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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hey guys. Just popping buy to let y'all know I'm still around. I've been a bit busy with my boyfriend's birthday and working and stuff - though I did manage to get another of the apartments completed on the build I'm working on for @mastressalita (I won't be posting pictures tonight, sorry). :sweat_smile: Just one more to go!

    I have to take a little time and work on my novel though, so I'm going to be out still for a few more days. I can't stand the idea of not posting three weeks in a row - so I'm going to finish writing the next chapter over the next few nights. After a talk with my mother-in-law, I've decided I need to go more in depth into what's going on right now in the novel. I WAS going to try to wrap up this event in one maybe two more chapters, but now it looks like I'm going to need to spend a little more time on it. :yum:

    Anyway - love you guys, I promise I'll be around to actually chat and respond to everyone as soon as I can. :heart:
    Hope all the US users had a great memorial day weekend.
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    lisabee2lisabee2 Posts: 3,708 Member
    Welcome to the forum @ashleymeganwhoa :) I am new to forums too .. I can attest to the value of both @SilentWolf101 's Helpful guides for you is (in a word) helpful indeed! I also enjoyed very much @Julyvee94 's Simlit guide. I hope you enjoy your time here. As for story advice (I am a novice true) but I think it has to do with vision .. I have envisioned where I want them to go at least 4 blogs ahead of what I am ready to post. If that makes any sense LOL I think that quite often my simmies will "become" themselves as I play them :)
    New readers can visit here first: In-a-NUTSHELL
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    RipuAncestorRipuAncestor Posts: 2,332 Member
    Julyvee94 wrote: »
    @FayeShinomori that's good to hear that you are in good hands. Sorry to hear about your health problems :/ I really hope you're able to sleep sometime.

    My thoughts exactly. I wish you all the best, @FayeShinomori
    My Sims stories:
    The Fey of Life - fairytales in life are few and far between (Forum thread HERE)
    The Chrysanthemum Tango - a story about life, death, magic, and how to be a good landlady (Forum thread HERE)
    Forget-Me-Not - some things just refuse to stay buried; an Ambrosia Challenge story (Forum thread HERE)
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Hey y’all! I have a new story! It’s a neighborhood rotation called Keeping Up With the Joneses. Apparently that’s a really popular name for stories around here lol. Oh well! This is my first rotation, so I’m super excited to share it with you. Here is the intro. And, here is information on how I’m doing this story. Enjoy!

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    Thanks to all who have wished me well with my sleeping problems. My psychiatrist has prescribed a stronger form of Ambien, Ambien CR and I'll be starting that tonight. My insurance company is horrible and they were refusing to pay for it (They don't want to pay for like half of the medications I'm on that regular Medicaid never had a problem with) but my doctor's office fought tooth and nail with the company to make sure I got my medicine and insurance finally gave in and has agreed to pay for it. I love my doctor, and his nurses. They truly do have the patients' total well-being in mind and they care very much about making sure the patients get the proper care they deserve and make sure that they get the medication they truly do need. I had terrible doctors before I transferred to this doctor about seven years ago. They treated me horribly and treated me like I needed to be locked up for good when all I needed was a doctor that actually cared. My mental illness was out of control before I met my current doctor and once I came under his care, my illness died down quite a bit and I actually began to be able to function as a normal person. He definitely knows what he's doing and he is generally a very kind man. He treats everyone with respect no matter what their illness is. He always inquires about my physical health as well since he knows I have a lot of health problems on top of my mental illness. I trust him completely and for me to trust a psychiatrist, that is HUGE. I have a great fear of psychiatrists but my doctor always makes me feel at ease. He's totally a great doctor!
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    Well, I have finally decided on an heir. Seeing as how none of the other boys besides Thunupa have turned out decent save for maybe Heilyn and because I loved Thunupa from day one, I have named (not surprisingly) Thunupa to be the patriarch of the 23rd generation of the Nolan clan! Here is how he turned out:

    Yeah, he's nothing flashy and not drop dead gorgeous like some of my male Sims turn out, but he's a sweet young man, studious, and rather good looking. Here is why I decided to name him my heir:

    That's his younger brother Dazodji. Like the rest of the red-heads, he turned out with his jaw merging with his lower lip, totally unattractive Sim-wise in my eyes. Thunupa just turned out so decently and I love him, so he has the privilege of continuing the family name!
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    edited June 2016
    @FayeShinomori, @SilentWolf101, and @Julyvee94 Thank you all so much <3 I find the strangest thing is that I'm not that great at building ordinary, everyday stuff (houses, for example) but give me something fantastical or different to stick my teeth into, and I'll lose myself for between six and eight hours until I'm done and my eyeballs have dried up :mrgreen: I find it very soothing, as well as challenging; sort of a strange combination, but it seems to work for me as a form of relaxation.

    @RebornMonster Hey, you! *waves* Nice to see you again. I know what you mean about going for too long without updating. I've got severely out of the habit of updating my own story. For about 55 chapters I was updating once a week, but since then it's been sporadic at best. Mainly because I'm letting myself get distracted by other things, and also... well, I'm getting to the point now where I'll need to start fast-forwarding to future events. And once those events are done... I'll be near the end. I suspect that I may be subconsciously avoiding that :/

    I keep looking at the chaos that is my side-arcs, split across the blog and Tumblr, and I'm now getting the urge to organise them into their own specific webpages, hosted under my main story site. At the moment, given how awkward Tumblr can be sometimes when you're digging back a long way in a tag, it's not easy to follow those side-arcs (not to mention most of them mainly comprise scenes and tranche-de-vie, as opposed to actual storylines). And then there's the fact that the side-arcs sort of cross-pollinate with each other (especially the rocker arcs) and it's all total confusion. Even I'm struggling to make sense of it so heck knows what readers think of it! *headscratch* Anyway, that's a project I'm about to start working on.

    This week, though, I've been working on Sims, not buildings. Quite a while ago, rocker!Valois answered a few questions on Tumblr. (Whenever I open up Asks on there for my characters, I almost always answer them in-character.) He was asked to describe his parents, and he had this to say about them:
    Dad’s not around anymore, but he was my idol when I was a kid. He played guitar in a local pub band, and I used to sit and watch him rehearsing at home. He taught me my chords, how to re-string, how to fit a humbucker, how to use a slide; man, there wasn’t anything he couldn’t do.

    Mum? Heh. Mum’s my biggest fan, I think. She comes to as many gigs as she can, and all the road crew love her to bits. She’s like Tour Mum to everyone. And she f***in’ rocks a pair of leather pants!
    It's been in the back of my head for a long time now that I wanted to create his mum, because she sounded so great. Valois was created in CAS (not born in-game) so I ended up making two copies of him and editing them to create his parents. And then, when I took a look at the finished version of his dad, there was NO WAY I was going to have him "not around anymore" because holy wow, he's hot :mrgreen:

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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    We're getting started with the Joneses today! The first household in the rotation is the townie family, so we'll learn about India and her son first. Enjoy!

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    Thunupa has gotten married to a CAS Sim named Samia, a relatively obscure figure in Greek mythology and they have just now welcomed their first child into the world that they have named Saga, one of the Norse god Odin's numerous wives and is the goddess of history and song.

    Here is Thunupa all grown up: YA%20Thunupa_zpsyvnb9l8h.png

    Here is his beautiful wife, Samia: Samia%20Nolan_zpsmf0dgit3.png

    And here is a sweet picture that I took of the happy newlyweds cuddling on their loveseat together: Cuddle%20Time_zpskzlqwm6e.png

    I am going back into my game for a bit until I have to leave for a doctor's appointment that I am so dreading with every fiber of my being lol. It is not a pleasant place be. It's dirty, the people and their children are talking at the top of their lungs and the kids always play with really loud, obnoxious toys that make me want to scream because none of the parents ever tell their kids to be quiet and respectful; the adults just sit in the hard as rock chairs complaining about the reason why they have to be at this clinic. It's pure torture, absolute torture.
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli Is there any way for me to bottle up your creative skills to use for myself? XD
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    xMike_BxxMike_Bx Posts: 222 Member
    I'm still around!

    Just posted the NEW episode of murder valley!

    Go read/comment/enjoy - all that good stuff!
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    lisabee2lisabee2 Posts: 3,708 Member
    Rose White is here!! King and Queen Charming are nearly ready to take each other out trying to get next to their grandchild .. and poor Prince and Snow have got dark circles and eye bags .. but everyone is happy ...

    New readers can visit here first: In-a-NUTSHELL
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    mastressalitamastressalita Posts: 2,874 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hey everyone! I want to do a little Pride homage later in the month, but I really want to get as many of the community in on it as want to participate! (Please note that participation is completely optional, I realize this is the sort of thing many folks would gracefully not wish to take part in and that is perfectly fine). Though this is likely to get buried in here a lot less quickly than in Writers' Lounge, it'll still help if folks could spread the word to anyone they think might be interested in something like this or just send any interested parties to my story news thread, I have the info there where it will be easily accessible!

    For those that are interested, what I would like is a single image of either your Simself (if you wish) OR a character or a couple from one of your works that would fall in the LGBTQQIAAP spectrum. These include the following (and forgive me for having to use some asterisks here, but these forums are not very s*xual/gender-diversity friendly without plumming out all the terms): lesb*an, g*y, bisexu*l, transgend*r, que*r, questioning, inters*x, asexu*l, allies (straight folks that support the LGBT(QQIAAP) community), pansexu*l, polyamorous, and by all means, if I'm missing any they may certainly be included as well!

    What I need:

    -A single picture of a Sim or Sim couple that falls under the LGBT(QQIAAP) spectrum. Please limit it to only one submission (I know, this can be very hard for some! You guys have some amazing Sims out there!) If you submit a picture, you must be okay with that image being possibly resized or used in photo montages as needed, and self-hosted. You do not have to create an original image! Just picking out a favorite picture from one of your stories is fine! You can send me a PM with the link to the image. If you really want, you can even e-mail me the image if you don't already have it hosted online somewhere (you can find my e-mail address on my About Me page at my site in my contact information section). Why not just post the images publicly? Because I want to keep what images/characters/etc. a surprise for the release! I feel it will have more impact that way.

    -Please include the following information: Your username, your story name and URL, the name(s) of the Sim(s) in the image, and their orientation. I want to make sure all contributers are credited and linked on the post for submitting!

    Submissions must be in by June 19th. I will not take any past that date!

    Thanks to anyone that decides they want to take part in this!

    And I will tag a few people that I think may be interested... if I didn't tag you, please don't take offense, my memory is plum at the worst of times, which is why I need help spreading the word! And if you are tagged, by all means, don't think you have to participate. You do not. That's just so you'll get the word!

    @RebornMonster @MrsOogieBoogie @ValoisFucanelli @InfraGreen @rednenemon
    Have a Sim story site? Please submit your link to the Stories and Legacies Index!
    Check out my Simlit at Sim Stories: Hijinks from the World of Sims 3!
    My Simlit Discussion/Updates | The Fringe | Short Story Challenges
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    lisabee2lisabee2 Posts: 3,708 Member
    edited June 2016
    Sim time flies ... Rose white will be growing up soon ... stay tuned .. meanwhile ... A little treat (some eye candy) for friends of Snow and Prince (and me) :)

    New readers can visit here first: In-a-NUTSHELL
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    @mastressalita Oh, I am SO up for that! Only one picture though? *pouts and considers doing a group photo, since MOST of her couples could feature in this* :mrgreen:

    It's actually going to be fairly tricky finding a good shot that shows both faces of my chosen couple, because they're usually either kissing each other's faces off, or one or the other (or both) of them is in various (usually advanced) states of undress! You may have to settle for a full-on snog picture XD

    Did you want me to signal-boost this post on Tumblr? Some of my followers on there may be interested in taking part, but there's the caveat that - if the post is reblogged - it may get bigger than you want. I wasn't sure if you wanted to keep it mainly to forum peeps only.

    @SilentWolf101 You'd be better off bottling my CC collection, because that's what most of my 'skill' is XD (Jokes aside, thank you. *blushes and slopes off*)
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    Good morning everyone! After struggling so much with my chronic pain over the last two days, I haven't been able to get out of bed much at all so Sims had been on the back burner for a while, but I finally have gotten some relief this morning and I have managed to work with the Nolan clan all this morning. Here is Thunupa and Samia's firstborn child, their daughter Saga:

    Samia also just gave birth to twins, a daughter named Neaera, named after a figure in Greek mythology, and a son they named Khuriban, a figure in Sumerian mythology! They're still infants right now, but they will be aging up here very soon. I'm waiting just a little bit longer to let Samia get pregnant again with her fourth child since she and Thunupa are still trying to take care of the twins, but hopefully their family will grow even more soon!
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Today on Keeping Up With the Joneses, meet Lester: India’s quirky, don’t-give-a-plum son. Enjoy!

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    *yawns* I probably need to learn to stop being a night owl. I always wake up tired.

    Still struggling a bit with my writer's blah. I have the inspiration, but no ambition. And I know once I get the ambition, I won't have the inspiration. Go figure.

    I finally beat Star Fox Zero, and I found I can't hate it as much as I wanted to. Oh, the controls are plum (I figured I'd just beat the forums to the punch on that one) but I found the second time around a little bit easier, even the final boss. So, I may actually just buy it. I rented a used copy, and the price is $50, but I'm going to hold out for new. For $50, I'd want it right off the conveyer belt so to speak.

    Since my Sims have been on the back burner for a while now, I've been digging more into my collection of other games. Some time ago, I decided to try NBA 2K12. I'd played 2K10 before, where I was the starting center for the Lakers. Now, this time around, I'm the starting shooting guard for the 76ers. It's a fun, albeit infuriating at times, game. Just for the laughs, I named my player Jimmy. Kind of a little joke if anyone watches a certain show about nothing.

    And not much else is new in my life, but very little ever is. It's just the same old routine.

    Anyway on to some late replies.

    @Jes2G: I've never been on a vacation by myself. Of course, I really can't be because I've got family members who think we all have to be joined at the hip. But maybe someday, I'll take a real vacation too. Then again, I have no idea what I would want to do. :tongue:

    @FayeShinomori: Nice looking kids. I like Thunupa myself.

    @ValoisFulcanelli: Wow, that is some arena. But it looks familiar. I think I may have seen it before. Not sure but I think I have. Still, it looks great the second time around.

    @SilentWolf101: I never really got into the whole Minecraft thing. I'm more a console player myself. But good luck.

    @Average_simmer: Hi there. :) Welcome to the group.

    @FayeShinomori: I actually don't think Proteus turned out so badly. But that's just me.

    @Julyvee94: *waves*

    @RebornMonster: Always nice to see you pop in. :) I hope your novel is going well. It was a pretty nice weekend. I managed to snag a few things at the local Vintage Stock for a sale. They sell all kinds of goodies, old movies, games, action figures. In short, it's my kind of place.

    @FayeShinomori: I don't really like kids myself, so I can understand your dread. We do a few things for the kids at our church and most of them are brats. Plus, I don't handle chaos that well. :tongue: And once again, I love how your Sims turn out.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    @thesealofthesims: Ewww. Joined at the hip family? I’m allergic to that LOL

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    moonswirlsmoonswirls Posts: 2,350 Member
    Hey guys, i've been gone a while but I was wondering.. Do you guys read simlit on tumblr? would you? or is it like a huge no no to you guys?
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Hey guys, i've been gone a while but I was wondering.. Do you guys read simlit on tumblr? would you? or is it like a huge no no to you guys?

    I personally do not like Tumblr. It makes me feel old LOL. I can never figure out how to leave comments, and then I have to go back there to see if there are updates instead of getting notified via email.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    moonswirlsmoonswirls Posts: 2,350 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Hey guys, i've been gone a while but I was wondering.. Do you guys read simlit on tumblr? would you? or is it like a huge no no to you guys?

    I personally do not like Tumblr. It makes me feel old LOL. I can never figure out how to leave comments, and then I have to go back there to see if there are updates instead of getting notified via email.

    on tumblr you don't comment per say, you reblog it and leave your comment on your reblog :D
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    edited June 2016
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Hey guys, i've been gone a while but I was wondering.. Do you guys read simlit on tumblr? would you? or is it like a huge no no to you guys?

    I personally do not like Tumblr. It makes me feel old LOL. I can never figure out how to leave comments, and then I have to go back there to see if there are updates instead of getting notified via email.

    on tumblr you don't comment per say, you reblog it and leave your comment on your reblog :D

    Really? There are some blogs I see with these notes on them. I thought they were comments lol. See what I mean?? Makes me feel old LOL. Too complicated.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    @BabyDollAnne Yes, I read fiction on Tumblr. By necessity, because of the way Tumblr works, it's usually a slightly different format (and I always appreciate it if authors place a cut before longer works, to save me from scrolling if I don't have time to read there and then). But, to be honest, I really enjoy reading fiction on Tumblr. I'm on the site every day (it's always open in a tab) and I refresh it a lot. Also, there are so many Simmers on there, with all kinds of creative endeavours, from showing off their Sims and buildings, to uploading CC and mods for others to download, to fiction and artwork. The Simblr community is thriving, and I wish more people would realise just how big and friendly it is, so they joined in.

    At first, I thought Tumblr was too confusing and odd (I felt old, too!), but two things helped me out immensely: getting my own account (it looks a lot more confusing when you're looking in from the outside; many people just have an account to follow other Simmers and don't post anything themselves) and installing the Xkit (now 'New Xkit') plugin for my browser.

    So, with regard to update alerts and comments (@Jes2G) Tumblr becomes a lot easier when you do those two things:

    1. Get an account yourself!
    2. Install the New Xkit plugin.

    With No. 1 you get a dashboard, which acts in a similar way to your Twitter or Facebook feed (or your blog reader). It aggregates the posts of everyone you're following, so - as long as you check it every now and then - you'll see everything. No need for emailed notifications of new updates; they appear right on your dash.

    Comments/replies are now back on Tumblr, so you just need to click the little speech bubble and you can reply right on the post itself. No need to reblog it.

    However, with No. 2 (New Xkit plugin) commenting (and many other things) about Tumblr are made so much easier. If someone comments on your Tumblr blog, in order to reply you just hover over their comment notification on your dash or in your activity log. You'll see a little arrow that you can then click, which will create a new text post with that person's comment in it, ready for you to add your own text afterwards. I'll screenshot my reply to a comment that I just received on Tumblr, so you can see how easy it is :)

    Here's the comment I want to reply to, first on my dash and then on my activity log:


    If I hover my cursor over them, I'll see either the word 'reply' in a little button, or a curved arrow, again in a little button:


    Clicking either one will open up a new post with the text of the comment I'm replying to (plus a handy link back to the original post) so I can reply:


    It's auto-filled in with a tag for the person you're replying to (which they'll get a notification of, like the @ replies here) and I just add my own 'reply post' tag to it. And there's my reply on my dashboard:


    You can also reply to replies right there in the comments section, but at the moment you can't @ mention people to notify them, so replying like this is the quickest way to let them know you've answered.

    Lastly, notes on Tumblr can be anything from comments to likes to reblog notifications :)
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    lisabee2lisabee2 Posts: 3,708 Member
    @thesealofthesims I too work with youth/kids at my church .. I have learned to tune out the chaos but most of my adult helpers are driven batty by it LOL
    New readers can visit here first: In-a-NUTSHELL
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