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The Sims 4 Happy Play Thread :)


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    LenaDieters11LenaDieters11 Posts: 1,346 Member
    @imhappy Thank you so much! I would love to see what you did with the premades!
    @RedDestiny92 There you go, I knew Don would eventually succeed!! I am really intrigued with the whole Caliente sub-plot!

    Okay, quick intro to the Pleasants. In this story, the Pleasant household consists of Herb and Coral Oldie, who moved in with her daughter (adopted) and her family to be there for their grandchildren. Then there is Daniel and Mary-Sue and the twins Angela and Lilith. I know Daniel actually has a sister, but I never found her really interesting, so I left her out.

    Lilith was a bit of a handful sometimes. She wasn't a bad child, she just had lots of energy, imagination and liked to question her surroundings. 'YOU, MR.BEAR ARE GUILTY!' yelled Lilith. Her dream was to become a police officer and she was working hard to achieve that! Poor Mr.Bear was often the suspect in Lilith's play. 'Ugh, Lilith be quiet!' Angela snapped. She wanted to sleep in a little longer. Angela hated having to share a room with her sister. Her sister was so loud all the time. 'Why can't you just do that outside?' 'You have to get up soon anyways!' complained Lilith. She left the room anyways as she hadn't collected enough evidence to arrest Mr. Bear. She went to the kitchen to get flower and chocolate sauce.

    Lilith went back upstairs to spread the flour and chocolate sauce to portray evidence traces against Mr. Bear. But as soon as she started, her mom Mary-Sue walked out of the bedroom. Her eyes were still tired, but suddenly opened wide at the sight of her daughter's mess. 'LILITH, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU COMPLETELY INSANE?' 'Mom....I am...I am just looking for evidence.' 'I have no idea what you are talking about, but you, young lady are gonna clean this mess up. How often do I have to tell you not to create a mess in the house!'

    Angela woke up from her mother's screams and checked out what happened. 'Oh wow, Lilith. You're in trouble,' said Angela almost teasingly. 'I am sorry, Mom,' said Lilith. 'Okay, Lilith. Just clean this up. I want to see all of this gone after I come out of the bathroom.' 'Yes, mom.'

    Her daughter was still cleaning up, when Mary-Sue went down stairs. Her husband came downstairs as well: Oh, hey sweet heart!' 'Daniel, I didn't think you were up already.' 'But I am. Good morning,' Daniel kissed his wife going in for a deeper kiss. 'Daniel! We should get ready!' 'Yeah, I think we should. But while we are at it, maybe we can make this morning EVEN better?' Both chuckled and went upstairs hand-in hand.

    (I don't think this picture needs much explaining). After they finished, Daniel looked at his wife. He still remembered their wedding day. He was so unsure. He was still only a teenager and he wasn't sure, if he could be faithful his whole life. What if there was something better out there? However, looking back at it Daniel was pleased with his decision. When the twins were born all his friends told him to say goodbye to his woohoo life. How wrong they were!

    After Mary-Sue finally got up for good, she helped her daughter finish her homework before school. 'You could have done this a bit earlier, Angela.' 'I know mom. Thank you for helping me anyways.' 'Where is your sister? Has she done her homework yet? 'I doubt she even started. She was way too much into her little pretend-game.' Angela rolled her eyes, while her mother sighed. 'I am gonna talk to her sister when you are home from school.'

    Once both girls were at school, everyone followed their daily routine. Coral took care of her little garden. She loved how relaxing it felt!

    Her husband Herb was a big gardening fan himself. He loved taking care of the bonsai.

    Okay, now all Pleasants have been introduced.
    Next time: Mary-Sue talks to her husband about getting a job!

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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @LenaDieters11 he's succeeding alright heh the Calientes are hardly ever normal when I play with them but they are really acting out this time ha. Ah the Pleasants poor misunderstood Lilith is Daniel going to meet a certain maid to keep things interesting for himself?

    Having gone to bed too early they were up at three though it worked out for work, they still have no reason to give up their separate rooms but she was a nice thing to wake up to none the less. They tend to keep the stereo on usually the neighbors might not like it but then they can be loud too so they can hardly complain.

    "Did you finish up what you need for work?" he asked.

    "Yeah but they sent me some more, looks like my job is coming to me in emails and memos, nervous about work?"

    "Not a bit."


    "You can tell?"

    "Mmhmm, relax you'll do just fine you trained plenty."

    He only smirked.

    "Careful trying to read me might see something you don't like it."

    "Good so far."

    "Why that sounds like a flirt."

    "I'm not flirting I'm typing, what is this flirting you speak of?" she teased.

    It was early but after a spa day hard not to be in a good mood she wondered if it would stay that way the rest of the day.
    He couldn't help but feel nervous the yoga instructor was much bigger than he was and must train harder probably what he needed as a cop.
    He seemed nearly ready but she gave him a good luck kiss for no other reason than she could as she told herself.
    That seemed to do the trick he wasn't so nervous after all he had paperwork to deal with first.
    The chief wasn't in the mood for small talk so Don went to work with his assignments, somewhere through the paperwork he was dragged along for some minor field work getting fingerprints was easy enough though the witness he was stuck with was a pain.
    "So you're a cop?"

    "Cadet, same thing."

    "Do you know what you're doing?"

    "I'll ask the questions."

    "You're not fooling anyone I don't have to respect you."

    "And I don't have to file any of your reports so if you want this break in taken care of I suggest you cooperate."

    He already wasn't in the mood.
    When he got back he went over the samples he got he vaguely recognized his coworker as one he'd seen at the spa though he didn't recognize Don or he didn't care to say anything.
    "Hey red who is the new guy?"

    "Don something."

    "Nice to meet you." he said, the air was awkward all of sudden he wondered what sort of relationship they had.

    "You too kid, listen stay away from red here the boy is a shame to men everywhere."

    He groaned as she laughed, that would explain why it was awkward.
    While he was pondering that Dina was roaming around for whatever reason.
    And of course Nina was around.

    "Hey lady Don is working he's not coming out any time soon." the receptionist called.
    She got up slowly not paying much attention to the man and walked out without a word Don grabbed lunch before he started on the criminals.
    "So what are you in for?" Don asked.

    "I was caught streaking see I painted myself as a tree to protest noodle cups."


    "Yes it's nice someone appreciates my brilliance."

    The guy seemed a little off but rather he be pleasant than anything else.

    "I don't know about that, I don't see the connection."

    "Ah yes you are but a cog in the wheel, imagine, tree flavored noodle cups, genius right?"

    "...Oh...uh yeah that would be...interesting."

    "Yes yes I'm amazing hold your applause and let's take care of this silly formality."
    One left behind seemed to be scheming...or he simply didn't like Don.
    "Do I want to know?"

    "Why I used that to carry hot water to my beloved noodle cups."

    "You could just use a kettle or something."

    "Nonsense officer cog, this is the best method that turkey baster is precious."

    Returning the noodle cup obsessed to the cell he grabbed another.

    "I'm surprised she can sleep in there."

    "You make do." his next charge said simply.

    "I bet."

    "You talk more than the other officers don't think you can fool me you want to learn something."

    "These are minor cases there is nothing to learn and I don't gain anything by talking to any of you so relax."

    She only scoffed at him, after she was taken care of he was called by the receptionist to let him know he had a visitor he wondered who it was and why they would bother him at work.
    He sighed heavily and only grew more annoyed as he was told that she had come back so it must have been important.

    "I don't even want to know why you're here but go home."
    "I missed you though..I think."

    "You attack me here and you're going away, your choice."

    "Don I said I was sorry...I just wanted to be closer to you."

    "By trying to kill me?"

    "You know what they say you're closest to the victims you take."

    It was just lucky for her that the receptionist's hearing wasn't what it used to be.

    "Leave Nina."

    "Fine but I'll see you later....cute girl you moved in with."

    He grit his teeth.

    "You stay away from her."

    "Relax, I don't even know her name."

    "It'll stay that way."

    "As long as you don't irritate me it will."

    She left before he said another word.
    "Weird friend you got there buddy."

    "She is not a friend she just wants to follow me around."

    "Let me know if it gets out of hands we got plenty of space for crazy in the cells."

    "So I've seen." he muttered.

    "Your shift is almost over why don't you take a breather for a while?"

    Maybe he would he hoped this wouldn't become a habit of hers.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    @LenaDieters11 Have no fear, I will still update on Chris and Jess when I get time. I just may not go as deep into as I did. They are still my main game and I love them too much to let it go. Plus I know how much everyone here enjoys them. Also thank you! I'm glad you like my new one. :p
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    FanPhoriaFanPhoria Posts: 1,655 Member
    @FanPhoria ah the girls are all grown up I like how their ice cream match them....I'm odd like that lol.

    Yes, that was very intentional, lol...I had fun picking out the flavors :-D

    And now the girls have moved out and gotten started on the next chapter of their lives! Huzzah!

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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    I'm finally able to update! Did y'all miss me? LOL
    Chris made the boys some lunches for school. He's just too thoughtful!
    Chris spent a nice evening at The Bluffs, he loves fire dancing.
    Chris and Jess spent a romantic night by the fireplace, watching one of Jess' favorite movies. Only I don't think they actually watched it.
    Chris and Jess have completely renewed their love, that same love made a baby!
    Chris in his new workout shorts :p:love:
    Jess met up with Christian at the park. He didn't have long before he had to go back into his grave.
    I don't think Chris was pleased with Jess' labor cries. lol
    Soon the baby arrived! It was a girl! Ms Elsie Joy. Chris makes such a beautiful daddy. His little princess.
    "Who dare made my little girl cry?!"
    "My baby!"

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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @FanPhoria I thought it might be, it's nice that the ice cream is so colorful for little touches like that :)
    @OhMyHemsworth yo :)

    Ha that picture 'my baby' made me laugh he's very protective of his kids. oh it's so sad seeing her hug Christian, reminds me I also have a ghost that I need to bring back I saved the family but his wife really needs that ambrosia recipe.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    So I was bored and counted twenty five posts on the last page so we're far from that heh.
    Layla off in her own little world choosing a book I had to edit her new sleepwear gave her shorts after I saw a post of someone's pic that was taken down for being racy or whatever ha as if my sims love to show off except when they don't. lol.
    Usually locking the door immediately or when I get the text from Vlad keeps the vampires out and I don't mind the attacks most other vampires will leave unless I want them to come in but this time he wouldn't leave so I unlocked it, apparently there is something special about Don, must be why he's such a ladies man..ha.
    Passing out to music does not effect them apparently, Don is going to write this off as a bad dream, not like Vlad would let him remember anything anyways.
    I really like the new fitness clothes, and furniture also you can't buy multiple headphones unless you place the set you have in world for another sim. Layla slept like a baby and didn't notice Don's attack which they usually don't unless in the room with them anyways.
    Don wasn't going to let any dream stop him from hitting on Layla, he likes the new outfit too it seems.

    "Don your eyes look off."

    "Just dazed need some coffee."

    "You sure?"

    "Yeah, now about those shorts."

    She laughed.

    "You have a one track mind."

    "It's also on repeat."

    She guessed if puns could make her laugh she was still tired too.
    At work Don was immediately sent out on patrol and he noticed one guy already in a mood he really wasn't all that interested in what he had to say.

    "Move it along pal."

    "Who are you to tell me oh...officer."

    He grew more frustrated just looking at him.

    "Can you even hear me??"

    "If I choose to I can." Don said.

    "Why you.." he muttered and walked off leaving Don to his business.
    Eventually he was spotted fighting and the one he seemed to win against immediately got in another fight, two citations and he could go back to the station. Don thought he probably should have given all three of them one but he just felt bad for the loser of the two fights he was a sad pathetic man he wouldn't kick him while he was down.
    Time passed quickly before he knew it there was time for lunch and the suspect had been found.
    I know this is where it starts to get glitchy so I don't know if she's still there but I was glad that there was actually someone that matched the clues.
    While he dealt with fingerprints I noticed their neighbor that hates them because of the noise also works there...ha.
    As Don gave Johnny the information he only nodded.

    "Good work Lothario but what is that on your neck?"

    "Bug bite Chief."

    "Huh, bugs just keep getting bigger huh?"

    "They aren't too bad here." at least he didn't think so.
    As he didn't see her Don was sure that Nina hadn't showed up but she was waiting again she just left before he could catch her, she wasn't so ready to let go.
    Don does love to come home tired to a hug instead of screaming.

    "Hey what's got you in a mood?" he asked with chuckle hearing her squeal.

    "I got a promotion."

    "Hey that's did I."

    "Good for you, I'd say we go out and celebrate together if you didn't look ready to drop, hard day of perps?"

    "Ah it wasn't too bad."
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    A_CullerA_Culler Posts: 1,133 Member
    edited July 2017

    This is the sim I'm currently playing named Tommy Youngblood. He's an ambitious evil genius who lives in an underground base called Blue Water Labs. Tommy started construction of his base years ago, back when he was just a lowly lab tech who couldn't even afford decent wall paper. In those days he worked hard to advance quickly in his career sacrificing any form of personal relationship as well as his health. The hours were long, the days were stressful, and all those grilled cheese sandwiches made him fat, but the rewards were worth it. Eventually Tommy made it to the top of his career and started earning enough to build a laboratory worthy of his genius. "No longer will I have to spend my days staring at this lifeless dry wall," he thought. "No long will I have to constantly repair this inferior equipment, no longer will I have to live on these WRETCHED GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHES!" Years of frugal living and wise investing meant that soon he could retire from work completely to spend a lifetime pursuing his own scientific research, and then something Tommy did not expect happened. He discovered a cure for aging, apparently the careful combination of alien elements and indigenous plant life can repair sims on a genetic level! Immortality! Lifetimes to gather knowledge! Tommy wondered if other sims had discovered means of eternal life, it wouldn't do to have everlasting rivals after all. It turns out that vampires are much more than dark fiction and there are two powerful families living in Forgotten Hollow. After a few weeks of research Tommy learned how to "cure" them. He took their immortality from them so they can share the fate of all other lesser sims. He chuckles to himself whenever they call him wanting to "repair relations" because he knows what they're really after, they want their power back. These days Tommy spends his time leisurely pursuing his own scientific research, everything from plant grafting so as to breed new species to exploring the cosmos in his personal rocket. He has little time for other sims viewing them as inferior to himself and his only real friend is his robotic A.I. toilet named Buckley. What's next for Tommy is anyone's guess, will he open a store to sell some of his discoveries or take up a new career as an intergalactic smuggler, who knows? Right now he pursues his own interest as those around him grow old and die, smug in the knowledge he won't share the same sad fate.

    This is one of the few sims I used absolutely no cheats with, everything from his eternal youth, his state of the art lab, and his vast fortune is earned. I had a lot of fun watching him progress and found it very rewarding.
    Post edited by A_Culler on
    Loneliness is a tax we have to pay to atone for a certain complexity of mind.

    "I have yet to find a gold so pure that it's worth it's weight in dog."
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    A_CullerA_Culler Posts: 1,133 Member
    edited July 2017

    "You can turn into a bat, huh?"


    "Haha, that's adorable!"
    Post edited by A_Culler on
    Loneliness is a tax we have to pay to atone for a certain complexity of mind.

    "I have yet to find a gold so pure that it's worth it's weight in dog."
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    SoapSudsSoapSuds Posts: 1,359 Member
    Pretty much just a screen dump here of shots from the last almost month. Life's been busy (visiting family, getting a new kitten, working on my weekends, etc), so haven't had too much time to enjoy some good play sessions. Hopefully will get some more time for it soon, but I'm also working one night of my upcoming weekend (Tuesday night).


    Grumpy Aphrodite

    Pretending she was an airplane

    Bad dream

    And upset over her broken dollhouse.

    Dancing in the bathroom

    Aphrodite looking super happy

    Everybody was excited to see Dad home from work

    Found a great CC toddler slide, and Aphrodite seems to enjoy it.
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    Been busy with Real Life -- here's the next update on Cassidy and Gunther; I'll be switching to Ollie and Aicha pretty soon.

    After Cassidy recovered from Michaela's birth, Gunther suggested a date night. "I'll go call the nanny and you go pretty yourself up...though that'll only take about 30 seconds for you, doll."

    "Oh hush, Gunther..."

    They wound up at the Hanging Gardens, where they went on their first date. "Remember this place, sweetheart?"

    "How could I forget? We came here before you planted Jaxon...I do hope you don't have any ideas of that nature..."

    "Nah, I'm good -- two's pretty much my limit, not counting Emory."

    "Thank goodness for that."

    "Actually I've got something else in mind...was going to ask you before you got pregnant with Michaela but she put a bit of a kink in the plans..."

    "Oh my goodness, Gunther, of course I'll marry you! Do you want to have a fancy wedding?"

    "Well, I'd rather save up money for some remodeling; wouldn't mind adding a basement game room and that's not cheap..."

    "I'm not sure I want all the hassle either; I still remember Aicha talking about how Gavin almost started a fight -- I think he was mad from Summer telling him about the twins..."

    "I can imagine. Let's just make it short and sweet then, darlin'..."

    MIchaela aged up:

    Getting a hug from Daddy:

    After lunch, it was nap time on the couch:

    As mentioned earlier, checking in on Ollie and Aicha next time.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    ArtsyBananaArtsyBanana Posts: 339 Member
    It's been a while since I posted here, I think I was generation 3 of my legacy, anyway here is Generation 5 of that Legacy update :D

    So this is NERO Levi, lets just say this fire was uncalled for but I think this is one of the few times a name I gave my sim just fits TO well

    His poor mom got all caught up with his fire starting shenanigans, Good thing dad put her out moments from death! :s

    When he aged up into a teen, he still had that smug look on his face

    But when he turned into a young adult he joined the Scientist career, he seemed more relaxed and ended his fire starting days, right? right?

    This poor family got caught up in his antics after Nero was playing with his freeze ray and caught them on fire.

    He eventually got Abducted by Aliens, maybe as Karma for all the fire starting he had been doing in his life

    Skipping forward to the future, it turned out he was pregnant with an Alien, and now finally as an Elder, Nero has finally settled down and Raised his daughter Zandra to be a wonderful woman. :'(

    See what's up in my gallery: Origin ID: ArtsyBanana
    I have finally finished my Legacy Challenge , these are the Levis (numbered by Generation!)

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    AAAAAAHHHHHHH After 10,000 years I'm free! Time to conquer Earth!!!....Wait...Wrong line.

    Hey everyone. Long time no see. I've been on my medication for a couple weeks now and doing a bit better. We got some bad news about my Dad which some may already know from activity feed, but it's said to be treatable and I will hold onto that hope.

    Having said that, last we left with poor CeeCee getting her code scrambled. Let's move onto another family and something a bit happier.
    Sakura had kept going to Lady Amalthea's and Liam's place for weeks now, not only to learn to control his thirst, but to try and break Crash's link to him. Concerned, Julia and Peter had come along as well, staying by Sakura's side. Eventually, the day came for Julia's age-up.


    Julia watched as her father continued to meditate.

    "So...this meditation thing Dad's doing. That should save him from Crash, right?" she asked Amalthea.

    "In theory. Right now your father is having a mental battle with her. Since that AI creature is...unstable...He might be able to defeat her," the vampire explained.

    "So...yeah..." said Julia continuing to watch.


    Peter finished baking Julia's cake.


    Sakura clenched his fists as he meditated, Amalthea still looking on.

    "Sakura? Sakura can you hear me? How are you?"

    "I'm...mmph...It's over. I can't hear her anymore."

    "Good. You can relax now. I think your tamed thirst and breaking the link with Crash should be the end of your training."


    Peter then added candles to the cake.


    After breaking from his meditation, Sakura sat down next to Julia.

    "I'm sorry we couldn't have a big party at your uncle's like you wanted to, Julia," Sakura explained. "But I needed to free myself from Crash. You understand, right?"

    "It's okay, Dad," said Julia. "It's not your fault. And hey. It's not like I'm celebrating alone. I got you, Pops, and now Mr. and Mrs. Bijoux."


    "Lady Amalthea is fine enough to me, Miss Willaims," Lady Amalthea laughed as she sat with them. "And my dear Liam would probably mesmerize you if you called him Mr. Bijoux. We're formal but not all the time."

    Julia laughed, "Okay, Lady Amalthea."


    "Ah, and speaking of my dear husband, there he is now," said Amalthea as a bat flew into the house.


    "Liam, love. You're just in time for cake."

    "Can he eat cake?" asked Sakura jokingly.

    Liam smiled. "Even if it's bug flavoured, I can eat it."


    Everyone then moved into the kitchen, ready to celebrate Julia's age-up.


    "Make a wish and don't tell anyone," said Liam as Julia blew out the candles.


    And in a flash, Julia aged up from a child to a teen.


    :joy: I just love Sakura's look here.

    "Really Julia? I think you can dress better than that."


    I agree, Sakura. Julia's new look.


    Purple is still a major favorite color.


    As everyone sat down for cake, Julia noticed Lady Amalthea hadn't grabbed a piece.

    "Are you okay, Lady Amalthea? Pop's cooking isn't that bad ya know."

    "Oh I'm quite sure. But I have Withered Stomach. Unless it's plasma-based, I can't eat it. Think of it allergy."

    "A really plum allergy," added Sakura.


    Lady Amalthea moved to the side, resorting to a plasma pack in place of celebratory cake.


    Soon though, the celebrations were interrupted by a knock on the door.
    Next post, Error has a vision of Glitch while at Levono's place.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @stilljustme2 nice to see the family is doing well.
    @ArtsyBanana Nero seems like an interesting sim to play heh, his daughter is pretty.
    @LosaruTaiyo sorry about your struggles just stay optimistic and don't let life keep you down I hope your father will be alright.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    HopeyStarrHopeyStarr Posts: 1,276 Member
    Part 8 was on page 457. In the last part Anya and Jordan met the Vatores, although the siblings left the girls feeling rather uneasy. Only the future will tell how their relationship will unfold.

    :・゚✧*:・゚:・゚✧*:・゚ :・゚✧*: ・・゚✧*:・゚:・゚✧*:・゚ :・゚ *:・゚:・゚

    Eternal Friends: Part 9

    Anya dropped by the Romantic Festival to get a reading on her current relationship with Malcolm.

    She's not too sure about the last part of the reading, but she's happy nonetheless.

    Back home Anya decided to follow Jordan's lead and start her own research on vampires. Especially after taking into account their meeting with the Vatores.

    Why would anyone give up their mortality to become a plasma sucker?

    Don't you have to die first before you turn? Jordan doesn't see herself making that choice no matter how complicated her life gets.

    The more information she reads, the more vampires feel like a part of her reality. It gives Jordan comfort to know there are alternatives to their diet.


    Between work hours Anya has taken up the hobby of photography. She gets a pleasant thrill from the environment they live in and has preserved some of the eeriness in frames around their home.

    While on her current walk she as taken the following snaps:


    There aren't many people around to talk to. Jordan is starting to miss hitting up the bar with her bros.

    Dusk has fallen as Anya makes her way up the lonely pathway, which leads to the mansion on the hill.

    Dozens of graves border the path and a fog starts to loom. The setting makes Anya a little fearful, but there really shouldn't be anything to worry about, right?

    She finally arrives at the large gate.

    Those gargoyle statues look ready to hop off their stands at any moment.

    Alright, enough stalling! It's time to see what kind of people are living within the walls of this grand house.

    To be continued...
    *:.。."It's great being ((Queen Bee))!".。.:*
    ✧ :-"As long as I continue to believe then one day my ((dreams)) really will come true."✧ :-
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    ForgottenPixelsForgottenPixels Posts: 11,376 Member
    edited July 2017
    Not exactly sure on how to introduce them, hopefully they're welcome, my little sim family (an AU of my simlit twins + a girl I created to be C's gf) for testing out parenthood & outdoor retreat. (I've tested both packs a little before this so I have an idea of what the packs contain.)
    Vincent( commonly referred to as Vince)

    Claude( doesn't have a nickname because I gave up on Clau a while ago. Long story...)

    Camilla (Claude's girlfriend)

    Sorry if spoilers get annoying, it's force of habit from everywhere else.
    Post edited by ForgottenPixels on
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @HopeyStarr I wonder if Anya will be a vampire's snack being too curious heh.
    @Bugsie2016 Looking forward to more posts, don't worry about it post your comments however you like as long as we can read them then it's all good :) Welcome.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    ForgottenPixelsForgottenPixels Posts: 11,376 Member
    edited July 2017
    @RedDestiny92 Thanks.

    One more post for today. Here's the house so far, not too bad for a house built from scratch by me when i'm tired.
    Post edited by ForgottenPixels on
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    BorntorunBorntorun Posts: 76 Member
    Lovely house! You're so much better at roofs than I am!
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @HopeyStarr Hope she's ready for Vlad...

    @Bugsie2016 Love the house.
    While Julia celebrated her birthday with creatures of the night, Dash and Error were visiting Levono's family, Error also going there to train in some of the family's abilities. Never know when you may need them.


    Error was deep in meditation, her energies flowing as she started to float, Nividia watching on.


    "Whoa...Wonder when Dad will teach me that."


    "You know if your wellness was higher, Nividia," said Ai, "You could do that too."

    "Yeah but I can't do that swirly energy thing..."


    As everyone was walking around though, something broke Error's concentration, making her stop meditating to go and speak with Dash.


    "So what was your vision about?" asked Dash.

    "It was Glitch. She was speaking with Sakura and some other people I really don't know. Next thing I saw was the group of them outside Vlad's house..."


    "And the seal to Vlad's house was broken."

    Dash gasped. "You don't think she' know...gone rogue, has she?"

    "I don't know. I'm hoping that maybe it was just a thought or something..."


    Levono stepped in after overhearing the conversation.

    "If I have learned from others, it's that you do not take a vision lightly. One of you should go over to Glitch's place and see what she's up to. If she breaks that seal too soon, we may not be able to stop Crash."


    "Don't worry," said Dash. "We'll check it out."
    Next post, Dash and Error find a surprise visitor at their house with another warning.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    A_CullerA_Culler Posts: 1,133 Member
    edited July 2017
    The unexpected consequences of science.


    "Why does my stomach hurt? It feels like something is growing inside of me..."
    Post edited by A_Culler on
    Loneliness is a tax we have to pay to atone for a certain complexity of mind.

    "I have yet to find a gold so pure that it's worth it's weight in dog."
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    LunaNovaLunaNova Posts: 1,239 Member
    Flute punched herself in the face twice during work out videos. I love the fitness pack.
    //Sims Tumblr Here-MoonPhase Simblr//Berry Sims Here- MoonBerry Sims//
    Let me make you a cute forum avatar [Closed right noww!! will re-open closer to cats and dogs!] //
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @A_Culler I sadly can't see the image. :(

    @LunaNova :D Oh poor Flute. Keep at it. Takes a while getting used to those videos.
    Error and Dash soon returned home, although to a very big surprise.


    I didn't even plan this one. We found Dia outside of their house.


    Dash growled.

    "What do you want now? I've already defragmented and Crash has Dot."

    "Please," said Dia. "I'm not here for you."

    "So you're here for Error?!"

    "No, no. Please, listen."


    "I wanted to warn you that Crash is already starting to infect this world. As you know, us Switch AI work outside this program. I've seen the code starting to disintegrate," said Dia.

    "So her seal is already starting to break?" asked Error.

    "I believe so."

    "And if Glitch breaks that other seal," grunted Dash.

    "We can handle Crash and Glitch," said Error. "You go back and watch the program from where you usually do."


    "And you're sure," asked Dia.

    "Well yeah," said Error. "I didn't take up becoming the Vaccine for nothing."

    Dia nodded. "That is true. When your time comes to battle Crash, I hope it is swift."


    After Dia left, Dash confronted Error.

    "And what is your plan for Glitch?" he asked. "We all know what you gotta do for Crash, but if Glitch is gonna be added to the fix, we might as well let this place get deleted!"

    "Well...I figured I'd talk to Glitch..." explained Error.

    "Talk to her?! You were the one that saw her break that physical seal!"


    "Yeah but unlike Crash, Glitch can actually be reasoned with, especially if she realizes what's going on."

    Dash grumbled. "I have my doubts but...I guess you're right..."


    Error hugged Dash.

    "I'll take care of it," said Error.

    Dash chuckled. "Alright."
    Next time, Glitch looks for a vampire and Error confronts Glitch.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    A_CullerA_Culler Posts: 1,133 Member
    @A_Culler I sadly can't see the image. :(

    I've deleted my photos from Google, I'll repost when I set up a better image hosting service account.
    Loneliness is a tax we have to pay to atone for a certain complexity of mind.

    "I have yet to find a gold so pure that it's worth it's weight in dog."
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    A_CullerA_Culler Posts: 1,133 Member
    Science is less fun when you're the experiment...


    "I really hope this condition isn't fatal."


    "I can't believe this thing came out of me."


    "Well it's not biting me and it's skin doesn't seem to excrete acid, so that's good. Hmm, now what do I do with it?"


    "So it can change it's shape to look like me, creepy and convenient."

    The softer side of evil...


    "Well Buckley, I've decided to keep the alien. Perhaps by studying him I can learn to subjugate alien lifeforms in general."


    "Subjugate, sir? I don't think even you can act so objectively. You seem to be yet another over indulgent parent."


    "What do you mean?"


    "His room for example..."


    "I built that room for scientific research."


    "Science, sir?"


    "Shut up, Buckley."

    Even super villains want the best for their extraterrestrial offspring...


    "Can you say ion cannons, Xander?"
    "Meh, close enough."

    Cold truths...


    "The stuff in that world ball must be good, daddy drinks it all the time!"


    "Daddy, do you love me more when I look like people?"
    "Yes, yes I do."
    Loneliness is a tax we have to pay to atone for a certain complexity of mind.

    "I have yet to find a gold so pure that it's worth it's weight in dog."
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