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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    edited May 2017
    Chapter 21


    The morning after the bachelor party, Michael slowly opened his eyes and then closed them again from the intense morning light that shined through the window. He rubbed his forehead, trying to ease the headache that was present. Oh man, he thought, I feel TERRIBLE! He couldn't remember much of what happened last night after saying No to the strippers. It was all a blur. Slowly he sat up to go get a huge drink of water, but his stomach had other plans. Feeling a great deal of nausea and most likely alcohol trying to come back up, he covered his mouth and ran to bathroom. It was a brutal vomit. Derrick and Jade heard it from the other room. The kids had already gone to school. After cleaning himself up, Michael staggered back to his bed and plopped himself down.

    A few minutes later, Derrick peeked his head into the bedroom and knocked lightly on the door. "Can I come in Dad?" he asked.
    Michael nodded his head with his eyes still closed.
    Derrick went over, sat on the side of the bed, and handed his dad a big glass of water. "Here," he said, "I thought you might need this."
    Upon seeing what it was, Michael burst up grabbing the glass and said, "Oh, thank you!" He gulped it down in a flash.
    "So, how do you feel this morning dad?" Derrick tried to hold back a chuckle.
    Lowering the glass Michael answered, "Awful."
    "I bet! I've never seen you that drunk before! Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen you DRINK!"
    Michael shifted his weight on the bed. "Well," he began, "It's not exactly something I like to do. I haven't had a drink in years, but last night was by far the most I have ever drank!"
    Derrick chuckled. "Yeah, you really must have been hammered to watch the stars with my wife and hold her hand."
    Michael's eyes widened. "WHAT!?" he cried.
    "Don't worry," Derrick said putting his hand on his father's shoulder, "we're both not upset. We actually think it's kind of funny!"
    Oh my gosh! Michael thought, trying to shake the headache off. "I don't know what to say about that," he told Derrick, "only that I am very sorry! I'll have to apologize to Jade myself."
    "Really, she's fine dad. I mean, it felt incredibly creepy to her for a second there, but she got over it quick because she realized you were drunk."
    Michael still shook his head in disbelief. "Maybe I thought she was Jenni or something."
    "Who knows," Derrick said, "Anyway, she brought you back in the house and then you passed out on the floor. Everyone left and we brought you up here to your bed."
    "Thanks, son," Michael said patting his back. "I will NEVER do that again!"


    With the wedding approaching in just a few days, Derrick and Jade had made plans to move into a small apartment so there would be room for Jenni, Sue and Ken. The home was just too small to hold eleven people! They already had a place picked out and even started packing their stuff up, when Michael approached them with a letter that came in the mail for them from Bronwyn's parents. Curiously, Derrick took the letter and began to read it:

    Dearest Derrick and Jade,
    Congratulations on your marriage! We're ever so sorry we couldn't be there. May you be blessed with a long life of happiness together.
    We realize our gift to you is late and we apologize, but we know you are going to LOVE it!

    Derrick continued reading and then his jaw dropped in shock.
    "What?" Jade asked, trying to look over his shoulder at the letter.
    Michael just stood there smiling.
    Derrick was so dumbstruck he couldn't get any words out. When he finally did, he said to Jade, "They...they bought us a house."
    Gasping, Jade covered her mouth.
    "They bought us a HOUSE!" Derrick repeated in excitement.
    "Oh my gosh!" Jade screamed, "are you serious!?"
    "Yes!" Derrick replied, handing her the letter, but then he looked at his father. "I guess I should say it was them AND dad who bought us a house."
    Michael still smiled with tears in his eyes.
    Then Derrick threw his arms around Michael and said, "Wow, dad. This is...I mean...this is an incredible gift! Thank you SO much!" While they held tightly onto each other, Jade squealed and joined in on the hug too, also thanking Michael greatly. In no time the three were in the car, driving over to the house. When they saw which house it was, Derrick and Jade began to cry.


    It was the old English Tudor by the bridge that was one of Twinbrook's oldest homes. It had been recently renovated and put on the market a few months before Derrick and Jade's wedding. It had a huge garden area in the back with a pool. The reality of it being theirs was almost impossible to believe! Michael and Bronwyn's parents put down enough money on the home to pay for most of it so the mortgage payment was small compared to what it could have been. It was an easy monthly payment for a couple just starting out. It was the BEST gift they had EVER received!


    Finally, Michael and Jenni's wedding day had arrived! All the kids were thrilled, especially Sue and Ken who were anxious to finally have someone to call Father. The Willowglen Amphitheater was gorgeously decorated with balloons and flowers and of course, a wedding arch in the center. The seating was perfect, allowing everyone to have a good view of the ceremony. It was held on a Sunday, so that everyone could be present. Michael and the kids arrived early, along with Bailey, Derrick and Jade, and were greeted by Jenni's parents.

    (Jenni's mom sure looks thrilled doesn't she? lol ;) )

    Jenni was sitting in the car, parked off a few ways to keep herself hidden from the groom until the ceremony began. It wasn't long until the minister showed up and the guests. Molly was excited to see a certain guest in particular.


    "I'm so glad you came!" she said.
    "Of course!" Tay expressed, "I wouldn't miss it for the world! After everything your dad has offered to do for me and of course getting to see you and Shawn."
    Molly smiled. "Yeah, I still can't believe he offered to pay for your schooling, but...that's just how amazing my dad is."

    In no time, the guests were seated and quieted as the Bridal Chorus began. It was beautifully played on the right side of the amphitheater by a few folks from the orchestra. Everyone watched in awe as the bridesmaids, Sue, Molly and Andrea, the ring bearer, Ken and Jenni walked down the aisle in the arm of her father. Jenni's dress sparkled in the sunlight and it made her appear quite angelic. Michael smiled and felt like the luckiest man on earth. She is the most beautiful sight I have seen in a LONG time! Soon she joined him by his side.


    The minister greeted the guests and said his usual words to the audience and couple.
    "Do you, Michael Timothy Holland, take Jenni Jones-Brown to be your lawfully wedded wife – to live together after God’s ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?
    "I do," Michael said, gazing deeply into Jenni's eyes.
    Then the minister turned to Jenni and asked the same. Jenni smiled brightly at Michael and answered, "I do."
    The rings were then presented.
    Michael went first, slipping the ring onto Jenni's finger and saying, "I choose you, Jenni Jones-Brown, above all others, to be my wife and constant companion. I offer this ring as a token of our love and with it, I thee wed."


    Jenni tried to hold back the tears, as she in turn slipped the ring onto Michael's finger. "I, Jenni Jones-Brown, give to you, Michael Timothy Holland, this ring, as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, respect and support you in our life together. And with it, I thee wed."


    The minister smiled and continued, "In as much as Michael Timothy Holland and Jenni Jones-Brown have consented together in marriage before God and these witnesses and have declared their unity by the giving and receiving of the rings, are now joined. What, therefore, God has joined together, let no man put asunder." He paused taking a breath and then said, "So, by the power vested in me by the Town of Twinbrook and Almighty God, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."


    Immediately the wedding march played joyfully. Rice was flying everywhere as the couple ran up to the top stair of the amphitheater, shared a kiss and then ran back down to greet the congratulating friends and family. They would have loved to run off together, but decided to do the reception here right after. It was such a joyous occasion and when Jenni and Michael had a moment alone together, they wrapped their arms around each other, touching noses and Jenni said, "I can't believe we are finally married!"
    "I feel the same, Mrs. Holland," Michael said, "I've been waiting for this day since the moment I met you!"
    Passionately, they shared a long kiss.

    More guests had arrived for the reception and it came time to cut the cake.


    After sharing a slice with each other, the anxious guests ran up to get their slice. It actually got quite crowded. Tay wasn't too worried about getting a piece, he had something more important on his mind. He was waiting for the right moment and because he didn't want to steal the Holland's thunder, he asked Michael's permission to do it first. The environment felt so PERFECT and he didn't want to wait any longer. Michael gladly consented. After most of the guests left, Tay felt the moment was now. He found Molly and took her aside so he could speak with her. Michael just had to watch.

    "What is it Tay?" Molly asked.
    Tay held her hands and tried to get the words out right. "Molly," he began, "I know we still have the better part of 2 years of high school left, but," he paused, "there's really something that I want to make official now, since right after graduation I will be heading off to school."
    "Yes?" Molly stared at him in anticipation.
    Getting down on one knee, Tay pulled out a small box from his suit coat and opened it up before Molly.
    Molly was truly in shock!


    "Oh my gosh are you serious Tay!?" she cried out.
    "Well," Tay began, "it's more like a going steady slash promise ring. One that holds my promise that I will marry you when I graduate from college."
    Molly couldn't contain herself from jumping with joy.


    Michael stood there with a big grin.
    "Oh Tay!" Molly cried, "so this is a proposal?"
    Tay pulled the ring out of the box. "I guess it kinda is," he answered, "only it's not a REAL diamond ring, I can't afford one right now, but I picked out the best one I could find."
    "That's just fine," Molly said, "it's beautiful!" She held out her hand and Tay slipped the ring on.


    Molly gazed at it in awe. She admired how stunning it looked for being fake.
    "So," Tay said to her, "do you promise to be here waiting for me when I graduate from college?"
    Molly looked at him like that was a silly thing to ask. "Of course!" she cried, jumping into his arms.


    Yes, there couldn't have been two happier couples on the entire planet.

    With the wedding over, Michael finally got to bring together the two families he loved so dearly and make them one. He never felt more joyful in his entire life.



    (You all have NO idea how many times I had to go back and reread this and add a few things. ;) It had to be PERFECT! This chapter is so special to me. How I have truly grown to love Michael and his family and the fact that he and Jenni could FINALLY get married because the challenge was over, has brought be so much joy! :) I never realized I could have such a great love for my Sims until doing this challenge and writing their story. <3 Thank you all again for following and there is more excitement to come! Can I get a "woot, woot" from each of you for Dr. and Mrs. Michael Holland?? ;) )

    Stay tuned!

    Post edited by emorrill on
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    EnchantedpreyEnchantedprey Posts: 676 Member
    WOOT WOOT!!!
    Sweet chapter very touching
    Enchanting the world one moment at a time
    The Pink Plumbob Completionist Club Thread
    Why yes I do own the store!

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    edited February 2015
    WOOT WOOT!!!
    Sweet chapter very touching

    Thanks @EnchantedPrey :)
    Do you like my new avatar pic too? ;)
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    EnchantedpreyEnchantedprey Posts: 676 Member
    @emorrill‌ Yes I do! I noticed it yesterday
    glad they finally got to tie the knot
    Enchanting the world one moment at a time
    The Pink Plumbob Completionist Club Thread
    Why yes I do own the store!

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    It's great that they finally got married and that one kid moved out.
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    FPSgamerjk21FPSgamerjk21 Posts: 2 New Member
    edited February 2015
    That was great!

    Maybe Michael could explain what Jenni's mom said and tried to do sometime? (Lol.)

    Anyway, please continue, I really love it.
  • Options
    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    That was great!

    Maybe Michael could explain what Jenni's mom said and tried to do sometime? (Lol.)

    Anyway, please continue, I really love it.

    Thank you @FPSgamerjk21 :) I really appreciate it. More is coming soon, as soon as I feel better from the stomach flu and can figure out how to tell the next story. ;)
  • Options
    EnchantedpreyEnchantedprey Posts: 676 Member
    @emorrill‌ Feel better! really get feeling better **hug**
    Enchanting the world one moment at a time
    The Pink Plumbob Completionist Club Thread
    Why yes I do own the store!

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    ACB44ACB44 Posts: 140 Member
    Awe, seems like everyone is a little under the weather... feel better @emorrill‌
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    FPSgamerjk21FPSgamerjk21 Posts: 2 New Member
    Yeah, feel better, emorrill.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Thank you @EnchantedPrey, @ACB44 and @FPSgamerjk21. :) I'm already feeling better this evening, just still achy. I may write a little tonight, I dunno. ;)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Chapter 22

    Two amazingly wonderful years passed by in a flash for the Holland family. They had all grown to love and accept each other as a family and life seemed so perfect! Here were some of the happenings in that time:

    Michael's medical practice was booming again. His former patients were so thrilled to be seeing him again and he was surprised at how many of them had GROWN! He loved his job, but what he loved even more was coming home from work to his loving family and sleeping next to and waking up in the morning beside his dear Jenni.


    Jenni quit her job in business to be a stay at home mom, which she much preferred. That was a huge blessing to Molly, especially, because there was someone to care for Shawn while she was in school. Caring for Shawn really made Jenni desire to have a baby again.


    A couple of weeks after her marriage to Michael, Jenni had a strange dream. She dreamt that she woke up from sleeping to hear someone downstairs in the kitchen. It sounded like the fridge was being open and shut numerous times. Curiously and cautiously, she tip toed down the stairs and made her way to the kitchen. No one was there, but she saw a faint light coming from the dining room. As she slowly made her way there, a ghostly figure was getting up from the table after finishing a meal. Jenni screamed at the sight of it, but covered her mouth immediately afterward.
    Shaken, she asked the figure, "Who are you?"
    The figure turned to look at her and smiled. "Oh you ARE awake?" it said. "Sorry, I was famished and had to get something to eat."
    Ghosts eat?? Jenni thought, "Why are you here?" she asked.
    The figure looked surprised. "Jenni," it addressed her, "don't you recognize me?"
    Jenni peered hard at the woman spirit, but with those lifeless eyes and transparent body, she couldn't recall. "I don't," she said.
    The figure came closer to her which caused Jenni to step back. How does she know my name?
    "Do not fear Jenni," the spirit said, taking her hand, "It is me...Bronwyn. Michael's...well...ex-wife."


    Gaping, Jenni could start to see it now. "Wow. Hello...Bronwyn," was all she could say while removing her hand. Oh my gosh! Can this really be happening?
    "There's something I want to tell you," Bronwyn began, "and of course I wanted to meet you in person."
    Jenni gulped. Oh she going to rip into me for marrying her husband? Stealing his heart? How do I look? Oh gosh!
    Bronwyn chuckled, as if she could hear Jenni's thoughts. "Jenni," she began, "I just have to tell you how thankful I am to you for marrying into my family and being there for my Michael and the kids."
    Huh? "You mean," Jenni began, "you're not upset with me?"
    "Of course not!" Bronwyn answered honestly, "I have wanted nothing more for my family than happiness since I passed. You came into their lives and gave them just that. I know it took a while for the kids to accept you, but the joy and companionship you have given Michael has warmed my heart greatly. He grieved so hard for me that I worried for him being able to hold the family together, but then he met you...and he was himself again. He gained a greater strength to love, care for and sacrifice for our children and for that, I will be eternally grateful to you."
    Jenni smiled. Those sweet words were not what she was expecting. "I don't know what to say," she said to Bronwyn, "Only that, I'm so sorry things turned out the way they did, but please know that Michael's heart is ever with you and I love your family very very much." Tears welled up in her eyes. "I promise you that I will love and care for each and every one of them until the day I die."
    Bronwyn looked as if she was crying, but Jenni couldn't see any tears. "I don't doubt that," she said to Jenni, "I must go now, but please give them my love."
    Her appearance began to fade.
    "I will," Jenni said, "you have no idea how much I needed to hear that from you!"
    "God bless you," Bronwyn said with a fading voice and then she was gone.
    When Jenni awoke that morning she smiled and couldn't help but feel a little burden lifted from her shoulders. Everything is ok, it always will be.

    Bailey was loving life on her own in her cute little house. She hadn't gotten a promotion in 2 years, but she was working hard to get one soon. Her articles were being published in numerous magazines now and she's even been invited to exclusive access events with some of the biggest celebrities in Twinbrook! There wasn't much happening in her personal life. She just decided to live her life to the fullest and if the right man came along, great, if not, she has her family and career.

    Derrick and Jade began teaching fitness classes at the gym, which they have thoroughly enjoyed. Especially with all the new friends they have made. The two have been trying to get pregnant in the past two years baby yet. Just to rule things out, Jade has been seeing her OB about possible fertility issues and Derrick is hoping to be promoted to Lieutenant in his firefighter career.

    Molly found herself becoming more and more like a mother each day. She often felt so grown up that she wondered why she was still in high school! She and Tay spent each and every day together, hanging out at school, playing with Shawn and even going on some dates. Shawn was growing like a weed and began walking at 10 months!

    Andrea has been focused on her school studies, as always, and looked forward to putting high school life behind her. She just couldn't WAIT to go to college! She took an aptitude test and because of the results she was offered a few scholarships.


    She couldn't BELIEVE the near full ride scholarship she was offered in Fine Arts, because of her painting skills, but her dream was to become a doctor and she took the scholarship for that instead. Michael anxiously awaited to see what great things she would accomplish in her future. There was no interest in boys or romance whatsoever for Andrea. She was determined to fulfill her dream and wasn't going to let anything get in the way of that.

    Tristan was also doing well in school and making lots of friends. Life was going pretty well for him until one day he noticed Belinda hadn't been to school in a few days. Worried, he visited her lonely, little home in the swamp to see how she was doing, but she wasn't there. He tried texting and calling her but there was never an answer. Panicking he went to his dad for advice and they decided to call the police. It appeared that she had gone missing and no one had seen any trace of her. Tristan was heartbroken...he loved Belinda. He really did! The thought of never seeing her again was unbearable to think of. In the passing months he was able to move on, but the heartache was always present.

    Sue was growing into quite the pretty little lady.


    Michael thought he was done worrying about boys calling on his pretty daughters...

    Ken was growing up fast and LOVED spending time with his dad. They would bike together, go on camping trips with Tristan, fish together and talk about his goals for the future. Life with a dad was just pure awesomeness!

    On to the present.

    The kids were growing up. Tristan had a birthday and was now officially a teenager.


    Molly was about ready to graduate and felt the need for change. She had gotten herself a makeover.


    She couldn't believe Shawn was two now! The kid was into everything and developing an attitude. He looked SO much like his father and it made Tay proud. (He even got his daddy's ears! ;) )


    Graduation day came and Molly was thrilled! She couldn't help thinking about how much closer she and Tay were to starting their life together.


    Andrea celebrated her birthday and had become a young adult as well. She graduated high school early.


    With all the plans in place, she was making her way to Sims University.


    Michael celebrated his 50th birthday. The wrinkles were showing on his face and his hair was beginning to turn gray. He really didn't mind it so much. He had everything he ever wanted in life and looked forward to the next stage.



    Stay tuned!

    (At this point I will be turning the aging off in my game so I can switch households and play as the different family members and write about the events in their lives. I will age everyone up accordingly. I will start with Andrea being in college for the first term. Hope you enjoy the individual family stories to come! :) )

    (The story regarding Tristan's Imaginary Friend, turned real, Belinda: I went back into the game, after moving her into her own house, saving and quitting and realized after a time that she wasn't on Tristan's friend list. I went back to the house I moved her into and no one was living there. Not really sure what happened...? I can only guess that it was a glitch (using the NRaas mod) with moving a child into their own home with no adults and the game got confused and just deleted her. Who knows. I'm pretty bummed about it, but...there's nothing I can do. :( )

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    I forgot to add these from Andrea's HS graduation.

    She's so proud. ;) And her boobs are so big that the mesh doesn't even look right! Lol! ;)

    Darn right she became valedictorian. ;) And her classmates only voted her that because she has the Loner trait.

    Next chapter is coming soon!!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    edited February 2015
    Chapter 23

    Andrea's adventure at the Sims University had FINALLY begun! Yes! She thought enthusiastically, I'm out on my own, pursuing my dream. No more dealing with family members and their drama, it's just me, myself and I. Ok, that sounded kind of c-o-c-k-y but whatever! I'm just so EXCITED!! And being here a year earlier than planned, woo hoo! Her original plan was to find her own place to live, but there wasn't any money for that. It was free to live in the dorms and while she preferred having her own place and solitude, living among others would just have to do. Besides, it's not like she wasn't used to it anyway.

    After getting settled into her dorm room, which had a nice fireplace, she decided to start her new adventure with a makeover. She didn't want to go too crazy with it, just wanted something done with her hair to make her look more grown up. She was pleased with the result.


    She attended the welcoming at the Student Union building and was excited to learn about her classes for the term. Also to meet her professors and other classmates. One professor in particular, Lewis Rogers, reminded her too much of her dad. Wow, is this just a common look for men in the medical field?


    After introducing themselves to each other, Andrea expressed her enthusiasm for being there and told him that she would work and study harder than anyone else on campus.


    Lewis smiled at her and said, "Let me've had a lot of medical influences in your life?"
    Andrea's eyebrow raised. "My father, yes," she answered. "He's a Medical Doctor."
    "Well, he must have been a pretty good one then?"
    "Oh Yes. Very knowledgeable, professional, kind and caring. Almost everyone in town had him as their primary care physician."
    Lewis nodded. "Well, that's wonderful. I wish you the best in your endeavors. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask."
    "Actually, I do..."

    After visiting with Professor Rogers, Andrea made her way over to the freebie table. She didn't really care for getting a university frisbee or kicky bag, but hey she would take a candy bar and soda. The soda was good, but the candy bar about made her puke! After throwing the candy bar into the trash bin with force, she looked around at all the other students playing pool, getting into the photo booth, playing arcade games or just chilling on the couch. I really should try to make some friends, she thought to herself, I just...have the hardest time making and keeping them. Why do I have to be so anti-social!? Ugh! I HAVE to get over this! I'm going to be a doctor for crying out loud! If I want to succeed in this career I can't just look at my patients as thing of science, they are PEOPLE! So she did her best to get out of her comfort zone and approach strangers.


    Back at her dorm, she did the same. She thought she saw one guy out of the corner of her eye, with dreadlocks, checking her out, but she just rolled her eyes and thought, In your dreams! This girl is chasing her career, not men!
    "Hey?" she heard a deep voice say. She turned to see a guy with dark hair, thick eyebrows and a pointy nose holding his hand out toward her.
    "I'm Daniel Vaughn," he introduced, "I like to get to know everyone I will be living with. And you are?"
    Hey, saved me from having to approach him. "Andrea," she replied. "Andrea Holland."


    "Nice to meet you," Daniel said with a smile. "Gosh this is great isn't it?," he asked, looking around at whatever, "Getting out on your own, entering college life, discovering who you are meant to be and just breathing in the air of freedom? Like the whole world is at your fingertips?"
    Wow, Andrea thought, I feel EXACTLY the way he does! "Yes!" she nearly cried, "I've been waiting for this since I was a child!"
    "What are you majoring in?"
    "Wow," Daniel said in an impressed tone, "that's awesome. You've got a lot of schooling ahead of you!"
    "I'm majoring in Fine Arts."
    "Oh really? I actually got a full ride scholarship for Fine Arts, dream has always been to become a doctor."
    Daniel gaped in surprise. "So what's your Fine Arts talent?"
    Andrea blushed a little. "I like to paint. I took classes all throughout high school."
    "No kidding!?" Daniel cried, "I love to paint too!"


    Andrea began to feel a little too much out of her element. Conversing with boys, especially attractive ones, was never easy for her. "Really?" she asked, hoping the sweat forming on her brow wasn't noticeable. "That's great!"
    "I'd love to show you some of my work," Daniel continued, "if you'd like?"
    Brushing her hair behind her ear, Andrea hoped she wouldn't regret saying, "Uhh...sure."
    "Awesome," Daniel said, seeming to calm down. "I'm glad I met you, Andrea. I'll see you around then?"
    Andrea nodded. As she watched him move on to other people living in the dorm and introducing himself she thought, That was...interesting.

    That night she slept soundly in her cozy, little room and looked forward to class the next day.



    "Eeek!" Andrea squealed as she entered the building where her first class was located. She couldn't remember ever being this excited for school!


    Throughout the term she kept a pretty strict schedule. Even when she was invited to Juice Kegger parties at the Frat house she usually said, "no thanks," and spent most of her time attending class religiously and studying, inside her dorm room and out.

    I can't BELIEVE I didn't have the answer to the professors question right then and there! I gotta look this up!

    Why yes, I DID know that condition off the top of my head.

    Some days she studied so hard that she forgot to eat. The others in the dorm just shook their heads at her, while watching her study. In fact that's ALL they ever saw her do. They thought she was a geek and a workaholic.

    "Hey, so you're hot for a geeky girl, you know that?" the guy with the dreadlocks said across the table from her.
    "Get lost," Andrea said frankly, not removing her eyes from her laptop.

    Daniel didn't feel the way the others did however. He still hadn't been able to catch her so that she could look at his artwork. When her stomach really began to growl at her, Andrea had to stop and find something quick to make. TV dinners were becoming her best friend.


    When Daniel saw her sitting down and eating, he grabbed a plate of burned waffles made by one of the other residents in the dorm and sat down beside her. Gross! He thought looking down at the waffles, but I couldn't come sit by her without any food. That would look too much like I WANT to chat with her. She seems like the type who could get scared away easily.
    "Hey Andrea," he addressed her.


    Andrea didn't realize she was wolfing down that small TV dinner. "Oh, Hi Daniel," she said between chews.
    Dang girl! Slow down! What's the rush? "Hey, it's been a few weeks and I was hoping you could give me some pointers on my artwork?"
    Andrea paused, completely forgetting that she agreed to look at his work.
    "Oh," she said, putting down her fork and looking at him, "I'm so sorry Daniel! I've just been so busy."
    Only because you MAKE it that way. "You know," Daniel said, "you should really take a break from all that studying and get out and have some fun. It's good for ya."
    Andrea knew he was right, but she didn't want to admit it. She had a passion and it was hard to break away from it. "I know," she said, "when I have some free time I will."
    Daniel could accept that. "So," he began, "do you have a moment now to see my artwork? It's in my room."
    Glancing at her watch, Andrea gasped. "Oh my gosh! I've completely lost track of time! I'm gonna be late for class!" She picked up her TV dinner tray, tossed it in the trash and ran toward the stairs to get her backpack. Then, for a second, she remembered Daniel sitting back there. She turned to him and said, "It will have to be another time Daniel, sorry!" and up the stairs she went.
    Daniel lowered his head in dejection and pushed the plate of burned waffles away from him.


    This class was the most boring one out of all of Andrea's classes. Professor Cramsky literally had no sense of humor and all he ever did was talk, talk, talk in that monotone voice of his. It wasn't uncommon to see people sleeping through his lectures.


    Andrea even had to keep herself from dozing off, but she asked lots of questions to help her focus and stay awake.


    To awaken her mind after his class, she would go over to the science lab and study many different and exciting specimens.


    After that she returned to her dorm room, needing some solitude, sitting beside the warm fire and reading a good book. It was starting to feel very relaxing until she heard music start to blare through the wall. Ugh! Why do these walls between the rooms have to be so paper thin!? This wasn't the first time she was disturbed by her "neighbors" loud music and she finally had enough. Slamming her book closed she got up and headed next door.
    After knocking she heard the voice shout, "Come in!" Andrea didn't hesitate doing so.
    This was the room of the jock of the dorm, Stephen Brackney. Andrea always felt annoyed seeing the way he would strut himself, giving fitness advice to everyone and thinking he was God's gift to women. She just didn't realize HE was her next door neighbor until now. He was doing jumping jacks and didn't turn to see who opened the door.
    "Excuse me," Andrea said indecently, "I am trying to read next door. Will you turn that music down?"
    That got Stephen to turn. Upon seeing who it was he merely went back to doing his jumping jacks and said in the same tone as hers, "Excuse me, but I am trying to work out here!"
    Andrea glared at him in disgust. She slammed the door and stomped the short distance back to her room.

    As the evening wore on, Andrea felt quite frazzled and having to endure the noise from Stephen's room didn't help. Thankfully, he turned it off a few minutes ago, after going for an hour. Rubbing her forehead, she remembered Daniel suggesting to her that she should get out and have some fun. Not two seconds after thinking of that, she got a text from a guy in one of her classes saying he was throwing a juice kegger party at his place. Maybe I should go, she thought, Daniel is right...I do need a break sometimes. Juice kegger parties were most definitely out of her comfort zone, but tonight she didn't care. Another text message came and it read, Come in your swimwear. Odd, Andrea thought, but she shrugged it off. She just really had to get out of here.

    When she entered the house, the host was quite surprised to see her. "Wow Andrea," he said, "I didn't think you would come!"
    Funny. "Yeah, well, here I am," she said.
    "Cool!" he said putting a hand on her shoulder and escorting her into the living room. "Have a drink and there's some snacks in the kitchen."

    Snacks sounded good. She figured she could munch on them while debating whether she wanted to drink or not. An older gentleman passed in front of her to grab something from the table and Andrea had to do a double take. "Professor Rogers!?" she asked in shock. Glad I caught myself from saying DAD! "What are you doing here?"
    "Oh, Andrea," he answered, "Sometimes I like to get out and join the parties and see what the college kids are up to."
    The shades he was wearing didn't help him look any less like her dad and his muscular physique looked pretty impressive for an older guy.
    "You ok?" Lewis asked her, curious why she was staring at him.
    Immediately coming out of her thoughts, Andrea answered, "Yes, I'm fine."
    "I'm going to try doing a juice keg stand! How about you?"
    Biting her bottom lip Andrea said hesitantly, "I dunno..."
    "Well, come watch me do it then."

    It took a couple of guys to lift Lewis up, but once he was there he began gulping large amounts of "juice" from the keg. After he was done, he cried out with his fists in the air, "Woo hoo!"
    Then the host, seeing Andrea watching, shouted out, "Now it's Andrea's turn!"
    Andrea's eyes widened. Soon everyone was chanting her name. Oh gosh, why did I come here!?
    Lewis came up to Andrea and took her arm leading her to the keg. "Come on Andrea! They are waiting for you."
    Andrea wanted to pull away so badly, but another part of her wanted to show everyone that she wasn't just some anti social geek who had nothing better to do but study. Plus she was quite thirsty.
    "Fine," she said to Lewis, "lift me up!" Everyone cheered.


    The stuff tasted terrible but Andrea forced herself to drink a ton anyway. When she was done she struggled to catch a breath while everyone cheered and patted her on the back. She hated to admit it to herself, but it did feel quite exhilarating. The rest of the night went by in a blur, but once she felt okay enough to drive, she headed back to her dorm.

    While she slept a crazy image popped into her head.


    Jumping up from her bed she cried in a loud, high pitched screechy voice, "EWWW!" She ran into the bathroom, constantly splashing water on her tongue and spitting in the sink. Hunched over she slowly looked up into the mirror at herself. "Oh my gosh what happened?" she whispered to herself, but there was no doubt in her mind. She kissed Professor Lewis that night. She started to feel very sick to her stomach. Lowering her head she thought, Oh gosh. This is why drinking is very VERY BAD!

    As the weeks went by, Andrea avoided Professor Rogers as much as possible. She inadvertently ignored Daniel and after a time he just gave up on her. That darn Stephen was still blaring his workout music next door, however none of that could bother her. She had to focus on her studies since finals were approaching.


    One night, while sleeping soundly, she was interrupted by a sharp knock on her door. Jumping up and throwing a shirt on over her underwear she called out, "Just a minute." When she opened the door she saw none other than Stephen hunched over in front her, hand on the wall holding himself up and gasping for air.
    "What's wrong with you?" she asked harshly.
    Stephen took his hand off the wall and stood up straight before her. "I need your help," he said in a raspy voice.
    He wants MY help? What? To do his schoolwork for him? "Now?" she asked. "Do you know what time it is?"
    "Yes," Stephen replied with a look of pain on his face, "could you follow me for a second?"
    Trying not to roll her eyes, Andrea did so. Stephen led her into his room and closed the door.
    "What are you doing?" Andrea asked, not liking where this could be going.
    Standing before her beside his bed, Stephen said, "I don't know what's wrong? It's happened a few times lately. I've been having some intense chest pain, usually after I work out. I feel lightheaded too and I'm having trouble breathing."
    Curiously, Andrea said, "Why are you telling ME this?"
    "Because, everyone says you're taking medical classes?"
    "I need you to find out what's wrong with me."


    Andrea rubbed her neck. "Stephen, I don't think I can help you. If you feel this is serious, you should go to the ER."
    "I can't afford to go there!" Stephen cried. "Please, help me!" He rubbed at his chest. "Please," he begged again, "everyone says you gotta be the best medical student on campus with all that studying you do."
    Oh, really? That actually made Andrea feel good, but she had to focus on the task at hand. She wasn't exactly sure if she wanted to help her annoying neighbor and she was pretty sure there'd be nothing she could do for him. Still, there was something about glancing at his ripped out chest that made giving him a check up quite inviting.


    No! she yelled in her head, Get it together Andrea, c'mon! What are you going to do? Sighing she said to Stephen, "Fine. I'll check you out and see what might be wrong."

    Stephen was very appreciative.


    "Hang on a minute, I'll be right back," she said to him. She went back into her room and got her medical kit which her dad gave to her as a graduation gift. Upon returning to his room, Andrea ordered Stephen to lay down while she proceeded to check his pulse, blood pressure and heart rhythm.
    Carefully she listened and his heart didn't sound right. "I'm definitely hearing an irregular beat," she told him. "Have you been having heart palpitations?"
    "Huh?" Stephen asked.
    "Do you literally FEEL your heart pounding?"
    "Yeah...especially when I am having the chest pain."
    Andrea removed the stethoscope and wrapped it around the back of her neck. C'mon, I KNOW what this is...why can't I think of it?
    "Please don't tell me I'm having a heart attack!" Stephen panicked.
    Andrea tried not to roll her eyes. "Do you have pain in your left arm?" she asked him.
    Thinking for a second, Stephen replied, "No."
    "Then you aren't having a heart attack."
    Dropping his head back down on the pillow, Stephen let out a breath of relief. "Thank goodness! I'm WAY too young for that."
    Andrea's head stood up, like a light bulb turned on above it. Young, she thought. Now she had to ask some questions.
    "How often do you work out?" she asked Stephen.
    "Every day," Stephen answered as if that was a silly question, "ever since I was a teenager."
    "Are you an athlete?"
    "Well, yeah. Professional sports is really what I want to get into."
    "So how often has the chest pain occurred after you work out?"
    "I dunno, it's been happening recently. I think I always kind of felt it but lately it's gotten worse."
    Getting up from the bed, Andrea said, "Let me look something up and I will be back." After a few minutes she returned and found Stephen sitting up in his bed now.
    "Well," Andrea said, "I believe I know what's wrong."
    "Really? What?"
    "There's two possibilities," she began, "you could have a cardiac arrhythmia or I'm thinking more along the lines of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy."
    A worried expression appeared on Stephen's face.
    "Which," Andrea continued, "you need to get checked out before it becomes serious. I'm sorry Stephen, but you NEED to go see a doctor. Forget about the money, what's more important is your life!"
    Stephen sat in silence for a minute and then asked, "Will this affect my career aspirations?"
    "Possibly," Andrea answered suddenly feeling sad for him.
    "Do you think I should go to the ER now?"
    Andrea folded her arms and said, "Your vitals were a little erratic so yeah it might be a good idea."
    Carefully, Stephen stood up and said, "Wow. Thank you."
    "You're welcome," Andrea said with a smile, "would you like me to drive you over?"
    Nodding Stephen said, "Sure. That would be great."
    From that time on, Stephen never blared his music in his room anymore.


    Finals came and gone and Andrea was thrilled to find that she passed them all with an A and got on the Dean's List. The term was over and it was time to head home. She'd be returning after the break for a second term and wondered if she would see Daniel, Professor Rogers or Stephen again. She had to make some things right.



    Stay tuned!!

    (Oh my it is almost 1 o'clock in the morning! This was a much longer chapter than I expected it to be. ;) Hope you enjoyed Andrea's college adventure. See you back here soon!)

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    EnchantedpreyEnchantedprey Posts: 676 Member
    awesome as always :D
    Enchanting the world one moment at a time
    The Pink Plumbob Completionist Club Thread
    Why yes I do own the store!

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    Your updates are great as usual.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Thanks @EnchantedPrey and @TadOlson :)@ACB44 what have you thought of the new updates? Staying busy?
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    EnchantedpreyEnchantedprey Posts: 676 Member
    been really enjoying them and seeing some of the same sims in my game behaving totally different is fun too
    Enchanting the world one moment at a time
    The Pink Plumbob Completionist Club Thread
    Why yes I do own the store!

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    ACB44ACB44 Posts: 140 Member
    I just got sick a few days ago, so I haven't been feeling that we'll which is why I haven't been able to comment... but these updates were Great, as usual. It was great to see theveryone family united since you completed the challenge and Bronwyn giving Jenni her blessing.

    The professor being at the party was pretty hilarious LOL, but the make out between him and Andrea... that was very... what's the word... wow lol I'm interested to see if that evolves into a bigger story. I also really liked the Daniel guy, he seemed like a sweetheart.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    ACB44 wrote: »
    I just got sick a few days ago, so I haven't been feeling that we'll which is why I haven't been able to comment... but these updates were Great, as usual. It was great to see theveryone family united since you completed the challenge and Bronwyn giving Jenni her blessing.

    The professor being at the party was pretty hilarious LOL, but the make out between him and Andrea... that was very... what's the word... wow lol I'm interested to see if that evolves into a bigger story. I also really liked the Daniel guy, he seemed like a sweetheart.

    Sorry to hear you were sick @ACB44. :( No fun!

    Yeah I was excited to bring the family all together. I think the word you were searching for regarding Andrea and her drunk kiss with the professor that looks like her dad is...awkward! Horrendous, even! Lol! ;) Daniel is a good guy and I think Andrea mostly wants to make things right with HIM when she goes back. Her personality is the complete opposite of mine so I struggle not hooking her up with someone. ;) I have ALWAYS been a hopeless romantic!

    Thank you for continuing to follow and I look forward to more of your stories too! :) I can't believe how much my "what happened in your sims game today?" thread has taken off! I love it! :D
  • Options
    ACB44ACB44 Posts: 140 Member
    I was just thinking that! So many threada come and go and for a minute there were only a good 5 simmers who regularly posted and now, we have so many! I hope it's OK to say we... I just feel like that thread is our little simmer community lol
  • Options
    EnchantedpreyEnchantedprey Posts: 676 Member
    @emorrill @acb44 I agree we are all friends and a good group :heart: I love to socialize with ya :D
    Enchanting the world one moment at a time
    The Pink Plumbob Completionist Club Thread
    Why yes I do own the store!

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    @emorrill @acb44 I agree we are all friends and a good group :heart: I love to socialize with ya :D

    ^^Same here @EnchantedPrey :)

    I'm hoping my story thread can take off. I'm thinking of transferring it to a blog as well as any others I write on here.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Oh, hee hee!
    Here's another song for you @ACB44 (and the rest of you ;) ). I love music and I always relate life (and the lives of my sim stories) to songs. :)
    You all are probably thinking, "Poor Daniel..." since Andrea inadvertently gave him the shaft, but here's a song explaining how he feels. ;) Enjoy! Do any of you remember this song??

    More story coming tonight!!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    edited February 2015
    Chapter 24

    Meanwhile, during Andrea's first semester at college, at the Michael Holland homestead:

    Michael's medical practice was picking up right where it left off. Along with having clinical privileges at the Hospital, he had become a member of the Board of Trustee's there and recently became the Chief of Staff. Life was getting busier than he ever remembered, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

    Jenni loved being a stay at home mom and the kids loved having her there to greet them when they came home from school. She enjoyed getting to know Molly better and helping her take care of Shawn. Her favorite thing to do was attack Shawn with "The Claw!"


    Tay headed off to college a couple of months ago and while it was a struggle to see him go, Molly made the best of it and kept in constant contact with him. She would call, text, and skype with him, mostly so he could converse with Shawn and see how quickly he was growing. The excitement Shawn exhibited when seeing his daddy on the computer screen just warmed Molly's heart.

    Sue was growing up fast too and turned into a beautiful young lady. Now a teenager, she has already started to give her parents a little bit of grief.


    Michael couldn't get over how much she looks like her mother and couldn't stop expressing that to Sue either. It did start to get annoying for Sue after a while, especially when he would bring that up whenever she would talk about guys. "Being as pretty as your mom," he would say, "those young men are going to come knocking and they better have good intentions or they will have to deal with me!" Usually Sue would just roll her eyes at him. There was one guy she really had her eyes on and his name was Jarrett. The two usually hung out with a group of friends at school and afterward by the theater. Sue hoped Jarrett would ask her on a single date sometime, but if he didn't she wasn't going to hesitate asking him out.

    Tristan was staying focused on his school studies and even going on a few group dates. The girls he dated were really nice and had things in common with him, but for some reason, he just didn't feel that "click." There was always one girl in particular who would often pop into his mind, but usually he would just shrug it off because she was more like family now. Emerald Greenwood, Jade's younger sister. They were best friends as kids and Tristan would be the first to admit he had a little crush on her, but ever since Jade and Derrick got married and with Emerald always being present at the family activities, he worried Emerald thought of him just as a brother now. Tristan hated that...he thought he had accepted the way things were but, whenever he would see her face glowing in the sunlight, her smile lifting his spirits, her funny personality and the way he would get goosebumps whenever they would chat and hang out at the family get togethers, he found that he was falling in love with her. No matter what he did to push his feelings aside, nothing could keep them from coming back. He decided to ask his dad for some advice on the matter.

    He caught his dad in the hallway one morning a few minutes before Michael was headed off to work and asked, "Dad? Could I talk to you for a second?"
    Michael was just about to head down the stairs, but said, "Sure," and stepped closer toward him. "What's up son?"
    "Well," Tristan began, running his fingers through his hair nervously, "I sort of...have a conflict going on and...I wanted to ask for your advice on what to do about it."


    "Alright," Michael said feeling a hint of concern.
    Tristan wasn't really sure how to begin. "Well," he said, "there's this girl, who I've liked for a really long time, but...since we've both kind of moved on, for some reason she keeps coming back into my mind. Once she does, I can't stop thinking about her. I want to but I'm not sure if I could pursue a relationship with her."
    Curiously Michael asked, "Why not? Would Jenni and I not approve?" He winked at him.
    "No," Tristan said, "you both would probably approve but, I'm just afraid that if I told her how I really feel and she doesn't feel the same way, then things would be forever awkward between us because...we see each other all the time."
    Michael felt a little confused. Before he could advise his son any further he had to ask, "Who is the girl you are referring to?"
    Tristan hesitated for a bit. "Emerald," he said.
    Then Michael did something Tristan wasn't expecting. He smiled. It all made sense now.
    Coming out of his thoughts, Michael said, "You and Emerald...that would be wonderful."
    "It would be!" Tristan nearly shouted out, "but dad, I feel like she looks at me like a brother now. Sure we're best friends and have loads of fun hanging out, but I'm scared that if I tell her how I feel she won't feel the same way and not want to be around me. I don't want awkward feelings for years on end at family get togethers."
    Michael could certainly understand that and it was a bit of a conflict. The only thing he could think to say to his son was, "Tristan, in situations like this, you gotta take a risk. If not, you're gonna spend the rest of you life thinking, 'What if?'"
    Tristan pursed his lips nodding. He didn't think of that and knew his dad was right. However, he still had some doubt.
    "But, what about all those awkward feelings that might come?"
    "Son," Michael said, placing his hand on Tristan's shoulder, "the awkward feelings will pass, but the question of 'What If' will never go away. You don't want to live with regret."
    Tristan nodded and gave his dad a hug saying, "Thanks." He knew what he needed to do.


    One late afternoon, Tristan couldn't it hold back any longer. He daringly approached the Greenwood's front door.


    "Oh Hi Tristan," Emerald's father greeted. "Come on in!"
    Slowly, Tristan stepped inside and waited for Emerald's father to close the door. "Is Emerald here?" He asked.
    "She sure is. Let me run upstairs and get her."
    Tristan held his hands behind his back and rocked on his heels waiting, all the while giving himself a pep talk.
    "Hi Tristan," Emerald's mom waved from the kitchen.
    "Hello Mrs. Greenwood," he waved in return.
    Emerald came down the stairs with her father and when Tristan saw her, he couldn't help thinking how cute she looked.
    "Tristan?" Emerald said, looking at him questionably, "are you taking me somewhere?"
    Tristan wasn't sure what she meant by that until he looked down and remembered he was wearing his formal attire. "Oh," he said, "I had a meeting after school and...they wanted us to come nicely dressed."
    Smiling, trying to hide a giggle, Emerald said, "Indeed. Well, you look very nice."
    Tristan blushed. "Thanks," he said, rubbing his neck. "So, could I talk to you outside for a minute?"
    "Sure," Emerald said.

    They went out onto the front porch and saw that the sun had almost completely set. The rays of light behind the clouds on the horizon were breathtaking.
    "Everything okay?" Emerald asked Tristan.
    Taking a deep breath Tristan replied, "Yeah," as he sat down on the deck floor. Emerald joined him.
    "You seem troubled," she said.
    Tristan cracked a smile, thinking how funny it was that she would say that. "Well...I am," he admitted.
    In concern, Emerald inched closer to him. "What is it?"
    Ok, Tristan thought, here it goes. He looked down at his fingernails and began picking at the dry skin around them. "We've been friends for a long time," he began, "and...did any of that change when our siblings got married?"
    Taken aback, Emerald chuckled and said, "Changed? Of course not Tristan! If anything I think we have become better friends because of it."
    Leaning over, trying to look into his eyes Emerald continued, "Have I caused you to feel differently? If so, I really didn't mean to." She frowned.
    Then Tristan looked at her. "It's not that," he said, "I was just hoping you didn't all of the sudden look at me as a brother now or something."
    Laughing Emerald said, "No! I mean, it does kinda feel like we are family now're certainly not my brother."
    That gave Tristan a feeling of hope. He let out a small breath of relief.
    Trying to look into his eyes again, Emerald asked, "Why were you so worried about that?"
    Tristan could feel the sweat appearing on his brow. Ok, NOW is the moment! "I dunno," he responded, "I just didn't want it to feel weird if I ever wanted to ask you out or...something." Now he looked away timidly.
    Dumbfounded, Emerald looked away too. She wasn't sure what to think, but one thing was certain...she wasn't bothered by it.
    The silence grew too awkward so Tristan thought, Oh to HECK with words, and he placed his hand on hers.


    In that moment, Emerald felt her heart skip a beat. A million thoughts ran through her head within seconds, but one stood out prominently. Wow. This is Tristan. Why does this not feel weird? She could sense Tristan looking at her so she turned her head to face him. He was smiling, which in turn made her smile.


    "You want to look at the stars together?" Tristan asked. He hoped that wasn't a silly question.
    Giggling, Emerald said. "Sure."
    They scooted closer to each other and gazed up into the early night sky.


    "I think it's a little too early to see any stars," Emerald said with a grin.
    It was, but Tristan wanted to keep the moment going. "Nah, I can see a bright one right over there," he said pointing.


    "That's probably a planet," Emerald said.
    "Yeah," Tristan agreed, "probably."

    For a while they giggled and chatted about all sorts of different things, until Emerald's dad told her to come in for dinner.


    Emerald didn't want Tristan to go, so as they stood up she asked her Dad, "Could Tristan join us for dinner?" Then she turned to Tristan, "If that's okay with you?"
    "I think so," Tristan said smiling, "I'll just text my dad and let him know I'm here."
    He will understand.


    To be continued...

    Ok, so this song is totally in my head right now after writing that scene:

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