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How do you feel about the lack of EP3 news/any news *honest thoughts*


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    luthienrisingluthienrising Posts: 37,632 Member
    edited July 2016
    You know, if you actually look at how much stuff in terms of SPs + GPs (a new thing) + EPs put together and counting GPs not only EPs was released by this point in both Sims 2 and Sims 3, we're at about the same place (I could provide all the detail, but I've done that enough lately and have to get on the road in a few). The only difference is there's not a store full of $1 hairs to buy. Dry periods have been shorter, not longer.

    We've been told there's an EP team. It's making an EP, not twiddling its thumbs for money. We've been told that when there's an EP coming, it will be teased in the seasonal trailer. It's been insinuated that we pretty much get a choice between anything free alongside major development that goes into an EP and learning about an EP extra early. And what does learning about an extra EP do for us exactly? Just makes anticipation of specifics last longer.

    If anticipation is your only fun with the game, maybe you need to look outside Sims for some fun? And if you really want to sit anticipating stuff for months before it comes out, okay than? I don't see the point in that, personally.

    As for months of silence, that's only about one type of pack (well, and the T word, but unless they rule those out forever or are releasing them in the same quarter, they can't say anything). That entire line is predicated on EPs being the only valuable way gameplay comes to the game, or only gameplay needing so much development that no portion of it can fit in a GP being valuable. I don't get it. When I'm playing the game, my Sims do the things that come with GPs and SPs, not only EPs. They're adding to day-to-day activity and gameplay. I don't get how that doesn't count? How it's not "real" gameplay? Camping and herbalism and yoga and going to the spa and children playing games and making puppet shows to show their friends and watching a movie together and having a water-slide party and running a restaurant and going out to eat at all sorts of permutations of restaurants, from just ice cream to fancy dining, and seeing what the wishing well brings ... that is all actually gameplay while I'm playing. It's not a vast space of Nothingness between EPs.

    Anyway, I'm off to not play Sims because there's other stuff to do for a few days summer holiday. Hope some people in this topic can find other things to do too than worry about what might or might not get announced in October, when it can be. There's a world of fun out there -- and in Sims -- to be had, not only EPs.

    *fixed a typo
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    Spacey72659Spacey72659 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @Paigeisin5 So many of my feelings are the same. I would change one thing. I'm getting really tired of playing Charlie Brown to EA's Lucy during football season.

    Bwahahahaaaa, OMG. Love that. I find it even funnier for reasons I can't state but... Ahhh, that was good...

    I kind of agree. I'm trying not to be spoiled or entitled here, but I feel disappointed without any news. I think they've spoiled us with all the stuff packs and etc, so when we get to these "barren months" it"s hard not to be upset about lack of info or content. I don't think it helps that the last few, to me personally, seemed like rehashing the same things we've gotten before. Aside from Kids Stuff, I feel like Dine Out was just an extension of Get To Work, which I'm already meh over and never use half the features of, and Backyard is not much more then an add on to Perfect Patio. I like the water slide and the bird feeder (BC BIRDSSSS) but, my personal bird crazy aside, it's a little disappointing.

    I get that not every pack is going to appeal to everyone. I'm happy for all the stuff we do get, and I do appreciate they seem to be putting more effort in (all the color options and gameplay objects) but, is it perfect? No (hi, water slide but only one new bathing suit? Come now, that was a perfect opportunity there IMO).

    Still, flaws and nitpicking aside, I don't mind. I'll take all the stuff packs they put out bc I'm a hoarder and I need ALL THE THINGS! However..... I'm still bummed about that quarterly teaser. Unless a lot of us are dumb, I've not seen anyone that can find anything in that teaser that hints at anything other then the nanny or the backyard pack.... Maybe they REALLY hid those "hints" or we're not getting anything for 2 months.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    @Paigeisin5 So many of my feelings are the same. I would change one thing. I'm getting really tired of playing Charlie Brown to EA's Lucy during football season.

    Bwahahahaaaa, OMG. Love that. I find it even funnier for reasons I can't state but... Ahhh, that was good...

    I kind of agree. I'm trying not to be spoiled or entitled here, but I feel disappointed without any news. I think they've spoiled us with all the stuff packs and etc, so when we get to these "barren months" it"s hard not to be upset about lack of info or content. I don't think it helps that the last few, to me personally, seemed like rehashing the same things we've gotten before. Aside from Kids Stuff, I feel like Dine Out was just an extension of Get To Work, which I'm already meh over and never use half the features of, and Backyard is not much more then an add on to Perfect Patio. I like the water slide and the bird feeder (BC BIRDSSSS) but, my personal bird crazy aside, it's a little disappointing.

    I get that not every pack is going to appeal to everyone. I'm happy for all the stuff we do get, and I do appreciate they seem to be putting more effort in (all the color options and gameplay objects) but, is it perfect? No (hi, water slide but only one new bathing suit? Come now, that was a perfect opportunity there IMO).

    Still, flaws and nitpicking aside, I don't mind. I'll take all the stuff packs they put out bc I'm a hoarder and I need ALL THE THINGS! However..... I'm still bummed about that quarterly teaser. Unless a lot of us are dumb, I've not seen anyone that can find anything in that teaser that hints at anything other then the nanny or the backyard pack.... Maybe they REALLY hid those "hints" or we're not getting anything for 2 months.

    Glad you liked the reference.

    I'm disappointed too but for me it's the kind of content they have been putting out. I hope for something meaningful that will give some depth and personality to this game and we keep getting 'stuff'.
    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    gc6164gc6164 Posts: 516 Member
    edited July 2016
    To be honest, I think they're too scared to announce the Ep until they are 90-95% done with it. The reaction they received from Get Together might have influenced this lol.
    The amount of time it's been since the last Ep though, this better be good.

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    JerrelloJerrello Posts: 896 Member
    At this point I'm kinda numb to it all. I don't expect them to do the obvious like communicate or deliver what we asked for because that simply makes too much sense.
    It's sad the way EA refuses to communicate anything with us until a week or so before something releases. It just comes down to out of touch management really, look at the state they released the game in. I'm not surprised by the silence, the excuses, giving us everything except what we have asked for, or blaming us because they can't deliver what they promised. I'm sure their handling the next EP like what can we give them that will shut them up other than generations, supernatural, seasons, and pets..what about picnics? Jokes aside, I do think the next EP may be decent just not exactly what we asked for. I just don't have high expectations for them at all, especially when they went back on their word with video teasers and gave us a gif.
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    PixelsimmerPixelsimmer Posts: 2,351 Member
    edited July 2016
    Jerrello wrote: »
    Jokes aside, I do think the next EP may be decent just not exactly what we asked for. I just don't have high expectations for them at all, especially when they went back on their word with video teasers and gave us a gif.

    Exactly. After all that was what happened with Get Together (and to a lesser extent with GTW). Nice EPs overall but not quite what the game needs right now or what fans are asking for.
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    tayloremxxtayloremxx Posts: 543 Member
    I feel like we'll get EP3 in the last quarter which is October-December, with the teaser in October. News wise, I don't mind the lack of it only because I have other things on my mind, such as moving and school starting in 3 weeks. But if those things weren't going on in my life, then yea I'd be really upset about the lack of info.

    Im with you on this one! I've got so much on to distract me.
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    emilymsimsemilymsims Posts: 398 Member
    I am out of ideas-
    I can't play they way I want with this installment.
    There are no new jobs and the life stages all look alike and we are missing pur toddlers still. SPs keep my busy for like a day. I don't need stuff I need water game play. Again this game is too happy and predictable. I hope they really have a great EP in store.
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    MicemSimsMicemSims Posts: 463 Member
    Disappointed. :/
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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    Here's how I feel:

    This live service blows, the game still has many bugs and the non fixed musical chairs and culling. EA needs to seriously increase the people at Maxis cause this isn't working for anyone. The quarterly releases make 0 sense and the fact that they are reducing EP's is but a joke. I don't even understand the point in having a full EP team if we are going to get the same amount of content of GT, like does the EP team have half the year vacations and then the other half they work nor counting leisure days etc? Like they better pray the next EP HAS content (including CAS, Build Mode and Live Mode) with actual feature on each otherwise it's just a pure joke on whoever buys it.

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    PawsNyuuPawsNyuu Posts: 142 Member
    I feel a bit indifferent about the lack of announcements. When we get news, I'm often underwhelmed, so I've started to expect disappointment. Because of this The Sims is pretty dull to me at the moment, and I've moved on to other games for now. But I do still check the forums from time to time to see if there's any news. I've been waiting for BUG FIXES, EP3 and *gasp* toddlers for what feels like years now (oh wait, it's been years now soon) and the long wait makes it hard to stay invested in the game.

    Meh, I'll just play Overwatch and Pokémon Go instead.
    Origin ID: NyuuMoe
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    WillowG145WillowG145 Posts: 351 Member
    Quite frankly, even if a new EP is out, until toddlers and family play isn't there I would not be interested.
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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    Jerrello wrote: »
    At this point I'm kinda numb to it all. I don't expect them to do the obvious like communicate or deliver what we asked for because that simply makes too much sense.
    It's sad the way EA refuses to communicate anything with us until a week or so before something releases. It just comes down to out of touch management really, look at the state they released the game in. I'm not surprised by the silence, the excuses, giving us everything except what we have asked for, or blaming us because they can't deliver what they promised. I'm sure their handling the next EP like what can we give them that will shut them up other than generations, supernatural, seasons, and pets..what about picnics? Jokes aside, I do think the next EP may be decent just not exactly what we asked for. I just don't have high expectations for them at all, especially when they went back on their word with video teasers and gave us a gif.

    I wanted to specifically address the part in bold regarding our teasers.

    The quarterly teasers are a new thing, we've never done them before which means there will be a lot of experimentation on how we do them until we feel we get to a good place where it meets our expectations and yours. Especially during down times where we aren't releasing paid content and just don't have enough for a video. We know now that a GIF / animated render is not a good avenue for showing content and will make sure we don't do those for quarterly teasers going forward.

    @SimGuruDrake I don't want to be offensive, I appreciate your work as the community manager, but when it comes to marketing content, shouldn't EA have professionals that know all the tricks and stuff to approach people with payed content? Why are you (the team) experimenting on us when these things should be known?
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    Glimmer50Glimmer50 Posts: 2,365 Member
    equuest wrote: »
    I think i'll be okay without news for a while too, I still haven't explored all the possibilities related to previous packs. Such as the doctor and scientist careers, owning a restaurant, etc. I'm also trying to build all the worlds and populate them with my sims for a worldwide rotational gameplay. I plan to do this one neighborhood at a time until everyone in that neighborhood is successful (built houses, etc) then move onto the next neighborhood. I think I have a lot to keep me busy for a while.

    Yeah this is where I am at. I tend to be a very slow player since I play other games also. Currently, thinking of also firing up Dragon Age and do a play through of all the games. But I digress..I haven't explored so much still..the doctor career, detective career, and also owning a restaurant or a retail business.

    I have a pretty long to do list of things I would like to get done before new content is released. Like finish some challenges I started and finish up my builds. I have tons of them I haven't even decorated yet. I have quite a bit to keep me busy..also still doing the Build Newcrest Legacy Challenge LOL...and many others. So, I can wait. :)
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    jcp011c2jcp011c2 Posts: 10,874 Member
    I think it's awful.
    It's kind of sad that I have to point out that anything I say is only just my opinion and may be a different one from someone else.
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    Icy_LavaIcy_Lava Posts: 5,461 Member
    At this point, the saddest part about the game is there's hardly any worlds and they are so tiny...:/ And so far they only release worlds in special patches or expansions....We haven't got a new world since Get Together. :/
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    edited July 2016
    I feel sad. Bad enough having toddlers and supernaturals put on the back burner. Even worst finding out the news that EPs are going to be the rarest of packs too. They were always my favorite packs and only packs I could depend on to bring out new life states. Get Together broke that hope. It feels like the Sims 4 was designed in a tiny fish bowl, so why majority of packs are kept small.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    catloverplayercatloverplayer Posts: 93,511 Member
    It's obvious that they are struggling to make new EPs fit the low minimum requirements. Why did they resort to relationship culling, which I don't think has been addressed yet by the way, unless it was a last ditch desperate attempt to save computing resources in any manner possible? They've run out of room because the engine is horrible and the minimum requirements a joke. I predict that the next EP will be the last EP. They'll do a lot more SP because those don't affect computing resources in the same way, but the very last EP for Sims 4 will be launched later this year.

    I can't believe that. SGDRAKE says EP's are still a thing. I expect many more as they haven't even started on 5 yet.

    Even if they have there is probebly 4 more years to finish it.
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    ArlettaArletta Posts: 8,444 Member
    Scobre wrote: »
    I feel sad. Bad enough having toddlers and supernaturals put on the back burner. Even worst finding out the news that EPs are going to be the rarest of packs too. They were always my favorite packs and only packs I could depend on to bring out new life states. Get Together broke that hope. It feels like the Sims 4 was designed in a tiny fish bowl, so why majority of packs are kept small.

    Quick query.

    Are the packs smaller or is that just your perspective?
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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    edited July 2016
    Arletta wrote: »
    Scobre wrote: »
    I feel sad. Bad enough having toddlers and supernaturals put on the back burner. Even worst finding out the news that EPs are going to be the rarest of packs too. They were always my favorite packs and only packs I could depend on to bring out new life states. Get Together broke that hope. It feels like the Sims 4 was designed in a tiny fish bowl, so why majority of packs are kept small.

    Quick query.

    Are the packs smaller or is that just your perspective?

    He didn't said "smaller" he said "small" as in TS4 has lots of small packs, ex: Stuff Packs and Game Packs. Don't know why your mind took you to think he's comparing anything.
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    ArlettaArletta Posts: 8,444 Member
    edited July 2016
    It's obvious that they are struggling to make new EPs fit the low minimum requirements. Why did they resort to relationship culling, which I don't think has been addressed yet by the way, unless it was a last ditch desperate attempt to save computing resources in any manner possible? They've run out of room because the engine is horrible and the minimum requirements a joke. I predict that the next EP will be the last EP. They'll do a lot more SP because those don't affect computing resources in the same way, but the very last EP for Sims 4 will be launched later this year.

    I can't believe that. SGDRAKE says EP's are still a thing. I expect many more as they haven't even started on 5 yet.

    Even if they have there is probebly 4 more years to finish it.

    Neither do I. People like shrieking about the sky falling in for no apparent reason. When it's put into perspective, the last pack was recently released. It's not like they stopped releasing things. There's no proof that there are issues with the games engine. There's no less content than there was for other iterations, to the best of my knowledge. People like doomsaying here.
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    Cesal95Cesal95 Posts: 298 Member
    I feel sad because I thought we were going to know at least a little bit about the new EP around Gamescom, but @SimGuruDrake has stated many times that they are not ready to talk about it yet, I think that all this wait will be worth it if in the end we have a well done EP3 with many of the features we have been waiting for. I guess time will tell

    BTW I have a question @SimGuruDrake, from now on are EPs going to be announced only after its respective quarterly teaser? Or can we expect to have an EP (not necessary EP3) announced way before it's launch? (like in TS3 o Get Together), that's something that gets me a little bit confused.
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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    Neither do I. People like shrieking about the sky falling in for no apparent reason. When it's put into perspective, the last pack was recently released. It's not like they stopped releasing things. There's no proof that there are issues with the games engine. There's no less content than there was for other iterations, to the best of my knowledge. People like doomsaying here.

    I think people are going too far, but there is evidence of problems: low population limits, culling, relationship decay/culling...

    How much expansion can we expect when playing the game with the released packs already affects performance so much that culling/decay was added as a performance fix, (even if it the gurus say decay is over-aggressive)? Does it really make sense to expect them to add many more worlds when the population limit is so low? Unless something major changes, I don't think there's room for much more.

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    83bienchen83bienchen Posts: 2,589 Member
    I do enjoy the smaller packs at the moment, but I really hope we will get an EP this year. I suppose they´re heading for X-mas sale, which means the release will be in November or December.
    Now now EA, don't be stinking up our lovely lavender bath with your shopping fart. - My TS4 mods - Gallery ID: 83bienchen
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