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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    cwaddellcwaddell Posts: 4,960 Member
    edited September 2016
    Yesterday my cable was intermittent so played sims but did not get to reading this thread or the rest of the sims 3 forum. Looks like my internet connection is stable today. I'll be reading and giving out "like"s and "awesome"s the next few days as I try to catch up.

    Thank you everyone for your kinds remarks. It's great having power again but not everyone in the city has it yet. Doesn't look like the people just down the street have power yet. 4 or 5 big live oaks and pine trees took down 2 power poles and wires and hit one person's house and crushed another's car. So being without power for 4 and 1/2 days was not so bad after all. :)

    And thank you all for your appreciation of my new sim - @amethnw , @TadOlson , @king_of_simcity7 , @lanlyn , @mirta000 and anyone I might have missed.
    mirta000 wrote: »
    @cwaddell I couldn't last without power for 4 days. Way too long. That sim hair though. Gorgeous. And happy next week of simming!
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    cwaddellcwaddell Posts: 4,960 Member
    edited September 2016
    An update on my 3 sisters game.

    Fox in the hen house.

    I created a new sim loosely based on Fabio, a younger, smoother, sim version if you will. I call him Fabio Tucci. His LTW is to become a superstar athlete. I can't remember all his traits but he is athletic, night owl, loves the outdoors and one to do with dogs.

    Fabio's 2 great danes, Daisy and Duke.

    Instead of starting yet another game to play him I decided to add him to my 3 sisters game.

    House - I had already done some redecorating but also made changes to make room for the additions to the household.

    Moved the drafting table from the library to Shanon's room.

    Increased the room in the library and also the nursery by putting back the bay bump-out.

    Redecorated the nursery to becomes Fabio's bedroom.

    Had already put two computers up in the attic. Added a bathroom and the 2 big dog beds.

    Added a pool.

    View of the graveyard in the back corner.

    I continued my game from right after Megan went off to work.


    Trisha read her gardening book for work while Shanon watched the cockatoo. For some reason she seems to antagonize it by making barking sounds, so I stopped that. Maybe she'll get along better with their boarder's 2 dogs.

    Shanon performed another architecture design assignment getting a good review and earning another celebrity star from being noticed around town.

    Trisha worked on the old car before I sent her off to plant some seeds. Her wish for a pool decided me on adding that. Besides I think Fabio would make a very nice pool boy.

    Fabio, Daisy and Duke joined the household. Since each sister has the attractive reward and 25 acquaintances they are instant friends with whomever they meet. So Fabio acquired 3 celebrity friends (Megan and Shanon with 2 stars and Trisha with 1) and became a 2 star celeb.

    Fabio collected some university freebies and took the placement test.

    Shanon tried out the pool. Trisha will join her after she finishes planting. Tisha's LTW is to grow 8 perfect plants so she needs to start working on that before winter comes.

    Fabio was enrolling at uni when Megan got home from work. She definitely noticed him.

    The sisters waved as he heads to university. He will certainly cause quite a stir with the sisters, like a fox in the hen house.

    Fabio at university.

    Being a night owl it's a good thing his first class starts at 12 noon each day.

    On Sunday Fabio concentrated on meeting sims - in the university quad, at the meet and greet, at a party at the sorority house and finally his roommates at the dorm. Since he saved meeting his female roommates to the last he already had his 25 acquaintance so started their relationships halfway to being friends rather than at zero.

    Fabio got a celebrity opportunity to work out for 4 hours. Since he had already been to his classes on Monday working out added to his grade, added to his celeb points, fulfilled a wish to get pumped and advanced his athletic skill for when he eventually joins the professional sports career.

    By the end of the athletic activity on Tuesday Fabio has an A and is at level 6 or 7 of athletics. Now he can concentrate on socializing with the ladies and advancing his jock social standing.

    Post edited by cwaddell on
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    krabby_pattiesskrabby_pattiess Posts: 358 Member
    Hey guys! I'm free to play because I don't have school this weekend. I'm gonna try to play different games instead of just my perfect genetics or just my hairacy.
    My blog where you can catch my simming:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @PalmArrow and Nice update and great pictures :smile:

    @cwaddell I love the Sim named Fabio :smile:
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    krabby_pattiesskrabby_pattiess Posts: 358 Member
    edited September 2016
    My sim is having a chocolate covered pineapple spear.
    My blog where you can catch my simming:
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    krabby_pattiesskrabby_pattiess Posts: 358 Member
    Passion is on baby #3
    My blog where you can catch my simming:
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited September 2016
    @king_of_simcity7 Thanks :smiley:
    @PalmArrow I really like what you did with the newspaper! Poor Miranda... There are a few misunderstandings going on there.
    @cwaddell Fabio is really fabulous <3 Beautiful house!
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    BuzzLightyearBuzzLightyear Posts: 1,029 Member
    @PalmArrow loved your story and especially what u did with the newspaper xx
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    krabby_pattiesskrabby_pattiess Posts: 358 Member
    My sim had a baby girl and I named her Martini, hopefully she has Passion's genes. I'm switching games though,
    My blog where you can catch my simming:
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @plushtrap_107 That's such a cute photo of your RL cat in a box! Thanks for sharing.

    @amethnw I like those CC doll toys. ...Darling toddlers. ...Tell me about that CC bird cage. Is it just replacement radio thing, or is a small bird inside?

    @Springfairy556 Great IP pics. The Kraken!
    @carlymichelle I like the pictures of the wrecked ship.
    @phoebebebe13 Hi there! Good to see you again.

    @mirta000 Lillian asks, "Why choose when you can have both?" Well wait till the wolf starts ripping the witch apart and the witch retaliates by turning wolfie into a toad! Yah, be ready for some good old sim excitement. LOL, Just teasing.

    @TadOlson The campground looks like it's going to be awesome. A big building with a common eating area? Sleeping? Reminds me of my summer camp days when I was a kid.

    @Rukola_Schaaf Twins! And one a little girl too. ...Lovely female genie. ...RE: sims forums censoring game names. The old sims 3 site was even worse at censoring names given by the game itself. I've had alien names be censored as well as regular sims names.

    @emorrill I read your updates. You've been busy writing. Great work. Drama, drama! Loved the dialogue and the inner thoughts of the characters. I responded a little on the thread too.

    @JoAnne65 LOL at the fireman trying to "squelch" the lady's scream with the fire extinguisher! ...And the flirting boyfriend who got into a fight right beside his girl. Too funny!

    @PalmArrow I like the twist you added about the newspaper report on Gary's so-called romance in China. I'm interested to see if Miranda explores her options with the fireman.

    @cwaddell Good luck with all the power issues in RL. What a terrible mess. ...Great update on Fabio. And I absolutely love what you've done with the Now and Then Manor. So classy. Upscale. Awesome!

    @Thuggishsplicer My Hidden Springs doesn't lag, but I did make a change to the water hole park where the unicorn spawns (the lot higher up). My unicorn would never appear. Apparently, it gets stuck in the rocks by the water fall. I edited the lot to remove a rock in the cliff and make more room for the horses to move around. I read that there are several places where the animals can get stuck in HS. Do you have NRass Register? It lets you control now many horses and strays there are in town without turning them completely off. I always limit the number in all my worlds. And you probably already use Overwatch and ErrorTrap?

    And read this particular post. It might help. It talks about the unicorn lot I mentioned. Post to help with Hidden Springs Lag

    ...RE: horses getting stuck. I noticed a similar problem last night in my Wild West game. I love how EA and players create lush landscapes, but sims (especially horses) need space to maneuver. I'm going to edit that lot in WW too. When my horse went to interact with the wild horses and unicorn, he couldn't socialize because there was no room.

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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    Hi @lanlyn Good to see you too! I just stopped in to say hi to everyone. Still dealing with estate issues and moving. Hopefully I will get back to my game and play soon

    @cwaddell LOL the first person I thought of was Fabio and the I can't believe its not butter commercial. It does look like him, good job :)
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    edited September 2016
    I had a lot of fun in the Wild West yesterday with Roy and Holly. I took so many screenshots! I need to sort them out to make updates, but I did want to share one bit of shocking news. :D

    Roy Thorn, the Low-Down Cheating Dirtbag of Riverview ...

    ... now has a new reputation in the Wild West. He's Faithful! Once he got a Clean Slate reward, that is.

    How has he managed this amazing turnaround? For one thing, I've kept him busy with his horse and his son.

    Riley: When I grow up I want to be just like you, Dad.
    Roy: Well son, you pay attention and I'll tell you all you need to know about life.
    Me: Oh no! Please, no.

    Most of all though, Holly has gone full Wiccan, dazzling Roy with magic ...

    ... and adding spice to their married life.

    But Holly has more witchy plans for newly reformed Roy ... just to make sure he doesn't backslide! >:)
    Post edited by lanlyn on
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    @cwaddell The house looks gorgeous!! :-O
    Unfortunately, I have no idea who Fabio is, but the lad and the girls seem like an interesting groups.

    @lanlyn Thanks a bunch for the tips regarding Hidden Springs. It's odd because I set my register to avoid spawing horses since I was sure it would lag with that mountain in the middle. I've just saved those tips you pointed and I'll try it again later. Specially when I pick up a new mouse with a working wheel.

    @all I'm sorry, but today I'll skip reading everybody's updates. I'll try to do it tomorrow. I've just watched "Star Trek: Beyond" and I loved it! However, I'm hooked on a book I bought today. I found a copy of "Under The Dome" in English. It's much better than the series! XD
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
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    LBellLBell Posts: 3,511 Member
    edited September 2016
    I have given everyone likes and awesomes! Some amazing photos in here but wow this thread moves fast! Haha.

    A few days late but as promised here are the comments and replies :D

    Page: 777

    @king_of_simcity7 Thank you!

    @CravenLestat Haha that is a good idea though I really dislike the Sims 3 zombies they never seem interested in Sim flesh only Sim flowers! Lol!

    @plushtrap_107 Lovely name by the way, I take it you’re a FNAF fan? Hehe me too! Thank you for the comment.

    @PalmArrow What a beautiful happy face that is! I can just see the happiness in that smile... LOL!

    @MemoriiValentine Wow Brittany Casper is stunning!

    Page 778

    @mirta000 I made Jackson after my boyfriend in real life and his eyes are extremely blue! I love blue eyes. Thank you, I’ll try that to upload my pics.

    @TadOlson Thank you! The picture of that rainbow is stunning! Well captured.

    Page 779:

    @lanlyn Haha thank you.

    @coco Beautiful wedding pictures!

    @king_of_simcity7 I like that row of houses it reminds me of Apartment Life from Sims 2!

    @ilikethesims30 Don’t you hate it when that happens! I remember one of my Sims had a teen to young adult party and their father died from electrocution.

    This happened a few days ago as I haven't had the chance to play recently. But.

    The household moved to a new town and Jackson somehow sank into the bridge but didn't hesitate to let me know LOL.


    My Simself got sunburt and Jackson found it hilarious.


    But not me... oh no I did not.

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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    @thuggishsplicer Well the only wordpress I regally read is a site that is not allowed to be mentioned on the forums as it mentions 'gossip' from the Sims community.

    But I have sent one of my stories off to be reviewed ready to upload to Amazon which is my next move.

    They basically format it for you and it costs $49 which translate to £35 for me so it is a good deal so far :smile:

    @king_of_simcity7 Wow! Where did you send it to be reviewed? :o Tell me when it's ready to be read! I've got a Kindle and I'll be delighted to read your story. :D Can you upload with pics? Or is it just written text? I'm so excited for you!

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @emorrill -Hi there!I've got to get caught up on my stories.
    @king_of_simcity7 -Thanks for the comment.
    @phoebebebe13 -We're just looking around and haven't found anything yet.It might come down to relocating wich means I might have to be driving and own an RV because it's hard to find anything close to where we live.I found time to play on my computer while packing up to move thalast time we moved though I played shorter sessions when I took breaks from packing or had run out of bins to pack in.Finding and buying a place dosen't mean moving in right away because me might have to get the old house torn down to build a new house for our family because we need things like apartments in our new house.I'd take one for my new bedroom so I don't have to fight over kitchen access.It looks like you're having trouble finding a place.
    @JoAnne65 -Hi there!Great update!
    @PalmArrow -Great update!I disabled paparazzi because most of my games don't even have celebrities in them thanks to story progression settings.
    @cwaddell -Hi there!It's awful to have things in a mess where you live.Great update!That newcomer looks like a great addition to your story.
    @krabby_pattiess -I've had new games and have to play one of them again.
    @lanlyn -Thanks for the comment.I did that as a replacement for the Generations free vacations to be taken locally.Great update!
    @thuggishsplicer -I've seen evidence of them trying to fix Google Pictures because too many others posted about being unalbe to use it.
    @LBell -Thanks for the comment.Great update!It looks like that sim needed an MC reset.
    Storybrook County,Maine-Fall-1551.
    The Jankowskys got the final section of wall up.
    The flooring roof and siding got installed.
    Here's the outside of their house so far.
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    @phoebebebe13 So nice to see you back again! :) It's a struggle to move, but it's good to get rid of old stuff...

    Fabulous pics @PalmArrow , @lanlyn , @CravenLestat , @cwaddell , @TadOlson :) I'm lurking and awesoming, haven't really got time for much else...
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    Hello @jillbg :p

    @PalmArrow Biyu Shen I approve of your update :love: Wait till you see her roomate Adaeze :flushed: especially at young adult she looks good at adult but at YA <3 And Biyu I like her she is awesome and is a natural cook and I think neat trait and looks good so is great GF/wife material but uggg she is a snob but she does get the "I am beautiful moodlet" when she looks in mirrors which I find to be a funny moodlet :D
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @BuzzLightyear You have no idea how many times I have seen and how much I love toy story 3, it is my favorite one.And love your siggy <3 Seriously when it first came out I about cried thinking they were all going to die and be burned and about teared up when they held hands heading to the incinerator. :'(

    And big baby was creepy :s
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    Rukola_SchaafRukola_Schaaf Posts: 3,065 Member
    yesterday i was unable to upload pics to tinypic, at least it functions now :smile:

    Rolli has finally his first somewhat functioning nectary in Sunset Valley
    it's tweaked with cheats via NRaas DebugEnabler but without additional mods, so just basic functions
    which means unable to sell nectar made by Rolli, only randomly generated nectar in racks can be sold
    i will try to get more functionality out of shops with ani's mods but on additional lots, i have to test which set up would suit the story best, there are several options available
    Dora enjoyed once again to get out of the house & play a little with townies
    & sometimes is this game very surprising
    Vinnie, which is destined to become the heir of all the nectar making wealth wished for a goodnight story & Rolli grabbed autonomously a book about nectar making, isn't that sweet :smiley:
    Bertrand on the other hand started to think about his own ancestry
    one late evening i've sent Vinni & Bertrand to ice skate
    unfortunately i've totally forgotten that they had the next morning an excursion with the school, they were very tired after that but they enjoyed every second of both nevertheless
    Rolli was able meantime to befriend the genie
    last two pics about the twins as babies before they grow up to toddlers
    & here they are, Barbara & Barnabas Brabant as toddlers already, so cute :smiley:
    next stop, finally, the second honeymoon in Egypt
    & the todds staying at home with the genie addition to the family

    i won't be participating in the forums & the gallery anymore - thanks EA
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    JOEnotAVERAGEJOEnotAVERAGE Posts: 1 New Member
    got abducted by an alien
    moved out my sim into her new husbands bigger house
    the daughter of one of my first sims became a master artist
    the reataurant is almost done
    went mod shopping

    clearly all i did was sims 4
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited September 2016
    @lanlyn Lol, well, you're never too old to clean up your act ;) Holly clearly has him under her spell >:)
    @phoebebebe13 You just gave a whole different dimension to @cwaddell's Fabio :D Don't know if that's a well known commercial to others, not to me ;)
    @LBell Nooo, it doesn't look funny at all o:)B)
    @TadOlson Next step are windows and a door? Between how many households do you rotate by the way, the whole community?
    @Rukola_Schaaf Too bad they can't sell their own nectar... That's strange isn't it? Are the toddlers genies?
    @CravenLestat She's lovely! (I love that show ;))
    Post edited by JoAnne65 on

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