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What are they doing?!


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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited August 2015
    Finbar659 wrote: »
    I can understand where you are going from but in my opinion, I think you are getting over the top on this. This is only the second expansion pack, we just need to give the developers more time. When the sims 3 was released, you got to admit it wasn't that good until they popped in many expansion packs.
    I've said it before and I'll keep saying it: if basegame Sims 3 wouldn't have been that good I wouldn't be here. I never planned to start playing that game, it was 'forced' on me ("Hey mum, why don't you create a sim, and build her a house now, and you know you can take her to town?"). And then I became an addict and then I started buying expansion packs. This doesn't mean it was a great game for everyone, but for people who dig it it clearly was from the very beginning. I'm the living proof.
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    Ponder the SimPonder the Sim Posts: 3,054 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    You all realize EA has said for over a year that they heard us and are looking into Toddlers. A Year... and now a survey about if we want toddlers? Are you kiddin' me, Maxis?

    So, yesl- some people will still be unsure and some sour faces will still be showing. I'm not even caring about them for me, this game lacks stuff for me and what I liked about the other games yet I will still hold up for those family players.

    Bring on the Negative- I much rather hear what people are thinking than to just have a bunch of happy, happy, joy, joy when everything isn't.

    What rant? That wasn't a rant... that was my happy face. :mrgreen:
    You have people who have stayed here, asking for toddlers for a year now, claiming that it may be too late once they are done. Im sitting here like .."Really? You waited a year and you can't wait a bit longer? NOW you've decided to leave?"

    And there are people who have been banding together demanding toddlers, who REFUSE to go take the survey to cast their vote for toddlers on simsvip over something so random and childish.

    It's baffling to me, and it's very telling as well.

    And you are the judge of what childish is and how others act? After telling people not to lump people together in a derogatory manner.

    The OP is ENTITLED to feel as they do, as I'd EVERYONE else. Without being judged, told what to do, that they aren't doing it the way you are judging is right etc etc.

    I love the way the double standards exist. If you like the game good for you-I'm happy for you. But don't you dare judge me for my experience. I can't do anything with your love for the game. It leaves me cold. Doesn't make you better than anyone just because you feel that way the same as I'm no better either. Simmers are EQUAL. Just because some in the community like to batter others for disagreeing with them or try to pretend others who don't aren't worth listening to doesn't make it right.

    In that family thread we have everyone there. Those who like EA and TS4 and those who don't. You know the difference? We all respect each other and understand it's nothing personal and don't make personal attack comments.
    You're missing the entire point.

    There was FINALLY a light at the end of the tunnel for you, and you rejected it over petty nonsense. Someone blocked you on twitter, so you decided to not only boycott your vote, but encourage others to do the same. That is why I said what I did.

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    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    Arletta wrote: »
    Alysha1988 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    You all realize EA has said for over a year that they heard us and are looking into Toddlers. A Year... and now a survey about if we want toddlers? Are you kiddin' me, Maxis?

    So, yesl- some people will still be unsure and some sour faces will still be showing. I'm not even caring about them for me, this game lacks stuff for me and what I liked about the other games yet I will still hold up for those family players.

    Bring on the Negative- I much rather hear what people are thinking than to just have a bunch of happy, happy, joy, joy when everything isn't.

    What rant? That wasn't a rant... that was my happy face. :mrgreen:
    You have people who have stayed here, asking for toddlers for a year now, claiming that it may be too late once they are done. Im sitting here like .."Really? You waited a year and you can't wait a bit longer? NOW you've decided to leave?"

    And there are people who have been banding together demanding toddlers, who REFUSE to go take the survey to cast their vote for toddlers on simsvip over something so random and childish.

    It's baffling to me, and it's very telling as well.

    I think you may be missing the point... At least for me it's not about waiting a little longer for toddlers it's that this most recent pack they are releasing TO ME looks like a pack filled with nothing. It looks like they put zero effort into it and just said "oh man, we have to come out with a new expansion soon, quick, grab a bunch of random objects and throw together a trailer filled with young adults partying." There's nothing new in the pack in my opinion and you do not need to try to convince me otherwise because that's how I feel about it. It screams underdone, uninspired, lackluster, and lazy, like they are just phoning it in to get something out and get people's money. There is no passion for the game in that pack.

    If this is the type of pack they are going to release, then I have no hope. If they are going to continue releasing content like that then no, I don't care if they add toddlers into this game of fragmented disconnected poorly implemented half ideas. And if people are refusing to take the survey to vote for toddlers it may be because of similar reasons and also because THEY WANT TO PUT TODDLERS IN AS PAID DLC. If you don't care to understand why others feel that's a problem then it is what it is...

    You are welcome to think people are being "random and childish". I have my reasons for feeling the way I do and to me they are very valid reasons. I'm not going to jump up and down and be all happy when I'm seeing serious issues.

    Putting the name calling and rudeness aside for a moment, surely you expected that there would be a chance that they could come as paid DLC?

    It's been discussed again and again as to whether it'd be patched or DLC. Can't be a shock that they might release it as DLC.

    As to not going and doing the survey unofficially on SimsVIP, as far as I know was because she blocked them on Twitter, the site had to be joined separately and people didn't believe giving the results to Maxis would help much anyway. That it might come as DLC seemed to be a side issue. That they were trying to distract people with the survey seemed to be a bigger issue than it being DLC.

    I personally saw nothing on that site that even indicated that the results of their informal poll would be handed over to EA. And yes, even if it was, what would it matter? They will make whatever EP that their time, talent, and budget allows.

    As for the survey being a distraction, it's entirely possible that they put the (suspiciously incomplete) Generations pack in there just so they can claim it didn't rank highly enough to make it into production. Of course I wouldn't expect them to admit that for a long, long time, since a lot of people will keep buying and hoping as long as they think there is a chance they're coming. As for me, I'll believe it when I see it and in the meantime I haven't seen anything I plan to buy.
    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Finbar659 wrote: »
    I can understand where you are going from but in my opinion, I think you are getting over the top on this. This is only the second expansion pack, we just need to give the developers more time. When the sims 3 was released, you got to admit it wasn't that good until they popped in many expansion packs.

    Sorry. I had a lot of play time with the base game pf both 2 and 3. When Ambitions came out I was still exploring all the possibilities of WA. So far I need No-Doze o play TS4 and GTW.

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    LoveMcQueen5683LoveMcQueen5683 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I supported this game when they launched it, and I bought the line about it being a strong base game that can be built up to greatness. I didn't want to think that The Sims 4 would be a flop.

    Now that we're almost a year out from the release, I'm getting more and more disappointed. The new expansion pack trailer even made my husband angry, and he doesn't even play The Sims! I know that it isn't out yet, but I just cannot fathom calling something that only seems to consist of a rabbit hole closet, a few new places to woohoo, a new world, a social club system and a dance floor an expansion pack.

    Even if it were an expansion, shouldn't they be releasing this kind of thing toward the end of the game's life cycle, not the beginning? I am praying that in October they're going to say, "Guess what Simmers?! We kept these huge features that you would love and have been asking for in the expansion pack a secret!" I highly doubt that this is going to happen though, because when we saw the poll, everything felt so half baked.

    The poll included a lot of core features that people are asking for, but I only saw them taking those things half way, ignoring their real potential. An example would be the weather. "Woooo summer heat and winter fun. Bring these two seasons home with you!" they said (I'm paraphrasing). Really? What happened to fall? What about rain? We already have the sun 24/7 in our game, but I'm guessing they're just going to slap an "I'm burning up, it's hot out here" moodlet on and call it a day.

    And for those of you who are over the moon at a mention of the toddlers, if they can't be bothered to do the basic seasons all the way, what makes you think that toddlers will be all you ever dreamed they'd be? They will never quench the need for family play, simply because all your children and babies will grow up completely alone. There still isn't anything near story progression like there ought to be in the game (at least not without mods), since their idea of story progression was to give you the ability to meet friends in school and workplaces and give NPCs jobs and receive birthday party invites. But since the game still culls those Sims you meet after like two days, that fix just isn't an acceptable form of story progression.

    If you compare the latest poll of possible expansions to previous possible expansion polls, there is a huge gap in content that is left out for the new expansions compared to the last ones. After seeing the backlash from their fans from the lack of content in the base game and promising to make it so much better by it being a stable base to build on, they sure are completely failing at building on it.

    I'm tired of saying this. Please use your head. Nothing is set in stone with those surveys. I am aware the surveys are lacking details releated to spring/fall weather and if toddlers are coming in a patch or an EP but you can't go around assuming that this is how they are going to be when tbh they haven't started working on them yet. All of this is literally a year at least away. Anything can change. Just don't go moping around because this EP that doesn't even exist yet doesn't have rain.

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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    You all realize EA has said for over a year that they heard us and are looking into Toddlers. A Year... and now a survey about if we want toddlers? Are you kiddin' me, Maxis?

    So, yesl- some people will still be unsure and some sour faces will still be showing. I'm not even caring about them for me, this game lacks stuff for me and what I liked about the other games yet I will still hold up for those family players.

    Bring on the Negative- I much rather hear what people are thinking than to just have a bunch of happy, happy, joy, joy when everything isn't.

    What rant? That wasn't a rant... that was my happy face. :mrgreen:
    You have people who have stayed here, asking for toddlers for a year now, claiming that it may be too late once they are done. Im sitting here like .."Really? You waited a year and you can't wait a bit longer? NOW you've decided to leave?"

    And there are people who have been banding together demanding toddlers, who REFUSE to go take the survey to cast their vote for toddlers on simsvip over something so random and childish.

    It's baffling to me, and it's very telling as well.

    And you are the judge of what childish is and how others act? After telling people not to lump people together in a derogatory manner.

    The OP is ENTITLED to feel as they do, as I'd EVERYONE else. Without being judged, told what to do, that they aren't doing it the way you are judging is right etc etc.

    I love the way the double standards exist. If you like the game good for you-I'm happy for you. But don't you dare judge me for my experience. I can't do anything with your love for the game. It leaves me cold. Doesn't make you better than anyone just because you feel that way the same as I'm no better either. Simmers are EQUAL. Just because some in the community like to batter others for disagreeing with them or try to pretend others who don't aren't worth listening to doesn't make it right.

    In that family thread we have everyone there. Those who like EA and TS4 and those who don't. You know the difference? We all respect each other and understand it's nothing personal and don't make personal attack comments.
    You're missing the entire point.

    There was FINALLY a light at the end of the tunnel for you, and you rejected it over petty nonsense. Someone blocked you on twitter, so you decided to not only boycott your vote, but encourage others to do the same. That is why I said what I did.

    Go back and READ. I did nothing of the sort. I said I don't care what people do. They have their own minds and can make their own decisions. I didn't reject anything. If there's an official channel with which to answer I will answer. I will not subject myself to joining a site I'm clearly not welcome on in order to fill in an unofficial survey. I was shocked to find that-as someone who doesn't engage on abuse I didn't see the need for it and I don't need to personally subject myself to that sort of hostile environment.

    I wouldn't expect anyone to subject themselves to hostile environments or situations like that. I'm surprised and disappointed in you for expecting it to be quite honest.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    You can stop labeling people who have a differing opinion that you do. It's really rude.

    I'm not defending EA, I'm explaining that they will not drop packs in development because a vocal minority complained. That would be such a waste of time and resources it's not even funny.


    Yup, sick and tired of the negativity. People literally get what they wanted and they still complained.

    Lol! So, lump it all together. If you're sick of the negativity than put out the positivity. Putting out more negativity must be making you more sick. Don't be sad, be happy since you're happy with it. :mrgreen:

    *I have literally not gotten what I wanted for this game. So I get to be sick and tired of it. :)
    You're right, I should be more positive. It's really hard to do sometimes when there is complaining everywhere I go about everything.

    I was genuinely happy for those who wanted toddlers and then I go over to the thread to share the big news only to find sour faces again. It's tiring.

    Did you really expect players are happy because the feature they want most and have had in the past may be something they have to pay for? There has been speculation all along that toddlers would be pay content and unless EA says differently............well not everyone is happy. I'm pretty ticked that they no longer think alternate life states need to be part of new EPs.

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    Ponder the SimPonder the Sim Posts: 3,054 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    You all realize EA has said for over a year that they heard us and are looking into Toddlers. A Year... and now a survey about if we want toddlers? Are you kiddin' me, Maxis?

    So, yesl- some people will still be unsure and some sour faces will still be showing. I'm not even caring about them for me, this game lacks stuff for me and what I liked about the other games yet I will still hold up for those family players.

    Bring on the Negative- I much rather hear what people are thinking than to just have a bunch of happy, happy, joy, joy when everything isn't.

    What rant? That wasn't a rant... that was my happy face. :mrgreen:
    You have people who have stayed here, asking for toddlers for a year now, claiming that it may be too late once they are done. Im sitting here like .."Really? You waited a year and you can't wait a bit longer? NOW you've decided to leave?"

    And there are people who have been banding together demanding toddlers, who REFUSE to go take the survey to cast their vote for toddlers on simsvip over something so random and childish.

    It's baffling to me, and it's very telling as well.

    And you are the judge of what childish is and how others act? After telling people not to lump people together in a derogatory manner.

    The OP is ENTITLED to feel as they do, as I'd EVERYONE else. Without being judged, told what to do, that they aren't doing it the way you are judging is right etc etc.

    I love the way the double standards exist. If you like the game good for you-I'm happy for you. But don't you dare judge me for my experience. I can't do anything with your love for the game. It leaves me cold. Doesn't make you better than anyone just because you feel that way the same as I'm no better either. Simmers are EQUAL. Just because some in the community like to batter others for disagreeing with them or try to pretend others who don't aren't worth listening to doesn't make it right.

    In that family thread we have everyone there. Those who like EA and TS4 and those who don't. You know the difference? We all respect each other and understand it's nothing personal and don't make personal attack comments.
    You're missing the entire point.

    There was FINALLY a light at the end of the tunnel for you, and you rejected it over petty nonsense. Someone blocked you on twitter, so you decided to not only boycott your vote, but encourage others to do the same. That is why I said what I did.

    Go back and READ. I did nothing of the sort. I said I don't care what people do. They have their own minds and can make their own decisions. I didn't reject anything. If there's an official channel with which to answer I will answer. I will not subject myself to joining a site I'm clearly not welcome on in order to fill in an unofficial survey. I was shocked to find that-as someone who doesn't engage on abuse I didn't see the need for it and I don't need to personally subject myself to that sort of hostile environment.

    I wouldn't expect anyone to subject themselves to hostile environments or situations like that. I'm surprised and disappointed in you for expecting it to be quite honest.

    So maintaining a thread for a year, posting every single day non-stop is fine, but signing up on another and ticking a box once is too much?

    What hostility would you have received for that? None. You're being over dramatic.
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    Ponder the SimPonder the Sim Posts: 3,054 Member
    Perhaps Ea should scrap toddlers all together since they most likely wont be well received by those who want them.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    I don't understand why people think the VIP survey is going to do anything. EA will do what their marketing data tells them.
    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    Ponder the SimPonder the Sim Posts: 3,054 Member
    Like I said, it's obvious that the toddlers wont be well received even if they do come so there's probably no point in even making them.
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Like I said, it's obvious that the toddlers wont be well received even if they do come so there's probably no point in even making them.

    Just keep telling yourself that. It's obviously something you want to say in order to try to dismiss others.

    Personally I think there's every reason *to* make them. It would certainly make people feel a lot more inclined to believe EA listens and cares.
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    Cabelle1863Cabelle1863 Posts: 2,251 Member
    The heavy duty blame shifting is pretty disappointing. If you want to be more positive, then do so. Acting judgmental and lecturing others is not the way to go about it. Someone who engages in that sort of behavior shouldn't be surprised when they get told off for it. Because it's pretty obvious what you're doing and it isn't respectful or positive by any means at all.

    The best way to get respect is to also give it, even if you don't agree with the other person.
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    I don't understand why people think the VIP survey is going to do anything. EA will do what their marketing data tells them.

    Well EA will do whatever they like.
    I don't see why its any different asking for toddlers than other features. People who like the game ask for stuff and they still maintain they have a right not to like things when they arrive. So why do family players have to accept toddlers however they are given and shut up because of other simmers judgement on them?!
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    ArlettaArletta Posts: 8,444 Member
    Arletta wrote: »
    Alysha1988 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    You all realize EA has said for over a year that they heard us and are looking into Toddlers. A Year... and now a survey about if we want toddlers? Are you kiddin' me, Maxis?

    So, yesl- some people will still be unsure and some sour faces will still be showing. I'm not even caring about them for me, this game lacks stuff for me and what I liked about the other games yet I will still hold up for those family players.

    Bring on the Negative- I much rather hear what people are thinking than to just have a bunch of happy, happy, joy, joy when everything isn't.

    What rant? That wasn't a rant... that was my happy face. :mrgreen:
    You have people who have stayed here, asking for toddlers for a year now, claiming that it may be too late once they are done. Im sitting here like .."Really? You waited a year and you can't wait a bit longer? NOW you've decided to leave?"

    And there are people who have been banding together demanding toddlers, who REFUSE to go take the survey to cast their vote for toddlers on simsvip over something so random and childish.

    It's baffling to me, and it's very telling as well.

    I think you may be missing the point... At least for me it's not about waiting a little longer for toddlers it's that this most recent pack they are releasing TO ME looks like a pack filled with nothing. It looks like they put zero effort into it and just said "oh man, we have to come out with a new expansion soon, quick, grab a bunch of random objects and throw together a trailer filled with young adults partying." There's nothing new in the pack in my opinion and you do not need to try to convince me otherwise because that's how I feel about it. It screams underdone, uninspired, lackluster, and lazy, like they are just phoning it in to get something out and get people's money. There is no passion for the game in that pack.

    If this is the type of pack they are going to release, then I have no hope. If they are going to continue releasing content like that then no, I don't care if they add toddlers into this game of fragmented disconnected poorly implemented half ideas. And if people are refusing to take the survey to vote for toddlers it may be because of similar reasons and also because THEY WANT TO PUT TODDLERS IN AS PAID DLC. If you don't care to understand why others feel that's a problem then it is what it is...

    You are welcome to think people are being "random and childish". I have my reasons for feeling the way I do and to me they are very valid reasons. I'm not going to jump up and down and be all happy when I'm seeing serious issues.

    Putting the name calling and rudeness aside for a moment, surely you expected that there would be a chance that they could come as paid DLC?

    It's been discussed again and again as to whether it'd be patched or DLC. Can't be a shock that they might release it as DLC.

    As to not going and doing the survey unofficially on SimsVIP, as far as I know was because she blocked them on Twitter, the site had to be joined separately and people didn't believe giving the results to Maxis would help much anyway. That it might come as DLC seemed to be a side issue. That they were trying to distract people with the survey seemed to be a bigger issue than it being DLC.

    I personally saw nothing on that site that even indicated that the results of their informal poll would be handed over to EA. And yes, even if it was, what would it matter? They will make whatever EP that their time, talent, and budget allows.

    As for the survey being a distraction, it's entirely possible that they put the (suspiciously incomplete) Generations pack in there just so they can claim it didn't rank highly enough to make it into production. Of course I wouldn't expect them to admit that for a long, long time, since a lot of people will keep buying and hoping as long as they think there is a chance they're coming. As for me, I'll believe it when I see it and in the meantime I haven't seen anything I plan to buy.

    It says in the box right there:

    'Want to vote on your favorite expansion ideas and let The Sims team hear your thoughts?

    Vote on our unofficial forum poll!'

    I assume that SimsVIP has some kind of contact.

    I asked that surely it wasn't surprising that they'd possibly be DLC, since it's been discussed.

    I stated what others had said since it was claimed that the reason that people didn't want to do the poll unofficially was because the toddlers were perhaps going to be made as DLC. Beyond that, doesn't matter a bit. I don't doubt that it is distraction. I've no interest in getting into a discussion about it.

    I asked a question and answered a statement. I didn't get an answer. The end.
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    Ponder the SimPonder the Sim Posts: 3,054 Member
    edited August 2015
    Like I said, it's obvious that the toddlers wont be well received even if they do come so there's probably no point in even making them.

    Just keep telling yourself that. It's obviously something you want to say in order to try to dismiss others.

    Personally I think there's every reason *to* make them. It would certainly make people feel a lot more inclined to believe EA listens and cares.

    Dismissive like when I happily came into your thread posting about the VIP poll and you dismissed it? How do you think that made me feel? Maybe that is why I lashed out?

    I was really surprised that people in your thread weren't as thrilled as I was to even see toddlers on the survey. I was happy for you. You've all been begging for even a glimmer of hope, and when it pops up it's nothing but pessimism and dismissals all around.

    You can think what you like about me, all I know is I voted for generations for you and others like you, and not for myself. If there was even a chance that the vip did something, ANYTHING .. at least I know I tried. I didn't let my pride or hurt feelings get in the way of making this game better for people other than myself.

    That's all I'm going to say on the matter.
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    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    Finbar659 wrote: »
    I can understand where you are going from but in my opinion, I think you are getting over the top on this. This is only the second expansion pack, we just need to give the developers more time. When the sims 3 was released, you got to admit it wasn't that good until they popped in many expansion packs.

    I agree, let them take as much time as they need. Sims 3 was pretty darn good with the base game, though. I bought expansions because, surprise, I liked the base. I don't think I've ever bought expansion for a game I didn't already like. Expansions give you more of the same. If you like the base, you'll love the expansions (probably). It's kind of rare to see the reverse.

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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Well thank you @ponderberries that's very kind of you. I don't think anything about you, not interested in anything personal despite the way you seem to be taking things with me.
    I'm glad you were excited and I was glad to see you post-just because I'm not excited by unofficial surveys doesn't make it personal or a slight on you at all!

    You may not agree with me lovely but it's not a reason for upset. It's just one of those things! I was disappointed because it's been a year, there's still no official word and no guarantees. I've been convinced many times they would come only to be heartbroken. I can no longer do that to myself but I understand others still do. I only say to people that I don't want them getting that heartbreak :)

    It might be difficult for you to understand but this isn't just fixed by an unofficial mention. Even had devs confirm them and say priority before hearing no more. Emotionally family players have been on a not very enjoyable ride while your experience is different-you like the game so for you its totally different. That's fair enough. You won't find me judging you for liking the game or for your opinions. We differ, that's life. That's all there is to it. You must do what you are happy with, and the same applies to me. Hopefully you'll understand that.
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    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    edited August 2015
    Arletta wrote: »
    Arletta wrote: »
    Alysha1988 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    You all realize EA has said for over a year that they heard us and are looking into Toddlers. A Year... and now a survey about if we want toddlers? Are you kiddin' me, Maxis?

    So, yesl- some people will still be unsure and some sour faces will still be showing. I'm not even caring about them for me, this game lacks stuff for me and what I liked about the other games yet I will still hold up for those family players.

    Bring on the Negative- I much rather hear what people are thinking than to just have a bunch of happy, happy, joy, joy when everything isn't.

    What rant? That wasn't a rant... that was my happy face. :mrgreen:
    You have people who have stayed here, asking for toddlers for a year now, claiming that it may be too late once they are done. Im sitting here like .."Really? You waited a year and you can't wait a bit longer? NOW you've decided to leave?"

    And there are people who have been banding together demanding toddlers, who REFUSE to go take the survey to cast their vote for toddlers on simsvip over something so random and childish.

    It's baffling to me, and it's very telling as well.

    I think you may be missing the point... At least for me it's not about waiting a little longer for toddlers it's that this most recent pack they are releasing TO ME looks like a pack filled with nothing. It looks like they put zero effort into it and just said "oh man, we have to come out with a new expansion soon, quick, grab a bunch of random objects and throw together a trailer filled with young adults partying." There's nothing new in the pack in my opinion and you do not need to try to convince me otherwise because that's how I feel about it. It screams underdone, uninspired, lackluster, and lazy, like they are just phoning it in to get something out and get people's money. There is no passion for the game in that pack.

    If this is the type of pack they are going to release, then I have no hope. If they are going to continue releasing content like that then no, I don't care if they add toddlers into this game of fragmented disconnected poorly implemented half ideas. And if people are refusing to take the survey to vote for toddlers it may be because of similar reasons and also because THEY WANT TO PUT TODDLERS IN AS PAID DLC. If you don't care to understand why others feel that's a problem then it is what it is...

    You are welcome to think people are being "random and childish". I have my reasons for feeling the way I do and to me they are very valid reasons. I'm not going to jump up and down and be all happy when I'm seeing serious issues.

    Putting the name calling and rudeness aside for a moment, surely you expected that there would be a chance that they could come as paid DLC?

    It's been discussed again and again as to whether it'd be patched or DLC. Can't be a shock that they might release it as DLC.

    As to not going and doing the survey unofficially on SimsVIP, as far as I know was because she blocked them on Twitter, the site had to be joined separately and people didn't believe giving the results to Maxis would help much anyway. That it might come as DLC seemed to be a side issue. That they were trying to distract people with the survey seemed to be a bigger issue than it being DLC.

    I personally saw nothing on that site that even indicated that the results of their informal poll would be handed over to EA. And yes, even if it was, what would it matter? They will make whatever EP that their time, talent, and budget allows.

    As for the survey being a distraction, it's entirely possible that they put the (suspiciously incomplete) Generations pack in there just so they can claim it didn't rank highly enough to make it into production. Of course I wouldn't expect them to admit that for a long, long time, since a lot of people will keep buying and hoping as long as they think there is a chance they're coming. As for me, I'll believe it when I see it and in the meantime I haven't seen anything I plan to buy.

    It says in the box right there:

    'Want to vote on your favorite expansion ideas and let The Sims team hear your thoughts?

    Vote on our unofficial forum poll!'

    I assume that SimsVIP has some kind of contact.

    I asked that surely it wasn't surprising that they'd possibly be DLC, since it's been discussed.

    I stated what others had said since it was claimed that the reason that people didn't want to do the poll unofficially was because the toddlers were perhaps going to be made as DLC. Beyond that, doesn't matter a bit. I don't doubt that it is distraction. I've no interest in getting into a discussion about it.

    I asked a question and answered a statement. I didn't get an answer. The end.

    Wow, defensive much? All I said was that I hadn't seen that it would be shared, and like I also said, I don't believe it will make much difference if it is shared. If you thought I was somehow challenging you, maybe you should take a break from the forums?

    Also, there were a variety of reasons that people said they weren't much interested in responding there. It's not the big deal that people are making it out to be. But hey, I've no interest in discussing it with you further either. ;)
    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    meeounmeeoun Posts: 2,173 Member
    Finbar659 wrote: »
    I can understand where you are going from but in my opinion, I think you are getting over the top on this. This is only the second expansion pack, we just need to give the developers more time. When the sims 3 was released, you got to admit it wasn't that good until they popped in many expansion packs.

    Time is irrelevant when they don't deliver anything substantial with the time they're given. Basing everything off of The Sims 3, by the time the second EP launched we had already gotten: Basements patched into the base game, A full blown world creator, a pattern creator, as well as an in-game world editor. There is no excuse for the lack of improvement in the game.

    Thank you.
    Also in Sims 3 WA, despite a lot of ppl saying it wasn't that great, lets remember that it contained THREE worlds for our sims to explore. Those worlds were intricate and showed a lot of effort on the developers' behalf.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    meeoun wrote: »
    Finbar659 wrote: »
    I can understand where you are going from but in my opinion, I think you are getting over the top on this. This is only the second expansion pack, we just need to give the developers more time. When the sims 3 was released, you got to admit it wasn't that good until they popped in many expansion packs.

    Time is irrelevant when they don't deliver anything substantial with the time they're given. Basing everything off of The Sims 3, by the time the second EP launched we had already gotten: Basements patched into the base game, A full blown world creator, a pattern creator, as well as an in-game world editor. There is no excuse for the lack of improvement in the game.

    Thank you.
    Also in Sims 3 WA, despite a lot of ppl saying it wasn't that great, lets remember that it contained THREE worlds for our sims to explore. Those worlds were intricate and showed a lot of effort on the developers' behalf.

    I liked WA and was still exploring there when Ambitions came out. There are still things I haven't done with it. With TS4 I need some No Doze.

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    Oh.. some of the lots in that EP were really stunningly beautiful. Like the exterior o Abu Simbel. Or the sphinx. I can't see sims 4 ever experiencing that beauty, not with its current plastic art style.

    Beside that point, I think a lot of people feel short changed that they might have to pay for toddlers if they want them, and that IS what it looks like. I don't blame them, because paying for a previously incorporated lifestage due to EA's own ineptitude of more than likely recycling a failed MMO idea isn't right. I don't see why people should have to pay money for EA's mistakes. Particularly when its been hammered home time and time again that most simmers don't want online stuff in their games.
    It's quite sad that some people don't seem to get this.
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    meeounmeeoun Posts: 2,173 Member
    meeoun wrote: »
    Finbar659 wrote: »
    I can understand where you are going from but in my opinion, I think you are getting over the top on this. This is only the second expansion pack, we just need to give the developers more time. When the sims 3 was released, you got to admit it wasn't that good until they popped in many expansion packs.

    Time is irrelevant when they don't deliver anything substantial with the time they're given. Basing everything off of The Sims 3, by the time the second EP launched we had already gotten: Basements patched into the base game, A full blown world creator, a pattern creator, as well as an in-game world editor. There is no excuse for the lack of improvement in the game.

    Thank you.
    Also in Sims 3 WA, despite a lot of ppl saying it wasn't that great, lets remember that it contained THREE worlds for our sims to explore. Those worlds were intricate and showed a lot of effort on the developers' behalf.

    I liked WA and was still exploring there when Ambitions came out. There are still things I haven't done with it. With TS4 I need some No Doze.

    I feel you.
    I really hope things do get better for this sequel. It just worries me that we haven't gotten any kind of acknowledgement that they hear our feedback. I mean-- I haven't seen anyone ask for an EP like Get Together especially in the setting it's taking place in. Whatever though.

    I'm happy for those who are excited for it. For now I'll be patiently waiting.
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