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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    My appearances next week might be a bit slimmer than normal. I have class all week long, just a sit-in thing to hammer some skills back into my head. But the whole thing is in the early morning, and mornings don't agree with me. Just thought I'd give you the heads up.

    @MayaRose1138: Maybe one day I will. I just have to build up the nerve, and knowing the glitches I've seen aren't game-breaking doesn't really help.

    @CitizenErased14: Good luck getting the pieces together for your new story. Hope it's coming along. :)

    @JLBDreamer: It's hard to say, since I don't make the rules, and I don't usually participate in these kinds of things. But I think it would be okay.

    @SilentWolf101: Not unless you're Viewtiful Joe (my latest game). But yeah, I know I need to be more frequent with my posts. Yeah, she's a good looking kitty.

    @RebornMonster: That's great news! :grin: Good luck finding a new job too. It's tough anymore. I don't know if many people would have done even what you did.

    @mastressalita: I can't write while music is playing either, but I'll use music to help "bookmark" things for me. Yeah, I'd get too distracted if I tried to write while listening to my iPod. I value silence and solitude when I write, but it's the one thing I can't get at home. Then when I do, I'm not in the mood to write.

    @IvoryButterfly: Who isn't busy these days? Is that what they call getting a dog fixed these days? Just asking because I never heard it put that way before. She sounds like a good looking dog. Any chance for a picture?

    @Julyvee94: Nice to see another familiar face. :) I know how exams can be. YouTube is something I recently got into. I don't have a big collection, but I've been posting videos of my favorite fights from my games. So far, it's just my boxing matches. Anyway, glad to have you back.

    @Jes2G: Even though I haven't read any of your story yet, I had to take note of one of your Sims being named Aria. That was the name of one of my kids in my game (she's a teen now).

    @JLBDreamer: Good luck to you, rescuing your files. :)

    @xMike_Bx: I'll be sure to add it to my list of things to read.

    @RipuAncestor: Story of every writer it seems - swamped but we manage. Good going. :)

    @SilentWolf101: Well, I was hoping to not have to go through an intermediary originally. I don't really want to play a game of telephone since something is bound to get lost in translation, but if your friends are willing and able, sure. :) I can't give more than a shout-out to the artist though.

    @SilverDaybreak: The week started out okay. Seems that's how most of my weeks go - not too bad, not too good. But I'm not complaining.

    @SilentWolf101: That could be helpful. I might have to pop over there sometime, especailly with my classes coming.

    @JLBDreamer: Sweet looking Sims there. They look great.

    @kittycatcali: It's on my list. :wink:

    @EmmaBarbie: That's good news on both counts. I think pit bulls get a bad rap. Oh, I'm not saying that they can't be mean, but I think with the right training, they can turn out right. I remember this neighbor of ours had a dog that was part Rottweiler, and she was a sweetheart. Matter of fact, her name was Sweetie. Sorry, I rambled a bit there.

    @FayeShinomori: Sorry to hear you've been so under the weather. :( Your new Sims sound nice. I think we all have Sims that we just love. I mean I got really attached to my first Sim, or one them anyway, Violet. I took a lot of time to make her, and she just turned out so great. I hated to see her grow old and die.

    @IvoryButterfly: In a word, I'm tired. I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to sleep soundly these past few nights. Now, there's been some changes in the family, so that could be why, but it's like I'm all wired at night while everyone else is going to bed. But I manage.

    @JLBDreamer: Nice house. :) Ever since I brought an Asian Sim from WA into my game, I've tried to give some parts of their house an Asian flare, but I never would have the patience to build something like that.

    @everyone: Hope everyone is doing well.
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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    @thesealofthesims Thanks. I love creating sims more than builds so I'm glad I found the house. I'm glad you like my sims.

    @DarciTheFox I think hospital, police station, business office and school would be the most helpful. I know those are the ones I end up building usually.


    So I started moving my Quest for Immortality Story over from my old blog so here are the first chapters if you want to read them.


    Quest for Immortality:Part 1
    Post edited by JLBDreamer on
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    ra3reira3rei Posts: 2,418 Member
    @thesealofthesims Don't worry too much. I love seeing you here, but life is life. We'll be here if life gets in the way. :D Good luck with all the classes take lots of least that's what I do in classes. I don't take them to review them later, I take them to pay attention otherwise I'll be thinking about my sim stories or other such nonsense instead.

    @JLBDreamer I'm torturing myself this month by flipping between all three sims games that I own. Each one makes tons of sense if you play it long enough, but I'm not giving myself the time to adjust so I keep moving the camera wrong or waiting for something to happen that never will in whatever version I'm playing. :D At least I find it fun?
    Check out Raerei's Fortress for Builds, Short Stories, and maybe some longer stuff.
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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    @thesealofthesims Sorry to hear that you'll be having to get up early, but I hope the classes go well and interest you. :smile:

    @LJBDreamer I'm glad it helped. I know it can be tough to get used to a new game, I know I've been struggling for sure. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get over not being able to free-move sims with moveobjects in sims 4. I hope they eventually add something to allow it, but with the improved pathing in the game that might cause a lot of issues - so I'm not optomistic. :disappointed:

    That said, gotta give props that EA went and included a mods folder and scripting this time. It's very un-EA to be this friendly with modding communities, so I'm really glad they seem to be realizing that it's a pivotal part of this series. I'm not so sure I'm impressed by the new UI for the gallery system for sims 4 though, but I'm not comfortable enough with it to really complain too much. lol

    I just can NOT seem to be productive today. I've added like four words to my novel today, despite having been "working" on it for a couple hours. I did realize that I'm starting to understand the biology of my monsters a little bit... I've taken odd inspirations for them. I hope I'm not the only one who gets distracted researching what color the blood of their beasts would be (and why) and certain biological features (mainly skin lately) that would allow them to be the way they are.... :mrgreen:

    I did remember that I posted a new chapter a couple days ago - but I've been distracted by a friendly video game tournament I was competing in (a bunch of friends got together and organized it. No prize or anything, just fun). We won our bout last Thursday, meaning me and my teammate are finalists. :grin: But, we have to wait for the second bracket to catch up, so it'll probably be a couple weeks before we play again - meaning I get a little bit of a break from practicing. I got teamed up with my boyfriend's childhood friend and he takes everything SUPER seriously - so we've been practicing almost every night. :sweat_smile:
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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    “Who’s that” Zelda asked, pointing out the window at a car that had just stopped in front of the house.

    Zeke scoweled, “Just an old friend of mine, sweetheart."

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    kittycatcalikittycatcali Posts: 449 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hello @everyone, How are you all. I have another chapter out (Below). Also I have managed to burn both my thumb and index finger and am now in excruciating pain as I write but I don't have much else to do. My throat hurts too now from yelling at my brother. (what a great start to a three-day weekend) :s . Is it too much to ask for just one good day.... :(

    Post edited by kittycatcali on
    Lost Legacy / Prompted

    "When it comes to the torment and the people who inflicted it, we've all got an elephant's memory."
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    Hope you're all having a great day and Happy Valentine's day for tomorrow!


    Tonight's special guest for Abigail's update include: @eXoNinjaPig, @CathyTea , @Simslover163, @SummerFalls, Baato (@Julyvee94), and @Jes2G.

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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    @ra3rei Wow. I never played the first 2 Sims games but I know I'll be endlessly comparing and contrasting 3 and 4. It's funny how different each title is. So far I like both enough to keep playing them both.

    @RebornMonster Yes that was just what I needed! Thanks. It's really going to bug me I can't move my sims for taking story pictures. Staging is so much easier when you can easily place them where you want.
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    @JLBDreamer: Welcome back, my friend! I've been so sick that I haven't even been able to play Sims. I've just been battling very overbearing depression for a few years now and I have no motivation to do anything nowadays unless I chug a bunch of coffee energy drinks from Starbucks ( :D ) and sit at my computer all day. I just had surgery in a sensitive area a few months ago because I had a massive abscess stemming from what's left of my large intestine so sitting down for a long period of time is kind of painful, but I'm definitely on the mend and things are progressing well so far. Good to see you back. *Hugs*
    @SilverDaybreak: *Hugs* Good to see you dropping in. Hope all is well with you. :)
    @thesealofthesims: Yeah, Liod is just like this positive bundle of energy that is just so sweet and cute and she's doing very well in school, too. The twins just grew up and I'm not too overly fond of how they turned out, but the eldest child Vinata turned out to be quite beautiful so she is definitely a candidate for becoming the heiress, but then there's my little Liod and little Shalim still has time to grow before he's a Teen so I'm not giving up on him quite yet, either. Yeah, I'm pretty attached to Liod. I'm secretly hoping she turns out drop dead gorgeous and I have no choice but to make her my heiress lol.

    Today was a busy day for me. Went out to lunch with my parents at one of our favorite restaurants and I stopped in the nice new New Age shop the mall put in there and got myself some sage incense from India and I struck gold there because sometimes incense from India can be a little heavy and overpowering, but this stuff is nice and light and calms me down pretty well, too. I mostly stick with American companies when it comes to my incense, but I'm finding more and more Indian incense that is really nice and light and doesn't turn my bedroom into a smoker's lounge lol. I've had incense like that before and I would have to have my fan on full blast in the middle of winter just so I wouldn't choke on all the smoke. Learned my lesson with that brand!
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    IvoryButterflyIvoryButterfly Posts: 1,199 Member
    edited February 2016
    WELL; it seems my simming and writing has been abruptly halted for a while.
    Hubby had a motorbike accident and tore up badly under his left knee and lower left arm has basically the ULIMATE carpet burn injury.

    So for the next few weeks I'll be his running about legs while he's off work while the stiches (and his pride) heals, we go to wounds ward on the 23rd and they will have a look under the bandage for the first time since the operation at that point then we'll know for sure from there where we're at.

    Right now, he's relaxing and keeping off his leg with playing catch-up with some Xbox One Games, so I'm 'walkthrough advisor' so that he doesn't get frustrated or stressed out.

    @thesealofthesims I'm in Australia so we just call it like it is, and yes I do have a pic, sorry it's fuzzy

    Post edited by IvoryButterfly on
    The Universe & I have agreed to disagree with each other!
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    @IvoryButterfly : Hugs and hope that Brym recovers from his accident soon.

    Here is the the latest Simself visit post on my Playtime with Silver where I visited Alexander Rosebrook and his housemate, Skylar Hunt.

    @Meggles and @pronterus make appearances in the update.
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Love Day, @everyone! I just posted this pic of my boys on Tumblr:


    That meeting happened before I'd even had the idea to write The Madness of Mr Goth, but it stuck in my mind and eventually I had to do something about it.

    And here's my all-time favourite picture of them both <3

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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    Ta-Da! My beautiful heiress, my beloved Liod!

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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    Jonathan finally decides that moving into the old Oliver trailer is their best option for now. Enjoy!

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @MayaRose1138 Ohhhh, what's the Instant Baby mod you speak of?
    @thesealofthesims XD I don't remember my last post about the female kitty... I posted my kitty's simself if that's what you're talking about, but he's a boy. And awesome. I can ask her and see if she's willing. :3 I won't see her until Tuesday, though, and she's not on here. She is, however, on DeviantArt (NekoWhat) if I didn't mention that. :3
    @IvoryButterfly Oh no! I'm so sorry about your hubby. :( *hugs* Hopefully things go well. And that is an adorable puppy! :3
    @ValoisFulcanelli I LOVE that second picture. :3 And dawwwwwwww how adorable! *Only simmers understand the Sul Sul.*
    @FayeShinomori She's gorgeous!
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    @SilentWolf101 Thank you! I'm so pleased with how it came out. It's almost pre-Raphaelite, thanks to the chiaroscuro. It's a firm favourite of mine.

    And I know it's not exactly fitting for the day (romance schmomance! :mrgreen:) but I found a motherlode (heh!) of converted female-to-male hair earlier this week, and just got around to checking it and installing it all tonight. I ended up editing my Vampire!Valois, and I'm finally happy with him. He's perfect. I picspammed a bit, here and here on Tumblr, if anyone wants to take a look (just click the images to view them full size).

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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    @MayaRose1138 Ohhhh, what's the Instant Baby mod you speak of?
    @thesealofthesims XD I don't remember my last post about the female kitty... I posted my kitty's simself if that's what you're talking about, but he's a boy. And awesome. I can ask her and see if she's willing. :3 I won't see her until Tuesday, though, and she's not on here. She is, however, on DeviantArt (NekoWhat) if I didn't mention that. :3

    Well, I don't have time to discuss details this week anyway, so I can be patient. I'm on DeviantArt too, but don't expect to see anything from me there (Thefreelancerseal) same as my pen name. ;)

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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    Hope that you've all had a very Happy Valentine's Day!

    Here are today's special guests for my Texan Trails update:

    @aroseinbloom, @Jes2G, @eXoNinjaPig, @CathyTea, @Maladi777, @kittycatcali, @MyPalSim, @MadameLee, @CitizenErased14 as herself, @Shar1W, @RoryGilmore34

    Thank you all for making my game extra fun to play with your presence in my game.

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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    @SilentWolf101 I'm so glad that she turned out to be as pretty as I had hoped because her younger brother Shalim aged up into a Teen and oh man is he ever unattractive lol. Genetics were not in favor for the male descendants this time around lol. It won't be long now until Liod is a young adult and then I'll be working on her husband here soon. I'm going to try to experiment more with the facial structure to see if the new genetics mesh nicely with the current generation's future children. That's why I prefer to make all of my husbands and wives for my heirs/heiresses in CAS so I can tweak with the facial features to my heart's desire. I think it makes the gene pool more original, although my tweaking did not help out with the boys lol not good looking at all.
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli Ohhhhh, he's absolutely beautiful... I really need to get back to reading that story... Maybe tomorrow. :3
    @thesealofthesims Ah yes, patience is a virtue.
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    IvoryButterflyIvoryButterfly Posts: 1,199 Member
    Thankyou @SilentWolf101 & @SilverDaybreak for your very welcome and appreciated 'get well wishes'.
    @BrymRune is doing much better today; I made and executive decision this morning and grabbed a roll of bandage tape then proceeded to efficiently wrap up over the entire bandage on his leg firmly so it stops half falling down & annoying him.

    @everyone I am just loving updates and pics. All I can do is really read right now, since I was about to go into my Sims4 game when he had the accident, I'm a bit reluctant to head back into game ATM.

    @ValoisFulcanelli your vampire is very handsome and very suitable for Valentines Day I think.
    The Universe & I have agreed to disagree with each other!
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    Julyvee94Julyvee94 Posts: 6,694 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli those are some very cool pictures! And I do like that hair you found ^^ suits him well.

    @JLBDreamer you don't actually upload IN the gallery. If you want to upload a household, go to manage households and load them up in cas then at the top right you will see a folder symbol and there you can save them to your library or upload them (the cloud symbol). If you want to upload a lot, go to build mode on that lot and in the top bar there should somewhere be that folder symbol too ^^ Hope that helps. Households automatically get saved to your library so you can also upload them from there. Open the gallery then click the tab "My Library" there you can see your sims and when you click on them, click the cloud symbol to upload :) hope that helps
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    thesimsserbiathesimsserbia Posts: 510 Member
    i will like to put pitrures of my sims in game to itroduce them but i cant ....yet... ;(
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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    A thousand bared teeth, a thousand bowed heads

    outrun / blog / tunglr
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    Jonathan finally hears from Tony and gets all the answers to his questions and then some. Enjoy!

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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