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Interesting answers by SimGuru Grant

alanmichael1alanmichael1 Posts: 5,460 Member
There is a very well made preview of City Living on the German fansite I found particulary two answers by SimGuru Grant interesting. I have tried to translate them as carefully as possible.

First, he indicates that one year is now a normal development time for an EP:

"One year is in our view a good time to work with the existing people [on an expansion pack]. Sure, we can have a million people working on it, but that's simply not sensible because some things need their time. It takes some weeks to look at certain things in the game and to try and test it again and again. A year of development was therefore sensible in our view, and with our way of working."

Then he his asked why we can't build our own apartments. He says:

"We were aware that our design decision would frustrate the house builders. But we also knew that we can thus offer storytellers much more variety. We will try to give the builders more opportunities in the future again."

So there is hope for the future!

Here is the link to the complete article:


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    kinot9229kinot9229 Posts: 528 Member
    Thanks for posting.

    I'm okay with this 1 year 1 EP pace.
    I understand that there is a budget limit for this EP.
    But I just think they cut the wrong thing off in this case.
    If you are living in an apartment, elevator is an important transportation tool which you will use EVERYDAY.(Unless you don't go out)
    And you may meet the other people in this building accidentally by taking an elevator. Or being stuck in a broken elevator.
    I think a functional elevator will definitely add more reality into this Life Simulation Game.
    I don't agree that it's just the same thing as stairs.
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    NeiaNeia Posts: 4,190 Member
    You guys do realize that at this current pace, in order for Sims 4 to not go down in history as the Sims game with the fewest EPs (yes, fewer than Sims 1), development would have to continue until AT LEAST 2021, right?

    I would love it :D So many GPs, so many SPs themes to choose from :)
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    IngeJonesIngeJones Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am not picking up on unbridled enthusiasm from the Influencers this time. I think they're expressing "it just stopped short" feelings about many things. People are finding the lack of flexibility in how we can use the features increasingly... can't think of the word. Sort of "Oh."
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    alanmichael1alanmichael1 Posts: 5,460 Member
    edited October 2016
    IngeJones wrote: »
    I am not picking up on unbridled enthusiasm from the Influencers this time. I think they're expressing "it just stopped short" feelings about many things. People are finding the lack of flexibility in how we can use the features increasingly... can't think of the word. Sort of "Oh."
    Yes, neither SimTimes nor Crinrict are really enthousiastic in their reviews. Everybody is worried about the coming repetitiveness.

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    NeiaNeia Posts: 4,190 Member
    So it is now a one year mark for EPs then?

    That is a shame as back in the TS3 days I liked being spoilt with up to three EPs a year and good quality EPs at that!

    We'd already been told it takes a year to make an EP and that there's one EP team. This isn't news. But unlike Sims 3, we have GPs that also add gameplay to the game. If you count only EPs, you're missing a lot of the story.

    Okay but really, in two years, we've gotten two of those and did they really add a lot to the story? You can go to the Spa. You can go to or manage a restaurant. That's it. Those are pretty short chapters to the story and it looks like we'll get one of those per year as well. This is going to be a light iteration that looks poised to totally satisfy almost no one save maybe you Luthienrising and a few other people that seem to see roses and butterflies everywhere no matter what EA/Maxis puts out. I personally think as a company they'd want to attempt for a broader, fully satisfied market then what I see around here but oh well.

    And camping ! We've gotten three so far and they have all been great at what they were aiming for in my mind (even if camping is a theme I was less interested than spa and restaurant, I think they did a good job with it). I like the more focused approach to GPs.

    So two years in, we have 3 GPs and 3 EPs, I think it's a really good amount. If they can manage two GPs a year (while keeping the same quality), it would be perfect.
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    Renamed2002180839Renamed2002180839 Posts: 3,444 Member
    I'm not counting Outdoor Retreat because it was so dull and really nothing more than an overblown stuff pack imo. I do use the stuff in it but I can camp anywhere in the game for as long as I want so I NEVER go to Granite Falls with it's time limits and charges to try and simulate a "vacation" experience. I was really disappointed as I love camping RL and take my son a lot. There's nothing there that I can't have in a park and frankly the secret lot in Oasis or Willow Creek is better done and more attractive. I'm glad you like OR. You're one and Luthrienrising is probably two with EmmaVane being three-lol but seriously I'm glad you like it. For me it was far, far too light to really be a GP and I'll never count it as such. It's just a stuff pack with a park... OH and a bear suit.
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    alanmichael1alanmichael1 Posts: 5,460 Member
    I'm not counting Outdoor Retreat because it was so dull and really nothing more than an overblown stuff pack imo. I do use the stuff in it but I can camp anywhere in the game for as long as I want so I NEVER go to Granite Falls with it's time limits and charges to try and simulate a "vacation" experience. I was really disappointed as I love camping RL and take my son a lot. There's nothing there that I can't have in a park and frankly the secret lot in Oasis or Willow Creek is better done and more attractive. I'm glad you like OR. You're one and Luthrienrising is probably two with EmmaVane being three-lol but seriously I'm glad you like it. For me it was far, far too light to really be a GP and I'll never count it as such. It's just a stuff pack with a park... OH and a bear suit.

    Ah that's not not fair - OR gives us the best skill in the game: herbalism, reminding me of alchemy in my beloved TS3 Supernatural. Also the "bad song singing" with the guitar is great (it came with OR, didn't it?).

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    Simfan923Simfan923 Posts: 5,551 Member
    Basically confirming what many of us suspected.
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    MendotaMendota Posts: 794 Member
    IngeJones wrote: »
    There's hundreds and hundreds (seemingly) new foods. But in TS1 they only had one meal which was meat, green beans and potatoes for breakfast lunch and tea, and it didn't ruin the game. To my mind having so many foods is just making it take longer and longer to scroll the menus for something to eat, and adding very little game fun.

    Oh the foods were horrible in Sims 1. In fact CC foods were the first CC I used in that game. Food is very important to me, it adds so much to the realism. It adds a lots of fun to my game, and many others have expressed this as well. In Sims 2 I had more CC food than any other CC.

    I get that you really liked Sims 2 and you modded the heck out of it. I know, I really enjoyed your mods, they made my game, everything from the teleporter bush to the school mods, wouldn't play without them. But I think you are being more than a little unfair to Sims 4 simply because it is not like Sims 2. I loved Sims 2 in it's day, but I have no desire to have Sims 4 be like it. I like Sims 4 for the things it brings to the table to include the foods, semi open world, time moving on all lots, etc. I respect that everyone likes what they like, but that should go both ways instead of this constant bashing of Sims 4 because everyone assumes that what they want must apply to others.

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    cameronw209cameronw209 Posts: 1,497 Member
    edited October 2016
    IngeJones wrote: »
    I am not picking up on unbridled enthusiasm from the Influencers this time. I think they're expressing "it just stopped short" feelings about many things. People are finding the lack of flexibility in how we can use the features increasingly... can't think of the word. Sort of "Oh."
    Yes, neither SimTimes nor Crinrict are really enthousiastic in their reviews. Everybody is worried about the coming repetitiveness.

    And add on top of the repetitiveness, the one-year gap between repetitiveness, so if City Living really is as underwhelming as we think, you gotta wait til next year for another chance at a good expansion. And add onto THAT all the stuff from the interview, it's just insult to injury.

    As I said, unless Sims 4 runs until 2021, it's currently set to get less expansion packs than ANY past iteration, Sims 1 included. I highly doubt they plan on running Sims 4 that long, and even if they do...? Even if you LOVE Sims 4, it's hard to imagine wanting it around for that long.

    Surely the longer it's around, the less money you'll spend on rehashed content? Are you really in that much of a hurry to restart The Sims for what would be the fourth time? This is one of the biggest gripes I have about the series in its entirety. It's an endless loop of rehashing. As we are seeing with complaints on the forums, tying new ideas with rehashed ones seems to be preventing the devs from developing packs further because they have to cater to those who want previous content *and* those who want new content all while, and this is an assumption, the budget for the game stays the same. I think having an iteration with a longer shelf life would alleviate some of this.
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    PolyrhythmPolyrhythm Posts: 2,789 Member
    IngeJones wrote: »
    I am not picking up on unbridled enthusiasm from the Influencers this time. I think they're expressing "it just stopped short" feelings about many things. People are finding the lack of flexibility in how we can use the features increasingly... can't think of the word. Sort of "Oh."
    Yes, neither SimTimes nor Crinrict are really enthousiastic in their reviews. Everybody is worried about the coming repetitiveness.

    And add on top of the repetitiveness, the one-year gap between repetitiveness, so if City Living really is as underwhelming as we think, you gotta wait til next year for another chance at a good expansion. And add onto THAT all the stuff from the interview, it's just insult to injury.

    As I said, unless Sims 4 runs until 2021, it's currently set to get less expansion packs than ANY past iteration, Sims 1 included. I highly doubt they plan on running Sims 4 that long, and even if they do...? Even if you LOVE Sims 4, it's hard to imagine wanting it around for that long.
    Given all the topics about Seasons and Pets, I can already see the anger if EP4 isn't either of those...then people have to wait yet another year and hope EP5 will be at least one of them (2018). Those are 2 things I'm certain couldn't fit into a GP.
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    DeservedCriticismDeservedCriticism Posts: 2,251 Member
    IngeJones wrote: »
    I am not picking up on unbridled enthusiasm from the Influencers this time. I think they're expressing "it just stopped short" feelings about many things. People are finding the lack of flexibility in how we can use the features increasingly... can't think of the word. Sort of "Oh."
    Yes, neither SimTimes nor Crinrict are really enthousiastic in their reviews. Everybody is worried about the coming repetitiveness.

    And add on top of the repetitiveness, the one-year gap between repetitiveness, so if City Living really is as underwhelming as we think, you gotta wait til next year for another chance at a good expansion. And add onto THAT all the stuff from the interview, it's just insult to injury.

    As I said, unless Sims 4 runs until 2021, it's currently set to get less expansion packs than ANY past iteration, Sims 1 included. I highly doubt they plan on running Sims 4 that long, and even if they do...? Even if you LOVE Sims 4, it's hard to imagine wanting it around for that long.

    Surely the longer it's around, the less money you'll spend on rehashed content? Are you really in that much of a hurry to restart The Sims for what would be the fourth time? This is one of the biggest gripes I have about the series in its entirety. It's an endless loop of rehashing. Trying new ideas, as we are seeing with complaints on the forums, is hindering the devs from developing packs further because they have to cater to those who want previous content *and* those who want new content all while, and this is an assumption, the budget for the game stays the same. I think having an iteration with a longer shelf life would alleviate some of this.

    Oh I agree with you. There's plenty of games that could stand to just make a graphic style they're comfortable with on a fully-fleshed out game engine they're comfortable with, and then just ride that specific title forever, adding on new expansions and refining it for as long as people are willing to pay.

    I do not think Sims 4 qualifies as such though, and if you were to ask me if I would prefer an endless Sims 4 to seeing a Sims 5...? I think they could do better in terms of potential, because they've given us every reason to believe Sims 4 is in some way limiting. By all means, if they work hard on it, ride out Sims 5 for 15 years or so. But this one...? No, please don't. Please don't stick with this one for any longer than 5 years.
    "Who are you, that do not know your history?"
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