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What do you do with your elders?


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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @igazor I made this poll after I had already started on my nightcap so it's understandable that it wasn't as well thought out as it should be ;) I can see from reading the responses, that an "All of the above/Combination of the above" would have been a very popular choice!
    My elders are loving university! Thanks for the idea :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 New Member
    Business as usual - age is just a number
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @meerkattime I am a very boring player (but never bored) and my playstyle hasn't changed much since I first started playing the game, I didn't take into account that many people change things up all the time.
    You should totally try university! I have just sent my first elders to uni and they seem to be enjoying themselves immensely with the added benefit to me of not having to lose them so quickly :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    My boys have only attended one party so far but I am glad they got to witness a bonfire. Sure, they roll wishes at home to have bonfire parties but I always cancel those :p Unfortunately there was no keg at this party but I am sure they will experience that before their time at uni is over :)
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
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    @igazor. We don't really have an equivalent to the US 5th Amendment.
    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
    in bold-italics is the prime difference between US law and Canadian law.

    For us it's under Section 13 of the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, however it does not excuse the accused from testifying.
    13. A witness who testifies in any proceedings has the right not to have any incriminating evidence so given used to incriminate that witness in any other proceedings, except in a prosecution for perjury or for the giving of contradictory evidence.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited February 2018
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    @Nikkei_Simmer - Yes, but you see you weren't asserting your rights under Section 13. You were pleading "the Fifth." You do have amendments to your constitution, and as there are more than five, there was a fifth one. It just doesn't quite match the circumstances. ;)

    That would be like me asserting my rights guaranteed under the Magna Carta in a US courtroom. That wouldn't go over very well (besides not making any sense).

    Sorry for the hijacking and misplaced, somewhat broken civics lesson. :p
    Post edited by igazor on
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited February 2018
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    @Mikezumi He clearly doesn’t suffer from any sciatica :D I always figure they don’t need me to be happy and my generations always ended with my heir having found the perfect match in life. As soon as one dies (I get a notification) I move in another sim/relative. Not just from a social point of view, but also because I’ve noticed the game has a tendency to cul single sims :blush: I had triplets once and at one point I moved them into a house together when they were old and widowed/divorced. They lived together till the day they died.

    Sending an elder to uni sounds great!
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
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    Mikezumi wrote: »
    @ZeeGee I don't use EA SP. I remember what a fail that was! With Nraas SP and a few other of the Nraas mods, I feel like I am in control even though I will never switch households. I do let my sims die but always keep their headstones on the lot so they can visit. I love it when they visit and will sometimes wake the family to interact with them.

    Maybe I will have time to try that some day. I have so many projects going on right now. So much simming to do and so little time. :)
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
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    @igazor Thanks for the elders going to uni tip. Never would have thought of that! And for the civics lesson. :lol:
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    MadDoctor61MadDoctor61 Posts: 414 Member
    I can't answer the poll with this question, namely because too many of the answers apply. If they have not reached the top of their career, they keep working till they do and maybe afterwards. If they have not achieved their lifetime wish, they dedicate themselves to doing so. In both cases, they keep a Death Flower in their possession till they are accomplished, then pass it down to a younger sim. They are useful as baby-sitters, cooks etc. They often develop hobbies (painting, guitar). In Sims 2, I had a Retirement home they would move to, but in that game only the household being played ages/changes and I kept switching between them. That doesn't work well in Sims 3. I've tried a couple of downloaded retirement homes, but they seem to work better as scenery around town. I wouldn't want to live in them. So many of the ones I saw online were crammed with single beds. Even if a sim were single, they should have the opportunity for nighttime company in a double bed. I'd love to know about some good ones.

    I'd like EA to create a new lot type for 'Retirement Home'. It would come with Maid Service, Cook Service, lots of amenities etc to keep the elders happy and entertained. Your sim would sign up for a waiting list and when a spot opens up, they would move in. If they pass, a townie could take the spot. If it is too crowded, we could add a second or third retirement home to the town to ease congestion.
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    MamaSimTeeMamaSimTee Posts: 963 Member
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    I can't answer the poll with this question, namely because too many of the answers apply. If they have not reached the top of their career, they keep working till they do and maybe afterwards. If they have not achieved their lifetime wish, they dedicate themselves to doing so. In both cases, they keep a Death Flower in their possession till they are accomplished, then pass it down to a younger sim. They are useful as baby-sitters, cooks etc. They often develop hobbies (painting, guitar). In Sims 2, I had a Retirement home they would move to, but in that game only the household being played ages/changes and I kept switching between them. That doesn't work well in Sims 3. I've tried a couple of downloaded retirement homes, but they seem to work better as scenery around town. I wouldn't want to live in them. So many of the ones I saw online were crammed with single beds. Even if a sim were single, they should have the opportunity for nighttime company in a double bed. I'd love to know about some good ones.

    I'd like EA to create a new lot type for 'Retirement Home'. It would come with Maid Service, Cook Service, lots of amenities etc to keep the elders happy and entertained. Your sim would sign up for a waiting list and when a spot opens up, they would move in. If they pass, a townie could take the spot. If it is too crowded, we could add a second or third retirement home to the town to ease congestion.

    You could make one. @CravenLestat did. If you scroll through the thread he has one made up already.

    One of my favorite things about Sims 3 is you can create whatever kind of building you want. Not that I'm as creative as most, because I build really boring boxy houses, but I like that I have the option and that others have the option. I download their creations instead. :)

    <insert inspiring comment here> :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @Joanne65 I had read one of your posts in another thread where you said that single sims are most likely to be culled in your game. It's been many years since I played without Nraas SP but I remember how sad I would get when sims I had my eye on would vanish.
    You seem to have worked out how to deal with EA's fail to keep your favourite sims around :)
    The boys have only been there 2 days and it's fun because I get to play them an extra week, effectively doubling their elder life stage :)

    @ZeeGee It's a sad fact that there are only so many hours in the day or I would sim a lot more too ;)

    @MadDoctor61 I see now that I should have had an "All of the above/Combination of the above" option ;)
    The chances of EA creating another lot are zilch! You could always build your own Retirement Home or edit the ones you have downloaded to add double beds. I personally would not want a Retirement Home because I love to spoil my elders at home but we all have our own playing style and preferences :)
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    WaterdragonWaterdragon Posts: 780 Member
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    In most of my saves I play with epic lifespan and age my sims down with various methods, so my family never gets to elder stage.

    When I play my legacy, it depends on how much I like the sim - when I don´t care that much about them, I often move them out, as soon as their offspring reaches childhood, and they spend the rest of their lifes as townies (I do make sure that they are well off, though, and have ideally reached their lifetime wish).

    When I like a sim, they stay in the household, help with the kids, work, if they want to, max their skills, have hobbies and stuff like that. When they reach elder status, they can retire, if they wish so, and apart from that I mostly let them run wild on free will. I have a mod from modthesims (chance per day elder will die), which I have at 60%, so my elders die very soon after their bar is full. I try to make their last days especially happy ones.

    When I really like a sim, I tend to use her/him for all kind of errands, searching for stuff, visiting people, buying things and so on, even if they are already elders and don´t walk that fast any more.

    And when I really really like a sim, I give him a youth potion, so that he will not die. (Only did that once, can´t lose Conall <3 .)
    My sim´s antics:
    My studio:

    Just assume that every edit I make is because of typos.
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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
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    It depends. For some elders it's business as usual, some I move to a home for the elderly, and some, if they move into the town as elders, they might want to find love and start a family.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @Waterdragon It's good to know you look after the ones you love! ;) I don't think I would like to up the chance of death for mine but we all play differently. Thanks for sharing :)

    @Cororon I wouldn't want my elders finding a second love because I have always play faithful sims and I imagine that loves goes beyond death. I do see the elders in my town remarrying after partners die but I don't care what they do because I haven't played them since birth. Thanks for sharing :)

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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
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    Mikezumi wrote: »
    @Cororon I wouldn't want my elders finding a second love because I have always play faithful sims and I imagine that loves goes beyond death. I do see the elders in my town remarrying after partners die but I don't care what they do because I haven't played them since birth.

    Most of my sims are faithful too, but sometimes sims get divorced while I'm not playing them. And I have had single elders move to town. I like elderly gentlemen like a retired military officer and total slobs like Lucky Perkins. I also created a single old lady to be in "movies" and a "cooking show" I made as short stories. :tongue:
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    BreazonaBreazona Posts: 1,335 Member
    Let them pursue their interests (e.g. painting, music, writing, bar-hopping, etc.)
    The last time I was able to play Sims 3 was over a year ago, and then I was typically focused on my heir and the elder just lived in their own home. More recently, in Sims 2, I've been moving them in and allowing them to pursure their passions. A bit of a change in play style, so I'd do the same in 3.
    sims 2&3 my beloved♥
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @Breazona I really must try TS2 again some day. In many ways, TS2 has more charm than TS3 :) Thanks for sharing :) I hope you get to play TS3 again :)
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    ChazzzyChazzzy Posts: 7,166 Member
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    Evict them and let them die a slow and lonely death
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @Chazzy Each to their own! ;)
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Move them out (on their own, with other elders or other family members)
    My elders are allowed to move out by themselves and retire happily :smile:

    That and they stay out of the way lol :D
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @king_of_simcity7 I see you feel no guilt about putting out elders at the end of their lives ;) I know that elders are not for everyone :)
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Move them out (on their own, with other elders or other family members)
    @Mikezumi Oh I never kill elders! I am happy to keep them as elders and it is useful having them as friends for any other Sim if they need them :smile:
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    TheNerdyBunchTheNerdyBunch Posts: 3 New Member
    I personally change it depending on what household im playing with, but I usually just let them enjoy their hobbies. to be fair, a lot of my sims die young from stupid things like dying of laughter and I dont quite know why
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @TheNerdyBunch Welcome to the forums :) It sounds like you look after your elders (if they live that long ;) ). I assume from "dying of laughter" you are playing TS4. No problem as this is a poll about elders and there are elders in TS4 as well :) Happy Simming!
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