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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited December 2016
    Now that I have finished testing University Life and seeing what MC and SP settings best suit my purpose - Paul relived his uni experience several times before I was happy LOL - I fired up my family save and it was overwhelming! The moment the save loaded, my family immediately started rolling wishes and, as a wish granter, I didn't know where to begin :p

    I have decided none of my generational sims will ever attend uni in the same way that I will never send generational sims on vacation. They lose their stats and gender preference and I am pretty sure that they make a save bloat earlier than would happen if I just play the one family in the one house. I am thrilled, however, to be able to add some of the UL content to my normal family play :D

    Jason and Spike are natural bowlers it would seem ;)
    I found Jason's sarcastic response to Spike's good shot most amusing :)
    I have been playing since the game came out but either didn't know or had forgotten that there was a deck outside the gym in Sunset Valley. It took watching the stars from Generations which I only recently installed to show me that :o

    @texansky Thanks for the lovely comments :) That would have been funny! Was your sim about to streak before she started her sketch? Congrats on getting The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection. I had that added to mine when it was first offered but have not downloaded it yet. Maybe one day. Have fun :D
    Post edited by Mikezumi on
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    @Mikezumi, thank you... :)

    Fred Claus had to go next door to Winter Warlock's house to convince him that technology is good and he did convince in no time... :)

    I believe that when this lot was made that Rflong7 had placed some of the gnomes in the yard. So here they all are in a circle :p

    @CravenLestat showed up at the Golden Ticket Toy shop to look around... :)

    Craven was doing the pee-ew motion at the toy

    He must like these toys here. But then again, he didn't like them 1 minute and then he did like then... :)

    Then he walks over to this corner and makes a phone call to someone... :)

    Then when he got done looking around in the shop, he gets in the taxi cab but he's in the drivers

    I then moves in the Birdie family from one of my other saves. So this pops up alerting the town that a new fairy leader is in town... :o

    More to come later... :)
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    @emorrill Yep, I saw it and I'm reading and awesoming! Seems like a nice guy, Sam... :)

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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @lisasc360 , I love your Santa Claus game! I'm amused by @CravenLestat 's simself hating toy sheep, too. :smiley:
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    MoonandStars83MoonandStars83 Posts: 1,735 Member
    Alas, still have issues. With the game, too. Am determined to overcome them. Am accepting well-wishes, cookies, and cash donations in this difficult time (please know I'm joking). I've tried cutting my mods down again. If that doesn't work, it's back to slowly adding them back in until one makes it stick. I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that this may well be my life for the foreseeable future.

    Happy Simming ('cause someone has to)!!
    I voted for you, Kevin.
    My Sims 3 Exhange Studio
    My Blog // Click me if you dare.
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    Cadh20000Cadh20000 Posts: 730 Member
    I just got back from an emergency vet trip for the dog(she'll be okay, just taking a bunch of meds for a while) but before I had to rush out Patty and Daren both aged up to teens and Leaf aged up to child(he had already finished all the toddler books and skill building stuff so I just got him a birthday cake too and had him blow the candles out with the other two at their party). They had their party at the pool so swimwear was the dresscode, the Grim Reaper was on the guest list so I also got to see what he looks like in swimwear instead of the hooded robe!

    Grim Reaper in swimwear instead of the traditional hooded robe:
    Patty and Daren as Teens before editing their clothes and Daren's hair and nose:
    Leaf as a Child before editing his hair and clothes:

    I'll post pics of the kids' in their final looks(for this growth stage anyway) later.
    My current Wishlist.
    My "Studio"

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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited December 2016
    I best get caught up with feedback this thread moves way to quickly on weekends! Probably won't get too much computer time tomorrow, I have another child entering his 20' middle kiddo will be 20 tomorrow, YIKES! :'( . Plus I think I'm getting sick.

    @CravenLestat , Used to watch Scooby Doo all the time, never saw the movie though. I do remember you posting Velma before though. :)

    Annabelle is very cute, I'll snag her when I see her again, I'll have Beau go up to the cemetery and look for her as they are all back in SV where they belong!

    @king_of_simcity7 , It is my opinion one can never have too many fires in Sims 3... ;)

    Loving your snow shots, they are dreamy..

    So wait does Jennifer have Aspergers? How did I miss middle kiddo IRL Zachary is autistic (low functioning).

    @Karritz , Gave you an insightful for the Sims 3 folder corruption info, good stuff to know.

    @PalmArrow , I can see William in the future telling his kids "When I was your age I had to ride my bike to school 20 miles, in the rain, uphill both ways!"

    Sounds like Molly has a bit of that women's intuition going on with her wish for Julius!

    That bartender looks very sinister! :o

    @mycami21 , Ohhhh, Thank you for telling me about the fearless foals Lifetime Achievement, will look into that one! :)

    Glad you are now a full member!!! :3

    Now we need screenshots as your story sound great!

    @AlwaysTheSun , Great update!

    @MoonandStars83 , It appears I caught your cold... ;) Wish your computer would just work for you!

    @Mikezumi , Ugh! I remember the good old days when I would sleep like a rock, now I sleep like a newborn (anyone who says "I slept like a baby"
    obviously never had one, because they wake up every 4 hours with a wet diaper!), I wake up all the time...minus the wet diaper :p . The only good part is the dreams, vivid happy dreams now. My dreams used to be scary, getting chased by a blurred out face guy dressed in black, used to have those all the time.. :'(

    Beau and Lotta were just having some fun, Beau will make an honest woman out of her before that make a kiddo, I can't wait to see what their offspring will look like!

    At least Paul has his priorities strait, sleep in class so you have energy for partying later! ;)

    I love Eddy, snagged him awhile ago!

    Craven has my husband's sense of humor so I totally get when he is being silly. ;)

    Great shots of the boys bowling.

    @emorrill ...Cliffhanger!!! Where is Edelaine going? :o

    Cute outtakes of Sam... :)

    @imdragonit , Merry Christmas Santa and Mrs. Claus <3 you did great on them!

    @texansky , You are lucky! Both piano and guitar, that is great he must be talented =) if you want to PM me the link I'll take a look see...

    I want 2 Too, I actually have a physical copy along with 6 add on packs from my sons girlfriend but she lost the code for the base game. I asked Santa for a copy of the base game, if he doesn't deliver I'll approach EA. It's awesome you got the whole shebang!

    @lisasc360 , Your Santa story is very cool!

    The circle of gnomes is funny, but a little scary, wonder what they are planning.

    Craven went around my town making enemies, even Betty was not thrilled with him without a little help.

    @Buttersims , OMG, I so need screenshots of your Sims/gameplay!! You do NOT have boring play that's for sure. <3

    @Cadh20000 , The screenshot of Eclipse and Bonehilda is perfect! =)

    I have shots of Grim in his swimsuit too, from a long time ago, I got a close up of his freaky eyes (blue but creepy) while he was basking in the moonlight (the sun had gone down), disturbing stuff!

    @blazerntq , I think I want to get Sun, my son is getting Sun and his girlfriend is getting Moon, he is also getting a new 3DS XL New because he nabbed mine 3 months ago! I want it back even though I'll probably get a New one too. The dude at GameStop said Sun and Moon play okay on the old 3DS but play better on the New model do you have the new one or older?

    @GoldenBuffy , The dude in the yellow sweater is a cutie! Someone else just had Candy Bar in their story, can't remember many stories! That name kind of dooms the poor girl.

    @CK213 , Ice skating in a nice short dress, what's the problem? ;) Great pictures!!

    @foussi , You're a meanie! I like it!! <3


    Edited for dumbness... :/
    Post edited by Charlottesmom on
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    ButtersimsButtersims Posts: 107 Member
    I really didn't like Jane, to be honest. She was too clashy with everyone and everything, and I think Roy and Chrystal saw it too. But anyway, just a quick update, the twins, Barbie and Trixie - they live up to their names, believe me - grew up into kids and Chrystal just didn't care. Roy is more doting that she is, but he's hardly around. His horse had a foal, a pretty steel gray filly that they're keeping. She's perfect. Vodka is all skilled up and he's ready to age up too but I am leaving him alone. Chrystal got a job in, no surprise, the Criminal career and got thrown in jail. That's it for now :D
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @Charlottesmom thanks. Making a new Sims 3 folder is always the first thing to do when the game keeps crashing. A lot of people reinstall their games first and that almost never solves anything. It was particularly important when we were still getting new Expansion and Stuff Packs. If you didn't pull your Sims 3 folder to the desktop while installing the new pack you'd often end up with a corrupted Sims 3 folder.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited December 2016
    @Charlottesmom Wow Candy really is glowy! I would probably get headache if I had to look at her in game for too long. I seem to be light sensitive these days. Even when watching the TV and they show a celebrity having pics taken of them, the flashes of light are too much for me :( Your unicorns are beautiful, though :)
    So happy that Alex and Vlad got another baby boy ... he is a cutie <3 So cute seeing him eat - reminds me of a pic I have of my son at about 2. I had left him in his highchair with some buttered toast and when I looked back at him his face and hair were super shiny - he had been rubbing the toast all over himself LOL
    Beau and Lotta really do look like a perfect couple! I might have to take Beau back to one of his earlier versions (I have played him in several ways: original, close to original and softened up considerably) and resurrect Lotta and play a brief game with them. I can only cope with a short burst, though, because I find playing female sims to be not as much fun.
    I think her original hair suits her best out of the ones shown, but the second one with the headband comes a close second :)
    Thanks for the lovely comments :) Eddy is the cutest thing and I just love his profile. He is definitely in my bin for future use :)
    Funny you should mention dreams. I used to have terrible dreams until I was approaching 40. Since then my dreams are almost always pleasant and, like you, very vivid.

    Edit to add: Forgot to wish your son a Happy Birthday! Hope your family has fun celebrating it :D
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @PalmArrow and @texansky Thanks for the feedback :smile:

    @Mikezumi @lisasc360 and @Cadh20000 Nice pictures :smile:

    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the comment I have given Jennifer, Janie and Amber Aspergers
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    "Thank you" to all those who wished me well in the family crisis. Things have calmed down for now, but repercussions are ongoing. This situation has been building for a while. I think people forget how their actions can cause problems for so many others. I was just happily going along with my own life when the fallout hit me. Too complex to talk about here, but divorce is involved, fights over children, police, yadda yadda. Insanity!

    Wow! So many posts...again!

    @emorrill Fun seeing the the larger pic of your Mane 6. ...Still enjoying Sam's story. His job hunt and online chatting. The natural healing woman. And I like Sam's interactions with the little paper girl. ...Edelaine is an interesting character with her health issue. ...Neat outtakes too.

    @cwaddell Sounds like you're discovering those vampire mods make some serious changes! Andre accidentally drank all of Tiffany's "blood" and she died! ...Nice shots of China's scenery. I see Andre is drinking plasma juice in China instead of feeding on someone. He must be in shock about what happened!

    @AlwaysTheSun Sorry you had to uninstall Paradise Island, but you have some great photos of it. ...Fun family pictures.

    @Charlottesmom So crazy about your unicorns teleporting around town! ...Have you tried getting a unicorn to start a fire? I remember doing that with my unicorn--just to see what would happen. Lots of sim drama over that! They all enjoyed the excitement, but no one got hurt. Sims! Bunch of little drama queens. LOL ...Great pics of Beau and Lotta. I like her coloring. ...Connor's "doofus" look! ...Candy makes an awesome unicorn. ...So glad little Victor is back!

    @king_of_simcity7 Liked the mistletoe pic. Awesome winter scenery too. ...Fun pics of the cats with Kirsty. I watched a Netflix show last night about cats, The Lion in Your Living Room. Pretty interesting facts I didn't know.

    @mycami21 Congrats on becoming a full member!
    @TadOlson Fun seeing the screenshots of Spot.

    @imdragonit Awesome Mr and Mrs Santa sims. And the whole household is great! Really fun. The sleigh is amazing.

    @PalmArrow LOL at Molly talking to Julius about graves. Makes sense though if she's a mystery writer.

    @Mikezumi I had to laugh at Paul sleeping in class so he could party that night! The guy has his priorities in place. ...I've only sent sims to the Uni sub-world one time. It was ok, but I couldn't get into it. Instead, I've been using rabbit hole replacement rugs to create universities in my home worlds. My sims get their degrees without leaving home now.

    @Cadh20000 Great pic of Bonehilda on the horse. I had one of my Bonehilda's ride the family horse too. The horse wasn't too happy about it though. Some of the things Bonehilda can do are surprising. She tries to be normal, but doesn't always pull it off! ...Fun pic of Grim in his swimming gear. ...So glad your RL dog will be ok.

    @CK213 Great winter activity pics. I've only tried ice skating a couple of times too--years ago. I just remember how difficult it was on the ankles, balancing on the thin blade. I suppose if I'd kept up with it, I'd have learned the trick.

    @texansky. Have fun with your new Sims 2 Ultimate!

    I don't have any new screenshots or updates to share, haven't been playing. But here are a couple of outtakes of Emad from before Faith aged up to toddler.


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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , Luke and Billy are the only gay couple I ever really played with, kinda dabbled with Dylan and Simon like I mentioned yesterday but that was mostly for curiositys sake. I think I've got it out of my system for awhile, though I do have a "thing" for gay guys for some reason :3 . Probably the same reason strait guys have a thing for lesbians, I never saw the draw, my mom is a lesbian, I didn't follow in her footsteps, even back when I was little I never really even got along with most females, I Love guys too much, always had tons of male friends.

    Toddlers eating...UGH! Too messy drove me bonkers, I have a picture of Jake my now 22 year old with his face smeared with baby food carrots, blech! Throw up, poop never bothered me but a messy food face, gross!

    Beau is awesome, I adore him and Lotta, they are too cute together.

    Pizza just got here! See ya.... :)
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @Zinniavanilla :p Got your message...Camilla huh?? Never heard of her.

    Meanwhile in gamers dream paradise known as my house. :glasses:


    So good another fellow gamer plays the Sims 3 BTW made Flora and Felicia in my game.The maids B)

    To stay on topic of Sims 3

    Jinkies!! What a waste of time, this place is not haunted at all.



    Yupp that is Annabelle

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    tempted for my sim household's next baby is to be a ghost
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @Zinniavanilla :p Got your message...Camilla huh?? Never heard of her.

    Meanwhile in gamers dream paradise known as my house. :glasses:


    So good another fellow gamer plays the Sims 3 BTW made Flora and Felicia in my game.The maids B)

    To stay on topic of Sims 3

    Jinkies!! What a waste of time, this place is not haunted at all.



    Yupp that is Annabelle

    My bakery is definitely haunted - it's on the exchange and was put there long before I had mods or cc in my game.

    There is a graveyard on the lot and the ghosts come out and haunt at night.
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    Cadh20000Cadh20000 Posts: 730 Member
    edited December 2016
    lanlyn wrote: »
    @Cadh20000 Great pic of Bonehilda on the horse. I had one of my Bonehilda's ride the family horse too. The horse wasn't too happy about it though. Some of the things Bonehilda can do are surprising. She tries to be normal, but doesn't always pull it off! ...Fun pic of Grim in his swimming gear. ...So glad your RL dog will be ok.

    She(the dog) is very old, as in 3 or 4 real years ago the vet said she had passed 100 in dog years, so every time anything happens

    Anyway, as promised here are Daren(first born, alien baby resulting from abduction), Patty(former Imaginary Friend of Daren), and Leaf(Plant-Sim) after the edits to clothes, hair, and in Daren's case his nose, were completed:

    I can't stand the default super-narrow alien nose so he actually got some edits beyond hair and clothes, all to the nose, otherwise all edits were just to the hair and clothes.

    And here is the "Before edit" comparison pic:

    When Hilda(Time-travel child from changing history, is a Witch like her mother) reaches her Teens I'll show her pics as long as I remember anyway.
    My current Wishlist.
    My "Studio"

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited December 2016
    @lanlyn Glad things are a little better on the home front. It does sound like an insane situation but I will send prayers and positive thoughts your way *hugs*
    Thanks for the lovely comment :) and the info on Uni rabbit hole rugs. I did some research and I see it is complicated but doable but will give it some thought for a bit. I really am more interested in my sims having babies than in attending uni ;)
    Always good to see pics of the ever handsome Emad :D

    @Charlottesmom I get on well with both men and women but, for some reason, female sims irk me. If I have conflict in my saves it is usually caused by a female and then I get peeved and have been known to kill them off. It could be they are acting exactly the same as male sims but my mind interprets it differently ... says something about me I guess LOL
    I am straight but have always had gay and lesbian friends. It could be because I worked in a large city library from the age of 17 and they were the norm. I only play gay sims because I love my male sims and if having them be gay means less females in my save, all the better :p
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited December 2016
    @Karritz :love: Every bakery should be haunted.Will go give it a rec because any establishment with spirits floating around deserves it.

    Your display pic for the build is awesome..and LOL at the ghost complaining about routing to the pies and cakes.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @lanlyn Thanks for the comment and nice pictures :smiley:

    @CravenLestat Out of curiosity is the boarded up building a 'neighbourhood object' as I had a picture of one in the snow earlier myself
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Cadh20000 Sorry your dog is having health issues :( I hope it is something that clears up quickly. Pets aging is a worry as they are such a huge part of our lives yet they live so short a time compared to us.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @CravenLestat Just given them a download, because they are free :smiley:

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