Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited February 2018
    Just posting one pic but took a bunch,my newest Asian Simmy

    Soo Mi Jang


    @TinySpaceFox Ok let me know,found some outfits you need too some of my fave store ones.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    OriginalMaraOriginalMara Posts: 1,669 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer -- You call that snow?! :tongue::lol:

    I was born in Edmonton, I'm used to waist-high snow. :D But believe me, when you have wet, cold's a whole 'nother thing entirely. It may only be -2, but they say it feels like -10. I'd say it's lucky that we don't get Edmonton temperatures of -40 or with the cold wind coming in from the Pacific, it'll feel like -70C

    Oh, I know wet snow, dry snow, small flakes, big flakes... :lol: Lake effect snow... the works. :lol:
    Not quite like Edmonton, to be sure, but we get our fair share here. ;)

    @emorrill -- Noah is my favorite too! ;):)

    @Charlottesmom -- Hm. I may have to try some different hair on my Claire as well. I have her in something short right now.

    This weekend, I promise I shall reveal the "big unexpected surprise" in my game! ;)
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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    pg. 2344
    @TinySpaceFox Aw what a cute dog! I bet there's someone perfect and just right for your sim out there somewhere :smile:
    @polrbear There's a repeating pattern I've noticed lately with everyone's sims preferring to wear undies :lol: Your sims must be very skilled! Adorable pictures of the girls grown up. Are all their features identical?
    @mikezumi I love a good long male hair, Jason looks great! :blush:
    @Silverofdreams30 I really like Audra's house! Your third image isn't showing up for me.
    @Nikkei_Simmer I'm looking forward to seeing the new and improved crazy insane evil Haruo :wink:
    @king_of_simcity7 Pretty snow! The bathroom really is an unfortunate place to start jamming.
    @Charlottesmom Joe and Caroline's house is simply stunning! Ahhh Jared, the sim we love to hate and hate to love.... it's mostly just love on my side :wink:
    Joe's a bit of a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 to be honest. It's sad to think of the impression he will make on his children.
    @msbeckycat Hi! Just take your time and write your chapters when you feel like it :smile:

    pg. 2345
    @gerefteast How time flies! Halima is gorgeous and that short pixie cut suits her perfectly. :smile:
    @CravenLestat Love the song. Bindi would look so cute in sim form. You never fail to give us amazing patterns, I look forward to downloading them :smile:
    @emorrill I truly believe you are a good mom and a good person! I'm sorry you have been receiving hurt from the people around you. If only they could step in your shoes :disappointed:
    Aww the image of you squealing about my updates is making me smile. I really want to put something up soon. I have been reading a lot of fanfic lately, which may have been a bad influence :tongue:
    Bobby :heart: Love his deer in the headlight look about him. Yikes the randomised sleepwear and athletic wear is a bit unfortunate. It's strange that you game keeps picking out the same few items of clothing.
    Sam is giving you (and us) his best come hither look :tongue:
    Cary is actually very similar looking to Bobby. Lol the renaissance sleepwear shirt is hilarious. Athletic wear yeeesh :grimace:
    @TinySpaceFox I can't remember what Jessa's original clothes are now but I like what you gave her. I actually think that I prefer the first bikini bottoms you chose. You would think that aliens would just park anywhere, it's nice that they respect the road rules lol. I always like a nice modern house with big windows. The view of the ocean looks amazing.
    @Charlottesmom I'm tossing up whether to make a new-new baby for them now. I will probably wait until the first one is a toddler though. He was born around November or December I think, and I still have no idea what colour hair he will have :lol: I only have my babies set to 3 days aaaaaahhh. I need to get out and play more :lol:
    I remember reading Misunderstood and then stopping, I definitely need to spend more time over in the stories section! It's awful when people come on here just to stir up trouble. I look forward to reading the story in it's entirety now :smiley:

    pg. 2346
    @Silverofdreams30 Looks like it's starting to snow heavily in your game. Shame about the party crashers, although I don't mind seeing Liam.
    Oooh Ty and Audra are standing awfully close to each other. It's funny how the game is playing out your story line by itself :love:
    @king_of_simcity7 It kind of looks like they're all just on social media talking to each other haha. I wonder who is getting booed at.
    @mamasimtee It's always heartbreaking to watch sims in mourning. Emma is a good big sister looking after the others. Hot chocolate on a cold winter day sounds marvellous.
    @mikezumi Using Debug Enabler to grow plants sounds a little like cheating haha :lol: No judgement from me though. Aw I'm sad to see Aileas go. Even though she's a clone of Jordan, I think she's one of your most beautiful females. I see that Liana got her hair colour from her dad. I think the celebrity impersonation is hilarious too. Beathan and Sam look like mini versions of Jordan and John :smile:

    Might have to leave it there for now. I thought 1 hour would be plenty of time to do comments but not today :tongue:
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,931 Member
    @TadOlson I have at least 2 surge protected plugs between my computer and the power point. If lightning strikes though surge protection is totally ineffective. The amount of energy that pours into the network will vaporise anything that's plugged in at the time.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Mikezumi Nice new house for Aileas and Jeremy :smile: Sims seem to know when you have something planned for them lol Also nice stargazing pictures again :smile:

    @Deshong04 Interesting pictures :smile: Was that taken at University?

    @Nikkei_Simmer Nice update with your Sims painting :smile:

    @TadOlson Thanks for the feedback and nice update on the city hall :smile:

    @bekkasan Thanks for the feedback :smile:

    @CravenLestat Nice new Sim :smile:

    @coco Thanks for the comments :smile: I will be throwing more parties soon so we will see when Sims start hanging out!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Here's Connor, his wife Miriam and son Jonathan in CAS. Excuse how haggard Connor and Miriam look because they are adults now. Connor normally looks much better in my game. I didn't compare their sliders but at a guess I would say his nose is a teen version of Connor's.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    A rose between two thorns ;) Nah, they are all roses :p
    Beathan's waking wish was to paint. John's waking wish was to buy a new recipe. He did that on the multi-tab after eating. Jordan's waking wish was to woohoo with John. The boys took care of that a little later in the morning without any help from me ;)
    The big boys did the gardening.
    After woohooing the boys went their separate ways. John painted and Jordan broke space rocks.
    When John finished his painting, he interrupted Jordan's board breaking for some elevator woohoo :p
    Because they went down to the basement for woohoo, I had them take romantic photos together :)
    John's latest painting.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    John started on another painting and I sent Jordan to the wave station so he wouldn't bother him.
    Beathan got home late because of Shop Class. He's now at level 3 in Handiness :)
    Beathan came home from school with a wish to do a strength workout.
    While I was concentrating on Beathan, I got a popup that Jordan had leveled up in diving. I didn't even know he was diving. Seems he has a way to go yet ;)
    The family enjoyed Jordan's favourite, fish and chips, for dinner :)
    John and Jordan watched the stars after dinner.
    After the boys woohooed in the outdoor shower, they changed into their career outfits (which I had never seen before). John's wasn't too bad but what's with the monocle, Jordan? :/
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2346 (cont.)

    @emorrill Good luck working out how to use S3PE! I have never even tried! What kind of CC are you after?

    @TinySpaceFox Happy Chinese New Year! :)

    Page 2347

    @TadOlson Thank you :) I don't normally get such bad outfits as that but every now and then I see one that makes me shake my head! Great update :) How does the donation jar work?

    @bekkasan Thanks for the lovely comments :) Beathan only has to do one more homework and he will be home free! ;)

    @CravenLestat Soo Mi Jang looks lovely :)

    @coco Thanks for the lovely comments :) I figure that my sims don't live long enough to wait for a plant to grow naturally ;)
    I like contrast in my boys so it made sense for Beathan to have a dark haired partner.

    @king_of_simcity7 Thank you :)
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Mikezumi I feel envious of your pictures by the pool. It is still snowing in my game with no signs of stopping! :D
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Anyway, some updates from Uni:

    Outdoor classes take place despite the weather!


    So much activity!


    No idea why she is on a bike when she can clearly fly every!


    The mascot just seems to be exempt from going to class!


    I love the Oxbridge looks of the quad area


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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    Haven't had a chance to sit down and comment for awhile, so I thought it was high time! Likes & awesomes handed out to all!


    - I totally thought Aileas was wearing a onesie while watching the cooking channel with Jordan. Haha!
    - I was dying laughing at the "I just woohooed with your daughter" picture
    - Oooh seeing your proposal picture reminds me to ask: Is the mod setting for Sims not in your household to ask your Sim to get engaged a MC one?

    - I do love a gift giving party! Cute pictures

    - Aww, that's sad that Grim paid a visit, but so sweet that Johnny spoke to Cash before he passed away.

    - $100 isn't bad for the year, but the way they went about the photo thing last year still annoys me to think about! Grrr!
    - Seeing a picture of Bella cracks me up - I was watching a LP on YT and the person came across Bella Bachelor and had no idea who she was! *facepalm*
    - Loved seeing all these age downs! :mrgreen:


    - Nice woohoo top!
    - Love your blind date story - so cute!

    - Oooh I love your uni pictures!

    - I hadn't done the Egg hunt either until I was testing my festival lot! Great pictures! I love your aesthetic


    - For a second there, I thought Jordan was on the roof :lol:
    - The picture with Aileas in the kitchen looks like she just walked in on something between Stefan and Estelle, like she was with one of them and caught them cheating! Stefan looks guilty as heck!

    - Who needs a partner when they've got a puppy! That is such a cute picture! D'awww!

    - Holy MULTIPLES! Haha - how do you cope with them all?
    - The quads are so cute aged up!

    - That's such a cute house. Did you build it?

    - Your comic book type screenshots always crack me up!

    - What is your sim doing in that first picture? Haha!

    - OMG - I'm so excited for this story! You've got me hook line and sinker!
    - Wow! I don't know what to say! Joe juggling three women. The deceit all around with the characters. Hooked, hooked, hooked! I do love a bit of drama! Give me mooooar!


    - Your makeover of Jessa Belle is super cute!
    - Oooh I want to know more about Jessa and David!

    - When you said your Sim was having performance issues...for a second, I thought you meant the game and then I remembered a) you don't use mods/cc AND you're you...haha! :lol: Lacie is very cute though - I hope it help!

    - Bobby is a cutie-pa-tootie!
    - I always love seeing pictures of Sam, but it always jolts me because he looks so REAL! Haha!
    - Hahaha! The sleepwear outfit for Cary is cracking me up! I mean, who doesn't sleep with a belt on when they go to bed!?! :lol:
    - Oooh are you going to do a makeover on their house?


    - Is that Ty in the yellow vest? *le swoon* He's gorge!

    - That is the CUTEST picture of Johnny and Emma! So sweet!

    - OMG - I've never used the impersonate a celeb interaction. Those animations are GOLD!
    - Your families are always full of woohooers...they're all insatiable! Haha!

    - I love that picture of Chi going in for the kiss! Is that a pose or an interaction? Love it!

    - S3PE scares me! Are you looking at .sims3packs or .packages?


    - Mi Jang is beautiful! Here's a question - have you ever made a male Sim besides Simself? I think you should try. I'd love to see it!

    - I just noticed the big windows in your house! What will all the neighbors think of your Sims and their constant lovey dovey actions? The pearl-clutchers will be fainting for sure! Haha!
    - I really like John's painting! I'm still new with that mod, so so far my painter Sim has only painted colorful slodges!
    - That monocle on Jordan :lol::lol:
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,348 Member

    Hey everyone, check out the wedding cake that Sandy has on ATS3. It's a 3 layer cake that you can place either a bride/groom, groom/groom or bride/bride on top of the cake.... :)
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    Now with shelter, in Part 5, Theo decides to take some time to celebrate a couple of holidays. Come check out how he gets on!
    Click on the picture to watch on YouTube
    Enjoy m'dears!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited February 2018
    @bekkasan Thanks,
    it looked like they were really close just walked out the same time.

    @coco Ha ha, yeah sometimes the game try to play out the story before I even know
    what I want to do lol. I think I acidentally deleted the third photo from my imgur folder.

    @aricarai No sadly did not build it, I either downloaded it from TSR or its from pinterest ,
    or its one of the houses from the other worlds haha.
    Yeah its Ty I love him aswell.

    @Mikezumi Interesting gameplay with just 50 days, great
    updates as always.

    if I missed anyone sorry about that have given out awesomeness.

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @aricarai Which picture is that?
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    edited February 2018
    Welp, I haven't been kicked out of the Build & Buy Design Star Contest on twitter as of yet! :mrgreen: It's a 12 week competition and each week has a theme for the month and a different room to do. Obviously February was Valentine's Day. This week, we moved onto March and the theme was...yep, you guessed it, St. Patrick's Day and the area to decorate was the entryway. We had to use some green in the area...I think I went a bit OTT with the theme! :lol:




    This week, there was also a wild card round, where we could choose something that had already been judged (the exterior or the master) and remodel it. Since I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day and I loved the exterior of the home, I went with the master. I gave it a little artsy, hipster revamp with pops of BRIGHT colors!






    I'm thinking the next room will be a nursery/child's room for April.
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    @aricarai Which picture is that?

    The one where it looks like there's three objects on the floor including what looks like a banana.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @king_of_simcity7 , Pretty pretty snow!!
    **Nice Sims, all studying like they should be at Uni! ;)

    @Mikezumi , The picture of Jordan using the wave station is lovely, the lighthouse in the background... <3
    **Beginner strength workouts are both funny and painful to watch.. :o
    **LOL!! Okay so Jordan isn't exactly a pro diver...yet. Ouch!
    **The monocle... a fashion statement?? :D
    **You called John and Jordan thorns... :o (I could make a joke about poky parts but I'll not..) ;)
    **The romantic pictures.. <3
    **Well that certainly is a chesty female John..
    **Yeah, that does look like Connor's nose, do you tweak it? it looks wider that I remember on untweaked Connor but I'll have to look in game today, it seems to me some skins tweak noses somehow. Jonathan has Gunther-esque lips...something you want to tell us Miriam??
    **They need a sign on the treehouse.."If this treehouse is a rockin' don't come a knockin' " *snicker* :smirk:
    **I did the impersonate a celebrity with L a few times, I kept changing his traits to get different expressions.
    **Awwwwwwww, Brianna teaching Liana to walk!
    **The table is looking so empty..
    **I shrink my Jared's eyes a bit now too, I can see the beauty in smaller eyes now. Though Connor's always get booted up a bit.
    **Joe is a dog! But I adore the he*ck out of him. <3

    @coco , Babies drive me batty at only 2 days!
    **Cary and Bobbie are both genetic CAS kids from L and Meggie, so they are very much brothers. The main difference is Bobbie has Meggie's eyes and Cary has L's eyes. Cary is almost a clone of L..
    **Joe and Caroline's house was mostly a "FINE I'll fix the dang roof" husband liked the build when I was building it but thought the roof was "boring" so I ripped half the house apart and kitty cornered it, I loved the look so much I use it a lot now in my builds.
    **Joe is a typical guy who can't have the one he loves so he "loves the one he's with.." :wink: (dumb male!!)

    @emorrill , I actually prefer Bobbie (or Bobby however you wish to spell it) to Cary, even though Cary is pretty much an L clone.
    **I LOVE the Winter Olympics,, can take it or leave it, but winter, I could have it on all day and love it.
    **I like what you did with Cary, with the limited body hair, it looks perfect on him.
    **Yes we do have different styles we choose for out Sims but if we all loved exactly the same things imagine how boring Sims would be. :wink:
    **Don't feel you need to play with the guys...I would love to see them occasionally just wandering about in the background. I want to see your Teen Hopeless Romantic play! :heart:

    @OriginalMara , I look forward to your surprise..

    @TadOlson , Just wondering why would there be bathtubs in a town hall?

    @TinySpaceFox , Happy New Year!!
    **I think I'm a horse and the husband is a dragon, one of my kids is a monkey..LOL!!
    **I adore oranges!!

    @Nikkei_Simmer , You Canadians and your hockey...! I love watching snowboarding (Yeah Chloe Kim and Shaun White they were beyond awesome!!), the various skiing competitions and skeleton!
    **Oh man that dude who biffed in in speedskating the other day, my son and I both cringed, it looked painful!
    **Interesting updates.. :o

    @Deshong04 , I barely ever hear my Sims as I play with earphones, listening to my iTunes song lists..I do know the voices of a few of them though. Nice update.

    @MamaSimTee , Sad the kids losing their dad!!
    **Emma and Emmy Lou on the swings, very sweet!
    **I tend to get super attached to Sims I use in stories too.. :smiley:

    @Silverofdreams30 , Sometimes standing too close gets some really cool pictures!
    **Ty still seems up in the air as to whom he is choosing, though Audra seem in the lead.
    **I used to stink at building but now it really is my favorite thing (my grandfather was an architect and I think I inherited some of that, I love designing houses/buildings).

    @CravenLestat , Pretty lady!
    **I don't even have that shirt in my game anymore had to fish through 38,000 pictures to find that one (I really have to organize my pictures into albums more!)
    **I always awesome you...but I'm sure if some vanished it was a mistake.

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Mikezumi The table looks so bare. Get that boy married and having babies! :wink: I just read your comment about the homework so ignore previous comment as I know he will be married soon. :smiley:
    The romantic pic looks terrific. I do like that not all of them are perfect. Makes them look more 'real'. I found out last night that the photo booth photos in Ballan Manor did not survive the transfer from one save to the other. :( I had left them on the wall of the house. All the prom photos survived and the pics that Victor and Autumn took, but not photo booth. Next time I will have to remember to put them in inventories and see if they survive that way.
    Ouch, big time belly flop!
    Dag, the guys have never had a career so they don't need those outfits! Silly game!

    @king_of_simcity7 Love your classes in snow pictures! I think one of the reasons I love the university so much it probable appeals to many of us reminding us of certain universities or campus's that we know. It reminds me of the architecture of Duke University in NC.

    @aricarai Thanks :) Love your entryway submission. Your remake of the room looks great. Love all the clutter stuff in both of them. I'm finding I have to use less clutter to make the game playable. Need new puter desperately! :smiley:

    @lisasc360 Thanks for the heads up. It looks awesome! She made toppers for guy-guy and gal-gal too. :)

    @emorrill The only thing I know how to do is clean my saves with S3PE and I follow explicit instruction on the nraas web site when I do it. I also learned how to label my library packages with it, again, using explicit instructions. I use Delphy's dashboard to check all my package files. I've quit using sims3packs and convert those to package files. I only use sims3packs for patterns, houses, or venues if it is someone I completely trust. I very rarely download houses from tsr mts or other web sites. I'd have to be totally in love with them to risk it.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    @Charlottesmom you create really nice buildings.

    @aricarai Ohhh very pretty home

    Here is a small update,
    just opened my game been busy today.


    Ty and Tys dad were the last guests around, Tys dad left first
    then Audras mum decided to go out for the evening.


    Ty stayed back to help Audra clean up, they always seem to chat
    by the toilet lol.





    Them hearts

    All for now

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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited February 2018
    Misunderstood Part 3:


    Looks like things are not looking so hot right now...


    Luckily Joe is an opportunist...all he had to do was go find Jenni, who had gotten dressed when she saw Caroline storm out.




    Love how Jenni is thinking about laundry!




    A few days later....Joe is really good at populating the town!


    Getting big!






    AND..........Little baby Jamie Jolina was brought fourth into the Simmy world!! :mrgreen:


    Feeding baby Jamie...and cuddling.



    Jenni taking Jamie home.


    Joe wondering how he keeps getting all these kids!


    First day of school for Paulo and his unbeknownst to him his half brother Xander.




    Toddler Jared and baby Connor...both will be aged up today.


    Joe and his newest addition Connor...




    Connor aging up to toddler...


    Jared aging up....


    THERE is my gorgeous boy!! ;)


    Connor and Jared playing peek a boo!


    Connor and daddy....






    Jared and Joe, oil and water....



    Wondering why dad lost it with him...


    Paulo went over Xander's house...


    He came home late for his curfew and nobody said anything...he started in on his favorite punching bag...Jared. He told Jared he looke like a sissy playing in his stooped king outfit.


    Jared just clamped up, he idolized his older brother and though he disliked what he said he still though of him as a hero....little bit of hero worship going on.


    Jared tried his best to make nice. Paulo was nicer to him after that.


    Bedtime for the big boys...



    Parting Shot...Wook at Connor's wee widdle face, those chubby widdle cheeks!! Yeah, he's already practicing his accusing glare! :o


    Almost made it to 2AM!! TIRED...... :smile:

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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Misunderstood Part 4:

    Things in the Frio house were tense, Caroline and Joe had been sleeping in separate bedrooms for weeks now. Joe promised to never see Jenni again and he hadn't, but the fact that he had been cheating on Caroline weighed heavily in her thoughts....forgiveness was not coming easily.

    Caroline delved deeply into parenting her kids. She clung to Connor, she knew he would be her last baby. She took him on a stroller ride to who knows where just to get out of the house and get some sun, being in the sun always cheered Caroline up.


    She saw the name Frio on the mailbox she passed and decided to see who lived there. (Agnes visiting Connor cracked me up, wonder if they remember they were married in a previous save! ;) )


    The gentleman who lived there seemed normal looking enough so Caroline introduced herself and her son to Connor, they got quite a laugh out of the two Connors, himself and Caroline's son. (they did get hearts for each other which is not shocking since Caroline IS a Connor in female form, only 2 traits changed).


    They became very fast friends!


    Connor was starving so I had them go to the diner..I wanted some friendly interaction after but Caroline was very tired as was toddler Connor so they went right home.


    I just missed Joe reading to Jared, but did catch Jared playing with his feet on the bed, never saw that before...



    Joe must have been feeling lonely and tried some romantic moves on Caroline...the results were not promising.



    Caroline went to her bed, Paulo was already in bed, he must have had a bad dream.


    Joe climbed into his bed in the guest bedroom.


    It seems Caroline made a good impression on Connor as he kept calling her...


    Connor was hungry and Caroline was in the shower, I didn't know children could give toddlers bottles!! Sweet brothering Jared.


    Joe taught Connor how to talk the other day, Connor obviously remembered his profession from a past life... ;)


    Jared is a great older brother!


    Teaching Connor to walk while Jared the party animal dances..


    Even as a toddler he's so stinking cute!!


    Paulo being a meanie....


    Poor Jared....


    Jared decided to yell at him for being mean this time.


    The Joe "magic" still works occasionally...



    But after he suggested they retire to the bedroom Caroline saw through his "romance", he just wanted a roll in the hay....the boy was as deep as a puddle!


    Joe then called Caroline a choice name and she ran to her room hurt as usual.


    Joe was thinking about Bessie again, he couldn't get her out of his head lately, he missed her terribly.



    After a very restless night of no sleep Joe did probably the stoopedest thing even and dared going over to Bessie and Buster's house, he needed to talk to her. He prayed Buster would not answer the door.


    Bessie didn't seem surprised to see Joe even though it had been years. She yelled to Xander that she was going for a walk...she sensed Joe needed to talk. They went up to the secluded fishing spot they used to go to so many years ago.

    Joe mostly made small talk but then the subject of kids came up.


    He knew he was bating her and had figured out long ago that Xander was probably his son. He knew it was very wrong but he wanted to see Bessie's face when he told her about Buster's vasectomy....if Buster hadn't told her about it yet, but he doubted Buster had.

    "So, did you adopt your son?" Joe asked innocently as possible...


    Bessie looked shocked.."No, he's Buster's child, why would you ask that?" Bessie stated.


    "Because Buster told me years ago his first wife made him get a vasectomy because she hated kids!"

    Bessie was MAD...."That's not true Joe!"


    "He's my kid Bessie! You know he's mine...."


    "I can't deal with this right now...leave me alone Joe!" and with that Bessie ran off like all the women in Joe's life seem to do.


    More later........ :mrgreen:

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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »

    @aricarai Thanks :) Love your entryway submission. Your remake of the room looks great. Love all the clutter stuff in both of them. I'm finding I have to use less clutter to make the game playable. Need new puter desperately! :smiley:

    I do love my clutter @bekkasan, but if I'm not using the CC I usually put it on my back up HD. That's where all the Valentine's stuff is sitting at the moment. I really do need to do a merge soon. That really helps keep the game from lagging too heavily.

    @Silverofdreams30: Thank you so much m'dear! <3
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @aricarai The Sims in that picture where just having their breakfast lol Also nice work on the exteriors :smiley:

    @Charlottesmom They wont be studying at the weekend lol Also nice update on the story. I guess that Jenni had left some clothes on the floor? Nice pictures with the kids as well :smile:

    @Silverofdreams30 Nice pictures with your Sims :smile:

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