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Why again no CAST?


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    ParaleeParalee Posts: 1,166 Member
    edited November 2017
    All i know is I want Sims 5 to be awesome enough it inspires me to want to upgrade my PC.
    Ive been playing since Sims 1 and I felt disappointed if i couldnt get or play the newest release and I'd do what it took to get and play it.
    4 is the first time where I actually feel better off not being able to get or run anything.
    Like whenever i look at prices for computers i dont wonder how well 4 would run on it. I think "i wonder what the specs for Sims 5 will be"
    My speculations on hints for future content:
    -Cars Update
    -Spiral/Diagonal Stairs Update
    -Hotel Pack
    -Romance Pack (possibly combined with Hotel Pack)
    -Bands Pack
    -Royalty Pack
    -Fashion Design Pack
    -Fairies Pack
    -Werewolf Pack
    -France-inspired World
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    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.
  • Options
    ParaleeParalee Posts: 1,166 Member
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    I know i love the brightness to everything in 4 lmao I love how the hair and faces and everything look. I was skeptical of their animeish look at first but ive grown to like it alot. 3 looks so pixelly and unfinished in comparison
    My speculations on hints for future content:
    -Cars Update
    -Spiral/Diagonal Stairs Update
    -Hotel Pack
    -Romance Pack (possibly combined with Hotel Pack)
    -Bands Pack
    -Royalty Pack
    -Fashion Design Pack
    -Fairies Pack
    -Werewolf Pack
    -France-inspired World
  • Options
    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    edited November 2017
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    I know i love the brightness to everything in 4 lmao I love how the hair and faces and everything look. I was skeptical of their animeish look at first but ive grown to like it alot. 3 looks so pixelly and unfinished in comparison

    I miss how my sim musician can have concerts in the park. I miss the car in the driveway, I miss roaming around the nice open world.

    However, I don't miss not being able to visit the other worlds. In sims 3 you had to choose which world to play in, and that was what you got. That world.

    I don't know. The 2 games (3 and 4) are so different. Open world vs Closed. CASt vs CAS, Career Rabbit Holes VS Get To Work. Etc, etc. (a lot of other things I likely don't remember because I haven't played it in a long time)

    But yea, (as I pointed out) overall, the graphics. That's the deciding factor for me. It's hard to go back to sim3 graphics.
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    ParaleeParalee Posts: 1,166 Member
    edited November 2017
    muzickmage wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    I know i love the brightness to everything in 4 lmao I love how the hair and faces and everything look. I was skeptical of their animeish look at first but ive grown to like it alot. 3 looks so pixelly and unfinished in comparison

    I miss how my sim musician can have concerts in the park. I miss the car in the driveway, I miss roaming around the nice open world.

    However, I don't miss not being able to visit the other worlds. In sims 3 you had to choose which world to play in, and that was what you got. That world.

    I don't know. The 2 games (3 and 4) are so different. Open world vs Closed. CASt vs CAS, Career Rabbit Holes VS Get To Work. Etc, etc. (a lot of other things I likely don't remember because I haven't played it in a long time)

    But yea, (as I pointed out) overall, the graphics. That's the deciding factor for me. It's hard to go back to sim3 graphics.

    Yeah i like that sims can move between worlds in 4. Theres a mod that allows it in 3 but its not the same. The exchange in 4 is a godsend too. I dont know what i would do without simmers who have the patience to make everything look nice. Swatch clashes included. I build a lot less in 4 just because i spend too much time obsessing about plum details
    My speculations on hints for future content:
    -Cars Update
    -Spiral/Diagonal Stairs Update
    -Hotel Pack
    -Romance Pack (possibly combined with Hotel Pack)
    -Bands Pack
    -Royalty Pack
    -Fashion Design Pack
    -Fairies Pack
    -Werewolf Pack
    -France-inspired World
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    @muzickmage If one is not going custom computer, in the USA you can get a desktop in the $600-700 range with the newest hardware to survive this whole game. Sometimes we get lucky and find a desktop in the $500-600 range. Desktop gaming computers have come down in price off the shelf. Custom certified hardware always costs more.

    You can use a TV as a monitor if you want a bigger screen. It will still work for point and click games like the sims.

    I mean this shouldn't even be a debate anymore. Sims 4 has sold millions of copies and several members of this community have made it clear they have gaming computers. The game still has issues regardless of specs. Some issues are a result of a slow computer, some are bad coding or scripting.

    Sims 4 is definitely in the latter. I got my computer as a steal on amazon and it was like the 2nd best computer they had on the market at the time. This was only a couple months ago. Regardless, I could actually faintly hear one of the additional fans kicking on at the precise moment the game would have slow down and time distortion issues. I can play plenty of other games such as Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and online shooters without problems, yet Sims 3 and Sims 4 are still bumpy for me. That's not the computer, that's the games.

    The sims 4 does need some fixing. It will run worse on a lower spec computer. Some who have very low end can't run the game anymore because they added C & D. C and D requirements upped the game

    I guess I have been lucky. the sims 3 runs pretty well for me on both my desktop and laptop. That game likes some hardware better than others. This may also apply to the sims 4 too. There is so much hardware out there and they keep coming out with something new all the time. Gaming tech hardware is moving very fast

    Yeah I cant get Cats and Dogs because even without it, running Sims 4 is cruel and unusual punishment for my laptop lmao i literally have to play a modded out 3 if I want more gameplay and not break my computer/game.

    There are those few who can't run C & D. Less than I thought. I thought this forum was going to get filled with people who could not run C & D like TS3 pets did. I was wrong. The Mods and CC broke more than anything else.

    Yeah lmao By the time I save up for a new PC Sims 5 will probably be in development too.
    May as well save up to be able to run that and wait to be the obsessed completionist i am :/

    I feel you. I did not have a computer to run TS3 for years. My old computer could not play past WA. I was not buying a new computer to play TS3 until I needed a new computer. Computers were allot more expensive back then too. They keep dropping in price now.
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    Let's not kid ourselves:

    If you browse communities, you can often find Sims users saying they act out revenge fantasies on exes or build dungeons for nefarious purposes. There's plenty of people that enjoy trying to make their Sims look as attractive as possible. Heck, even I consider it a nice challenge to try and "perfect" attractiveness of a Sim.

    The graphics actually do play a role in selling this game for precisely that reason. It lets people better recreate their exes or create a mega hottie to fawn over, or or or... It may not be talked about as much because no one likes to admit to lesser impulses like that, but it absolutely happens.

    The problem is that if a theoretical Sims 5 released with better graphics, then what's left for this game...?

    Theres nothing even saying Sims 5 would need a jump in graphics to be successful. Even similar graphics on an engine they can work with better would excite people. The sims series isnt the only one where a lot of people have said they would even take a downgrade in cinematics if they'd quit skimping on gameplay content.

    I think Sims 5 would need a jump in aesthetics because I miss seeing details; I'm not a fan of the overall flatness and shine of the game - but that's just me.
  • Options
    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    edited November 2017
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    Let's not kid ourselves:

    If you browse communities, you can often find Sims users saying they act out revenge fantasies on exes or build dungeons for nefarious purposes. There's plenty of people that enjoy trying to make their Sims look as attractive as possible. Heck, even I consider it a nice challenge to try and "perfect" attractiveness of a Sim.

    The graphics actually do play a role in selling this game for precisely that reason. It lets people better recreate their exes or create a mega hottie to fawn over, or or or... It may not be talked about as much because no one likes to admit to lesser impulses like that, but it absolutely happens.

    The problem is that if a theoretical Sims 5 released with better graphics, then what's left for this game...?

    The thing is... of course graphics are likely going to improve from one iteration to another. Gaming these days move forward only 1 step every 5 years. Sims 4 was pretty much destined to have better graphics than (for example) sims 2 being that there is a 10 year gap in gaming tech and education. Sims 6 will likely show that same gap over sims 4. So we shouldn't be surprised to see evidence, graphic wise, from a game series 5 years into the future.

    The issue, is the gameplay. To have a game like sims grow decades into the future, but despite the graphical advancement, become smaller.... to have people feeling like they want to step backwards in time to get those gameplay feature back - only to be met with that generation gap in graphic design, that's where we are at with sims 4.

    Sims 4 was stripped down so badly that we are looking backwards instead of looking forward with the appreciation of where we are. Though I understand the closed worlds with sims 4 - it makes sense - but EA didn't have to go to such extremes. To be met with a load screen just to visit the house next door, I mean c'mon... the house next door.... really?

    Then to to have the game given to us in the first place (on release day) without, not just the open world, but also, the CASt, swimming pools, toddlers, and a list of other things we have grown accustomed to having.... was also a breaking point with sims 4. On top of that, we have to wait ... well, here we are 3 years later, and we still don't have Seasons or University packs.

    And yes, it can be argued that this is normal for the sims have to start over with every new iteration. But OMG... at what point (if any... ever) will we be able to look at the base game and see a lot of our favorite stuff from the last investment, with the iteration moving on to new beginnings.

    It's to the point where we know what is coming next (more so than not). You start off with the base game - it of course has nothing.... and we start moving our way through the months/years. We'll get the apartments, generations, pets, seasons, university... so on so forth, the iteration ends, we start again - we'll get the base game, add apartments, generations, pets, seasons, university, the iteration ends, and we start again.

    Add to that spin cycle the fact that the games starts getting smaller. It's discouraging. The problem however is that its difficult to go backwards and play the game that has the better gameplay because like it or don't - graphics matter to a lot of people. And unfortunately sims 3 is quite the graphical downgrade from sims 4... and i'm not willing to adopt that downgrade just to get the CASt and open world. The generation gap is too noticable.
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    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    Let's not kid ourselves:

    If you browse communities, you can often find Sims users saying they act out revenge fantasies on exes or build dungeons for nefarious purposes. There's plenty of people that enjoy trying to make their Sims look as attractive as possible. Heck, even I consider it a nice challenge to try and "perfect" attractiveness of a Sim.

    The graphics actually do play a role in selling this game for precisely that reason. It lets people better recreate their exes or create a mega hottie to fawn over, or or or... It may not be talked about as much because no one likes to admit to lesser impulses like that, but it absolutely happens.

    The problem is that if a theoretical Sims 5 released with better graphics, then what's left for this game...?

    Theres nothing even saying Sims 5 would need a jump in graphics to be successful. Even similar graphics on an engine they can work with better would excite people. The sims series isnt the only one where a lot of people have said they would even take a downgrade in cinematics if they'd quit skimping on gameplay content.

    You're missing the point.

    Graphics as an investment is terrible because graphics improve over time, meaning a game dependent on graphics is just asking to be forgotten and become obsolete. Sims 2 for example cannot hope to compete with Sims 3 graphically, but it offers types of Gameplay that Sims 3 does not. This is why Sims 2 is still talked about and enjoyed to this day; it's not graphics, it's gameplay. Sims 4 doesn't get this, and much of it's investments are in aesthetics.

    A lot of people defend Sims 4 and talk about how great it is, but I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that if a Sims 5 were to come out, Sims 4 would quickly be forgotten and lose every defender it has.


    Sims 2 may still have people talking about it, but that conversation is centered around the game's place in time. What sims 2 doesn't have is... that same list of people clicking the play button. Why is that? Because people move on.

    Mass Effect Andromeda is a better example of a game series that tries to move on as well. I take my hat off to the creators of ME;A for the idea of trying to make the game feel brand new, rather than recycled like the sims series. But, like the sims series, they stripped it down to bare bones and try to sell a shell of a game. It was fresh, it was new..... but it was empty.

    With the sims series, we don't even get the fresh and new. We just get the empty.

    If graphics didn't matter to most people.... most people would be still playing sims 3... and sims 4 would be that much closer to being dead in the water. But despite sims 4 being a poor example of a step forward (gameplay wise) it's still played by more people than the sims 3 is.
  • Options
    DijktafoneDijktafone Posts: 775 Member
    edited November 2017
    muzickmage wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    Let's not kid ourselves:

    If you browse communities, you can often find Sims users saying they act out revenge fantasies on exes or build dungeons for nefarious purposes. There's plenty of people that enjoy trying to make their Sims look as attractive as possible. Heck, even I consider it a nice challenge to try and "perfect" attractiveness of a Sim.

    The graphics actually do play a role in selling this game for precisely that reason. It lets people better recreate their exes or create a mega hottie to fawn over, or or or... It may not be talked about as much because no one likes to admit to lesser impulses like that, but it absolutely happens.

    The problem is that if a theoretical Sims 5 released with better graphics, then what's left for this game...?

    Theres nothing even saying Sims 5 would need a jump in graphics to be successful. Even similar graphics on an engine they can work with better would excite people. The sims series isnt the only one where a lot of people have said they would even take a downgrade in cinematics if they'd quit skimping on gameplay content.

    You're missing the point.

    Graphics as an investment is terrible because graphics improve over time, meaning a game dependent on graphics is just asking to be forgotten and become obsolete. Sims 2 for example cannot hope to compete with Sims 3 graphically, but it offers types of Gameplay that Sims 3 does not. This is why Sims 2 is still talked about and enjoyed to this day; it's not graphics, it's gameplay. Sims 4 doesn't get this, and much of it's investments are in aesthetics.

    A lot of people defend Sims 4 and talk about how great it is, but I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that if a Sims 5 were to come out, Sims 4 would quickly be forgotten and lose every defender it has.


    Sims 2 may still have people talking about it, but that conversation is centered around the game's place in time. What sims 2 doesn't have is... that same list of people clicking the play button. Why is that? Because people move on.

    Mass Effect Andromeda is a better example of a game series that tries to move on as well. I take my hat off to the creators of ME;A for the idea of trying to make the game feel brand new, rather than recycled like the sims series. But, like the sims series, they stripped it down to bare bones and try to sell a shell of a game. It was fresh, it was new..... but it was empty.

    With the sims series, we don't even get the fresh and new. We just get the empty.

    If graphics didn't matter to most people.... most people would be still playing sims 3... and sims 4 would be that much closer to being dead in the water. But despite sims 4 being a poor example of a step forward (gameplay wise) it's still played by more people than the sims 3 is.

    Playing the 2 or not (or the first and the three or not for that matter) isn't as simple as a question of "moving-on". Each of those games has a unique feel, not to mention they're all as complete as the devs made them (EP-wise). Depending on the way I want to play the sims, I can click on any of them. The point which was raised earlier, translated here was: "what will make me click on TS4's launch button in 8 years"
  • Options
    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    edited November 2017
    Dijktafone wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    Let's not kid ourselves:

    If you browse communities, you can often find Sims users saying they act out revenge fantasies on exes or build dungeons for nefarious purposes. There's plenty of people that enjoy trying to make their Sims look as attractive as possible. Heck, even I consider it a nice challenge to try and "perfect" attractiveness of a Sim.

    The graphics actually do play a role in selling this game for precisely that reason. It lets people better recreate their exes or create a mega hottie to fawn over, or or or... It may not be talked about as much because no one likes to admit to lesser impulses like that, but it absolutely happens.

    The problem is that if a theoretical Sims 5 released with better graphics, then what's left for this game...?

    Theres nothing even saying Sims 5 would need a jump in graphics to be successful. Even similar graphics on an engine they can work with better would excite people. The sims series isnt the only one where a lot of people have said they would even take a downgrade in cinematics if they'd quit skimping on gameplay content.

    You're missing the point.

    Graphics as an investment is terrible because graphics improve over time, meaning a game dependent on graphics is just asking to be forgotten and become obsolete. Sims 2 for example cannot hope to compete with Sims 3 graphically, but it offers types of Gameplay that Sims 3 does not. This is why Sims 2 is still talked about and enjoyed to this day; it's not graphics, it's gameplay. Sims 4 doesn't get this, and much of it's investments are in aesthetics.

    A lot of people defend Sims 4 and talk about how great it is, but I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that if a Sims 5 were to come out, Sims 4 would quickly be forgotten and lose every defender it has.


    Sims 2 may still have people talking about it, but that conversation is centered around the game's place in time. What sims 2 doesn't have is... that same list of people clicking the play button. Why is that? Because people move on.

    Mass Effect Andromeda is a better example of a game series that tries to move on as well. I take my hat off to the creators of ME;A for the idea of trying to make the game feel brand new, rather than recycled like the sims series. But, like the sims series, they stripped it down to bare bones and try to sell a shell of a game. It was fresh, it was new..... but it was empty.

    With the sims series, we don't even get the fresh and new. We just get the empty.

    If graphics didn't matter to most people.... most people would be still playing sims 3... and sims 4 would be that much closer to being dead in the water. But despite sims 4 being a poor example of a step forward (gameplay wise) it's still played by more people than the sims 3 is.

    Playing the 2 or not (or the first and the three or not for that matter) isn't as simple as a question of "moving-on". Each of those games has a unique feel, not to mention they're all as complete as the devs made them (EP-wise). Depending on the way I want to play the sims, I can click on any of them. The point which was raised earlier, translated here was: "what will make me click on TS4's launch button in 8 years"

    I agree. That's a fair point. Even right now i'm still talking about sims 3 and how great it is gameplay wise. About the only thing I have to say about sims 4 going forward is the graphical gap from 3 to 4. Gameplay wise... sims 4 is not the place to be (IMO).

    Sims 5, for me, will have to be quite the step forward before I agree to pay to build the game AGAIN. One area I would like to see upgraded is the gallery. As we speak we can share our house designs and our sims. I just added my first house - a 3 story home with pretty much everything nicely organized. But what we don't have is a place for modders to upload their mods. We are still left to roam the net and get hit with viruses.

    I'd also like to see better build tools. The CASt shouldn't be an issue for sims 5. Such ideas by then should be basic content.

    And though I am on dream land with it comes to this idea... lol... yea, just try picturing this happen lol... but I would also like our expansion packs to be placed on a server so we can download into our game only the content we want, thus freeing up our game from un-needed clutter. If we had that opportunity right now my game will be half empty because, I can think of a few sofas, drapes, the odd coffee table, and maybe even a couple beds that would definately NOT be downloaded to my hard drive. I'm glad they are added to the pack for those who want to use them, but I don't neccessarily need them in my game as well.

    Sims 5 needs to be brand new. As for sims 4... there's not much for me to talk about now.... let alone 8 years from now.

    Sims 4 may be remembered as the particular iteration that almost brought the series to an end... as it was explained to us back on day 1 in reply to our complaints... if sims 4 doesn't sell, there won't be a sims 5.
  • Options
    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    muzickmage wrote: »
    Dijktafone wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    Let's not kid ourselves:

    If you browse communities, you can often find Sims users saying they act out revenge fantasies on exes or build dungeons for nefarious purposes. There's plenty of people that enjoy trying to make their Sims look as attractive as possible. Heck, even I consider it a nice challenge to try and "perfect" attractiveness of a Sim.

    The graphics actually do play a role in selling this game for precisely that reason. It lets people better recreate their exes or create a mega hottie to fawn over, or or or... It may not be talked about as much because no one likes to admit to lesser impulses like that, but it absolutely happens.

    The problem is that if a theoretical Sims 5 released with better graphics, then what's left for this game...?

    Theres nothing even saying Sims 5 would need a jump in graphics to be successful. Even similar graphics on an engine they can work with better would excite people. The sims series isnt the only one where a lot of people have said they would even take a downgrade in cinematics if they'd quit skimping on gameplay content.

    You're missing the point.

    Graphics as an investment is terrible because graphics improve over time, meaning a game dependent on graphics is just asking to be forgotten and become obsolete. Sims 2 for example cannot hope to compete with Sims 3 graphically, but it offers types of Gameplay that Sims 3 does not. This is why Sims 2 is still talked about and enjoyed to this day; it's not graphics, it's gameplay. Sims 4 doesn't get this, and much of it's investments are in aesthetics.

    A lot of people defend Sims 4 and talk about how great it is, but I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that if a Sims 5 were to come out, Sims 4 would quickly be forgotten and lose every defender it has.


    Sims 2 may still have people talking about it, but that conversation is centered around the game's place in time. What sims 2 doesn't have is... that same list of people clicking the play button. Why is that? Because people move on.

    Mass Effect Andromeda is a better example of a game series that tries to move on as well. I take my hat off to the creators of ME;A for the idea of trying to make the game feel brand new, rather than recycled like the sims series. But, like the sims series, they stripped it down to bare bones and try to sell a shell of a game. It was fresh, it was new..... but it was empty.

    With the sims series, we don't even get the fresh and new. We just get the empty.

    If graphics didn't matter to most people.... most people would be still playing sims 3... and sims 4 would be that much closer to being dead in the water. But despite sims 4 being a poor example of a step forward (gameplay wise) it's still played by more people than the sims 3 is.

    Playing the 2 or not (or the first and the three or not for that matter) isn't as simple as a question of "moving-on". Each of those games has a unique feel, not to mention they're all as complete as the devs made them (EP-wise). Depending on the way I want to play the sims, I can click on any of them. The point which was raised earlier, translated here was: "what will make me click on TS4's launch button in 8 years"

    I agree. That's a fair point. Even right now i'm still talking about sims 3 and how great it is gameplay wise. About the only thing I have to say about sims 4 going forward is the graphical gap from 3 to 4. Gameplay wise... sims 4 is not the place to be (IMO).

    Sims 5, for me, will have to be quite the step forward before I agree to pay to build the game AGAIN. One area I would like to see upgraded is the gallery. As we speak we can share our house designs and our sims. I just added my first house - a 3 story home with pretty much everything nicely organized. But what we don't have is a place for modders to upload their mods. We are still left to roam the net and get hit with viruses.

    I'd also like to see better build tools. The CASt shouldn't be an issue for sims 5. Such ideas by then should be basic content.

    And though I am on dream land with it comes to this idea... lol... yea, just try picturing this happen lol... but I would also like our expansion packs to be placed on a server so we can download into our game only the content we want, thus freeing up our game from un-needed clutter. If we had that opportunity right now my game will be half empty because, I can think of a few sofas, drapes, the odd coffee table, and maybe even a couple beds that would definately NOT be downloaded to my hard drive. I'm glad they are added to the pack for those who want to use them, but I don't neccessarily need them in my game as well.

    Sims 5 needs to be brand new. As for sims 4... there's not much for me to talk about now.... let alone 8 years from now.

    I agree with the bold statement; however, I'd bet that many would snap up a Sims 5 that had S2 gameplay, certain tools & features from S3 & S4 and weather in the base game. I think as long as the Sims Franchise keeps going; the main games will continue remaster content that Simmers have come to expect, so I don't think the game will ever be brand new.
  • Options
    CynnaCynna Posts: 2,369 Member
    All i know is I want Sims 5 to be awesome enough it inspires me to want to upgrade my PC.
    Ive been playing since Sims 1 and I felt disappointed if i couldnt get or play the newest release and I'd do what it took to get and play it.
    4 is the first time where I actually feel better off not being able to get or run anything.
    Like whenever i look at prices for computers i dont wonder how well 4 would run on it. I think "i wonder what the specs for Sims 5 will be"

    This is exactly how I purchase. I won't purchase a PC until I can afford to buy one that is somewhat future proof. It's a much better investment than just buying a computer that can eke by. The good thing about tech moving so fast is that, if you wait a little longer, you'll be able to buy more with less.
  • Options
    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    edited November 2017
    Much of what I hate about sims 4..... which is why I agree with the need for the CASt tool, is that it greatly lacks in design ability. As someone pointed out (somewhere on this thread) not even the blacks and whites are the same shade. And if your someone like myself who likes to design by "theme"... well, good luck with that. You either go online and search websites for those particular colored drapes, or floor tiles, or.... you give up on trying to create that theme.

    One of the ideas I liked about sims 3 was the CASt, and CAW. Both of those tools allowed for a blank canvas with very powerful design tools. Add to that the open world and wow.... it was (still is) artistic heaven. With sims 4... it took me 3 years to finally add to the gallery my first house. The incentive to build in sims 4 (for me) just isn't there.

    Sims 3 has better build tools. It has better gameplay. It has an open world.. Now if only the graphics were less of a downgrade... i'd be playing 3 instead.
  • Options
    pamy1124pamy1124 Posts: 525 Member
    edited November 2017
    I wouldn't mind a color wheel simply because I would love my sim to have my hair color - which is only light brown. I don't understand how this game doesn't have light brown hair, an extremely common hair color, but there is green hair!

    But I personally don't need the added textures. I wonder if we could get a simple color wheel? I don't need to change the textures, I just want my plum light brown hair! Lol
  • Options
    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    pamy1124 wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind a color wheel simply because I would love my sim to have my hair color - which is only light brown. I don't understand how this game doesn't have light brown hair, an extremely common hair color, but there is green hair!

    But I personally don't need the added textures. I wonder if we could get a simple color wheel? I don't need to change the textures, I just want my plum light brown hair! Lol

    lol. I think that is the best fair argument i've seen so far. When you look at the design tool we were given for the Cats and Dogs... I mean we can have pink cats and clown dogs. Polka dots, and whatever color stripes. Plus we can sit for hours and pretty much draw pictures on the critters.... while you.... lol, can't even get your light brown hair on your sim. That's all you want.... light brown hair ... and you can't even get that.
  • Options
    GoldmoldarGoldmoldar Posts: 11,972 Member
    Sims 4 will always be a controversial game that will be remembered for not having anything that remotely connects it to it's older versions and also it's road to creation.
    Omen by HP Intel®️ Core™️ i9- 12900K W/ RGB Liquid Cooler 32GB Nvidia RTX 3080 10Gb ASUS Ultra-Wide 34" Curved Monitor. Omen By HP Intel® Core™ i7-12800HX 32 GB Nvidia 3070 Ti 8 GB 17.3 Screen
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    ParaleeParalee Posts: 1,166 Member
    muzickmage wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    Let's not kid ourselves:

    If you browse communities, you can often find Sims users saying they act out revenge fantasies on exes or build dungeons for nefarious purposes. There's plenty of people that enjoy trying to make their Sims look as attractive as possible. Heck, even I consider it a nice challenge to try and "perfect" attractiveness of a Sim.

    The graphics actually do play a role in selling this game for precisely that reason. It lets people better recreate their exes or create a mega hottie to fawn over, or or or... It may not be talked about as much because no one likes to admit to lesser impulses like that, but it absolutely happens.

    The problem is that if a theoretical Sims 5 released with better graphics, then what's left for this game...?

    Theres nothing even saying Sims 5 would need a jump in graphics to be successful. Even similar graphics on an engine they can work with better would excite people. The sims series isnt the only one where a lot of people have said they would even take a downgrade in cinematics if they'd quit skimping on gameplay content.

    You're missing the point.

    Graphics as an investment is terrible because graphics improve over time, meaning a game dependent on graphics is just asking to be forgotten and become obsolete. Sims 2 for example cannot hope to compete with Sims 3 graphically, but it offers types of Gameplay that Sims 3 does not. This is why Sims 2 is still talked about and enjoyed to this day; it's not graphics, it's gameplay. Sims 4 doesn't get this, and much of it's investments are in aesthetics.

    A lot of people defend Sims 4 and talk about how great it is, but I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that if a Sims 5 were to come out, Sims 4 would quickly be forgotten and lose every defender it has.


    Sims 2 may still have people talking about it, but that conversation is centered around the game's place in time. What sims 2 doesn't have is... that same list of people clicking the play button. Why is that? Because people move on.

    Mass Effect Andromeda is a better example of a game series that tries to move on as well. I take my hat off to the creators of ME;A for the idea of trying to make the game feel brand new, rather than recycled like the sims series. But, like the sims series, they stripped it down to bare bones and try to sell a shell of a game. It was fresh, it was new..... but it was empty.

    With the sims series, we don't even get the fresh and new. We just get the empty.

    If graphics didn't matter to most people.... most people would be still playing sims 3... and sims 4 would be that much closer to being dead in the water. But despite sims 4 being a poor example of a step forward (gameplay wise) it's still played by more people than the sims 3 is.

    Oh I agree with some of what you posted.
    the sims 4 is being played by more people than the sims 3.
    How do you know that?
    You must be in a lot of simmers homes here...

    I know this because I know how to listen to what people volunteer to tell people.

    Example #1:
    Always ignore "what" is said and done, and concentrate on "why" its said and done. Always ask questions about what "isn't" said, in addition to what is. And people don't have to tell you the answer is "west". They just have to tell you that it isn't "north", "south", or "east".

    You just need to understand how to listen when people speak.

    Example #2:
    ... You yourself have told me over the last few days that you are materialistic. I've noticed that your posts are commonly short replies such as ... "agreed" ... to popular posts... which suggests that you are riding the popular posts for clicks of the "likes"... which is characteristic of someone who is... "materialistic".

    Just saying. I make guesses based on what I see and hear. I assume other people are doing the same thing.

    The point is... sims 4 appears to be more popular amongst people, than sims 3 when it comes to which play button they are clicking. For some it's the graphics, maybe for others sims 4 plays smoother without crashes, or maybe they actually prefer the setup better than sims 3. Everyone has their own gameplay preferences.

    What would help sims 4 become even more popular amongst simmers is to have the great features move forward... like the CASt from sims 3. I would have liked to have had that in sims 4 from the beginning. And personally I can't see EA/Maxis adding it 3 years into the interation. I would so love to be wrong. The CAP offers a tad bit of hope, but, I don't know, I just don't think it will happen.

    However, again, i'm just guessing. And you can't always trust my guesses lol. I'm wrong a lot lol.

    Well you guessed wrong.
    I am offended by that about why I post.
    Are you guessing about the sims 4 being more popular than 3 to?
    Better still don't even reply.
    I really don't care what you think you have guessed...

    My initial reply was to your questioning of....
    How do you know that?
    You must be in a lot of simmers homes here.....

    I apologize for offending you. That wasn't what I was trying to do. I was simply offering that it's easy to make assumptions based on what is trusted to be understood, which doesn't neccessarily make it correct just because it's "trusted" to be correct.

    And yes, I am guessing that sims 4 is more popular than sims 3. There's likely no way for me to know what the right answer is. Is sims 4 more popular than 3? I have no idea. I trust that it is.. it certainly "appears" to be.. so I suggested that it was based on what I trust to be true. But ... yes, I could be wrong. And it wouldn't be the first time lol. The only thing I can do is go by what I trust to be true, until I am fairly corrected.

    But despite all that, I still would like to see sims 4 get the CASt added.

    I think there could be an argument to be made for 3 being more popular among long time simmers.
    But 4 sounds like it attracted more new first-time simmers and thats what the company is after really.
    I think 3 is too buggy for anybody but old timers like me to lovingly tolerate.
    All the reinstalls ive done. I cant even
    My speculations on hints for future content:
    -Cars Update
    -Spiral/Diagonal Stairs Update
    -Hotel Pack
    -Romance Pack (possibly combined with Hotel Pack)
    -Bands Pack
    -Royalty Pack
    -Fashion Design Pack
    -Fairies Pack
    -Werewolf Pack
    -France-inspired World
  • Options
    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    muzickmage wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    IMO, the thing that makes sims 4 better than sims 3... is pretty much the graphics. I tried setting up a sim family in sims3 just recently, and was greatly discouraged by the downgrade in sim graphics. The sims in 4 definitely look better. If going back to 3 wasn't such a graphical downgrade I'd be playing 3 instead.

    The CASt, open world, and overall sandbox type of freedom, which 4 doesn't offer, is reason enough to ditch 4 and continue playing 3 instead. But wow... (IMO) those sim3 simmies look awful.

    Let's not kid ourselves:

    If you browse communities, you can often find Sims users saying they act out revenge fantasies on exes or build dungeons for nefarious purposes. There's plenty of people that enjoy trying to make their Sims look as attractive as possible. Heck, even I consider it a nice challenge to try and "perfect" attractiveness of a Sim.

    The graphics actually do play a role in selling this game for precisely that reason. It lets people better recreate their exes or create a mega hottie to fawn over, or or or... It may not be talked about as much because no one likes to admit to lesser impulses like that, but it absolutely happens.

    The problem is that if a theoretical Sims 5 released with better graphics, then what's left for this game...?

    Theres nothing even saying Sims 5 would need a jump in graphics to be successful. Even similar graphics on an engine they can work with better would excite people. The sims series isnt the only one where a lot of people have said they would even take a downgrade in cinematics if they'd quit skimping on gameplay content.

    You're missing the point.

    Graphics as an investment is terrible because graphics improve over time, meaning a game dependent on graphics is just asking to be forgotten and become obsolete. Sims 2 for example cannot hope to compete with Sims 3 graphically, but it offers types of Gameplay that Sims 3 does not. This is why Sims 2 is still talked about and enjoyed to this day; it's not graphics, it's gameplay. Sims 4 doesn't get this, and much of it's investments are in aesthetics.

    A lot of people defend Sims 4 and talk about how great it is, but I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that if a Sims 5 were to come out, Sims 4 would quickly be forgotten and lose every defender it has.


    Sims 2 may still have people talking about it, but that conversation is centered around the game's place in time. What sims 2 doesn't have is... that same list of people clicking the play button. Why is that? Because people move on.

    Mass Effect Andromeda is a better example of a game series that tries to move on as well. I take my hat off to the creators of ME;A for the idea of trying to make the game feel brand new, rather than recycled like the sims series. But, like the sims series, they stripped it down to bare bones and try to sell a shell of a game. It was fresh, it was new..... but it was empty.

    With the sims series, we don't even get the fresh and new. We just get the empty.

    If graphics didn't matter to most people.... most people would be still playing sims 3... and sims 4 would be that much closer to being dead in the water. But despite sims 4 being a poor example of a step forward (gameplay wise) it's still played by more people than the sims 3 is.

    Oh I agree with some of what you posted.
    the sims 4 is being played by more people than the sims 3.
    How do you know that?
    You must be in a lot of simmers homes here...

    I know this because I know how to listen to what people volunteer to tell people.

    Example #1:
    Always ignore "what" is said and done, and concentrate on "why" its said and done. Always ask questions about what "isn't" said, in addition to what is. And people don't have to tell you the answer is "west". They just have to tell you that it isn't "north", "south", or "east".

    You just need to understand how to listen when people speak.

    Example #2:
    ... You yourself have told me over the last few days that you are materialistic. I've noticed that your posts are commonly short replies such as ... "agreed" ... to popular posts... which suggests that you are riding the popular posts for clicks of the "likes"... which is characteristic of someone who is... "materialistic".

    Just saying. I make guesses based on what I see and hear. I assume other people are doing the same thing.

    The point is... sims 4 appears to be more popular amongst people, than sims 3 when it comes to which play button they are clicking. For some it's the graphics, maybe for others sims 4 plays smoother without crashes, or maybe they actually prefer the setup better than sims 3. Everyone has their own gameplay preferences.

    What would help sims 4 become even more popular amongst simmers is to have the great features move forward... like the CASt from sims 3. I would have liked to have had that in sims 4 from the beginning. And personally I can't see EA/Maxis adding it 3 years into the interation. I would so love to be wrong. The CAP offers a tad bit of hope, but, I don't know, I just don't think it will happen.

    However, again, i'm just guessing. And you can't always trust my guesses lol. I'm wrong a lot lol.

    Well you guessed wrong.
    I am offended by that about why I post.
    Are you guessing about the sims 4 being more popular than 3 to?
    Better still don't even reply.
    I really don't care what you think you have guessed...

    My initial reply was to your questioning of....
    How do you know that?
    You must be in a lot of simmers homes here.....

    I apologize for offending you. That wasn't what I was trying to do. I was simply offering that it's easy to make assumptions based on what is trusted to be understood, which doesn't neccessarily make it correct just because it's "trusted" to be correct.

    And yes, I am guessing that sims 4 is more popular than sims 3. There's likely no way for me to know what the right answer is. Is sims 4 more popular than 3? I have no idea. I trust that it is.. it certainly "appears" to be.. so I suggested that it was based on what I trust to be true. But ... yes, I could be wrong. And it wouldn't be the first time lol. The only thing I can do is go by what I trust to be true, until I am fairly corrected.

    But despite all that, I still would like to see sims 4 get the CASt added.

    I think there could be an argument to be made for 3 being more popular among long time simmers.
    But 4 sounds like it attracted more new first-time simmers and thats what the company is after really.
    I think 3 is too buggy for anybody but old timers like me to lovingly tolerate.
    All the reinstalls ive done. I cant even

    That is a fair argument for sure. I have to agree. I do the same thing with another game. I like Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 (the trilogy)... despite my being a fan as well of the new Mass Effect Andromeda. It's still hard to leave behind the old game.

    So yea. I have to agree.
  • Options
    ParaleeParalee Posts: 1,166 Member
    mirta000 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    I know this because I know how to listen to what people volunteer to tell people.

    Example #1:
    Always ignore "what" is said and done, and concentrate on "why" its said and done. Always ask questions about what "isn't" said, in addition to what is. And people don't have to tell you the answer is "west". They just have to tell you that it isn't "north", "south", or "east".

    You just need to understand how to listen when people speak.

    Example #2:
    ... You yourself have told me over the last few days that you are materialistic. I've noticed that your posts are commonly short replies such as ... "agreed" ... to popular posts... which suggests that you are riding the popular posts for clicks of the "likes"... which is characteristic of someone who is... "materialistic".

    Just saying. I make guesses based on what I see and hear. I assume other people are doing the same thing.

    The point is... sims 4 appears to be more popular amongst people, than sims 3 when it comes to which play button they are clicking. For some it's the graphics, maybe for others sims 4 plays smoother without crashes, or maybe they actually prefer the setup better than sims 3. Everyone has their own gameplay preferences.

    What would help sims 4 become even more popular amongst simmers is to have the great features move forward... like the CASt from sims 3. I would have liked to have had that in sims 4 from the beginning. And personally I can't see EA/Maxis adding it 3 years into the interation. I would so love to be wrong. The CAP offers a tad bit of hope, but, I don't know, I just don't think it will happen.

    However, again, i'm just guessing. And you can't always trust my guesses lol. I'm wrong a lot lol.

    Doesn't it depend what groups you hang on around? I swear 70% of sims groups facebook posts are all The Sims 3. On a 1000 person discord, The Sims 4 and The Sims 3 roles are used about evenly. Of course if you only hang around The Sims 4 forums, you will mostly see The Sims 4 players.

    Theres also a lot of players who play both. I personally play 3 when i want to do "living off the land" homesteads or have celebrity legacies or do my royal legacies and i play 4 when i feel like running a business and selling things i make
    My speculations on hints for future content:
    -Cars Update
    -Spiral/Diagonal Stairs Update
    -Hotel Pack
    -Romance Pack (possibly combined with Hotel Pack)
    -Bands Pack
    -Royalty Pack
    -Fashion Design Pack
    -Fairies Pack
    -Werewolf Pack
    -France-inspired World
  • Options
    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    mirta000 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    I know this because I know how to listen to what people volunteer to tell people.

    Example #1:
    Always ignore "what" is said and done, and concentrate on "why" its said and done. Always ask questions about what "isn't" said, in addition to what is. And people don't have to tell you the answer is "west". They just have to tell you that it isn't "north", "south", or "east".

    You just need to understand how to listen when people speak.

    Example #2:
    ... You yourself have told me over the last few days that you are materialistic. I've noticed that your posts are commonly short replies such as ... "agreed" ... to popular posts... which suggests that you are riding the popular posts for clicks of the "likes"... which is characteristic of someone who is... "materialistic".

    Just saying. I make guesses based on what I see and hear. I assume other people are doing the same thing.

    The point is... sims 4 appears to be more popular amongst people, than sims 3 when it comes to which play button they are clicking. For some it's the graphics, maybe for others sims 4 plays smoother without crashes, or maybe they actually prefer the setup better than sims 3. Everyone has their own gameplay preferences.

    What would help sims 4 become even more popular amongst simmers is to have the great features move forward... like the CASt from sims 3. I would have liked to have had that in sims 4 from the beginning. And personally I can't see EA/Maxis adding it 3 years into the interation. I would so love to be wrong. The CAP offers a tad bit of hope, but, I don't know, I just don't think it will happen.

    However, again, i'm just guessing. And you can't always trust my guesses lol. I'm wrong a lot lol.

    Doesn't it depend what groups you hang on around? I swear 70% of sims groups facebook posts are all The Sims 3. On a 1000 person discord, The Sims 4 and The Sims 3 roles are used about evenly. Of course if you only hang around The Sims 4 forums, you will mostly see The Sims 4 players.

    Theres also a lot of players who play both. I personally play 3 when i want to do "living off the land" homesteads or have celebrity legacies or do my royal legacies and i play 4 when i feel like running a business and selling things i make

    Which of the two would you say you click into the most. Sims 3, or Sims 4?
  • Options
    ParaleeParalee Posts: 1,166 Member
    muzickmage wrote: »
    mirta000 wrote: »
    muzickmage wrote: »
    I know this because I know how to listen to what people volunteer to tell people.

    Example #1:
    Always ignore "what" is said and done, and concentrate on "why" its said and done. Always ask questions about what "isn't" said, in addition to what is. And people don't have to tell you the answer is "west". They just have to tell you that it isn't "north", "south", or "east".

    You just need to understand how to listen when people speak.

    Example #2:
    ... You yourself have told me over the last few days that you are materialistic. I've noticed that your posts are commonly short replies such as ... "agreed" ... to popular posts... which suggests that you are riding the popular posts for clicks of the "likes"... which is characteristic of someone who is... "materialistic".

    Just saying. I make guesses based on what I see and hear. I assume other people are doing the same thing.

    The point is... sims 4 appears to be more popular amongst people, than sims 3 when it comes to which play button they are clicking. For some it's the graphics, maybe for others sims 4 plays smoother without crashes, or maybe they actually prefer the setup better than sims 3. Everyone has their own gameplay preferences.

    What would help sims 4 become even more popular amongst simmers is to have the great features move forward... like the CASt from sims 3. I would have liked to have had that in sims 4 from the beginning. And personally I can't see EA/Maxis adding it 3 years into the interation. I would so love to be wrong. The CAP offers a tad bit of hope, but, I don't know, I just don't think it will happen.

    However, again, i'm just guessing. And you can't always trust my guesses lol. I'm wrong a lot lol.

    Doesn't it depend what groups you hang on around? I swear 70% of sims groups facebook posts are all The Sims 3. On a 1000 person discord, The Sims 4 and The Sims 3 roles are used about evenly. Of course if you only hang around The Sims 4 forums, you will mostly see The Sims 4 players.

    Theres also a lot of players who play both. I personally play 3 when i want to do "living off the land" homesteads or have celebrity legacies or do my royal legacies and i play 4 when i feel like running a business and selling things i make

    Which of the two would you say you click into the most. Sims 3, or Sims 4?

    Id probably say 3 because it satisfies my play needs for longer. Especially now that C&D takes 4 way over my laptop specs lmao
    My speculations on hints for future content:
    -Cars Update
    -Spiral/Diagonal Stairs Update
    -Hotel Pack
    -Romance Pack (possibly combined with Hotel Pack)
    -Bands Pack
    -Royalty Pack
    -Fashion Design Pack
    -Fairies Pack
    -Werewolf Pack
    -France-inspired World
  • Options
    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited November 2017
    Reading through this thread I thought it was supposed to be about a CASt option, it's way off topic, OP. lol One reason may be because of how SGGraham explained why no CASt with custom hair, (more slots for recolors etc.) it throws the UI out of sync and messes that up for some recolors (under hair) maybe there is a huge problem with UI problems of why it can't be given at least a color wheel for Sim hair. Extra slots throw everything out of order and mess up the UI etc.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    GoldmoldarGoldmoldar Posts: 11,972 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Reading through this thread I thought it was supposed to be about a CASt option, it's way off topic, OP. lol One reason may be because of how SGGraham explained why no CASt with custom hair, (more slots for recolors etc.) it throws the UI out of sync and messes that up for some recolors (under hair) maybe there is a huge problem with UI problems of why it can't be given at least a color wheel for Sim hair. Extra slots throw everything out of order and mess up the UI etc.

    Yea, going off topic happens at times but I want the whole enchilada I would love to have CAS back and it is fully tweaked looking how technology has advanced since Sims 4 came out. I am glad most companies are forgoing the wait for those that can't keep up because it is an drag on enjoying the best an game can give. :)
    Omen by HP Intel®️ Core™️ i9- 12900K W/ RGB Liquid Cooler 32GB Nvidia RTX 3080 10Gb ASUS Ultra-Wide 34" Curved Monitor. Omen By HP Intel® Core™ i7-12800HX 32 GB Nvidia 3070 Ti 8 GB 17.3 Screen
This discussion has been closed.
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