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    kipper123kipper123 Posts: 595 Member
    @Celticgamer0 Mary and Daniel playing in the snow is just the cutest thing ever!! ... 🐸🐸🐸🐸 now I have "Do you want to build a snowman?" stuck in my head :D

    @Nory_05 I love Abbie's outer wear, she looks so pretty <3 but I would suggest that maybe a bikini isn't the best clothing choice for snow!!

    @lunbeauty I never find your updates boring because I love all your sims, even if you didn't add in the story lines I would still enjoy the player commentary :mrgreen: Poor Juniper... she made one easy mistake and got busted, I think Matt was a bit harsh. But I guess 1:30am is a bit late :sweat_smile:
    Always remember you are braver than you think, stronger than you seem and smarter than you believe ~ Christopher Robin
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @TadOlson Great update!

    @Celticgamer0 Thanks for the comment. :)
    Daniel and Mary are so cute. :) They seem to get along really well, don't they? Uh-oh. I sure hope Jessica isn't pregnant again.

    @and-it-is-on Juniper is really hating her dad right now. She thinks he's always unfair with his punishments. But it's the only way she'll learn to follow rules. Getting home by 10:30 is not that hard to do. She's lucky her parents let her go out on a school night at all.
    Nice update! Elias looks like he's happy to be home. :) I love Kali and Nate. They're so cute together. Too bad she didn't do so well on her gig. :( Lol, I guess Nate is comfortable with his manhood to be able to get such a fruity and colorful drink, lol.

    @kipper123 Well, I feel that some of my updates are less entertaining than others. Yeah, a lot of people seem to think Matt was harsh. Grounding her was one thing, but taking away the dance was another. But he thinks that it's the only way she'll learn. But who knows? Maybe she'll sneak out and go when her parents aren't looking, lol.
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    NesoiancitizenNesoiancitizen Posts: 4,344 Member
    @Celticgamer0 What a cute kitten, and it seems to be very into yoga too :p . I love Mary and Daniel, they are so funny together. And it seems like Jessica doesn't feel too good. Is it spoiled leftovers or something else? ;)

    @LunBeauty Matt definitely should have told Celine before he enrolled Crispin into the Academy. That's a big decision everyone should have a say on. Though I do think he was a little harsh yelling at Juniper (I'm surprised nobody else woke up), I can understand. I would be really mad too if my kid came home at half past 1 in the morning!
    Find me at Username: Nesoiancitizen
    I'm also on Duolingo as carlaquest
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    Nory_05Nory_05 Posts: 355 Member
    LunBeauty wrote: »
    The next update is ready. :)

    he adults each sat down for a slice of cake. Celine made sure to put the rest of the cake up for the kids in case they wanted some after school.
    "Get prepared to never have a social life again," Matt said to Michael. "Once the terrible twos hit, Sophia will make sure you never get any time to yourself again. Even woohoo goes out the window."

    @LunBeauty aww man, that's a depressing future. Hopefully they manage to get over it...
    kipper123 wrote: »
    @Nory_05 I love Abbie's outer wear, she looks so pretty <3
    @kipper123 Got it on All About Style:
    Elias was enjoying being back home. He took some selfies with Kali

    @and-it-is-on Ah, love his face expression. Serious duck-face :D
    Seems like they had a fun day

    @Celticgamer0 Mary bakes muffin while the totally creepy imaginary friend follows her like a shadow... yeah... creepy... :D The fact that the doll grew up suggests that they are good friends, so hopefully Mary will not get murdered...
    My sim stories:
    Regrets (Finished)
    Abbie's Diary (Finished)

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    Nory_05Nory_05 Posts: 355 Member
    Abbie meets Li Lo in the gym where she learns that her old crush, Ben, broke up with his girlfriend.

    Ben is moving back to his old place. Guess who's there in a heartbeat to help him...
    If you thought it's Abbie, you were not mistaken.

    Ben think his life is "over", he can't get rid of the past completely because he and Hailey had 3 kids - none of them were planned...

    Abbie is trying to be cheerful and encouraging, but it's hard - a childfree person herself, she understands (kind of) the misery caused by unwanted children.

    A hug is probably suitable for the situation...

    Full story here:
    My sim stories:
    Regrets (Finished)
    Abbie's Diary (Finished)

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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    The next update is ready. In this one, Celine and Matt enjoy the Fall Festival while Mika stays at home to take care of Sophia and do some housework. Juniper is still very mad at her dad and receives a bit of advice from Mika, herself. Jaenelle goes on a date to a fancy lounge with Mortimor and ends up with a date for the school dance. She also discovers that he likes to move fast, but thinks that perhaps this is the norm for guys his age. The next morning, Mika discovers some news that she's not exactly happy about. Hope you all enjoy!

    Celine and Matt had left almost right after the kids had gone to school. They had decided to visit the Fall Festival, and had asked if Mika wanted to come with Sophia. Mika declined saying that she had a lot of laundry to do. The real reason was because she hadn't been feeling too good for the past few days, and she didn't think that going out would really help matters. There was no way she could have been pregnant because Michael and she had been using protection whenever they woohooed. Then again, they were using it when she got pregnant with Sophia. Mika didn't know what to think right now. She just hoped it was stomach cramps and would go away pretty soon.

    Once Celine and Matt reached the festival, Matt attempted to coerce Celine into the haunted house.
    "No way," Celine said stubbornly. "I can deal with a lot of things, but I draw the line at a haunted house."
    Matt laughed. "Come on, babe. It's all just for fun. It's not really haunted!"
    Celine folded her arms across her chest and glared. "You don't know that! It could secretly be haunted. I've heard of people being scared so hard that they died!"
    "That's just some myth to scare people," Matt tried to reassure his wife.
    "Well, it's working! And it's not a myth. There was some story about it on The Discovery Channel the other day."
    Matt rolled his eyes and took Celine's hand. "You're coming with me. Now, come on. I promise to hold your hand the entire way."
    *Yes, this is Celine's biggest fear...haunted houses, lol. Of all the things she could be afraid of. But I suppose everyone has to have at least one big fear.*

    Celine and Matt made it out of the haunted house alive and Celine vowed never to do in there again. While it was all fake, it all seemed real to Celine. In order to get her mind off of it, Matt and she entered a pie eating competition. One of the competitors ended up dropping out almost right away leaving only three to compete. It was a close race, but Celine ended up winning in the end and received a week's worth of key lime pies, which were sold right away as no one in the house would eat them and they'd go bad.

    Poor Matt seemed to eat too much too fast and ended up throwing it all back up all over the ground, much to the disgust of some of the festival goers.

    After cleaning themselves up, and gargling water and chewing about six or seven pieces of spearmint gum in Matt's case, the two of them sat down near the pond and spent some time together for a little while.

    The two of them even took a Fall greeting card photo together. It would have been better to have the entire family in the photo. Of course, that might be hard since Juniper was still grounded, and Matt was adamant about not letting her go anywhere, even if it was with the entire family.

    Back home, Mika played with Sophia. The nausea she had felt had gone down a little bit, so she wasn't completely miserable. She encouraged her daughter and praised her when she got a shape right. Sophia really was very smart, and definitely advanced for her age.

    Right before heading home, Matt and Celine participated in an apple-bobbing contest, which Matt ended up winning.

    They ended up getting home about an hour after the kids got home. They were in the middle of completing their homework, or, in August's case, already finished and talking on the phone with one of his friends.

    Juniper completed her homework, then went upstairs to her room without even saying a word to her dad. She sulked on her bed, cursing the fact that her dad was so unfair. She didn't hear Mika come in until she spoke.
    "Hey, something happen between you and your dad?" Mika asked. She had been so busy taking care of Sophia that she was out of the loop with what was going on in the family.
    Juniper shrugged. "It's not like you can help me," she said bitterly.
    Mika sighed and made herself comfortable on Juniper's bed. "Even if I can't, it sometimes helps to talk about it."
    Juniper took a deep breath and began toying with the purple tips of her hair as she began. "Well, I went out the other night, and I was told be be home by 10:30. Jaenelle managed to come home by that time. But I chose to stay out and didn't get home until 1:30. Dad kind of caught me and he punished me, basically saying that I couldn't even go to the dance. Heck, I'm not even allowed to go down the street to the coffee shop to get a donut."
    "I believe that your dad may be trying to teach you a lesson. You just can't break rules all the time because you feel like it," Mika said.
    Juniper folded her arms across her chest and sulked. "See, I knew you'd take his side."
    Mika shook her head. "I'm not finished. However, I think that if you try and prove to your dad that you're going to try and follow the rules and do your share, then maybe he'll let up on your punishment."
    Juniper wrinkled her nose. "I've been trying to do chores after school. I mean, I rinse the dishes off, put them in the dishwasher, I even try to clean up other messes, even ones that aren't my own, I have a B in school. But it's like he doesn't even notice."
    Mika always knew that Matt was stubborn. She had always had it in her mind that Celine would have been the strict parent, but it turned out to be Matt.
    "I just think you should keep at it. I mean, no girl should have to miss her first dance. If actions don't make him change his mind, then you could talk to him on one of his days off."
    Juniper shrugged. "I guess." Although, she knew that the day Matt changed his mind about anything would be the day that womrats flew, which meant that it would never happen.

    After her talk with Mika, Juniper excused herself to go do her own laundry. She couldn't talk to her dad now as he was at work and probably wouldn't be home until after she went to bed.

    Juniper started up the washer, and then went into the home theater section of the basement and popped in a movie. Technically, she was supposed to be in her room right now. But at this point, Juniper didn't care. Her dad wasn't home and no one would tell on her. She just had to make sure that she was upstairs in her room right before he got home. As she was watching the movie, Jaenelle came downstairs to get something. Juniper noticed that her sister was all dressed up, and even had her hair fixed more than usual.
    "Where are you going?" she asked glancing at her spiffed up sister.
    "Oh, Mortimor called and asked if I wanted to go on a date. He's taking me to that lounge," Jaenelle said while straightening the hem of her dress.
    Juniper gave her a look. "You're really going out with a sixteen year old? Do you know what guys that age like to do? You're only thirteen."
    "Oh, that's just a myth. Mortimor is a gentleman."
    Juniper shrugged. Her sister would find out on her own. "Well, have fun." She turned her attention back to the movie, and to the perfection of Robert Downey Jr.

    Jaenelle ended up meeting Mortimor at lounge. It was a beautiful place with tables downstairs to sit and and enjoy glasses of wine, plus upstairs was a small sitting area with couches and a dance floor with a full band.
    "You look very handsome," Jaenelle said suddenly feeling underdressed. Her dress and cardigan was very beautiful, but it felt absolutely ordinary compared to what some of these other women were wearing. Even her designer wedges made her feel like a pauper compared to all the Louboutin and Jimmy Choo that were being worn.
    "Thank you. I tried to dress down a little bit so that you would be comfortable. I know it's hard for your family to afford the nicer designs."
    "Oh, no--" Jaenelle began, but Mortimor interrupted her.
    "Would you like a glass of wine?" he offered.
    Jaenelle scratched her head. "Um...we're underage, plus I'm only thirteen."
    Mortimor shrugged. "So? My family happens to know the people who own this lounge. It'll be fine."
    Jaenelle didn't want to seem like a stick in the mud, so she nodded. "Sure, a glass of wine sounds nice."
    "Any particular brand you prefer?"
    Jaenelle shook her head. "Oh, pick for me."

    Mortimor ended up getting two glasses of wine, plus brought the wine bottles to the table so that they could pour their own. Jaenelle sat down across from him. Her wine had a rather fruity bouquet. Jaenelle didn't know much about it, but she felt very sophisticaed sitting there and sipping it. The wine they had at home was fairly cheap, purchased at the grocery store. She had never tried it, but she was willing to bet that it wouldn't be as delicious as this.
    With a little liquid courage inside of her, Jaenelle decided to ask Mortimor to the dance.
    "So, there's this dance happening at my school," she began as she set her wine glass down.
    "Ah, yes. I've been to those dances with other girls. They're not as fancy and elegant as events that I've been to, but they are quite enjoyable, if you enjoy badly decorated ballrooms and eating stale old cookies."
    Jaenelle was taken aback at how rude he seemed, but she pushed it out of her head. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."
    Mortimor smirked. "I figured you'd ask me. You're not the first one, you know. Three other girls from your school have asked me. But, I have to say that you're the prettiest out of all of them. So, I'm going to say yes to you. Just be sure to wear something a lot nicer than what you're wearing now. I really don't want to be embarrassed because my date doesn't know how to dress."
    "What's wrong with what I have on?" Jaenelle said indignantly.
    "Nothing if you're just going to eat a meal at Sonic or Burger King," Mortimor said snottily.
    "I actually do have a dress to wear," Jaenelle said proudly.
    "Well, hopefully I'll be impressed."

    Jaenelle and Mortimor stood up from the table as Jaenelle wanted to go upstairs, but Mortimor stopped her.
    "I definitely feel like there is potential between us. I could show you things that no thirteen year old would ever dream of. I could help you become a sophisticated and respected young woman."
    Jaenelle already thought that she was pretty sophisticated for her age, but maybe Mortimor was right. There was always room for improvement. She merely smiled at him.

    Suddenly, he pulled her in for a kiss. She had never been kissed before, and didn't expect to feel his tongue grazing against hers. His hand began to travel down to her butt, but she pulled away.
    "Wow, um...why don't we go upstairs and sit down?" She held his hands, hopefully to show that she wasn't the least bit uncomfortable.
    Mortimor allowed her to lead them upstairs.

    Upstairs, the two of them sat on one of the many plush couches. Mortimor pulled her onto the couch and began kissing her again. Jaenelle could feel her skirt push up as she sat on his lap and attempted to subtly push it back down over her legs. Mortimor began kissing her neck and running his hand up and down her leg. When his hand started going up her skirt, she grabbed it and gently pushed it away.
    "I really don't think that's such a good idea," she said in what she hoped was a kind tone of voice.
    Mortimor smirked. "You're right. A lounge is not a good place to do this sort of thing. We'll wait until we're alone."
    Jaenelle hadn't meant it that way, but Mortimor was pulling her onto the dance floor that she didn't have time to correct him.

    Jaenelle was glad that she, at least, knew how to dance properly. Even Mortimor complimented her instead of criticizing her, which was a nice change of pace. His hand rested on her waist as he pulled her against him. This was the first time that Jaenelle had ever been this close to a boy.

    When the dance ended, Jaenelle said that she had to go home, as she had a curfew. Mortimor kissed her passionately before letting her go.
    "You should definitely come to my house, tomorrow," Mortimor said as he lightly chucked her chin.
    "I'll see what I can do," Jaenelle said smiling before kissing him again, then walking downstairs to leave the lounge and go home.

    The next morning, Mika woke up early and went into the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. There was no way she could have been pregnant, but it didn't hurt to make sure. She waited the designated two and a half minutes with baited breath and when she looked looked at the results and saw the positive sign, she nearly fainted. This couldn't be. How could she be pregnant again? What was she going to do now? There would be no room for this baby. Mika sighed and rubbed her temples. Chances are, Michael would be ecstatic about the news. But Mika, herself, wasn't. Oh, she did want another child, but not this soon.

    Mika threw the stick away in the trashcan, making sure to hide it very well and went downstairs to cook breakfast. As she was checking on the waffles, Michael came up behind her.
    "Hey, honey. Anything wrong? You don't seem like yourself."
    Mika pretended to look puzzled. "Nothing's wrong. I was just super hungry this morning and was in the mood for some waffles, that's all."
    "Oh, okay. I'll go get Sophia up and dressed if you want me to."
    "That would be great. Thanks, babe."
    Mika could feel Michael's eyes on hers and hoped that he wouldn't ask anymore questions. Luckily, he didn't and she heard his footsteps going up the stairs before she allowed herself to let out the breath that she was holding.

    As soon as everyone was finished eating, Mika went upstairs to get dressed. She felt a wave of nausea hit her and looked down at her stomach. Why did this have to happen now? She wasn't ready for another baby. What was she going to do?

    That's it for this update! I hope you all enjoy!
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    NesoiancitizenNesoiancitizen Posts: 4,344 Member
    @LunBeauty I'm not liking this Mortimer Goth. He's seems really nasty and not the kind of guy who'll stick around. And I think it might be time for Mika and Michael to get their own house.
    Find me at Username: Nesoiancitizen
    I'm also on Duolingo as carlaquest
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Nesoiancitizen I agree. They should have all talked about it together like a family. But this is to show that the marriage isn't all the way perfect. Both parents have their flaws. Matt isn't doing it to make his daughter hate him. He just doesn't want anything to happen to his kids as his wife can't have anymore. He didn't exactly have the best upbringing as a child, so he wants to make sure that his own kids are raised right. And if that means punishing them and taking away things that they love temporarily just to teach them a lesson, then that's the way it has to be. If he didn't love them, or care then he wouldn't freak out whenever one of them stays out very late.

    @Nory_05 Nice update! :) I'm really enjoying the story so far.

    @Nesoiancitizen I don't like him either. He's really a jerk, but don't worry, Jaenelle won't be getting married to him, or anything like that. I think you may be right. I just wanted to see them raise Sophia. But, I suppose that she could always move back in when she becomes a Young Adult.
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    Celticgamer0Celticgamer0 Posts: 1,997 Member
    @and-it-is-on I was so relieved when it wasn't Alan's death lol
    Thanks ^.^ she is one of my prettier sims that I made. She is preggers again lol
    Love the update! So glad Elis is enjoying his time back home ^.^
    Nate is very secure in his mannerisms hehe
    @kipper LOL I had it stuck in my head too! They are always doing things together, more than their IF which surprises me. They yell at them when games are interrupted :D
    @LunBeauty Thanks! She is... and the twins do not seem too happy about it lol
    Bad Mortimer! Hopefully Jaenelle will kick him to the curb. Poor Mika. Something's in the water ;)
    @Nesoiancitizen Thanks! ^.^
    @Nory_05 LOL She likes the IF only when not playing with Daniel, I think the doll's jealous lol
    "Abby, you are scaring me" LOL poor girl

    Come to find out Jessica -is- in fact preggers and tells Alan, who seems excited. Easy for him as he is gone most the day for work.

    Of course when Alan tells her the gender of the baby, Jessica is none too happy. "I wanted another boy!"

    Their conversation was cut short as he recieved an emergency call to check up on an old patient of his. "It seems you suffer from scissorinstomacheitis."

    "What's that mean, Doctor FLowers?! I'm I gonna be okay?"
    "Just take two Rockbeatsscissors and call me in the morning."

    Alan returns home late and is begged for a bedtime story. So he gets the logic book and sits beside Daniel.

    Jessica does the same for Mary. "Are you pregnant, Mommy? I don't want a baby." "I am, but we'll talk more tomorrow after your first day of school. Mommy's tired too."

    The next morning as the kids waited for the bus Jessica glares at Alan. "No more after this, you understand? Even if it means no more whoohoo!" Poor Alan.
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    MemoriiValentineMemoriiValentine Posts: 1,911 Member
    edited April 2015
    Part 4
    The whole family moved to a new house and renovated it from head to toe.
    Before Picture:

    After Picture:

    While waiting to go to work the next day,everyone kinda just sat at the tv.Josie got a call that shocked her alot.It was from her sister Ariel who also moved to Sunset valley while Josie was at uni.Josie went over to her house to see her."hey sis!i missed you tons!"Josie told Ariel."Its great to see you little sis." Ariel said hugging her,"I married Zack Knight,a prince from a world called Eorzea.We visted Eorzea after Eternity and Julian were alittle older." "Wow thats amazing!"Josie said then told her about her adventure at uni with mitsuki.The girls spent some time together before Josie went home.
    Everyone went to work and on leisure day planned a pool party at the local pool.Josie Planned the party and they all waited till 1 am to go to the pool lot.Ariel and her family came to the party and everyone had a great time!Josie was wishing she could be a mermaid so badly.she had the idea to go scuba diving later in the week to see if she could find a real mermaid.

    The next day after work,Carlos and Mitsuki were playing games.She beat him and he was pretending to cry .She kissed his cheek smiling.meanwhile, Josie was scuba diving and saw a mermaid! they became friends and the mermaid gave her some magic kelp.Josie was so happy!

    When she got home she told Phillip and Mitsuki about it.They looked amazed!Mitsuki decided to practice painting while Phillip and Josie made out and took it to the bedroom.

    The next morning was a weekend day.Josie decided to eat the kelp and mitsuki was a witness.After being engulfed in water ,the mermaid transformation proceeded.It felt right to Josie like she was meant to be a mermaid. afterwards, Josie took a look at her scales.Wow i cant believe this happed!My wish has came true finally! Josie thought as she checked out her scales.

    That night,Carlos and Mitsuki spent some alone time together.Which ended up with them making out and woohooing for hours on end.Around lunch time the next day,mitsuki wasnt feeling so well.she figured it was something she ate as she ran to the bathroom!

    Phillip and Josie were outside looking at nature when phillip got on one knee and pulled out a black box with an amazing ring in it,"Josie Nix,Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?" Josie was surprised and quickly said yes.Phillip put the ring on her finger and swooped her up in his arms swinging her around before kissing her.Josie ran home to tell Mitsuki who was so happy for her best friend!
    Happy Simming!♥
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    MinxMinx Posts: 1,221 Member
    @MemoriiValentine Love the renovation! I wish I was good at stuff like that.
    @LunBeauty I agree. I might not always give specific comments, but I do read almost all of your posts. (I've been none to go missing, and thus miss some pages.) I love your characters. They have such.... Personality. xD I still think about Slater.

    I have several of y'all blogs saved to read. Just gotta find time. But I love seeing what you all are writing, and what your sims are doing!

    I myself, have managed to finish my first generation. I am kinda caught up. Still have to do all of university, but then it's caught up! And I don't want to fall behind again.

    Completed Generation One

    Happy Simming to you all!
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    Rock'nLlamaRock'nLlama Posts: 175 Member
    Oh my gosh you guuuuys!!! So many great updates!!! It would take me hours to respond to every single one, but here's just a few shout-outs!

    @LunBeauty ahhh that kids are teens!!! And they are, as you said, GORGEOUS!! My gosh, what will the girls look like as adults? <3

    @and-it-is-on Oh no!! I was rooting for Sarah XD little vixen. Oh well; it is Uni, after all!

    @MemoriiValentine You've got some gorgeous sims here! Love em!
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    MemoriiValentineMemoriiValentine Posts: 1,911 Member
    @Rock'nLlama thank you c: i cant wait to plan their weddings and see the next gen come into the world
    Happy Simming!♥
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited April 2015
    So I got Midnight Hollow a few days ago, finally saved up enough sim points from the ads. I was hesitant, but I love the world so much, so I'm happy with my decision to buy it. It made me want to do a story because it's just a perfect story town. It's so beautiful and has so much character, wonderfully dark character. So I'm working on a story now for it :mrgreen:. I'm also trying to get a "legacy" (I use the term loosely, because I use none of the rules or anything, I just do what I want) going that I want to do, though I'm approaching it slightly differently than planned. So I've been trying to work on those, and I've been setting up a website to host them on. I realized Weebly is amazing and allows separate blogs on the same site so I can put them all on there so it's all in one place but still have it separated like I want. So I can stop making a new blog for everything. Weebly was being a buttmunch though the last couple days so it literally took the better part of 2 days to set up a simple website and I don't even have anything quite ready to post yet. Haha. And I'm just starting to ramble haha. I'll stop.

    Just going to comment on a few things. I've lurked and read most posts the last few days. I just had a really bad toothache which I'm battling with Tylenol, and now it's a battle to stay awake. Though I don't want sleep so I'm going to head in game shortly and just play with the coley family (Jess and Trent and fam), but I don't want to have to focus too much on anything. Also, my cat has come to wag her tail across my keyboard and complicate things, lol, because I'm not having enough problems typing in my half asleep kind of loopy state.

    Nate that is such a girly drink...and the way your holding it doesn't help :P
    Even though she had a bad gig Kali was glad that Nate was there watching, she loved him more and more everyday

    LOL, hey it takes a real man to be comfortable holding such a girly drink like that. No seriously though, it's nice when a man can just not care about that and be comfortable instead of needing to prove his manliness every second... but it is still kind of funny. I'm glad things are going well for him and Kali though. And it's so nice Elias is home with his family and that everybody is so happy to see each other. LOL at Sam dancing, never too old.

    Also do you remember where you got Nate's top? I feel like it may come in handy later for my story, not sure, but I'd love to have it around.

    LunBeauty wrote: »

    As soon as everyone was finished eating, Mika went upstairs to get dressed. She felt a wave of nausea hit her and looked down at her stomach. Why did this have to happen now? She wasn't ready for another baby. What was she going to do?

    That's it for this update! I hope you all enjoy!

    Oh no, poor Mika. I hope she comes around to the idea as it gets closer to time to have the baby. I'm excited though, lol, I can't wait to see their newest adorable addition. :mrgreen:

    Their conversation was cut short as he recieved an emergency call to check up on an old patient of his. "It seems you suffer from scissorinstomacheitis."

    I probably found this funnier than I should, but this made me laugh a lot, and "Just take two Rockbeatsscissors" XD.

    Awww haha poor Allan. I'm sure he didn't like hearing "even if it means no more woohoo"

    Phillip and Josie were outside looking at nature when phillip got on one knee and pulled out a black box with an amazing ring in it,"Josie Nix,Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?" Josie was surprised and quickly said yes.Phillip put the ring on her finger and swooped her up in his arms swinging her around before kissing her.Josie ran home to tell Mitsuki who was so happy for her best friend!

    Aww yay congrats to the happy couple:mrgreen:

    The house renovation looks great too.

    Okay, I think that's it for tonight. I love everybody's updates even if I didn't comment on them :mrgreen:
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Celticgamer0 The twins are used to being the center of attention, constantly, most likely. So, they're probably afraid that a new baby will take that away from them. I don't remember feeling that way when my sister was born. If I did, it was a passing feeling. Don't worry, Jaenelle and Mortimor aren't staying together. She'll probably dump him when she becomes a young adult, lol.

    Lol, a couple of apples and you'll get what you want. The diagnosises (Yeah, that's totally not a word, lol) are funny. Poor Alan, lol. Looks like he'll have to find other ways to scratch that itch. Better have lots of tissues and lotion handy...for your hands. Yeah!

    @MemoriiValentine The house looks nice. :) I love Carlos and Mitsuki. Josie makes a very pretty mermaid. :) Oh wow, I hope Mitsuki isn't pregnant. Wait...what am I saying?! Of course, I do! Then she and Carlos can have beautiful dark haired babies! Phillip's proposal to Josie was sweet. She'd better say yes!

    @Rock'nLlama Thanks for the comments. I'm willing to bet that the girls will look like their mom, but with their dad's hair and eyes. All the kids have their mom's round-ish face.

    @dreamerz13 I really like Midnight Hollow. I haven't really played in it much because I haven't had the chance to make a family that fits in with the theme of the town. Good luck with your legacy, too. I find it much easier and fun to do your own thing with them rather than follow the 200 something rules they have for them.
    Well, actually, I did have Mika and Michael move out. They decided it was best. The house was getting full and there would have been no room for the baby. Don't worry. I plan on having Sophia move back in when she becomes a young adult to live with the heir/ess. I also know where they moved to because I chose the house, and they'll be invited over for Spooky Day and other holidays. :)
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    Celticgamer0Celticgamer0 Posts: 1,997 Member
    @MemoriiValentine Great job on the renovation! How wonderful that Josie and Ariel could visit together ^.^
    Yay for Josie's wish coming true! Her scales are pretty ^.^
    Uh oh! I swear something's in the water :D Congrats!
    Aww! Congrats on the proposal!
    @Minx HAHA! Love the story!
    @Rock'nLlama Thanks ^.^
    @dreamerz13 Congrats! I love Midnight Hollow, but it's too small for what I like to do. Great story place though ^.^
    Thanks lol poor Alan is hoping Jessica will forget :D
    @LunBeauty LOL!! I'm sure Jessica will change her mind. Alan keeps getting letters in the mail from other women so she knows she needs to keep him happy lol Of course Alan only wants Jessica ^.^
    Sadly apples don't work after a baby check, but hopefully his prognosis is wrong lol
    Daniel seems happy to have another baby in the house. We'll see how that works after she's born ;)

    First day of school, the twins are not too happy. "We don't even have the same teachers! What if a monster tries to eat you, Mary?" "Monsters are not going to eat me, Daniel, it's not a full moon yet." "Vampires and the monster under my bed don't need full moons..."

    Daniel's fears grew as he got off the bus and noticed more than a few pale-skinned kids. "Mary... promise me you won't get eaten." With a sigh Mary walked up to the school. "Seriously, Daniel... FIne. I promise not to get eaten."

    Jessica immediately headed to the salon for a much needed massage. First time in a while she had time to herself. "I love school."

    Anne Nix was starting some trouble so Jessica had to intervene and tried questioning her as to what was wrong. "None of your business, Miss Bossy Bobby!"

    After school and homework, Mary decided to invite a few new friends over.

    Jessica was exhausted and agreed to a sleep over as long as everyone went to bed early.
    Mary greeted her guests like a pro.

    She even invited over someone for Daniel to talk to. "Are you a... vampire?" "I think so... but I'm allergic to plasma. I'm only allowed to drink plasma juice."

    Alan came home for only a few minutes and was about to sit down to eat some left over cake when he received an emergency call.

    One of Mary's friends grew homesick and since her house was on the way offered to take her home. "We have to hurry!"

    Next morning Jessica was getting all the kids ready for school when Daniel asked to feel the baby. "Is that where I lived too?" "Yes, you and your sister both." "Cool! When I grow up I want to have a baby too!" Too early for the Birds and the Bees talk, Jessica could not help but smile.

    Just then she went into labour and headed to the hospital.

    Poor Alan was exhausted and on his way home when the hospital called to tell him to return. "Your wife is in labour. We need you to deliver."

    Must have been a bad epidemic going around as the hospital was busy, but Jessica gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Samantha.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @Celticgamer0 -Thanks for the comment.That sculpture is actually a CC burglar alarm I downloaded from TSR and it's great for placing outside the house.Great updates!
    @and-it-is-on -They did have fun at the festival and had to crash at Garden Market near their home.They got jobs there so it worked out for them.Great update!
    @LunBeauty -Thanks for the comment.Great update!
    @Nory_05 -Great update!I've found a Mod that could help for unplanned children at MTS.
    @MemoriiValentine -Great update!I love how you redid that house.I've redone a few EA homes to add back doors and make them more functional.
    Rock,nLlama -Hi there!
    @dreamerz13 -Thanks for comments and I hope you enjoy Midnight Hollow.
    I've got an update coming up in a short while.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @celticgamer0 -Great update!I'll have to let kids of all ages be home schooled for a while in my town.
    Here's another update from Evermore Falls,Maine on the last day of summer in 1635.
    Eli was woken up in the night by a UFO and ended up being abducted by aliens for a while before being able to get back to sleep.
    Eli and Ami Jankowsky both got up later in the morning on that Sunday morning and got ready for the day quickly.
    They spent most of the morning studying athletic skill on their computers until it was time to start getting ready for work.
    They both started getting ready for work at about noon and had left by almost 3PM while a stray cat was clawing up their newspaper.
    They got home at about 6:30 and grabbed leftover hotdogs for dinner before getting to sleep by 7:30 in the evening on a full moon.
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    Note to oneself: If a sim doesn't become pregnant when in the time machine, don't try again!!! As you'll see when I get up to the correct update (number 5, most likely), I now have waaaay too many sims in the household!!!

    On the upside, I bought a new computer yesterday!! It's just got to be built and then posted, but I should have it in around two weeks time :D I'm very excited! And it's just in time too, because my game is showing signs of problems. Some of the graphics in the background isn't rendering properly (just showing up as black shapes), my sims are changing into the wrong outfits (the twins had the wrong outdoor clothes on, and Ciaran changed into the handyman career outfit, not the music one), and I have seen the baby wrap in the wrong menu (male child eyes). I'm about to go through my launcher and see whether I've got any bad cc in there that I haven't noticed. But with my new computer, I'll be able to clean out what I don't use and see how it runs then. Can anyone tell me what the name of the program is that checks new cc for bad stuff??

    Hopefully, I'll have a new update for you in about an hour or so, so you can see the twins aged up :)
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    Rock'nLlamaRock'nLlama Posts: 175 Member
    edited April 2015
    @Celticgamer0 I'm so glad that John got his happy ever after! <3 troubles to come with this snooty guy wanting his money, but I'm sure they'll be fine ;P

    I haven't gotten to play the Brooks TOO much, but here's an update on them!

    Peter and Ellie, even after 4 kids, are still constantly getting wants to kiss and whoo-hoo <3

    Not that I can blame either of them. They both look pretty good for their age! :P


    Later our adorable little Bailey learned to walk, thanks to the fantastic Peter <3


    "I did it!"

    It was spooky day, so Ellie randomly decided to try and scare Ashton...


    "He'll never see it coming! Muahaha..."


    It didn't work XD
    "Seriously? I can see you Mom."

    "Aw, man..." (You're supposed to be an adult, Ellie!)


    She then proceeded to join forces with her husband to tease her son about his new-found relationship.

    "Hey Peter, who am I? 'Oh hey sup Maria, so uh, yeah, I got like, this awesome new movie, you should totally come over and watch it with me."
    "Oh, Ash!" *girly giggle impersonation*


    "Ashy-poo, could we actually not watch your awesome action adventure and watch a romantic comedy we've already seen three times? Oh pretty pleeeease!"


    "Anything for you, baby doll."
    "Oh Ashy, you are just THE BEST!"
    "Yeah, I know."

    Just ignore them, Ash. XD


    After they got all of their silliness out, Peter has to sadly accept that this would be the last day his little Bailey would be a toddler. Oh, how the days fly by. <3

    Since it was actually both Emily's AND Bailey's birthday, they decided to host it in a big costume party. The hour game and every picked out their costume to wear!

    Emily decided to be an alien with pink sandals

    Ellie, being mischievous as she was today, took to scaring the visiting children with a ski mask.

    Ashton decided to be a burglar
    "Watch out ladies, I'm stealing hearts!"

    And our silly Russel decided to be a hot dog XD He was ecstatic to find a "mini dog" as well!

    Peter tried to dress up like a burglar with his son, but Ashton was embarrassed, so he dressed up like a Cow Plant instead :P

    Ellie even dressed up Bailey, who was just about the prettiest little princess EVER! <3


    Maria arrived dress as a cop to play the part in her couples costume with Ashton <3


    "It looks like you've been naughty, Mr.Brooks. I'm going to have to take you down to the station and frisk you." :wink:


    "Maria, you look GREAT..."

    "But not so loud, someone's gonna hear you-"


    "Hmmm...sounds like someone's scared of their parents."

    "Trust me. They're not that scary."

    "I don't knoooow. You seem preeeetty nerrrrvouuuus~"

    Ashton put an end to that kind of assumption real quick :wink:


    "I'm sorry, babe, you were saying something?"


    She had to detain him after that <3

    Emily met another sandal-friendly alien. They began discussing serious alien matters...

    But it wasn't long before a water-balloon war broke out!


    The war luckily came to a truce just before it was time for Emily to blow out her candles :)


    That's some family you've got there, Emily ;)


    Emily came out very pretty, with lovely plump lips! She doesn't look like a girl to be messed with!


    Bailey aged up before we could reach her cake :( But she came out ADORABLE! <3 I've decided she loves bows. :blush:


    The next morning was back to school! Most of the kids just got a quick bowl of cereal before the bus came.

    "So Ashton, heard you got into some trouble with the law last night."
    "Shut it, Rus."

    Bailey, however, had some left over pancakes ;)

    "Moooom!! Bailey's eating the last of the pancakes!"
    "Leave your sister alone, Russel! It's her first day of school!"


    Life's not fair sometimes, bud.

    Emily and Ashton sat away from their brother on the bus. I think Ash was still peeved about this teasing over breakfast XD


    Who can stay mad at this face, though?

    That's all for now! <3 I've been taking screenshots as I've been doing my LP's as well so I may post some cute ones, though most are just taken really quick during gameplay :wink:
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    kipper123kipper123 Posts: 595 Member
    @lunbeauty Hmm... I think Juniper needs to have a chat with Mortimer, she'll put him in line!! How dare he be so rude with Jaenelle!? Mika also seems to be in a bit of an awkward situation, but I hope she doesn't have to move out if they don't have room :#

    @Celticgamer0 Congradulations!! Another baby to be excited about <3 Alan has such a sweet little family!

    @MemoriiValentine An engagment, morning sickness, and a mermaid!! You've been very busy :mrgreen: nice update!

    @TadOlson great update, it's nice to see things are going well in Evermore :)

    @MayaRose1138 lol I'm loving all the fancy dress :D so funny and adorable!! Bailey is just beautiful :love: so pretty!
    Always remember you are braver than you think, stronger than you seem and smarter than you believe ~ Christopher Robin
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    kipper123 wrote: »
    @lunbeauty Hmm... I think Juniper needs to have a chat with Mortimer, she'll put him in line!! How dare he be so rude with Jaenelle!? Mika also seems to be in a bit of an awkward situation, but I hope she doesn't have to move out if they don't have room :#

    @Celticgamer0 Congradulations!! Another baby to be excited about <3 Alan has such a sweet little family!

    @MemoriiValentine An engagment, morning sickness, and a mermaid!! You've been very busy :mrgreen: nice update!

    @TadOlson great update, it's nice to see things are going well in Evermore :)

    @MayaRose1138 lol I'm loving all the fancy dress :D so funny and adorable!! Bailey is just beautiful :love: so pretty!

    I don't think that last comment was meant for me :)
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    Update 2.03

    The next morning, Ciaran adopted a kitten, Ravenclaw (which was about the only thing I could think of that couldn’t be used as kids’ names!). I read somewhere that witches should have familiars, usually a cat, so I let him adopt one now that they have a proper house. If I remember, I’ll get a kitten for each of the witch children too so that they can take a cat with them when they leave. And I’ve decided they’re going to have Harry Potter-type witch names (ie. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Hagrid, etc).

    Here is Ravenclaw settling in:

    I’ve set her aging to 7 days for kitten, 77 for adult, 36 for elder, so she should be right for the whole generation. Her traits are Neat, Non-Destructive and Friendly. Although I don’t know how effective the second one is! (I got them a scratching post right after this!)

    She’s a very smart kitten too; she follows Bryony around with this thought bubble:

    The twins had their first baths!


    And then when Ciaran came home from work, it was time for birthdays!



    And then it was straight onto potty training! Can they be like Dashiell and do it in one go?….


    Yes, they can! By the time this was done, it was after 11pm, so Bryony and Ciaran went to bed while Ella and Merlin worked on their skills since they weren’t sleepy.

    Ella played with her IF, Tinkerbelle, for a while too.

    Eventually, they did get tired though, and were put to bed.


    Ravenclaw (known as Raven) enjoyed a nap. Awwww :)

    The next morning, Bryony and Ciaran checked out the fairy house. Do I need to mention what they did inside?? :)

    Ravenclaw discovered the food bowl :) She loves running through the house, and seems to follow Bryony around a lot. She also likes sleeping in weird positions!


    Bryony does some laundry while waiting for the twins to wake up.

    Once the twins are awake, they are taught to walk.


    Then they do some more skilling while their mother writes and their father magically upgrades things to unbreakable. (given the number of people in this town who seem to be dying because of electrocution, this seemed like a wise thing to do! Seriously, in the two weeks they've been in town, at least seven people have drowned or been electrocuted! In their previous town, the only thing that killed off the residents was old age!).

    And I'll leave that there for today. Hopefully, I'll get to comments tomorrow. Yesterday was a wasted day as I was sick and didn't get on the computer all day. Tomorrow is going to be busy but I'll make time :)
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Celticgamer0 That's how it usually is in the sims. When your sim is single, no one wants anything to do with them. Yet, when they finally get into a serious relationship, everyone and their great grandma wants a piece of them. It's kind of like real life, lol. That's weird. I've had doctor sims in the game guess the gender of the baby, then when the mom eats a watermelon or apple, it turns out to be the complete opposite of what the doctor said. I just figured that those fruits sort of cancelled out the prognosis.
    Lol, typical kids. It looks like Mary is getting a bit flustered with her brother's fears. Wow, too bad Jessica couldn't arrest that girl. First she interrupts her massage and then she gets all uppity. Aww, they got to have a little sleepover. :) But what's up with all the girls wearing the same pajamas? Yay! A baby girl! Samantha is a pretty name. :)

    @TadOlson Great update!

    @Rock'nLlama They really look good at their age. My sims are like that too. All they want to do is make out and woohoo. I've even had to cancel out a few of the woohoo interactions so that they could do other things around the house. Lol, Ellie trying to scare her son is too funny. Poor Ash, having to listen to his parents impersonations. He looks like he wants to crawl under a rock and die, lol. Their costumes look great, but Bailey's is definitely the cutest! Aww, a cop and burglar Halloween couple. I love it! Emily and Bailey turned out very pretty. :)

    @kipper123 Don't worry, Jaenelle won't be staying with Mortimor permanently. Even if she rolls the want to marry him, lol. I'm sorry to say that they had to move out. They decided it was in the best interest of the baby and Sophia if they moved into a house of their own. But don't worry, I gave them a nice four bedroom house not too far from Matt and Celine's own home. They'll be invited over for parties and such, and when Sophia becomes a young adult, I decided to have her move in with the heir/ess and live with them.

    @MayaRose1138 Nice update! The tots are really cute! I'm enjoying this! :)
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    kipper123kipper123 Posts: 595 Member
    edited April 2015
    I don't think that last comment was meant for me :)
    @MayaRose1138 oops!! sorry it was for Rock'nLlama :sweat_smile: I've just read YOUR update lol and oh my muffins your toddlers are just getting cuter and cuter and now they have a kitten too!! Cuteness overdose!! :mrgreen:

    @Rock'nLlama lol I'm loving all the fancy dress :D so funny and adorable!! Bailey is just beautiful :love: so pretty!
    Always remember you are braver than you think, stronger than you seem and smarter than you believe ~ Christopher Robin

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