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The Sims 4 Happy Play Thread :)


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    LoneOnyxStardustLoneOnyxStardust Posts: 397 Member
    edited January 2016
    Jennings Update

    Ellie and peter are both coming down with something Ellie isn't letting her sickness get the best of her though.

    So our house seems to the hot spot for people randomly visiting and they always seem to arrive when Peter and ellie are either out or asleep or at work but Breanne is more than happy to chat away to them 01_24_16_8_08_17am_by_lone_onyx_stardust-d9p8uvk.png

    Poor Peter is really not feeling great

    Despite getting promoted money is still tight and the hours are still long Ellie returns home stressed most days

    Ellie was invited to join Powerhouse not sure what is happening here it seems something caught everyones eye up in the sky (maybe a ufo?) Ellie thinks its a great opportunity to meet new people

    Breanne has been busy making friends and decided to go out to the local park one day

    anyone else think its a bit awkward when your neighbor is sitting talking to your friend in your living room only wearing a towel?

    Ellie got another promotion from work and decided to take Breanne on a bit of a shopping spree but first she went to visit the area where she grew up
    she discovered that the old dormitory across from her family home was now occupied by three rather attractive guys with a colourful approach to decorating, she tried to find out whether they know anything about who was living in her childhood house across the street but sadly they hadn't been living in the area long.

    Ellie showed Breanne the grand house that used to belong to her family until they ran into hard times "Mummy who lives in that house?" "I don't know sweetie, but ill tell you a secret, that house used to belong to your great grandfather" she replied "Woahh!! Breanne sounded amazed
    "Did you live in it when you were my age?" She asked "No but i'll show you my old house" she said leading her across the street
    Breanne stood silent for a minute a look of determination crossed her face "Just you wait mummy, I'll get these houses back for you don't worry" Ellie leaned down and hugged her daughter

    the last bit changed writing style, i wasn't sure how to get across the significance and Breannes reaction to visiting her mothers house and their family homes
    Check out my gallery Origin ID LoneOnyxStardust

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    edited January 2016
    @LoneOnyxStardust Man the feels at the end there. We're eventually going to be selling my grandmother's old house and if it stands another some odd years, could be that same situation. May you get it back someday Breanne.

    ADDED: Also, the blonde in the old dorms is cute!

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    LoneOnyxStardustLoneOnyxStardust Posts: 397 Member
    @LoneOnyxStardust Man the feels at the end there. We're eventually going to be selling my grandmother's old house and if it stands another some odd years, could be that same situation. May you get it back someday Breanne.

    ADDED: Also, the blonde in the old dorms is cute!

    i think Breanne is going to make it her mission to try and get one of the houses back

    Isn't he , i saw him in the gallery ans was like yes he's defiantly being added to my game
    Check out my gallery Origin ID LoneOnyxStardust

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    I'm thinking of adding some gallery sims to 2nd World when I get back to it as I want the houses to be full this time around. Probably just some simselfs and a couple Not sure yet.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    TinjaNurtleTinjaNurtle Posts: 167 Member
    My Sim Aimee and her room mate Kody hooked up. I have no intention of keeping them together but Aimee is now pregnant with his child. Then Kody met Cassandra Goth and now those two are boyfriend and girlfriend. Its like a soap opera. Aimee hasn't found out about the girlfriend yet.
    Origin ID: pizza_the_hut82
    Steam ID:GreenEggsandPam
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    My Sim Aimee and her room mate Kody hooked up. I have no intention of keeping them together but Aimee is now pregnant with his child. Then Kody met Cassandra Goth and now those two are boyfriend and girlfriend. Its like a soap opera. Aimee hasn't found out about the girlfriend yet.

    I say this might require some popcorn. Ooh dear. :D


    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    TinjaNurtleTinjaNurtle Posts: 167 Member
    So I had Aimee walk in on Kody and Cassandra woohooing and Aimee didn't care. In fact , she walked out of the room flirty...
    Origin ID: pizza_the_hut82
    Steam ID:GreenEggsandPam
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    Ulfric_GrimbrandUlfric_Grimbrand Posts: 681 Member
    Yes, I've been absent. Had some issues with my raiding character in SWTOR, and decided to level up a Bounty Hunter - Mercenary to raid with. Sorry .... but ......... Heeeere's Ulfric:

    Quick update, a couple of screen shots.
    Simis Bachelor is none to happy finding out what The Player's Club is all about, when he catches Jocasta in bed with Ulfric.

    This next one is just kind of odd.
    Amethyst and Kelley were dancing during Ulfric's wedding. The bride expired as they consummated the marriage. ('Til Death Do You Part achievement). As Grimmy does his thing, they come over to witness the death, but never stop dancing :o
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    3KNPen3KNPen Posts: 2,825 Member
    I finished my second week in my 500K Solitaire Rosebud challenge and thought I'd do a quick update of my progress in the save.

    Aria is still Aria.

    She had a much easier week this week since she no longer had to sleep on benches or had to gather her food or rely on the kindness of strangers to eat. She spent most of the early part of the week working towards her next promotion at work which would gain her the easel she desperately wanted.

    She attained her goal about halfway through the week. After which she immediately started the first piece of art on it.

    It wasn't all happy fun times for Aria though as she occasionally was forced to do the most dreaded of things for a loner sim. Socialize to keep her social from tanking. Thankfully it's not as bad as it could be since she gets social at work but the social still goes down fairly quickly. We will definitely be saving up for the reward trait that keeps that need from decaying as soon as possible.

    Aria doesn't enjoy talking to children (you're probably lucky his parents weren't around to see you making that face at their child Aria).

    She also doesn't like talking to people her own age.

    Thanks to the recent addition of Get Together in my game I was able to send her to Windenburg where we managed to find one person she didn't completely hate talking to. Bjorn Bjergsen who is an adult and unfortunately married. Not that it really matters since she's probably going to out live him and she can't marry anyone in anyway. He's not her friend yet but I might keep trying on it since she did seem to like him which for her is a rare, rare thing indeed lol.

    While in Windenburg I made use of the easels that were scattered about the place to give her a change of scenery. This proved an advantageous idea because while she was there she painted two Masterpieces in a row. This is the second one did it's a large pop art piece.

    And this is the first one she did. This was a large paint from references pieces and I really loved how it turned out so we kept it to decorate the house.

    Monday rolled around and so did the bills. The in-game bills were $223 and I charged her the $150 loan payment and an added $25 for the trip to Windenburg. With the addition of funds from another promotion she got on this day we had like $8,000 dollars in reserve at this point thanks to her painting and one day of collecting in the home neighborhood.

    I then went ahead and used almost all of it to remodel her house. I really hated the old one and so I completely demolished it and rebuilt from scratch. By the end of it we had like $400 left and it's not even completely decorated yet lol.

    A second bunny to mark the end of the second week of the challenge. Also two wildflower bunches to mark the two masterpieces. I've decided I'll add a flower bunch for each one. Hopefully we'll a field of flowers surrounding the house by the end of the challenge.

    The inside of the house. The kitchen is tiny and things are still a little bare but I'm incredibly happy with it. My idea is to start to get the house out of the way early so that I can concentrate on saving money straight on after that.

    Before the end of the night she paints her third masterpiece. Since it's before midnight I purchase a third wild flower bunch for outside. I also buy two comfy chairs and the TV she had the whim for. We are saving up for that reward trait after all.

    Bonus Pics Because I really adore her and the facial expressions she makes:
    ~ ~ ~
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    edited March 2016
    As for me, well, I actually made a new Sim. As I`m still stuck with building, I decided I needed someone to "help" me with budgeting my materials. So welcome Maria Stewart.

    There's not much back story to her as she isn't a sim I use in my main games. Basically, she's studied business and wants to work in realty, helping sell and build houses for new homeowner sims. She was actually inspired by a thread that someone posted looking for a cute Bohemian home for their sim. We actually ended up building one too.



    I think Maria turned out quite nice. And yes, she's already on the gallery.

    Post edited by LosaruTaiyo on

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    Ulfric_GrimbrandUlfric_Grimbrand Posts: 681 Member
    I forgot to show the new Grimbrand Household.
    Left to Right
    Ulfric, Amethyst, Kelley, Jocasta, Bella, Eliza, Cassandra, Ophelia
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    SoapSudsSoapSuds Posts: 1,359 Member
    @3KNPen Lol, I love her glare in the second to last picture.

    @LosaruTaiyo She does look nice. She definitely does have that realtor look to her. Also love the house. Small, but has a very homey feel to it, which is very nice.

    @Ulfric_Grimbrand The household looks great. Love the matching theme going on with it.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Ulfric_Grimbrand they must have wanted to continue dancing to honor her, since that's just what the GB girls do :)
    @LosaruTaiyo I like Maria and the house is cute :smiley:
    'I believe I can flyyy....I believe I can touch the skyyy'hehe

    Brenda is really enjoying her days living here and she's becoming good friends with Markus.
    Markus joins her before he has to go to work and pretends like he isn't checking her out.

    "Brenda I was wondering if you could do me a little favor."

    "Sure what do you need?"

    "Janet wants to start a club can you join?"

    "You're not serious, your moody wife doesn't even like me being in the same room as her."

    "She just doesn't know how to talk to people, you see how she talks to me, I know the other women aren't going to join if it's them against her."

    "Because she's good at rubbing people the wrong way?"

    He told her where they were meeting and what the uniform was, she bought the outfit with the money he gave her but decided to pick on Janet anyways, as she clearly has a stick up her backside and needs to learn to loosen up lol.

    "...I don't know what you're doing here but if you plan to stay you will change."

    "But it's hot out today."

    "Brenda, don't make me slap you :| ."

    "Janet, don't make me push you down the stairs. :p "
    I had her change and when she got in they were like this so I took her in, Janet had brought a coffee cup from home I didn't know she could but whatever lol. It was just supposed to be a night out to see if the club would work Moira, Bella, and Nancy will definitely stick around to get to know Brenda.
    Janet didn't want to sit alone so she grabbed Nancy but she's mostly fine with it so they talk for a while as the others get to know one another, after Brenda got tea Janet refused to talk to her lol she does so love to be in control.
    They got home about two, I had Brenda pick up a scone to go for Markus since she would think of him before his wife did, he was glad to talk to her since he couldn't really sleep in the empty house anyways he had been awake.

    "Won't Janet wonder where you are?"

    "No no she already went to bed, we sleep in different rooms."

    "Doesn't that get lonely?"

    "Not anymore I'm used to it, how was the gathering."

    "It was okay, she got mad at me in the bathroom since I got tea, there were so many people there I wasn't waiting for coffee."

    He kind of found that funny.
    The next morning after he left for work, not mention ate breakfast with Brenda, Janet finally woke up after a bath full of rose petals she decided she looked good enough to "grace" the world with her presence. Yeah she's that sort of sim lol.
    Feeling tense she hired a massage therapist she didn't think he'd be so cute, Brenda was upstairs in her room reading and Markus was still gone so she decided to flirt with him a little.
    It went over well so...

    "Malik darling, I have my man's ring and his credit cards so he has nothing for me, so it's a little lonely perhaps if I give you my number you could keep me company."

    "Of course ma'am whatever you say."

    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    PamhamletPamhamlet Posts: 5,556 Member
    Keep the stories, challenges, builds, and pictures coming folks! I love coming here to see what's new. B)

    I've been alternating between playing a bunch of new Sims and watching Let's Play videos on Youtube. Right now, I'm really into AndrewArcade and the Get Together series he's doing. He is so funny and inspiring to watch, always busy doing a myriad of fun, interesting things with his Sims and builds.

    Just now, my Sim was walking around in Willow Creek and I saw a banana peel lying on the grass on the Garden Essence lot where Summer Holiday lives. Never saw that before, but it looked perfectly natural there. Heh, I got a silly thought hoping someone would walk by and slip on it, but no such luck. I guess it needed to be on the sidewalk instead. >:) I'll come back to this neighborhood later to see if it got picked up, or if it's become a permanent lawn ornament. :D

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm at work so nothing to post just yet. Also it's a Tuesday so I have IRL crafting group I go to and the folks wanna skype when I get home.

    @Pamhamlet That banana peel seems really random. :O I don't even think Sims 4 has bananas does it?

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    PamhamletPamhamlet Posts: 5,556 Member
    @Pamhamlet That banana peel seems really random. :O I don't even think Sims 4 has bananas does it?

    Well, yes pretty close. There are actually plantain trees in the game. I get them by ordering seeds on the computer. Have a great day at work and with your crafting group this afternoon, Losaru!! :)

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    Pamhamlet wrote: »
    @Pamhamlet That banana peel seems really random. :O I don't even think Sims 4 has bananas does it?

    Well, yes pretty close. There are actually plantain trees in the game. I get them by ordering seeds on the computer. Have a great day at work and with your crafting group this afternoon, Losaru!! :)

    Thanks. Working on my granny squares for my afghan. Gonna take a while. Hopefully I'll squeeze in some simming at some point. Is it weird I'm missing my sims, especially knowing that there's a whole save just waiting to be played? :D

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    PamhamletPamhamlet Posts: 5,556 Member
    Heh - Sims are so addicting, anytime of day! Sometimes life is so hard to squeeze in, isn't it? ;)
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    FaberriesFaberries Posts: 1,354 Member
    Gave in and bought the new stuff pack. I'm disappointed in myself, but I don't care... I regret nothing

    “Hey, I heard they built this new outdoor theater near my house. Do you wanna meet up and maybe watch some movies?

    “Hey! It’s so good to see you again! I’m glad you could come.”

    “Of course! I would never miss an opportunity to hang out with my friends.”

    the faces in this game i s2g

    “So is there anything in particular you wanna watch?”

    “I’m pretty much open to anything, as long as it isn’t horror.”

    “You wouldn’t even consider it, if I comforted you when you got scared?”

    Best friends!


    “I have to go now, but I just wanted to thank you for today. You really are my best friend, and I hope you know how much you mean to me.”

    “You’re making me blush. But I’m glad you’re a part of my life as well.”

    Star Wind Flower Sun
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @Cuddleblaine Apparently that painting is regretting though...LOL. Don't mind it. It's a weird combo, but it is a lovely set. Heck, it's the set that I found my sim Brody's hair in when he isn't wearing his ponytail. He's the one my SPT #3 favors. :D

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    Ulfric_GrimbrandUlfric_Grimbrand Posts: 681 Member
    I just needed to share this. It will be a long time I think before I can get a picture of the girls while Ulfric plays guitar like I used to be able to post, but this shot seemed pretty great to me. I liked it so much, it's now my wallpaper.


    The Grimbrand Girls at their finest!
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    3KNPen3KNPen Posts: 2,825 Member
    Yay new page which means it's update time for the Northwests.

    This pregnancy has seemed a lot harder on poor Mable then the last one. Maybe it's because she sent most of it in mourning.

    It's Saturday which means Pearl has plenty of time to work on her aspiration, watch cartoons (or whatever that Kid's TV is supposed to be lol), and increase her creativity by playing with her toys.

    Grenda and Jace play chess together. Despite her early advance Jace (who has a much higher logic skill) won this one in the end.

    I have tentative plans for Pearl that possibly include her being a photographer so I have her snap a few pictures. I realize belatedly that kid's can't get the photography skill (at least not until they've maxed creativity I assume) so I put the idea on the back burner for a little bit.

    I splurge and buy the family the Don't Wake the Llama game for the upstairs area.

    Mable comes home from work completely exhausted so she gets sent up to bed for a nap which will prove mostly useless.

    Jace finishes his upgrade of the fuel tank and heads off on his very first space mission.

    Noel showed up for a visit and Pearl had a whim locked in to make a friend so I had her go down and try to become friends with her cousin. Their interactions were definitely antagonistic in nature but they both got positive friendship stuff from all of them so maybe he's got a hidden mean trait in him as well (he is his father's son after all lol).

    Jace arrived back home safe and sound. Where he promptly changed into his PJ's. Oh well I guess it's better then the last Sim I had using the rocket who constantly went naked after getting out of the rocket lol. He arrived home with some space junk in the way of upgrade parts which we promptly sold because at the moment they're not really needed in the household.

    Jace changes back into his everyday clothes and I send him upstairs to play the new game with the kids.

    Jace seems to enjoy it. (I love Pearl's expression it really screams "Why are you such a dork dad?")

    That doesn't last very long however lol.

    Game done I had these two keep talking to gain that friendship. It takes a bit because I'm distracted by other things but it does happen.

    I hear Grenda talking to someone when she's supposed to be doing her homework. I scroll over to her and find this. Logan leaves on his own before he can become too much of a distraction for her.

    I'm such a bad Sim Parent lol. I send her back up to bed for another nap once she wakes up.

    Grenda gets sent to do a round of collecting.

    Jace wants to go to bed but I am more interested in him upping his social a bit before doing so. I don't think he's very happy with my decision. I still can't get over what an attractive Sim he turned out to be.

    We discover that Grim is online and of course have to harass him via chat rooms. I really wish there was a negative chat option it would be a lot of fun to use on enemies lol.

    I don't think Grenda likes "spicy" food. She really looks like her dad in this picture.

    Fastfoward to a little bit later in the evening. It's go time!

    Jace wakes up in time to freak out.

    I decide to forgo sending them to the hospital this time because it was late when I was playing this and we've already gone several times. I've decided I will probably do the first born of each generation in the hospital but let the rest be home births. But I might just go the home birth route because it's a lot quicker.

    It's a boy! We of course immediately name him Steven.

    Mable proves that she still doesn't quite have this parenting thing down.

    And just as I'm saving and getting ready to sign out I noticed this ghostly gentleman standing at the front of our property.

    New baby and the first son born in this legacy. With Steven's birth it pretty much guarantees that Pearl will more than likely be the heiress since I have no plans for more children this generation even if they have whims for them. Steven could still steal the title if he turns out to be completely awesome but it's pretty unlikely.
    ~ ~ ~
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @Ulfric_Grimbrand Nice pic of the ladies. Gotta love those sync dances.

    @3KNPen If Steven turns out to have dark curly hair somehow, you know you named him Also, love love love that pic of Jace waving good-bye on his first space trip. Awesome pictures as always.

    Again, busy night so no simming from me sadly. I have apparently gotten some interest in Maria Stewart and the boho home I made. Who knew? Cool. Anyways, will keep on reading as usual and hopefully have something tomorrow. Probably another house

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    fromsmilesfromsmiles Posts: 47 Member
    I could never build on sims 3. sims 4 just makes me feel worse about it lol.
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    Welcome to the thread @fromsmiles! And I rarely build myself unless I really need something in particular. I've just been mostly building at the moment because I'm on a semi-hiatus from actually playing because of the spicy bug and some other stuff. Generally, I just get homes from the Hope you enjoy reading and maybe share some stuff about your sims when you want. Don't need pics. Storytelling works too. :)

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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