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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    @venusdemilosims Great update, I did not play sims today was busy watching a downloaded copy f Fox Grease live it was good
    I enjoyed it.

    @Zabeth0 Great udpate,
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    Lovely updates all! Will comment tomorrow, it's past 1a.m and I really have to get some sleep. I've been looking into technical stuff the whole evening and also taken some screenshots... This is for @MemoriiValentine who made a picture of The Grey Witches for me to hang in my game! I can't tell how touched I am by her gesture... So here's so y'all can admire her work! (Even the frame is perfect!) :)

    Taïga steps back and admires her handiwork. Jeez does it hang askew?… It’s beautiful! I hope Granny will like it… She can hear a car stop outside. A quick glance through the window confirms her suspicion - Granny’s back from the doctor’s.

    ‘Wait, Granny! I’ve got a surprise for you. Close your eyes.’
    Granny humors her granddaughter and lets Taïga cover her eyes and escort her into the dining room. Arthur chuckles. He knows about the surprise, and he’s eager to see what it finally looks like…
    ‘Tadaaa!’ Triumphantly Taïga uncovers Granny’s eyes…

    Her grandmother doesn’t say anything.
    ‘Don’t you like it, Granny? Arthur and I thought it would please you… It’s by a young artist, @MemoriiValentine and she’s made it specially for you!’

    ‘It’s beautiful. It’s just-’ Granny massages the ridge of her nose and sniffles, ‘... it’s just that it’s Christmas, and… and… It’s perfect!’ She turns towards Taïga with eyes glazed over by emotion. ‘I’m so happy, this is the best Christmas present I’ve ever had.’
    Taïga let’s out her breath and hugs her grandmother. She knew Granny would get a little emotional, what with Shasta on the picture and everything…
    'Just stay there! I want a picture of you to memorise the event!' Arthur hurries out to the car to retrieve his camera.

    ‘I’ll take a picture for @MemoriiValentine. I’m sure she’ll like to see what the painting looks like on the wall!’
    Taïga doesn’t tell Arthur that it would be quicker to take a picture with his cell and send it right away. He’s so happy with his new camera…


    Here's to you, @MemoriiValentine , for making this beautiful picture !
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    [So I decided to change one of Calvin's traits to the new kleptomaniac trait.]

    Calvin goes to the cafe in Windenburg and tries to steal a book only to get caught by the barista.
    Ugh come on man, it's just a book, quit being so lame.

    "Stealing? Stealing? You've started stealing?! What am I going to do with you young man?" Accalia screamed.
    "That's it! Your curfew is at 12:00 AM! Don't go out of the house after that time ever again!"

    Jeez mom chill out.

    Calvin makes an angry painting before going to school.
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    Accalia gives birth to Katie.
    She also ages up and retires.

    Warren also ages up and retires.

    Calvin stole something from work but it wasn't enough. He needed to steal more.
    So he checked the town for something in Windenburg.
    Of course he was caught stealing and kicked out of the coffee house for a repeated offense.

    Apparently it's ghost night at the bar. Calvin decided to go with his father.
    [In real life that wouldn't be allowed but whatevs this is the sims.]

    So there's an ask about being old interaction. :joy:
    Calvin was late for his curfew so he quickly ran home, hoping to sneak inside without being in trouble.

    "Where have you been young man? We told you to be home no later than 12:00 am on the dot!" Warren screamed.
    "I was just hanging out with my real father at a bar!" Calvin yelled.
    "A bar?! A BAR?! Are you insane?! You are a TEENAGER! Not only are you UNDERAGE and drinking, you're not even able to LEGALLY get in! That's it, YOU'RE GROUNDED!" Warren screamed.

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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    @Venus: Yeah it sounds like Terry has an interesting family as well. :D I would expect that they do find her intimidating, with her being so pretty, the daughter of a pop star and a famous actor and also brilliant. Little Miss Perfect, Skyler's jab at her would probably come to mind (since I doubt she kept her comments about that to herself). :D But Kaydence just keeps being awesome, no matter who might be muttering or not talking to her, because she doesn't need their approval. :D (She's got robots and Simtopia!)

    Aw...not even a hover cyber pumpkin carriage? ;) Maybe a hover car in a shade of pumpkin orange? :D (Emit: "Why would you do that?" Me: "Um.. pretty much just trying to play with the metaphor here, man, don't take it personally... I don't suppose you've used any technology to mutate mice into men?" Emit: "Just let it go, Zabeth, there will be other metaphors...someday, your metaphor will come..." Me: "Your wish is my command!" Emit aside to the camera: "Any sufficiently advanced smooth talk is indistinguishable from magic!")

    Lol @ Jess Sheehan telling Kaydence about her own mother's album that she inspired, without knowing she knows all about it lol. :D Hmm, well, I'm glad she's still getting along with her stepmom, but I'm pretty sure Kaydence is used to Sebastian driving women off and having her not run off after he's been photographed accepting flowers from other women probably causes her to trust that she's not going to take the kids and run. :D Cherise probably seems positively sensible by the standards she's used to. :D Well, hopefully if Madison and Cherise meet, that meeting goes well. (Kaydence: *talking to Madison* Now, don't you embarrass me!)

    Background can get pretty complicated, but it's helpful, as one explores their motives to know what made them think the way they do... each one of us is not just someone who woke up one day with a personality...we were shaped by decisions that weren't even our own... if our ancestors had picked to left instead of right in whatever disaster they were facing (history is full of disasters, as those were noteworthy events that could be historically pinned down), we might not be here! But part of growing up is realizing that your parents are humans...flawed humans...and they didn't make every decision...or even a lot of their decisions with you in mind, any more than you make every decision based on how it would affect a fictional child you aren't even sure you'll one day have (I'm aiming this at Kaydence's situation, since she hasn't had kids, and doesn't even think she wants them yet). :D Whether your parents marry or don't marry, whether they divorce or don't divorce, whether they take one job or another, what their hours of work are...whether they can buy food and clothe you, where they chose to raise you; these things affect you, and they are decisions you didn't make...but then it goes up the chain, because they didn't make all of those decisions in a vacuum either. :D So, I'm glad she's exploring these issues. :D

    lol @ Lokitron in politics. :D Ah, Atom Beaker! :D (DUN DUN DUN) Sorry, couldn't help it. :D

    Well, even if she and Terry had only one child, if you take one child who lives to grow up and have kids...and that child doesn't want their kid to grow up as a lonely only child like he or she did... then that next generation has at least two...and maybe they both live long enough to have kids too... Being that they are rich right now, their children will be fed well, and have access to decent medical care and will be more likely to live long enough to have children...supposing they don't party too hard and they aren't all adventurers lol. :D If she starts with one kid and every child after that has only two kids than in 5 generations there will be 16 descendants. So, obviously she didn't have very many.. :D (Or perhaps some of them were adventurers and didn't make to having kids). :D And this is average, maybe there were a few that only had one kid and some more Savannah sized families. :D

    @TadOlson: Well, that makes sense. :D Thanks. :D Looks like the Storybrook Mountain Campgrounds is well set up for babies, toddlers and kids. :D (And adults for that matter but you know, more places are set up with adults in mind lol).

    @Silver: Lol- yeah, that's quite a miffed expression, isn't it? (Guy: "Can't you cry quieter? Where is the volume control on this thing!?") Thanks. :D

    @Jillbg: It's always interesting to see what someone thinks is the perfect gift! :D (For some it's a computer, others a book, others a trip somewhere, and other's its a painting!) That's so sweet. :D Also when someone is no longer with us, seeing their image can bring forth different reactions- I'm glad hers was positive! It's a lovely painting with a great frame. :D It looks wonderful on the wall. :D I love the way they are doing thumbs up and heart gestures for the picture, they seem like they are having a good time. :D (Mr. Moon and cute!) Also in the third picture, where Granny and Taiga are standing right together you can see their resemblance so clearly-it's lovely! :D

    @Wolfkomoki: Wow, Calvin, that's crazy. So, not only do you have a problem where you run away from home...and your detective you've picked up stealing? Oh dear! Though, I do rather like that's very...expressive. :D And the fire, despite being a couple of lines seems to be done right. :D

    Lol @ ""A bar?! A BAR?! Are you insane?! You are a TEENAGER! Not only are you UNDERAGE and drinking, you're not even able to LEGALLY get in! That's it, YOU'RE GROUNDED!" Warren screamed." I'm sure that'll work wonders on Mr. Daredevil-who-runs-away-from-home lol. ;)
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    @Zabeth0 So Rafael is getting Deedee to teach Anastasia how to be a witch? Kind of like a mentor relationship?

    @jillbg What an awesome picture she did for Taiga and her family. They look like they enjoy it.

    @wolfkomoki1 Things between Calvin and his stepdad are going from bad to worse.


    The limousines arrived fast and furious in front of the Sunset Valley city hall building.


    First was Sierra and her exasperated mother, Savannah.


    They walked into the city hall building to meet with Sierra's agent, who was already there.


    Moments after they walked in, came Kaydence's limousine. Kaydence was the daughter of the superstar actor Sebastian Jolina-Plumb and the legendary pop star 'Madison Avenue,' and, at times, she showed it. This was one of those times.


    Despite the pedigree, there was no questioning Kaydence's loyalty. If the family thought she would just 'go away' after Sierra's arrest, they were mistaken - even if some of them secretly hoped it would happen.
    While walking in the courtroom, Kaydence was cautiously optimistic that Sierra would be exonerated.
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    @Venus: Oh, my word, the site censored the word ccyborg! ;) I have got to remember it does that lol. :D

    Yeah, very much like that, only one that gives her a family position as an aunt. :D (This relationship would apply to all of his even if Dmitry isn't a witch, he'll still treat Deedee as his aunt...)

    I'm glad to see they have managed to show up for the court date, and that Savannah is going to be there for her daughter...and that Kadyence is cautiously optimistic. :D
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Zabeth0 Yeah, even if Savannah is exasperated by it all. Sierra has put Savannah through a lot, mostly because Savannah was exactly the same way before she cleaned up. I think Savannah is hoping that Sierra cleans up like AJ did, and part of the reason I think she tacitly approves of her partnership with Kaydence is she hopes Kaydence influences Sierra to clean up. What Savannah doesn't realize is that in some ways, Kaydence is as eccentric as Sierra is...

    Yep, I agree, Kaydence is to the point now where she just doesn't give a flying fig about fitting in. She has no need for her peers' approval - or even her mom's now for that matter, given that she continues to do exactly as she pleases, regardless to what Madison says... plus she basically has her own place where she can do where she wants... but then again, Kaydence is used to parenting her parents, so her admonishing Madison to be on her 'best' behavior makes sense lol...

    I'm not sure how many children Kaydence and Terry end up having, or if they end up having them at all... but I do know that she has seen enough drama with children for about three lifetimes.
    Post edited by venusdemilosims on
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    @Zabeth0 So Rafael is getting Deedee to teach Anastasia how to be a witch? Kind of like a mentor relationship?

    @jillbg What an awesome picture she did for Taiga and her family. They look like they enjoy it.

    @wolfkomoki1 Things between Calvin and his stepdad are going from bad to worse.


    The limousines arrived fast and furious in front of the Sunset Valley city hall building.


    First was Sierra and her exasperated mother, Savannah.


    They walked into the city hall building to meet with Sierra's agent, who was already there.


    Moments after they walked in, came Kaydence's limousine. Kaydence was the daughter of the superstar actor Sebastian Jolina-Plumb and the legendary pop star 'Madison Avenue,' and, at times, she showed it. This was one of those times.


    Despite the pedigree, there was no questioning Kaydence's loyalty. If the family thought she would just 'go away' after Sierra's arrest, they were mistaken - even if some of them secretly hoped it would happen.
    While walking in the courtroom, Kaydence was cautiously optimistic that Sierra would be exonerated.

    @venusdemilosims Yes they are. Hopefully now that he's grown up a bit things can calm down.

    Accalia catches up with Calvin. Since he moved out she feels like she failed him as a parent when he grew into a young adult.

    A new homeless townie moved into a Tardis house that I made. The poor thing was homeless with a baby.

    Anyway back to the Baronets.
    Calvin had sent Warren a text when he moved into his new house.

    "Have you met my daughter yet?" Calvin asked.
    Monique sighed. Dad please, you're embarrassing me.

    "Hi I'm your step granddaughter!"

    This lady's like Step grandchild? Good lord and I thought the Goth family was messed up.

    "Hey what is your problem? Vamoosh!"

    "Your family is a plum soap opera! What did you kidnap that little girl?"
    Calvin's blood started to boil. This.means.war.

    No one insults his family and gets away with it.

    "Just admit it. That child is adopted."
    [Note: I have nothing against adopted kids. This is just fiction.]



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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited February 2016
    @wolfkomoki1 Congrats to Calvin on his adoption. Oh man... what is her problem? At least the child is somewhere where someone loves her and cares for her. And obviously Calvin and Monique bonded due to similar feelings of being unwanted. This update hit home for me because there was a multiracial adoption in my family (real life). My aunt (now deceased) adopted a child of a different ethnicity and some people didn't like it.
    Lol at Monique's reaction to her adoptive dad getting upset at the woman. She seems genuinely surprised.

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @vensudemilosims -Great updates!
    @jillbg -I made sure they had places to shower and take bathes.Great update!
    @Silverofdreams30 -I've had that happen with old saves and had to move on.I've backed up my Sims 3 folder again and intend to use this copy for a clean folder without saves except for a few CAS saves.
    @Wolkomoki1 -Great updates!I might get some adoptions in my games.
    @Zabeth0 -I've got the campgrounds set up for sims to be able to stay there and parents can take a free vacation there.
    The town of Gibsons got more building done on their new town hall over the winter.
    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were up so early on that late winter morning that it was still dark out as they got ready for the day.
    They spent a big part of their day studying charisma on their iPads or smart phones.They had to rush off to work at 3PM.
    They got home after work and had to use the toilet and get ready for bed.
    They were asleep by 8:30 in the evening.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    very nice updates, I have been busy with a game on ps vita so not played sims this weekend.

    @Zabeth0 he he yeah I think that was what his thought were lol
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    edited February 2016
    I opened the game today. Here is a few screens from my older family that I used to post about before.
    I do not have the same CC anymore so had to change them around a bit.


    Spring, one of the daughters now a teen


    one of the newest triplets John






    parents kelly and her husband Gavin teaching them to talk


    Random screen as I heard the sound a bit away.

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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    @wolfkomoki1 Congrats to Calvin on his adoption. Oh man... what is her problem? At least the child is somewhere where someone loves her and cares for her. And obviously Calvin and Monique bonded due to similar feelings of being unwanted. This update hit home for me because there was a multiracial adoption in my family (real life). My aunt (now deceased) adopted a child of a different ethnicity and some people didn't like it.
    Lol at Monique's reaction to her adoptive dad getting upset at the woman. She seems genuinely surprised.
    Oh man I just saw her face! *Dies laughing* Anyway hope it wasn't too upsetting.

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    KayeStarKayeStar Posts: 6,715 Member
    A date for Love Day

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 -Thanks for your comment.Great pictures!
    @SweetieKaye -Great picture!That's a great couple.
    Storybrook County,Maine-Winter-1550.
    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up so early that morning that it was still dark out as they got ready for the day.
    They started with tending to the daily chores first before decidint to study skills and work on writing on computers and iPads.It began to snow while they were working and they had to switch to snowsuits before going outside.
    They were still writing on their computers when the snow finally let up though the ground was covered in snow.
    They decided to make a snowman and it had begun to snow again though it was snowing harder and wind was picking up.The temerature was -15C and the wind was 50mph.
    They got ready to leave for work though they had a bliizard raging outside and it was about 3PM.
    They got home at just after 7PM and got ready to get into bed by 8PM after getting home and cleaning up.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    @TadOlson Great update.
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    2nd Zolnikov Christmas Special: (Part Eleven)


    Rafael: One of his strengths as a criminal was assessing where people's weaknesses lie; it was fairly difficult to know what to offer someone as incentive or use to threaten them if you couldn't tell what they valued. He had difficultly figuring Deedee out in most situations, she didn't want revenge, she didn't want money, she didn't want power, she didn't want fame... sometimes she just didn't even seem real...So even while his mind incredulously poked at the idea that she might have forgiven him for kidnapping her as effortlessly as though he'd only misspoken instead...there was another part that seized on the pain in that frustrated question... When did I turn into a dragon?

    Something about him trying to placate her upset her, but in the way that someone who's got a wound will flinch away from someone unknowingly touching it. Deedee didn't like people to be afraid of her; the last time he'd come to drink coffee with her, she'd mentioned that her roommates didn't know she was a witch...she'd kept that a secret because she didn't want them to be afraid. ...If one of her roommates had found out she was a witch and were frightened by it, she'd move out abruptly like she had...she'd move far away to assure them they were safe...but that left her far away, and isolated from people. And Deedee needed people. That was her primary weakness; he always preferred to use the carrot to the stick, but the stick for Deedee would be threatening to harm other people. But he was certain he could find a carrot solution to this matter.


    Rafael: Now it all made sense. The overwhelming bright colors, the leaving town, the quitting her job, and she was probably working on more alchemist elixirs to sell in town because it gave her an excuse to come to town, so she could talk to someone face to face if only to sell them her elixirs. But even with that, it had to be painfully she was willing to forgive him like he'd just sneezed instead of kidnapped her, because she desperately needed to talk to someone. Anyone. Even him. He could tell her the raw truth to her face in the rudest way possible and she'd not throw him more than a famine victim would turn away food. Knowing this detail put him in a far better position to negotiate with her...she was likely to be especially lonely during the holidays, and by the decor, he knew she already could probably easily convince her to come for Christmas...and from there offer her an honorary aunt status when she was feeling warm and surrounded by people. It might easily pass for a natural course of events, and not part of a master plan to have a trustworthy witch looking out for his children...and Zelda; he didn't ever want to press a death flower into her hand in the basement like that again, holding his breath that she didn't go limp... if Zelda had a witch there, perhaps it wouldn't get that bad next time...but surely Deedee was also better off having people to look after her and visit her and not being out here, isolated and lonely and risk having some other witch change her personality or pick her off when no one was looking. Yeah, it was the better deal for all of them, all he had to do was convince her she wanted to do it.

    He sighed in a mix of both embarrassment and relief. "Okay, yes, I yam trryink to trrick you... into helpink me, that is trrue. But it's not lyike you thyink! I vasyint plannink on vearrink this out of the hyouse...this...vas only myeant forr Zyelda and the childrryen forr the Chrristmyas holyidays. She myight as vell haf rrushed me out of the hyouse in pajammyas. But I vasyin't goink to arrgue, she's exhaustyed, and von't sleep because she vants to byake, and if hyouse verre on firre, she vouldn't be styopped frrom bakink "to do Chrristmyas rright"! And I had to leaf the hyouse for a fyew it seemed a good tyime to...trry my luck vith you... And it's not lyike ve can go visyit shops syince everyvone mysterriously locks up and flees out theirrr backdoorrs vhen they see me comink."


    Deedee: "Poor Zelda...she always did love Christmas, she used to make sugar cookies in the Little Bakers Oven for it. My dad loved them." It wasn't hard to see that she missed Zelda, not with the way her eyes lit up like that. "So, what kind of help are you after?"


    Rafael: He took a deep breath. She would probably agree to his deal...eventually...but there was no need to be sloppy about it. He also remembered that she smelled of burnt cookies when she answered the door... "She styill myakes sugyarr cookies...lots of thyem, and peanyut buttyerr vones and cinnyamon rrrolls. She fyills jarrrs...full of cookies." He said almost as though he were complaining, but he really wasn't, and he wasn't really rubbing it in her face either, because this gave him a chance to keep the Christmas lure out there. "Vell, you know the tovnspyeople thyink that I haf an arrmy of drragyons. I do not. I haf vone drragon at ourr hyouse...he's a hatchlink nyamed Vhizbank....he's learrnink to spyeak Simlish frrom drrakonyic...and drrakonyic has hundrreds of verry specifyic prronouns for vhatevyer beink is beink refyerrred's not just gendyerr like in Simlish... so he refyerrred to Anastasia as 'daughter vitch'...and he says he can smyell vitch magyic so it's not a gyuess. I haf no magyic sense, I don't thyink I evyen really undyerrstand vhat it is...can vitches just look at herr and see it? Do they haf to be lookink? Is she seeink magyic alrready? Is that vhy she's so distrractyed?"


    Deedee: "Magic sense is...hard to explain...just like sight or hearing or smell to someone who doesn't have it... so, what do you know already?"

    Rafael: "Vell, I know it has somethink to do vith seeink magyic aurrras? I know that vitches haf to haf a cerrtyain amyount of magyic in theirr aurrras befyorre anyvone can see that they arre vitches and that they syeem to be humans beforre that."

    Deedee: "Well, before a witch has enough magic in her aura, she's got no magic sense, so she feels like a human too, it's not just that she seems it because people can't tell yet, she actually only has the human senses...and then one day, she can feel something else...and it's's bigger than all the other senses combined...and its's not just magic auras, everything in the universe that is real has an aura, that bottle, the air in that bottle, my floor tiles, my table, the yeah, when you first get this sense, of course it can distract you from eating or anything else like that. Especially in the presence of magic...and your house is warded, right? And you have a dragon there...and of course Zelda is a powerful witch... but she won't just be distracted by that, she'll also be distracted by discovering how the physical world and the auras she's feeling everywhere are related. Now, why can't I tell she's a witch? Because she's been warded by dragon magic to keep that from me. But I don't see any reason why your dragon would lie to you about her being a witch, and if she's a witch, I'd really rather that dragon ward her like this everyday, so she's safe."

    Rafael: "How old vere you vhen you got magyic sense?"

    Deedee: "Ten. I was lucky. I was old enough that my dad had already told me it was a possibility...but even with that, it's like waking up with compound eyes or something...very hard to explain...Ah, and Zelda's not patient enough to even try to explain all this to you. Well, what you can understand without having magic sense, anyway. So you've come to me, but you'd never actually apologized so you were feeling that I wouldn't help you. So you went overboard with the gifts to sort of apologize...and I thought you were trying to bribe me into doing something criminal so I was leery, which only reinforced your impression that I wouldn't help. That's why you are trying to trick me instead of just asking me!"


    Rafael: "Dyeedyee, I vill nevyerr ask you to do anythink crriminyal, I haf yentirre netvorrk of prrofessionyals and specialyists to kyeep busy as it is. And frrankly, you arrren't qvalyified." He hoped to deflect that with humor...he was trying to trick her because he didn't want her to say no. He wanted his wife and his children to be safe, and he didn't have a lot of people he could trust, and Deedee would not hurt them. She didn't want she wouldn't kill his daughter for power. She didn't want revenge, so she wouldn't kill either him or Zelda for revenge. She didn't want fame, so she wouldn't snoop around and try to turn him in to the authorities so that she could be the one famous for taking him down, she didn't want money, so no one could bribe her with money to betray was all those qualities that made her so impossible that made her perfect for what he wanted her to do... meaning he had no other was her or no one. To some degree, he'd already shown her where to stab to hurt him the most, and he'd only have done that if he trusted her...but he didn't trust her to help him without some sort of incentive...he may believe in fairies now...he'd seen them walking around...but there were still some things that were too preposterous to believe.


    Rafael: "Vhy don't you come forr Chrristmyas, though? I don't suppyose I could brribe you vith cookies?"
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Silverofdreams30 Cute kiddies! :)

    @venusdemilosims Glad Kaydence let's it lose a bit and profits - I think the limo's an excellent choice! :)

    @Zabeth0 Deedee must have a lot on her mind, as her cottage is so colorful! :) Raphael's mind is racing - he's awfully analytic of the situation with Deedee. You're describing how when you misinterpret bodylanguage and what's being said leads you astray. I'm glad Deedee sorted that out! But will she help him? Waiting for the next chapter...

    @TadOlson I love winter and blizzards... and snowmen!
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    My turn for the flu this time, guys. Been knocked out the past few days with that nasty cough/cold that has bothered me since Christmas, I suspect its the flu. Went to the doc yesterday and the doctor has me on Albuterol, codeine cough syrup, Singulair, and Allegra D - the latter of which has federal dosage limits here in the US...

    @jillbg Yeah, despite Kaydence being the daughter of an actor and a pop star, she's not really the type to splash her money, fame, and wealth around. I suppose it comes from the fact that her grandparents came from more modest means. Neither Nathan nor his wife, Shandra, came from money. They made their money through their career. So she seems to realize the value of money, and prefers to earn her money through work rather than live off of her parents'.

    @Zabeth0 Oh boy, I hope they find some solution to their dilemma!

    @TadOlson I always loved the snowfall in this game. Too bad it happens more frequently than I'd like, lol.


    The day of reckoning had arrived, and unlike the previous few days of inclement weather, it was clear, bright, and sunny, with mild temperatures. Even a hot air balloon deigned to fly over the city hall building. Would such an auspicious beginning portent a similar fate for Sierra?
    The rookie star of Sunset Valley's pro soccer team and scion of the large, eccentric, and famous Jolina-Plumb family was charged with a parole violation stemming from an arrest for leading a protest rally on Christmas Day. She needed to convince a judge that she was justified in violating her parole, or she was going to spend at least some time in jail.


    Sierra was not without witnesses, though. Chief among them was the person who accompanied her on that ill-fated trip, her cousin Kaydence. Kaydence had memories of courtrooms from when she was a small child and the pawn in a bitter custody battle between the Jolina-Plumbs and her mother Madison's family. Her testimony was being watched closely, both by the authorities and by the family. How far was she willing to go to protect Sierra?
    The answer was, very. Not only did Kaydence say it was her idea to go to Aurora Skies, but that she didn't realize Sierra was on probation. By the time she'd finished testifying, she'd used her considerable acting training and convinced the audience that she was the one responsible for Sierra breaking probation.


    Kaydence, however, also had a trump card. She presented a letter Dr. De Witt had written about the case and about Sierra, in particular. The petition was signed by six other scientists in attendance at the convention. A few weeks earlier, Kaydence had secretly met with Dr. De Witt to plead Sierra's case.

    After all the testimony for the day was done, the judge returned to chambers to deliberate. Sierra's friends and family nervously awaited the outcome.
    jpnbanner2_zpscb7d2475.jpg header_zps436f0053.jpg

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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    @venusdemilosims I'm pretty sure Sierra won't go to prison...
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    @wolfkomoki: Nice to see Calvin's been doing some growing up. :D Things were looking bad there with the stealing... :D Monique is pretty. :D She looks like a little model. :D Lol @ "Dad please your embarrassing me" :D Well, hopefully Monique takes it that her father actually cares about her and is willing to go to bat for her...and not that he's a scary guy who attacks elderly women... ;) (Monique: Note to self...never ever make Dad angry...I wouldn't like him when he's angry...) ;)

    @TadOlson: Looks like that's coming right along. :D Well, hopefully all that studying charisma will help them get to know their neighbors and get along with them. :D

    Wow, that does need snowsuits! :D I bet it was nice to get into the warm house! :D

    @Silver: Lots of adorable toddlers. :D Love how they don't all have the same hair. :D

    @jillbg: Well, you know, Rafael's an evil genius... :D So he's pretty analytical, and he thinks fast... and he remembers a lot of detail and can use it years later to fit things together. That doesn't mean he's always right. ;) Deedee's particularly hard for him to figure out because she's actually good, and he's just too cynical to believe that people ever really do anything out of the goodness of their hearts. :D

    @Venus: What a lovely day for it. :D Ah, so, both an emotional and a rational reason for leniency. :D It's good to see the scientists standing up for the importance of their work and not keeping people from contributing to the knowledge of the world over a simple thing like location. Heck, if Sierra fans wrote to them with half the enthusiasm that they showed at the stadium... :D
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 -THanks for the comment.
    @Zabeth0 -Great update!I got my charisma Mod working again so they could get the skill improved before new neighbors arrive.
    @jillbg -I love snow a lot and wish we'd gotten some this year.
    @venusdemilosims -I love the snow though I end up turning it off in game options later in the season.Great update!
    Storybrook County,Maine-Winter-1550.
    The town started by adding washroom fittings in the basement of the library.
    They also fitted out the remaining bedroom.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    edited February 2016
    @jillbg thank you

    @venusdemilosims Great update

    @Zabeth0 Great update, and thank you I find it a bit boring with them having the same haircolour haha, have a save where the triplets
    all have the same red hair.

    @TadOlson Great update
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    edited February 2016
    I have been bad posting photos the past 2 days, here is one more bonus photo from my old family
    especially for you @jillbg


    Gavin repairing the dishwasher, yeah aparently my males dont bother dressing themselves alot haha.

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