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I beat the "bully" this week.

hmae123hmae123 Posts: 1,912 Member
After twenty years I woke up Monday morning and decided to quit smoking. I was sick of that bully pulling me around all the time and taking all my money! So I said enough!

It's day five now and I feel really great. It was hard, I won't lie but it was worth it and I won't ever go back.

I'm sharing this often and a lot to keep myself on task and motivated. :)


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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good luck!

    Smoking has taken quite a few of my family members. It's a monster. :( But a lot of the surviving family has taken to quitting as a result.
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    jcp011c2jcp011c2 Posts: 10,874 Member
    I wish you the best of luck on kicking the habit! Every day you go without is another day longer and always something to be commended for. To me personally, smoking is something we could all do without. So anyone that is trying to quit gets nothing but commendations from me.

    I've lost a grandmother to lung cancer, granted she was 80 and had smoked for over 60 years but the cancer she did get was from lung cancer. After she passed in 2007, my aunt, who lived with her, made efforts to stop smoking and she has been smoke free for the last two years.

    It certainly is a tough issue to tackle and if you need support from your sims community, I'll be glad to help give you a virtual shoulder. :D
    It's kind of sad that I have to point out that anything I say is only just my opinion and may be a different one from someone else.
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    muzickmagemuzickmage Posts: 986 Member
    Day 5, that is excellent. If this thread can help you with your "beating the bully", then post away. I wish you the best of luck.
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    Good for you @hmae123!! I've never smoked, but I know from friends and relatives how much guts it takes to decide to stop. I thought you might find these facts interesting and hopefully they inspire you to keep going. Keep it up!

    After 20 minutes of stopping

    Blood pressure and pulse are normalised, blood circulation increases.

    After 8 hours

    The level of carbon monoxide in the blood falls.

    After 48 hours

    Carbon monoxide from smoke and nicotine have disappeared completely.

    After 2 to 3 days

    Less or no phlegm in the throat, fewer breathing difficulties.

    After 5 to 7 days

    Your senses of taste and smell will improve, your breath is fresher, your teeth are cleaner and your energy levels higher.
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    edited February 2015
    Congrats! I also kicked the habit of twenty two years, after having pneumonia and in May it will be four years since I last smoked. It IS hard, but the longer you go without, the less you will desire it. In the beginning, I used to have dreams about it, and I would wake up in a panic, thinking I had broken my vow to quit, but I never have. And neither will you if you stay strong :)
    I kept away from people who were smoking, and began making my husband go right out in the yard to smoke, because initially, the smell would make me want one more than ever. You'll get past it too if it happens - now I just get a headache when I'm around smokers.
    I wish you all the luck in the world beating it. You can do it! :)

    Edit because IPad makes some really weird auto corrections on words that don't even need to be corrected.
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    hmae123hmae123 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone for your kind words and encouragement. I'm truly so happy I made the choice to stop and better my health.

    Its interesting, I built quitting up to be such a big and awful thing to do in my head for so long. That when I did it I admit the first 3 days were rough, but not impossible and each day gets a little easier then the last. It wasn't as bad as I had imagined it would be in my head.
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    xBob18xBob18 Posts: 7,893 Member
    Good for you. I've lost so many family members to cancer caused by smoking, it's a nasty habit. Keep fighting the urge! :) I'm never touching a cigarette in my life. I always see 17 year old high school seniors smoking outside the school building, and I just want to tell them "You're committing suicide".
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    ronnigirl67ronnigirl67 Posts: 209 Member
    Congratulations @hmae123 I quit 29 months ago, it was lot easier than I thought it would be. It's so nice to be able to breathe again and food tastes so amazing now! :smiley:
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    hmae123hmae123 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Congratulations @hmae123 I quit 29 months ago, it was lot easier than I thought it would be. It's so nice to be able to breathe again and food tastes so amazing now! :smiley:

    Thank you and congratulations to you on 29 months, that's an awesome feat! I've already noticed how much richer things like chocolate and coffee taste. I know I might put on a few pounds but I'm not even worried about that right now. Once I can breathe again I'll enjoy exercising again. :-)
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    SimpkinSimpkin Posts: 7,425 Member
    5 days is nothing really but good luck.
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    Congrats! :mrgreen: Keep it up. 5 days is already a great start and it'll get easier with time.

    I've never smoked (my asthma really hates even being around other smokers, I can't imagine the hell it would put me through if I did it) but I've know quite a few people who have. A couple have successfully quit, they say it was hard but it got easier and they wouldn't go back now. I also know one who died from lung cancer, very fast when she was diagnosed too, she was only supposed to have a few months to live, she lived maybe 1. Pretty scary stuff, a good reminder on why it's better to not smoke.
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    ronnigirl67ronnigirl67 Posts: 209 Member
    hmae123 wrote: »
    Congratulations @hmae123 I quit 29 months ago, it was lot easier than I thought it would be. It's so nice to be able to breathe again and food tastes so amazing now! :smiley:

    Thank you and congratulations to you on 29 months, that's an awesome feat! I've already noticed how much richer things like chocolate and coffee taste. I know I might put on a few pounds but I'm not even worried about that right now. Once I can breathe again I'll enjoy exercising again. :-)

    Thank you....I used to have to salt my food to heck and back but now I don't even need it. I did find I was putting on some pounds but once I could breathe easier I took up spinning. I love it and do it everyday now which I never could have done before! LOL
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    ronnigirl67ronnigirl67 Posts: 209 Member
    Simpkin wrote: »
    5 days is nothing really but good luck.

    I disagree...5 days is EVERYTHING to someone who has decided to make healthier life choices! :smile:
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    Simpkin wrote: »
    5 days is nothing really but good luck.

    5 days is everything to someone trying to kick a habit, which is insanely difficult on its own, and who needs support not dense remarks like that.
    Jeez, some people.
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    Don't listen to anybody who says it's not a big deal, or that it's nothing. If you think it's a big deal, that's all that matters. You're the only one who knows how difficult it is for you, and how long is something to be proud of for you. Celebrate every minute if that's what it takes.

    IMO, kicking habits is a day at a time thing for a long time, and you should be proud of each day. It's so easy to slip back into a habit in the beginning. Eventually you'll lose that habit, but it takes time to make a habit and it takes time to lose it. You haven't kicked a habit in only 5 days imo, but you're making progress and you haven't given in like so many do, and it's important to remember that and celebrate that.
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    icmnfrshicmnfrsh Posts: 18,790 Member
    edited February 2015
    Congrats. :D I have a dad who quit for over a decade and suddenly started again a few years ago. After hearing stories and seeing friends who kept on going back, I can see how difficult it is to quit. I wish you the best of luck. :)
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    PyliathesunelfPyliathesunelf Posts: 949 Member
    Congratulations! *cheers you on* You can do it!
    My mom is currently going through lung cancer due to her smoking and it's so painful. I don't want to see anyone ever have to go through that kind of misery. I know it's a hard habit to break, but we are here for you! <3 I'm so proud of you!
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    LaAbbyLaAbby Posts: 3,742 Member
    Wow that's really amazing! I cheer for you that you'll overcome it successfully! This will be wonderful for you :)
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    jkstensjkstens Posts: 3,685 Member
    Good, for you, you should be really proud of yourself! You will be so much healthier and think of the money you'll save. (If you smoked three packs a week, where I live it would equal about $800.00 a year!) Quitting smoking is such an accomplishment and I'm really happy for you!
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    AnnePlaysAnnePlays Posts: 2,504 Member
    That bully won't just take your money, it'll take your life.

    Glad you're off on a great start. More power to you. Show that bully who's boss!
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    policeofficerswifepoliceofficerswife Posts: 347 Member
    That's great!! I am very glad you quit.

    My mom used to smoke a pack a day she did that for 55 years. Until one day she got tired of me saying "Go smoke your cancer stick mom!" She finally quit!! She hasn't smoked in 11 Years and is doing WONDERFUL!

    You will notice such a HUGE difference in your life and in your body.
    It's such a nasty bully to beat. But you're doing it! Keep it up and be strong. I know it can be hard. But I am very glad you chose to quit. :smile:
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    have2admithave2admit Posts: 2,246 Member
    I started smoking when I was 12. I smoked 1 to 2 packs a day until I was 50. I got sick and my Dr. said I would be on oxygen in 5 years. My Mom who also started smoking at 12 was having to go in the hospital for a few days every few months. I thought about everything and prayed like crazy for help.

    I quit the next day aided by patches and sunflower seeds. My Mom quit 10 days later. She asked if I prayed for her because it was so easy for her! That was over 10 years ago.

    Mom passed away, but I'm still here happy and extremely healthy! :D

    @hmae123 do not allow yourself even one puff. It's done and in the past. Someday you'll tell yourself that you can't believe you ever smoked in the first place. Keep up the good work!
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    Fairy_HappyFairy_Happy Posts: 8,912 Member
    Congrats. Keep it up!

    Smoking is a nasty little habit. I lost my birth mom in June 2013 from COPD, lung cancer and a stroke because she smoked for 40 years.

    Sorry not trying to scare you or anything, but since everyone else was sharing stories I shared one too. Also my mom (well former foster mom) smoked when she was younger but my dad had gotten her to quit.
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    hmae123hmae123 Posts: 1,912 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thank you again everyone for sharing your personal stories and offering support. It helps so much. I am so sorry to hear about anyone who lost someone they loved due to cancer and smoking related sickness. I thank you for sharing a difficult memory with us.

    It really helps remind me what I'm fighting for and I hope maybe helped motivate someone else to toss the bullies out and start a smoke free life.

    Today I woke up with no cravings and a positive outlook. It truly is correct to say each day is easier and each day is a gift. I don't want to cut my days short with smoking.

    You all really are the best, thank you so much for the support!! :-)
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    hmae123hmae123 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I was just looking through some of my old discussions (passing the time before I need to get ready for work) and found this one. Just wanted to say it's now been over two years and I am still smoke-free. I never even slipped up once since the day I posted this discussion. I now consider myself a non-smoker and am so proud to say that. Thanks again to everyone that popped in to offer support and I hope at least one person took inspiration from this thread and decided to make a positive change in their life too.
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