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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited May 2017
    Chapter 18

    A few months passed and Molly's baby was due to come any day now. Since things were getting better with her and Tay, she decided and felt right about keeping the child. Her family supported her wholeheartedly with that decision. One thing she and Tay very much had in common is that they were Family Oriented people. Molly always dreamed of being a mother and that dream was about to come true. Tay never gave his parents any information on Molly and the baby, but word somehow leaked out around town that she was keeping the baby and they weren't happy about it. They still didn't realize just how much visiting and contact Tay was having with her. When asked by his parents how he felt about Molly keeping the baby, Tay simply said, "I think it's wonderful." He wanted to add that he would be there for her and the baby as much as possible, but he knew that would make them even more upset. There was still the threat from his parents that they would disown him if he married her, but Tay wasn't going to worry about that right now. For the time being, he just wanted to make sure he was ready to be THERE for Molly when she delivered, no matter WHAT he had to do!

    As for the rest of the Holland Family, Derrick had become a firefighter and while Jade was a little nervous about him being in that profession she knew it's what he always wanted and gave him her full support. Bailey was moving up in the ranks with her Journalism career and has started looking for her own place to live. Andrea was keeping her grades up so she could get some great scholarships to Sims University. Her interest in Thomas Castor was fading away, especially since he was dating someone else. Tristan was getting good grades as well and turning into a bright young lad. He still wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life, but there was still time to figure that out. During his downtime, he would go and play with Belinda at her house or she would come to his. The others in the household still couldn't believe that Belinda was his old Imaginary Friend, but Tristan assured them that the potion REALLY worked and what really started to freak them out was when Belinda would tell them about old events in their lives from the past! There was no way she could've known those things without having been...a part of the family. For once Tristan could see in their eyes that they were starting to believe him and it was such a relief!

    Ever since Jade joined the family, Tristan discovered that he likes the way she reads bedtime stories better than anyone else in the house. So every night at Tristan's bedtime, Jade knows exactly what she needs to do.


    One night, around 1 am, Molly woke up suddenly feeling some intense cramps. The baby was a few days late from it's due date and honestly she hoped this was the time for it to come. I am SO done being pregnant! She didn't feel any wetness on her bed, so her water hadn't broken yet. "Ugh!" she grumbled upon realizing that and from the pain. She carefully sat up and placed her feet down on the floor, sitting on the edge of the bed. She pushed her hands down on her thighs to support her weight and began practicing those breathing techniques Michael taught her. Andrea, when feeling the bunk bed moving a bit, rolled over and looked down on her. "Are you ok?" she asked Molly, "is the baby coming?"
    That last question seemed to wake Bailey right up.
    "I don't know," Molly answered, "I've never done this before ya know."
    Andrea immediately got up and climbed down the ladder. Bailey had gotten up too and yawned while standing there listening to her sisters converse.
    When Andrea sat down beside Molly she asked, "How far apart are your contractions?"
    "I don't know!" Molly cried, "I haven't been keeping track. I just woke up from the pain and sat up."
    "Should I get dad?" Bailey asked.
    "That might be a good idea," Andrea responded for Molly, then she turned back to her 2nd oldest sister. "We need to monitor your contractions so we can determine if you are going into labor."
    This feels weird! Molly thought. A double dose of family members playing doctor on me! She lifted herself from the bed and stretched a little. The pain had subsided, which she had attributed to her breathing. "Oh, that feels better," she said to Andrea.
    Michael entered the room at a quick pace and upon seeing Molly standing there he asked, "Are you alright?"
    "Yes, dad," she said irritably, "The pain is gone. I just needed to stand up and stretch."
    "For now..." Andrea said under her breath.
    "Can you describe to me what that pain felt like?" Michael asked her.
    Molly described it as best she could.
    "Sounds like a contraction!" Andrea nearly shouted out.
    Molly rolled her eyes. "Ok Andrea, we get it!"
    "Just relax," Michael said to Molly.
    But this wasn't a good time to relax, the pain was coming back again and it felt worse then before. "Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh," Molly cried holding her belly.


    Michael immediately came to her side and Andrea stood up to help her back down onto the bed.
    "Andrea," Michael addressed, "time this will you?"
    Andrea nodded. Fortunately she slept with her watch on.
    "Ok," he said to Molly, holding her hand, "just breathe like I taught you."
    Molly tried to breathe but this pain felt worse than any pain she ever remembered enduring. Oh gosh, and then there is the actual BIRTH! She started to panic, breathing more heavily. "Dad," she said, taking his other hand, "I'm so scared! This is it isn't it?"
    "It's ok," he calmed her, "I'm here for you. We're going to figure that out. Just breathe."
    "One minute," Andrea said and after that Molly noticed the pain subside again. That felt like the longest minute of my LIFE!
    Seeing the relief on Molly's face, Michael gently pushed her down on the bed. "You should lie down," he said, then he addressed Andrea, "I want you to time it again until her next contraction."
    "Got it dad," Andrea said confidently.
    "Til my next one!?" Molly cried out, "how many more of those am I supposed to go through!?"
    Bailey chuckled in the distance.
    "Honey, we need to see how far apart your contractions are so we can know if it's time to take you to the Hospital," Michael answered.
    "And if they are 5 minutes apart during an hour," Andrea added, keeping track of the time, "that would be roughly twelve contractions."
    "TWELVE!?" Molly shouted out, "Oh gosh!"
    Michael shot Andrea a look to quit speaking and then he said, "Well, there is a quicker way to determine if you are in labor."
    "What is that?" Molly asked without hesitation.
    "Well," Michael began scratching his head, "I want to check your blood pressure first to be on the safe side, but the quickest way is for me to have a look down there and see how dilated you are."
    Molly gaped and Bailey covered her mouth laughing.
    "NO!" Molly cried feeling mortified.
    "If it makes you feel any better, I could!" Andrea piped up.
    "No and NO!" Molly answered her sharply. Then she rested the back of her hand on her forehead. "Oh dear," she moaned.
    "I'll go get my blood pressure cuff then," Michael said as he exited the room.
    Bailey couldn't stop chuckling in the distance. "You know Molly," she said, "I really don't blame you with that one!"

    After Michael returned and checked Molly's blood pressure he said to her, "It's normal for now, but in about a half hour I'll want to check it again."
    Molly nodded, acknowledging, with her eyes closed. There was silence for a few moments and then Molly began to cry.
    "Hey," Michael said, stroking her cheek, "It's going to be ok sweetheart."
    Shaking her head Molly said, "I don't know dad. I'm so scared. I've never been in this kind of pain before and once the baby comes my life will be forever changed and I don't know if I'm ready for it!" She sniffed and pulled the covers over her face.
    Bailey and Andrea frowned upon hearing that. They just couldn't imagine.
    Michael felt sorrow for his daughter, but he had to stay strong to help her through it. He gently removed the covers from her face and kissed her forehead. "You've already done an amazing job handling this," he said to her, "I know you're scared and it's perfectly normal. Every new experience will cause you to feel that way. I can promise you though, that once you endure the labor and look into that baby's eyes, you'll feel a love so deep that you will do ANYTHING for that child and it is that love that will give you strength."
    Molly smiled at her dad and whispered, "Thank you," then she gripped his hand tightly as another contraction came along.
    "How much time in between, Andrea?" Michael asked.
    "A little over 6 minutes," answered Andrea.
    This may well be it, Michael thought. I'm going to be a grandpa...


    Molly's contractions stayed at 6 minutes apart for about an hour and Michael decided it was time to take her to the Hospital.


    Molly texted Tay in the car on the way over, but didn't hear anything back once they got her into labor and delivery. He must be asleep, she thought and proceeded to call him.
    "Hello?" asked a weary Tay on the other end.
    "Tay!" Molly cried, "I'm here at the hospital. I'm in labor!"
    Tay shot up from his bed and looked at the clock. It said 2:08. It had to be THIS early in the morning didn't it? He thought.
    "Can you be here? Do you think you can sneak out?"
    Tay sighed, "I'm pretty sure. I'll get there as soon as I can!"
    "Please hurry," Molly begged.

    While she and Michael waited for Tay, the OB examined Molly and said she was dilated to a six. The contractions were becoming more and more intense and Molly just couldn't handle it anymore. She asked for an epidural. To her surprise it was administered rather quickly. The relief that came from getting it felt SO good! When Michael asked what her pain level was now she frankly answered, "Zero!" That made Michael chuckle. Molly closed her eyes relaxing for a few minutes, not even feeling the contraction she was having.
    "Uhh Molly," she heard her father say, "I think your water just broke."
    Molly's eyes shot open and she sat up to survey the lower part of the bed. Yup, it looked soaked but she was amazed she didn't feel it right away. Michael knew how to call the OB back in so he proceeded to do so. Once he did that he stepped closer to Molly and asked her, "Are you ready for this?"


    "I think so," Molly answered nervously, "but where is Tay?"


    It was a quick delivery after that. Tay actually made it over as soon as Molly was giving the final push. The baby cried out as the OB lifted it up and handed it to the nurses. "It's a boy!" he said enthusiastically.
    Tay smiled and about jumped for joy as he gave Molly a hug. A boy, he thought, so awesome! Michael went over and kissed Molly's head. "You did great!" he said.
    "Dad?" Molly addressed wearily, "promise not to hold him before I do?"
    Chuckling Michael said, "I promise." It sure was tempting though, seeing that cute little baby who was his first grandson.
    The baby was brought back immediately to Molly and rested on her chest. Tay smiled brightly as he looked down on his son. He kissed the top of his head and said, "Hey little guy. Welcome to the world." That really touched Molly's heart and she in turn kissed her son. The two of them decided to name him Shawn.

    Molly stayed in the hospital that night and when she awoke in the morning, she was happy to find Shawn laying in the rolling bassinet next to her bed. He was sleeping, but she couldn't help picking him up and snuggling him.


    "I love you," she whispered to him. "I promise I will do my best to care for you."


    Leaving the Hospital that afternoon, Molly grew nervous. Her life would never be the same again.


    (Well, that is the END of the challenge folks. :) It would end either when Michael got his first grandchild or when he raises all 5 kids to adulthood. I knew the grandchild one would come first. ;) To be honest, I didn't think about how getting Molly pregnant would cause the challenge to end. I was originally planning to have Derrick and Jade give Michael his first grandchild, but...I like the way this turned out.

    So, I imagine you guys want me to continue writing the story??? ;) There's still the decision Tay is going to make between his parents or his family, Michael and Jenni getting married, Bailey's personal life once she moves out, Andrea going to college and other family milestones. Let me know. ;) And thank you all SO much for your support and encouraging words! <3 I honestly thought I wouldn't be able to start writing again until my daughter was MUCH older! This has been so much fun and exciting for me!)

    Post edited by emorrill on
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    LaBlue0314LaBlue0314 Posts: 17,438 Member
    Yes please continue the story. :D
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    EnchantedpreyEnchantedprey Posts: 676 Member
    YES most definitely continue, really am as hooked as a good television show to be honest.
    Enchanting the world one moment at a time
    The Pink Plumbob Completionist Club Thread
    Why yes I do own the store!

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    It's a great idea to continue their story even though the challenge is over.I'll be going back to my legacies after I've installed Into The Future and Master Suite Stuff.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    YES most definitely continue, really am as hooked as a good television show to be honest.

    Awww, thanks @EnchantedPrey . :) Hope it doesn't sound too much like a soap opera ;). lol

    Thank you too @Lablue0314 and @TadOlson :) Thank you all for following! I'll be writing more tonight.
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    @emorrill , If you play with Nraas mods you can have almost as many sims as you want in your household... maybe a way to get Belinda back! :)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    jillbg wrote: »
    @emorrill , If you play with Nraas mods you can have almost as many sims as you want in your household... maybe a way to get Belinda back! :)

    I do play with NRaas mods. I just don't think I could handle playing more than 8 sims at a time. Lol! Thank you though. :)
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    ACB44ACB44 Posts: 140 Member
    Definitely continue the story if you want! If not, you should start another challenge/story for sure! ... it wouldn't be fair to get us hooked and then leave us out to dry now would it? LOL
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    ACB44 wrote: »
    Definitely continue the story if you want! If not, you should start another challenge/story for sure! ... it wouldn't be fair to get us hooked and then leave us out to dry now would it? LOL

    @ACB44 Absolutely! I wouldn't want to do that to my fans. :) I can't stop writing it anyway. I LOVE the Holland family!! I'm excited to write more tonight.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited May 2017
    Chapter 19

    The Holland family had grown to become quite the full household!


    But not for much longer. A few weeks after Shawn was born, Bailey found a place to live on her own. It was a good little starter home located across town in a quiet community.


    Everyone was sad to see her go, even though she'd still be in the same town. It was almost like the end of an era. Tears came to Michael's eyes as he hugged her goodbye. He didn't mean for that to happen, but he was just so emotional over the fact that his babies were growing up. Time has gone by WAY too quickly, he sadly thought to himself.

    As time went by, Molly was getting more and more used to her new life with her son.


    And Michael was very much enjoying his first grandbaby.


    Derrick's first day of work as a firefighter turned out to be quite interesting.


    It turns out that Jenni's father was a firefighter as well. While Derrick was maintaining the fire truck he heard a voice say, "Hey you! Holland kid! Come over here."
    Derrick turned to where he heard the voice, wondering who it was. Kid? He thought to himself. He found the voice came from quite an older gentleman who honestly caused him to wonder why he was still working there. "Yes, sir?" he answered the old man, going towards him.
    The old man smiled. "I knew you were a Holland. You look just like your dad!"
    Ok? Derrick scratched his head and said, "Yeah, I get that a lot."
    The old man put out his hand and said, "I'm Jenni's father, Lenny. And you're Derrick I presume?"
    "Oh wow, Yes!" Derrick said in surprise, shaking his hand. "what a coincidence! It's very nice to meet you sir."


    "Same to you," Lenny said. "I just have to say your father is such a good man. The way he has treated my granddaughter like one of his own and is always there for Ken, I couldn't have asked for a better man for my daughter."


    Smiling Derrick said, "Yeah, he's a pretty amazing dad."
    "I think I can expect great things from you," Lenny said with a wink.
    Derrick tried to look confident. "Well, I'll do the best I can!"
    "I don't doubt it for a second."


    Now that Bailey had moved out of the house, the two younger girls decided it was time to get rid of the bunk bed and rearrange their room, especially to fit Shawn and his crib. This is how it looked before:


    And after:


    Molly had been worried for the past few days because she didn't see or hear from Tay at all. She even tried calling and there would be no answer. She didn't dare go to his house for fear of his parents.
    "His phone probably broke or something," Andrea said, trying to offer comfort.
    "But then he would come over and tell me that!" Molly shot back. "Something is wrong...I can just feel it." She said many silent prayers in his behalf hoping that he was ok.

    A couple of days later, around 7 pm, the doorbell rang. Molly was the only one answering the door these days for obvious reasons. When she saw who it was, she immediately jumped into his arms. "Oh my gosh Tay! Where have you been!?"


    She pulled him into the house and waited for him to answer. When the others saw who it was, they were relieved and kept their distance from the couple to give them some privacy.

    "I'm so sorry I haven't returned your calls or come to visit you and Shawn," Tay said.
    Molly slapped his arm. "Darn right you better be!" she said, "you've had me worried sick!"
    "I'm sorry," Tay said again, lowering his head, "a lot has been going on the past few days."
    "Please, tell me about it!"
    Tay sighed and there were a few moments of silence.
    "I did it Molly," he simply said.
    "Did what?" Molly asked in concern. She couldn't control her worrying right now.
    Looking into her eyes, Tay replied, "I stood up to my parents."
    Molly gaped, her worries drifting away. She covered her mouth and asked, "Oh Tay, what happened? Did they disown you?"
    "Yes," Tay said sadly, "but I had to do it. Ever since I saw you holding Shawn right after he was born and when his eyes met mine, I knew what I had to do. I HAD to be a father to him! He is my son and I could never live with myself if I abandoned him or you, just because of my parents."
    Molly began to weep.
    "I told my parents how I feel and after that I've finally really come to the realization that there is something wrong with them. I expected better from them, but they are dead set on not accepting you or Shawn as family."
    Molly frowned. She h-a-t-e-d that it had to be this way, but she was just so overjoyed that Tay FINALLY stood up to them!
    "And after they kicked me out of the house," Tay continued, "I wandered around town for a few days, even slept on the park bench, trying to figure out what to do so that I could provide for you and Shawn. I still don't have it all figured out, but I think I have a good plan."
    "Oh Tay!" Molly cried laying an intense, emotional kiss on him.


    "I'm SO proud of you! Thank you!"
    "Of course!" Tay said taking her hand and gazing into her eyes. "I love you. I really do."
    Smiling brightly, Molly kissed him again. "I love you too," she whispered.
    After a few tender moments together, Molly asked him, "So what is your plan?" Then she immediately thought about how he was homeless. "Oh my goodness do you have a place to live? I wish you could live here with us!"
    "As a matter of fact, I do," Tay replied, "My friend's family has taken me in. His dad works at a car shop and he hired me on to work part time after school."
    "Yeah, and so I have decided to save up as much money as I can so I can help take care of Shawn and buy a house of our own someday."
    Molly blushed.
    "Sure working in a car shop was never my dream job," Tay continued, "and I would've LOVED to go to college so I could get a degree and earn more money but...this will have to do. I won't let you and Shawn down Molly!"
    Molly then gave him a big hug and squeezed him tightly. She couldn't believe this was actually happening. She was SO happy!

    Over in the living room, beside the arch, Michael was listening to their conversation. A thought came to him, in fact it came numerous times during their conversation, but he couldn't shrug it off any longer. He slowly walked into the foyer where the two were conversing and said, "I'm glad to see you're ok Tay."
    Molly let go of Tay to allow him to turn and look at her dad. "Yes sir," he said. "I didn't mean to cause you all worry. I finally stood up to my parents and they kicked me I needed some alone time to think things over."
    "I know," Michael said.
    "Dad were you listening?" Molly asked in a teasing tone.
    "Kinda sorta," Michael answered with a smile. "Anyway, Tay, could I talk to you alone in private?"
    Dumbfounded, Tay looked at Molly and then looked back at her father. "Sure," he said nervously.
    Michael then called out to everyone hanging out in the dining room and kitchen. "I want you all to go up to bed," he said, "you too Molly."
    With a curious look on her face, Molly didn't know what exactly was going to happen, but she did what he said.
    Derrick and Jade didn't think that call applied to them, but Molly approached them and said, "Dad wants to talk to Tay alone so... that means ALL of us need to head upstairs."

    Michael led Tay into the living room near the fireplace. When he was sure everyone was upstairs, he clasped his hands behind his back and looked Tay in the eye.
    "So you're serious about what you said back there?" he asked.
    Tay felt like he was being interrogated. "Yes, sir," he said gulping. "I really meant it."
    "You still going to graduate from High School?"
    "Yes, sir. My friend's dad said he would hire me on full time then."
    Michael bit his bottom lip for a second and said, "I see." Then he paced in front of the fireplace a couple of times.
    Tay grew nervous, he could even feel sweat forming on his brow. "Dr. Holland," he began, "I know I've been a little bit of a flake before, but...I've changed. I PROMISE I will be there for your daughter and my son. I won't ever abandon them!"
    "I'm not worried about that Tay," Michael said, stopping, "I trust your word."
    Tay let out a breath of relief.
    Upon noticing that, Michael chuckled a little. "Relax son," he said. Then he came closer to Tay and clasped his hands behind his back again. "I know you will always be there for my daughter and provide for her, but we both know that working in a car shop is not what you really want to do is it?"
    Tay couldn't understand why he was asking him this, but he lowered his head and admitted, "Yes, sir. But what else can I do? Without my parents paying for my college like they originally would, there's no way I could make enough to go. I just have to accept things the way they are and do the best I can."
    Michael paused. "I admire you for that," he said, "however I wouldn't want you living out your life with my daughter and your son with regret."
    Tay studied Michael's face carefully. What is he trying to say?
    "So," Michael continued, "I have a proposition for you."
    Tay's eyebrow raised. "Yes sir?"
    "How about I pay for your college and in return you come back and marry my daughter?"
    Tay gaped! He was frozen there for a couple of seconds. "Oh, Dr. Holland, sir," he struggled to say, "I...I can't accept that. I mean, I WANT to, but that's a whole lot..."
    "Tay," Michael interrupted, "I'm serious. You name the college you want to go to and it'll be done."
    Tay looked down, trying to hold the tears back. He was so overcome with emotion he didn't know what to say. No one had ever offered him such a generous gift before.
    Michael stepped closer and placed his hand on Tay's shoulder. "You keep your grades up and work hard in school," he said, "then when you graduate we can figure everything out."
    Wiping a tear from his eye, Tay finally managed to look back up at him. "You don't much this means to me sir," he sniffed. "I'll do whatever you say."
    Michael smiled and patted him on the back. "I'm happy to help," he said, "and I thank you for all that you have done for my Molly."
    Tay managed a smile.
    "So do we have a deal?"
    With his overwhelming emotions Tay was crying now. Sniffling he replied, "Yes sir!"
    Then Michael gave him a hug instead of a handshake. "You're a good boy," he said. "I'm proud of you."
    Tay held Michael tight and cried, "Thank you Dr. Holland! Thank you!"


    "Please," Michael said letting go of him, "call me Michael."
    Tay chuckled and said, "Yes, sir," with a smile.

    (Whew...gotten a little teary-eyed myself there...)

    Stay tuned! :)

    Post edited by emorrill on
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    EnchantedpreyEnchantedprey Posts: 676 Member
    awe Michael is such a good man wow to pay for his soninlaws schooling that is amazing
    Enchanting the world one moment at a time
    The Pink Plumbob Completionist Club Thread
    Why yes I do own the store!

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    awe Michael is such a good man wow to pay for his soninlaws schooling that is amazing

    @EnchantedPrey He was a doctor, he can afford it. ;) Lol!

    But seriously, I have witnessed a few great men in my life who have done things like that for others. It's so heartwarming. It reminds me that even in a world of chaos, there is still a lot of good out there. :)
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    EnchantedpreyEnchantedprey Posts: 676 Member
    @emorrill‌ I sometimes forget about those types of good people, my parents where the type to disown me for marrying my husband and father of my children
    Enchanting the world one moment at a time
    The Pink Plumbob Completionist Club Thread
    Why yes I do own the store!

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    LaBlue0314LaBlue0314 Posts: 17,438 Member
    @emorrill‌ I sometimes forget about those types of good people, my parents where the type to disown me for marrying my husband and father of my children

    The same here, mine disowned me, not for the same reason as you, but for something very petty. I haven't spoken to either of them in almost 15 years now. I love hearing and reading things like how Michael is helping his future son-in-law.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    It's great for Tay to have stood up to his "parents" and is seems like he wanted to disown them.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @emorrill‌ I sometimes forget about those types of good people, my parents where the type to disown me for marrying my husband and father of my children

    I'm sorry to hear that @EnchantedPrey and @LaBlue0314 :( I couldn't imagine how hard that must have been. I think I can understand why you were rooting for Tay to step up and do the right thing. ;)

    Ok, did any of you cry when reading the last part of that chapter? I TOTALLY did and I'm the one writing it! Lol! ;)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited May 2017
    Chapter 20

    After 6 LONG months, Jenni returned home from her trip overseas and Michael was THRILLED! He missed her SO much! The long distance contact was never enough to satisfy. He missed talking with her, hugging and kissing her and being intimate. Since getting engaged it seemed like those desires were even more intense! She returned home yesterday morning and was super exhausted from jet lag so Michael of course let her sleep for the day. However tonight, he was going to take her out and make the evening something special. He just couldn't WAIT to marry her any longer!

    When he arrived at her home to pick her up for their date, he couldn't keep his hands off her. Passionately making out they expressed how much they missed each other and how they never wanted to be apart from each other that long again. Once they had calmed down a bit, Michael opened the car door for her and took her out to a romantic dinner at the Bistro. Jenni told Michael more details about her trip and Michael told her all about Derrick and Jade's wedding and Molly having a baby. She was sad she missed those events. "I want to meet that grandchild of yours!" she expressed excitedly to him, "do you feel old?"
    Michael smiled, "Sometimes," he replied, "but I still feel young even at 47."
    Jenni bit her bottom lip, while looking at him seductively. "47 never looked so good on you."
    Returning a seductive look Michael said, "Oh you haven't see what else looks good on me."
    Jenni grinned brightly, as well as Michael.


    After dinner, Michael took Jenni back to his house. As they walked up the front steps, Jenni suddenly stopped him. "Wait!" she said, "Are you sure we want to be coming back here with all the kids at home?"
    "Relax," Michael said, knowing what she was thinking. "I had Derrick and Jade take them all out to a movie and then ice cream afterward so we are good."
    "Oh," Jenni said romantically.

    Michael held her hand as they walked up the stairs together and entered his room. Now it was Jenni who really couldn't control herself any more. She pulled him close to her and began kissing him passionately. Michael certainly loved it, but he gently pushed her back mid kiss and said, "Hey, hey. There's something I want to show you."
    "Awww!" Jenni whined.
    "Trust me, you're gonna like it."
    Reluctantly, Jenni let go of him and said, "Ok."
    "Alright, close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to ok?"
    Closing her eyes Jenni said, "Ok." She could hear Michael fumbling around in the closet, which made her all the more excited. She anxiously awaited what he had in store for her.
    Once she could feel his presence in front of her again she heard him say, "Ok, open your eyes."
    Slowly Jenni opened them and when she saw how he looked in front of her she chuckled in surprise. With a huge grin Michael said, "What do you think of THIS?"


    Still giggling, Jenni nearly cried out, "I can't believe you remembered!"
    "Well, of course," Michael said smiling, "this night is all about you, but it wasn't what you expected was it?"
    Laughing now, Jenni answered, "Not exactly, but...even though it's silly, you just did the sweetest thing in the world!"
    Michael inched closer to her and they gazed deeply into each others eyes.


    "For you Jenni," he began, "I will do anything." Seeing her smile, he enveloped her in his arms and kissed her.


    "Oh Michael," Jenni whispered, touching noses with him. "I never thought I would be in a place like this...not after all the mistakes I've made in my life. I feel like I don't deserve someone as wonderful as you."
    Stroking her cheek Michael said, "You deserve this just as much as anyone else. I've never judged you for anything you did in the past and honestly, I never think about it. The past is in the past." He took both her hands and continued, "I love you Jenni. You complete me. I never thought I'd find another soul mate after Bronwyn...but I did. And I'm so grateful that I did. I don't know how I could've gotten through everything with my kids without you Jenni. I love you SO much and I can't WAIT to spend the rest of my life with you!"
    With tears in Jenni's eyes, they kissed again. "I love you too," Jenni whispered, "oh I really love you!"
    After a few moments of kissing, Jenni took Michael's hands again and, "You know, while you look darn 🐸🐸🐸🐸-y wearing that thing, it just seems weird to me."


    Taken aback Michael asked, "Why do you say that?"
    "Well, because in these last few years I've known you you've never been a doctor to me. You've been a loving father and...a Bookstore salesman." She laughed.
    Michael laughed too. "Well," he said, "not anymore. After we get married, I am opening up my practice again."
    Jenni covered her mouth in surprise and asked, "Really!?"
    "Heck yeah!" Michael responded, "I hated that job at the bookstore." Then he paused for a second and corrected himself. "Well, I didn't hate it can't imagine how much I missed seeing my patients and taking care of them. Being a doctor has always been my dream since I was a little boy, it pained me to leave that world behind after Bronwyn died. But now, the kids are older and I finally feel like I am in a place to start being a doctor again!"
    Jenni smiled and said, "I think that's wonderful Doctor Holland and you have my full support." Then after saying that and checking him out again wearing that white coat, the heated, passionate emotions came flooding back. "Now...COME HERE YOU!" she ordered, pulling him toward her.


    They vigorously kissed again. "Now," Jenni said, pushing him onto the bed, "wasn't there something else we planned on doing this evening?"
    With no argument from him, Michael kissed her again and answered, "Oh yes!"


    To be continued...

    Post edited by emorrill on
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited May 2017
    Ok, ADMIT IT! Some of you thought something k-i-n-k-y was going to happen when Michael asked Jenni to close her eyes, Right? ;) Lol!
    I sure can't write about that stuff in this type of forum. :p

    I gotta admit, there is something about a man in uniform AND in a white coat that is just darn 🐸🐸🐸🐸-Y!!! <3


    ^^In this pic I made Michael quit his job at the bookstore. He did it gladly! ;)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited May 2017
    Continuation of Chapter 20:

    With Michael and Jenni's wedding only being a week away, all the last minute plans were finalized in a rush. There was still some discussion on where the wedding would take place. Michael thought it would be nice to get married on his back porch like Derrick and Jade did, but Jenni feared there wouldn't be enough room for all the guests. She thought a nice place to get married would be at the old amphitheater, with built in seating and beautiful views! Michael had to think about it for a few days, but remembered it's always best to allow what the bride wants on her wedding day. So he called Jenni and agreed that the amphitheater would be a wonderful place to get married.

    One night while chatting on the phone with Jenni, Jenni suggested to Michael that he should have a bachelor party.

    (That should say "we" instead of "you" ;) )

    Michael was quite surprised to say the least. "Are you serious?"
    "Yeah!" Jenni cried, "you should TOTALLY have a fun night with all your guy friends. I don't think I've seen you hang out with them in like, ever."
    "Well, I haven't been able to since having a bunch of kids."
    "True. Did you have a bachelor party before you married Bronwyn?"
    "No, actually."
    "Really? Well then this one will be extra special!"
    Michael sighed and said, "I dunno Jenni, I'm not a big...drinker or very fond of looking at a stripper before I am about to get married."
    Jenni loved that he felt that way. It helped her not to ever worry about him checking out other women or wanting to have an affair. She just LOVED this wonderful man.
    "I appreciate that," she said to him, "then just tell the guys not to bring a stripper."
    Michael chuckled, "I dunno. Some of the guys I used to work with will probably call one over even though they said they wouldn't."
    "Well...if they do then just enjoy it, but NO TOUCHING!" She chuckled.
    "You don't have anything to worry about."
    "By the way, I don't think I have EVER seen you drink. Is there a reason for that?" Jenni waited for this response in anticipation.
    Rubbing his forehead, Michael answered, "Well, it's very bad for your body, number one. I feel funny counseling patients to quit drinking because of their health when I do it myself. Second, I don't like the way it makes me feel. I struggle not being in control."
    "Oh you DO, do you?" Jenni teased.
    Michael just stood there in silence.
    "Look," she continued, "just let yourself go and have a super fun night! ONE night! You've needed a night like that for a LONG time!"
    She does make a good point, Michael thought. He sighed and said, "Ok, I guess so."
    Jenni squealed a little. "Awesome! I can't wait to hear all about it!"
    Since when does a bride like the thought of her husband having a bachelor party? Michael thought. Have the times changed THAT much?


    The night of the bachelor party arrived. Michael only invited five of his good guy friends and of course Derrick and Jade would be present since they lived there. He made all the younger ones go up to bed, which made Molly a little upset, but Andrea and Tristan didn't care.

    The first guest to arrive was Jade's father. He brought with him a bottle of champagne and congratulated Michael on his upcoming marriage. Michael thanked him and then just had a crazy thought. He thought about Jenni saying he should go all out and have fun which caused him to recall something back at college parties that involved champagne...

    "Maybe we should enjoy some of this now?" Michael suggested.
    Jade's father smiled and said, "Well, maybe we should go inside first?"
    But Michael was shaking the drink behind his back. When he aimed the open end of the bottle toward his friend, Oliver cried out, "Oh don't you dare!"


    The champagne shot out with great force, nailing Oliver in the face. At first he wasn't too thrilled about it, but figured he should open his mouth and enjoy some while he could!

    (ignore the kid in the picture. lol )

    Drenched in the champagne Oliver said, "Whew! Man...I didn't expect that from you Michael!"
    "Neither did I," Michael said laughing, "but that was kind of fun!" He drank what tiny bit was left in the bottle. It tasted bitter but he got over it quickly.
    "I'm not buying you another bottle of champagne," Oliver said.
    Michael chuckled and put his arm around him. "I'm sorry. Thank you for the gift. I think I enjoyed it more fully doing that to ya!" Then they both walked into the house.

    The other four friends that arrived were three of Michael's buddies from the Hospital and the other was a former patient. He, Juan Darer, was quite a character and naturally brought lots of beer, vodka and champagne for everyone.

    "I can't believe you invited him dad," Derrick said shaking his head, "Do you realize how crazy it's going to get?"
    "Well," Michael began in a soft tone, "he heard I was having a bachelor party and approached me at the store asking if he could come. I couldn't just tell him No!"
    "Sure you could!" Derrick said, "he's likely to RUIN the party! You're too nice sometimes dad."
    "Look, he is a former patient whose had a tough life. Granted he never really listened to some of the advice I gave him about drinking, but he's a good guy and we established a friendship so I couldn't say No."
    Derrick just shook his head again and sighed, "Ok, dad."

    "Doctor Holland!" Juan greeted loudly coming towards him and Derrick. He obviously had a few drinks in him.
    "Are you enjoying yourself Juan?" Michael asked.
    Juan slapped his arm around Michael and replied, "Oh yeah! I can't believe you're getting married again!"
    Michael smiled.
    "I would be honored if you would let me give a toast!"
    Michael and Derrick both shot glances at each other.
    "Uhh," Michael said, lightly removing himself from Juan's grasp, "Sure."
    With a big grin, Juan clapped his hands together and said, "Alright! Let's get this party started!" and headed toward the living room.
    Patting Michael on the back, Derrick said jokingly, "Good going dad."
    Michael brought the palm of his hand to his eyes. Oh boy...Let's see how this turns out...

    Back in the living room, Juan waved his hands around and ordered everyone to gather around.
    "I give a toast," he began, "to the man of the night, Doctor Michael Holland."


    "One of the best doctors, and man, I have ever known," he continued with a hiccup. "He has finally decided to move on with his life, marry another woman and make babies."
    Derrick covered his eyes while Jade held her laugh in so hard that she snorted. Michael's cheeks grew red.
    "So tonight, we are gonna celebrate his last few days of being a single dad and bachelor. Let's make it memorable. So let's party the night away! All drinks are on me!" Juan then proceeded to hand out drinks to everyone. "Now!" he addressed again, "first order of SPRAY DOCTOR HOLLAND WITH CHAMPAGNE! YEAH!"
    Everyone else cried out, "Yeah!" even Jade, which shocked Derrick. He just didn't see the fun in spraying alcohol all over someone, especially his dad.
    Michael tried to avoid it, but he wasn't fast enough. Soon he was drenched in more alcohol than he had ever consumed and too much of it got in his mouth. He was determined to get everyone back with that. First, he headed into the bathroom to dry himself off for a little bit. Once he got back out he noticed there was a whole different party going on out there than before. The music was turned up, TV was on, everyone was drinking and laughing loudly. It felt like a college party again. How long was I in there? Michael couldn't help thinking, but he shrugged it off and thought, Ok, now to find some drinks to spray on everyone else who got me! After drinking a bit of champagne from a bottle, he shook it up real good and sprayed Juan first. He then proceeded to do this to everyone else who was present. They all got a kick out of it and Michael was really beginning to enjoy himself, even though he felt light headed.

    The doorbell rang which caught everyone by surprise, except for Juan. He ran to the door, opened it and said, "Ladies! Please come on in. We have been waiting for you!"
    Oh no, Michael thought.
    It wasn't just one stripper that showed up, but TWO! They were dressed in sensual maid outfits. Many of the guys stared at them bug-eyed and whistled. The girls turned on their music and proceeded to do a dance for everyone, particularly calling out for "the man of the night."


    When Michael appeared on the scene they encouraged him to bring a chair and sit between them so they could dance around him and maybe even give him a lap dance. These ladies were very pretty, but Michael declined nicely saying, "There's only one woman I will allow to do that to me and that is my bride."


    The girls just shrugged it off and kept dancing. Most of the guests thought Michael was CRAZY to say that, but it wasn't unexpected. Juan showed up with his arm around Buddy Bailey and said, "I may not be the man of the night ladies, but both of us would LOVE to accept your declined offer!"
    The girls smiled and nodded their heads. Michael couldn't figure out why he was standing there watching, but a touch on the back from his son snapped him out of it. "Hey dad," Derrick said, "Good call. Here have a drink." Michael took the can of beer from his son, popped it open and chugged it down. When he was done he said to Derrick, "I knew this was going to happen. I shouldn't have agreed to have this party."
    "It's all good dad," Derrick said, "If things get too out of hand just ask the girls to leave. Besides this has been real fun and heaven knows you've needed to have a good time for YEARS!"

    When the ladies finished dancing for the two men, Buddy was so aroused and drunk that he passed out on the floor.


    Michael's instincts caused him to run over and offer help, but one of his hospital buddies stopped him and said, "Don't worry about him Michael. He sloshed! I'm sure he will wake up in a few minutes." Michael was just surprised it wasn't Juan laying on the floor passed out! After having a nice, and funny, chat with his hospital friend, Michael began to feel strangely happy. All his feelings of not really caring for the event were gone. He felt like...partying, and that's was just what he did. He drank, laughed with his buddies, joked around with Derrick and Jade and even broke out some old dance moves that no one recognized.

    The two strippers were chilling on the couch for a moment, but once one of them saw Michael's dance moves she had to join in.


    After a bit of dancing, she led Michael into the kitchen and asked him to tell her more about himself. At this point Michael was finding it hard not to laugh and keep his balance.
    "Well," he began with slurred speech, "I have 5 kids. 1 is married, the other is single, another one is a genius and another just had a baby," he stopped to take a breath, "and the youngest one is a good lookin' boy like me!"
    The stripper eyed him up and down and said, "For sure."
    "And I'll get two more kids when I get married!" Michael nearly shouted. "There's Sue, my step-daughter and Ken. He is mine." Then he hiccuped.
    "Oh really?" the stripper asked curiously, but she had to ask, "What do you do for a living?"
    Michael stood up confidently and said, "I am a doctor!"


    "Wow!" the stripper said, "now 🐸🐸🐸🐸-y." She inched closer to him and was about to lay on a kiss, but Jade ran into the kitchen.
    She tapped Michael on his shoulder and he turned around. For a few seconds he couldn't make out who it was.
    "Sorry, dad," Jade said, "but I can't help it." She aimed a bottle of champagne at him and soaked his face.


    Only this time Michael wasn't annoyed by it, he welcomed it!


    "Nice one Jade," he said with a mouth full of liquid. "You are Jade right?"
    Chuckling, Jade answered, "Yes, dad. Are you alright?"
    Michael gripped the counter, trying to keep his balance. "Yeah," he said, "I think I just need a little break."
    "I think so too," Jade said, taking his arm. "Come on, let's go outside and get some fresh air." She led him out the front door and he staggered a little down the steps.
    "I didn't think you were going to get drunk at all!" Jade told him.
    Squinting his eyes Michael said, "I didn't plan on it...I just had this sudden urge to go crazy."
    "Probably too much alcohol from everyone spraying you caused that."
    "Yeah. Can we sit on the grass?" he asked.
    Jade originally planned to have him sit on the stairs, but she said, "Ok."
    They walked over to the side of the house and plopped down on the grass. Michael stared up at the stars and said, "You know, my Andrea discovered a new star a couple of years back. She named it Pluto."
    "Oh really? I don't think any of you ever told me that."
    "Yup," he paused and then continued. "The stars sure look beautiful tonight."
    Jade nodded, looking up at them as well. Then after a minute or so she felt Michael take her hand.

    (No joke! This happened in the game and once I discovered what happened it was too late to take a picture. I had to break it up! ;) )

    Mortified, Jade immediately removed her hand and said, " are more wasted than I thought! I think it's time for bed." Immediately she stood up and helped Michael up.
    Michael just shook his head and asked, "What did I do?"
    "Nothing," Jade said quickly pulling him toward the front door, "we'll talk about it later, but for now we are ending this party so you can go to bed!"
    The swiftness of her pulling him to the door caused Michael to feel very dizzy.
    Once inside, he passed out on the floor.


    Jade ran to find Derrick and told him what happened.
    "Alright everyone!" Derrick called out, "party is over. Get on home!"
    The designated driver of the group proceeded to corral everyone into his van. The house was a complete mess, but Derrick and Jade couldn't worry about that right now. They carefully picked up their father off the floor and took him to his bed.

    Stay tuned! :)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited February 2015
    I gotta admit I had a hard time writing this chapter.
    I hold Michael to a certain moral standard which I hoped was evident even among all the craziness of a bachelor party. I hope none of you think any different of him...
    I didn't HAVE to throw him a bachelor party but I thought it would make the story interesting and add a little more drama. I guess I just didn't think about how hard it would be for me to write it. I hope you enjoyed it.

    So how did I do writing about a bachelor party when I have never been to one, have never drank or partied with others who were drunk?? ;)
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    ACB44ACB44 Posts: 140 Member
    It was actually good to see Michael a little out of his element... let's us see that nobody is ever perfect all the time, you know. The thing with Jade was definitely a little weird, but when in the setting of a drunk party anything can happen. It's interesting that you purposely put yourself in uncomfortable situations for the sake of your art, I wonder if that makes it more meaningful...

    I've never been to a bachelor party either, but as far as parties with drinking, colleges have plenty of those ... I think you hit the nail on the head with your description, so good job! Except, I've never heard of vodka being sprayed on people before... that actually sounds interesting and extremely dangerous at the same time lol. Looking forward to your next addition.

    Also, which lifespan do you play this family on? I love how we have been able to see each character develop and I wish I could do the same with my legacy but Normal lifespan makes things go by so quickly...
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    You did a great job writing about that wild party.I wouldn't go for that as myself though I might as a sim who's into that lifestyle.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    ACB44 wrote: »
    It was actually good to see Michael a little out of his element... let's us see that nobody is ever perfect all the time, you know. The thing with Jade was definitely a little weird, but when in the setting of a drunk party anything can happen. It's interesting that you purposely put yourself in uncomfortable situations for the sake of your art, I wonder if that makes it more meaningful...

    I've never been to a bachelor party either, but as far as parties with drinking, colleges have plenty of those ... I think you hit the nail on the head with your description, so good job! Except, I've never heard of vodka being sprayed on people before... that actually sounds interesting and extremely dangerous at the same time lol. Looking forward to your next addition.

    Also, which lifespan do you play this family on? I love how we have been able to see each character develop and I wish I could do the same with my legacy but Normal lifespan makes things go by so quickly...

    Yeah, I think I was supposed to say spraying champagne in that sentence but biffed it. Lol! Oh well. ;)

    I have them on the Normal Lifespan, but I added a few more days to each one. Hee hee. I think the Long Lifespan is best, but it just depends on the challenge.

    Thank you for your compliments. :)

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Oh my everyone, LOTS of events happening in the Holland family while I am playing tonight!!

    Stay tuned for a LONG chapter! :)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @ACB44 doh! I just realized I had it set to the LONG Lifespan instead of normal. Sorry about that ;) I did add a couple of more days on young adult and adult and took some away from the babies. Lol!
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