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We care! Supporting Simmers going through hard times.


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    Clarkie100Clarkie100 Posts: 1,708 Member
    Clarkie100 wrote: »
    I have received a letter from the hospital regarding my formal complaint. It wasn't quite the outcome I was hoping for, the nurses told more lies than the truths, however after calming down I decided to leave a review on the hospitals website. Hopefully the staff there will think again before treating another patient the way I was treated.

    I'm still glad I brought it to the senior management's attention, I really hope things change for the better.
    *hugs* Some people will do anything to save their jobs. It sucks, I know, but what can you do, right? Good thing you brought it up and will be leaving the review, though.

    Hopefully things will improve. I am sending you hugs back.
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    Clarkie100Clarkie100 Posts: 1,708 Member
    It's great that a thread like this is here for anyone of us! I'm 20 years young and of those 20 years I only feel happy for a couple of months now. As long as I remember I've been depressed but I never really knew. I knew I was sad a lot but never realized it was a depression. Since a couple of months now I've been using meds for it. I sure feel a lot better. Also Simming and writing helped me a lot during my short life :)
    Also when I was 17 I found out I have PDD-NOS, before I always knew it had to be something but didn't want to give it a name. I know sometimes they diagnose people to soon, but don't hold back, because when I finally found out I could finally accept some things for myself. I could finally accept that I would never be 'normal' in a society that we live in.
    Also if anyone has lost contact with family members, I would 'like' to find someone who understands the feeling with whom I can talk about this last issue I have to come at peace with. It has a lot to do with the divorce of my parents when I was 1 year old..

    It is good that the medication is helping, and it's great that you have the sims, I always find playing the sims helps me when I'm feeling down. It is lovely that you enjoy writing too.
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    JadeIredaleJadeIredale Posts: 96 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    Any Military wives here? Just struggling with things... any advice anyone could give. We are both very committed and faithful to each other, so I don't plan on any divorcing. Just wondering how to cope with the loneliness sometimes and things changing last minute. Me and my husband are finally are in our house together. We were apart for a month and a half after our honeymoon because he had to fill out paperwork, get our house, etc and we lived seventeen hours apart. So it took about a month and a half because he had to go to the field for a week. He changed his MOS now so he won't be going as often. But ever since I got here, they aren't approving any sort of leave for him to take off... even a couple days, so we can spend time together. We stationed at Fort Bragg. He was really down today and I want to stay encouraged, so I can still be happy for him... you know? I don't want to be downe also...

    Hello @Jadelredale. It is hard for you when you and your husband need to spend time apart due to his military work. It is very caring that you are trying to encourage him and remain positive when inside you are struggling with the situation and loneliness too.I send hugs to you <3 When you are able to have time together, I can understand that you would appreciate it very much. Is there other military wives where you are stationed that you could talk to and receive support from? They would know and understand the feelings that you have and the effects that being in the military has on your life. Keep in touch with your friends, both military and non military and family. Just as you support them with their lives, they will at the same time support you in your life. Try to take a day at a time. Enjoy the time that you are able to be with your husband, then look forward to when you will see him when it comes that you need to spend time apart.
    You are always very welcome to post here anytime you would like too. If you feel like a hug over the Internet because you are feeling lonely, we are always here to say " hello" and send one to you <3

    Thank Rose, your sweet words helped.
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    XSimMimXXSimMimX Posts: 613 Member
    I've posted here before, but I really need help again.
    Lately my mind's been wandering to very dark thoughts that would definitely break the PG restriction of this forum so I won't post specifics here. I'm really scaring myself, because I'm increasingly feeling like I'm losing control of my body. I cry literally every day, and I often get so angry I'll end up breaking something. I can't get any sleep because I constantly feel like I want to scream. This kind of sadness feels almost like physical pain, except it's so much worse because no-one can see anything, and nobody can see a reason why.
    I'm terrified I'll do something awful to myself on impulse, and I think that if one more tiny thing happens to add to this emotional weight, I'll snap and it'll happen.
    I know I need help before I do something drastic. Problem is, I don't know who to tell. My friends think my life is too perfect, and constantly make jokes about that "perfection", and I'm constantly paranoid that they're gossiping about me behind my back, or that they don't like me. My mother is going through hard times, and I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel like she's done something wrong, because I know it's hard being a single mother of three. My younger sister is far too young to know what goes through my head, and my older sister is so stressed from school work that I'm scared she'll yell at me.
    Everything seems to add to this depression. Every time I see people being happy with their friends, or even have the self confidence to post a selfie, I feel like a failure. I can't remember the last time I was happy. The only time I'm not devastated, or furious, or terrified, is when I'm at Karate training. It makes me feel in control, like I'm achieving something, and it's the only time it's socially acceptable to yell and scream and kick and punch. I don't feel happy when I'm doing it, though. There's still that nagging voice in the back of my mind reminding me that I'm a failure, and a coward, and a wimp.
    I'm not okay, and I desperately need help, but nobody ever wonders how I feel. I'm completely alone, and I feel like nobody would miss me if I disappeared of the face of this planet. I want to do that sometimes.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    XSimMimX wrote: »
    I've posted here before, but I really need help again.
    Lately my mind's been wandering to very dark thoughts that would definitely break the PG restriction of this forum so I won't post specifics here. I'm really scaring myself, because I'm increasingly feeling like I'm losing control of my body. I cry literally every day, and I often get so angry I'll end up breaking something. I can't get any sleep because I constantly feel like I want to scream. This kind of sadness feels almost like physical pain, except it's so much worse because no-one can see anything, and nobody can see a reason why.
    I'm terrified I'll do something awful to myself on impulse, and I think that if one more tiny thing happens to add to this emotional weight, I'll snap and it'll happen.
    I know I need help before I do something drastic. Problem is, I don't know who to tell. My friends think my life is too perfect, and constantly make jokes about that "perfection", and I'm constantly paranoid that they're gossiping about me behind my back, or that they don't like me. My mother is going through hard times, and I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel like she's done something wrong, because I know it's hard being a single mother of three. My younger sister is far too young to know what goes through my head, and my older sister is so stressed from school work that I'm scared she'll yell at me.
    Everything seems to add to this depression. Every time I see people being happy with their friends, or even have the self confidence to post a selfie, I feel like a failure. I can't remember the last time I was happy. The only time I'm not devastated, or furious, or terrified, is when I'm at Karate training. It makes me feel in control, like I'm achieving something, and it's the only time it's socially acceptable to yell and scream and kick and punch. I don't feel happy when I'm doing it, though. There's still that nagging voice in the back of my mind reminding me that I'm a failure, and a coward, and a wimp.
    I'm not okay, and I desperately need help, but nobody ever wonders how I feel. I'm completely alone, and I feel like nobody would miss me if I disappeared of the face of this planet. I want to do that sometimes.

    Hello @XSimMimX. I send lots of big hugs to you <3 Life has become very overwhelming for you. You are very important and would be very missed by your loved ones and friends if you weren't here. You are a special person who is needed on this earth. It is only uniquely you that can fulfil the role of your life in this world. You are struggling to cope, and are feeling in trauma mentally. It is a good step that you recognise how you are feeling. Please talk over how you are feeling with a medical doctor, or a counsellor or go to your local hospital outpatient/emergency department. They will listen to all that you are saying, and be beside you offering help and support as you going through all that you are feeling. They may be able to give you medication that will help you. You are not a failure or a coward or a wimp. Try not to listen to that voice. Concentrate on the fact that your Mother and your sisters love you. It would be good to talk over how you are feeling with your Mother. Although she is going through a hard time, she cares about and loves you and wants the best for you. She would want to try help you, and to know how you are feeling. It may help both you and her if you share with her your feelings.
    You need to seek medical help. How you are feeling is affecting you in a mentally, emotionally and physically sense and is affecting all aspects of your life. I send more hugs to you <3 I will keep you in my thoughts. We are here supporting you. Though you may feel alone, you have many people here that are thinking of you and caring about how you are feeling.
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,312 Member
    Sorry I've been M.I.A for a few days, packing to move and running from the heat out here and dentist appointment kept me busy.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend.

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    SjappielovePaulSjappielovePaul Posts: 4,794 Member
    > @XSimMimX said:
    > I've posted here before, but I really need help again.
    > Lately my mind's been wandering to very dark thoughts that would definitely break the PG restriction of this forum so I won't post specifics here. I'm really scaring myself, because I'm increasingly feeling like I'm losing control of my body. I cry literally every day, and I often get so angry I'll end up breaking something. I can't get any sleep because I constantly feel like I want to scream. This kind of sadness feels almost like physical pain, except it's so much worse because no-one can see anything, and nobody can see a reason why.
    > I'm terrified I'll do something awful to myself on impulse, and I think that if one more tiny thing happens to add to this emotional weight, I'll snap and it'll happen.
    > I know I need help before I do something drastic. Problem is, I don't know who to tell. My friends think my life is too perfect, and constantly make jokes about that "perfection", and I'm constantly paranoid that they're gossiping about me behind my back, or that they don't like me. My mother is going through hard times, and I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel like she's done something wrong, because I know it's hard being a single mother of three. My younger sister is far too young to know what goes through my head, and my older sister is so stressed from school work that I'm scared she'll yell at me.
    > Everything seems to add to this depression. Every time I see people being happy with their friends, or even have the self confidence to post a selfie, I feel like a failure. I can't remember the last time I was happy. The only time I'm not devastated, or furious, or terrified, is when I'm at Karate training. It makes me feel in control, like I'm achieving something, and it's the only time it's socially acceptable to yell and scream and kick and punch. I don't feel happy when I'm doing it, though. There's still that nagging voice in the back of my mind reminding me that I'm a failure, and a coward, and a wimp.
    > I'm not okay, and I desperately need help, but nobody ever wonders how I feel. I'm completely alone, and I feel like nobody would miss me if I disappeared of the face of this planet. I want to do that sometimes.

    Dear one, I really do understand how you feel. Not so long ago I felt exactly what you describe, now that I'm taking meds I feel a lot better but I'm still very anxious to feel it again because it is so heartbreaking to feel the way you do. I don't know if this forum has the opportunity to send new members a personal message, but you're always welcome to write to me if you can.
    It's hard to give you a good piece of advice, because I know how you feel. When I say; everything is gonna be alright, you feel like more of a failure because for you it doesn't seem to be going alright, not even close to. But believe me, you are not a failure, you feel that way probably because of things that have happened in the past. You're the middle child trying to make peace with everyone it seems to me. I'm guessing because that's who I was and still am, I couldn't stand to see the people I love sad, that's why I always kept myself quiet. But, you know, you are very worth the time, love, care and everything from your loved ones. Really, read this as many times as you can: YOU ARE WORTH IT!
    I know it's hard, but your mother is still your mother eventhough she is alone, you are alone too and you need someone. A mother should be the person who cares for you. So even if you don't want to hurt her with your feelings, it probably hurts her worse when you don't say a thing and you suddenly dissapear. You probably hurt her the most when she loses you. I had a hard time learning this myself, but please take this from me. You might feel like everybody would be better of without you, but that is not true, they will miss you so very dearly, I'm sure they do love you.

    I hope this is good advice for you! I would really like to get to know you better, because I really do believe you are a lovely person, the way you care about other persons feelings is so generous. But please don't forget that you are worth to be taken care of to. Just ask your mom if she can please give you a bearhug, I think you deserve it so much. I give you one big digital bearhug from where I am and if you ever want another digigal bearhug, just ask. I care for you honey!
    Don't forget to take care of yourself every now and then in this big chaotic world!
    Some links that helped me a lot:
    Missing Store Stencils / Free Kiddy Stuff / Daily Deals / Daily Deals Spreadsheets / The Gifting Directory
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    > @SilentWolf101 said:
    > SjappielovePaul wrote: »
    > It's great that a thread like this is here for anyone of us! I'm 20 years young and of those 20 years I only feel happy for a couple of months now. As long as I remember I've been depressed but I never really knew. I knew I was sad a lot but never realized it was a depression. Since a couple of months now I've been using meds for it. I sure feel a lot better. Also Simming and writing helped me a lot during my short life :)
    > Also when I was 17 I found out I have PDD-NOS, before I always knew it had to be something but didn't want to give it a name. I know sometimes they diagnose people to soon, but don't hold back, because when I finally found out I could finally accept some things for myself. I could finally accept that I would never be 'normal' in a society that we live in.
    > Also if anyone has lost contact with family members, I would 'like' to find someone who understands the feeling with whom I can talk about this last issue I have to come at peace with. It has a lot to do with the divorce of my parents when I was 1 year old..
    > *hugs* What is PDD-NOS, if I may ask? I'll probably look it up on Google, but I'd love to hear about it from somebody who has it. Writing is one of my favorite hobbies, something I picked up during my depression years. And "normal" is boring. I like being different (though I'm more normal than I like to be, as I'm realizing from my sociology class). My biological parents divorced before I was 3, and I was with my mom (Haven't seen or heard from my dad in years) who remarried about 8-9 years ago... My grandmother, though, recently passed away (almost 5 years ago...). If you ever want to talk, you could always come to this thread or PM me. :)

    PDD is an A(utistic) S(pectrum) D(isorder), it's the widest of all ASD's. Also it's in a lot of gradations. I don't think I've got a really bad form of it. Sometimes I just don't understand why people do what they do and I react 'weird'. Also for me, I hate the sound of vacuum cleaning, it makes my head messy and I can't focus on anything, so luckily I have a BF who does it for me. And pretty much every ASD has a problem with focussing, it's either too much focus, not enough focus, or high focus on details, but not the focus you would want to have to finish university :P

    So for me it resulted in school degradings too, I had the highest level in middle school and went to university but I just couldn't keep the focus and all that. But really, if it interests you I recommend to google it, because it really is very wide and I can't tell very much about it since English is not my first language.

    Aslo I'm sorry you also have to go through family trouble. At this moment it's still very hard on me, but I think I will be able to have peace with it one day. So I hope you have peace with it allready. Also very sorry for your grandmother, it's always the worst to lose the people you love and who are near you.
    I think I'll be alright. But thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I'll Google it because it interests me. :) I hope things get better for you here soon.
    XSimMimX wrote: »
    I've posted here before, but I really need help again.
    Lately my mind's been wandering to very dark thoughts that would definitely break the PG restriction of this forum so I won't post specifics here. I'm really scaring myself, because I'm increasingly feeling like I'm losing control of my body. I cry literally every day, and I often get so angry I'll end up breaking something. I can't get any sleep because I constantly feel like I want to scream. This kind of sadness feels almost like physical pain, except it's so much worse because no-one can see anything, and nobody can see a reason why.
    I'm terrified I'll do something awful to myself on impulse, and I think that if one more tiny thing happens to add to this emotional weight, I'll snap and it'll happen.
    I know I need help before I do something drastic. Problem is, I don't know who to tell. My friends think my life is too perfect, and constantly make jokes about that "perfection", and I'm constantly paranoid that they're gossiping about me behind my back, or that they don't like me. My mother is going through hard times, and I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel like she's done something wrong, because I know it's hard being a single mother of three. My younger sister is far too young to know what goes through my head, and my older sister is so stressed from school work that I'm scared she'll yell at me.
    Everything seems to add to this depression. Every time I see people being happy with their friends, or even have the self confidence to post a selfie, I feel like a failure. I can't remember the last time I was happy. The only time I'm not devastated, or furious, or terrified, is when I'm at Karate training. It makes me feel in control, like I'm achieving something, and it's the only time it's socially acceptable to yell and scream and kick and punch. I don't feel happy when I'm doing it, though. There's still that nagging voice in the back of my mind reminding me that I'm a failure, and a coward, and a wimp.
    I'm not okay, and I desperately need help, but nobody ever wonders how I feel. I'm completely alone, and I feel like nobody would miss me if I disappeared of the face of this planet. I want to do that sometimes.
    I kind of understand that in the smallest degree. Perhaps talking to a therapist would help, as they could also prescribe medication to help you feel more in control. You can always PM me if you really need somebody to talk to, as I'm always willing to talk and help, and this thread is a great place to come to when you're feeling "down." *hugs*
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    misty4m wrote: »
    Sorry I've been M.I.A for a few days, packing to move and running from the heat out here and dentist appointment kept me busy.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend.


    Hello @misty4m. Thank you very much for posting the picture :) It is very calming and lovely! The colours in it are so very nice! I hope that your preparations and packing for moving are going okay. Sending hugs to you <3.
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    Clarkie100Clarkie100 Posts: 1,708 Member
    XSimMimX wrote: »
    I've posted here before, but I really need help again.
    Lately my mind's been wandering to very dark thoughts that would definitely break the PG restriction of this forum so I won't post specifics here. I'm really scaring myself, because I'm increasingly feeling like I'm losing control of my body. I cry literally every day, and I often get so angry I'll end up breaking something. I can't get any sleep because I constantly feel like I want to scream. This kind of sadness feels almost like physical pain, except it's so much worse because no-one can see anything, and nobody can see a reason why.
    I'm terrified I'll do something awful to myself on impulse, and I think that if one more tiny thing happens to add to this emotional weight, I'll snap and it'll happen.
    I know I need help before I do something drastic. Problem is, I don't know who to tell. My friends think my life is too perfect, and constantly make jokes about that "perfection", and I'm constantly paranoid that they're gossiping about me behind my back, or that they don't like me. My mother is going through hard times, and I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel like she's done something wrong, because I know it's hard being a single mother of three. My younger sister is far too young to know what goes through my head, and my older sister is so stressed from school work that I'm scared she'll yell at me.
    Everything seems to add to this depression. Every time I see people being happy with their friends, or even have the self confidence to post a selfie, I feel like a failure. I can't remember the last time I was happy. The only time I'm not devastated, or furious, or terrified, is when I'm at Karate training. It makes me feel in control, like I'm achieving something, and it's the only time it's socially acceptable to yell and scream and kick and punch. I don't feel happy when I'm doing it, though. There's still that nagging voice in the back of my mind reminding me that I'm a failure, and a coward, and a wimp.
    I'm not okay, and I desperately need help, but nobody ever wonders how I feel. I'm completely alone, and I feel like nobody would miss me if I disappeared of the face of this planet. I want to do that sometimes.

    I hope you are okay. A doctor or counsellor would be able to give you advice and support. There are also charities that will give advice and are confidential, they too are kind and understanding. And it is great that you enjoy Karate, it takes a lot of skill as well as being fun.
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    XSimMimXXSimMimX Posts: 613 Member
    Thank you so much for all this support. I'll try to tell my mother about how I am feeling. I hope she won't be too upset, and I really hope she takes me seriously.
    All of you on this thread deserve a special spot in heaven <3
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    XSimMimX wrote: »
    Thank you so much for all this support. I'll try to tell my mother about how I am feeling. I hope she won't be too upset, and I really hope she takes me seriously.
    All of you on this thread deserve a special spot in heaven <3

    Hello @XSimMimX. It is good that you are going to talk over how you are feeling with your Mother. She loves you and cares about you.
    I am keeping you in my thoughts. Sending hugs to you <3
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    Hello to everyone :)
    Sending some roses to everyone. May their scent perfume your day. May their delicate petals remind us that life is precious, you are special, and may we take one day at a time.
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    SjappielovePaulSjappielovePaul Posts: 4,794 Member
    XSimMimX wrote: »
    Thank you so much for all this support. I'll try to tell my mother about how I am feeling. I hope she won't be too upset, and I really hope she takes me seriously.
    All of you on this thread deserve a special spot in heaven <3

    Great to hear from you! I wish you goodluck and I hope it will work out well for you. Hugs!
    Don't forget to take care of yourself every now and then in this big chaotic world!
    Some links that helped me a lot:
    Missing Store Stencils / Free Kiddy Stuff / Daily Deals / Daily Deals Spreadsheets / The Gifting Directory
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    SjappielovePaulSjappielovePaul Posts: 4,794 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    Hello to everyone :)
    Sending some roses to everyone. May their scent perfume your day. May their delicate petals remind us that life is precious, you are special, and may we take one day at a time.

    Thanks Rosemow, you're messages do have an uplifting message :)
    Don't forget to take care of yourself every now and then in this big chaotic world!
    Some links that helped me a lot:
    Missing Store Stencils / Free Kiddy Stuff / Daily Deals / Daily Deals Spreadsheets / The Gifting Directory
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    Hello everyone :) There are some simmers that are returning to school this week or in the coming weeks. I hope that your return to school goes well. I hope that you will enjoy learning new things, enjoy meeting new fellow students and make new friends, catch up up with old friends and enjoy times of studying mixed with times of restful breaks from your school work as well. Try to have special times through the day where you take time to do something that you enjoy doing, whether it is reading a book, or listening to music or watching TV/video/internet, having a snack, or something else you like doing, even if just for a few moments. Having a five minute walk around the home or outdoors is great for your mind and body too.
    I send hugs to all simmers who are students <3
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    XSimMimXXSimMimX Posts: 613 Member
    Hi everyone, (again, I hope you're not sick of me by now)
    I had been losing sleep over my suspected depression, and it's really started to affect my school life (I'm Australian, so I've still got school). Earlier it was becoming hard to even keep myself awake, so I asked for the day off and started to tell her about how I was feeling. Since I was severely sleep deprived, the conversation didn't go far, but she said she'd been wondering if I was depressed for some time now. She suspected I might also have an iron deficiency and promised to take me to a doctor to test for both concerns.
    I don't often go to the doctor, especially for mental checks, so can you tell me what I can expect? I'm very nervous as to what questions a doctor might ask, what they might prescribe, etc.
    Thank you all so much for your support, it really has helped. Best wishes to you all in whatever's going on in your life now.
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    SjappielovePaulSjappielovePaul Posts: 4,794 Member
    edited August 2015
    @XSimMimX First things first, I for one am absolutely not sick of you, you're worth it hun :)

    I allready had a psychiatrist when my depression got out of hand so I instantly went to her. She asked me feelings about how I exactly would describe my depression. Which for me was like it was impossible to be happy whatever I did, I even couldn't be happy with my BF, my cat or my Sims. Also I let her read something I wrote. She instantly got me these meds called citalopram 10pch, but that's in the Netherlands so it could be very different for you.

    When I went to a doctor for the first time for my mental health it was because I suspected I had an ASD, that doctor was a little harder on me, but I just told how I felt and in what way it affected me and he send me to the psychiatrist.

    Also I'm so glad for you, you've talked with your mom! It sounds like she picked it up very well, that's so great for you, because you're not completely alone in your struggle anymore and she believes you, so you have someone who has your back :)

    I hope everything will be going uphill from now on, but stay patient, if it's going up by babysteps or snailspeed even it can be very hard, but try to focus on the little things that make you happy, like karate.

    Big hugs and good luck!
    Don't forget to take care of yourself every now and then in this big chaotic world!
    Some links that helped me a lot:
    Missing Store Stencils / Free Kiddy Stuff / Daily Deals / Daily Deals Spreadsheets / The Gifting Directory
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    edited August 2015
    XSimMimX wrote: »
    Hi everyone, (again, I hope you're not sick of me by now)
    I had been losing sleep over my suspected depression, and it's really started to affect my school life (I'm Australian, so I've still got school). Earlier it was becoming hard to even keep myself awake, so I asked for the day off and started to tell her about how I was feeling. Since I was severely sleep deprived, the conversation didn't go far, but she said she'd been wondering if I was depressed for some time now. She suspected I might also have an iron deficiency and promised to take me to a doctor to test for both concerns.
    I don't often go to the doctor, especially for mental checks, so can you tell me what I can expect? I'm very nervous as to what questions a doctor might ask, what they might prescribe, etc.
    Thank you all so much for your support, it really has helped. Best wishes to you all in whatever's going on in your life now.

    Hello @XSimMimX. Of course we are not sick of you! Please post here anytime you would like to post about how you are feeling and how your life is going.
    I am glad that you were able to talk over how you were feeling with your mother. She loves you, cares about you, and is concerned about how you are feeling. You have her to support you in how you are feeling. It is a good step that you are going to see a doctor. He/she can check over your physical body by taking your blood pressure, your pulse rate, temperature, reflexes, etc, as well as order blood tests which will pick up whether you have iron deficiency, or how your blood count/blood cells, liver function etc are, and if there are any underlying medical concerns/irregularities that turn up in the blood test results. You may also be lacking in Vitamin D. Lacking Vitamin D can make you feel unwell and tired. The doctor will also talk with you and ask you about what your concerns and worries are in your life. They will ask you to explain to them how you are feeling about your life and how it is affecting your life. They will listen to you and then offer help and support for you. You have expressed in words in the posts that you have written here in this thread about how you are feeling about life. What you have written here and told us are the things to tell the doctor. The doctor may then refer you to another doctor that is skilled in caringly helping you and other people who are suffering with depression. The doctor may also prescribe medication to help you with sleeping or to calm you.
    It is understandable that you are feeling nervous about seeing the doctor. You are not used to seeing doctors. Many people feel anxious about seeing doctors. The doctors want the best for you and will seek to help and support you in how you are feeling.
    I will keep you in my thoughts. I send big hugs to you <3 Please tell us how you are getting on and how the doctors appointment goes.
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    SjappielovePaulSjappielovePaul Posts: 4,794 Member
    In extend to what Rosemow said, you can also show the doctor what you wrote on here if that would be nice for you. I express myself better on paper than with talking, so if it works better for you, don't be afraid to write things down. The doctor is there to help you!
    Don't forget to take care of yourself every now and then in this big chaotic world!
    Some links that helped me a lot:
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    Kaike78Kaike78 Posts: 414 Member
    It has been a while since I have been around on the forums. Just have had a lot to do. :) I wanted to stop by and say that I'm thinking of everyone and sending lots of hugs. <3
    "Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

    -Oscar Wilde

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    Kaike78 wrote: »
    It has been a while since I have been around on the forums. Just have had a lot to do. :) I wanted to stop by and say that I'm thinking of everyone and sending lots of hugs. <3

    Hello @Kaike78 :) Thankyou very much for your kind words to everyone and for the hugs. I send big hugs to you too <3.
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    XSimMimX wrote: »
    Hi everyone, (again, I hope you're not sick of me by now)
    I had been losing sleep over my suspected depression, and it's really started to affect my school life (I'm Australian, so I've still got school). Earlier it was becoming hard to even keep myself awake, so I asked for the day off and started to tell her about how I was feeling. Since I was severely sleep deprived, the conversation didn't go far, but she said she'd been wondering if I was depressed for some time now. She suspected I might also have an iron deficiency and promised to take me to a doctor to test for both concerns.
    I don't often go to the doctor, especially for mental checks, so can you tell me what I can expect? I'm very nervous as to what questions a doctor might ask, what they might prescribe, etc.
    Thank you all so much for your support, it really has helped. Best wishes to you all in whatever's going on in your life now.
    Yes, I realize I'm late to the party. We're not sick of you! *hugs* Though Australian doctors might be different, they'll probably ask similar questions. Things like "How have you been feeling" or "How long has it been going on" or "Have you had any suicidal thoughts" (Which could be a bad thing to say yes to, though it might help to say yes and add on "but I'd never do it") for depression, then if they deem you qualified, they'll likely give you some medicine like Prozac (or whatever it's called).
    Kaike78 wrote: »
    It has been a while since I have been around on the forums. Just have had a lot to do. :) I wanted to stop by and say that I'm thinking of everyone and sending lots of hugs. <3
    Welcome back! I understand -- I'm taking two AP classes, and losing some sleep over it, so I've got a lot of work too... :P It kind of sucks, but it'll be worth it in the long run.
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    Hello @SilentWolf101. I hope that your studies go well this year. Taking AP classes involves a lot of work for you. It will help you in your education though and for your future studies and will equip you for what your career plans are for in the time ahead. Try to get some sleep at night to help both your mind and body. It can be hard when you are thinking about your studies when trying to go to sleep, but perhaps try listening to some music or reading a book even just for a few minutes or a short time before going to bed and it may help you get some restful sleep.
    Sending hugs to you <3
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    So, I NEEEEEED to do my laundry tonight, and my stupid brother just started his. It's 5 pm, takes about 3-4 hours to do one person's laundry, and he did his less than a week ago. Mine has been waiting for three weeks cuz I'm not home on the weekends to do it.

    I'm really 🐸🐸🐸🐸 right now, and feel like I'm about to cry, and I know it's stupid, but I am.
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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