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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @lanlyn Great pictures :smile: Love the ones with the horses

    @LBell I had originally build those houses in TS2, but I could only fit 5 in a row but I 'borrowed' the idea from the Belladonna Cove 'Painted Ladies' houses and had built them in TS3 with the same floor plan as at the time I didn't know if there would have been an apartment life. In the end I used invisible room markers so I didn't need an AL anyway. :smiley:

    @jillbg They are people who do all of the formatting for you. I will upload it to Amazon over the next few days :smile:

    @TadOlson Nice update :smile: When is the house going to get an upstairs though? ;)

    @Rukola_Schaaf Great pictures! :smiley:

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @CravenLestat Beautiful Sim :smile:
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    edited September 2016
    @TadOlson I have land and I just bought an RV. A travel trailer. Im going to be living in it for a while. Ill have to put most of my stuff in storage for now. I want to build a sun room off the RV. Good luck with you figuring out what your doing. :)

    @JoAnne65 Fabio is very popular. He is an Italian model. They have used his image on countless romance novels and he is well known here in the USA for his I can't believe its not butter commercials LOL

    My notifications are not working @jillbg good to see you too. :) Packing is a nightmare. I just packed up my parents house and brought it to me. Now I have to clean out my stuff and pack all that. I can't wait for it to end

    @CravenLestat <3 where is Jeannie's hat from?
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    cocococo Posts: 2,729 Member
    Just caught up as I've been away for a few days. I gave out lots of awesomes :) In a couple days I'll have a decent time to play and a new update hopefully.
    @CravenLestat Your Jeannie is so cute! I wanted to say that I also really love the Toy Story movies. I watch them over and over. I also cried when they were in the incinerator :bawling:
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @cwaddell , I like your version of Fabio a lot! He is definitely similar to the original, although prettier! But I like what the real Fabio looked like in his golden romance novel days, too. @phoebebebe13 , I had no idea he was doing I Can't Believe It's Not Butter commercials now! I prefer to remember him like this:
    I think at some point in time I've gone from ironically liking cheesy romance novel covers to genuinely liking them. :mrgreen:
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @lanlyn , I like the picture of Holly doing magic! I don't know what the shining thing she's holding is, but it looks so mysterious!

    @Rukola_Schaaf , I love your nectary and the toddlers are very cute!

    @CravenLestat , lovely Jeannie outfit!
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    edited September 2016
    @PalmArrow He has been doing the I cant believe it's not butter commercials since the 1990's LOL I posted an old commercial not just the new one but you can find the old ones on youtube where he is younger and looks like that romance novel cover. Never read a romance novel

    This is 1996
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @phoebebebe13 , oh, he's much better looking in that one! :) I didn't know about the commercials until now (I'm not American), so I only knew about the romance novel covers and then I read about that incident when he was injured when he collided with a goose on a roller coaster. LOL, that last sentence sounds like a very weird dream, but I think it really happened!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Hey everyone! Great updates! Threw out likes and Awesomes. :)

    The conclusion of Chapter 6 is up in my Holland Family: TNG Story. :) There's a sort of...poll in the next post afterward. Jump on there and let me know your thoughts.
    Click here :)

    Happy Simming! :smiley:
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited September 2016
    Thank you all for the nice comments. <3 As far as Barbara Eden AKA Jeannie when you are a male kid growing up the first GF in your mind is some girl on TV.Well she was mine :p and told my mom I was going to marry her when I was 16,blew it on both those claims. :( My other of course was none other than Julie Newmar AKA Catwoman in the Batman TV series from the 70s.

    Watch this clip it is not long,and even though you are a grown man now,or even a woman it will all make sense.

    @coco That part was so sad because very first time seeing it you never knew if that was how they were going to end the Toy Story series.And I loved when Ken was doing his modeling shoot for Barbie."To Le Freak" :D cracked me up.

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    amyvictoriaamyvictoria Posts: 33 Member
    SOO jealous looking through your posts haven't played in weeks due to my computer dying .. RIP.
    BUT just replaced with a new one and my games are currently installing!
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    plushtrap_107plushtrap_107 Posts: 1,435 Member
    @CravenLestat, the old Batman shows were dead cool!

    @lanlyn, no problem, really glad you like my cat! That is awesome that you found a unicorn!

    @LBell, yep, FNAF is awesome, isn't it! I can't wait for the newest one to come out. Your poor sunburned Sim though, that looks so painful!

    Poor Cyrus; he was about to die of old age again. He didn't have a Death Flower this time so it really looked as if his time was up.


    However, Elmer the cat was terribly unhappy at the thought of losing his loyal subject friend...


    Grim listened to Elmer and allowed Cyrus to return once more! I think Cyrus must be a cat and have nine lives! (Well, seven now, as he has died twice already!)


    "Good, my human servant survives to feed me and pet me more".
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    android00b7android00b7 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Here are some indoor photos of my cousin's mansion
    it's still unfinished because he wanted to build a resort too

    This is the house I built in the downtown area of Vargfjell for Gregor and Henriette

    The art gallery is next door

    The private eye door is on the outside of the gate that leads up to the living area



    On the first floor with the private eye door, there's an unfinished office and a bot-making room

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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    @CravenLestat To Wong Foo, Thanks for everything Julie Newmar . Love this movie. Julie still looked amazing here
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @emorrill I will check out the thread in a bit :smile:

    @plushtrap_107 Nice pictures :smile:

    @android00b7 I love the houses :smile:

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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    I was planning for my Riverview household to enjoy a quiet evening and night after finishing their work - the only thing that was supposed to happen was me going into build mode and building them a greenhouse. But the game had other ideas.

    First, Don Lothario, who was a vampire in my game, chose that moment to visit my active household and die.
    The last thing he did in his life was perfectly fitting for his personality: he watched a girl in the shower. The girl was fully clothed and upgrading the shower, though.

    He was actually waiting for Stevie to finish so that he can chat to her, but I paid no attention to him. She was hungry, so when she finished I skipped the chatting and made her go to the kitchen and eat.
    At the same time Gary came home from work, and as he was standing by the door I noticed that his current interaction was "mourn", with a picture of a black-and-red face that looked like Don.
    I paused and zoomed on Don. He was clearly hungry and tired, but still alive.

    But the next moment ominous music started, and Don slowly collapsed into a pile of ashes.

    Stevie came out and she and Gary both stared at the ashes.

    The Grim Reaper appeared and summoned Don's ghost.

    Don begged for his life, but Grim was merciless.

    Gary patiently waited for all the drama to be over, and then fainted.

    Grim glided over towards the house...

    ... and made himself a cup of tea.

    After drinking the tea he vanished. But that wasn't the end of that night's weirdness. A few seconds after he was gone I heard alien music, and a spaceship landed in the street in front of the farmhouse.

    The alien visitor saw a strange object and decided to analyse it.

    "A lamppost! How fascinating."

    My plans for that sim-night weren't completely derailed by all this, though: the household entered the first day of autumn with a new greenhouse.

    And Stevie visited the cemetery to leave Don's tomb in the mausoleum, and took the opportunity to pick up some rare seeds.
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    BuzzLightyearBuzzLightyear Posts: 1,029 Member
    @CravenLestat LOL i love toy story 3, especially Ken and Barbie. I was nearly crying in the cinema too. Have u heard they're making a number 4!? :smiley:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @PalmArrow Gret story! :smiley: Always interesting when more than one things happen the same day ;)

    Now I have a quick video to share welcoming my Sim named Amber into the world :smile:;
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    Odonata68Odonata68 Posts: 1,076 Member
    edited September 2016
    Great updates and stories everyone! This thread makes me giggle :D
    @CravenLestat gosh you're making me feel old! I grew up watching those shows and they weren't reruns. ;) Batman, Jeannie and the original Star Trek were regularly watched at my house. I think my first "crush" was Captain Kirk. lol :D By the way, I love your Jeannie!

    I have some updates to my Dragon Valley game.
    My current sim, Ashelyn is an animal lover and her ltw is to collect 20 minor pets. She found 2 more today.
    This is Cullen Myrick and his horse Lady. He's Ashelyn's best friend and she has a crush on him.
    Cullen is teaching Ashelyn to ride so she spends a lot of time at his house.
    Checking herself out before she heads to his house:
    In return for teaching her to ride, Ashelyn cooked dinner, but Cullen insisted on doing the dishes. Check out the look on her face as she's watching him clean up. <3
    I broke down and made over a townie (Skin and eyes are cc, hair is Maxis ). He was all yellow so I thought I'd give it a go. I forget his name though:
    Post edited by Odonata68 on
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    MemoriiValentineMemoriiValentine Posts: 1,911 Member
    so i started a new folder with the base game and seasons installed.i only have riverview and some of the holiday items from the store that were free installed.i also have half my cc in.mostly hair,contacts,makeup,ect.of course nraas mods.i never played in riverview before but it is fun so far.
    this is Kathy McGee.She lives in riverview and her first couple weeks there have been eventful.

    she wants to reach the top in the culinary career.she Loves the outdoors,is family orientated,a genius,natural cook,and very neat.her first few days she went to the festival in town and saw something horrifying!

    After backing away slowly,she went up to the 2nd floor and got her a snow cone and then got herself a tan after the disembodied skates went away.when she returned home she planted a few seeds she found and upgraded her sprinklers . afterwards she started painting.


    Odin Cosby was her boss but she had gotten close to him in the few weeks she has known him.they went on a date and he moved in with her after breaking up with hi pregnant wife.(i did a makeover on him)


    Happy Simming!♥
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    edited September 2016
    @pheobebebe13 LOL at Fabio. I don't know what he's really like, but I think it's great that after getting older, he could make fun of himself as the romantic super stud. Some actors have a difficult time letting go of their younger action/romance roles.

    @LBell Love that sunburn pic. The expression!
    @TadOlson The Jankowskys home will be huge. Lots of room. :)
    @Rukola_Schaaf Neat alien snowman. That was a fun pic of the IF, alien, and alien snowman.

    @plushtrap_107 That's neat about the cat begging Grim for Cyrus' life!
    @android00b7 Really nice home! I like how the outside matches the decor of the town too.
    @PalmArrow In one of my games Don became a vampire too ...and died of starvation. Those are great shots of him and Grim. Poor Don!

    @king_of_simcity7 Fun introduction video.
    @Odonata68 I really like the pic of Ashelyn with the bird. And the one of Cullen on his horse. I can see why she has a crush on him.
    @MemoriiValentine That invisible skater! :o

    @CravenLestat Great Jeannie photos. One of the things I remember about the show (and Bewitched) was that the men in their lives tried to ban their magic. It was like the old I Love Lucy shows where Lucy wanted to be in showbiz but always got in trouble. Same kind of theme. Men having problems controlling their women. Hmm.

    Holly visits the Snake Oil Caravan and uses the cauldron to make a potion.


    Back home, Roy calls up his teammate and best friend ...
    Roy: Hey, have you seen Holly? She's been gone all day and ... what?
    BF: She's down here at the Snake Oil place giving everyone hugs. You got a great wife, Roy!
    Roy: (growling) You've been hugging my wife?

    BF: Holly's a real affectionate lady, man. Didn't know she was so friendly. ... Can I come over for supper?
    Post edited by lanlyn on
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @emorrill I read your post on the other thread. Really liked it. I commented there.
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    edited September 2016
    @lanlyn he still looks good and he does poke fun of himself. PS he is close to 60 years old
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    I envy ya all playing sims when I can just breeze past my computer and check the forums on my cell! Gaah! But I'm liking and awesoming all your posts, waiting for the weekend to eventually get my stuff together and play enough to post something...

    @MemoriiValentine Odin looks better without being un recognizable! :) Spooky skates... Must be the ghost of a girl who died there...


    @CravenLestat Devilishly sweet! I'm surprised you didn't wish for anything more... :o

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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    @CravenLestat Your genie is gorgeous! Is she Pearl Young? :-O

    @Odonata68 Your elf is very cute! I like those pics with the pets. The blond elf at the end looks like link.

    @PalmArrow What a day! I wonder how Don's death will be explained in your story?
    You're so mean!

    LOL "You've been hugging my wife?"

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