    So when I sent him down to work on the hot tub at level 6, I saved the game. I was afraid he'd electrocute himself. Well, he managed not to do that, but he did break the hot tub. I was not surprised. :/

    So of course, like with everything else, he had to first undo the damage he'd caused ...

    ... before attempting the upgrade again.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited May 2018
    @lanlyn It is in your game a wallpaper 4 sections total. 3 make up the wave one is water.The sky part can be recolored, like for that pic mine is a brighter blue.Wave pieces are under misc section the cool castle backdrop one is wall sets category.There is a space backdrop one too I really like.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    @CravenLestat Thanks for the heads-up! I'd totally forgotten about those wallpaper sets. I need to get into that category more often.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @lanlyn Castle thingy and space one


    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    @CravenLestat Very nice! The space one is awesome. Thank you for sharing. :)
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    ItsJanierItsJanier Posts: 884 Member
    @PalmArrow thank you :smile: it's like a dream houseboat for sure. My Sims are having a lot of fun there. They are all rich young adultswhose traits don't go well together so there is a lot of drama involved. Thanks to one of my Sims two butlers have left(she is evil and fights a lot) :lol:

    @lanlyn yes I used the windows with the pool to make it feel more open and modern. I think that it suits the theme of the boat really well :smiley:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @MoonandStars83 and @lanlyn Thanks for the comments :smile:
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Charlottesmom Nina is a cutie and sure is having fun at the park with the bird and her fellows. :) Maxxie looks cute in his face paint. Nina sure looked grumpy in his arms. :)
    I got this icon thingie over my head with a plumbot and a red line through it and the nauseous moodlet when I think about Jared and the plumbot.

    @Mikezumi Greg and Euan both look cute playing with the kicky ball.
    The guys look very young in the hot tub picture!
    They both are apparently good at getting gems from the space rocks.
    bummer they both didn't enjoy the movie.

    @king_of_simcity7 Nice pics of the class scenes.

    @Silverofdreams30 Love the pictures of your sims. They all look so very happy.

    @emorrill Glad to hear that Audie is feeling better and eating. :) I hope the lady will be more careful about having the dog on the leash if her yard is not fenced. I'm sorry that the other dog was hurt too, but, sounds like he got what he deserved by starting the fight.
    Sorry hubby is not feeling well. I hope he feels better soon. Have fun with the cousins!

    @ItsJanier I love the IP ep and the world is beautiful. I mostly use it as a vacation world for my sims since it can be a bit cranky playing in it over time. It does ok as a vacation world for me though.

    @MoonandStars83 Cute pic, was trying to figure out who is using the telescope and what they are wearing.

    @PalmArrow Congrats on Tamsin getting a promotion. The shorts are cute and it is a shame about the categories. There is a way in MC to just add the everyday items to the formal category by disabling the clothing filters under CAS.
    Stuarts house is nice!

    @lanlyn hehe, my sims will get that stir crazy moodlet too. I forget to let them go to town and do stuff as well. Mayra is cute carrying him on the slope. :)
    lol at Inspector Gray trying to fix the hot tub. He looks frustrated. Nice of Gran helping to clean up the mess.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    edited May 2018
    @lanlyn I see you're having fun with your permanent zombie. I found it hilarious when my Louise (in the original game) got turned into a zombie. I thought I'd be horrified but it was really funny.

    Moonfall Island has the lots placed in the world, but there are no buildings - I think there might be two or three rabbit holes but otherwise it's a completely empty world. And there are quite a few of the lots that are sloping so there's plenty of potential to build houses into slopes. It's quite a small island and is classed as a medium sized world. It is very like Moonlight Falls world in vegetation and general feel to play in.

    Here are some pics to show where I'm at with the various levels.

    Showing level 1 - the ground level at the bottom corner of the build on the lot. This is where I want to put the bbq area. That's why I paved such a large area. See the steps coming down from the levels above where the slope is higher. There is another set of steps hiding behind that tree in the foreground.


    This is the opposite corner of the lot. The stairs here look like they are coming down from the lowest level but it is actually the third level of the build.

    I made really wide verandas. They are about 6 or 7 tiles wide. Plenty of room for outdoor activities. I might be able to fit some playground equipment out here. That's Jack painting - he mysteriously got his new hair back.

    This appears to be the ground level from the front of the building but it is actually level 3. I put a hopscotch mat down for them. The gap in the fence at the back of the image is the opening at the top of a set of steps you can see in the top picture above.

    That gap, and the stairs leading down to the ground below is 4 tiles wide.

    This is a view of the inside from the corner near the gap in the fence in the image immediately above. This level is mostly fully set up. It's apparently the ground level when entering the building from the front of the lot and has the kitchen and dining area as well as desks for computers and homework plus a couple of small tables waiting for birthday cakes when required.

    This is the next level up. It's pretty much the same as the lower level except I've put nothing in it yet. It is the upper level with the fence around it. Otherwise known as level 4.

    This is level 5. It isn't finished yet. Not much is done with it. I might put windows all around it - or not. There is no veranda. It's empty for now except for a spiral staircase coming up from level 4.

    The roof - it's wood and I painted it black because it looks better dark than light.

    Now I've moved the camera down to level 2. It appears to be below ground level on two sides but has large windows to take advantage of the views for most of the other two sides. There is a staircase going down to the ground on two sides from this floor.

    I used this floor as the place for the bedrooms and nursery. The bedrooms are tucked in against the walls that have no windows. I've put artwork into each bedroom so that any sim in any of those rooms gets a +40 beautifully decorated moodlet when occupying them.

    They also get the +40 beautifully decorated moodlet when in the open area of level 2.




    I put a regular staircase up to level 3 above because the ceiling of this level is a fraction too low for a spiral staircase. I could have fixed it by redoing a lot of work but decided to accept the straight stairs instead.

    Then there is level 1 - the actual ground floor. It's got some skilling objects. No one's used them yet though.





    And that's it for now.

    I've been putting the Simmerset (from late night) into some of my worlds for the homeless sims to live in.

    I was surprised at how much Cake Island performance improved after removing so few sims from it. It feels good to play in now.

    The two settings I changed to fix the homeless problem are:

    Using City Hall or a computer

    NRAAS > Story Progression > General Options > Options: Households > Manage the Homeless

    NRAAS > Overwatch > Settings > Clean up all Homeless

    But I don't think my problem was the homeless - I think it was role/service sims. I was thinking about doing something about them too but then decided not to as it is reasonable for a world to have sims I don't know in it and I won't usually want to play any of their households so it means I'll have less households in each world that I do want to play with and this will make things easier for me to handle.

    My sims will use the boarding school to get to know their relations who live in other worlds as I'll be rotating some from all of the worlds in the save through the same boarding school in Moonfall Island.

    I'll get rid of the boarding school I built in Cake Island.

    I am going to add more worlds to the save though as I want to experiment more with that.

    That fence I used in the boarding school build is useful. I've got a few of them. That one came from the store. It was interesting to use where I did because I only put it on two levels and out front, where the lot is near the top of the hill, the lower level with the fence appears to be on the ground floor, but out back where it is near the bottom of the hill it is obvious the lowest level with that fence is actually level 3 of the building.

    @Charlottesmom thank you for your comments. Good luck with your sim. All you have to do is things you'd never do and then it'll be different. I'm still learning to push my boundaries with sim creation. The more I think some feature isn't possible in real life the more people I find out there with that feature so I just keep pushing the boundaries.

    Jack has about 1.7 million simoleans. I don't know how he got them. He's an old sim and I discovered how much he has once when I was looking for a sim to add to a game and wondered how he got it as he's a single sim household without his house. He's been in my library like that for years so he's my goto sim when I want to buy a big expensive lot for some reason - such as the boarding school build. No one will actually own it in the end as all sims who live there are only temporary and they all move out eventually. Depending on how I do it they will either get $50,000 simoleans if I evict them or enough to buy whatever small house they want and is available in the world. Or else I'll just merge them with some other existing household.

    @mycami21 thank you. The boarding school is always a work in progress. It currently has no basement but I will add one as I need room for various things I don't want outdoors cluttering up the scenery. Things like the Group Science Project, wishing well, tree of prosperity and maybe, probably, a small garden.

    @emorrill I'm glad you and the other owners have solved your dog problem for now. I wasn't suggesting your dog is aggressive - just letting you know, if he got attacked he might become frightened of other dogs and decide to react in an unexpected way in future. Hopefully nothing changes about his behaviour, it all depends on how much of a fright he got and how he deals with it himself.

    @MoonandStars83 thank you. I think I'll leave the new boarding school build for now. It has lots of empty space. I want to develop an outdoor bbq area and do a little landscaping. I might add a playgound to the roof at some stage as I don't want to flatten too much of the existing slope to add swings and basket ball hoop etc. There's plenty of room up on the roof for that sort of thing. Or I might leave the roof alone and add all of that stuff to a basement or other indoor area - so they can play in all weather without me imagining them freezing in the snow, rain or hail. I actually turned off rain and hail for now as it did it's usual rain and I am really tired of days of constant rain. Fortunately it stopped raining as soon as I turned it off in options.

    @plushtrap_107 the creepy dog I got was in the game itself - that is a sure sign of bad cc. In CAS it seems it can just be a memory thing. I suppose CAS uses a lot of extra memory.

    There are actually no columns in my boarding school build. What looks like a lot of columns is a fence that came from the store. I got the floor above it by putting a wall all around and then deleting it after I had the floor extending out so it appears to be sitting on top of columns.

    I have placed the teapot ceiling light plus two teapot wall lights. I also have a teapot table lamp as well. I suspect that must have all come from the same set.

    @Nikkei_Simmer I love the pictures of your cats. Real life cats. Nice sim pictures too.

    That regulation on build size on a lot is the sort of thing I used to build models for in spreadsheets for people so all they had to do was enter a few numbers and the answer would pop out. I often got my brain explosion sensations when doing that sort of thing - especially when dealing with calculations relating to the bucket size and specific gravity required for a dragline to move overburden from a coal mine.

    Thank you for the double awesome. I'm glad you like the way I used the area available on the lot. I wanted to keep as much of the original slope as possible. In the rebuild with the foundation replaced by two levels of livable space I have used the exact placement and dimensions on the lot. Before I demolished the original build I used red terrain paint on each corner of the original so it would be a simple thing to build the same size on the same part of the lot.

    I really like Paula too. When I first made her I was somewhat surprised at how real a sim could be made to look. I was experimenting with the curve of her mouth with that one, and the CC hair helped a lot.

    Yes - the mermaid walking in his tail looked he was taking part in a sack race but just walking. It looked like he was walking in a huge hessian bag and he did it all the time no matter how many times I reset him or took him into CAS and fixed him. So in the end there was nothing for it but to remove his occult, even then the scales stuck to him. I had to get him into CAS to remove them completely. They seem to be gone now. It's a shame as I enjoyed having a mermaid with a red tail. I might make another one - that's not already some other occult type.

    I think I'll work on finalising my video now. It's been a week since I last posted one. I have a few ready to finish off and post so I'll probably get a few up this week. It's just that this episode of Oscar and Louise was epic and a bit overwhelming to get done. Trying to get her teen years into one episode was interesting - and then having to find 30 minutes out of 9 hours of video was a bit scary. But I think I might have done it. It's now down to just under an hour and all I hope I have to do now is go through it and edit out all/most of the bits where I was silent and that should do the trick.

    I do have the game loaded though - so there is potential for some distraction.

    I'll try to get another episode of the Perfect Genetics Challenge up too. This next episode will be the wedding.

    Episode 6 was the proposal, Episode 7 the bachelorette party and Episode 8 will be the wedding and Episode 9 the honeymoon in Egypt. After that they get down to business and there'll be a birth in each episode for a while. I do have the heir plus I think she might be pregnant in game at the moment due to someone having a wish for another baby.

    Better get to work.

    Happy Simming all
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2619

    @Charlottesmom Love the giant rat! Cute and terrifying at the same time! LOL
    What a clever idea. I have zoomed through sims for some pics but the rat one is brilliant!
    Loved your little story with Nina and the birdie <3
    Maxxie looks very cute in his face paint :)
    You really did a great job on Tony. I recognize him instantly! :)

    @TadOlson Thanks and great update :)

    @coco Thanks for the lovely comments :) It's true that a little facial hair can help a bland male a lot! I don't have a big nose but it's not small and button like either and I hate how female noses become so small when males are gender switched. That is why I have started using female only sliders so my females can have more substantial noses without their male counterparts ending up with massive noses.
    She does look a lot like one of Karritz's sims. Perhaps she used the same bin sim as the base for her own?
    Years ago I played a save with the Tragic Clown and he did look quite nice after I fixed him up :)

    @CravenLestat The patterns look lovely on the swimsuits! :)

    @Silverofdreams30 Thanks :)

    @ItsJanier I can't build at all so I am very impressed with your houseboat :) Great job :)

    @lanlyn Thank God the headaches stop Cexavu from hurting the townsfolk!
    LOL at his reaction to the fake plants! :D
    Love the fog effect with the cauldron!
    Charlie is a much braver sim because of his experiences :)
    LOL Love the transformation! Cexavu makes a great looking clown!
    I hope he's feeling the sadness that he is projecting to others or it wouldn't be much better than him attacking everyone.
    That was nice of you to fix his laptop :)
    I'm glad you didn't go with the Unexpected Weight Gain moodlet! That would have been a tragic outcome! :o

    @bekkasan He does turn out nice with some tweaking. I played him years ago after he had given my sim a ghost baby :)
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    If the Sims team hired me to make premade townies here is my Bella Goth


    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2620

    @king_of_simcity7 Thanks and I enjoyed your university update also :)

    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    Dressing females is a real chore! Males are so much easier even with the limited clothes I have!
    It's true that weight loss makes Claire quite pretty!
    If you ever get CC I will send you that hair file. I don't know how easy it is to find these days.
    It does sound like a good movie and I love British shows :)

    @coco I second @Charlottesmom's opinion of Skins! You really should watch it :)

    @Silverofdreams30 Great update :) I like the self-employed jobs because I like to see my sims all day :)
    Great face on Audra while cooking - she really does look happy :)

    @emorrill I am so glad that Audie is doing much better! :) It's sad that her dog also sustained injuries but it is totally the owner's fault and not the dog's :(
    At least the matter is settled. I hope the dog owner learns her lesson and keeps her dog in check better in future.
    Thanks for the nice comments :) I am not looking forward to the boys finishing at uni - both because my game will get more hectic but because Fife and Greg are older than Greg and Euan and won't last much longer once they go back home :(

    @plushtrap_107 I keep forgetting to cut the gems and my sims' inventories are full of them with all the space rock breaking done in my sims' household.

    @mycami21 Thank you :) He does look sad but I guess his name (and sim history although I don't remember encountering him in earlier versions I did know of him) means he has to be.
    I also get the warm fuzzies when my sims roll wishes for each other :)
    Hope you are well *hugs*

    @Nikkei_Simmer The house looks great! Graveyards seem to attract sims in my game too. Not surprised to see mayhem in your game. It's good that we can play our games how we like :)
    I hope the kids do well and have fun at uni :)

    @MoonandStars83 The Tragic Clown is sad not evil. I have never seen a uni resident starve to death so I wouldn't bother putting food out for them.
    Congrats to Chloe on her graduation and Darla on her birthday :)

    @PalmArrow Congrats to Tamsin on her promotion :)
    Stuart's house is beautiful!
    Tartan bermuda shorts work well! :)
    What a busy party and love the colourful tartan :)
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member

    @PalmArrow - Love the Glendonnach world, especially that view with the Highlands in the background, LOL at Honest Ed. I'm not too sure if I'd be comfortable buying a fridge from him let alone medical equipment. :D
    PalmArrow wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer , your photos of Vancouver are so beautiful!
    @PalmArrow - Thanks. I love being able to go out and capture images.
    @ItsJanier - Sounds like you're having a ton of fun. I just got IP (Island Paradise) as well...but haven't really played with it since I'm neck-deep into my "Selfacy". :D
    lanlyn wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer Awesome hockey photo. Wow! Lots of saved shots! The upside (and downside) of modern digital photography. Taking photos would be one way to feel the excitement of the game in a positive way. If you're looking for great shots, you can't be doing too much hockey dad cursing! ;) ...Love your cat and city photos too. ...Yes, I was laughing out loud as I had Cexavu in CAS! ...LOL at finding your Mimi was a HE! ...Your wife's sim character is lovely!

    ...I haven't tried to stop traffic or tech devices in Medieval worlds. Maybe I should, but I'd have to go to a lot of trouble switching mods in and out while playing all my different worlds.
    @lanlyn - Sports photography came about because my son loves hockey and playing it (I take it you noticed the name-patch on the back of #20's jersey (that was several years ago). :D When my son used to score goals and he was one of the top guys on the team as far as scoring was concerned - he just seemed to have a natural talent with skating and scoring. His motto was "hockey is life". :D That's one of the main reasons why I chose to do hockey photography, it was mainly because I wasn't much of a sociable person (anxiety and all that), so I played to my strengths and picked up a camera and shot his games. And you get to learn the ebb and the flow of the game and where the puck is at all times because that's where the "action" shots come in. @Featherbelle and I have been married for 18 years now - the absolute love of my life and she's the one that gets me all the Expansion Packs, including my most recent IP. Still also have to get ST now. :D And that's pretty much it for Expansion Packs, then it's tracking down Worlds and Stuff Packs... and of course...a big Thank You has to go to @CravenLestat who got me Hidden Springs for Christmas and other various and sundry items. :)
    I decided to put all my mods in game-specific folders. :) I have one for the Selfacy; one for the Mushroom Cloud Chronicles - which I will get back to once I get through River and Haruo's lives and post their "lifetime video" (yes, I killed off Tosh in that one). >:) Yeah, I'm evil.
    ***OK...Inspector...eyes front... :D
    ***Ah, isn't that always the case for homeowners...when everything seems to go wrong at the same time. Must be Ol' Man Murphy.
    ***Awwww, but Laddie wanted company. :D
    Karritz wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer why stop at only 7 cats. My Gertie has 15 and she could end up with 30 and I have 15 for her on two different lots in two different worlds. But maybe some of the originals might die of old age before her Hidden Springs household moves to Cake Island.
    I'm glad you like my new boarding school in Moonfall Isalnd - but I'm demolishing it today and rebuilding. It will follow the same idea but will lose that huge windowless foundation.
    Paula is one of the sims that made me very happily surprised at how well she turned out when I made her. And she's fun to play too.
    Walking in a mermaid tail looks like walking in a colourful hessian sack.
    @Karritz - ***I know...15-30 is possible with that mod that I have. It's just that for me, controlling more than a few at a pretty much near-impossible. I have the "No Social Worker" mod on to keep Social workers at bay, but I'm not sure about the worker coming to abscond with the cats that I haven't got to meeting their needs... My two in RL are spoilt. They're so mellow they don't mind my nuzzling them and they actually return the affection.
    ***Looking forward to seeing your rebuilt new boarding school on Moonfall.
    ***Looking forward to seeing Paula in your games too.
    ***I kinda figured that the mermaid tail might be a bit difficult to walk around in. :)
    Karritz wrote: »
    More bad news - I just discovered Jack Hobbs has reverted to his old hair style - the one that makes me not want to play with him. With this hair on I really only want him for his money.
    @Karritz - Oh my... :D Yeah, that hairstyle is probably one of the ones that I use the least. Not too fond of it myself. I'm sure Jack Hobbs probably looks way better in other hairstyles that suit him. :)
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer Thanks for commenting :) I have always gender swapped since my earliest days of simming.
    Your cats are adorable :)
    Euan has nothing to be jealous about. My sims are never unfaithful in a SP protected save. The couple of out of character flirts while my lasts generation were traveling had nothing to do with infidelity. It was because my sims travel without EA or Nraas SP turned on and I have no control over townies in that situation.
    @Mikezumi - it's nice to see how other players play and the fact that seeing the sims genderswapped determining whether they're worth dealing with is a great tip, I'll probably start gender-swapping to see if any sims that I run into can be dealt with in my games. I've seen some pretty horrible game-generated sims living in other towns. And sometimes the game selected clothes. UGH. :D
    The cats that @Featherbelle and I have are spoilt rotten. :D But we love them to pieces.
    Just pulling your leg. :D I know that your sims are faithful. The townies are irreverent little stinkers that try to break up marriages... :D I don't turn off the cell-phone calls mainly because I do like dealing with them in my own way. The Watcher tends to deal with infidelity very harshly. :D
    @bishty - glad to see you're able to get back to the Sims. :)
    @Charlottesmom - congratulations to Beau for topping out the ambrosia-making skills. I really have to attempt that.
    @Charlottesmom, @MIkezumi - Good point. I think in my game, the Tragic Clown will tragically be staying dead. :D

    Likes and Awesomes given out

    Page 2619
    I’m coming to get you!!!
    @Charlottesmom - OMG... :o I presume it was with that mod?
    @Mikezumi - Yup. I think in my game, he's staying dead. :D But then again, despite the lips he doesn't look as unfortunate as Arlo Bunch. :D@ShojoDagger's hypotheses of how Arlo got his looks made me laugh hysterically.
    My guesses are: 1) he's secretly adopted, 2) he was dropped on his face as an infant 3), Judy took some sort of "untested lab formula" whilst pregnant.
    TadOlson wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer -Great pictures!Your furry friends look like ones I had at ome time.
    @TadOlson - they're pretty much spoilt rotten, but content.
    Karritz wrote: »
    @Karritz - Looks fantastic
    coco wrote: »
    pg. 2617@Nikkei_Simmer I have to write these posts every morning or else I would get left in the dust, so to speak. :wink:
    Maybe out in the countryside there could be a lot big enough to build what you're imaging. I'm no real estate expert but I see from time to time stories of families who have purchased old European castles and done them up. All I'm seeing is gibberish so thanks for explaining it haha. I'm of the age where I should really be moving out of the house but the property market is so tough right now.
    Oh nose masks are really easy! Anyone can do it. Just go to here and here, download her sets, plop them in your Packages folder. They will appear in the blush section. Click one, adjust the colours to match the skin tone and turn the opacity to around 50% - maybe less depending on the mask. As for realism... I'm constantly amazed by kurasoberina.
    @coco - I think I may have to do this first thing in the morning every day too.
    @I'd probably have to have at least 50 acres to build something of the size that I'm wanting. :D Of course if I win the Lotto, there's a 143 acre property near Prince Rupert (with two lakes on it that's calling out my name. Yep... Gonna sit out back on the porch of my log cabin...with an 800mm w/TC-20EIII coupled and shoot bald eagles. You'll be seeing a lot of eagle photos. I may even start naming them if I can recognize them individually.
    I can just dream and think that the lot will have so many bald eagles the trees would look like this tree in Boundary Bay. :D And yes, all of them are bald eagles on this tree, not crows. :D
    They do have a wonderful sense of humor like this one that was going "Whatchu doing? Hey...whatchu pointing that thing at me for?"
    Unfortunately the real estate market is vastly over-inflated and I don't know if we'll see much of a correction with the supply and demand. Even if the housing bubble bursts, we may find that the correction is not enough for the ones who have been shut out of the market to find a place. I feel for the younger generation coming into the market and finding that they can't afford anything.
    I'll start trying nose and sclera masks. Kurasoberina makes my jaw drop. It's like looking at a photograph of said actor or actress.
    @CravenLestat - wonderful patterns.
    @ItsJanier - your houseboat looks fantastic. Love the double-deck and the dancefloor on the top deck. Awesome job.
    @lanlyn - Am really enjoying reading the further adventures of Cexavu, the zombie alien Tragic Clown. :D OMG...I'm dying laughing. :D
    @Charlottesmom - Awesome perspective shot. Don't mind the last question I had about it. Perspective is a wonderful photography trick. :D
    Boy Nina sure doesn't look happy in that picture. :D

    Likes and Awesomes given out

    Page 2620
    @Mikezumi, @king_of_simcity7 - great updates from University. Am really enjoying both of your updates.
    @Nikkei_Simmer , Nope getting rid of Richie (not Claire), the whole point of Misunderstood is to understand Jared's past and why he turns from a sweet child to a grumpus YA, Claire is in his life later on, Richie is not in Claire's in awhile..but it is as much Cliare's story as Jared's (in awhile) as they are both pretty bad traited Sims. The story ends when a new SV save is open...Claire pregnant, the ex of Jared and they hate each other.
    @Charlottesmom - Oh good, It sounds like it's going to be interesting. I'm thinking about playing a save with Claire at some point. Am I nuts for wanting Claire to have a happy life. :)
    @Nikkei_Simmer, your cats are so cute :3
    @plushtrap_107 - they're great and affectionate, when Mina isn't nipping my ankles saying "I'm hungry...feed me...NOW..."
    @Silverofdreams30 - great update, liked the cop that was there - probably overseeing the party to make sure it didn't get out of hand. :D
    @Nikkei_Simmer ****What'd City Hall ever do to you?
    @MoonandStars83 - ...taxes? :D:mrgreen:
    @lanlyn - your Scottish tartans looks great. :)

    Likes and Awesomes given out

    Will update the next catchup tomorrow...hopefully.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer 15 cats is no problem. I don't have that social worker mod. They keep each other happy and the other sims usually remember to feed them. I just spread lots of food bowls and cat toys and scratching posts etc around the lot.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2621

    @Nikkei_Simmer Lovely snow scenes at uni :) That's one way to take care of aliens! ;)
    Thanks for the comments :) Nothing wrong with spoiling kitties! My little girl runs this place!

    @PalmArrow Thanks :) I was not impressed seeing the top hat sim because I had seen him elsewhere at uni and know him to be game generated pudding. I am always happy to see the official uni residents, though :)

    @lanlyn My save is starting to get bloated now. I really need to learn how to clean saves. The town is not blowing up population-wise because I have limited inactives to two children per household so zero population growth in effect. My population fluctuates up and down as babies are born and elders die off but it is never big. Unfortunately there is other data in there that needs to be dealt with.
    When I played just the base game on the earliest patch level I could play 20 generations on normal lifespan (which was the only lifespan available from memory because I think adjustable lifespans came with the Generations patch which I didn't get until 3 years ago) and barely noticed bloating, lag or glitches. I didn't even know about doing save as back then so it would have been one continuous save. Of course the population was always small because EA SP would kill off or move out the residents and what was left was just a bunch of service sims wandering, homeless, around town. Is it any wonder I was about to quit the game before a friend convinced me to try mods.
    Thanks for the lovely comments :) My elders have looked younger since using CC skin so it mustn't be as aging as EA skin. Also the steam from the hot tub makes them look young again :p
    I dread the stir-crazy moodlet! I send my sims out often but sometimes the game with throw one at me even though I know it has only been a couple of days since my sim left the house! :#
    I have noticed that the strollers are useless on slopes. Great stroller pics and such pretty surroundings with all those trees :)
    Pity the first shot of Cexavu is blurry :( I do like the clown one, though :)
    I tend to leave the upgrading to sims who have mastered handiness and only have lesser skilled sims repair things.
    I had a household saved to my bin years ago that had everything upgraded so it wouldn't break but realized that it didn't work for me because I depend on things breaking so future generations of sims can work on their handiness skills.
    Poor Inspector Gray! He must have got his skill points from a book and not actually experience ;)

    @bekkasan Thanks for the lovely comments :) The steam takes years off the boys ;) Until I patched up a few years ago my sims only ever got that enjoyed movie moodlet with the popcorn pic when they saw movies. I guess the new moodlets and chance of not enjoying movies came with one of the EPs (or patches) that I didn't have back then.

    @CravenLestat Lovely Bella :)
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    edited May 2018
    I should be doing my video - and I am but I decided I simply have to make a pretty little female mermaid with a red tail so I can move her in with George Flower and his cloned son.

    I launched CAS

    Started with this

    Changed the skin to ESKIN Fresh - didn't touch the slider

    Changed gender and got this

    Problem is I like her as she is and want to keep her so I suppose I'll save her then put her back into CAS and make my mermaid.

    EDIT: I just gave her nose a little tweak and she got a new wardrobe.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Just some randoms..

    I wanted a babysitter/housekeeper in the Skins house so I took my elder alien and gender switched this little lady.


    I decided she wanted to fit into society a bit more. So I tweaked her changed her skin tone and gave her a new wardrobe, I think she still has her male unpronounceable alien name so she will need a new name. She is happily living with the family and taking care of Nina..


    She seems to get along with Freddie best, she follows him to the hot tub all the time (and he's in it a lot!)



    Something was missing...she desired a child (and I wanted to see if she could get one via the wishing well...)


    Lost count after 7-8 tries!! Tried again the next day, she Finally got her kiddo...


    He's strait from the bowels of he*ll by the looks of it!





    Strait into CAS...for tweakage.


    This is what he will look like as a YA (tweaking was already done, he's plain-ish but I like him), he'll do.


    Back down to kid..He does have the evil trait, no biggie evil Sims don't bother me, I *gave* him mean spirited and inappropriate (his other two will be game generated). Nina is evil too so they should get along nicely. He is named Corey.







    As soon as Nina and Corey are up to best friends and she can walk/talk and is potty trained she can age up.

    Doing his homework when he hasn't even been to school yet?? Strange I didn't even have to tell him to do it (I rarely ever do with my Sims for some reason)


    "I wuv you unkka Freddie"


    Their house...


    One would think Freddie has a bit of a juice problem! He's just a collector and needs a shelf...


    What is that look for Tony??


    I thought it would be nice to meet the neighbors so Maxxie went next door to meet Leighton...I recognize that truck!!


    I was hoping it was was!


    I always plop hair on poor bald Sam!


    Maxxie and Jared got up to friends pretty quick, only one minor disagreement in the beginning then it was smooth sailing..



    Cooking = safe subject!


    The guys even took him out to bells Jared???


    There is no hanky panky going on in the house though the alien nanny (I really have to name her) and Freddie got hearts after quite a bit of chatting. I may pair up Tony and Maxxie, they were um..."close" in a few scenes in the TV show..and Maxxie is a gay character in the show.


    Parting shot...Being a big old mess maker is a tiring job!


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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan, @Mikezumi and @Nikkei_Simmer Thanks for the comments :smile:
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    Hello eveyone.

    I've worked hard all day but the video is still not quite done. I've got it down to 37 minutes and still have the twin's YA birthday to edit and Louise leaving for HS. I think the final video will go over 30 mins but not over 35 mins. This is because I'm not spending ALL day tomorrow on it like I have done today. Especially if it is just to reduce it by 5 mins or less.

    Hopefully someone will watch it and enjoy it when I finally get it up.

    I'm off to the dog park now.

    Happy Simming.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited May 2018
    Thank you, guys, for your great feedback. :)
    @bekkasan, @Karritz, @Mikezumi, @Nikkei_Simmer

    @Karritz Moonfall Island looks like it has a lot of potential. I might check it out. I'm looking for a small or medium world that is fairly open and not too modern. Or I could go with futuristic. I like the Mysterious Island world I have, but it is really tiny. I need something with more room for an idea I'm working on. ...Your school is looking absolutely gorgeous! I love the space and all the windows. The views must be awesome. ...How many sims/kids in all did you say you'd be hosting there?

    ...You know, I like the Last Venue of Amore. It's huge, but it has a lot of room to put all kinds of things in it, like a miniature village all in itself. I have a couple of modified versions of the lot in my library bin with the shops etc already set up and a smaller gondola loop. But the problem with the venue is that there are too many tight places, small rooms, and hard to see spaces. The advantage of what you're doing is the open areas that are easy for sims to move around in and easy for a player to monitor.

    ...Thank you for telling me about your NRaas settings. I've made a note of those and am going to compare them to what I have. I'm not sure what the deal is with the homeless and role/service sims in a couple of my custom worlds. I see them hanging around 24/7 in clumps at different spawning spots. It's annoying. I've tried to get rid of them, and I've tried to give them apartments. I think something in my NRaas settings just isn't working right.

    ...How are you going to have sims remember who their relatives are by rotating them through Moonfall Island? I'm not sure I understand how you're doing this. I'd love to reconnect a few of my sims who knew each other (or were related) before I separated them into different worlds. Are you treating this base world sort of like a Traveler vacation world? ...Also, while I'm picking your brain, do you know how to make grandmother-granddaughter connections in a family tree? Is that possible, or will I need to create a middle generation first? I'm thinking of my current Mayra and her Gran. I can pretend that they're related, but I couldn't find a way in NRaas to show it on a family tree.

    ...I think your gender changed sim turned out to have a nice face. I like her. Something about her look is definitely appealing. Real.

    @Mikezumi Cexavu's Tragic Clown moodlet is a -40 hit for as long as it lasts. I'm not sure if that's 1 or 2 days. I read both time frames described online. So yah, he's feeling the sadness too! Twice as much! Not that sims can really figure out how to change their nature! I often just imagine my sims as actors in a play we're putting on because their true nature will always come out! In a couple of my stories, I've actually had sims "earn" a new/different trait by accomplishing something in line with the new quality. It wasn't always easy for them to do. But it's just part of the way I play, along the lines of short-terms goals in line with lifetime wishes. I like doing that instead of a "rags to riches" story. Money is too easy to come by in an expansion heavy game.

    ...Yes, I have service/homeless sims wandering around in some of my worlds too. Maybe I'm just being too paranoid about these things! I'm so much better now about keeping the world in control than when I first started playing Sims 3, though. I probably worry too much! But with my first family, I had them traveling to the WA subworlds and bringing back all kinds of collectibles. I didn't want to part with anything! And they collected gems and other stuff too. I built public lots all over the town. I didn't know to turn off automatic memories. On and on. It's no wonder the world took 2 hours to load in the end! HA!

    ...RE: the handiness skill. One of the reason I like the fixer-upper car is that sims can build their handiness skill in a fun way without my worrying that they're going to break something or kill themselves! LOL

    @Nikkei_Simmer What a great way to be part of the social scene in a way that feels comfortable to you--photography. ...That's a wonderful picture of the eagle! All of them in the tree. Wow. ...Last summer, my husband and I visited Victoria. Lovely area.

    ...BTW, here's another way to get rid of aliens or paparazzi: have a genie banish them. They'll just vanish into the world somewhere, and they usually don't come back! It's a nice genie perk.

    Lock up your men, ladies! An alien has landed!

    This is the preliminary reconnaissance. Act now before it's too late!

    Never fear! The guard genie is on duty.

    Alien banished into the night!

    @Charlottesmom I like how you came up with your alien nanny and housekeeper. I like her with natural skin too. Wow! That evil child rising out of the well. He looks good though after your tweaking. And he's acting nice around Nina. Evil compatible! I think Corey can help keep Nina occupied too when the adults are busy. ...OMG! Freddie's drinking problem. At least they're not empty! LOL ...Aww, little Sam.

    These are kind of dark because it was night. I tried to lighten them up a little.

    Inspector Gray took Laddie for a walk to the pet park.

    That park was just next to the park where Gray needed to Snoop for Clues for a case.



    His client lives in an awesome estate!

    The Case of the Missing Person is closed!
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @lanlyn Great timing on the pic,instead of it looking like a cased closed your angle and timing turned it into a meteor strike caught on film. :o
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    @CravenLestat :D And that's probably how UFOs also get caught on film! :#
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @lanlyn I have no idea how many toddlers or children or teens I'll have in the boarding school. It depends on how far I can push it before it explodes. I had a total of 24 (including nannies) in Chocolate Cake Island and it was struggling a bit.

    The family trees and other relationships are maintained in the different worlds. If you have NRAAS Traveler mod. When they first arrive they are on vacation, you rent a property and go to a computer and NRAAS Traveler Treate as Vacation True/False. I change it there to whatever I want it to be at the time. That way, in my Big Game for example, I have about 5 or more worlds with sims living in them and they still remember all their friends and relations in other worlds. I've started sending all the toddlers and children and teens to the boarding school in chocolate cake island and that way little cousins are getting to know each other. YOu have to have enough teens and older traveling with toddlers so someone can carry each one. I'll give you more info later as I'm in a bit of a rush right now.

    As for the grandmother and granddaughter thing - yes you'll need to make the intermediate generation and also make sure you have the number of generations to remember set to enough generations. I think the default is 4.

    Have to rush out now. Will be back later.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    edited May 2018
    awesomes handed out,
    got a group meeting online soon so no time for feedback,
    will give it later today.

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