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Sam Beckett (Quantum Leap) Sims 3 story :)


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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @Charlottesmom Yeah...Catarina is an interesting one. :confused: One moment she's a snob and then the next moment she's kind. I don't get it. ;) It must be a Vanderburg thing. :p
    Sorry you didn't care for Emma's stooping...but I know that if I'd been in her shoes personally, face to face with a Queen (sort of), I would be showing the utmost respect...even if it were a little overboard. ;)

    Oh I know! Poor Sam's cold feet. :( There was no way to show him under a blanket though...
    Yes, it was moving even for me to write that scene with Al and Sam alone. <3
    Indeed, Al has always been on #TeamEmma ever since he first discovered her interest in him. :blush:

    Oh yes, I agree on movie remakes! Some should never ever ever be remade! It's like, Hollywood: Can't you come up with anymore NEW stories?? (Actually, that is directed at Disney! :unamused: )

    Thank you sweet lady. :kissing_heart: {{{{Bug hugs}}}} I always enjoy reading your comments.
    It will take me a bit of time to write out the next chapter...

    Gonna tag you ladies @ZeeGee and @KatNip just to make sure you don't miss the latest chapter. :) I love reading your comments too ladies and thanks for being fans! <3
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @emorrill Commented on the other thread, but really enjoyed the update.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @emorrill I saw that you'd posted an update last night and then my STINKING INTERNET WENT DOWN! Talk about frustrating.

    Wonderful update. The Emma and Catarina scene was funny, I actually lol'd at Emma's awkward bow and 'your highness' talk. :lol: So glad to see Al and Sam back together, even if Sam is still unconscious.

    Jail is too good for Evil Emmaline! More suffering, more suffering!

    The song: When I saw the song you linked I was so psyched. That is one of my all time favorite songs. The passion (and even anger at times) in that singer's voice .... just awe. I've gotten everyone aound me hooked on it too! It's just so beautiful. Never heard of Disturbed before and not a fan of heavy metal usually but that song....oh em gee.

    And where did you get all that hospital equipment?! I need that!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @emorrill Catarina only cares about how long she has to go without his services! Cold! :#
    Why does she think she can go in!?
    Phew, she does have a heart it would seem.
    The death penalty is too good for Emmaline! I would prefer a torture chamber and a slow painful death!
    Poor Al :'( It really would be like losing a son if anything happened to Sam because they have had such a long, close relationship.
    Al (and all of your readers) know that Sam and Emma should be together <3
    I hope Sam wakes soon and sees Emma!
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Ahem, loving the new siggy pic .... :naughty::heart:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @ZeeGee Ugh! I hate when the internet is down!! :confounded: And we wonder how we survived life without it. ;)
    Thank you. <3 Yeah Emma sure was a bit nervous around Catarina huh? :lol:
    I think I got the hospital stuff from ATS, but if you type in Sims 3 Hospital Stuff you should be able to find it. :)
    *Do you mean this new siggy I just added like an hour or two ago? :p Or the pony one? Me thinks it's the Sam one. ;)

    @Mikezumi Thank you for your comments too. <3 Yeah Catarina sure appeared cold and she hates Hospital doctors remember? :grimace: But I like to think she was just worried and wanted to use her "power" to see Sam. She's an interesting woman...a witch one moment and kind the next. ;)
    Yeah Al sees the light huh? ;)
    But will Sam? That's the ultimate question....
    Will he ever allow his heart to love again for risk of putting his girlfriend/wife and possible kids through too much misery? How will they fare with him being gone on leaps for so long risking his life??
    It's quite the dilemma. :cry:
    But anyway,

    @bekkasan You are so cute. :blush: I always appreciate your comments no matter where posted. ;)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Oh my gosh fans I was just chilling and watching some Quantum Leap and I had totally forgotten how awesome and cute this episode is. <3 "Temptation Eyes" Season 4.
    It's very well written! A QL classic!!! :star:

    Little info on it here, the gal is a psychic who sees Sam for who he really is and because of that Sam finds himself falling for her. <3

    I guess...there is hope for Emma yet. :p
    But who knows...I could be yanking all you #TeamEmma 's chains. :lol: Hee hee!

    Enjoy my friends. :)
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    edited October 2017
    emorrill wrote: »
    Me thinks it's the Sam one.

    You thinks right. :smirk:

    But what is your ALL TIME FAVORITE episode, Em? Bet it's the same as mine (and every other QL fan). :smiley:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    emorrill wrote: »
    Me thinks it's the Sam one.

    You thinks right. :smirk:

    But what is your ALL TIME FAVORITE episode, Em? Bet it's the same as mine (and every other QL fan). :smiley:

    @ZeeGee Hmm...I doubt it is the same as every other QL fan. ;)
    It's tough to pick out a favorite because so many are good, but I think my all time favorite is "Good Morning Peoria." <3

    Oh and the Trilogy Episodes...never happened in my opinion. :neutral:

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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    edited October 2017
    Ok not the same then! My favorite is when he leaps home to his younger self.

    ETA: the trilogy :tongue:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    Ok not the same then! My favorite is when he leaps home to his younger self.

    ETA: the trilogy :tongue:

    @ZeeGee Oh yes indeed that is a very good one. Especially the way that he tries to save his brother and dad... <3 So heartwarming.

    I had NO IDEA Scott played as his dad until months later after watching it! :p Crazy!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @ZeeGee You got me watching The Leap Home Parts 1 & 2 the other day because you mentioned it. ;):p

    So tag me when your new Cornelia and Agnes video is up! Can't wait!!! I keep checking your siggy! :lol:
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @emorrill Love those episodes! New episode is almost ready! Trying to get it posted tonight cause I work the next couple of days but those last minute 'fixes' drive me crazy! Okay, I'll tag you. :)
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @emorrill , I'm going to stay out of the main thread for the near future so please text me when you update...sometimes I don't get your notifications so at least with texting I might get it in a timely manner...might!! :D

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @emorrill , I'm going to stay out of the main thread for the near future so please text me when you update...sometimes I don't get your notifications so at least with texting I might get it in a timely manner...might!! :D


    @Charlottesmom Sure thing! (Hopefully I remember ;):p )

    Hey fans! Sorry it's taken me SO long to get a new chapter posted, but I hope to start working on the next one tonight since hubby goes back to working nights and I won't have any distractions. :p

    Thank you for being patient and for your support. <3 {{{{Hugs}}}}
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hey fans! :)

    I didn't plan for this update to be so short, but it was imperative for me to get this out! You'll see why. ;)
    Plus this was all I had the energy to write. :( I really am hoping to get out of this funk soon...

    I do hope it flows well and you all enjoy it. :blush:


    Catarina Vanderburg took every precaution to make sure that the information regarding Sam's death, especially his revival, and who was responsible for it all wouldn't be leaked to the public until Emmaline Rhoen was arrested. She had to make sure Emmaline still believed she killed Sam or the woman would surely flee upon catching word of him being alive. That simply could NOT happen! The Police, the staff at the Hospital, and everyone else involved, even Emma and the witnesses to Sam's death, were ordered to literally keep their mouths shut until the evil woman was securely in custody. Thankfully they didn't have to stay silent for very long.

    During a couple of hours after Sam was admitted to the Hospital, the Police reviewed the voice recording of him explaining in great detail all that had transpired before his last breath. They devised the plan and it was afterward that the hunt for Emmaline Rhoen began...


    Emmaline Rhoen merrily and victoriously strolled into the diner for a personal celebration dinner just before dusk fell upon the day that she killed the great Doctor Sam Beckett. This was a day she would never forget. Everything was going her way, falling exactly into place, and she never felt more empowered in all her life.

    Even the waitress was extra friendly and the food arrived in a timely manner and tasted delicious. Life felt perfect. "Yup," Emmaline whispered while sipping on her coffee, "I'm invincible."

    And that was when the patrol car lights flashed behind the blinds outside her booth window.

    Taking an inconspicuous peek outside, Emmaline found the police car parked directly in front of the diner and an officer approaching the doors. Shrugging it off, she went back to sipping her coffee. It's not like they were looking for her. After all...she was invincible.

    The doors burst open like an unexpected roar of thunder as a female officer came charging in, hand at the ready on her gun holster, and addressed loudly, "Emmaline Rhoen?"

    While everyone else in the diner stared at the "natural healing woman" in fear and curiosity, Emmaline became bug eyed and slowly turned around. She now found the officer standing right before her and looking down upon her with a piercing gaze. "Miss Rhoen would you step outside please?"
    Emmaline cracked a smile. "Is there something wrong officer?"
    "Just do as I ask. Step outside!"
    Emmaline could clearly see the officer had her hand on her holster, which concerned her a bit but she couldn't allow her anxiety to show, not even for a second. She flashed a smile and nodded saying, "Ok," while obeying and standing up to leave. The officer followed closely behind her.

    Once the two were at a safe distance from the diner, the officer ordered Emmaline to put her arms up as she began to frisk her.


    "Officer please," Emmaline chuckled slightly. "I really wish you would tell me what the meaning of--"
    Once the suspect was declared unarmed, the officer firmly gripped Emmaline's wrists and swung them down behind her back as she interrupted by saying, "Emmaline Rhoen you are under arrest for the murder of Louis Swete and Doctor Laila Al Fahad."
    Hearing the handcuff's click, Emmaline's heart began racing as sweat started to form on her brow. "What!? I don't know what you're talking about!" she said with a huff.
    "And," the officer went on, "for the attempted murder of Doctor Sam Beckett and her Royal Highness, Catarina Vanderburg!"
    Emmaline's jaw dropped.
    "You have the right to remain silent, anything--"
    "Sam Beckett!?" Emmaline cried. "Attempted murder?" Then she snapped her mouth shut, cursing herself for allowing that emphasis to come out.
    "Oh does that surprise you?" the officer asked with a taunt. "Yes, he is alive. Barely."


    How in the!? But Emmaline couldn't finish that thought. She couldn't explain it. Her heart greatly palpitated now, so much so that she was finding it difficult to breathe. She shook her head rapidly in disbelief. It suddenly became darker outside, as if her entire world was caving in on her as the officer continued to inform her of her rights.

    "Now then," the officer concluded, "follow me to my car."
    Woefully dragging her feet, Emmaline stared down at the ground and simply said, "*ap."



    On the long drive to the Jail, Emmaline sat in pure silence, continuing to stare into nothingness. She could not utter any words, for she had none. No answers to her looming questions. This couldn't be happening.

    When they arrived, Emmaline was forcefully removed from the car and found herself face to face with a large and obviously very secure building. She gulped and turned away, coming to the realization of what was to become of her. Her fate was sealed. With Sam's testimony there was no way she could get out of this.

    Her plan was over. Her life was over. It was all over.

    For good. Forever.



    "We have Emmaline Rhoen in custody Mrs. Vanderburg," The Chief of Police informed Catarina over the phone.
    "Excellent," Catarina expressed in victory.


    "Now," she added, "I want her placed in solitary confinement, to wallow away in the crimes that she has committed and I also want guards posted outside the door twenty-four hours a day. No one goes in and she doesn't come out until her trial, is that clear?"
    "Yes madam."

    Catarina ended the call and lowered the phone while expelling a great sigh of relief.

    Hidden Springs was safe once again.

    Post edited by emorrill on
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Yaaay! That was awesome! Emmaline, you going DOWN! And the ‘oh cr*ap’ made me lol.

    What’s wrong, Emily? Why the funk?
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @ZeeGee Oh I've just been feeling depressed and overwhelmed with life lately. :( Gaining some of my lost weight back sure didn't help, but I'm back on the plan.

    It'll pass it's just sometimes it takes longer than usual.

    Thank you for your comment and concern. <3 ((((Hugs))))
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Sorry you’re feeling down. Hope it passes soon. :kiss:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @emorrill , Sorry this is so delayed...

    Excellent update!! Wonderful Emmaline is now taken care of and will hopefully never get out of prison! I do wonder where this is headed next now though, there are a couple of loose ends to tie up before Sam is in any shape to either hang up his hat or move onto the next adventure (leap). :smiley:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @emorrill , Sorry this is so delayed...

    Excellent update!! Wonderful Emmaline is now taken care of and will hopefully never get out of prison! I do wonder where this is headed next now though, there are a couple of loose ends to tie up before Sam is in any shape to either hang up his hat or move onto the next adventure (leap). :smiley:

    @Charlottesmom You're ok. :kissing_heart:
    Emmaline won't get out...she's done for. :p

    Bold: Indeed. ;) I'll be tying those up soon.

    Thanks lady. <3 Feel better. {{{{Hugs}}}}
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    Yay! This was an enormously satisfying update! :smiley:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    PalmArrow wrote: »
    Yay! This was an enormously satisfying update! :smiley:

    Thanks @PalmArrow :blush: I'm glad you liked it. ;)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Hey my fan friends. :)

    For any of you who might be interested the first 5 chapters of Sam's story are up and edited on my blog! :mrgreen:

    His first encounter with Catarina Vanderburg was greatly improved upon, as well as his confrontation with Edelaine Porter. I feel much better about both instances now. :) Go check it out if you want:
    (I have no clue why some images appear bigger than others... :confused: I need to figure out how to fix that. Anyone have any pointers for that? It's so annoying! :grimace: )

    I'll try to force myself to take a break from transferring his story over to my Blog so that I can focus on writing a new chapter for you all. ;) I am anxious to get it written and posted I'm just not sure where to begin with it. (#Writerproblems) I may just have to wing it again. :p

    Goodnight my friends. <3
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    edited April 2018
    Keeping Vigil

    During the next forty-eight hours after Emmaline Rhoen's arrest, the doctors were able to provide some treatments for Sam's poisoned body--especially thanks to his own medical advice that had been recorded--to which his body was responding very well to. However, his brain was the one thing still not responding. He continued to linger deep in a coma and the doctors could only hold out hope that he'd wake up.

    In that time also Emma refused to leave Sam's side; even packed a bag so she could stay a few nights. She never wanted to feel like she'd lose him again and certainly wanted to be there when he woke up. Or if heaven forbid he never woke up and slipped away, she'd deeply regret not being there to say goodbye. Either way, she was going to stay and take care of him. No matter what. He didn't have anyone else...and no one should wake up from a coma alone.

    "God brought you back for a reason Sam, I know it!" she said to him that afternoon while stroking his hand.


    "You keep on fighting. You're body is getting better and better and soon you'll be awake." Then she glanced over at him, longingly. "You will wake up. Just hang in there Sam...Hang on."


    Another twelve hours passed and Emma finally got around to sleeping.


    She got a good five hours of sleep until a nurse popped in to check on Sam and woke her up. In that moment another person "popped" in, of course Emma didn't know. It was Al.

    "You were correct Gushie," Al informed his friend back at the Project, "there's still no change in Sam." The team had attempted a few things on their end to try and stimulate Sam's brain to help wake him up, but no such luck.

    Al lowered his cigar, let out the smoke with a sigh, and looked upon Sam somberly. He wanted to believe God certainly wouldn't bring his pal back only to leave him in a coma for the rest of his life, but then again with God..."Who knows?" he said aloud with an eye-roll, drawing in another puff of smoke. Yes he'd grown closer to God over the years, but the Man upstairs was still a mystery to him and annoyed him at times. Next thing he knew Emma was walking right through him while saying with a sigh, "Oh Sam," and sat down in the chair beside his bed. "Oh hey there," Al addressed her. "You're still here?" No rest for the weary eh?

    For nearly an hour Al just stood there listening to Emma talk to Sam about tons of random stuff until she ran out of things to talk about.

    Weaving her fingers together and resting them on the bedrail, Emma placed her chin on top of them and said with a sigh, "I really should get a shower one of these days and change my clothes..."


    Al's eyebrows shot up, thinking he wouldn't mind seeing that!
    "...but I just feel like the moment I leave is the moment you will wake up and," she paused, "I don't want to risk that."
    Chiding himself for having those thoughts, because Sam surely would, Al got serious and couldn't help but smile appreciatively and admirably at Emma. "Boy Sam," he addressed. "She's quite the woman, watching over and taking care of you like this. A keeper. You really gotta wake up soon so you can realize that!"


    Another day passed and Sam still hadn't woken up. Emma did manage to get a shower, but just threw the same clothes back on again. Her depression and anxiety were getting the better of her and she didn't feel like doing much of anything. The only motivation present was to care for Sam. Everything else was ignored.

    She prayed for him by his bedside again.


    And even read to him a few chapters from a book on Quantum Physics in this world, that she discovered at the Library a few weeks back, and brought to the Hospital with her.


    She fully intended to present him with the gift later and maybe tease him about possibly remembering anything from it when he woke up.

    As much as she never wanted to leave Sam's side, Emma of course had to go to work--a part time job at the grocery store--but once she was off she immediately came back to the Hospital. It would be a relief to see him still in a coma, but it saddened her as well. Bruce would text and call her to see how she and Sam were doing and if she wanted to go out to dinner or something, but Emma would politely decline. She'd explain her reasons for not leaving Sam's side to Bruce and greatly hoped he'd understand, which he did, but in all honesty, Bruce was becoming a bit worried about his girlfriend.


    The next two days passed by the same. Sam still lay in a coma.

    The only thing Emma did differently was shave Sam's face for him since the stubble was becoming more and more noticeable just didn't suit him. Al watched as Emma lovingly performed that act of service and his heart broke for her as much as it was breaking within him.


    C'mon God, he prayed, wake him up already!


    It had now officially been a week since Sam slipped into a coma and he was still in it. As the light of dawn shone through the window that morning, Emma looked away from Sam's bedside with tears in her eyes.


    She was trying so hard to keep it together, to not lose hope, but she couldn't help worrying that he'd never wake up again.
    This song represents what Emma is thinking and feeling right now. ;) *Couldn't help it!* :p
    Ok, back to the story...

    The doctor came in to look Sam over and informed Emma that Sam's body was healing quite well at least. That was great news. Now if only his brain would just wake up, she thought at the same time the doctor said it.

    That afternoon, Bruce showed up at the Hospital and stepped into Sam's room as Emma was talking to him.


    "Emma?" he addressed quietly.
    Emma halfway glanced in his direction.
    "You need a break," he said. "C'mon, let me take you home."


    Emma hesitated, but Bruce assured her, "Sam will be fine. Please Emma..." he nearly pleaded, "just come with me so you can get some rest!"
    "I can't...," Emma expressed, trying not to cry.
    Bruce pursed his lips in thought. "Well," he began. "Then just come and walk the halls with me. You need a break."
    Emma nodded in consent.

    When she met him at the door, Bruce enveloped her in his arms.


    "I just want to make sure you're alright," he said, looking into her eyes now. "You are aren't you?" He needed some reassurance.


    "Yeah," Emma sighed, appreciating his concern. She nodded with a smile for good measure. "Let's go on that walk now."
    Bruce nodded and opened the door for her.


    During their walk Emma wanted so badly to tell Bruce everything she knew about Sam, to help him better understand why she was so close to him. Why she couldn't abandon Sam in his hour of need to spend some much needed time with him, but she couldn't. Never. She made a promise and they were not her secrets to reveal. Their conversation had been pleasant though, mostly Bruce asking about her and Sam's well being and informing her of what was going on at work. They looped around the hallways twice until Emma stopped at Sam's door the third time. Bruce expected them to keep going.

    "You're not actually going to keep staying here are you?" he asked her in disappointment. " need to go home."
    "Well," Emma started an excuse, "I can't leave my things..."
    But Bruce wasn't buying it. Hand on his hip he said, "No matter what I suggest you're still planning on staying aren't you?"
    Emma lowered her head dejectedly and sighed. "You wouldn't understand Bruce...," she said while opening the door.
    "I think I do understand," Bruce said curtly.
    That caused Emma to close the door and listen, but she still couldn't meet his gaze.
    "Emma," he said in a calmer tone, "I think we need to talk."
    Emma nodded. She'd been expecting this and wasn't sure if she was quite ready for it.

    Stepping a few feet away from the door, Bruce slid his hands into his pockets while Emma held hers behind her back.
    "I know what's going on here Emma," Bruce said in a non confrontational way.
    "Do you?" Emma asked nervously.
    "Yes," he revealed. "I've known for a while now."


    Emma swallowed as her heart pounded.
    "You're in love with him aren't you?"

    Tears welled up in Emma's eyes as she struggled to face her boyfriend. When their eyes met, she nodded and looked away.

    Bruce nodded as well, acknowledging. "Honestly Emma," he continued, while scratching his head, "I knew our relationship was over the moment Sam came back from being missing."


    Emma sniffed, her heart breaking for him.
    "The way you always talked about him...and the way your eyes lit up when you found out he was back..." Bruce mused. "You think I haven't noticed how much he means to you. The way you look at him--"
    "Bruce," Emma interrupted with the tears falling down her cheeks now. "I never meant to hurt you."


    "I know you didn't," Bruce recognized. He shrugged. "You thought he was dead, so naturally you moved on. I gotta admit," he paused, "if my deceased wife miraculously showed up on my doorstep...I'd be lying if I wouldn't run back to her you know?"


    Emma nodded.
    "Does he love you too?" he had to ask.

    It's a question Emma honestly couldn't answer and she didn't want to reveal that. "I think so," she simply said. But I really don't know. I wish...


    Then Bruce unexpectedly stroked her cheek. "I would hope so," he said. "He'd be getting a lovely woman."


    "It's ok Emma."
    In that moment Emma couldn't help holding Bruce in her arms one last time while saying, "I'm SO sorry Bruce. You were so good to me!" She sobbed.
    "And you to me."


    "You're a good, wonderful man!" Emma went on. "Really. None of this is a result of anything you did." Then she looked into his eyes.
    "Don't ever change. There's someone out there who'd make a fine wife and mother to you and your boys I just know it."

    Bruce smiled appreciatively. "Thanks Emma," he expressed. "For everything."

    After Bruce and Emma said goodbye, Emma walked with a slump into Sam's room, crying and spluttering at the same time. The tears were so heavy they fell to the floor with a loud "splat."


    She inched her way towards Sam's bed, sat down, and threw herself over his body again, sobbing all the more. For a good three minutes she did so all the while struggling to breathe.

    She only hoped she made the right decision.


    To be continued...
    Post edited by emorrill on

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