Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli I'm perfectly fine with "skin showing" as you call it. :3 Hehehe. Those pets are adorable! I think my favorite might be the little black kitty. As to your question: I normally listen to what I'm "craving" at the moment. However, I do notice that it has a bit of an effect on my building/writing and my mood... Like, if I'm listening to the rainbow factory (WARNING! You face a risk of MLP violence if you look up the actual video...) and building something, then my building becomes rather dark and creepy, and my mood goes to that creepy-kind of happy... :3
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    @SilentWolf101 Same here, with regard to the mood thing. Usually, if I need to evoke a certain mood while I'm writing, I create a Spotify playlist (sometimes of just one song) and play it on repeat while I'm writing that scene. And yes, sometimes the 'wrong' piece of music can send something into an entirely different direction. Tip from me: Never have Monty Python's Always Look On the Bright Side of Life on your MP3 player. A fit of the giggles can wreck the most solemn of scenes! :D

    Fulcan is going to be pretty important toward the end of the story, but I'm not there yet, so his role might change a little bit once I reach that point. My favourite of all the pets is Ziggy, because he thinks nothing of peeing up against Ten Hollow's precious Gibson Les Paul guitar and chewing through Cal Hollow's bass guitar leads! :mrgreen:
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli XD I've never heard that song before! *runs off to look it up* Tip from me: Don't ever listen to The 🐸🐸🐸🐸 Song by Tim Wilson *recommended to me by a friend...* XD I've gotta keep reading your TMOMG story. ^-^ But poor guitar... XD
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member

    I wanted to let you know I think I might be able to salvage Erica and Rita's Legacies but I want your opinion and any others that read the Frost Rainbowcy especially.

    @ everyone else

    I'm new to these new Sims forums and I wondered what you all thought about something I've been pondering over my Sim 3 legacies whose files I lost. While a couple, since they were in one of the EA worlds are salvageable mostly with what files I have been able to save, one was in a custom world that was buggy in the save and no longer is available to download. To complicate matters the story was based around this valley and the kingdom so much it makes it problematic to continue the story. Here is why I would like some opinions of fellow writers.

    Frost Rainbowcy centered on a fairytale valley cut-off by a spell from the rest of the Sim World. The struggle to gain control of this Kingdom that protects the valley (a kind of force field spell is involved) and the royal family is central to it. As you can see since the whole "world" is unplayable and I am not proficient enough to CAW it wouldn't make sense that is all changed in appearance so much.

    I have planned future plot points that were going to take them into another Fairy Sim Kingdom and a more modern Sim City so I wondered if I introduced those a little earlier and then returned and explained the differences as due to what occurred there during the years away from the valley would be enough of a suspension of disbelief?

    They won't let me post links or pictures here yet so sorry that I can't show you what I'm talking about.
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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    Sorry the above meant to address @SilverDaybreak
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    EmmaBarbieEmmaBarbie Posts: 5,836 Member
    Hey guys. Got some news. I might be moving. I say 'might' because we have nowhere near enough money to go anywhere and because the lady is kicking us out and wants us out by March. Despite us telling her we have literally NOWHERE to go, her response is 'oh well' (You'd think an old church woman would be more understanding). So my family is head aching over that and trying to get exposure for our GoFundMe page.
    On the bright side, I've got 11 Nanowrimo ideas that need fleshing out and that'll distract me.

    How's the beginning of the year going for you guys?
    You're too late.
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @EmmaBarbie *hugs* I'm so sorry. :( Hopefully things work out for you!
    @JLBDreamer My unprofessional opinion is, if you didn't want to play around in CAW (there is a way to upload worlds to CAW and edit them I've done it before), then perhaps you could do the time jump (depending on how far away the plot points were to occur in the story...) to the new place?
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    @SilentWolf101 Well the thing is that I have no idea how I could add a waterfall and lake? I suppose I could alter the Dragon Valley world if I had a good enough guide? I tired using CAW but was so confused as to how to do anything.
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    edited February 2016
    @JLBDreamer There's a waterfall and lake lot (it's called Stoney Falls) in the base game Sunset Valley world. Maybe try saving that lot to the bin and then adding it to whichever world you end up using? I'd recommend putting it on a larger lot than the original, so you can edit and raise the land around it and make the lot transition smoother. It might not work, but it's something to try before you think about using CAW.

    ETA: It won't be perfect, because it's set into a mountain, but with some judicious use of camera angles it might suffice for what you need.
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    LadyhiggsLadyhiggs Posts: 29 Member
    EmmaBarbie so Sorry hope things work out , How is everyone
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    edited February 2016
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli Thanks. I'll take a look at the lot since it was set in a cliff in that custom world.

    @SilentWolf101 Thanks! I'll look at it.

    I'm feeling more hopeful I can figure something out now!
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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    This not being able to post pictures and links yet is annoying...

    Anyway if any one wants to see the stories trapped in limbo you can look at my old blog which I can't get into to edit... yay...

    https story-listing

    Just replace the spaces with slashes. I'm hoping to salvage:

    - Wild Hearts
    - Pet Masters
    - Frost Rainbowcy

    The others I'm not as motivated to try and recreate a lot to continue. I have a Random Legacy idea for Sims 4 brewing right now too.
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    @JLBDreamer : Maybe you could message, SimRealtor for suggestions or check the CAW forums for tutorials. There are also CAW videos on U-Tube that can help guide you through placing waterfalls and lakes. Hope you're having a great day. I'm probably way behind on your Frost story but will check it out when I can.

    @EmmaBarbie : Sorry to hear that your landlady wants your family out. Hope that something is worked out for you and your family.

    @SilentWolf101 : I add the link to your CC Simself on my Simself Scroll page.

    Here are tonight's shout outs for tonight's update with Arun Willis of Golden Gate Medical Center:

    @Simslover163’s sim, Shadow, @Sabreene, @Derubelle, @Rorygilmore34, @Simlady36, @CitizenErased’s sim Alexander, and @RebornMonster’s Sim, Lucas Simian.

    Will be back later tonight or tomorrow with the names of those who have been added to the Simself Scroll and Playtime with Silver pages.

    Have a great evening!
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli *sigh* I love them so much... ^-^ Poor Gunther... I've read up to (but have not read yet) chapter 11 while watching the SuperBowl (YAY BRONCOS!). I will read chapter 11 tomorrow (if I don't have a plum ton of homework tomorrow) and continue from there. I love the story so far!
    Can't wait to see what he'll do with Cornelia preggers and all...
    But I'm so excited!!!!!
    @JLBDreamer *hugs* Hopefully the video tutorial do help, and perhaps you could salvage the story without a time jump. :)
    @SilverDaybreak Thank you! ^-^ Have a great night! ^-^
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    edited February 2016
    @ValoisFulcanelli: Oh my gosh, that dog. <3 And Gunther's black cat.

    @SilentWolf101: And your cat too! <3

    Sorry, I love gushing over pets of any kind. Even the pixel ones.

    Soooo...I announced this in the Writer's Lounge, but I made a TV Tropes page for Eight Cicadas some days ago. Any readers are free to work some Wiki Magic so it's not just me. And I encourage people to make it for Sims stories that they want to collect tropes for. It's so far been a great exercise in picking apart what I put into Eight Cicadas.

    I also bring the gift of updates.


    And sometimes, a text message could bring his whole world down.


    But dessert was only for Harwood and Annette. They conversed and gossiped over their shared bowl of ice cream. It was a tradition that nothing could get in the way of.
    A thousand bared teeth, a thousand bowed heads

    outrun / blog / tunglr
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    BlythelyreBlythelyre Posts: 4,357 Member
    Music!! @ValoisFulcanelli I have a playlist for each and every story for the Torres family. I was listening to one the other day and thought, "Why the hell did I put this here??" And then I remembered. And I was like, "Crap! I forgot I was supposed to do that!"

    Yeah... mmmhhmmm. I'm currently listening to Until We Go Down by Ruelle. Yup! You can just imagine my mood right now...
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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    Boy, either you guys need to slow down or I need to speed up.

    @mastressalita: Oh well. Maybe I'll just stick her in a blue box and mail her there. :tongue: I understand the life monster. Oh boy do I.

    @lovesstorms: True. I'm newer than most of the folks around here.

    @ValoisFulcanelli: Interesting idea. Not sure I'll do it myself, but it's interesting.

    @CandyCadet: So am I. Problem is finding one. :lol:

    @SilverDaybreak: Well, he's not a perfect resemblance, but he's kind of close. I think it's the hair, because mine is a bit wild. He was the current patriarch of my fictional Daniels family before my game went to pot.

    Enjoy if you're interested.

    @EvermoreRocks: YouTube stories now. Intriguing.

    @FayeShinomori: I thought about doing that, but I only ever did it once, made my Sim's spouse. I finally just decided to throw it to the wind, and see what I could get out of towns.

    @gnasling: Sorry it's taken so long. Didn't think it would, but life you know. Anyway, here's the main story.

    If you're interested, I'll give you think to the side story as well.

    @Rorygilmore34: At least they'd rather still marry each other than split up. Those are some weird, wild glitches. Haven't seen any like that before.

    @ra3rei: Yet another reason to avoid prom. :P

    @SilentWolf101: Shows what I know. :lol: I never had that kind of relationship with pets before.

    @EvermoreRocks: Yay! :grin:

    @SilentWolf101: Nice looking girl. I'd do it. I think I once had a wife for one of my Sims come in with Story Progression. Of course, now I don't trust it.

    @IvoryButterfly: Welcome back. :)

    @kittycatcali: Tired mainly. I've been so wound up the past few nights. Nice job on the 6th generation.

    @JLBDreamer: Welcome to the group. And don't sweat it. R/L gets us all.

    @FayeShinomori: Looking forward to those pictures. Yeah, I don't like it when the forum flags things either, even when it just changes the word to 'plum.'

    @ValoisFulcanelli: That is one cool banner. :)

    @FayeShinomori: You have great looking Sims, but you knew that already. Nice.

    @MayaRose1138: Nice pictures too. It makes me want to get back into my game.

    @SilentWolf101: Your kitty-self is cute. I remember when I'd have cats in my game, just because I can't in RL. The first and only one was named Mango (I didn't name him). I guess that reminded me of that.

    @ValoisFulcanelli: I try to, since music helps me get into that mindset. I was listening to that Beach Boys song, God Only Knows, and the idea for a later chapter sprang to mind. So, yeah it helps.

    @EmmaBarbie: Oh wow. That stinks. :( Yeah, you'd think someone like that would understand. My new year started on a bit of a sour note. We lost our dog just before Christmas, and then when the new year got started, I wound up with a stomach bug. But things are looking up now.

    @everyone: Sorry for my random appearances. I'm trying to be regular, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way.
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,793 Member
    All, I have another update! It can be found here, and contains yet more birthdays, some new arrivals, and some interesting gossip :)
    @MayaRose1138: Nice pictures too. It makes me want to get back into my game.

    @everyone: Sorry for my random appearances. I'm trying to be regular, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way.

    Thank you :) Glad I can be of some inspiration!!

    I know all about good intentions. I meant to update over the summer holidays but it just didn't happen :)
    @MayaRose1138 At the moment, I have not used any of them because I am just writing stories instead of playing for fun... So... Yeah. As soon as I do just play for fun (which might be sometime this week), then I will probably play with them somewhere in the world! Maybe later on in a certain story, I'll include sims from other stories (if it's okay with the creators) in the background and include updates on them. ^-^ But yes, I would love to have him! Aladdin is very dashing, if I do say so myself. :3

    Fair enough :) That's why I haven't done anything with a big storyline because I enjoy playing so much! I look forward to seeing my sims there and seeing what they get up to in other people's games.

    I haven't been back on that computer since Saturday but I'll get Aladdin posted as soon as I can :)
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    Hi there everybody,I've just managed to get a 100BC update out and started working on the next chapter of Gibsons.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    Jonathan and Skyla go to Juliette's house to gather themselves. Jonathan, clearly, is distracted by trying to figure out what happened, but Skyla reminds him about what matters most. Enjoy!

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Hope everyone is having an awesome day!

    I am slowly but surely figuring out my short story for the February challenge. It's a spinoff-ish/sequel-ish companion story to Dust to Dust, and unfortunately it was a story idea better suited to about double the words and screenshots as what we are allowed (and that's even with the increased limits this month!)

    Keeping it relevant/having it make sense for non-D2D readers is also tricky (not to mention the fact that it literally spoils the entire thing)... But I think I'm getting there! I have a decent draft done, and almost all of my screenshots too... But I will be editing it more before submitting for sure. It would have been so much easier to choose another story idea, but with a theme like "different kind of love", how could I NOT do a D2D story? :lol:

    Sorry, I went on a little rant there for a moment :lol: But I know we were talking a bit about the challenge because VF had submitted her story :)

    Anyway, have a wonderful rest of your day and here is my legacy update for today (because why not? :tongue:)

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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    > @CitizenErased14 said:
    > Hope everyone is having an awesome day!
    > I am slowly but surely figuring out my short story for the February challenge. It's a spinoff-ish/sequel-ish companion story to Dust to Dust, and unfortunately it was a story idea better suited to about double the words and screenshots as what we are allowed (and that's even with the increased limits this month!)
    > Keeping it relevant/having it make sense for non-D2D readers is also tricky (not to mention the fact that it literally spoils the entire thing)... But I think I'm getting there! I have a decent draft done, and almost all of my screenshots too... But I will be editing it more before submitting for sure. It would have been so much easier to choose another story idea, but with a theme like "different kind of love", how could I NOT do a D2D story? :lol:
    > Sorry, I went on a little rant there for a moment :lol: But I know we were talking a bit about the challenge because VF had submitted her story :)
    > Anyway, have a wonderful rest of your day and here is my legacy update for today (because why not? :tongue:)

    There is a challenge for stories? What thread is it?
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    PmlTryPmlTry Posts: 783 Member
    There is no force stronger than time.

    Inheritance: Chapter 4, Part 2

    Night Must Fall

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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    Can anyone tell me is the reactions tab under notifications where my points for posting are? I think its at 35 if that's the case. Sorry to ask just trying to figure this out. I've read all the notes on forums I could find and just can't find it. Thanks!
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